Tough Love in Kansas City

By William Marshal

Published on Jun 16, 2021


There were some errors in the previously published version of this chapter. I hope this fixes most of them.

Tough Love in Kansas City: Bottom's Up

Monty Marshal was meeting Matt Harris for breakfast at a little cafe down the street from the Marshal Building. Matt always preferred breakfast meetings to those at lunch. Aside from being his favorite meal of the day, it gave him time during the rest of the day to focus on any issues or projects that came up during the meeting. One of the reason's Matt's marriage and family were so solid was his insistence that work be done at work and home be done at home, a philosophy that William had always wholeheartedly endorsed--even if he sometimes failed to embrace it for himself.

As one of the longest serving employees at Marshal Family Trust, Matt had known Monty before he married the Bitch. When Matt was a first year associate in property and Monty was interning in the family business during summer break, the two would often hit the town after work. Monty has a wild streak and Matt took it upon himself to make sure his friend always got home safe and sound. However, as much as Matt liked Monty and enjoyed his friendship, when it came time to choose, he chose to give his loyalty to William and the Trust.

Matt and Monty spent a few minutes reminiscing about the old days before Matt said, "So, what did you want to meet about."

"Before he left on his honeymoon, William told me to figure out what I want to do before he and Jordy got back. I thought about what I could do at the Trust, but I don't think I really have a place there. Based on what I have seen at the Trust and my reading of William, I think he sees Jesse taking his place, and when you retire, Tyler taking yours. I just don't see a place for me in that scenario."

Matt paused, "I read the tea leaves the same way. So where does that leave you?"

"Money wise, I am more than fine. The money I get from the Trust is more than I need, especially now that I no longer have a leech sucking on my cock--not that she ever did that enough to justify the aggravation."

Matt laughed and at the same time felt a bit sorry for his friend. Matt could never understand men who complained about never getting enough because his wife was always pestering him for more. He would periodically say a silent thank you to Pincus and Chang, inventors of the modern oral contraceptive. He figured without their work he would have been awash in children or owned stock in Trojan. "But..."

"But...I want to do something. I feel I really haven't done anything that I can look at and say--I did that, I am proud of that. So as I was thinking about something to do, I met this woman."


"No! Not that kind of woman. She's a lesbian." "The story gets more interesting," Matt said with a smirk.

"Okay, just stop it," Monty said, "I don't know why I said she's a lesbian. What matters is she is a brewmaster, or at least she wants to be a brewmaster. She has a degree from Colorado State University in Fermentation Science & Technology and she has worked at large commercial breweries and craft breweries. She would like to be a brewmaster at a craft brewery and many of them are family things or started by friends, so it is hard to break into those gigs."

Monty paused, expecting Matt to say something snarky or discouraging, but Matt just took a sip of coffee. He was now in business mode and had learned it is best to let someone lay out their entire proposal before saying anything positive or negative; that way they couldn't read what he was thinking and make adjustments to their pitch.

Finally, Monty continued, "Do you know who Jim Koch is?"

"I think so. Isn't he the guy who started the Samuel Adams Brewing Company?"

"Yep," Monty said, "I was reading his book "Quench Your Thirst: Business Lessons Learned Over a Beer or Two" then when I met Alexandra at a local beer tasting and we started talking, it hit me that I would like to make and sell beer."

Matt prodded Monty to keep talking, "You want to make and sell beer?"

"Well, not really. I want to market and sell beer. Alexandra would make it. My major in college was in Marketing and Advertising. Business was just my minor. I have always felt that I have wasted that education. So now, I want to actually try doing something with it, and this is my chance."

"Let's cut to the chase, what has this to do with me or the Trust?"

"From the Trust I am hoping to get at least some financial backing. I know I will have to persuade William and I am not sure just how I will do that, but I do know I will need a good business plan. So I was wondering if you could talk to Maggy and Jim in Finance to allocate some people to help me. I don't know them that well, and I'm not sure how they would take my asking for resources while William is out of the country."

