
By Richard Lickerish

Published on Jun 12, 2009



Warning! The following story is an erotic work of fiction, containing descriptive scenes of sexual encounters and contact between consenting adults. If you are not of legal age to read stories of this nature or you are offended by the subject matter contained herein do not read any further.

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Touch By Dick Lickerish

I discovered the thrill of another guy's sensual touch one sultry summer night after high school graduation. My high school buddy, who I'll call Bobby Bo Diddleme, turned me onto the pleasures of it, thereby making me howl like a wolf howling at the moon. That night Bobby produced in me feelings such as I've never experienced before.

The two of us were staying at the lake for the summer before I left for the Army and Bobby went off for his freshman year at college. Every year since knowing Bobby his dad would tow their big travel trailer up to the same spot at Lake Spartan, parking it for the summer. And then on weekends family and friends would pack up heading for the lake to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

That summer after graduation before we would go our separate ways Bobby and I with the blessings of our parents didn't take on summer jobs as usual during previous summer breaks; instead, we opted to spend the summer at Lake Spartan enjoying the last days of our youth. We saw no use in working a few weeks, thereby depriving others of a job before quitting and then going off to the Army for me and college for Bobby. We had enough money saved up that we could live comfortably for those few weeks of summer vacation.

Bobby and I were unlikely pals. He was not a particularly good-looking guy, nor was he well endowed with bulging biceps, powerful pecs or well-defined abdominal muscles. His physical characteristics were quite simply that of a gangling geek; whereas, I was the athlete with a strong body and good looks. We both excelled academically, but my nerdy roommate for the summer was and had been somewhat of a quiet bookworm throughout school never venturing to participate in extracurricular athletic actives. I was the outwardly adventurous and athletic one.

Despite our differences Bobby and I had grown extremely close over the course of the last year in high school. During that time we'd spent many nights involved in intriguing philosophical conversations. We'd also confided in each other our deepest intimacies and secrets. My place in life and my sexual lifestyle had been in turmoil since puberty. I had a girlfriend who I'd dated for two years in high school; however, she was now attending college well over two thousand miles away. I wanted to do the nasty with her during our relationship, but all she would do was fist fuck me and she didn't do that well.

She attempted oral sex on a couple occasions, but she just didn't understand nor could she master the technique of how to give a blowjob. She gagged, spit and even hurled on one occasion. My sister's girlfriend's cousin however had performed oral sex on me a few times the summer between my junior and senior year in high school. He was an outstanding cocksucker and from that point in time I couldn't get enough. That had been the extent of my sexual involvement thus far in life.

I knew after Roy performed that first blowjob on me that I was hooked on oral sex. He knew how to suck a cock. The first time his warm moist lips covered my crimson crown he nearly drove me insane as his tongue titillated my glans and frenulum to fruition. Within seconds of engulfing my glans I came like the old geyser at Yellowstone National Park.

I also knew from the first time I'd touched another guy's dick when I was a kid that I wanted to experiment sexually with other males; however, there was always that deep seated fear lurking in the back of my mind about what would happen if I was caught. I just couldn't follow through on any of my sexual fantasies for fear of being caught and exposed.

The last thing I needed in my life was to be labeled sexual deviant and sex offender. One night the second week after Bobby's parents and siblings went back to the city my friend made a bold move. After a fun filled day bike riding and swimming we sat under a canopy of stars talking. Across the table from each other we drank beer, talking about sex well into the evening hours. After a couple bottles of beer we became a little inebriated, loosening up. A couple more and Bobby reached across the table taking my hands into his. Looking across at him I submitted to his haptic touch, letting his fingers explore my hands.

His magical fingers began stroking my hands in a most sensual manner. After moments of silence he simply said, "You know I can make you come just by touching you in certain areas and ways."

"Really," I replied as I sat there admiring his long fingers that were touching me. With each tactful touch I sensed electrical tingling sensations, "You've got great looking hands and fingers."

"Thanks," Bobby replied. With tenderness he continued working his fingers over my hands, "Are you becoming sexually aroused? You know, are you getting hard?"

I didn't reply because I was quickly becoming aroused. Bobby turned lose of my hands, getting up he began moving around the table behind me. Standing behind me I felt his hands begin moving methodically from the top of my shoulders down the front of my white T-shirt until they reached my erect nipples beneath the fabric. As he fondled my nipples he said, "Randy, I'm gonna make you cum tonight and never touch your dick."

From what I was feeling I had no doubt that Bobby could accomplish that feat, but the fear from the past about being caught and outed began welling up inside me. I couldn't understand why. We were miles from any other campers. The Fourth of July weekend was when the area began filling up with other campers. From then through Labor Day weekend, but the Fourth was two weeks away. I was speechless, but wanted Bobby to continue.

I remember telling Bobby during one of our earlier intimate conversations that I thought I would enjoy having my anal cavity explored digitally. He jokingly replied that he would enjoy doing that for me. He asked me if I had ever been diddled or cornholed before. To which I replied, no. I remember Bobby asking me during that conversation about my sexual experiences. I told him that my sex life had been limited, but now that I was of age and free of parental control I wanted to expand my wings and fly.

I recall telling him how I played with my asshole a few times when I was younger and what exhilarating feelings it produced. I told him how I would wet my middle finger with saliva or use baby oil to play around, rubbing the entrance to my asshole of a night while I lay in bed jerking off. Also, when I took a bath or shower I would soap up my ass playing with my asshole. So, by the time I was in high school I knew my asshole was super sensitive to touch.

My hard cock was aching and my back was arching back accepting Bobby's continuing manipulating of my firm nubs. I knew from previous experimenting that my nipples got hard and sensitive anytime my cock became engorged. I was getting the distinct impression that I wasn't the first person Bobby had been intimate with. Bobby leaned in over my shoulder kissing me lightly on the neck and ear whispering with hot breath, "How are you feeling inside?"

I couldn't answer I was too engrossed in what Bobby was doing to me. As he continued working my hard nubs I felt as though I was ready to explode. I wanted my friend to take my penis in his mouth like Roy had and suck me. Bobby continued kissing me on the neck and around my ear. His hot breath was driving me wild with desire. I could hear myself beginning to cry out with pleasure, "OOOUUHH AAAHHH," Something I'd never allowed before.

Actually, I never permitted myself to enjoy the pleasure of vocal expressions while masturbating. I beat off in total silence and secrecy. Even in enlightened times masturbation was still something done in the secret, and with others within earshot there was no vocalizing allowed. When I was younger I often wondered why my parents would sometimes go off for the weekend to a hotel or resort and not take us kids. They wanted intimate time where they could enjoy each other sexually.


I was trying to think about other things so as not to ejaculate, but with each fondling of my nipples I was closer to losing it, "OOOHHH BOBBY SUCK ON MY NIPPLES!"

"Not this time," Bobby whispered in my ear.

Finally, I felt my nuts drawing up. There were the intense feelings I'd experienced before just before I'd shoot a load. I began moaning, "OH MY GOD! OOOUUHH! OH YES DON'T STOP! OOOUUHH," and then suddenly I felt the explosion inside my briefs. I could feel the warm sticky substance shooting from the urethral opening, covering the sensitive head of my cock and pubic area.

Bobby had done what he said he could do and did it well. He made me cry out and cum, enjoying the pleasure of another man's touch.

[Please let me know what you think of the story. Would you like to see it move onto a new level for the two? To contact the author, Dick Lickerish, cut and paste the e-mail address making appropriate corrections and then E-mail: richardlickerish "at" yahoo "dot" com Subject line: Touch.]

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