Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on Mar 29, 2021


Tough Love in Kansas City: The Rules

Jesse and Jordy entered the library and found Uncle William seated at a small square library table. In front of William was a stack of papers, a couple of pens, and a bottle of Free State Lager. At one of the seats was another bottle of beer and at the other a can of Coke. Jordy sat down at the seat with the beer, leaving Jesse the seat with the soda pop.

Jesse picked up the Coke and looked at it for a few seconds. He finally blurted out, "Why can't I have a beer?"

"I didn't hear you ask for a beer," responded William.

"Can I have a beer?"

"No, next item on the agenda."

"What the fuck, you and Jordy can drink and I can't. This is shit."

"No, what this is, is the arbitrary application of discretionary authority. To put it another way, I have your nuts in my pocket and if you ever want them back, you will live by my rules."

Jesse jumped up and started for the door to which William said, "If you leave this room, you can pack your shit and find a new place to sleep."

Jesse, stopped and slumped his shoulders. He knew there was no place else to go and he had to live by Uncle William's rules as much as he might hate them. With his back to the table, Jesse didn't see Jordy mouth, be an "be and uncle, not an ass" to William.

When Jesse finally sat back down William was thumbing through the papers on his desk and looked to be making some corrections or notes on them. Jesse also noticed that Jordy had slipped out of the room. When William was finished writing he put down his pen, and took a sip of beer without even looking at Jesse. Suddenly Jesse felt Jordy's hand on his shoulder. Jesse thought, for such a big guy he seems to be able to move without anyone really noticing. Jordy reached down and put a bottle of beer in front of him and gave Jessa a wink.

Willam finally looked at Jesse and said, "Are you ready."

"Yes, thank you Uncle William."

"It's Jordy you need to thank."

Jesse smiled at Jordy and mouthed `thank you.'

"Well, the first thing I need is your signature on this lease agreement. While this is my apartment, the building is owned by the Family Trust and we have a standard tenet's agreement."

Jordy chipped in, "Yeah, `Mr. By The Rules' made me sign one too."

"I won't apologize for being above board when it comes to business. The next document transfers control of your disbursement from the Trust from your father's control to mine."

"Wait, I get a disbursement from the Trust?"

"Yes, as a member of the Marshal family you are a beneficiary of the Marshal Family Trust."

"I'm 21, why can't I just have the money." Thoughts of independence and a life without rules were forming in Jesse's mind.

"Well, there are two reasons. First, your grandparents' Last Will and Testament that created the trust stipulates that you can receive trust payment directly only when you have graduated with a bachelor's degree from college, been honorably discharged from the military after completing four years of service, or attained the age of 27. Have you met any of those criteria."

Jesse looked down, "No, sir." As he reached for a pen, he suddenly stopped. "You said there are two reasons."

"Yes, your grandparents' will named me the sole manager and trustee of the trust. So, I have complete power to disperse payments from the trust and right now the amount I would be inclined to disperse to you would make the check from a minimum wage job look good."

"I see....What happens if.....well if something happens to you?"

"Thinking of doing me in?...Jordy, you're going to have to start tasting my food."

Jordy who had been casually listening piped up, "No way, I'm not getting in the middle of some sick family murder mystery. I'll taste your cum, but that's it."

"William laughed and Jesse breathed a large sigh. "No, Uncle Will, I didn't mean it like that. I just want to know if my dad will get control of the family trust if something happened to you. I don't think that would go well for me."

"I see. Your mother actually asked me the same question after I threatened to tighten the purse strings. I think I WOULD have had to hire a food tester if that bitch invited me for lunch. Actually, I will at some point name the person who will follow me, or I will transform the governance by naming a Board of Directors. If something should happen to me before that is done, the trust will be liquidated and the proceeds distributed equally between the named beneficiaries and several charities. Given that the Trust also pays the retirements of a number of former employees, your mother quickly realized that my death would severely reduce their, well her, financial position and she called off the poisoner."

The comment about the poisoner, finally got a smile from Jesse. He picked up the trust paper and signed it.

"Okay, now let's discuss the rules."

Jordy piped up again, "I think everyone needs another beer before we start. How about some sandwiches since we seemed to have skipped breakfast for some reason."

Jesse jumped up, "I'll help." Once in the kitchen, Jesse leaned against the counter and just exhaled and exclaimed, "fuck!"

Jordy put an arm around his shoulders and said. "Hang in there. You'll get through this. Just try to remember that your uncle may seem all gruff and my-way-or-the-highway, but down deep he is a teddy bear. -- Of course, that teddy bear is guarded by a big old grizzly."

