Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on May 23, 2021


Tough Love in Kansas City: Keeping the Home Fires Burning

Tyler snuggled next to Jesse with his head on his lover's muscular chest. The two were looking at pictures Jordy had posted of his and William's honeymoon. "They look so happy" Tyler said.

"Yes," responded Jesse. "When I first came to live with Uncle Will, I didn't think he ever smiled; but when he and Jordy are together, I don't think he ever stops smiling."

Tyler hugged Jesse, "Do you think we.....uh, forget....?"

"Whoa partner, you can't leave that hanging. Do I think...what?"

"I can't can't say it, it sounds too needy."

"Well let me try to answer the question you are too shy to ask. Do I think we love each other as much as William and Jordy love each other--Yes. Do I think we will be as happy when we are their ages?--Yes. Do I think our wedding will be as wonderful as theirs?--Absolutely. Do I think we fuck as much as they do?--I think we have some ground to make up." Then Jesse rolled over onto Tyler pinned his arms above his head and started passionately kissing his lips, neck, cheeks, ears, anything his lips and tongue could reach. Tyler squirm from a combination of ticklishness and growing lust.

"Okay Jesse," Tyler protested, "we don't have time. We have a meeting with the planning board in three hours, and I want to make love but I am too anxious. Plus we should save this energy for the meeting."

Jesse looked at Tyler and noticed an occasional twitch of his left cheek. Jordy recognized the stress Tyler was under. Tyler's Asperger's was a part of him and never went away, but he had such focus that most of the time the symptoms were hardly noticeable to the casual observer. However, Jesse had learned to recognize when stress was reducing Tyler's ability to remain in control.

Jesse knew that this morning Tyler needed a different manner of love, a different genre of touch. Without words, Jesse stood up and pulled Tyler to his chest. Tyler instinctively knew that Jesse was the rock onto which he could anchor himself in an ocean of insecurity and wrapped his legs around Jesse' waist and put his head on his lover's broad shoulder.

Jesse carried Tyler to the shower, and when the water was warm and soothing, stepped in with his lover. Slowly Tyler released his grip, and let his feet touch the floor. Jesse grasped both sides of Tyler's face and began softly to kiss his lips. When Tyler acknowledged his regaining of control with a small nod, Jesse began to wash every part of Tyler's sinewy body. Jesse massage muscles he knew were built by hours on the road, just Tyler, his bicycle and his thoughts.

After rinsing his lover and bathing himself, Jesse grabbed soft towels and dried Tyler's and his own bodies. Jesse smiled and each man began to shave and style his hair at the double sink vanity. Still silent, communication was with subtle expressions only two people in sync mentally, emotionally, and sexually would understand. Anyone watching the athletic men shaving in the full wall mirror with cocks slightly plumped, would have thought they were viewing the beginning of a porn video or the hottest shaving commercial ever aimed at selling razors to the gay community.

When the last bit of shaving cream was wiped away, Jesse led Tyler to the walk-in closet. He handed Tyler socks and black boxers, then walked to Tyler's side of the closet. He handed Tyler a white button-down shirt, and a navy tie patterned with the M.I.T. seal. Next, Jesse picked out an Italian cut navy suit he had bought for Tyler, he smiled when remembering the day in Brook's Brothers Tyler tried on the suit. He couldn't imagine anyone paying over a thousand dollar for a suit, so when he got it a week later for his birthday, he was stunned.

After Tyler was dressed, Jesse picked out his own outfit to compliment what his lover was wearing. Jesse purposefully dressed so that Tyler would be in the spotlight. When both men were dressed Tyler stood in front of Jesse and they looked into the dressing mirror. The couple was stunning. Finally Jesse said, "Are you ready stud?"

"Yes, we are ready."

Two floors down, Matt Harris was also prepping for the meeting, but for a different reason.

"So Matt," William said, "what is so urgent you needed to get me out of bed."

"Out of bed? It's one o'clock in the afternoon in Iceland."

"Yeah, so?"

"Oh, shit. I'm so sorry. Tell Jordy I'm sorry. I..."

William laughed, "Hey bud, I was just yanking your chain. We've been up since 6 a.m.. We went out on a whale watching tour and are going to grab a bit of lunch before going to the Blue Lagoon Resort."

"Asshole. Just for that, I should make you fly back and handle this problem."

