Town and Gown

Published on Mar 11, 2020


Town and Gown

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I am Wilfred Toliver Brown, tenured professor in English Literature at Craigmont University. I teach Shakespeare. I am also the founder of the Queens Players, a theater group that performs Shakespeare at local High Schools. I was interested in authentic presentations of the plays with the rowdy and bawdy parts included. These were unexpectedly popular, and the troop was a success.

My parents were wealthy and successful. I am an only child, so my salary from the university was incidental to the income from my trust funds. I was deeply involved with the Queens Players, but I stayed in the background. I have a knack for finding talented men and women and launching them on a career.

Craigmont University is the deepest most western part of Virginia in what was once coal country. Craigmont was founded by a coal baron after a mine collapse that killed 32 men. The founder, John Craig, was not an admirable man, but the disaster affected him greatly. The school is well endowed and has attracted a good faculty. Teaching a Craigmont is a steppingstone to more prestigious positions.

We are also known as Red Neck Tech. That was intended to be an insult, but the school has always prided it ability to find intelligent men and women from limited backgrounds. Many have gone onto success, and those who stayed in the area were able to help people with potential to do well.

I am also the official Gay man on the campus. Great personal wealth has always overcome traditional prejudices. While parents go to the plays because their children must go, they end up laughing hysterically at Falstaff or crying at the death of Romeo. The plays are dependably better than they expected.

I was a quiet and shy child but became more popular in my boarding school and college. I became interested in Shakespeare and 16-17th Century English literature early. That was not the reason for my popularity. I discovered sex with men early and I became what might technically be called a slut. Since I was wealthy, I think most guys said I was open minded. That is the upper-class word for slut. It turns out that sluts find friends quite easily.

I went to graduate school and did very well, and then took a position at Craigmont. That was so I could spend time on my dissertation. I liked Craigmont and got along with the faculty and staff. I stayed and bought a house. My life took an unexpected turn with the house.

I bought John Craig's local home. His family lived in Richmond, but when he visited Craigmont he stayed in a miniature, stone castle. It had only 3,000 square feet, but more than enough towers, oriels and stone carvings to be a local landmark. It was run down, and I hired local workmen and contractors to restore the house.

This was a popular move on my part. Accidentally, I discovered that my slutty ways were identical to the local term, messing around. I interrupted two guys going at it when they thought no one was at the house. I pulled out my cock and we were off to the races. My cock was what they referred to as a "keeper." They liked the cock, but I introduced them to my ass and that opened a new world of pleasure for them.

One of the great sins in the town of Craigmont was messing with a girl and getting her knocked up. Everyone had a hunting rifle or a shot gun. Some of the guys thought that after the shotgun wedding, they made the wrong choice. A quick death might have been preferable.

The men I met were a carpenter, Johnny Wilson and an electrician, Sparky Lewis. Johnny was a bear of a man with a muskrat sized beard. Sparky was a short, thin man with sideburns linked to his mustache. They made poor fashion choices, but fortunately when it comes to gay sex, a good cock can make up for that. Both men were uncut; Johnny's was meaty, and Sparky had what a friend of mine referred to as an ice-tea-spoon cock. It was long and thin except for the bulbous cock head.

I am a realist and knew that sometimes the anticipation of sex is better than the actual sex. That wasn't the case with Johnny and Sparky. They were well equipped, eager and willing. There were into sex and didn't have an inflated sense if their attractiveness.

I am a good sucker and they appreciated that. I am also a bit of a cum hound. I'm good at it and know how to induce additional ejaculations after the Grand Finale. Johnny and Sparky loved that. I found out that they and their pals were not all full service. They all liked to be sucked. Most would suck if pressed. They would fuck, but few were bottoms.

I am full service, and they fucked me. Johnny told me that fucking most guys was like fucking a log. I was more responsive and tried to massage his cock. They thought my ass was a wonder. I didn't tell them that was because my ass muscles were the result of hours of practice. They weren't exactly delicate fuckers, but they were vigorous and sincere. They made sure I knew they genuinely enjoyed me.

They were both smart men and they knew that sex with me was more enjoyable, imaginative and exciting than they were used to. In their minds what they had been doing wasn't gay sex. They were just letting of some steam with the guys. They now knew that there were far more possibilities to explore. Sparky asked if I was gay. I said yes.

"If I told you I'm not gay, but I loved your ass, would you get mad at me?" he asked.

"No," I replied. "Let me tell you a gay secret. If your cock tastes and feels good enough, gay guys don't give a shit." Sparky laughed. I knew that if they got used to fucking me, they would eventually open their asses for me.

My restored house was the talk of the town. It was in the garden tour and others began fixing up their houses. My workers and contractors got a lot of jobs because people were impressed by their work in my house. I saw Sparky and Johnny every week or two and met some of their friends.