"Sure, that shouldn't be any problem. William figured that if you wanted to talk about business that I would be the one you would come to, so within reason I have the authority to help you. What else do you need?"

"I know the Trust has an option on 1208 12th Street. I would like to locate a microbrewery/club and restaurant in that building. In addition to the brewery, I would like to include a 1920 style speakeasy jazz venue and an underground club venue. The idea would be to capture the edgy side of the Bottoms past and the present and riff on the history of 12th Street."

Monty continued, "I know that the Trust asked the City to locate a bus stop at 12th and Mulberry which puts it almost in front of 1208. Next door is the Edge of Hell haunted house attraction and escape rooms, so there would be some synergy with the two businesses. Plus it is an easy walk from the Mulberry project. Based on what I have seen the Trust do in the past, my guess is you are looking at high end condos or apartments on the top four floors, office space on the second floor, and commercial space on the ground floor."

"You mentioned a restaurant," Matt said, "Do you or Alexandra know anything about running a restaurant?"

"No, but her partner is a chef at the Weston Hotel in Crown Center and she wants to develop her own menu and style."

"So what do you want from me personally," Matt asked.

"I would love to have your support. I know your opinion carries a lot of weight with William, but I also know your first loyalty is to him and the Trust. So what I'm asking is that you give me your honest opinion and any advice you feel you can offer."

"Absolutely, I know you are in a rough place with your family, but I still consider you a friend and will do what I can for you. If you want, I will help you run the projection on revenues and expenses. The Trust just bought some new software for that and I need some practice with it. I don't want to be the dinosaur in the office who is still using a calculator and spreadsheet."

"That would be great. I can have Alexandra and Megan get you whatever data you need. However, I don't know if they can tell you what the equipment for a restaurant and microbrewery will cost."

"I can find that information. That's why we hire an architectural firm and contractors."

"Matt," Monty said, "I have one more favor. I need to borrow your birthday."


"I asked William and Jordy if I could have a party in the ballroom. Jordy said he was the official keeper of the ballroom schedule and gave the okay. Your birthday is a week after William and Jordy get home. I want to throw you a birthday party and use it to showcase Alexandra's beers and Megan's food and get some reactions. Kind of a research party. I would invite the Trust staff, your family, and any friends you want."

"I see. Phyllis and I have never made anything big about birthdays. Our only plans are to go out to dinner, have a nice bottle of wine, and then I get my birthday fuck. So, I'll check with her, but I am sure she will be fine with it as long as we are home in bed by nine and asleep by midnight."

"Three hours!"

"Yeah, I don't have the stamina I once did," laughed Matt. "So what do you plan on calling this project?"

"Well, I think we will go with The Bottoms Up Brewing Company."

Matt laughed, "It looks like you have an answer to almost every question."

"Almost every question?"

"Yes, you haven't said anything about Jesse. The Mulberry Project is his and Tyler's, which means they are at the center of the Trust's development in West Bottoms."

"Oh, shit," Monty said.

"Yes my friend, oh shit."

After spending the morning thinking about Monty's project idea, Matt decided he was not getting into the middle of a three-way family feud. He sent an email to Jesse and Monty, "Meeting in my office at 2:00." After hitting send, Matt said to himself, "There, let the fireworks begin."

Ten minutes after sending the email, Matt's secretary buzzed him. "Yes, Anna Maria." Matt and Anna years earlier had worked out that he would use both her first and middle name when he needed her to run interference for him.

Jesse Marshal and Monty Marshal are here, and would each like a word with you," Anna said.

"Tell them that I am tied up until 2:00. Tell them that I am video conferencing with New York."

After hanging up, Anna gave Jesse and Monty the message. Neither was happy but knew Matt could barricade in his office like a badger defending his den when he didn't want to talk to someone, so they left.

After five minutes Matt called Anna, "Are they gone?"

"Yes, they both left" Anna replied, "All the time they were here, they didn't say anything to each other; in fact, they barely even looked at each other. How can a family build walls like that?"

