Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on Mar 26, 2021


Tough Love in Kansas City: Family Trust

William woke to Jesse' voice screaming, "Who the hell are you, and why the fuck are you naked in Uncle William's kitchen." He ran to the kitchen and burst into laughter. What he saw was Jordy and Jesse both naked and holding kitchen equipment as if they were gladiators in some crazy Roman Kitchen Stadium games.

"Hey, everyone take a breath before someone loses any eye or a finger--something really important," William half shouted and half laughed. Slowly the two naked combatants lowered their weapons. William looked at Jesse and said, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that Jordy would be here this morning. He's my assistant."

"Okay, why is he naked and in the kitchen making himself breakfast."

"Well, when we became lovers, it seemed like a time saver for him to move in and to not have to run back to his apartment every morning for clean underwear."

"Like I wear underwear," Jordy said in his best, most snarky 37-year-old voice. That got another chuckle from William."

"Plus, he can contribute what he was paying in rent to the wedding and honeymoon fund."

Jesse' eye grew wide and his jaw dropped. After a minute to process what he just heard he blurted out to his uncle, "Are you gay?"

Jordy interjected, "Yeah Sherlock, that's what they call it when you'd rather shove your cock up the ass of a hot boy than a stinky V. Oh and FYI, if you haven't guessed, I'm the boy with the hot ass." To emphasize the point Jordy flashed Jesse a peek of his rosebud.

"Jordy, you can drop the gay diva shit. You know I can only take so much of that," William said taking control of the situation. "Yes, I am gay. Didn't you ever wonder why the last time you saw your Uncle William was your 8th birthday party at your grandparents' house in Columbia, Mo.? After you and your sister went to bed I decided it was time to come out to my family. Well, your grandparents were stunned and just sat there, but your mother went off on a `gays are all pediphiles and peverts" rant and we are all going to hell. She then declared that I was to never have any contact with you or your sister."

"What did dad say?"

"For a man who I am sure is getting no pussy, he is the most pathetically pussy whipped mouse I have ever seen. So, I have not had contact with you or your sister since."

"But you still always sent us presents for birthdays, and Christmas. And when we graduated you gave us each $5,000 for a trip to Europe. You didn't have to do any of that with the way you were treated."

"It was not your or Jennifer's fault that your mother is a bitch and your father a weakling."

While William was talking, Jordy had silently maneuvered to a position behind him and now had his arms wrapped around his chest. William's face betrayed nothing, but Jordy knew this was a deep wound in his lover's heart.

"Wait," Jesse said as his mind caught up with the conversation, "Did you say wedding? Are you two getting married?"

"Yeah, that's legal now," Jordy said with a noticeable tinge of snark in his voice which prompted a soft jab to the ribs from William.

But...aren't... well, I mean...

"Hold on sonny boy." Jordy interrupted. If the next words out of your mouth are `But, aren't you too young for my uncle," I will kick your ass down 11 flights of stairs and out into the street. Besides if my memory serves, you have your own taste for hot young boy ass."

As soon as he said it, Jordy knew the last comment crossed a line and before he could apologize Jesse bolted for his room.

William turned and looked at Jordy. The expression on William's face made Jordy feel like he had just kicked a puppy. "I know, I am an ass. I shouldn't get so defensive about our age differences. And, I know the young boy ass thing was a mean cheap shot. I'll make it right with Jesse. Can you forgive me?"

"Well you are an ass, then a smile crossed Williams lips, "but, you are my cute little ass."

"Hey, my ass is not little. I've been working glutes at the gym."

"I've noticed. I bet I could bounce a quarter off those mounds. When you told Jesse you would kick his ass down 11 flights of stairs. I wanted to add you're talking to the meanest goon that ever played ice hockey at Minnesota State."

"Goon? William Marshal, I am offended. I prefer to think of my role as the enforcer of righteous justice."

"Yeah, keep covering my clean kitchen floor with that bull shit and I'll show you righteous justice. Now go take a shower...And, put on some clothes for fuck sake."

"It is for fucks sake that I choose not to wear clothing at home."

"Are you sure your major was Business and not Drama."

"Why Uncle Willie, I do declare....."

"Jordy, you can cut the Uncle Willie shit right now. Also if I don't see the masculine jock I fell in love with soon, the wedding is off."

"Yes, Sir," Jordy barked, snapping to attention. "Masuline jock Jordan Preston Owens reporting for duty."

