Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on Aug 15, 2021


Tough Love in Kansas City 16: At Home in Tyler's Arms

Jordy's and William's iPhones dinged to notify them that an event had been added to the Marshal Trust calendar. Jordy was just barely awake, enjoying a nice morning cuddle with William, and hoping for a bit more before the start of the day. "Who the hell is adding meetings to the company calendar this early in the morning."

"Probably Maggy adding my funeral," William said, still half asleep, "You and she seem to have my retirement planned out to the minute."

Jordy picked the phone up from his nightstand and yelled, "They've fucking done it."

"Who had fucking done what?"

Jordy read the calendar entry, "October 14: Marshal/Davidson Wedding & Reception."

"That's quick," William said, "I wonder which one of them is pregnant?"

Jordy burst into laughter and then his phone received a text message. Jordy said, "Get up William, we need to get dressed."

"Why? It's six o'clock in the f-ing morning and the traffic report doesn't show any traffic between this bed and my desk."

"That was a text from Jesse. Tyler is making breakfast and they expect us there in 45 minutes."

"They just announced their wedding. Why aren't they having a good celebration fuck instead of dragging me out of bed for breakfast?"

"My guess is to give us our orders."

"Orders? How about I just offer to pay for the whole thing and call it even."

"William, be a good uncle," Jordy said with a note of admonition.

Forty-five minutes later, William and Jordy opened the passage door to Jesse's and Tyler's apartment. William yelled "Hello." Jesse responded, "On the terrace." Like the terrace from William's and Jordy's apartment it had the great view of the city that had inspired William to make his home in the Marshal building. The boys hugged their uncles and mentors and were showered with congratulations. After French toast, bacon, and scrambled eggs were served, Jesse said, "I call this family meeting to order."

William laughed, "I told you he was going to shove me out the door."

"I could never do that, Uncle Will."

Jordy smiled, "So what kind of wedding do you guy's want?"

"We've rented the Pilgrim Chapel for the service. We wanted a church wedding," Tyler said. "We started attending Church with George and Evan, but the Presbyterian Church they go to is so large. So we opted for something smaller." Pilgrim's Chapel was originally built in 1941 for the Pilgrim Lutheran Church for the Deaf. After the Church closed, the building became a non-denominational community space. It's walls are thick stone and the exterior is ivy-covered. The interior has simple stained glass and a beautiful vaulted timber ceiling.

"That is a wonderful building," William said. "What time do you plan to have the service?"

"The service will be at 10:30, and we are hoping to have the reception in the Marshal Building ballroom."

"Damn, right you will have your reception in the ballroom," William said. "We didn't spend all that money to have the place gather dust." Jordy and the boys laughed.

"Jordy, would you be willing to help Tyler plan the reception?" Jesse asked.

"Absolutely," Jordy said, "As you know Megan and Alexandra are the caterers for Marshal Trust events. Is it okay if they did your wedding reception?"

"Yes, we would love that," Tyler said, "But, they have to be at the wedding. We want the boys to be ring bearers. We also want them to be guests at the reception, rather than working it."

"I am sure that will work," Jordy said. "Their staff has done several events already in the ballroom and knows what to do."

"We have decided to have Monty walk us both down the aisle together," Jesse said. He then turned to William and said, "Uncle Will, you have stood by me, and with me, for the last year. I don't know what I would have done without you. Would you be my best man?"

"I would be honored to be your best man." William said, wiping away a tear. He and Jesse both stood and hugged.

"My family is small and scattered, Tyler said. "We will invite them, but in reality my family and my life is here. Also, Jesse and I both realize that our being together is the result of the special magic Jordy performs everyday for the people he loves. Jordy, would you be my best man?

"Yes, of course I would." Now all four men were in tears and hugging. Over the last year, tough love had become easy, mutual, warm love.