"My guess is one brick at a time over a lifetime--Jesse's lifetime."

Anna sighed, "It's so sad."

"Yeah, I couldn't imagine anything that would get between me and my kids," Matt said. "However, these two are now standing between me and my coffee. Can you bring me a cup. I think I will be a prisoner in here until 2:00."

A few minutes later Anna brought in a cup of coffee and set it down on the desk. As she was leaving she turned around and said, "I hope you don't need to pee after drinking that." Then gave Matt a wink.

Matt chuckled then said, "The fern on the window sill can always use some water."

Just as he was taking his first sip, his cell rang. Matt looked at the number and said, "Damn, that was quick." He answered, "Hello William, how are the Vikings this morning; or, should I say this evening."

"I would be better, if my brother and nephew would stop tweeting me. Something about you forcing them to have a meeting together. Have you gone into family counseling?"

"I hope not, but I do have a meeting with the two at two. Apparently, you told Monty to figure out what he wants to do with his life before you and Jordy get back. He has an idea, but it involves the West Bottoms. The last thing I need is two Marshal boys pissing in the sandbox because they can't share. So, I am having a meeting to clear the air."

"Do you need me to join the meeting via conference call?"

"I don't think so. I plan to tell them that I am not a Marshal, just a deputy who is not getting in the middle of a gunfight on Mulberry Street. So, if they can't figure out how to at least be civil, I am putting the whole project on hold til you get back to Dodge."

William chuckled, "How long have you been saving that Gunsmoke shtick?"

"A couple of weeks."

"Matt, you know I trust your business sense, so you do what you think is best for the Trust and I will back you."

"Thanks William. Is there anything you want me to tell the two gunslingers?"

"Yeah, tell them to stop sending me business messages and crap about each other, my hands are too busy with Jordy to text. However, if they want to send me happy smiles, I will be happy to share that with my sexy husband."

"Okay, let me see if I wrote this down correctly, "Hands too busy with sexy husband's cock to text. Have to keep him smiling. Stop sending messages."

"Yep, I think you got it."

Two o'clock Matt opened the door to his office and saw Jesse and Monty looking at each other from opposite ends of his outer office and daring the other to say something. Matt looked at Anna and she just shrugged. "Okay," Matt said, "Come in."

Matt had arranged three comfortable chairs in a triangle so that each chair was separated by four feet of personal space. After asking Monty and Jesse to sit, he handed each a beer then sat down with his own beer. Matt had learned from William that the best way to start an uncomfortable meeting was to give people something to do with their hands and mouths.

Matt started. The purpose of this meeting is to address the question of whether the two of you can work together on a professional level. I am not part of the Marshal family, and my loyalty is to the Trust and that means to William. If you two never repair your relationship, while I might find that sad, it isn't any skin off my nose. I also don't intend to get into any protracted back and forth between the two of you with me as the middleman. So, if this looks like it is headed that way, I will put a hold on the entire West Bottoms project until William gets home and decides what to do."

Jesse tried to interrupt, but Matt asked him to wait and then continued, "I have decided we will do this like we would any proposed project that came to the Trust. Tomorrow at two o'clock Monty, you will present your project to Jesse and Tyler."

"What the hell!" Monty stood and yelled, "I am not presenting to my son just so he can piss all over my ideas. Look Matt, this means something to me."

Now Jesse jumped to his feet and yelled, "Oh, so I don't mean something to you?"

Soon both Monty and Jesse were yelling at each other and over each other. Anne rushed in to see what all the commotion was about. Matt was still sitting in his chair. He looked at Anne, held up three fingers and mouthed three more beers.

When Anne got back, Matt stood up, stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled, then said shut up and sit down. Monty and Jesse did sit down and stopped saying anything, but continued to glare at each other. Matt handed each man a beer and said, "I don't know about you guys, but all that yelling made me thirsty. Why don't we all take a sip." Matt took a sip, but Monty and Jesse just continued the glaring match. Matt now raised his voice, "I said, why don't we all take a sip." This time Jesse and Monty did take a drink. Matt sat down and said, "Okay, I think we are making progress."