William couldn't keep a straight face at the sight of his 6'2" 206 pound muscular lover standing ramrod straight and saluting while buck naked. Jordy turned on his heels and marched off to take a shower.

Twenty minutes later, showered, dressed in gym clothes and holding two cups of coffee, Jordy knocked on Jesse' bedroom door.

"Come in." When the door opened and Jesse saw who it was, he looked down at the floor. "Oh, it's you."

"Can I come."

"Sure, it's your house, or at least it will be soon."

"Hey kid." Jesse' head snapped up. "Shit, that's not how I intended to start this conversation. Here, your uncle said you drink coffee. How about I just sit down, drink my coffee, and then start again."

"Okay," Jesse said, taking the cup. They drank their coffee in silence, only occasionally looking at each other.

Ten minutes passed and Jordy finally broke the silence. "Jesse, I am really sorry for how I acted and what I said this morning. I was a complete asshole."

Jesse stopped staring into his coffee cup and looked up, but remained silent and allowed Jordy to continue.

"I am very defensive when I think someone is questioning the age difference between William and me.'

"Honestly, I wasn't going to say anything about the age difference. It's just that I've always heard that Uncle Will is a stickler for rules. It used to piss my dad off that he would never bend th rules even a little to "help out his brother." So, I hope this doesn't offend you, but you are his secretary."

Jordy bristled, "I am not a secretary, I am a personal assistant." Then a small smile twitched in the corner of his mouth and he added, "Okay, I do get him coffee and a bagel every morning from the canteen; but damn it, that's because I love him." Both men shared a tension releasing laugh before Jordy continued. "As for your uncle breaking the rules and dating, then fucking, and soon to be marring a subordinate, that is all on me. I had just finished my MBA at Minnesota State..."

"That's where you played hockey." Jordy took a hard look at a blushing Jesse. "Sorry, I can be a bit too nosy about other people's business, and I have better than normal hearing."

"Good to know, I'll have William order you some good Boze headphones from Amazon."


"When you live on the 11th floor of an office building, you don't have to worry that the neighbors will be woke up by screams of `YES, YES, Fuck me deep my viking stud."

"I can't imagine Uncle William saying that."

"What makes you think your uncle is the bottom."

"Oh....Oh....I just thought that.....well......"

"You just thought that because I am this beast of an athlete that I would be the top," Jordy said as he flexed his arms. "I'm not going to tell you what I and your uncle do in private, but I will tell you, we treat each other right, we do what we like, and we go for what we want. Which is how I got you uncle."

"You got my uncle?"

"Yeah, your uncle didn't break the rules; I did. Like I was saying, I had just finished my MBA at Minnesota State and didn't really know what to do. I wasn't getting the sort of job offers I wanted and I didn't want to move back in with my parents and wait tables at the local cafe. So, I started hunting for internships online. A friend of mine had landed a job with Marshal Properties and told me there was an internship in the Kansas City office, so I applied because an apartment was included in the internship.

"I was at Marshal Properties for two months and only saw your uncle when he went to his office or needed someone to run an errand. I spent most of my time doing billing, purchasing, etc. Basic account 101. The job wasn't great, but the people were. I decided if there was a chance to get hired on, I would go for it. Then it happened, your uncle exploded from his office and yelled, Can't anyone get that that fucking Madison Building project back on schedule and under budget." The office went silent. It seems that the Madison Building projects was one of the few of William's deals that was not working out. No one wanted anything to do with it. He yelled even louder, Well, are you all going to just sit there. Who's got the balls to take on this project.'

"I don't know what made me do it but I stood up and said, Sir, I can do it, I've got the balls.' The entire office just looked at me like I had lost my mind, like I had just volunteered for a suicide mission. Your uncle just looked at me and yelled, Then get your ass in my office.' I could have shit my pants. I almost ran for the door rather than walking into your uncle's office.

"When I walked in, he told me to sit and then he closed the door. He didn't say anything. He just pulled a bottle of bourbon from the desk and two glasses. After pouring us each a drink, he leaned back in his chair, looked me square in the eyes, and took a big gulp. Not wanting to look like a pussy, it did the same. Shit, I started coughing and pulling at my tie. I couldn't breath, I was hot and all I could hear was your uncle laughing his head off.

When I finally stopped coughing, caught a breath, and wiped my runny nose, William had stopped laughing. He looked at me and said "Son, you have balls; you've got shit-for-brains; but you've got balls."

Jesse looked up and said, "Uncle William called me "Shit-for Brains."