When Jordy and Jesse returned with the beer and food, William was looking out over the city. Looking at the cityscape seemed to focus his mind. He returned to the table, again he paused for a moment and lowered his head. Jesse looked across the table at Jordy and noticed that he was simply watching William with a look of adoration and confidence.

When William returned his focus to the table he said, "This is just what I needed. Thanks for taking care of me. Let's finish eating before we continue." Most of the meal was spent talking about Jordy's recent business `errand' for William." While Jordy referred to the trip as an errand, Jesse got the distinct feeling that he was more than just a glorified errand boy. William seemed to be very interested in not only the report but Jordy's assessment of the people he met with-- although Jesse wasn't quite sure what they were really talking about. The conversation seemed to be in a shorthand that only the two of them knew.

Finally William said, "Well let's continue the family meeting and talk about the conditions of Jesse's stay."

Jesse muttered, "Some family."

Gordy looked amused and William took no note of Jesse' disgruntlement. He handed Jesse and Gordy each a sheet of paper with the title, "Expectations and Obligations Assigned to Jesse Marshal." William said "I know both of you can read, so I won't bother to state what you have before you. Please review it and then we can discuss any questions or concerns you might have."

As Jesse read the paper, he became increasing agitated. It was clear that he was chafing under his uncle's yoke. Uncle William intended to control Jesse's life completely. Jesse did notice that dictate 7' said: Jesse Marshal will not consume any intoxicants while living in the domain of William Marshal and his fiance Jordan Owens.' At the end a handwritten note added unless under the supervision of William Marshal or Jordan Owens.' Even what at first glance appeared to be a loosening of the rules pointed out that Jesse would have no autonomy, that he would be treated like he was 15 and not 21. However, it was dictate 11' that pushed Jesse over the edge.

Expectation #11: Jesse Marshall will observe a curfew from 8 p.m. to 7a.m. When not at home Jesse will have his phone in his possession and the share location function will be active and visible to William and/or Jordan.

Jesse exploded, "I am not a child, and I am certainly not your child. I have rights and you can't keep me locked up like I'm in jail. I won't live under your stupid fucking rules."

William looked at Jesse with the cool demeanor of a poker player that knows he has the winning hand. "You're right, I am not your parent." William took out his phone, placed it on the table, turned on the speaker, and pressed a button. The phone rang and soon a voice Jesse recognized answered, "Hello?"

"Monty, this is William. It seems Jesse does not want to live under my `stupid fucking rules.' Of course that means he will not be living under my stupid fucking roof. So I will be putting him on the next plane home."

"Home! This isn't his home. If he comes back here, he will be arrested. Tell that fucking pervert that if he steps foot in this state he will be arrested and spend 25 to life the bitch of some prison thug. You can kick him out. That's up to you. But he's not welcome here. Besides you're the one who controls all the family money; he's your problem." The phone went dead.

William looked at Jesse. Jesse was slumped in his chair and tears were running down his face. Jordy had stayed out of the discussion of the rules, but he had now moved behind Jesse's chair and was gently rubbing his shoulders to comfort the lost boy. Willam started in a much more caring voice, "I am sorry that you had to hear that, but you need to know where you stand. If you leave my house, you are on your own. You have no fallback position. This is it."

Jesse reached for a pen and signed the memo of Expectations and Obligations. Then sank back into his chair. Jordy finally spoke up. I know there is one more subject to cover, but we all need a break. This time it was Jordy and William who left the room. Jesse just stayed slumped in the chair and drained of hope.

In the kitchen Jordy looked at William with a concerned expression and asked, "Did you really have to do that?"

"Yes, I believe I did. His parents completely fucked up raising him. We have to tear him down and start over, or he will never be the man the family needs him to be."

"It just seems so cruel."

"It is cruel; that's why I'm doing and not you. You are too soft for the job."

"Watch it old man. Who are you calling too soft."

"I'm calling you soft stud. Your body may be built like a brick shithouse, but your heart is just a feather pillow," William said as he pulled Jordy in for a deep kiss.

When they broke, they noticed Jesse standing there not sure what to do.

"I just wanted a drink.... I wasn't trying to spy on you.... I'm sorry"

Jordy reached over and pulled Jesse into a hug with himself and his uncle. He said, "Jesse, it will work out. I and Uncle Grizzly Bear will make sure of that."

"Oh, so you think I'm a grizzly bear, do you. I'll show you grizzly bear," and William pulled both his young men into a deeper hug.

