Town and Gown

Published on Mar 22, 2020


Town and Gown 2

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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On Friday, Uncle Max called me and said he had some pals who said they were interested. "They say they are really interested, and are into big meat, " Max said. "I was thinking we might have an audition to make sure they both give and take. They say they big meat, and you are the biggest boy I 've met. Would you like to be on the interview committee? "

I immediately thought no, it seemed too contrived. I like to think of sex as being spontaneous and spur of the moment. My answer was a rather strong yes. Part of me must have wanted it.

The next afternoon I went to Uncle Max 's farm. It was a perfectly restored hundred-and-fifty-year-old house, on a wooded 200-acre property. Johnny was there with an old school friend, Newton. He was the mayor of the town. Max had two friends, Otis and Dakota. Otis was the John Deere salesman in the area. Dakota was a hired hand. Bobby arrived with his friend an older guy named Paul.

"Thank you all for coming, " Uncle Max said. "Let me tell you my plans for the rest of the morning. I was in a little get together a week or so ago. There were just five of us. We were all naked and sucked and fucked each other silly. This might sound like a gay orgy, guys getting their rocks off or just messing around. Whatever it was we were all naked, hard and spent our time sucking cock or fucking ass. I ate cum, shot in an ass or two and took a few loads. Nothing was hidden or private. "

"If you are shocked, you can go home, and I will never mention this again. If you only like to be sucked or fuck you can go home too, " Max said. "I realized I was a rank amateur when I went to the party. I was exhausted, overused and the happiest man in the world when I left. Any questions? "

"I 'm willing, but I 'm a little afraid my ass is too small, " Newton said.

"I don 't stick my cock where you don 't want it or it doesn 't fit, " I said. "Now, if you want it things may get a bit stretched. I do like repeat customers. " The men laughed.

"By the way, Dr. Moore has examined you all. He told me your cocks, ass and sperm are all certified for recreational use, " Uncle Max said.

"Are you guys gentle? " Paul asked. "I 'm into it but have never done as much as I wanted to do. "

"I 'm mostly gentle, " Dakota said. "I do get a little crazy when my balls pull up tight and the cum starts rising. " The men laughed again.

Uncle Max began to strip, and seconds later men began to do the same. No one left. It was a Whitman 's sampler of cocks and men. I would have guessed there some of the men would be reluctant to stripping naked.

I underestimated the men 's level of sexual frustration. Max was hard and a minute later everyone was hard and trying to select a playmate. I was a little worried that some guys would be left out. The men were not consistently stud muffins. As far as I could tell most guys selected the man nearest them. Everyone was hot to trot.

I was next to Paul, Bobby 's friend. He was around sixty years old and not at all memorable.

"Do you think I could deep throat you? " he asked.

"Why don 't you give the old college try, " I replied. Paul was short, thin, bearded and very hairy. His cock barely poked out of the pubic bush. He had no problem taking my cock and his tongue was a wonder. During a break he told me he had been a high school history teacher. I then sucked him. He possessed a butt-plug type cock, thick, bulbous and short.

I sat on it and found it must have been designed for prostate stimulation. There wasn 't enough room for his cock and my prostate in the anal opening. My prostate loved his cock and it was a new experience for me. My sexual equipment was well used and had been broken in, but this was new and intensely pleasurable. I bounced on it until he shot off. Paul was a very happy man.

We played genital musical chairs and I was next with Otis, the John Deer salesman. He was a big, blond, strapping man who looked like a former football player and was beginning to go to seed. He was tanned with the outline of his swimming trunks clearly visible. His blond body hair was bleached white by the sun.

He was loud and outgoing as befits a salesman. He was timid and cautious sexually. Sometimes that is due to a man 's upbringing. If they were taught sex is evil, it blunts sexual pleasure. Some people claim they can spot a gay man easily. You wouldn 't guess Otis was gay. He was big and very manly. He craved sex with men, but he thought that was not possible for a man like him.

When I sucked his cock, he apologized for his precum. I told him it was good and licked it up. I had thought his cock was smaller than average, but that was wrong. He had a normal cock on an oversized body. There was nothing small about his cock. His knob was sensitive, and I spent time licking it. He moaned and filled my mouth with his creamy ball juice. He apologized again.

"John, you know we are all here to shoot off. That is why we are here, " I said. "I enjoy orgasms, and I liked to share it with my friends. "

Things had calmed down, and we all talked as we recharged.

"What happens next? " Paul asked.

"Well, I have some experience with gay group sex. Men are relaxed and more comfortable especially if they have shoot off. They tend to be more open minded and willing to experiment, " I said. "I have noticed that being open minded seems to open their asses too. " The men laughed.

Newton and Johnny were next to me. "Newton and I have been playing since Junior High. I was the first guy to suck him, and he was the first to suck him, " Johnny said. "I 've branched out some, but Newton is too shy. "

"Is this your first time with a group? " I asked Newton.

He nodded, adding, "It 's different. "

"Is that different scary or different exciting? " I asked.

