Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on Apr 13, 2021


Tough Love in Kansas City: The Big Day, part 2

A black limo pulled up in front of the Mulberry property and William and Jordy stepped onto a deserted sidewalk. "Are you sure this is where we are supported to be," asked William.

"That's what Jesse said. He said he would have a limo pick us up at 8 p.m. and the party would be at the Mulberry property."

As they were talking a light above one of the side doors came on. William and Jordy looked at each other, shrugged and walked toward the door. When they arrived, two very good looking shirtless hunks stepped out to greet them. Their bare torsos were covered in Nordic symbols and runes and they wore rustic leather pants. The two berserkers led William and Jordy down a long hall and into a large room.

Only the center of the room was lit creating an island of light surrounded by murky darkness. In the island of light were wooden tables set up to imitate a viking mead hall. On the side tables sat seventeen male relatives and friends and Jennifer Marshal. When William and Jordy entered the light, one of the berserkers barked, "Skål! Jaul William and Jaul Jordy." Everyone stood, raised their mugs and replied, "Skål! Jaul William and Jaul Jordy." At the head table Jesse and Tyler stood with two empty places between them. Everyone was wearing silly plastic viking costume hats and Jordy couldn't help laugh at the sight and William smiled and rolled his eyes.

The two berserkers led William and Jordy to the head table and sat William next to Tyler and Jordy next to Jesse. The boys reached under the table and brought out Viking hats painted gold and with horns covered in glitter for William and Jordy. When everyone was seated, Jesse continued, "Welcome warriors and shield maid Jennifer. We are here tonight to lay aside William and Jordy's bachelorhoods in our own form of the Viking Sword ceremony. It was not long after I moved to live with Uncle William, that I learned of Jordy's love of viking lore; hence tonight's theme."

"Watch what you say," Jordy muttered through a forced smile.

"Don't worry," Jesse laughed and said so only Jordy could hear. "I would never think of mentioning Thor's, I mean Uncle William's hammer." Jesse raided his mug and yelled, "Skål!" Everyone replied "Skål!"

Jesse proclaimed, "Let the feasting begin." The two hunky berserkers returned with pitchers of mead for the guests and more lights turned on to create a second island of light surrounding a traditional Swedish Smörgåsbord. The table held dishes full of Icelandic Lumpfish Caviar, Cold-Cured Gravlax on Rye Crispbread, Pickled Herring, Scandinavian Cheeses, Marinated Cucumber Salad, Pickled Beets, Smoked Salmon, Steak and Potatoes seasoned with traditional Scandanavian herbs and spices, and Cardamom Buns.

As the party-goers started to fill their plates from somewhere in the darkness a sound system began to play music from the Norwegian synth-pop band "a-ha". Jordy whispered into Jesse' ear, "`a-ha' really?"

Jesse laughed, "Yeah, when Tyler was staying over, he noticed that you and Uncle Will play a lot of that group's music in the morning when you're getting dressed, or showering, or...... well, whatever you two do in the morning." Jordy blushed. Then they both noticed that Uncle Will was bobbing his head ever so slightly and smiling. Jordy and Jesse both burst into laughter.

The feast was full of stories and laughter. Occasionally one of the guests would stand and offer a toast to the husbands-to-be and everyone would shout, "Skål!." When the main course was finished and the dishes cleared, the berserker hunks served Almond Valkyries (named for shieldbearers to Odin and cupbearers to the heroes of Valhalla) and coffee.

When the last dessert plates were cleared Tyler stood. "Thank you all for joining Jesse and I to honor William Marshal and Jordy Owens on this night before their wedding. In the viking Sword Ceremony the male relatives and friends of the groom would gather to mark his transition from boy to man on the eve of his wedding. Of course, William and Jordy have not been boys for some time (laughter). Of course if you ever are overnight guests in their home, you will find--or at least hear, that they still like to play rowdy bedroom games (much more laughter.)

