Total Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 24, 2023


Chapter 3. Austin and dan, Matty and abe enter the club.

Austin enters proudly with dan in its collar and leash. Austin capitalized on the slave's pride in its body and has it bare-chested and wearing a tight pair of football shorts and even sneakers on its feet. Its flesh is clear although its nipples look like they were recently worked and are obviously sore. It has tight black leather bands around each wrist. Immediately several men noticed him and admired the way his slave was decked out. For now, dan has permission to look around provided that it lower its eyes if anyone else spoke to him or asked him a question. And indeed, there were plenty of questions:

Do you date other guys as well?

You're owned? Wow!

Never knew you were a sub, Jonny!

Would you ever Dom a guy? (NO!!!)

We gonna see more of that body later?

Some ordered the slave to look into their eyes while answering their questions; some liked its humble demeanor. Several other subs teased dan and congratulated him on finding out his true nature. He didn't have to lower his eyes to them, and they had a few nice banters until finally Austin would get tired of it and would give a tug on its leash to start moving away. The other subs easily understood the signal.

Uh-oh! Andy came in, unattached to anyone else. Just wait until he gets a look at Justin! Oh wait! Justin is well disguised and Andy wouldn't recognize his body as it is.

"What are you thinking about?" asks Austin.

"Master, I just saw Andy here. Alone. Was wondering if he'll recognize Justin?"

"Stand still for a bit." dan obeys. Austin turns around and faces his slave, raises his fingers and starts to work its nipples aggressively. dan breathes in through his teeth and even whimpers a bit while others looked on. "This should give you something to focus your attention on. Mind your own business."

In a weak voice dan whispers, "Yes, Master. Thank you, Master," and kisses the Master's hands that were torturing its nipples to teach it a lesson. It was also making a point to the Doms and even subs who had seen what happened. This slave of his looked like a tough champion but it was collared. Its Master could quickly turn it into a sniveling little boy with tears in its eyes.

Then Austin gets an idea. He clips the piece over the slave's hood that covers its eyes. "There. Nothing to look at now, boy. Just come where I bring you. Others will get out of the way."

At one point a twink comes up to Austin and asks if he can speak to him. Austin nods and the twink says "Sir, would you toy with my nipples the way you did to your slave? Never had it rough before."

Austin answers, "What's your name?" "Sandy, Sir." "I won't touch you but I'll make you an offer, Sandy. I'll have my boy take care of you without knowing who you are. He's pretty good at it. Used to be a Dom until he found out he needed me to be his Master." The kid smiles. "Hot, Sir. Please?" Austin smiles at him and positions dan right in front of him. He tells dan, "Reach out until you touch this guy's chest and move around until you find his nipples. Start working them slowly then keep increasing until the boy can't take any more." Blindly, dan reaches out and does his Master's bidding. "Kid must be just 18," he thinks to himself. "Such nice smooth skin. Bet he's a blond. Oh man! These nips are ripe for picking," and he enjoys perking them up a bit, then rolling and pulling bit by bit. The twink closes his eyes and moans like a whore. dan keeps intensifying his fingers on those nips. A couple of men encourage the kid who's about to pull away. "Keep at it, boy. Take it! Go! Go!" and the kid really struggles then all of a sudden cries out loudly and pulls away. "Good boy," says Austin, and a couple other men praise him too. Shortly after that the twink is being kissed by a hot Dom who's forcing his hand down the back of the twink's jeans.

"Okay," Austin says. "that was your treat for the night. Let's get you sucking cock. Blind. So kneel down and get ready. Open that mouth for someone to push into it." It doesn't take long. Damn! The twinks are horny tonight. One tough guy, looks like he does hard physical work raises his eyebrows to Austin who nods. The guy takes out his prick. "Just stick it through the hole. It's mouth is ready for you," Austin says, and that's what happens. "Show that cock how hungry you are, boy. Treat it real good." It doesn't take long before the guy is hard, holding the slave's head, and taking his pleasure from its mouth.

