Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on Jul 28, 2021


Tough Love in Kansas City: Something Wicked This Way Comes

Jordy lay on William's chest and played with his left nipple. As always sex that morning had been vigorous and satisfying. Jordy relished Saturday mornings and looked forward to the day every day could be a Saturday; although, he doubted that William would ever retire. While he might turn over the reins of Marshal Family Trust to Jesse and Tyler, he would find some new project to absorb his energy and talent. Jordy was alright with that; in fact, he looked forward to helping William with whatever would come next. Jordy had already built the infrastructure for William's post-Trust life. The offices on the 11th floor were finished and he and Maggy had moved into their new quarters.

Jordy had initially planned to replicate William's office on the 9th floor with himself and Maggy occupying the outer office, but when William saw the plans he nixed them, saying, "Jordy is my partner, not my assistant. He will have an office the same size as mine." Jordy smiled when he remembered William adding, "--and, there will be a double door between them so I can look at him anytime I want." Jordy asked Jesse and Tyler to help decorate the new offices, and William was banished until the grand unveiling.

The outer office was in keeping with the style of the building, traditional and sophisticated. The office complex was long and narrow ensuring that every office had a view of the city. The outer door of the office complex was oak and had a W and a J intertwined by an ampersand and the word Ventures underneath. The outer office was designed to hide all of the normal office paraphernalia. Copiers, printers, etc. were located in a separate workroom. Maggy's computer screen retracted into the desk when not in use, and the phone was a wireless headset controlled by a flush digital touch screen. Behind Maggy was a magnificent view of Kansas City.

To the right was a door that led to the conference room. Again a magnificent view of KC was the center of attention. Across from the windows, Tyler had put together a collection of black and white prints of the area's most iconic buildings and structures. On the shorter walls and above the end chairs hung portraits of William and Jordy that Jesse had painted for the room. The portraits seemed to be alive and gazing at each other. As the light of the day changed, the expressions on the portraits also seemed to change, but alway constant was the sense that an unbreakable bond connected the two.

To the left of the outer office was a hall. On one side were the functional necessities of an office, workroom, storage, restrooms, break room. However, on the other side of the hall was the creative and human side of the office. Jordy's office was a cross between a college athlete's dorm room and a corporate executive; it was a blend of fun and sophistication. On the other hand William's office was a superb blend of nostalgia and modernity. The walls were a documentation of the Marshal Legacy: its leaders, its buildings, its philanthropy. Yet, there was the clear sense that there were chapters yet to be written of the family's vision and energy.

"So lover boy, what are you thinking about?" William asked.

"I can't believe we will be celebrating our one year anniversary next week."

"It has been a busy year." William said. "Did you look at the Trust quarterly update that came out Wednesday?"

"I haven't had time. Are we still rich?" joked Jordy.

"Yep, the Trust is solid as a rock; just the way I like it. The Mulberry building is fifty percent renovated and occupied, and eight-five percent rented. Although Bottoms Up isn't officially a Marshal Trust project, Monty decided to include an update since so many Marshal Trust people have invested in the project. The restaurant has gotten several great reviews and while not turning a profit yet, isn't losing money. The brewery is up and running and Monty has been promoting the heck out of it. They have won a couple of local awards and are ready to start entering their brews in some serious competition. I have a feeling that Monty has found his passion."

"Yeah," Jordy said, "he has also taken a big interest in the Bottoms Up Boys."

"The Bottoms Up Boys?"

"That's what the women in the Trust offices call Andrew and Aaron whenever Monty brings them with him during his weekly meeting with you and Matt."

"Jordy, do you think it bothers Jesse that his father has gotten so close to Andrew and Aaron?"

"Maybe a little, but Jesse and Tyler are pretty much the boys' big brothers. The minute they get through the door Andrew runs to Jesse's office and Aaron runs to Tyler's."

"I talked to George and Pat Kemp last week," William said. Pat is ready to turn over more of the Trust's legal work to George, but will stay on until Jennifer gets her degree. After the meeting Pat told me in private that the partners at Selick, French, & Weston are very impressed with George and there should be no issues with him becoming a partner. As Pat put it, aside from getting a first rate attorney, the firm isn't going to do anything to piss off a cash cow like the Marshal Trust."

"That's good to hear," Jordy said. "I spent some time last week doing an evaluation of Urban Ag. LLC." Urban Ag. was W&J Ventures first project. In addition to turning over the landscaping for Marshal Trust properties to Evan and Urban Ag. Urban Ag. had a plan to develop cooperative urban gardens and farmers markets to serve inner city neighborhoods and Kansas City restaurants. The idea was to provide locally sourced, organic produce to restaurants and use the profits to subsidize the produce sold in the neighborhoods to make it affordable.