"What's up? Did Jesse and Tyler pull off a coup the minute we left American airspace? Are Jordy and I now exiles on the Island of Fire and Ice?" Jordy, who had been listening with amusement mouthed, "Oh, if it were only true."

"No, you're not getting out of this situation that easily; Dawson Chandler has managed to get himself onto the planning group that is overseeing the Mulberry Project."

"Shit, I thought we had that problem solved." Jordy looked concerned and William wrote a note to him "D.C. is fucking with Mulberry." Jordy said, "Shit. Do the boys know?" William shook his head.

"Well it seems that Chandler has some special relationship with someone important in the City Manager's Office and your friends' couldn't keep him out of this project."

"Do Jesse and Tyler still have a meeting today with the Planning Department."

"They do, and the proposal has `Project Managers Tyler Davidson and Jesse Marshal' right on the cover. I am sure that Chandler has done his research and knows that Jesse is your nephew. Do you want me to postpone the meeting?"

"No, but Matt, I want you at that meeting. I will call Jesse and tell him what is going on and then leave it to him as to what to say to Tyler. I assume Dawson's strategy will be to run up the costs by sticking us with neighborhood improvements; you know the sort of shit we pay taxes for the City to do. Most likely they will want sidewalks and lighting, parking and green space. I don't know what the water, sewer, and drainage issues are in the neighborhood. I don't know if they will fight us on getting the electrical service buried. And, who the hell knows what restriction the historic preservation guys will want now."

"I figured that parking and green space are on the want list," Matt said. "So, this morning I got Ashley Jensen and Ian Garber busy getting 90-day options on every vacant lot within two blocks of Mulberry. We don't need speculators getting tipped off to what we are planning and putting us in a bidding war for real estate."

"Good man. In the meeting today, the goal is to get the project on the drawing board. Our position is we will negotiate on parking and green space but nothing underground. I am sure the Public Works Department doesn't have any idea where all the pipes are in that neighborhood. As for historic preservation, tell them we want a detailed description of what can and can't be done to the building. I don't want to spend months going back and forth with them and our architects."

"William, do we have any demands to put on the table? It always makes negotiations easier if we've got bargaining chips."

"Yeah, I was looking at Google Maps on the plane. It takes thirty minutes to get from the intersection of Mulberry and 12th to the Power and Light Entertainment District; the distance is only 1.5 miles. Point out that is ridiculous and they need to get it under 15 minutes. Also there is no public transportation that runs from West Bottom to the Hy-Vee Arena even though that is a distance of less than a mile."

"What do you want?"

"I want a streetcar that connects with the line in Power and Light and runs down 12th Street and then to Hy-Vee. They won't go for that, so counter with an express shuttle between 12th and Mulberry and the streetcar stop in Power and Light. When there is an event at Hy-Vee the express should continue on out to there."

"Also, I want an increased public safety presence in West Bottom. Put an emphasis on public safety, not law enforcement; the last thing we want is for West Bottom to be the place where KCPD dumps their cops with bad attitudes and no people skills. If our target demographic wanted that, they could live at home with Mommy and Daddy."

"Finally Matt, I want you to put a team together to help the guys get this done. I want you and I to stay in the background. If we get too involved they will feel like we are taking control, but I also don't want them out on a limb by themselves either. It sounds like you have already begun to allocate staff to the project, so that puts us ahead there. I will have Jordy be the point of contact with my office. Is there anything else.?"

"What should I say to Jesse and Tyler about Dawson Chandler?"

"Leave that to me. I'll call them as soon as we are done." William noticed a scowl on Jordy's face, "Just try to keep the lid on things till we get back. Goodbye Matt."

William looked at Jordy and asked, "How unhappy are you with me Honey Pot. Am I spending the rest of the trip on a roll-away bed"?

The Honey Pot comment made Jordy smile and he said, "First, we are not getting a roll-away bed. I'm not stupid. That would hurt me as much, maybe more, than would you. So suck it up buttercup, your dick is still doing two shows a day and an afternoon matinee on Saturdays during this tour of the Willie and Jordy."

"Second, we are ordering lunch, then grabbing our luggage and heading to the Blue Lagoon. You have until I get us checked in and get our room key to get this problem under control. Then your mind, as well as your cock, better be back on this side of the Atlantic."

"Finally, you know I will do anything for Jesse and Tyler, so just tell me what you need me to do."