Monty started again to make his point, "I'm not making.."

Matt cut him off, "I think we all need another sip."

Jesse stood and said, "This is stu...."

"I would not finish that sentence!" cautioned Matt.

Jesse sat down, Matt held up his bottle, and everyone took a drink.

Matt looked at Monty and Jesse then said, "Monty, you will not be making your presentation to your son. You will be making it to the project managers of the West Bottoms redevelopment."

"What!?" said Monty and Jesse in the first agreement of the afternoon.

Matt said, "I am naming Jesse and Tyler the lead managers for the Trust's projects in West Bottoms, and before you start messaging William I have spoken to him and he has given me complete authority to do what is best for the Trust." Matt then relayed William's message about being too busy to text and both Monty and Jesse couldn't completely hide their smiles.

"Tomorrow Jesse and Tyler will be here and Monty you can invite Alexandra and Megan. I will be here to observe and, if need be, referee."

Matt then told Monty to go get ready for his presentation.

After Monty left, Matt turned to Jesse, "Listen young man, you and Tyler will be expected to make a decision on this project and every project in West Bottoms on its merits. If you can't do that, then you are not the team we need going forward. If you didn't know it, you and Tyler are being auditioned to eventually run the Trust. Your uncle has always put the Trust first because it is not just his money at stake. This trust pays the disbursements to you, your sister, your father, Jordy, and hopefully more Marshals to come. It also is the retirement plan for me and every other employee of Marshal Trust. Finally, it benefits the entire KC region with donations to worthy causes and organizations, it protects and repurposes important buildings, and it provides quality housing for every social class in the City. So, let me finish my little sermon with the pep talk Bill Bradley gave to Woodward and Bernstein when he gave them the Watergate story: Don't fuck it up."

Jesse was visibly shaken by what Matt had just told him. The responsibility that was just forcefully explained to Jesse made him want to vomit. Suddenly Jesse's eyes grew wide with terror, "Uncle Will, he's not..."

"No Jesse, he's not sick. He's probably healthier than 80 percent of the people in this office and Jordy will certainly keep him healthy. However, every company that survives has a plan of succession. We need to know if you fit that plan. I think you do. Also, you have something your uncle didn't have when he took over the Trust; your uncle didn't have a Tyler."

Jesse finally managed a halfhearted smile, "I don't know whether I should kiss you or punch you for telling me all this."

"Save your kisses for Tyler. There is a boxing club in West Bottoms you can join if you have to punch something, although your face is too pretty for the ring . Now get out of my office."

Tyler had a wellness exam with his doctor, so he and Jesse had agreed to meet at the gym. When Tyler saw him, Jesse was red, his muscles were popping, and sweat was pouring from his body. It looked like he was trying to rip the arms off the butterfly machine. Tyler also noticed that Jesse was all alone; everyone, including the steroid popping muscle guys, were obviously giving him a wide berth. Tyler thought to himself: this is bad. About that time one of the trainers came to him and said, "Jesse is going to hurt someone or himself, can you get him under control."

Tyler walked over to Jesse and said, "I love you, let's go home." Jesse just got up and followed Tyler: no protests, no explanations, no excuses. In the locker room Tyler saw two of their friends and asked if they could bring his car to the Marshal Building because he was driving Jesse home. They looked at Jesse and immediately agreed. Tyler then gathered his and Jesse's clothes and took him to the car.

All the way home Jesse was quiet and Tyler just left him alone. At the Marshal Building, Tyler asked the security guard on duty if she could get someone to park Jesse's car and then his when it was dropped off. The security guard looked at Jesse and said, "absolutely Mr. Davidson, I'll take care of that." On the way up to the 11th floor Jesse tried to say something to Tyler, but Tyler touched his arm and said just wait.