"So how is Evan doing?"

"He is both a visionary and a workaholic. He has hired a group of underprivileged kids to do much of the mowing, edging, and trimming for the landscape side of the project. Frankly, when I sat in on the interviews he did last March I wasn't sure he was making the best choices. I remember the first meeting he had with potential hires. As Evan was sharing his vision for Urban Ag., one of the young men got in his face and said, "You may be black on the outside, but you are white on the inside. You're just another suburban do-gooder who thinks he can save kids from the inner city."

" I remember, Evan looked at him and said: This is my story. I am a crack baby. My birth mother, who I never knew, was addicted to crack. She came to the hospital where the woman who became my real mother was a pediatric nurse. After she gave birth to me she left. When I was born, there was a fear that babies born to crack addicts would be either severely handicapped mental and/or physically, or they would be emotionally stunted sociopaths. Needless to say nobody wanted me--except my parents, Reverend Dale Walton and Nurse Maria Walton. My father is a Presbyterian minister of Scottish ancestry, my mother is a nurse of Mexican ancestry, and I am African American. Imagine the reaction we got when the Presbytery sent us to small rural churches in Nebraska. Oh, did I also mention that I am gay. That makes me a minority's minority."

"So I know what it is like to be the outsider, the class oddity in a new school. I have heard the cruel slurs whispered behind my back and on occasion yelled in my face. But I have also enjoyed kind words and welcome from people who looked nothing like me. So I may have come here over a different path, but I assure you it was not always a smooth path. I also know what it is to have the aid of good people to make that path easier to walk. I am not a saint, or a miracle worker. I am just a guy with a debt of kindness to pay forward."

"I thought he was in over his head. However, he knew what he was doing. He spent Saturdays for two months training them not just how to operate the machinery, but also how to present themselves and have pride in their work. The kid who called Evan out is now one of his team leaders. I never saw so much pride as the day Evan handed out the Urban Ag. polo shirts and khaki shorts."

"Urban Ag. is doing a great job with our landscaping and their urban gardens are amazing. They've taken what used to be vacant land that was a neighborhood eyesore and converted it to food production."

"Let me guess," William said, "you are a member of the Evan fan club."

"Not just me. Jesse and Tyler have become good friends with George and Evan."

"I see," William said, "We should have the four of them over for dinner. I am beginning to feel like I've been left out of the young gay club."

"Oh you haven't been left out if it, you are the center of it."

Jordy rolled over onto William and gave him a big kiss. Eventually, he started working his way down William's torso. William said, "Stop Jordy, we just made love. I don't think I can again."

"Of course you can. This is the fountain of youth," Jordy said as he took William's stiffening cock into his hungry mouth."

In the next apartment, Jesse and Tyler were up early. Jesse was working on a sculpture he tentatively called Nordic Spring. It was a sculpture of a nude Balder, the most glorious, handsome and loved of the Norse gods. A naked Tyler was Jesse's model and muse. Tyler loved modeling for Jesse. He noticed that on occasion Jesse's cock would twitch in his athletic shorts and it reminded Tyler that the sculpture's hands and the lover's hands each brought joy into the world.

Jesse had been hunching over his piece for a couple of hours and suddenly he winced with pain.

"What's wrong?" Tyler asked.

"My neck and shoulders are stiff," Jesse replied.

"I think it is time for a break."

"What did you have in mind?" Jesse asked as he cleaned his hands."

"I was thinking it has been a while since we took a bath together."

Tyler poured a warm bath and Jesse climbed in. Tyler admired his lover's muscular body. Jesse's pecs were at water level and small waves lapped at his nipples. Jesse smiled and took hold of Tyler's cock to guide him into the tub. As Tyler slid between Jesse's legs and leaned on his chest the water rose to their necks.

"I love you," Jesse whispered in Tyler's ear.

"Ditto," Tyler replied, referencing the time Jesse had tried to show him how to throw a pot in a replica of Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore in Ghost. Of course Tyler remembered that his and Jesse's version would have been rated NC-!7.

Jesse pulled Tyler in and began kissing his shoulder and the back of his neck as he stroked his torso. Tyler was hard and he could feel Jesse's thick manhood trapped between their bodies. The boys tub was located inside their oversized shower and water was beginning to pour over the edge. Tyler leaned forward against the front of the replica clawfoot tub and raised his ass above the water. Jesse knew that Tyler loved to be rimmed and he moved to his knees then gently blew warm air on Tyler's waiting pucker. Tyler arched his back and purred in satisfaction.

