Trade in My Hood

By greg willis

Published on May 2, 2003


DISCLAIMER: the following FICTIONAL story may contain vivid descriptions of sex between young men. If this is offensive to you, or viewing of such material is illegal where you're at, DON'T READ IT! Otherwise, enjoy it. And e-mail me comments if you have anything to share.

Well as I said before there I was laying on the floor not a stitch of clothing, on with this man I just met 6 hours before still on top of me, still wet with sweat and cum, having went to sleep after he fucked that hell out of me. Talk about a wake up call.

Anyway, all Lamar said was I see you took care of my boy. Tony was all laughs, after he spoke to Marcus. Marcus completely unfazed by this intrusion took it all in stride. He asked Tony to hand him his boxers that landed on the over by the cd stand behind the TV. Then he hands me my boxer's and helps me up. Tony said ok for the gentleman. Marcus then goes to the restroom.

Lamar asks if I have any ice and then heads to the kitchen to get it. I take this opportunity to talk to Tony. I was kinda worried that he was embarrassed about being caught naked on top of me. I know how some young guys can trip about that shit. My first question was does he know you and Lamar are fucking around. Tony said yes he should, he has been over to the house and had seen them in the bed, so with that tad-bit of information I was not really worried about him being self-conscious about being found naked with me by his boy Lamar. (You know birds of a feather.)

Now let me back up a bit and tell you a few things bout my friend Tony and Lamar. Tony is 22 light brown skin, 5'10" 185lbs he is from New Orleans so he has a accent, and thinks (excuse me knows he is gods gift to all the men in Houston TX and surrounding areas) He has got a ass that will not quit. He is very neat and loves to dress in all that latest sports gear. Depending on the season. Now Lamar is fine.. That boy is fine as wine. 6'2" 200lbs brown skin. Gray eyes, goateed thick pink lips. I have never seen him look dirty or smell he could be out playing ball or what ever in July 95 out side 100% humidity and he would not ever smell. Just that same sweet smell. The boy is like 19 and got wood, I mean he got wood. I meet him first; I was scared to fuck with him, because of that dick. (But that is another story). I introduced Tony, and Lamar and they have been messing around every since.

So now I hear Marcus and Lamar in the kitchen talking. I leave Tony in the front room and go to the restroom to get me self cleaned up. I hear a knock on the door I open it and it is Marcus. He asks me if I was ok. I said I am fine, but my butt hurts a little. I told him I was sorry that they came in on us. He told me its ok. Said it is not as if he was the only one fucking a guy in this house. I laughed and felt a lot better after that. He asks me what we were going to do now. I said I had no idea, told him I was going to take a shower; he grabs my sore ass, and gives me one hell of a kiss.

While I am kissing this man I feel his dick start to get hard in his boxers which is all he has on since he has not had time or does not fill the need to put on the rest of his stuff. So know I can feel his dick pressing up against my belly and he has not let me go yet. I pull back a little to catch my breath. He ask me why I was tripping and goes in for another kiss. Now this mans lips are so soft it is driving me crazy, I could stay like this forever. He starts to push my boxers down and then he cups my ass cheeks with both his hands. He is kissing my neck now. He turns me around and picks me up and puts me on the vanity (sink) and I let my boxers fall off my feet, While still sucking on my neck he ask me If I have any lube. I told him it is in the front room. He is in no condition to go out and get it. I mean the tent in his boxers is so big you could spot it at the million-man march.

He pulls back and tells me he will be right back. He opens the door, before I can say anything, and goes out there to get the lube. I hear Tony ask where I was he said we were getting to know each other a little better and we would be out in about half hour or so.