Once in the apartment Tyler led Jesse to the master bathroom and started to fill the tub with warm water. He then stripped Jesse of his sweat soaked workout gear and helped him into the tub. After Jesse was settled, Tyler went to the kitchen and picked up several cold bottles of water. Back in the bathroom, Tyler handed Jesse one and said, "Please, drink this. You are dehydrated." Then Tyler shed his own clothes and crawled into the tub behind his man. As Jesse slowly sipped the cold water, Tyler began to massage Jesse's overworked muscles.

Eventually Tyler notices that Jesse was softly sobbing. Tyler wrapped his arms around Jesse and laid his face on Jesse's muscular back. The tears soon grew from a trickle to a stream. Finally, Jesse regained control and said, "I hate that."

"What do you hate?"

"I hate crying. It makes me feel weak and childish. I especially hate crying in front of you."

Tyler increased the force of his hug. "If there is one person who you can share your tears with, it is me; because, I need to be able to share my tears with you."

Jesse turned around and gave Tyler a deep kiss and said, "You are my rock."

Tyler gave Jesse a massaging bath. He washed away the sweat and anger from his skin, while pulling the exhaustion and tension out of his muscles. When Tyler was finished, Jesse had returned to near normal. As Tyler dried Jesse, he said, "I will order a pizza, and then you can tell me what has you so upset."

In the entertainment room, Tyler and Jesse sat together on the sofa. Tyler grabbed the remote and turned on some soft music; then said, "Okay, what's going on."

Jesse explained what had happened that afternoon, and what Matt had said after Monty left. "It just suddenly hit me what Uncle William expects of me. I am scared. This isn't about me. It's about all those people who depend on the Marshal Trust. What if I do fuck up and leave all of those people with nothing?"

"Do you think that William wanted Matt to tell you all of that stuff?" Tyler asked.

"I think so. Matt and Uncle William are always on the same page. He might not have been told when to give me the sermon, but I am pretty sure he was told to deliver it."

"Jonathan Edwards--Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God."

"Yes, I felt like a spider dangling over a fire."

"So, why do you think William had Matt deliver that sermon?"

"To scare the asshole out of me; to force me to take responsibility; to tell me not to fuck it up. Shit, Matt said tomorrow is a test. What am I going to do?"

Tyler could see the panic beginning again. He wrapped his arms around Jesse and said, "The question is: What are we going to do?"

Jesse grabbed Tyler and smiled, "Thank God. Yes, what are we going to do?"

The doorbell rang and Tyler said, "First stud, we are going to eat pizza and then we are going to make a plan for tomorrow's meeting."

The boys sat down at the dining room table and Tyler brought a yellow pad to take notes. He said, "Why don't we start by trying to remember what questions William and Matt asked us."

Jesse listed off a dozen questions they were asked. Everything from the reason for the rent rate, why the target market was selected, and what is in it for the Trust. Jesse finally stopped and asked, "Am I missing any?"

"Yes," Tyler said, " You are forgetting: Are you out of your fucking mind?!" Tyler and Jesse both laughed. "Yeah, it's funny now, but at the time I about pissed my pants when your uncle got in my face. But, you helped me face the test William was giving me. I will help you face the test he is giving you."

Jesse and Tyler spent a couple of hours thinking of other questions and then developed a strategy for the meeting. It was decided that Tyler would do most of the questioning since he would be less likely to provoke a confrontation with Monty. Then the two headed off to bed.

Tyler was snuggled up to Jesse using his lover's chest for a pillow when Jesse asked, "Are you an empath?"

"What do you mean?"

"When I was researching Aspergers, one of the discussions was about whether people with Aspergers lack empathy, express it differently, or even experience it differently. There are apparently some people with Aspergers who react so strongly to another person's pain that they themselves physically feel it. Did you feel my pain today at the gym?"

