
By moc.liamhsuh@101yadun

Published on Dec 12, 2008


This story contains sexual contact between males. If it is unlawful or inappropriate for you to be here, please leave now. The story and characters are fictional, I hope you enjoy it. Your emails and responses are appreciated. A great thanks to Pete for all his input and editing.

Touching Part Two

You'd think it was the approach to ejaculation, or perhaps the act of it, was the highlight. But if you really think about it, and I have in the aftermath, it's really the feeling of all the senses screaming at high speed and then suddenly stopping! Then all at once it's over and now the body does the high speed u-turn on the highway of sensitivity. Everything reverses and that's when the brain kicks in and begins to ask the questions like, 'What the hell did you just do?' That's when, dripping in white honey, we begin to feel the remorse, the regret, the 'Oh Andrew, maybe that wasn't the best idea.'

Well, standing there naked and dripping in cum in front of a strange boy just doesn't make it any better. Sam seemed pleased with himself. He looked up smiling and took his damp sticky fist and rubbed it a crossed my chest. Then he brought his fingers, now covered in me, and cleaned them against my cheek, ending with my chin. I now had my cum from face to foot and I was not too sure I liked the dry sticky feeling I was having. I looked at Sam and could see some of my cum slowly rolling down his chest. I thought about removing it, but for some strange reason it felt like I would be intruding on him personally. Funny, I thought, it's okay for my cum to be there, but not my hand.

It was obvious that Sam was spent. He looked tired all of a sudden. And then to my total surprise, he push me back, stood grabbing his cane and brushed by me. As he walked away, I watched my first view of what was a very nice ass. He turned back and I heard him say, "I'm taking a shower; make sure you're gone when I get out."

There I stood alone in Sam's room listening to the water running behind the door. I suddenly felt quite naked. I looked around and saw the boxers he had left behind. I picked them up and before I cleaned myself off I had a strong desire to smell them. I scolded myself for such a thought. Maybe I was a Perv. This was news to me. I dressed quickly and with nothing else to do, I left and headed home.

My mom tried to get me to talk about it, but I was having none of that. I think she wrote it off as just another teen moment. I couldn't get Sam off my mind. I couldn't believe that I let him do that and yet, I was laying in bed wishing for more. It was his face, his body, his hard dick I thought of as I beat off in the darkness of night. I couldn't believe he had taken over my sexual desire in just one visit and I was determined to get him out of my life.

The next day at school I went looking for Ms. Riley. In her office, she greeted me with a smile and said, "Andrew, it's good to see you. How was your first day with Sam?"

"Not good Ms. Riley. I just don't think this is going to work out for me. Please get me another assignment."

"Well Andrew, I wish you would try harder, but you're lucky, another position has come in for the Community Projects. I was going to give it to Ryan Simmons. He needs one as well, but I'll give it to you. All you have to do is help clean up a park for three weekends and you're finished. How's that sound?" she asked.

"Thanks Ms. Riley, I really appreciate it. I think that's more my style. So what's going to happen to Sam, will he just be dropped?" I asked.

Ms. Riley said, "Oh no. I'll assign him to Ryan. He'll be glad to have the opportunity."

I knew Ryan Simmons; he was on the swim team. We had PE together last year and I remember thinking that his long thick dick and heavy hanging balls seemed out of place on his thin blonde body.No way was I going to let him near Sam.

"You know Ms. Riley, I don't think Ryan would be right for this position, I better stick with it," I assured her.

"Andrew West, if you do stick with this, you'll need to be in it for the full load. No giving up. Sam needs you and I think you may need someone like Sam in your life. So are you going to give him your all and take what he has to give you?" she asked.

"Yes. I'm in all the way, I'm going to give Sam everything he needs, and I'm taking all he wants to give in return," I assured her.

Leaving the office I replayed my words, not believing they were coming from me. What was I looking for? Why did I want to return to that situation? I wasn't really sure.

On Friday it was time to return to the clinic for my second visit. This time I asked to see Sam's doctor first. Dr Scott gave me a better insight into what was happening with Sam. He told me that when someone goes through all the personal pain and suffering that Sam is going through and then add the fact that he has lost his sight, it's typical to become bitter, mean and hateful. He assured me that Sam really needed someone like me to be with and talk to. I didn't tell him that there wasn't much talking between us.

At Sam's door, this time I tapped before I entered. I was determined to make it go better this time around. I heard a muffled voice and entered. Sam was dressed, sitting in a chair.

"Who's there?" he asked as I entered the room.

"It's me, Andrew West," I spoke.

"Oh Perv, you're back. Sorry I'm dressed this time," he said sarcastically. I sat on the edge of the bed feeling the silence between us. I knew I had to say something, I found myself looking over his body. Even in jeans and a shirt he looked great. My mind still has the memory of his nakedness. Finally I spoke, "I'm a senior at North High. What about you?"

