Trade in My Hood

By greg willis

Published on Apr 23, 2003


DISCLAIMER: the following FICTIONAL story may contain vivid descriptions of sex between young men. If this is offensive to you, or viewing of such material is illegal where you're at, DON'T READ IT! Otherwise, enjoy it. And e-mail me comments if you have anything to share.

Trade in My Hood

Well my story starts off like any other day on my street. The magnolia are trees blowing in the wind. Sun beaming down on the almost yellow grass. (It's almost 90 degrees and it is just 10:00am.) The basketball court out back of my apartment building is full of boys, well, young men dripping sweat and looking so good I could just eat them up.

Well I am still in bed I look to my left and there he lays. " The object of my desire." (This week that is) His name is Marcus I seen him down at that basketball court on a day not unlike this day about a week ago.

Well let me go back a little and tell me a few things about myself, and how I finally got this man in my bed. Well being in Houston, TX in the late spring, summer and early fall the heat will get you if you don't watch out. If you play ball, tennis, baseball, or any out door sport it is good to do it in the early morning or late in the evening, so not to get heat stroke. So that is why at 10:00am or so the court out back is full.

Any way my name is Perez, I am 22 5' 9" and I and about 165lbs. Most of it muscle. Not a ounce of fat anywhere it should not be. I have long black hair, I keep braided, I am light Brown skinned. (I would be considered a red bone) And have very light brown eyes. (That I was born with) I moved here from Ohio last year, and let me tell you about the trade in Houston. And baby, talk about Southern hospitality. I have never been fucked so much in my life. I was also blessed with an ass that you could bounce quarters off of, and a nice sized dick.

Anyway that is me now to this man that is laying on most of my bed Marcus 19 year old boy that is banging. He is about 6' 0" 215 lbs, dark skinned man, with a dick that will not stop. He got about 9 inches and that young boy knows how to work it. Six pack from hell, and a face that you could fuck around and get lost in. He is kind of ruff around the edges but you can get past that. They say a way to a man heart is his stomach, well in Marcus case way to he heart is though his dick.

Anyway on this day I meet Marcus it was like any other day. I needed to go to the store and do a few other things. I went out to my car. (out by the basketball court) and there he was. I had seen him before, but never really talked to him. He was sitting on my car, just posted up on it like he pays the note each month. I walked past the car and to the front of it and asked him if he knows whose car this is. He said no, but he seen his boy Lamar sitting on it last night, and he told him that it was his cousins car and it would be ok to sit on it .

Now I must confess Lamar is not my cousin, but the boy that messes around with my best friend Tony. So I said to Marcus what if I told you this is my car, and I really don't like people sitting on it. The sweat from your body gets it all dirty. ( I am very funny about my car it is a 300m 2001) He said he was sorry, but he was not a dirty guy. I explained that I am not saying that he was, but the dust and dirt blowing around and then someone wet sits on it and look. I showed him a spot where he was sitting.

He informed me that since I came at him like that with respect, and since I was his boy's Lamar cousin he would make sure no one sat on it when he is at the court. Then he asks me if I live here. I told him yeah, he wanted to know if I knew where Lamar was since I was his cousin. (I did not tell him Lamar was not my cousin) said that was who he was waiting for. I told him yes I knew where he was, and that he did not get much sleep last night and would not make a appearance until well after 4:00pm (that is when my best friend Tony goes to work) He ask if I was going where he was. I told him no but if he wanted to talk to him I would call him. Now keep in mind while we are having this conversation I am really realizing how sexy this boy is. I am looking at his legs they are very strong and, and have veins that disappear up under his shorts, light dusting of hair on his legs, and he has no shirt on, no hair on his chest and a happy trail that leads to something that I can see in shorts. It is not hard, but I can fully see the outline in his basketball type shorts.

Now if he were not this cute I never would have spent 1/2 hour out side in the heat asking him why he was on my car. I just would have went out side with my .380 in my pocket and ask him to get the fuck off my car. But this boy had me in a daze. He has a smile that would melt away any anger that you were feeling toward him. He got 4 gold teeth and when he smiles and the sun hits them to seems like there is a flash, or something. He is just fine.