"In a way," Tyler said, "I can't read your mind. I don't know what you're thinking. So, I didn't know why you were upset. I just sensed that you needed to be led to some place where you could safely release your, for want of a better term, angst. You know I have a difficult time with subtle jokes and sarcasm; it is like that part of me was replaced with a hypersensitivity to body language. It took me a long time to figure out that when I saw someone crying and I felt like crying that I wasn't really sad, I was just experiencing their sadness in a way most other people can't."

"Thank you Tyler; you knew just what I needed." Jesse pulled Tyler into a tighter hug, "Do you know what I need now."

"I told you, I can't read minds."

"I need you to make slow, sensual, intimate love to me. I need you to fuck me."

Jesse rolled onto his stomach and Tyler began to massage Jesse's back. Tyler had found an oil infused with the scents of spruce, cedar, nutmeg, dark chocolate, and pine. Tyler warmed the oil in his hands and then worked it into muscles still in rebellion from the wild rage earlier at the gym. After oiling Jesse's body from his shoulders to his ankles, Tyler lay down on Jesse's and slid his naked body atop of Jesse's. Tyler's semi-rigid cock would on occasion track through the grand canyon created by glorious glutes and in its wake leave a slight trail of precum.

Eventually, Tyler sat up and spread his man's ass to expose the most perfect puck imaginable. The sight of it prompted Tyler's cock to twitch and leak a small clear drop onto the soft tissue. Jesse's ass twitched as if trying to draw in the dew drop.

Tyler bent down and slowly ran his tongue the length of the widely spread cleft. Jesse moaned and clutched the sheets. Tyler's tongue began to probe and tease Jesse. Finally Jesse could take no more and he demanded, "Fuck me!"

Tyler poured oil on to Jesse's entrance and then slowly, almost imperceptibly began to slide into him. Tyler's spear tip slipped through Jesse's sphincter and soon a thick, nine inch shaft was spreading Jesse wide open. The spear tip made contact with a walnut size organ capable of releasing intense pleasure. On first contact, Jesse uttered an almost subsonic moan as a lightning bolt of sexual energy coursed through his body.

When Tyler had finally buried his entire nine inches in Jesse, he paused to let his lover adjust to the fullness. After a bit, Jesse said, "I want more." Tyler began to stroke in a slow and steady rhythm. Each thrust massaged Jesse's prostate; each sexual bolt barely ended before the next began. Jesse's cock was steely hard, and Tyler's thrusts were pushing its sensitive underside into the bed. Jesse's entire body stiffened, he released a primal scream , and his cock flooded the sheets. Tyler responded to the release with one of his own, erupting deep inside Tyler and filling him with sweet cum.

The two soon drifted into sleep content in each other's arms.

At two o'clock, Jesse and Tyler stepped into the conference room. Matt was seated at the head of the table and on one side of the table sat Monty and two very attractive 30-something women. When Matt had mentioned the previous that the Alexandra and Megan were a couple, Jesse formed a picture of them in his mind. He now a twinge of guilt for falling prey to the stereotype of the lesbian couple, but he understood how his father got to know one of them. He almost laughed out loud at the thought of Monty Marshal discovering that the woman he'd spent the evening buying expensive drinks for was going home with another woman. But it also dumbfounded Jesse that the man who had displayed such homophobia when learning his son was gay, was reconciling with his gay brother, accepted a gay brother-in-law, and was now ready to become business partners with a lesbian couple. A foreboding thought entered Jesse's mind: What if it isn't gay people Monty hated; what if it is me?

Jesse was pulled out of his dark space when Matt started to introduce everyone. Alexandra Pierce and Megan Holmes were attractive. Jesse was sure that in high school they would have been the sort of girls he would have dated and fuck while pretending to be straight; now they were the women he saw taking yoga class at the gym.

Matt had finished introducing everyone at the table when Tyler asked, "And who are these young men sitting so nicely over by the window?"

Megan said, "These are my sons--well, now our sons--Andrew and Aaron. I'm sorry, the babysitter suddenly got sick and we didn't have a backup today." Noticing the puzzled look on Jesse's face, Megan continued, "Their father was a mistake, but they are a gift. They are identical twins. There is a prize if you can tell them apart."