"Yeah, I think it is a term of endearment for young men he thinks are worth investing his time and energy in."

A smile crossed Jesse' lips and he took another sip of coffee.

Jordy continued, "William asked me if I knew anything about managing a construction project. I said, Not one damn thing.' He just looked at me and said, I'm the one who has shit-for-brains. I just hired a kid to run a three-quarter million dollar renovation because he said he has balls.' We spent the next ten minutes just looking at each other. I thought I was so fired, but he finally smiled and said Well,...what the hell is your name?" I said Jordy, sir.'

"Well, Jordy I hope you like takeout and long nights. I'll be damned if I'm going to fire you after the jackass spectacle I just made of myself, and I sure as hell will not lose money on that project. So son, you just enrolled in `Project Management for Real Estate Redevelopers.'

"For the next four months I spent every evening after the rest of the office went home working on the Madison Building project. I learned so much in that time and I felt so special that your uncle was investing so much in my career and education. I saw the side of him that few people get to see. The witty, funny, sociable side. I didn't want that to end.

"One thing struck me as unusual. We were never alone. When we worked late a secretary or manager always had something to do, or a janitor cleaned the carpets, one time one of the security guys even came in to watch Monday Night Football. When we went out to celebrate or relax, we alway met at the restaurant or his club. I just figured that was how the office operated until one night the secretary who was staying late came in and asked if she could leave because her child was sick. William said sure, and then said we would head out as well. I thought that was odd because we had a lot of work that needed to be finished.'

"A week later, I couldn't take it anymore and I walked into his office, closed the door, and poured us each a scotch. After a few uncomfortable minutes, I said, `Does my being gay bother you.'

"He just looked at me and said `I didn't know you are gay, why the question?'

"Because you never want to be alone with me. You alway arrange for someone to be in the office when we work late. We alway drive in seperate cars. We alway eat and socialize in very public places. I know I am just an employee, but I feel you have an issue with my sexuality.'

"William dipped his head, the only time I remember him not looking me in the eyes when saying something serious. He said, `You are not just an employee. I am gay and I don't trust myself around you. And now that I know you are gay, I am even more conflicted.'

"Then and there, I decided that William Marshall was my true love and I would do everything it took to get what I wanted and what I hoped, no I believed, he wanted. The problem was your uncle wouldn't bend the rules, even for the guy who loved him.'

"I finally walked into his office and threw my resignation on his desk and scream at him `There you fucking asshole I resign. I have no income, I will end up on the street, but you can date me now. Damn you and your stupid rules.'

We just stood and stared at each other. Finally, there was a knock on the door and the senior property manager stepped in and asked if the two of us could come out and talk to the staff. William did not look happy and flat out refused to go, but Shauna the cute receptionist stuck her head in and said Pretty please Mr. Marshal' and he couldn't resist her. So we reluctantly and with a fair bit of embarrassment walked into the main office. The entire staff was there just looking at us. Maggy the office manager said, `We have taken a vote and by a count of 16-1 the staff thinks it is time you guys grow some balls and go out on a date.'

"William still wasn't giving in and said, `It wouldn't be fair for me to date Jordy when I won't let you date anyone in the office.' Then Mary from accounting spoke up. "We have a solution, you simply hire Jordy as your personal assistant. That way he isn't an employee of Marshal Properties and you can write whatever rules of employment you want.'

"I get it, but there is still someone who is not comfortable with Jordy and I dating. You said there was one no vote.' Maggy spoke up again, Well it really wasn't a no vote. Someone wrote on their ballot that you should quote: Just take the elevator up two floors and fuck like bunnies.' The entire office burst into laughter and that is how I became your uncle's personal assistant, lover, and fiance."

Jesse looked up and said "Thanks for telling me all of that. I really don't know him at all."

"Well you and your uncle will likely be at each other's throats at times, especially when he tells you his rules, but alway remember that down deep he believes in you and cares about you more than you know or he can show."

"So what about us? Are you my Uncle Jordy?"

"Don't call me that again unless you want to see the kind of ass whooping a 37-year-old ex-hockey goon can put on your frat boy ass. I am also not your brother, but I would like to be your friend."

"I would like that."

A voice came booming from the living room. "Shit-for-Brains 1 and Shit-for-Brains 2, family meeting in the library in five minutes.

Jesse and Jordy looked at each other and smiled.

Next chapter -- Tough Love in Kansas City: The Rules

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Next: Chapter 3

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