A week later, Tyler was cleaning the media room when he found a letter stuck between the cushions of the couch. He opened it expecting to find more junk mail that Jesse had not put in the recycling bin. "I am going to have to talk with that boy about what to do with trash." Tyler said aloud with a smile. However, when Tyler looked at the letter, it was from the Blue Gallery. It said:

"Due to circumstances beyond the artist's control, an exhibition scheduled to open October 5, had to be cancelled. After consultation with the professors of the UMKC Art Department, we have decided to feature the work of three UMKC art students. Mr. Marshal, you are one of the artists selected for this exhibit. Please let us know by September 12 if you are interested in providing ten pieces for this exhibit."

"Jesse Montague Marshal, get your ass in here right now," Tyler yelled. When Jesse walked into the room, he knew he was in trouble. Tyler handed him the letters and asked, "What is this?"

Jesse looked at the letter and then said, "With the wedding, school, and work, I don't have time for this stuff."

"Jesse, this isn't just stuff we are talking about. It is your art. It is something you care about; and I care about it because I love you. So what is the real reason?"

"I have the pieces from the student art exhibit, but..."

"But what?"

"I need four more pieces."

"So? You've got a studio full of pieces. Surely, you have four in there that you would want to put in the show."

"Yes, but they...well...I don't..."

"I see, you don't want to include them because they are the nudes you did of me."

Jesse nodded.

"Look Jesse, those are not nudes of me; they are what you see when you look at me. Every time I look at them, I don't see myself, I see you. So, I get it if you don't want to share yourself with others, but don't hold back because you think I will be ashamed or feel exploited by your art. I am proud to show people your art, and if I am part of your art, I am proud of that as well."

Jesse grasped Tyler's face with his hands, gave him a kiss, and said, "You are my muse and my life. What would I do without you?"

"I don't know. But I do know you need to give the Blue Gallery a call and tell them you are in the exhibit, or I'll find myself another artist to inspire?"

Jesse asked Tyler to select four pieces for the exhibit that featured him as the model. Tyler selected "Nordic Spring" a nude of himself as the Norse god Balder. It was cast in an epoxy resin with just a tint of blue. When lit from below it looked like ice on the verge of melting. The second piece was the first nude Jesse had done of him, a painting simply titled "muse." The third was a charcoal study Jesse had done for "Nordic Spring" titled "Study No. 3." The last was a painting of Tyler standing naked on the apartment terrace and looking out at the Kansas City skyline at dusk. It was titled "The Naked City."

The night the exhibit opened, the gallery hosted a reception for patrons to meet the artists. Jesse's pieces were creating a buzz and several local art critics were eager to interview him. Toward the end of the evening, the gallery owner found Jesse and Tyler. "Jesse," he said, "I know you are not interested in selling "Nordic Spring," but I have a friend who is a New York dealer and she would like to make a limited edition, numbered, and signed reproduction series of the sculpture. Would you be interested in meeting her?"

"I don't know," Jesse said. "That piece is very personal. And..."

"And Jesse isn't sure he likes the idea of people staring at my cock," Tyler said. "Look Jesse, I knew what I was doing when I agreed to pose for you. As I told you, I am not ashamed. I want people to see your work. Plus, you were wanting to start an art center for kids who aren't being exposed to the arts. This would be a way to start raising the funds for that project."

"Okay," Jesse said, "we will meet with her."

The next day Jesse and Tyler met with Amber Epps in Jesse's studio. "Thank you for meeting with me," Epps said. My gallery's niche is finding new regional artists from outside New York City and introducing them to the NYC art world. First let me say I think you have real talent."

"Thank you, but?" Jesse said.

"But, art is as much a promotion as talent, and you and Tyler are very promotable." Amber said. Young, good looking --strike that, hot-- and gay will appeal to a lot of people to whom who I market. I know I am sounding exploitive, but that's the reality of being an art dealer. We have a saying in my business: Those who can, create art; those who can't, create buzz. So, what I would like to do is sign you to an exclusive contract to show you work in the New York market."

Tyler looked at Jesse and said, "remember Art Center."

"Art Center?" inquired Epps.

"Yes, Jesse has a dream of starting a community art center for underprivileged kids," Tyler said.

"Oh my," Epps cooed, "You boys are an art dealer's wet dream. Add philanthropy for underprivileged kids to a brochure and the prices go up 10 percent. Shit, you should just spank me. I am such a bad girl."