"Right now I just need you to keep me focused on us and not the Trust. However, when we get back I will need you to be the boys' tutor, mentor, chaplain, and cheerleader. If Dawson Chandler wants to screw us on this project, there is nothing that is beneath him."

William picked up his phone and called Jordy.

"Hey Uncle Will, I didn't expect to get a call from you this morning. Let me get Tyler."

"Jesse, before you do that, I have something to tell you."

"Uncle Will, did something happen!?" Jesse asked with sudden alarm.

"No, we are both fine and having a good time."

"Oh that's good. You had me scared. Wait, you're not calling us with the news that Jordy is pregnant?"

William burst into laughter, "Thanks, I needed that. Matt Harris just called me to warn me that a man named Dawson Chandler will be at the meeting you and Tyler are having with the planning department. Dawson is a senior urban planner, very politically connected, incredibly smart, and a total ass. Unfortunately, he is an ass with which I once had a relationship."

"I see, you once fucked him, and now he wants to fuck you."

William chuckled, "I can see this amuses you, but he had a mean streak that runs bone deep as Grandma Marshal liked to say when she was pretending to be one of the Missouri folk. I am sure when the project proposal crossed his desk, he saw the name Jesse Marshal on the cover and now the rat thinks he has found his cheese."

"So you think he will try to scuttle the project?"

"Actually, I think he wants the project to go forward, but with so many added costs and obligations that it will be a millstone around the Trust for the next ten years. I wanted you to know that Matt is going to sit in on the meeting, not because we don't think you and Tyler can make a good presentation, but Matt is familiar with Dawson and will try to run interference. Also, I want to warn you that, if Dawson isn't getting what he wants, he is liable to get personal."

"Don't worry Uncle, living with you has toughened me up. I can take whatever shit he decides to throw in my direction."

"Jesse," William voice carried real concern, "I told you Dawson is smart, and he is never unprepared. By now I am sure he knows that you and Tyler are more than just colleagues."

"Oh," said Jesse. "You think he might try to get at me by attacking Tyler. Would he use Tyler's Asperger's to hurt him?"

"He might. Like I said, he can be mean. I didn't tell you this stuff to worry you, but to prepare you. I will leave it to you to decide how much to tell Tyler. Now is Tyler there.?

"I can get him."

"Do that and I will have Jordy tell him about some of the things we have been doing. That will give you a few minutes to think of what you want to say to Tyler."


"Jesse, I love you."

"Thanks Uncle Will, I love you too."

For the next few minutes Jordy told Tyler about the trip, the unique qualities of Icelandic culture, and the wonderful people. William hoped that gave Jesse enough time to decide how to prepare his boyfriend for the possibility that a vindictive bureaucrat might weaponize the most vulnerable part of who he was to hurt the man he most loved.

Jesse, Tyler, Matt Harris, and a lawyer from the firm that handled the Trust's legal issues stood in the lobby of City Hall. "Let's not act like we expect trouble," Matt said, "but, that's why William asked that Heather Lancaster from Lancaster, Thomas, and Goldsmith be with us today."

Heather Lancaster was an attractive and intimidating woman of 35, she was impeccably dressed, and carried a leather portfolio and Ipad. Heather played Division I volleyball for the University of Missouri and she looked like she could still play. Moreover, there was no question that she had the instinct to go for the kill on the volleyball court or in the courtroom.

Heather shook hands with Tyler and then Jesse. "Just in case you're wondering, the Lancaster in the law firm's masthead is my grandfather. The Lancaster and the Marshal families go back years. I don't plan to say much in the meeting. In fact, I hope to use my legal pad for doodling, but in the event things go south, I will advise Mr. Harris to ask for a break and we will talk about what to do next."

"The main reason I am here," Heather continues, "is that I intimidate Dawson Chandler. I have dealt with him before, and he didn't come off looking good. It also bothers him that I am three inches taller than he is, and today I am wearing heels, so he will be looking up to me when we shake hands."

"Tyler, there is no doubt in my mind that Mr. Chandler will attempt to use your Asperger's to hurt both you and Jesse if he feels he is losing. How do you feel about that?"

"Truthfully I don't like it, but it is not the first time I have dealt with a bully. Over the years, I have developed release mechanisms, I call them safety twitches. So, if I know a situation could trigger a loss of control, I try to funnel the involuntary responses to stress to those releases. It doesn't always work, as Jesse and Matt saw the other day in our presentation to William, but now I have a backup." Tyler smiled at Jesse.