To mark this transition from partners and lovers to husbands we will toast William and Jordy with a unique spirit "Linie Aquavit." Aquavit is the cultural liquor of Scandinavian countries. If you have never had Aquavit, it is very similar to vodka in that it is potato or grain-based. However, it gets its distinct flavor from the herbs and spices infused into it. By law and tradition the primary flavor must be derived from caraway and/or dill seed. "Linie Aquavit" adds the elements of time and travel to the mix. Elements that are also very much a part of the life of William and Jordy. "Linie Aquavit" is put into Spanish sherry casks, placed on the deck of a ship and sent on a trip around the world. When the aquavit finally returns home after crossing the equator twice, the combination of temperature and pressure changes, the constant rocking of the ship, and the sea air have created the special liquor you are about to enjoy.

When Tyler sat down, the berserkers returned to pour all a cordial glass of "Linie Aquavit." However, this time the berserkers were fully naked, covered with nothing but their viking motif body art. "I bet you thought I forgot the strippers," Jesse whispered to Jordy.

"Is that your artword they are, uh...wearing?"

"Yes, first time I ever got hard from the canvas I was working on," said Jesse as they both laughed.

When everyone had been served, Jesse stood to make a toast.

"When I was dropped on their doorstep, I doubt they ever thought they would have a 21-year-old child, and out of wedlock at that. (laughter) They took me in, fed me, gave me a bed, showed me a lot of tough love, gave my life direction, and introduced me to the love of my life, Tyler....But most importantly they showed me what it is to be in a loving, committed, and honest relationship. I will forever be grateful for being gifted two of the best uncles in the world."

"So tonight it is my honor to ask that their life together be joyful, prosperous, and long." Jesse raised his glass, "Skål!."

The guest responded with raised glasses, "Skål!."

The cordials were refilled and now it was William's turn to speak. William and Jordy stood together and William placed his arm around Jordy's waist.

"Thank you all for being here tonight, this is overwhelming. Jordy told me I was the one who had to speak tonight. While he may have been the meanest goon to ever take the ice for the Minnesota State Mavericks, in his heart he is a sentimental softy." William kissed Jordy and their gathered friends and family applauded.

"When I heard that Jordy agreed to letting Jesse and Jordy plan a bachelor party I was, to say the least, concerned (laughter). But thank you boys for this evening; however seeing all that you have put into this, I have made a note to keep an eye on you and the budget when you start to transform this building into apartments." (laughter)

"Some of you know that I wasn't sure that it was a good idea for me to date a man who was so much younger and a subordinate at Marshal Trust. However, Jordy is the most insistent and tenacious man you will ever meet. I would not now be the happiest man in the world if Jordy did not know what was best for me and do everything possible to make me realize it."

"I also appreciate all of the support and pushing from friends and employees of Marshal Trust who have accepted our relationship. By the way Matt Harris, I know you were the one whose vote was `fuck like bunnies.' (laughter) And a special thanks to Jesse, our bastard child. (laughter) You have shown us that our love for each other can become ever stronger and deeper when we share it with family.

"So," William raised his glass, "to friends and family, and to the love of my life, my compass, my rock, and my passion. "Skål!."


After downing their drinks, Jordy and William kissed as tears streamed down Jordy's cheeks.

As they entered their apartment William asked, "Tell me again why we haven't had sex in a week."

"Because, I want you to be so fucking horny on out wedding night that you will make me yell `Punch my love nut with your hammer Thor' so loud they hear it in St. Louis.

"Ok, I can wait one more night, but remember the prayer of the Medieval peasant, `From the wrath of the Northmen, O Lord, deliver us'," William said as he pulled his love into a hug and began a steamy makeout session.

Jordy finally pushed William away and said. "Stop, before you start something we can't finish. Are we going to have to sleep in separate beds tonight?"

"No dear, I'll behave... Damn, I can't remember when the last time I went a week without sex."

"That's just the Alzheimer's talking old man."

William pushed Jordy against the wall and started tickling him. As Jordy laughed William said, "Just you wait til tomorrow night boy and I show you Alzheimer's. I'm going to fuck your brains out out of that handsome head."

Saturday morning at 11 a.m., William and Jordy met District Court Justice Silas Weston at the Jefferson County Courthouse to make legal before the law what was already real in their hearts. Standing with Jordy was his brother and with William was Jesse. Watching were Jordy's parents and sister, and Tyler.

Jordy and William took each others' hands and looked deep into his lover's eyes.