And while all this is going on, Austin looks around and surely enough, he does see Andy. Approaching Darryl. Oh my! Andy walks right up to Darryl and smiling taps his chest. "Darry'! Haven't seen you in ages. You're looking good," . . . . and they converse a bit . . . . then Andy says, "See you've got a new boy. What's its name?" "19." "Interesting name." "it doesn't deserve a name, just a number.'" "Good choice," says Andy. "So why hooded?" Austin has the perfect answer, "It's not yet worthy to show its face. Right now I'm not even letting it look around." "Excellent control, Darryl. Of course, I'm not surprised." "So anyway, Andy, it has a well-trained mouth. Wanna sample its talents?"

Andy doesn't need to be asked twice. He takes out his cock which is half hard already, takes the slave by the head, and gets himself into the slave's mouth. "Make love to that dick, 19," orders Darryl. "Show this nice man what you are," he continues. Justin—oh I mean, 19---is nearly having a hard attack along with a severe humiliation attack. Andy is making it suck his cock. Andy. His housemate. He's blowing his buddy for the first time in his life, but not as a buddy but rather as some anonymous collared slave. Oh man. Wait for the day that Andy finds out he's 19 now. And remembers what's happening now. Justin's inner sub it vibrating so hard he feels he could cause an earthquake. And Andy isn't shy about really raping this slave's mouth. "Yeah, you've got a real gem there, Darryl. Great cocksucker. Maybe I'll be back later when I want to blast my load." Darryl nods. "Anytime, Andy. Any time at all. This slave's mouth and throat are always open for you." As he says this he takes a hand and squeezes 19' shoulder.

19 needs a moment, so it bows to the ground to kiss Austin's boots, and Austin understands. "Get up. I'll bring you into an alcove and hold you for a while, boy. I know that was a big thing. Life-changing. Andy will never see you as a Dom again. Rather, always naked, on your knees, sucking his cock. No longer an equal." He leads 19 to a private place, removes its eyeguard and takes it into his arms with the slave's back shoved against the corner. Soon it is obvious that the slave is sobbing. Darryl says nothing. Just continues to hold it.

Oops, sorry for the little side trip there. Back to Austin and dan, who has just finished sucking another guy's cock, this one clearly a Dom who, with Austin's nod, slaps the slave's face while fucking its mouth and making it choke a few times until Austin says "enough of that." The Dom backs out, nods to Austin, and goes off somewhere. Austin helps dan stand up. "Only the twinks want to cum fast. Too new to be able to hold off. So let's see if we can get you to swallow some more twink jizz!" and he laughs. dan wisely lowers his eyes and head and doesn't voice the snarky response that came to mind right away.

. . .

Mattty and Abe

Abe has been collared and it is a beautiful piece, some kind of rounded black metal with four rings and padlocked in the back. This is the "formal" collar. The slave cannot wear it for too long without being bruised. A well-designed leather collar is in the car, just in case.

Other than the collar and being bare-chested, Abe doesn't have the demeanor of a slave although he is now completely aware that he is owned and subservient and subject to regular discipline. This is just as true when they are in casual mode and not observing any type of protocol. Not yet, anyway.

Matty just wants to get the lay of the land. This is their first time ever in such a place and it seems a bit overwhelming to Matty although Abe is hard as a rock already and hoping, hoping, hoping . . . "I want you to wander around on your own, and if anyone touches you, stop immediately and give yourself to that person if possible. I'll be watching." He winks at Abe and smacks his butt. "Go! Have fun! Let me see you in action like the submissive you are. don't worry. I'll be near."

Abe walks away and has to stop himself from touching anyone on his own. Soon enough he feels some man's hand on the back of his neck and he immediately stops and lowers his head beneath the man's hand. "Turn around." He does. The man puts a hand on the side of Abe's face. Abe's eyes are lowered. "Let me see those eyes, slut." Abe raises his eyes. "You're trained, aren't you, bitch?"