"Tyler I am sure you will handle this. In fact, I would like to ask a personal favor of you. I have a nephew with Asperger's. He doesn't yet manage it as well as you, but he is very bright and determined. It is his dream to become an attorney and join Lancaster, Thomas, and Goldsmith. I would like to bring him to your office to meet you.

"I would be honored to meet your nephew."

Matt looked at his watch, "We are expected in the planning office in ten minutes, shall we head out?"

The meeting started with introductions and Jesse couldn't help smiling when Dawson Chandler awkwardly shook hands with Heather Lancaster. However, Jesse was taken back that Dawson Chandler was actually a quite handsome man. Jesse had imagined Chandler to be a small, bent, piggy-eyed, bald troll. Then he remembered that William had been in a relationship with Chandler, and it made sense that whatever ugliness there was to this man would not be easily seen if Uncle William had missed it. The fact that physical attractiveness can hide inner ugliness was certainly true when it can to the Queen of Bitches. Jesse remembered that his mother was a very attractive woman and in her youth had been stunningly beautiful, none-the-less on the inside she was a soulless harpy.

The meeting began with Tyler's presentation. The multimedia presentation was well done and Tyler did an exceptional job of explaining the vision and concept for Mulberry and the connection to other Marshal Trust developments in the West Bottom District. Dawson attempted to throw Tyler off his game by interrupting with questions, but the committee chair shut him down and indicated that questions would be asked after the presentation. He also tried creating some minor distractions, but Heather's intense stare soon put an end to his efforts. So, he sat back in his chair and began clicking his pen which, while annoying, was generally ignored.

"Thank you Mr. Davidson." said Lawrence Mason, the committee chair, "That was a very fine presentation and this project addresses a housing issue that I really hadn't even recognized as a problem."

"Isn't that the question?" Chandler interjected, finally getting to engage in the meeting. "Is this really a housing need? I realize that Mr. Davidson and Mr. Marshal believe they have found an under-served market, but this committee has to consider whether this is the best use for a significant cultural asset of the City."

"During the presentation the property was repeatedly referred to as the 1015 Mulberry project, but this building was once the Moline Plow factory and represents an important connection to the City's agro-industrial past. Does it really make sense from an urban redevelopment perspective to turn such an asset into a frat house for 20-somethings?"

Jesse stood up, "It is certainly not our intention to turn a historically significant building into a frat house. In fact, we believe that 20-somethings can appreciate the cultural and historical significance of the building and community just as much as any boomer." The use of the negative term boomer brought smiles and subdued laughs from the junior staff of the Planning Department in the room as well as a few of the senior staff. Chandler's face showed a slight flash of annoyance at the veiled jab to his age.

"Well it is hard to determine the level of appreciation you have for the building and neighborhood since no description or drawings of the outside of the Moline building were included in the proposal. "Something I feel is odd," said Chandler, "since there are quite detailed conceptual sketches of the interior."

"Let me explain Mr. Marshal and my thinking about the exterior of the building," Tyler said. While we believe the interior space, beyond complying with building and safety code, is a blank canvas for the developer to express his or her vision. On the other hand, the exterior is part of the urban landscape and the City represents the public's interest in regards to that canvas. So when the Memo of Cooperation is drafted for this project we and our architects fully expect to sit down with appropriate personnel from the planning department and representatives of the West Bottom neighborhood to agree to an exterior building treatment and streetscape."

"That seems like a good approach," interjected the Chairman Mason. "So often we get developers who come in with a fully developed plan expecting us to just rubber stamp it. Then when there are changes requested by the planners, it becomes adversarial, rather than collaborative. Does anyone other than Mr. Chandler have questions or concerns to express to the developers."

Jessica Strahl signalled to get the floor. "As you know the City's public works budget is quite tight. We are asking developers to help cover the costs of neighborhood and infrastructure improvements." Matt Harris jumped in and for the next few minutes the two outlined the Trust's and City's positions regarding responsibility for neighborhood improvements.

As Matt and Jessica Strahl talked, Jesse noticed that Tyler was getting agitated. He also avoided eye contact with Chandler even though he was seated next to Strahl. Suddenly Heather Lancaster stood and firmly said, "Mr. Chandler, you will stop now or I will end this meeting."

Chairman Mason looked at Jessica in confusion, "What is going on." Neither she nor Chandler said anything, but continued intensely staring at each other.