Before I know it he is back in the bath room. I have not moved I an still sitting on the vanity naked as the day I was born. He comes back ask me if I am ready to have some fun. He starts kissing me again and before I know it, he has his fingers inside my already sore ass. He is not playing, he is finger fucking me and seems to really be getting off on it. I let out a moan and tell him it feels so good he keeps hitting that spot inside me and it is driving me crazy. He stops kissing me and ask me if I am ready for him to put it in. I tell him yeah and, I want him to fuck me hard. ( now thinking about it I should not have said that) He puts lube on his dick, which is dripping pre cum and lines everything up and before I know it, he is in. And I mean all the way in. The way I am sitting on the vanity when he pulls out it rubs that spot and I almost lose it. I damn near jump up off the vanity. The pain I am feeling gradually goes away. He just stands still, his boxer s around his knees, dick in me, and I mean all of it. He says he is sorry he did not mean to hurt me then ask if I am ok, and starts to pull out I grab hold of him and pull him close, that move causes pain and pleasure. He tells me let him know when I am ready. Tells me he is going to take my mind off the pain I am feeling. He starts kissing me again, moves to my neck, and then my nipples, (now he is playing with fire) that drives me crazy, now even though my best friend and his man are about 50 feet away I let out a very loud moan.

He takes that as a sign he is doing the rights thing and starts slowly fucking me. My ass is on fire but I cannot tell him to stop, again pain and pleasure. I lean back some on the vanity and he gets a better angle. He leans forward and starts licking my nipples and starts to pick up speed, he asked me if I like it, I am not able to talk my eyes are glazed over his dick is hitting that spot and I feel like his dick is going to come out my nose it is so far up in me. I am not feeling any more pain just pleasure. He is fucking me deep, I mean he is pulling all the way out and slowly putting it back in, he leans forward and starts kissing me again, I grab hold of his head and pull him all the way up as far as I can. That causes him to hit yet another angle, he is hitting spots in me that no one in my life has ever touched. I am sweating so much I can barely hold on to him. He keeps kissing me tells me to lean up, when I do he picks me up now I am standing he pulls out and

tells me to turn around, when I do and lean forward some he sticks his hard dick back in me. This time there is no pain. He slides in real easy and starts to fuck me fast and hard. It takes me a minute to catch my breath but I start to rotate and push back all I hear is him moaning and him asking me whose pussy this is. He fucks me like that for about 10 minutes, then I feel him expanding inside me, and I feel the hot cum as he is shooting inside me. He kissing my back, and runs his hands over my hips. When he is does he stays in me for a few minutes and then pulls out, turns me around and kisses me deep and hard.

He grabs hold of my dick and starts to jack it. Up until then, I had forgot about it. He does about 9 strokes and I blast cum everywhere. He kisses me again and tells me he could get used to this shit.

Now my ass is on fire. It really felt good to get fucked like that back to back but I am really paying for it now. We start the shower and get in. He washes me really massaging the body wash into my skin, it is really feeling good he gets to my butt and runs his finger down my crack, it is to tender at this point to be touched and I jump when he touches it. He sees this and asks if I am ok. He wants to know if he hurt me. I am surprised that he cares. (Most guys I have meet are in it for them selves) I tell him I will be fine. I lets me get under the water and tells me it is his turn I wash this handsome man making sure to linger on all his good parts below his belly button he gets hard again. I run out of the shower at that point I can not take another fucking. I do not think I will be able to sit down for a week.

I give him another towel and we go into my bedroom to get dressed. I stick my head in to the front room to let Tony and Lamar know that we will be with them in a minute and I see Tony down on his knees sucking Lamar dick. I say to the both of them that they are nasty, and do not need to do that freaky shit in my front room. (of course I am joking) Tony looks back with his mouth still on Lamar dick licks it and Lamar says he will only be a few minuets he is almost ready to blow.

I go back to my bed room to get dressed and Marcus is gotten most of his stuff on. When I come in his ask what are they doing, I tell him he does not want to know. We talk while I get dressed. Giving Tony and Lamar time to finish what they started. I here the bathroom door shut, Marcus goes out to the front room, and then Tony comes in my bed room.

He calls me a tramp, said he heard me out in the front room moaning. I told him it was not me that was moaning. So we talk for a bit. The boys are in the front room playing a game. I want to get out of this house possibly do something together so we go ask them what they want to do. We end up going to Slick Willies (local pool hall. Game room) have a few drinks and kick it.