"Yes, Sir." "And you are a slut when your Master allows." "Yes, Sir." "Like right now. Lower the eyes again." "Yes, Sir." The man reaches down to Abe's crotch and discovers that he is caged. "Nice. Proper for a twink like you. Well controlled." "Yes, Sir." The man spits into his face and then begins slapping his face back and forth with considerable severity. Matty quickly steps forward and simply lays his hand on the man's arm and the man stops what he was doing. "I hope we'll see the two of you around often," the man says, nods to Matty and smiles. "Considering it," answers Matty. "Have you ever had the boy flogged before?" he asks, introducing himself as Ted. "Matty. No I haven't. Do you know anyone here who wouldn't get too rough, Ted? You seem to know your way around."

"I know just the guy. Excellent with beginners. Very mild and you call it quits as he builds up. Interested?"

Matty looks at Abe who's kept his head lowered. "Yes, Ted," he says. "Well why don't you go over by that little stage there and I'll bring him over to you." Matty nods and goes and Abe follows.

"I'll decide how much this will hurt, boy. Just remember that. If it starts to hurt, that's because I want it to. I fucking own you, boy."

"yes, Master."

"Let's get those jeans and sneakers off you, slave."

They work together and by the time the boy is naked except for its collar and cage, a tall man dressed in a Texas-style outfit comes over with Ted and he's already carrying a flogger in his hands.

"Master Wayne," Ted says, introducing him to Matty who bows to the man. "I assume this is the virgin whipping-boy you want seasoned."

"Yes, Master Wayne,"

"Leave it up to me then. You shout the word RED and it all stops. Otherwise I'll keep going, even to change implements if necessary. Understand?" "Yes, Sir." "Fine."

Ted holds out soft manacles. He and Matty put them on the slave. "Up you go," says Master Wayne, practically lifting the boy off its feet and getting it up onto the platform. He binds its hands to the stockade there and says to Abe, "I love breaking in a stud like you, turning you into a child again. I'm gonna thrash you until your Master calls quits. Don't try to be a hero. Shout out your cries if you need to."

He doesn't wait for an answer. There was no need for an answer. The slave will submit.

Master Wayne steps back, tries out the flogger, and begins.

Gentle, soft lashes that make Abe tremble in a good way as chills go up and down its body. Slowly the pressure increases and the blows fall pretty silently and all that can be heard are a few moans from the slave who is quickly slipping into a proper state of mind for what is to come, constantly remembering that this is what Matty wants him to take. He wants to make Matty proud.

Master Wayne calls for a new implement, one that isn't as soft as the first one. The first light blow from this one gets Abe's attention right away, and before long he is crying out, and this is so much different from Matty's straps, and now it really begins to bite, and just as Abe is about to begin crying, Matty yells RED. Everything stops.

Master Wayne gestures for Matty to come up to the platform. "Gentle caresses for a while. Keep it bound until it has calmed down completely. Then lots of hugs." Matty nods and thanks him.

Abe trembles at his Master's touch. "You are my good boy," he says to Abe, passing his hands from the slave's neck down to its waist. "I want to fuck you while you're still smarting, Abe."

"Take me now, please, Master?"

Matty releases the slave from the stockade and asks Ted where he can have privacy to fuck his slave. Ted shows the way and once they are inside and getting on the bed, he closes the curtain. No one will disturb them now.

"Grovel on the bed with your ass up, slave. Welcome my cock. I got hard watching you be whipped."

"Yours, Master," says Abe, getting into position. Sure, the slave has been whipped a lot harder than what just happened by Wayne, but this is a new life. And it begins again, knowing that its Master wants to savor every step in the journey.

Matty lubes himself up with the lube provided there and his cock quickly finds its way into the slave's body where it belongs, and as he continues to fuck this boy he owns, he decides that he is going to fill out an application before they leave here tonight.


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Next: Chapter 4

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