Anyway well I call Tony's and tell he I got this boy who wants to talk to Lamar, then I realize I don't even know this mans name. So I ask him what his name is and he tells me Marcus. So I tell Tony and he put Lamar on the line. I hand him my cell phone and they talk for a bit and then he hands me the phone Lamar wants to know if I can keep his boy company until he gets over my way. Now Tony lives 3 blocks from me and I called you at his house. What do you mean and how long and what am I suppose to do wit him. He tells me to pipe down and tells he knows, and go have some fun. Then puts Tony on the line he tells me about the boy he had been wanted me to meet and then I hear Lamar say he is with him now. So Tony basically tells me to enjoy myself, and they would be over to my house at 4:00pm he is not going to work. Then he hangs up the phone.

Marcus says " what are we going to do until 4:00pm" So that is basically how I meet him. We went to the 5th ward to get him a change of clothes. I needed to go to Pier one imports out buy Sam Houston Parkway and I almost crashed twice looking at this boy who has sitting in my passenger seat. He had put his shirt back on, but had it up exposing his abs, and belly button, and boxers. Plus he was talking and I liked the things he was talking about. I ask him if he knew Tony, (I was wondering if he knew the nature of there relationship. Lamar had with Tony.) (they had been kicking it strong for about 11 months) I never really was around Lamar that much, but since he moved in with Tony he has been over this way playing ball and just hanging out. So I knew he played ball at the court but I never really seen Marcus with him. So I ask him how he knew Lamar said they went to school together when he moved here from Shreveport La. last year. And now he is out of school he can hang out.

Anyway we got to where I was going. And went home. Now when we got inside I ask him if he wanted something to drink. We sat in the living room and looked at TV for a while he said he wanted to change and wanted to take a shower. I got everything ready for him towels soap ect. And show him where the toiletries are. It was about 1:00pm and we had plenty of time before Tony and Lamar would be there.

I started playing streets on my PS 2. I heard the water turn off and about 30 seconds later I hear the bathroom door open, and there steps out Marcus in nothing but a towel around his waist. He comes in the living room and starts to dry off with the other towel and when he is finished he sees what I am playing. Ofcousre I am all fucked up and am not making correct plays and the announcer is taking about me I can not take my eyes off this boy standing in my living room in a towel. I cannot take my eyes off this boys, bugle in the front of his towel is like no other I has seen. And that hair on his stomach is more visible. He just looks at me for a while wondering I guess why I was looking at him like that. I did not realize he had asked me something. He wanted some lotion. I broke my stare and go up to go and get the lotion. I did not ever pause my game when I came back he was sitting legs gapped open playing my game. All I see is dick and balls and there are nice looking balls real full and not a lot of hair. I sit down where I can get a better look put the lotion on the table. He pauses the game and puts the controller down where it was. Takes the lotion and ask if I would give him a hand, I told him I would give him both hands it he needed them. I put lotion on his legs( lower legs) I was to scared that I would touch something that I should not if I did the upper legs. So I put some on his back and it is a very strong back he has some tattoos that I really did not notice before. I put the lotion down and tell him I am done. Now I am really nervous I don't want to go to far. He tells me I forgot a part. I ask him what and he points to his upper legs. He leans back on the couch and hands me the lotion. (shit you aint got to beg me) I rubbed and rubbed and pretty soon there was a tepee in that towel it looked so good. Soon he asked me why I was being so shy and afraid to touch him. I just explained that I did not want to do something and go somewhere were he did not want to go.