"It 's not exactly scary. I don 't really know what 's expected. It is so intimate and open, " he said. "It is exciting. "

"I think there are two kinds of sex. You and Johnny have a close relationship, sex is good, but it 's always connected to affection and friendship. " I said, "Sex can also be just plain old fun. I shoot off, the guy I 'm with shoots off. It 's all physical and there are no emotional attachments. Have you head the phrase fuck buddy? "

"I thought just fucking was superficial, " Newton said.

"Well, potato chips and candy aren 't noted for their nutritional value, " I replied. "We like them anyway. 99.9 of orgasms don 't result in pregnancies. I don 't think there are many couples who only have sex when they want a baby. "

Johnny and Newton laughed. "You 've never met Newton 's folks! " Johnny exclaimed.

"They had one child and sometimes I think they thought they had one too many, " Newton said. "I was supposed to take over the farm. I became a teacher instead. "

"Well you can 't have too many friends. I guess you could have too many fuck buddies, but a few could brighten up your life, " I said.

Newton wasn 't my type, but as we talked his cock became firmer and his cock was my type. He was on the bed, and my ass was well lubricated, so I straddled him and sat on it. Newton moaned and maybe a minute later he shot off. I let him finish ejaculating and got off.

"Johnny, have you ever used you buddy 's cum as lube? " I asked.

"Shit no, but I 'm ready, willing and able, " he replied. He fucked me doggy style with great enthusiasm.

Newton was inspired and got under me so he could watch Johnny 's cock pounding me. I licked his still drooling cock, and I think he was licking Johnny 's low hangers. Newton 's cock became erect, even though he had just shot off.

Johnny popped and rear loaded me. When he pulled out some sperm dripped on Newton 's cock and he shot off a second time. We were all happy, and I think Newton 's black and white world became technicolor.

Dakota had been watching. We he saw my cock was hard but not in use, he sat on it.

"Sorry, I 'm not much of a bottom, but I got inspired. You 're a bit larger than I like, but it 's really good, " he said. "I 've dreamed of being a bronco rider, " he said.

We had a good time. Dakota worked for a farmer who fucked him regularly but was of the slam-bang-thank-you-Ma 'am school of fucking. We took it slow and easy. He shot off. I pulled out and licked up his sperm as it spurted from his cock. He had never been sucked while he was shooting, and he loved that. The party broke up after that and it seemed to have been a success.

A few days later Walter called me. He had a friend who he said might be interested. I was shocked. Walter didn 't seem to have many friends.

I told him that was fine, but I suspected that our group was right for a man who more than might be interested. "It 's not for amateurs, " I said.

"Do being eager and excited count? " Walter asked.

"Well, I do think there is a line on the entrance application that mentions enthusiasm, " I said.

"If you are free, I was hoping we might come by for a chat, " Walter suggested. I said that was fine. They arrived a half hour later.

Walter was with Martin Slater, a college friend of his who taught Art History at Calvert University in Maryland. He had retired after his wife died, leaving him a considerable fortune. He had been strictly faithful to her, but they had no children. He had a fling with Walter years earlier and they reconnected because Martin didn 't know how to meet gay friends. Martin used the word friends, but I knew he meant sexual playmates.

Walter was socially inept, but Martin made him seem like Fred Astaire. He was a distinguished scholar, but he seemed to focus on obscure subjects, and he liked to talk shop. I knew the type and told him about my interest in Greek Vases. It was a stab in the dark, but it hit a bullseye. That was one of his interests.

"I was always interested in men, and Greek Vases were to only way to see them, " I explained. "If I was completely honest, my real interest was in cocks. I did discover some good cock in National Geographic 's stories on Australian Aborigines. "

Martin laughed. "You found those too? "

"We all found them, " Walter said. "They were the only adult male cocks I saw until college. "

"I have outgrown many boyhood interests, but my interest in adult men 's cocks seems to have grown, " I said. "Somehow I think a number of men share my interest. "

"I assume you like to do more than just look at them? " Martin said.

"That 's an understatement, " Walter and I said together. We all burst out laughing.

"I told Martin your home was secluded and private, " Walter said. "It is ideal for private meetings. "

"It is quiet and private, " I said. "Did you tell Martin it 's also well suited for intimate get-togethers? "

"I may have mentioned that the dress code can be very informal, " Walter replied. Walter took off his coat and began to unbutton his shirt. "I also mentioned some oral delights. Martin is a very neat man. I said we would take care of anything that dripped or oozed.

Martin and I began to undress. "I hope that includes things that spurt, " I asked. Walter smiled.

"Martin, this is a good place to relax and let it all hang out, " Walter said. "There is no need to hide or suppress anything. We are all guys and feel the same urges. "

"My urges are different, " Melvin said in a whisper.

"Well, if you have some new sexual desires, come to me, " I said. "I 'm ready for something new! "

Martin looked better naked than dressed. He dressed like a through-back to the 1950ies. He was slim, tall and his chest was dusted with hair. He was uncut, but his semi erection had pulled back the foreskin to expose most of his lavender head. There was a little sparkle on his slit. It was precum.