Tyler said "Andrew is the one with the small scar over his left eye."

Megan gasped, "How did you know that?"

"Informed guess," said Tyler, "I assumed that he got the scar jumping off the furniture or something like that; I have also noticed that when parents say the names of twins, it is often the rowdiest that gets first place--kind of a Cain and Abel thing."

Alexandra said, "That is amazing."

Matt made sure everyone, including the boys, had something to drink and then started the meeting.

Monty presented the overall concept of the project, explained how it would fit into the West Bottoms project, and outlined what support he, Alexanda, and Megan were seeking. After Monty finished Alexandra and Megan brought out beers and appetizers for the table to sample and talked about the beer and food concept. It was clear they were passionate and knew what they wanted to do in the brewery and kitchen.

While the presentation was going on, Jesse caught Tyler playing secret games with the boys and wondered if he was paying attention. However, when it came time for Tyler to ask questions, they were insightful, serious, and identified the weaknesses in the plan. Jesse was so proud of Tyler. Tyler was the hard nosed business analyst, but asked questions in a way that didn't rile or make the presenters defensive.

Finally Tyler said, "You have cute boys, and they have been perfect today. However, a kitchen and a brewery are not daycares. Moreover, getting this project going will take a lot of your time. How do you plan to deal with raising these two young men while starting a business."

Alexandra and Megan both slumped in their chairs. They knew this was the biggest obstacle to making their dream come true. Finally Alexandra spoke up, "You have asked the one question we don't have an answer for, but we have to make this work, not just for Megan's and my professional aspirations, but to give Andrew and Aaron the life they deserve."

Jesse finally spoke, "Thank you, for the presentation. This morning Tyler and I went over the prospectus that Monty sent us last night and we made a quick trip this morning to checkout 1208 12th and the surrounding buildings. If you give us 30 minutes to discuss, we can give you our answer on this project.

After Jesse and Tyler left the conference room, Megan and Alexandra took the boys to the restroom and Monty slumped in his chair. "What's the matter?," Matt asked.

"Thirty minutes, they've already decided to say no."

"You don't know that."

"I just feel so bad for Alexandra and Megan. I really thought I could get this for them."

"Monty, why are you so invested in these girls?"

"When Alexandra shot down my hopes for a date, she did it so nicely that I invited her out to coffee and she accepted. I think she was taking pity on a lonely, pathetic guy. The more she talked about beer, the more I got interested in the idea. I had read Koch's book and actually toured Samuel Adams Brewery. We got to talking about what it would take to open a brewery and started putting a plan together. Then she introduced me to Megan and the boys; once I got to know the family, I wanted, no I needed, to help them. I am just afraid I set them up for disappointment."

Tyler and Jesse were making a swift visit to finance, then accounting, then personnel. Finally, they stopped and Jesse looked at Tyler. "Okay Ty, I think I know your vote, but I need you to say it."

"I was probably going to vote yes based on the numbers and the fit with the development, but those little boys are so adorable and we need to help their mothers. So, my vote is yes; what is your vote?"

"I will admit I want to say no just to hurt Monty. But that is a misuse of the Trust, it is what Matt warned me not to do with his sermon about what kind of team it takes to run the Trust. I am going to vote yes.......Wow!"


"That felt so good. Last night I was so scared that I might have to run the Trust someday, but seeing you today has been amazing. I watched you ask the right questions, run the numbers, and most importantly be my moral compass. Tyler Davidson you are my best friend and I love you." Jesse kissed a blushing Tyler.

Back in the conference room, Jesse and Tyler sat down at the table to lay out their offer. It was now Jesse who did the talking. "Contingent upon the approval of William Marshal, Tyler and I have decided to approve this project for the West Bottoms development."

Tears of happiness started to flow as Alexandra and Megan hugged each other, Monty released a sigh of relief, and Matt smiled.