"William," Jordy said, "you are my love and my life. You are my completion, my protection, and my inspiration. I pledge that you will always be the center of my life, and that together we will face and share whatever the future holds for us." Jordy slipped a ring onto William's finger.

"Jordy," William said, "you are my love and my life. You are my joy, my moral compass, and my fountain of youth. I pledge that you will always be the center of my life, and that together we will face and share whatever the future holds for us." William slipped a ring onto Jordy's finger and the couple kissed.

Judge Preston said, "By the powers vested in me by the State of Missouri, I pronounce you husbands and partners for life."

Two hours later, William and Jordy prepared to join family and friends in the 12th floor ballroom of the Marshal Building for a celebration of joy and love. While William had convinced Jordy that they should wear just business suits to the courthouse, Jordy insisted that at the reception the couple would, as his grandmother would say, "put on the dog." So they had changed into Italian styled steel grey tuxedos with black satin lapels. Each wore a single white rose.

Jesse and Tyler stood at the double frosted glass doors that separated the ballroom from the 12th floor lobby. Jesse signalled for the DJ to stop playing. "Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and family, it is my honor to present to you Mr. William Jeffrey Marshal and Mr. Jordan Preston Owens, husband and husband. Jesse and Tyler pulled open the doors and the newly married couple walked in to smiles and applause.

After greeting some of the guests gathered near the door. William led Jordy onto the dance floor for the traditional first dance. Jordy had asked the DJ to play "I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Who Loves Me)," by Whitney Houston. For the next 4:51 minutes William and Jordy forgot that anyone else was in the room as they lost themselves in each other's embrace. When the song ended, the couple kissed and there was more applause.

Jesse handed William a microphone, "Jordy and I want to thank each of you for coming today to celebrate with us this amazing day. In a bit Jordy and I will personally greet each of you. We ask you to enjoy this event with us. Food will be served on the terrace and the bar is open. For those of you who are unaware of the history of this room, it was created by Bonnie Roberts Mashal for her love Jeffrey Marshal. It eventually fell into neglect until my love Jordy decided it needed to be brought back to life for our wedding reception. I assure you this will not be the last time this room is a temple of joy and the love of life."

"Before Jordy and I start the greetings, there are two dances for us. First Jordy will dance with his mother, then I will dance with my new mother-in-law. Please join us on the dance floor." While Jordy danced with his mother, William danced with Jordy's sister. Then while William was dancing with Rachel Preston, Jordy danced with Jennifer.

The party was amazing. Jordy's planning and eye for detail had ensured that everything was elegant and flawless. In the receiving line, William and Jordy were having a genuinely good time visiting with their guests. When Monty reached them, Jordy refused to allow anything to be awkward. He embraced Monty in a brotherly hug and said how glad he and William were that he was there. Monty looked at William to see whether he was truly happy that Monty was present or if Jordy was just playing peacemaker. The smile William gave him said that he was willing to try for reconciliation. Which was more than Monty could have hoped for a week earlier.

While William had softened, Jesse remained a cold solid block of ice when it came to his father. Occasionally Jesse would notice his father talking with old acquaintances and Jesse would boil with anger and resentment. He wanted to grab the microphone and tell everyone what an asshole his ex-father was, no is. But as much as he hated Monty, he loved Uncle Will and Jordy and would do nothing to stain their special day.

Tyler sensed Jesse' anger and pulled him onto the parquet floor for a slow dance. While they slowly danced, Tyler rubbed his back and kept Jesse facing away from his father. A tear rolled down Jesse' cheek and onto Tyler's. "What does he think he can say that will make me forgive him," Jesse said dismally.

"Nothing love," Tyler said softly. "Nothing and no one can make you forgive him. Right now he doesn't know what he wants to say to you. When he figures it out, he will come to you. Then you will have to decide whether you want to listen or not. I promise you that I won't let anyone pressure you to reconcile with your father."

"But,"...Tyler paused, "You need to know that you cannot stand in the way of others building or rebuilding a relationship with Monty. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, I think so, but I will need your help and support....and probably tough love to do that."

"Always, love always," said Tyler and then kissed him. Neither young man noticed that Monty had been watching them and now a tear slid down his face and his eyes were filled with sadness. However, Jordy did see it, and put a chat with Monty on his mental to-do list for when he and William return from their honeymoon.