Finally, William opened the fridge and handed everyone a Dr. Pepper and said, "Let's finish the last item on the agenda. Jesse' shoulders sagged at the thought of more rules. But they all headed to the library.

After sitting down again, William handed Jesse a document titled `Employment and Educational Expectations for Jesse Marshal. Jesse looked at William with an expression of confusion.

"Well," said William with a smile in the corner of his mouth, "I hope you didn't expect to sit around my apartment, eat bonbons, and get fat. You will be employed by The Marshal Family Trust as a paid intern. In addition to the standard benefits the trust provides it interns: health insurance, gym membership, and living accommodations, you will receive an allowance based on performance."

"I suppose you will be the one evaluating my performance," Jesse said with a snark.

Suddenly Jordy who had been silent during most of the meeting leaned forward and in a loud and agitated voice called out Jesse for his attitude. "Look you ungrateful, entitled, fucking asswipe, do you realize how many people would sell their soul for this opportunity. Hell, I would have given my left nut in exchange for this offer, but you just play the victim--'woe is me, I am just the poor rich kid who was born with a silver dildo in my ass.' Just shut the fuck up and be thankful you Uncle isn't kicking you to the curb or worse sending you back home to be a prison bitch."

Jordy sat back in his chair, his eyes still boiling with anger over the ingratitude for the generosity his lover was offering a fuck up of a nephew. After a moment of shock at being told so plainly what an ingrate he was being, Jesse looked at William and said "Sorry Uncle Will." Then he turned to Jordy, "You're right, I am being an ass."

William paused and then continued, "Actually, you will start as a general office boy and your supervisor will be Maggy Thompson, the office manager. Frankly, you will wish I were doing you evaluations."

Jordy let out a slight laugh. The fire from his outburst has completely extinguished in his eyes and returned to youthful enthusiasm that normally lit them.

"As for education," William continued, "You will be enrolled at University of Missouri-Kansas City for the next term. I have made arrangements for you to be admitted provisionally. Your past academic performance was a bit of a concern with the admissions department, but we worked it out."

Jordy again chuckled.

"Okay Uncle Will," Jesse said with a bit of uncertainty, "I will try to do better this time."

"Oh, I'm sure you will do much better. You won't have the distractions of living on, after his little tirade of a few minutes ago, I am sure Jordy will be volunteering to tutor you."

William looked at Jordy and smiled, "Won't you honey pot."

"Ah...sure...I can help Jesse get back on track," Jordy said, being caught off guard by the offer of his assistance and the cutesy name William called him.

William looked at Jesse and smiled, "I know he tells people that I'm an old Grizzly Bear, so I have to remind him how much bears like to lick honey."

Jordy turned beet red and Jesse couldn't stifle the laugh. The tension that had been hanging in the room all afternoon finally broke like a thunderstorm on a hot and humid August afternoon. All three men smiled and for the first time there was a feeling that things would work. Each new there would be rough going but in the end they would make the trip together.

Jordy looked at Jesse and asked, "So what do you want to study?"

Well, I always wanted to study art, but dad told me that was a waste of time."

"Nothing you have a passion to do is a waste of time," William said. "If you want to study art, study art. However, I will insist that you also take some business classes. It might be hard to explain to the IRS why funding an art education is a business expenditure for Marshal Family Trust."

Jordy smiled.

"Enough business! Sorry there won't be time for questions from the floor, this family meeting is adjourned. I need some BBQ, so it's casual dress and meet me in the living room in ten minutes.

When Jordy closed the door to their bedroom, he grabbed William and gave him a big kiss. "You are a good uncle, old man. You are doing right by that kid."

"I hope so. Wait, when did you start calling me old man. You've been trying to convince me for two years that I am not too old to marry you. Are you getting cold feet?"

"Not in your life, but I do like my wise, sexy, mature man. When we get back home, you are going to show my ass the tricks you cock has learned over 60 years."

William pulled Jordy in for a long kiss, and slid his hand into Jordy's jockeys to rub his cock. They slipped out of their clothes and fell back on the bed. Their naked bodies intertwined and the sexual tension was building when they heard from the hallway, "It's been 15 minutes, are we getting BBQ or should I put a pizza in the oven."

William and Jordy laughed. Jordy said, "Shit, we have a 21-year-old cock blocker living with us."

"Do you think we could give him a quarter and send him to the corner drugstore for an ice cream cone?"

"A quarter for an ice cream cone? You are an old man."

Next Chapter -- Tough Love in Kansas City: The Itch

Next: Chapter 4

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