Jesse began kissing then licking. He probed Tyler's ass with his tongue and used his fingers to slicken Tyler in preparation for his throbbing cock. Suddenly Tyler demanded, "Fuck me! I need your cock now!" Jesse rose up and mounted Tyler. He shoved his cock slowly and deliberately into Tyler's willing ass. As Jesse buried his jock cock, Tyler let out a low moan of surrender and pleasure. "Fuck me hard!" Tyler commanded. Jesse began to stroke long and vigorously, sending wave after wave of water over the tub's bow and onto the shower floor.

"Aaaagh," Tyler cried out as he released streams of cum into the bath water. "Oh, Fuck," Jesse responded as he too released his load into his lover's pulsing ass. When both were finally drained of cum, Jesse pulled Tyler up. They showered, dried, and slipped under the covers to cuddle and hold each other.

After a bit Jesse went to get some coffee. When he returned, he heard Tyler saying, "That's great, we will see you then."

"Who was that?"

"Jordy, He and William have invited us and George and Evan to supper at the Bottoms Ups tonight."


"What's the matter?"


"Yes, something is the matter."

"It's just every time I think of the Bottoms Up, I think about my father. I am trying hard to get over everything and have some sort of relationship with him, but it's hard."

"Hey Jesse, you are allowed to take all the time you need to decide what kind of relationship, if any, that you want. However, you are making progress."

"Why do you say that?"

"Well, you called him your father, rather than Monty."

"Slip of the tongue."

"Well, you'd better keep an eye on that tongue. It's a national treasure."

Jesse laughed and said, "You know just how to put things into perspective. Plus, I do like the Bottoms Up. I also think Alex and Megan are doing a great job."

"Yeah, and you will want to pop in to check on the Bottoms Up Boys."

"Not just me, Bro Tyler."

"Oh, before I forget. William has ordered a car for six o'clock, and they expect us to go with them."

"Uncle Will must be planning on drinking tonight. We'd better be prepared. I've never seen someone who can drink so much without the slightest hit that he is drunk. It's like he can just let the outward guy run on autopilot while he parties, fights, schemes, gambles, whatever on the inside. That is one thing I will never be able to learn from him."

"Good, I love that you are an open book; that when something is bothering you I know it."

"Well, Jordy seems to always have a read on Uncle William," mused Jesse.

"That's because he is a dragon, and dragons are magical beings."

"I think you're a magical being."

"No babe, I'm a one trick pony," Tyler said as he grabbed Jesse's cock.

William, Jordy, Jesse, and Tyler met George and Evan at the Bottoms Up. George and Evan had negotiated one on the larger apartment on the top floor of the Mulberry building as part of George's contract. They enjoyed the youthful nature of the building tenants and the socially conscious concept of the building.

After their honeymoon, Jordy talked Alexandra and Megan into creating a chef's table similar to one's they experienced in Scandinavia. Jordy had a private dining room added for the experience and named it The Pendergast Room. Its walls featured some of KC's most notorious characters and had the feel of the proverbial smoke filled room where deals were cut and patronage doled out.

Megan had created a five course meal that included some special dishes not on the regular menu and Alexandra paired beers and ales with each of them. The menu changed monthly and depending on the seasonally available produce. The Bottoms Up was where Urban Ag. featured new produce and other restaurateurs frequently scouted to see what would soon be available for their own use.

For each of the courses the server would describe the dish and, if asked to do so, provide information about the local ingredients used in the dish and their sustainability. When the second course was served Megan came out to talk about it. "I realize that the fish course is not usually served in a five course meal and not as the second course, but we are experimenting with a new ingredient and would like your feedback. Urban Ag. is looking to expand into aquaponics, I am sure Evan can share more about that, the fish they are considering using are bluegill. So, at the Bottoms Up we are experimenting with various recipes that feature bluegill. Tonight you are being served grilled bluegill with mango salsa. Please enjoy."

William tasted the dish and said, "Megan, this is fantastic. When will it be on the regular menu?"

"You will have to ask Evan that question. We have received very positive feedback and are waiting on a steady supply of fish before we add it. We are certain it will be a big seller. Also, we are looking at adding a Friday night fish and chip special during the Fall and Winter."

"So Evan," Jordy said, "how is the fish business going?"

"Right now it's a bit slow, I'm afraid. I am researching how to grow lettuce and other greens during the Winter without creating a massive energy bill and carbon footprint."

"Why do you have to grow lettuce during the Winter?" Jesse asked.

"The way aquaponics works is that the water from the fish tanks is run through the planting beds to allow the plant to use the waste from the fish. The result is free fertilizer for the plants and the fish tanks are kept clean and healthy. Lettuce is one of the best crops to use because it grows well in an aquaponic system and it is one of our most profitable plants to sell to restaurants."

William asked, "Would you be open to some help?"