After William and Jordy had greeted and thanked their guests they grabbed some food and a drink to restore their energy and lay in reserves for what was yet to come.

About two hours after the reception began, Jordy took William's hand and said "Come with me." He led William to the grand piano that was his wedding gift from his husband. Jordy and William sat on the bench and their guests gathered around them. Jordy played some improvised riffs that soon transitioned into John Legend's "All of Me." As Jordy sang to William, Jesse, Tyler, Jennifer, and Ryan were serving flutes of champagne.

By the time Jordy finished singing the gathered guests were in awe of Jordy's musical talent and the love he showered on William with the song. William leaned over and kissed him and the couple was enveloped by applause.

William and Jordy stood. William picked up two flutes of champagne that Tyler had left for them on the piano. He handed one to Jordy, "My husband is amazing. Each day, I discover more of his secret talents and each day my love for him grows deeper." Then he turned to Jordy, looked into his eyes and said, "My love, you truly do have "all of me. "Skål."

"Skål." replied Jordy and they intertwined arms and drank.

Tyler held his flute up and loudly said, "Skål!." The gathered wellwishers replied "Skål!."

After a moment to compose himself, William said. "Jordy and I would like to thank Jesse, Tyler, Jennifer, and Ryan for serving as hosts (applause). They will continue the party, and we ask that you stay and enjoy the party and the Marshal Ballroom 2.0. However, Jordy and I will take our leave as we have other matters to attend to (laughter). Jordy kissed William one more time and the couple left the room to cheers and handfuls of silver and gold confetti.

When William and Jordy stepped out of the Marshal Building, a limo was waiting to take them to the The Raphael Hotel where William had booked a suite to spend the night before leaving on their Scandinavian honeymoon.

*** The minute the door closed and William engaged the door bar Jordy pulled William into the room and started removing his clothes. Soon both William and Jordy stood naked before each other.

Jordy was a 6'2" Olympic god. His muscles were tight cords of athletic power, and his movements were fluid and graceful. From his broad shoulders to his trim waist and muscular legs Jordy was the picture of youthful masculinity at its prime and Jordy exuded raw sexuality.

Across from him stood a 6' Viscount. If Jordy was the picture of youthful energy, William was the embodiment of manly nobility. Broad shoulders and a burly chest covered with a coat of salt and pepper hair bespoke a refined and commanding sexuality. William was born to rule in both the boardroom and the bedroom.

"I know that sex on our wedding night should be romantic and sensual," Jordy said, "but, I need you to fuck me hard. I need you to own me."

William pushed Jordy onto the bed, straddled his waist, and pinned his arms above his head. For a minute the two stared into each other's eyes and what they saw was primal and wild. It was pure, honest lust unrefined by sentimentality or civilization. Slowly, William closed the distance between their lips and when they touched the circuit was complete and sexual electricity flowed in alternating current between the two lovers.

Breaking contact, William moved to Jordy's neck and began the process of marking his lover as his own. William's cock leaked precum onto Jordy's washboard abs and filled his navel. Once Jordy was unquestionably branded as the husband and lover of William Marshal, he returned to wrestling with Jordy's tongue.

As the passion rose, so did their body heat. Jesse' pits soon exuded the scent of raw male lust. William was overcome with its intoxicating fragrance and buried his nose and tongue in Jordy's pits. As William rutted in his pits, Jordy squirmed with exquisite delight and his cock dripped pre like a broken faucet. William kept his lover's arms pinned as he moved to work nipples into hard nubs of pleasure. When William gently bit the tips, Jordy broke his hands free and held William's face to his chest writhing from the masterful application of teeth and tongue.

Eventually William was released to continue his voyage of pleasure. William drug his lips through the deep canyon formed by Jordy's powerful pecs and continued moving steadily south until he stopped to lick the pooled precum from Jordy's navel. William's next destination was Jordy's dense forest of pubes.

Again the wild smell of masuline sexuality drove William insane. William took hold of Jordy's 7.5" manhood and slowly descended until his throat was impaled and his nose buried in his man's tangled bush. Only repeated practice gave William the skill for such a feat and even now he could only enjoy the feeling of Jordy's cock pulsing in his throat for an all to short moment. As he withdrew, William left behind a glistening trail of saliva. Needing to reciprocate the intense pleasure William was delivering, Jordy pulled William into a 69 so that each stud could feast on his lover's cock.

