Torture Week

By Casey .....none.....

Published on Oct 7, 2023


Disclaimer: All the usual. This story involves male-to-male sex, bondage and discipline. If this is offensive or if you're under 18, get out!


Chapter V

I felt a stabbing pain on the head of my cock. Steve was kneeling next to me ... flipping the head of my cock with his middle finger and thumb.

"P...please", I whimpered. To my surprise, Steve smiled at me and stopped!

"Time to rock and roll, slave", he was sinister, releasing the cuffs on my ankles.

He led me upstairs, into the garage and to the back of the truck. He put my on my back, my head hanging over the edge of the mattress. My arms were shacked to either side of the van. He raised my legs, attaching my ankles to some hooks on the ceiling. I was totally exposed again. Finally, he blindfolded me.

Steve backed out of the garage and started driving. We went for a long distance ... at least it took a long time. We got onto a rough road that bounced me around, since I wasn't able to stabilize myself. He the stopped and shut off the engine, and got out of the truck.

After a short time, the two read doors were opened and my blindfold taken off. Even though I was looking upside-down, I could see several naked man ... their half-hard cocks swing between their legs as they walked toward the truck. I couldn't tell how many guys were there, but it was obvious that I was gonna have to drain their nuts and take their cum.

One after another they fucked my face and my ass. After awhile, I lost count, but I'm sure some used me for seconds. My ass was filled with jissm, as well as my stomach.

"Damn boy, you sure have a hot ass.", Steve whispered to me. "I've got to have that again for myself. But I want you tight ... I want it to feel tight."

He reached for a thin dildo and shoved it up my ass without any lube. It went in easily ... I was full of cum and lube and had been stretched way beyond my limits. He fucked my deep and hard with the dildo. God, it felt so damn good. He crawled on top of me and worked his cock onto my ass, along side of that dildo! It hurt a little, but not much. As he pumped my ass, the dildo was rammed deep and forcefully into my guts. I was so hot, I could hardly stand it.

"Ya ready", Steve asked as he grabbed my cock and stroked it. I blew my load, shooting my cream onto the ceiling of the truck.

"Awwww ... FUCK", Steve yelled as he filled my boy cunt with his hot juice.

After he wiped himself off, the blindfold was replaced and Steve started driving on that damn rough road again. This time, we didn't seem to go far when he stopped.

Again, he removed my blindfold. Then he released my legs and wrists and push mew out of the truck. There was a small table with a mat on top, with two vertical posts on one end. Again, he laid me on my back, tied my wrists to the table, raised my legs high up and attached them to the posts with a rope. I knew what was coming next ... more of the same.

Soon I heard voices. Then I saw a couple of men ... no boys! They were about 16 or 17 and Steve was taking money from them. Money! That fucker was selling me and not sharing the cash. I felt betrayed. I though Steve cared for me a little.

The first approached, boy dropped his pants, showing a huge soft cock. He put it in my mouth and started pumping. It grew and grew ... until I couldn't take any more. It was pretty big, even soft, but was huge when it got hard. It was even more remarkable because the boy was young and thin. Not the type of guy you would expect to be hung so large.

He pulled it out of my gagging mouth and stood between my legs. Thankfully, he started in gently. I felt every inch stretching me open. Sure I had taken all sorts of fat things in my ass, but this one was real fat and it was long. Soon, the head started to poke something deep inside me and I felt a stab of pain. He pulled back a little, then continues pushing. He pain was there again, but not quite as bad. He pushed hared and buried the last inch inside me. Again a stabbing pain, but he didn't immediately pull back. He just stayed there.

He looked at the second boy, now poised over my face, swinging his increasingly hard cock. "Ok Jeremy, shove your cock in his mouth", he commanded.

The boy held my head and shove his respectable 7 incher into my mouth and down my throat. My butt hole was so damn sore and my mouth was aching from so much sucking. I liked the sexual abuse, but I just wanted it to end. I couldn't take anymore.

With a sudden spasm, Jeremy filled my mouth, but pulled out and continued to spray jissm on my face and chest.

"Awww ... here I CUM!.