So I keep rubbing and playing with his dick and it was big, I am jacking it really slowly and it is oozing pre cum. He ask me if that was all I was going to do. I ask him what does he want me to do. He told me what ever I want. Shit again you don't have to ask me twice. I went to the head. Took it way down my throat my gag reflex did not even effect me. I was taking that dick all the way down each time I sucked and sucked I licked around the head of his dick, he said he was getting close I pulled off, starting licking his balls I put one in my mouth then the other then both of them in my mouth. I lick the space between the balls and the ass, I went back to the dick he held my head while I deep throated him. He was fucking my face and his nuts where hitting my chin. He was fucking my face so hard I could not get a breath in. I pulled off and told him to sit on the coffee table. I sat on the floor and he slowly feed me his dick, this went on for while he told me he was about ready to blow he ask me were I wanted it. Well my mouth was full and my momma told me never to talk with a mouth full. So he just let lose and came all over my face some on my mouth, nose. You name it I had come everywhere. The taste was sweet kinda salty but more or less sweet.

I stayed between his legs, licking up cum from his dick and balls and pubes, his dick is still hard. It is twitching and he tells me to start sucking on the head, I do and he is ready to go again, about 20 minutes later my jaw starts to get tried and he can tell. I keep letting his dick fall out of my mouth. ( Don't get me wrong I would suck this motherfucker all day long) we are in a different position on the floor at this point and he has found out that I have a ass that is soft and (from what I am told once you fell it you have got to fuck it) so he ask me to take my pants off and get the lotion.

Now it is time for me to put the breaks on. In this day and age you just can't let everybody in side the softest place on earth. I was thinking and I told him I can't just let you fuck me, I said I do not know you that well yet. Then I go back to sucking his balls. I look up and he is looking at me with this great big smile on his face. I ask him what is up he says I can't tell you don't know me that well you been sucking my dick for a hour I think we know each other well enough.

Ok I had to admit I did want this. But young boys his age can be ruff on a guy. And I am not to type to like a jackrabbit fuck. That is how I got split last time. So he starting rubbing me and, then he sat up, and pulled me on top of him and slowing starting to kiss me on my neck. Now I am a fool for that shit. He took my shirt off and, had started on my boxers, when I said ok ok go ahead do what ever. Now there was that grin I was taking about earlier. I get on my back and he puts a pillow under my butt. Then his starts to stick his finger in me and I let out a moan. He smiles. He just keeps rubbing his finger over my hole. It is mind blowing then he leans in and kisses me full on the mouth. He invades my mouth. He is still rubbing the lotion on my entrance and lets a finger in every two or three passes.

He ask me if I am ready I tell him yeah. (I am so hot now I need a fucking fire hose to put me out) He positions him self and slips in to me before I knew it was there. It is big and I am not wanting to get hurt, and end up at the ER. He goes slow and tells me to just relax and he does not moved pretty soon I just open up and he ends up all the way in. I fill so full. Fills like his dick is in my stomach. He pulls part way out and sticks it back in my real slow. He keeps doing that and h tells me it is so tight and warm said he likes fucking boys better than girls. Said he is not gay but just messes around, but fucking girls is not as intense as fucking a boy. To prove his point he pulls out real fast and pushes back to the hilt. I almost lose it. I beg him to keep going and don't stop. He smiles and tells me that I just proved his point.

Now let me tell you for me there is nowhere I fill more complete than in the arms of a man with dick in me. Yes that may be sad to say but it is true.

So he keeps talking to me moving very little,( I find out later he does that when he is close to coming) at this point the dick is rubbing parts of my body and I need him to go-ahead and fuck my like I stole something from his grandmother. I kiss him and mouth for him to fuck me and baby he did just what I asked him to do. That boy fucked me so hard I was sore for 3 days. I was not able to give him anymore ass that night. He fucked me for a littler over 1/2 hour. Fucked me so good I nutted all over my chest. When he came I felt hot jism flooding my insides, we jus laid there for a while me trying to get my heart to stop so fast, he stayed inside me and on top of me long after he came. This time his dick did go soft and it slipped out of me. I felt so empty at that point. We nodded off and awake to the banging on the door and my best friend Tony, along with Lamar using his key to come in. Lamar said ok I see you took care of my boy....

That is how it started and it is no where near ending. Tell me if u like

Next: Chapter 2

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