"Hold on there," Tyler said, "he is only allowed to spank me. Also, we are in real estate, so we know that promotion is part of the game of selling. Regardless of how good your product is, if you don't promote it, you won't sell it."

Jesse put his arm around Tyler's shoulders. "He's not just my muse; he's my anchor to the real world. So, if Tyler thinks it is a good idea, then I agree."

When Amber Epps left, Tyler jumped into Jesse's arms and wrapped his legs around his waist, and said, "My man has found both his career and passion."

"So, what is your passion," Jesse asked.


"Seriously, what do you want to do besides work and fuck my brains out."

"I'm working on that, but for now, I am not ready to tell anyone--even you."

"Oh, a secret. I have ways of making you talk!" and Jesse began to tickle Tyler's ribs as he carried him to the bedroom.

Jordy was stumped on what to do for Jesse and Tyler's bachelor party. After the Viking themed bachelor party the two organized for him and William he felt some pressure to do something unusual. He decided to walk down to George's office to see if he had any ideas. When he got to the legal department, Jennifer was there."

"Jennifer, I didn't know you would be here today," Jordy said.

"I have a couple of projects from my internship to wrap up before classes start, and George is being a gentleman and helping out."

George said to Jordy, "You look like you have something on your mind."

"Well, Willam assigned me the task of organizing Jesse's and Tyler's bachelor party, and I am stumped for ideas."

"It is hard to think of those two as bachelors," George said. "Ever since Evan and I met them we have felt they were somehow alway connected. Tyler told us about the night you and William set him up with Jesse. He always talks about the "family meetings." I have never met any couple as big on family as those two."

"Ryan and I have noticed that as well," Jennifer said. "You would think that Jesse wouldn't care at all about family after our experiences growing up, but he is all about creating family. I know they think of you and Uncle Will as family, but for them it's more than that. For them Marshal Family Trust isn't about property and investments, it is their family. Oh, and don't forget the Bottoms Up Boys. Jesse and Tyler are like kids when they have those two hooligans over for a sleepover."

"How are Jesse and your father getting along," Jordy asked Jennifer.

"I can believe it. I have never seen them so good with each other." Jennifer said. "When Jesse learned about what dad did for Tyler during the kidnapping, not just standing up to the nurse at the hospital, but comforting Tyler when we didn't know what was happening to him, he was overwhelmed."

"So I am planning a bachelor party for two kids and all their cousins," Jordy said. "Hell, I should just rent Worlds of Fun and call it good." Instantly, Jennifer and George smiled. "What?" asked Jordy. Then he heard in his mind the replay of what he just said, and smiled as well.

The Saturday before the wedding was Jesse and Tyler Family Day at Worlds of Fun Amusement Park. Jordy purchased tuxedo T-shirts and black shorts for both boys to wear and rented a limo to bring them to the amusement park. When they arrived, they were greeted by the employees and families of Marshal Family Trust, Bottoms Up Brewery, and Urban Ag, as well as other friends and family.

Jesse and Tyler embraced each other, then Jesse said, "Thank you for being the Marshal Family. Tyler and I are so proud and happy to be a part of this family and these wonderful organizations. In a week from today, Tyler and I will commit our lives to each other, but today, we want to say we are also committed to the Marshal Family Legacy and what it means to our family, our employees, our communities, and our City. Thank you." There was a loud and warm response from the group then Tyler said, "Now, go have some fun." Jesse and Tyler were patted on the back, hugged, and congratulated as the crowd entered the part.

Jesse talked Tyler into riding the Mamba, Worlds of Fun's premier roller coaster. While Tyler was no longer the white knuckle rider he was the first time on the Mamba, a 75 mile per hour drop from 205 feet always made Tyler scream, a fact Jesse found cute and irritated Tyler.

Jennifer said, "Don't feel bad, Ryan is also a screamer."

Evan and George were laughing. "I'm not ashamed to admit it," George said, "I scream like a little girl on roller coasters."