After a time, William pulled Jordy's legs back toward his head and exposed his ass to the ceiling. William blew warm breath onto Jordy's rosebud and it twitched with anticipation. Leaning forward, he touched it with his tongue so delicately it left Jordy wondering if he had imagined it, but the next sensation was unmistakable. William washed Jordy's balls with his tongue before pushing it across his taint and into his anal cleft. With his face wedged deeply between Jordy's muscular mounds, William swirled his tongue around Jordy's pucker and probed into his asshole. Jordy's sexual bliss was returned to William each time he moaned on the cock still leaking in his mouth.

Jordy couldn't wait any long. "Please William," cried Jordy, "fuck me. I need your cock inside me now!" William stood and pushed Jordy's legs back further until his feet touched the headboard. Jordy grabbed the sheets in preparation for the coming onslaught. William stood above Jordy's exposed asshole and positioned his cock as if it were a battering ram ready to breach the castle gates. William looked at Jordy to give him one last chance to change his request. What he saw in his lover's eyes was a need; the need to submit to his lover.

In one steady and unrelenting push, William pushed to the depths of Jordy's man cunt. "Yes." screamed Jordy and William's balls came to rest on Jordy's ass. "I need you to breed my cunt. I need you to plant your seed deep inside me."

Both men knew this would not be a long or gentle session. This was a fuck to silence the howling beast that no longer would or could be chained by self-control. This would let the wild animal run loose once more. This would not end until both men had quenched their cum lust.

William pounded Jordy with powerful and deep strokes. Each thrust punched Jordy's prostate and increased his sexual frenzy. Without warning the beast broke his chains and Jordy became a howling, thrashing sexual wildling. Rope after rope of pearly cum exploded from his throbbing penis and glazed his face and torso. At its most intense, Jordy's orgasm forced his ass to clench and triggered William's own orgasm. William flooded the depths of Jordy's bowels with cum.

Four...five...six eruptions and William's legs began to shake. No longer able to stand, William collapsed onto Jordy's cum drenched chest. Both men, still entwined, struggled to catch their breath and regain control. William's cock continues to spasm inside Jordy even after the orgasmic fireworks had stopped.

The room smelled of sex; the scent of cum and sweat hung in the air. Looking down at Jordy, William noticed the cum on Jordy's cheeks and chin. Hw gathered the cum on his tongue and shared it with his husband. "His husband," William thought with a smile as his cock slipped from Jordy's ass and released a stream of seed onto the sheets.

William rolled off of Jordy, pulled him up, and led him to the shower. William soaped Jordy and gently began to massage his body. Jordy placed his hand on the shower wall and William deeply kneaded his shoulder and back muscles. William gently cleansed Jordy's ass, cock and balls. It was slow and unhurried. Then He stood and pushed Jordy's back against the wall as he worked on Jordy's magnificent pecs. Wrapping his arms around his muscular husband William wondered how Michaelangelo's David was transformed from stone to this warm and caring mass of humanity.

William whispered in Jordy's ear, "This shower is a semicolon. It separates what came before for what comes after. While both clauses are of equal importance and related to each other, they will define different qualities of us. What came before was fucking lust; what comes after is making love."

William dried Jordy and led him back to the bed. The lovers' bodies soon merged into one as they gently, passionately, and sensually made love to each other. First, Jordy entered William and with long and fluid strokes led his husband in a mating dance. Then William spooned into Jordy's back and slowly penetrated again to the depths of Jordy's bowels. This time not to own Jordy, but to share himself with Jordy. Into the early morning, the two gave themselves repeatedly to each other in intimate ways they have never experienced before. No scrap of legal paper, no vows or official pronouncements, no reception or toasts, no acceptance of friends and family, could give their marriage more legitimacy than their shared lovemaking on the first night as a married, and now mated, couple. The two finally drifted to sleep in each other's arms.

All too soon the alarm woke them. In an hour the car would be waiting to take William and Jordy to the airport and the beginning of their romantic Scandanavian adventure.

Tough Love in Kansas City: Viking Lore

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