I also met two men at the college. These were Walter Dennison, a physics professor and an instructor in Theater and Drama, Hector Jones. Walter was a talented scientist and lecturer but had the social skills of a tadpole. [BW1]I am a swimmer and when I encountered him in the showers of the college pool. I happened to notice he was hung like Godzilla.

We went to my house and played. Walter had been sucked and he had fucked, but never with an experienced man and never in the privacy of a home. He had a hairy, swimmer's body and a cock could not be hidden by a Speedo. When I encounter a new cock, I don't just suck it; I worship it. I like cocks, precum and sperm. I caressed his cock with my tongue, peeled back his foreskin and worked his oversized knob. I couldn't deep throat him, but he didn't mind.

When he shot off, I took it all, every drop. I knew a few tricks to induce late ejaculations. We rested after his orgasm for ten or fifteen minutes. He all but fell asleep, but when he woke, he was hard again.

I coated his cock with lube, straddled him and impaled myself on his beautiful organ. It was a tight fit, but every inch was wonderful. I hadn't had a new man's cock in my ass in a year. I could sense his excitement as he went deep. After I did an elaborate pole dance on his cock, he injected a second load into my ass. It was late and he went home.

Two days later we met in the pool. He told me he had enjoyed meeting me. In a whisper he asked if he was supposed to do the same things for me. "I don't know if I could take it in the ass," he added in a whisper.

I told him I had enjoyed as much as he did. If he had a good time, I was happy. He looked relieved. I knew that eventually I would fuck him, and he would take my load. That is just the way guys think. Turnabout is fair play.

In contrast, Hector was outgoing and enthusiastic, but he tended to say the wrong things to persons in power. He was very good with the students and directed successful student productions. After a drunken cocktail party, he fell asleep on a couch at my house. He ran into me in the shower the next morning. When he saw my cock, it was if he had discovered gold. I told him the shower had room for two; he was naked and in the shower in seconds. Thirty seconds later I was deep in his ass and he was moaning.

I immediately realized Hector's ass not virgin and my cock had found a home away from home. It knew he was a size queen and while I had stretched his ass to the limit, he was fine with it. I also found out he possessed a prehensile ass.

I later discovered he was an inspiring director and good at recognizing hidden talent. I first worked with him on a student production of the Merry Wives of Windsor. It was hugely popular. Local Schools wanted to have it performed for them, so we founded the Queens Players. The play got statewide attention and college admission applications rose. The President of the University almost came to appreciate Hector.

For outsiders to the area finding sexual playmates in Craigmont was difficult. Local men tended connect with school mates and relatives. I had a suspicion that everyone in the county was a cousin somehow. I am sexually generous; Walter and Hector appreciated that.

Walter had one local friend, Dr. Allen Moore. He was the best doctor in town and a workaholic. Walter and Allen had a limited relationship since both men were obsessed with their professions. Relaxing was not a concept they understood. I managed to convince them that a sexual interlude, complete with orgasms and exchange of sperm qualified as high-quality relaxation. This may not be entirely verified by science but fortunately men don't need that much to think sex is good.

Both Walter and Allen were suckers and rarely topped. That was fine with me, but they also seemed to have no sexual imagination. A five-or-ten-minute blow job did the trick for them. They had no social life with gay men. There was no social life for gay men in the area at all. Hector and I were imaginative. Walter and Allen were willing to learn.

I knew that since I was wealthy and generous no one seemed to notice I was gay. My house was a local show place, but it was secluded on a wooded lot. The parking was to the rear, so no one knew who visited or stayed the night.

Johnny and Sparky knew other locals who were into man sex. They knew or were related to everybody. They also knew those who were into it big time, and those who were just willing to let you blow them. In general, no one admitted to being gay, but Johnny and Sparky knew the difference between casual suckers and deeply committed suckers.

While I am pretty good with finding gay men at the health club, country club or a university reunion, Johnny and Sparky could tell the difference between a hard-working Red Neck, and a full of shit, good for nothing Red Neck. Their pals got to work on time every day, did their job well, had a beer or two and went to bed early. Some were smarter than others, but they were all good men. They didn't think much of the men who were too smart to work a 9 to 5 job and way too smart to need an education.

I had known Johnny and Sparky for six months, when Johnny said he had a pal I might like to meet. It turned out to be two pals, Bobby Smith and Uncle Max. Bobby was a twenty-five-year-old house painter, and Uncle Max ran the local Farmer's Co-Op. Bobby was a hairy, slim Otter. Uncle Max was a bearded, bearish man who looked like Earnest Hemingway.

Uncle Max had learned some sexual skills from Manufacturers' representatives and traveling salesmen, so Johnny thought he was a sophisticate. Bobby was new to the scene, but enthusiastic and willing. Uncle Max and Bobby knew they were gay and loved sex with men. They wanted more.