Just then Andrew and Aaron ran up and grabbed Jesse and Tyler around the legs. "Bro Jesse and Bro Tyler, we want to ride the Snoopy Rocket," Andrew said. But the man said we are too little to ride by ourselves," Aaron added. "Will you ride with us?"

"Of course we will," Jesse said. "But one of you will have to hold Bro Tyler's hand. He gets scared on rides."

"I will hold your hand, Bro Tyler," Aaron said.

"Thank you," Tyler said to Aaron, then he looked at Jesse. "At least someone cares about me."

Ryan wrapped an arm around Jennifer as she took pictures of Jesse, Tyler, and the Bottoms Up Boys. Ryan said, "Our kids are going to be so lucky to have two cool uncles."

William and Jordy played host all day. They made sure everyone was fed, hydrated, and having fun. That evening William was sitting on the couch wearing just a bathrobe, drinking a beer, and watching the American League playoffs.

Jordy stretched out and put his head in William's lap. After a bit, Jordy said, "We were so busy, we didn't get to ride a rollercoaster today."

William took a sip of beer, then reached down to tweak Jordy's right nipple. He took another sip, then said, "I've got my own thrill ride."

Jordy smiled, turned off the game, rolled over, opened William's robe, and swallowed his enlarging cock. William put his head back and looked at the ceiling as Jordy expertly took him to the edge before pulling back.

Jordy looked up at William and asked, "Sir, am I tall enough for this ride."

"I think you just made it."

Jordy stood and slowly removed his clothes. William's cock dripped in anticipation. When Jordy was completely naked he flexed so his husband could feast on his 6'2" muscular body. Jordy was a masculine god and William ached to touch him. Jordy opened Williams' robe to expose his hairy chest and hard nipples. Jordy buried his face in William's chest, inhaled and caught his lover's natural aroma: dominance. William oozed alpha male and his pheromones were Jordy's intoxicant.

William couldn't wait any longer. He pushed Jordy onto the floor and shoved his legs back until Jordy's pink pucker was exposed and vulnerable. William attacked it with his tongue. Jordy moaned as William lubed Jordy with saliva. Soon it was time. William stood above Jordy and a drop of pre fell onto Jordy's lips. Jordy's tongue quickly gathered the salty nectar.

William placed the head of his cock on Jordy's hole and waited for Jordy's assent. He impatiently said, "Fuck me now," and William drove balls deep into Jordy. Jordy screamed with both pain and pleasure and he was filled by William's massive cock. William knew that when Jordy was in his current mood, only a punishing fuck would sate his carnal beast. William began to drip sweat onto Jordy, who was demanding more. Finally, Jordy yelled, Oh, Fuuuck!" and released a torrent of cum onto his sweaty torso. The contraction of Jordy's ass and the smell of his cum provoked William to release a torrent of cream into Jordy's bowels. When he had poured out his last load, William gently helped Jordy to his feet and massaged his body. William saw that Jordy's shoulders were red from where they had rubbed on the rug.

"Did I hurt you?" William asked with concern.

"No, I needed it rough. I needed to be dominated. Now, I'm ready to be loved," and Jordy led William to the bedroom. Jesse and Tyler might have heard Jordy's primal howls, if not for their own feverish effort to satisfy sexual needs.

The morning of October 14th was glorious. Morning sunlight filled the Pilgrim Chapel with light. A gentle Autumn breeze danced through the hall carrying the fragrance of harvest. The string quartet sounded grand in the small chapel.

William, Jordy, and the Minister took their positions at the front of the Chapel. William and Jordy were wearing the grey tuxes they bought for their own reception. The doors at the rear of the chapel opened and Andrew and Aaron walked in each carrying a square box with a ring. The Bottoms Up Boys were wearing tuxes that matched William and Jordy. The boys took their positions next to William and Jordy. The quartet began to play Beethoven's Ode to Joy. Monty appeared at the chapel door and William signaled for the congregation to stand. Monty walked in with Tyler on his left and Jesse on his right. Their tuxes match the cut of William's and Jordy's but were Onyx Black. When they reached the front, Monty gave each boy a hug before taking his seat.