Tony is still trying to find out the details of me and Marcus hooking up, I explain what happened and give all the details. Tony tells me he has been trying to hook me up with Marcus for the longest but I was always busy, working or messing around with Cedric (my ex)

So we play a few games of pool, ok like 15 games it is getting late I have to go to work in the morning so I tell everyone it is time to get our last drink so I can go home and get ready for work in the morning. Lamar and Marcus are talking to each other in real low tones. Tony said those two are up to something. I ask why do you say that. Tony said Marcus is real shy, so he is putting Lamar up to asking you or me for something. He said, I'm thinking he wants a ride to his girl's house in Baytown. I say I am not going all the way out there this time of night. Shit the dick was not that good. We have a good laugh. Keep in mind it hurts when I laugh. My butt is real sore.

Tony goes and gets his ID card back for the pool balls, and Marcus goes to the restroom. He smiles at me when he sees me looking at him. Lamar walks over to the table we were sitting at and tells me Marcus likes you. Said he told him he fucked me twice in 2 hour time frame. Said it was the best ass he has had since he started messing around with guys. I looked at him keeping in mind what Tony had said about him putting Lamar up to ask me something. He said well my boy wants to know if he can spend the night. Why can't he ask he? I said. He was scared you would say no. Plus you was talking about getting ready for work and shit he thinks you don't have time for him now you got what you want. I was stunned. I told him I can not believe you would say that like that. You make me sound like a whore or something. I was going to take him home but I am not going to Baytown. Lamar said shit he do not fuck with that chick know more. No reason to go out there. He tells me that I need to talk to Marcus, Tells me that Marcus is really liking me, and I need to give his boy a chance to get to know me better.

I tell him to tell Marcus to talk to me if he wants to send the night. So we all four meet up by the door and go out to my car. We go to Kroger's in Montrose and, get a few 4 packs of hard lemonade, go to my house and sit out back for a while. The guys are playing ball this gives me a chance to really study Marcus and how he interacts with people. He is very good basketball player, and has taken his shirt off and, handed it to me so no one will run off with it. He has already checked someone for sitting on my car. I am feeling I could get use to him being around. It is late now I should be getting my stuff ready for work. Shit no I am taking aday.

I was just looking at him and Tony was talking away I did not hear a word he said. Marcus had just walked over to me and said he wanted to use the restroom. I told him to go ahead. He walked to the door and looked back at me. I seen him look he motioned for me to come over to the door, we went in and he closes the door. He puts his arms on both sides of me and kisses me deep. While doing that he starts to grind on me. (let me tell you that gets me hot) His dick is hard now, I slide down on my knees and pull his shorts ands boxers down and take his dick in my mouth, I suck like it is the last dick on earth. He keeps looking down at me like he has never seen someone suck a dick before. He starts to fuck my face, faster and faster, he moans and says oh shit and shoots in my mouth. I am kinda disappointed because that could not have been more than 10 minuets I was sucking his dick. I still have his sperm in my mouth he pulls me up and kisses me. I shared it with him. I t was unexpected on his part, he pulled back looked at my real funny and then started kissing me even harder.

This time I here a knock on the door. I hear Lamar yelling open up. I get myself together and open the door Marcus goes to the restroom. Well all sit in the front room and chill watch TV and talk.

That night I think we stayed up to about 5:00am all four of us I got to know Marcus I lot better.

When we went to bed Tony and Lamar stayed in the spare bedroom, and Marcus and me in mine. I explained that I could not let him fuck me again I was to sore. He told me that was fine he just wanted to be close to me, and would wait as long as I felt I needed . So he did not fuck me again until about 9:00am that next morning.

So every sine that day Marcus has been in my life. That boy has almost moved in and I have never been happier. I am looking at him while he is sleep, and he looks so fucking good I think I going to have me a taste....

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Next: Chapter 3

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