I dropped top my knees and sucked him, figuring that he would either run from the room screaming and ooze more precum. He may have been screaming inwardly, but I suctioned a glob of precum from his cock. I thought perhaps his cock was interested and his mind wasn 't, but in mind-cock disputes, the cock almost always wins. He moaned a little and I knew his mind had lost the battle.

"It 's good, isn 't it? " Walter asked.

"He 's almost as good as you are Walter, " Martin replied.

"Wilfred is a master of the sexual arts, " Walter said. "Strap on your seat belts. You re in store for an exciting ride. "

I didn 't know Walter or Martin well enough to truly know the situation, but I had the suspicion Walter was giving Martin permission to enjoy me. He seemed to relax. I prefer foursomes to threesomes, but in this case the three of us had a good time.

Martin had a on the high side of average cock. It was sensitive and he shot off after two minutes. He told me he had a quick recovery time. While he refilled his balls, Walter used his cock to massage my ass. Most of the time a cock massage is a joke term for fucking like rabbits. Walter did a real massage. Martin recovered, Walter pushed deep and whispered in my ear, "Would you take Martin in your ass? " I said yes.

"Martin, I want to take a break, would you like to take my place? " Walter asked.

"Would you like that? " Martin asked me. "I 've never done this before. "

"Sure, just strap on some training wheels and take Walter 's place, " I said.

Walter pulled out and Martin stepped up to the plate. He nudged his cock into my hole.

"Push deeper. Get it all in me, " I said. He did and he moaned as his cock slid deep into me.

"It 's beautiful. I 'm afraid I 'm going to shoot, " Marvin moaned.

"You do know that shooting off is why we are here? " I asked. A few seconds later I felt him shooting off. It was a total success. Walter sucked me and took my load. I think that was a first for him. Both men left for home as happy campers.

A few weeks later I had another party with the old hands and the new recruits. They included Max, Martin, Dakota, Newton and Otis. The original group was there with the addition of Hector 's recruit David, a wrestling coach. David was called DD since he was David Davidson. Johnny, Sparky and Bobby liked DD a lot.

"Welcome everyone. We have an expanded guest list today. Instead of doing introductions, I wonder if we might all get naked and go at it. We could do introductions later. Cocks ' don 't need to have a name to be fun. "

"Speak for yourself. Mine 's called Old Faithful, " Max said.

"Shit, mine is called Hope Springs Eternal, " Dakota said.

"Mine is Ever Ready, " Bobby said. "Damn, I misspoke. Ever Ready is my ass! " Everyone was laughing and exchanged their pretend cock nicknames as they stripped. That proved to be a good ice breaker. Sometimes there is an uneasy gap between getting naked and going to it. This was all but instantaneous.

I went over to Martin. "Did Walter tell you that the man at the party are expected to be versatile? " I asked under my breath.

"Walter took care of that last night. It was good, really good, " Martin replied.

Sparky came over to us. "I didn 't tell anyone earlier that my nickname is Welcome Wagon. I 'm Sparky otherwise. "

"I 'm Martin. I assume you either have sparking conversations or have something to do with electricity? "

"Good guess. "I 'm an electrician. Welcome to the group. I guess you noticed we aren 't much into hand shaking, " Sparky said.

"What is your usual form of greeting? " Martin asked.

"Usually we either suck cocks or shove it in the ass, " Sparky said.

"Do I get a choice? " Martin replied.

"You sure do. It 's up to you. I like it all, but I might mention there 's an itch deep in my ass that needs attention, " Sparky said.

"This may be your lucky day as well as mine, " Martin said. They wandered off.

DD came over to me. "You did a lot for Boomer Malloy. I want to thank you for that, " he said. "You got his grades up top a C. I was afraid he was going to flunk out, " DD said.

"Boomer thought he was a dumb mountain boy. I sat down with him and went over his papers and told him how to fix them. He discovered he could think, and all was well, " I said.

"He knew you are gay, and he thought you would jump him, " DD said. "You treated him like a student, not a dumb jock. I assumed he wasn 't your type? "

"I 'm afraid if you have a cock, you 're my type, but that never includes students. I like men, not boys, and especially not boys who are looking for a good grade, " I said.

"Damn, you and I have the same problems. I have a usual problem with hero worshiping the coach. Some guys will do anything to get on the team, " DD said. We laughed.

"When I said I like anyone who has a cock, I suddenly noticed your cock is attractive, " I said.

"You 're slick, " he said. I smiled. "I haven 't fucked a guy since I came here. "

"Talk about slick! " I said. "As a matter of fact, I can help you with that. "

"I tend to make a mess when I shoot off, " he whispered.

"I just happened to know a place where it is welcome and no one will see it, " I said.

DD had a good cock and I have a great ass, so all was well. DD was a lover, not a fucker. He gently massaged my ass, exploring and looking for my good places. His cock head must have been larger than I thought. I knew exactly where it was every minute he was in me until he shot off. Then it became great. I was surprised he didn 't lose weight he shot so much cum. He ejaculated firehose style and I felt every squirt.

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