The wedding was quite simple. Pastor Everett welcomed the guests. Then asked Jesse and Tyler to express their commitments to each other.

Jesse began, "Tyler, I love you with all my heart. I can't imagine my life without you. You make me laugh, you inspire me, you make me a better person. I pledge that I will stand by you and with you forever. You know I am not perfect, but your willingness to put up with me anyway is the most perfect gift you could ever give me. I give you this ring as a symbol of my unbroken commitment and love." Andrew opened the box he was holding, and Jesse removed the ring and placed it on Tyler's hand.

Then Tyler said, "Jesse, you are the love of my life. You fill my heart with joy. You defend me, you strengthen me, you complete me. I pledge myself to you completely and without reserve. You know I have a few quirks, but your understanding and support is the most perfect gift you could ever give me. I give you this ring as a symbol of my unbroken commitment and love." Then, Aaron opened the box he was holding, and Tyler took the ring and put it on Jesse's finger.

Pastor Everett said, "I now declare this marriage both legal and sacred."

Jesse gently kisses Tyler to the approval of the onlookers.

Pastor Everett, said, "I present to you, Jesse and Tyler, husbands and partners."

The musicians started to play the traditional wedding recessional and Jesse and Tyler walked out of the Chapel. Pastor Everett invited everyone to join in celebrating the marriage with Jesse and Tyler at the Marshal Building Ballroom.

The ballroom was smartly decorated and the food, beer, wine, and other drinks were flowing when Jesse and Tyler walked into the ballroom. William and Jordy led the well wishers in a hearty round of applause. Jesse led Tyler onto the dance floor and the DJ played "You Are the Best Thing.". As they danced, Jesse and Tyler looked into each other's eyes and sang along with Ray LaMontagne.

After cutting the cake, the boys greeted their guests. Eventually, Jordy sat down at the grand piano. William grabbed Jesse and Tyler and seated them on each side of Jordy. Then Jordy started to play and sing "What a Wonderful World." When he finished Jesse and Tyler were both in tears and the audience applauded. Jesse and Tyler each kissed one of Jordy's cheeks.

Jesse stood up and took the microphone. He wiped away another tear and said, "When I knocked on Uncle William's door a year and a half ago. I would have never thought that song would speak to me. I was an entitled frat brat who thought the world owed him something. Uncle William set to the task of kicking the entitlement out of me." The crowd laughed. "I shed a lot of tears the first month: selfish, privileged tears. However, Uncle William and Jordy never let up on me, and they never gave up on me. Then, when I was finally ready, they introduced me to Tyler."

Tyler had moved next to Jesse and he now slipped his hand around Jesse's waist and they kissed. Then Jesse continued, "Uncle William, Jordy, we will never be able to repay you for all you have given us." Tyler couldn't continue; he was too emotional and handed the microphone to William.

"What you don't know Jesse," William said, "Is that I also shed some tears that first month. Jordy just kept telling me to be a good uncle. I hope I was. As for owing Jordy and me anything, you don't. But you do have a debt to the next generation of Marshals, Marshal employees, and the people of Kansas City. You well know, the Marshal legacy is not in the past, it is in the future. You and Tyler, with the help of the people in this room, will be responsible for the Marshal legacy, and for preparing the next generation to steward that legacy."

Jordy lifted his glass of champagne and the servers distributed glasses to the crowd. Jordy said, "To Jesse and Tyler: friends, lovers, and partners. We ask that they be blessed with long life, happiness, and the love of friends and family." The crowd cheered and drank to the boy's union.

Jesse and Tyler kissed, smiled, and ran for the door to the laughter and applause of the reception guests.

This is the end of Tough Love in Kansas City: however, it is not the end of the Marshal Family story. I hope to write additional stories about William, Jordy, Jesse, Tyler, and the rest of the characters in their lives.

Thank you for reading Tough Love in Kansas City. I especially appreciate the comments and feedback on the story. I will continue to work on Quarterback Keeper and possibly add another chapter to Saving Jordan. Also, don't forget to support

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