Jesse continued, "These are the expectations and conditions for the Marshal Trust's participation in this project." Monty, Alexandra and Megan suddenly had a look of concern.

"The Marshal Trust will exercise its option to buy the building at 1208 12th Street, retain ownership of the building, and control of it's redevelopment. At this time the plan is for offices on the second floor and apartments on the top four floors."

"The street level floor will be leased to The Bottoms Up Brewing Company for a microbrewery, restaurant and club spaces. For two years from opening day, rent will be two-thirds of market value. At the end of two years rent will be market value."

"An LLC, 12th Street Leasing, will be created to purchase and lease to The Bottoms Up Brewing Company equipment and furnishing for a microbrewery, professional kitchen, dining rooms, and clubs. We aren't sure who will lead this company, but our hope is to persuade Jordy to take that on. After seeing his restoration of the ballroom, we are confident he would be an excellent manager."

"The Marshal Trust will not invest in The Bottoms Up Brewing Company; however Monty Marshal will be allowed to seek investors from among the beneficiaries and employees of Marshal Family Trust. Also, with the approval of William Marshal, Monty Marshal may choose to use his future disbursements from the Trust as collateral for loans."

"We will also recommend William Marshal approve the following item not related directly to the West Bottoms development. First, Monty Marshal is currently living in a Marshal Trust property as part of his trust disbursement. We recommend that he be relocated to an apartment at 1208 12th Street and be made building manager. As compensation for serving as building manager, we are recommending offices for The Bottoms Up Brewing Company be included in the second floor development."

"Second, we recommend that Alexandra Pierce and Megan Holmes be hired on a part-time basis as the official caterers of Marshal Family Trust. As compensation we recommend they be given an apartment at 1208 12th Street and that they and Andrew and Aaron Pierce be included in the Marshal Family Trust health plan."

Tyler jumped in, "I would hope that the Pierce/Holmes apartment is close enough to that of Monty Marshal so that he can provide emergency childcare." The group laughed.

Jesse continued, "That is our offer. What do you say?" Monty, Alexanda, and Megan looked at each other and then said, "Yes!"

On the way out the door Alexandra and Megan still had tears in their eyes as they hugged both Tyler and Jesse. Megan said, "You gave us so much more than we could ever have imagined, we will make sure your investment pays off."

"I know you will," said Tyler as he and Jesse each picked up one of the twins. The twin gave them a kiss on the foreheads and Andrew said, "Thank you for making mommy and mama happy." Then Aaron added, "I think you made Uncle Monty happy too." Tyler and Jesse gave each other a questioning look.

The next to leave was Monty, "Jesse, I know you don't care what I think, but I am proud of you. You are a much bigger man than I would have ever been." Then he looked at Tyler, "Tyler, you are good for my son, thank you." Then Monty left.

Tyler looked at Jesse and noticed a tiny drop of moisture in the corner of his lover's eye. Jesse blinked, and it was gone.

When it was just Matt, Tyler, and Jesse left, Matt grabbed both boys in a bear hug and said, "You did well, very well. William will be proud."

"Do you think he will agree to what we proposed?" asked Jesse.

"Yep, 100 percent he's going to like it. It is just what he would have done."

"I hope so," Jesse said.

"Why don't you two go to The Campground and get us a table," Matt said, "I'll close up the shop and join you. The drinks are on me."

When Jesse and Tyler were gone, Matt locked the conference room door then said, "Did you get all of that?"

"Yes," William said, "Heard the entire meeting. The boys did a damn good job."

"They did indeed."

"Type it up and initial it and I will sign it when I get back to the office. Thanks Matt."

When William hung up, Jordy, who was already naked, wrapped himself around William and said, "You're a good uncle--now can we fuck."

Next--Tough Love in Kansas City: Ports of Call

Thank you for reading "Tough Love in Kansas City." I very much appreciate the comments and words of encouragement I have received from readers. I also have another story, "Quarterback Keeper" going on If you would like to be included in updates on my stories, send me an email.

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Next: Chapter 12

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