"I was a senior, I'm nothing now. I don't want to finish school, no need, I'm not going anywhere," he said sadly.

"You can still do things, even if you're blind," I said, hoping to encourage him.

"Look Perv, you don't know shit about being blind. You come in here and take advantage of me and expect me to be nice to you. Why don't you just leave and quit checking me out? I know you're doing it. You know when you lose one of your senses all the others get better, so I can feel your eyes all over my body," he said a little cruelly.

"Ok, I am looking at you. You're a nice looking kid, and after the last visit, I can't help it. I've never had anyone do that for me before and no, I don't want to leave. I want to learn what it's like being you. I want you to teach me, help me understand so I can be a friend to you," I said honestly.

"Ok Perv, you want to know what its like to be blind? I'll show you. Go into the bathroom and get some of the bandages and cotton pads. Bring them out here," he instructed.

I didn't know where this was going, but I did what he asked. Returning to the room I found Sam standing by the bed. He instructed me to sit and he took everything I had brought out of the bathroom and slowly placed the cotton pads over my eyes and then placed the bandage over them. The room became dark, I became frighten and a little uneasy. Sam asked, "Can you see anything?"


"Good, stand up," he demanded.

I slowly balanced myself and stood in front of the bed. That's when he slammed his fist into my belly. The air went out of me, I couldn't breath, and I fell back onto the bed.

"That's what being blind feels like, Perv," I heard him say. "Now you know the feeling of blindness. You never know what's coming at you, but soon you begin to feel more of what's around you. Your entire body wakes up to the knowledge and awareness that there is someone else with you. Can you feel it?" he asked.

"I finally had enough air in me to speak and I realized I could feel his presence, even though he wasn't touching me.

"Yeah, I can feel it... but that means you knew I was watching you," I realized out loud.

"Yeah, I knew, and I think I put on a really good show. Don't you?" he smirked.

"Now what, are you going to do, keep hurting me?" I asked, waiting for the next strike.

Sam was quiet now and I heard him say, "Listen."

I heard something ping. He asked, "What was that you just heard?"

"I think it was something small and metallic. Was it a pin?"

"Yes, very good Perv. Now lay still, I'm not going to hurt you," he said

It was on my hand and then my arm, just the slightest touch, almost like nothing, but I knew it was there. I said, "It feels like one of the cotton patches."

"Just the tip of one. See how much more sensitive you are?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"I'll be right back." I heard him cross the room and then return and he said to me, "Open your mouth."

Ok this was a bit disconcerting. What was he going to put in it? After being slammed in the belly, one hesitates. But I needed to show him that I trusted him. So sitting up in total darkness, I opened my mouth. I could feel the warmth of a body part coming towards me. I thought about shutting my mouth and turning away, but held steady. It was his finger, but it had a peppermint taste to it, almost nice.

"What's that?" he asked.

"Your finger," I replied.

"No shit, Perv boy. I'll bet you wished it was my dick."

"I don't know, do you taste like peppermint everywhere?" I laughed.

"You'll never know, Perv," he replied, laughing as well.

"Ok that was toothpaste. Does it taste better in the dark?"

"Yeah," I replied, "It does."

"So how do you like being blind?" he asked.

"Well I like the part that my other senses work better, but I miss seeing things."

"Yeah me too," he answered sadly, "But at least at the end of the game you'll be able to see." Then he ripped the bandage off my face.

My skin was still stinging and my sight was blurry when we heard a knock at the door. It was one of the nurses, who said, "Sam don't forget, tomorrow is your first swimming lesson. Maybe your friend would like to join you in the pool."

"No, he's busy and only has to be here twice a week anyway."

I said, "No, I want to do it. I'll be here first thing in the morning."

The nurse smiled at me and closed the door.

"You just can't wait to see me naked again, can you Perv?" he said hurtfully.

Sam continued, "Look you don't need to do this, don't you have any friends or a girl friend or something. I don't need your pity, so just leave me alone okay?"

"Yeah, I've got friends, plenty of them, but I want to be here with you tomorrow, and my name is Andrew, I'm no more perverted that you are. If I recall, you're the one that jerked ME off," I said in my defense.

"You're such a Perv," he smiled, "all you can think about is sex. Okay you can come swimming with me tomorrow, it might be fun. Just don't be checking me out in front of the nurses. Okay? I've got a reputation around here I need to protect."

"Sure, I'll be careful to only check you out when we're alone. Okay?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I guess, that'll work," he replied. And then it was time to leave.

I think I moved things along pretty well, I told myself. I left proud of myself and for some reason I couldn't wait to see Sam the next day. Visions of him in a skimpy bathing suit, and without one, danced in my head all night long.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 3

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