"I would love some help, but I have already gotten so much from the Trust and W&J Ventures I feel like I'm taking advantage," Evan said.

"Evan," William said, "there is a big difference between taking advantage of the resources you need for a project and running a scam. I do not believe you are running a scam on us."

"No sir," said Evan, "There is risk in this project, but I believe it can work and will provide both jobs and healthy food."

"As I see it, that is why W&J Ventures exists. To risk making the world a better place. So next week, I want you to see Jordy about what it will take to make this idea work."

During the salad course Monty stepped into the room and said, "I have some guys that would like to see their bros." Andrew and Aaron pushed past Monty and attacked Jesse and Tyler. Then the two each gave William and Jordy a hug.

William introduced the boys to George and Evan. Andrew said, "Can we call you Bro George and Bro Evan."

George laughed and said, "You bet. What should we call you?"

"I am Andrew."

"And, I am Aaron, but ladies at Uncle Will's office call us the Bottoms Up Boys."

The table burst into laughter.

"Okay boys, let's go get your ice cream and then it's off to bed."

"Not until we get a story about Prince Jesse and Sir Tyler," Andrew said.

Jordy laughed, "I hope the boys are getting a G-rated version of that story."

After dessert was finished, they dropped George and Evan off at their apartment and then headed back toward the Marshal building. Suddenly William said, "I don't want to go home just yet. How about a drive. They eventually ended up in Mill Creek Park at the most photographed fountain in the City of Fountains, Four Rivers Fountain. Four Horsemen representing the Mississippi, Volga, Seine, and Rhine Rivers ride through the turbulent waters of the fountain while fish spray streams of water. William reached into his pocket and pulled out four quarters and handed Jordy, Jesse, and Tyler each one. "Okay," William said, " on the count of three we each make our wish and toss in our coin. One...Two...Three..." Four coins splash into the water. William pulled Jordy in for a kiss and Jesse and Tyler did the same.

They then silently looked at the water until Jesse said, "I bet we all wished for the same thing."

"What, everyone wished that I would get fucked tonight?" Jesse said, and Jesse and Tyler burst into laughter.

"You didn't need to waste a quarter on wishing for a sure thing." William said with a lusty growl.

Wednesday morning, Jordy walked out of the Kansas City Central Library after a meeting of the Board of Directors. Jordy enjoyed serving on the board, but remembered that he wasn't thrilled when William volunteered him the job. The Mayor of Kansas City had asked William to serve on the Library Board of Directors, but William said he was too committed. He then added that Jordy would be more than happy to do so. When Jordy balked at the suggestion, William said, "Just think of it as part of Operation Free Willy."

Jordy was shocked that William knew about Operation Free Willy and asked, "You're not mad are you?"

"What that you and Maggy are planning for my retirement, or that you call me Willy?"


William laughed, "At first I was a bit miffed, then I thought about it and realized you two were just looking out for me. As for Willy, as long as it doesn't go any farther than you and Maggy, it is clever and funny. Also, I never want to hear you refer to my cock as Little Willy."

Jordy laughed, "Oh I would never say that. It's more of a sperm whale."

Jordy's recollection was interrupted by the alarm on his phone going off. It was the signal for all the Marshal family and key Trust employees that something was wrong. Suddenly a van door slid open and Jordy sensed someone approaching from over his right shoulder. Instinct from years of ice hockey kicked in and Jordy threw a hard elbow into the attacker's face dropping him to the ground. Two cops down the street saw what was happening and came running with their service revolvers drawn. The van quickly sped away from the curb and Jordy noticed it had no license plates. The officers cuffed Jordy's attacker who was spewing blood from a broken nose. Jordy immediately called William to find out what was going on.

"William, this is Jordy. What has happened?"

"Jesse is missing," William said.

"Someone just tried attacking me. The cops have the guy in custody."

"Fuck," William said, "Get back to the Marshal Building. Let's keep this quiet. The family is all being brought to the 11th floor. Brad Henderson is meeting us there."

Jordy gave the officer's his card for when they needed a statement and headed back to the Marshal building.

The family was to gather in Jordy and William's apartment. Monty and Tyler were already there and Jennifer and Ryan were on the way. Jordy found William and Brad Henderson in the security room between the apartments.

"What do we know," Jordy asked with concern.

""Nothing yet," Willam said.

Just then they heard Tyler scream, "NO!...Jesse!...NO!"

Next--Tough Love in Kansas City: Fear and Resolution

Thank you for reading "Tough Love in Kansas City." I very much appreciate the comments and words of encouragement I have received from readers. I also have another story, "Quarterback Keeper" going on If you would like to be included in updates on my stories, send me an email.

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Next: Chapter 15

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