Finally Tyler spoke up. "I believe Ms. Lancaster is telling Mr. Chandler to stop attempting to trigger me."

"Huh," Mason was more confused, "trigger you? What does that mean?"

"Sir, I have Asperger's and I believe Mr. Chandler knows that. Early in the meeting he picked up on one of my ticks and is clicking his pen each time it manifests itself."

"Oh, come on," Chandler threw up his hand and blurted loudly. "Lawrence, don't you see what they are trying to do? They know I am not in the hip pocket of William Marshal like so many people in this department. So, they are attempting to get me replaced by a Marshal Trust sycophant."

Mason sat back in his chair, "Mr. Harris, would you and your colleagues please give us the room."

Jesse, Tyler, Matt and Heather gathered at the end of the hall. "Are you alright Tyler?" asked a concerned Jesse.

"Yes, but thank you Heather for putting a stop to that."

"I hate bullies," Heather said, "That was very brave of you to tell everyone what Chandler was trying to do. You were so calm and confident."

"I guess I am just done trying to hide who I am. I have Asperger's, I am gay, I am smart, and I am in love with Jesse Marshal."

Jesse was so full of pride for his lover. He smiled and said, "You forgot that you are also one hot stud." Then he gave Tyler a hug and a kiss.

Suddenly Chandler burst from the meeting room and glared at the four standing at the end of the hall. Then he turned and stormed down the hall to his office and slammed the door.

"Ouch," Matt said, "looks like someone just got slapped down hard."

A junior staffer came to tell the team from Marshal Trust the meeting was ready to resume. Heather held the staffer back and asked, "If you don't mind, what happened?"

The staffer looked around and then said, "You weren't the only person who noticed what Chandler was doing. Several of the juniors saw it and told Mason who then exploded and told Chandler to get the hell out."

Back in the room, a new person was sitting in Chandler's seat. Mason began, "First, let me express my sincerest apologies Mr. Davidson. That is not how we want our customers and citizens to be treated. Also, Mr. Chandler will no longer have any role to play in this project's approval or oversight. Finally, Mr. Nguyen is here from the City Attorney's office to make sure there are no more irregularities with the process."

The rest of the meeting went without incident and the outlines of the Memo of Cooperation between Marshal Trust and the Kansas City Planning Department were agreed on. As they were walking to the parking lot, Matt pulled Jesse aside and asked whether he and Tyler wanted to celebrate. Jesse declined because he sensed Tyler needed some time for emotional release. Matt understood, gave them each a congratulatory hug, said how proud William would be, and said he would take them out for drinks the next week.

Tyler made it back to the apartment before collapsing into Jesse's arms. Jesse picked his lover up and Tyler wrapped his arms legs around Jesse. As he walked down the hall, Jesse said "Hey Siri, play Tyler 1." A playlist of soothing instrumental music was soon queued and playing throughout the apartment.

In the walk-in closet, Jesse undressed Tyler and hung up his suit, then did the same for himself. He again picked up his lover and carried him to the shower. Jesse held Tyler and gently swayed as warm water washed away the day's tension. Slowly Tyler lowered his feet to the floor and Jesse began to slowly wash Tyler. Soon the smell of pine and citrus filled the shower.

Eventually, Jesse dried Tyler and led him to bed. Under the covers, Jesse pulled Tyler's naked body into his own. Tyler nestled into Jesse's muscular arms and chest then gently drifted to sleep. Jesse continued to gently stroke Tyler's chest and kiss the back of his neck.

Laying there and holding Tyler, Jesse thought about how his life has changed in the year since being exiled to Kansas City. What he has once thought of as a gilded cage, was now his home and the place he belonged. The City hadn't changed, the apartment was really just an extension of Will and Jordy's apartment, the Trust was the same as always; what had changed was that he now had a family. Growing up, he had heard people say that a real family wasn't determined by genetics, but by relationships. Jesse had written such sentiment off as Hallmark fluff. But now in his arms was tangible proof of truth to that assertion. Jesse had a family; it was Tyler, William, Jordy, and Jennifer.

Next--Tough Love in Kansas City: Thor's Hammer

Thank you for reading "Tough Love in Kansas City." I very much appreciate the comments and words of encouragement I have received from readers. I also have another story, "Quarterback Keeper" going on A reader asked whether I had an email group, and I have decided to create one. If you would like to be included in updates on my stories, send me an email.

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Next: Chapter 10

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