I met Johnny, Max and Bobby at my house. Hector happened to drop by and the five of us had a surprisingly good time. Hector, Bobby and I are not shy types. We tend to be self-starters. Johnny and Max tended to go with the flow, especially if the flow is precum. Hector like the Daddy types and he went for Max. Johnny, Bobby and I formed a threesome.

Bobby, Hector and I liked the bottom, but we like just about anything that can be classified as sex. That was good for Max and Johnny. Max had fed his load enough to happy salesmen but had few extended sessions. He told me he was 90% oral but had enjoyed his trips up an ass. Bobby had little experience. He told me he hadn't done muck, but he was sure he would like anything that involved a cock.

Hector was on his back with his legs on Max's shoulders and Max's cock probing his ass. Max was vocal and we all knew exactly how much Hector enjoyed it. It there ever was a public service ass for gay sex, Max and Hector would have been the prefect spokesmen.

Bobby told me he had never been fucked, but his ass had an itch that only a cock could reach. I could tell that Johnny liked Bobby a lot. I had the impression Johnny didn't want to be the first to fuck Bobby in case it hurt too much.

Logically I should have avoided Bobby, but logic does not play much of a role when my cock is hard and dripping. Bobby made up my mind for me when he got on his back and hooked his arms around his legs, so his ass was wide open. I would have been rude to reject the invitation.

I lubricated my tool and pushed it in until I felt his sphincter resist. "I'm going to massage your hole for a while. I want you to invite me in," I said.

"Can you go deep now?" Bobby asked.

"Your sphincter usually holds things in. I want to retrain it to welcome my cock. That excites me too, so I gradually work up to an orgasm," I said.

"You're going to shoot off in me?"

"Just think of it as a sperm bath, Has any one cum in you before?"

"Not yet, but I want it," Bobby replied.

"Does it bother you that a guy you just met is fucking you," I asked. He said it didn't. He relaxed and I popped my cock head past his sphincter. Bobby shivered and then moaned in pleasure.

"Bingo! Did I hit the good spots?" I asked. Bobby tried to grab my cock head. I pushed deeper and he moaned again.

"I'm going to shoot quickly, but if you want it to last longer maybe Johnny could fuck you and churn up my cum before he adds his own?" I asked. "Two loads can be better than one."

He nodded and I lost control and drained my balls. I pulled out after the last ejaculation and Johnny filled the vacant hole. Johnny's cock was slightly smaller than mine and he was rock hard. It filled Bobby's ass but didn't stretch it. It was good for both.

I had an old friend that told me that my cock was good for major holidays and birthdays, but a more modest cock was best for day to day use. Luckily my friend had a partner who was open minded, and he didn't mind encountering a special guest's cum in his partner's ass once and a while.

As we frolicked, Uncle Max and Hector got better acquainted. Max was bigger than Hector, but bulk is no indicator of an ass's ability to take a cock. Hector loved Max's cock, but it turned out that Max loved Hector's cock in his ass even more. I guessed that Hector's cock was designed to ram Max's prostate. That was a new experience for Max.

Almost an hour later we all calmed down. We were all tired and there had been a near total rearrangement of sperm from our balls to our pals' guts and asses. Hector and Bobby had a taste for licking up the post orgasmic drool from cock and asses. They liked things neat. Life was good. Johnny and Hector had to leave. Bobby and Max stayed, and we talked.

"I had guessed I would like sex, but I had no idea it would be this good. it hard to believe that shoving a cock up my ass would be that good," Bobby exclaimed.

"How many guys did you?" Uncle Max asked. "Who fit best?"

"I don't rightly know," Bobby replied. "They tended to merge after a while. I can tell you I would be willing to do this again so I could make a choice." We laughed.

"I was afraid you might feel violated," I said.

"I didn't know what it would be like, but I felt as if I had been missing something, and that missing something was a cock in my ass," he said.

I've never had sex like this before," Uncle Max said. I've been in a few circle jerks around the fire, but nothing as intense. I thought an orgy would more like the barbarians raping the virgins."

"I'm afraid my virgin days are long past. I doubt many barbarians have their doctorates in English Literature," I said.

"I visualized barbarians' cocks being like yours," Uncle Max said. "That's not based on any evidence. Maybe I should have said I hoped barbarian cocks were like yours."

We all had a nice little daisy chain, sucking each other and a final orgasm before the men went home. It had been a good day. By the end of the week I had a call from each of the men saying they liked it so much, they wanted to do it again. Uncle Max told me he had never been with men who were so totally open. "Every ass was open; every cock was hard and dripping. Taking a load in the ass or drinking cum from the spigot was expected," he said.

"Was it too much?" I asked.

"Shit no!" he replied. "When I go to gay heaven, I hope it will be like that," Max said. Each of the guys seemed to have a friend they thought would like to join in. They wanted to do it again, and my house was the perfect location. I was undecided for a while, but as often happens in matter sexual, my cock made the decision for me. I told him I was interested.


Next: Chapter 2

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