I felt the cock in my ass throb and my ass got filled again. He pulled out and I felt totally wasted. I was finished, my cock was soft. Steve replaced the blindfold again and started to drive off.

"Please sir .... please. No more ... please", I whimpered.

"Ok, you've had it for now. I'll take you back to get your clothes, then I'll take you back to your dorm."

"Huh? How do you know where I live?", I quizzed.

"I looked in your wallet ... your student ID. Oh yeah, I know where you home town is, too. And, I know where your parents live.", Steve said somewhat jeeringly.

A chill ran down my spine. I had always protected myself and tried to say anonymously, perhaps aloof from this part of my life. Now Steve knew all about me. Oh well, what the hell. I like him a lot and he'll treat me ok.

Dressed and clean, we pulled up to the dorm. Students were hustling about, strange for a Sunday. Or was it Sunday?

"What day is today?", I quizzed Steve.

"Friday", he smiled broadly.

"SUNDAY!!!! Sunday! You've been fucking me for a week! Damn, I missed a lot of classes. My advisor is gonna have my ass." I complained

"Nope. I called and told him I was your doctor. You've had a disabling case of hemorrhoids", he smiled again.

"Auwww FUCK.", I couldn't help but smile. I was an original excuse.

"Rest this weekend, but next weekend I'll pick you up here on Friday at 8pm", he said calmly

"Oh man, I don't know..... I need to study to get caught up. Anyway, I'm not sure I can handle anything more so soon.", I was sorta whimpering. I was a little scared.

"Remember that video I had you make", he asked.

"Yeah, what about it?", I was worried.

"You think your parents and the school would be interested in seeing a little fag prostitute wiggling his ass and beating his cock for the camera?", he sneered.

"Hey man, no. NO."

"Yes MAN .. YES. Maybe when you apply to med school, they'd like to know what kind of boy that are admitting", he was stern now.

"Oh shit.... You wouldn't", I paused. "Oh ..... yes you will, huh?", I asked.

Steve just looked at me, smiling.

"Look kid, I like you, but you have to learn to obey me. When you have learned to worship me, then I'll let up on you. Until then, you're gonna suck and get fucked until I break your will. Until you submit to me without question.", he said.

"P.. P..please don't. I like you ... why are you treating me this way", I started to cry.

"Stop that crying. You've got what it takes to be a good slave and to make some money for me. If you're good, I'll share some with you.", he was very firm.

At the same time, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. I have no idea how much he had, but it looked like several hundred in twenties. He peeled off about five hundred and handed it to me.

"Here's your cut. Not much yet, but if you play your cards right, I'll give you a lot more. I want you to keep squeezing your boy cunt closed all week.

Exercise it ... improve the strength of the muscles. You need to learn how make yourself feel like a virgin for every guy. Understand me?", he demanded.

"Yeah". I felt a little dirty. I was a prostitute. A hustler.

Looking at me, Steve must have realized what was on my mind.

"Kid ... don't feel bad. I love whores. I love boys that know how to use their talents'. You'll do well. Soon, we'll find better johns' ... ones with more money.". He reached over and pulled the handle and pushed the door open.

I climbed out, turned and waved as Steve drove off. FUCK! What did I get myself into? I was so fucking dumb! Now, I'm his whore and I can't do anything about it. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

I flopped in my bed and fell asleep. I awoke with a start as Brandon, my roommate banged into the room.

"Damn, where in the fuck have you been?", he asked. Then looking at me closer, "Shit, you look bad!"

"Yeah, I've been used all week. I did things you'll never believe."

"Yeah, I believe it ... you really look like you've been ridden hard and put away wet!", he said with a grin.

I had to grin, too, "You'll never believe it. I need to get some more sleep, now .... night"

"Bull shit ... you're gone for a week and you say your sleepy! C'mon, fees up. Tell it all", he demanded

"I'll tell you, but you won't like it. In fact, you probably won't like me after I tell you.", I replied.

"What'da mean? We're more than friends ... we're roomies. I know you and I like you, so don't be so dumb. Tell me!", he was getting pissed.

So, I told him everything. Every detail, every guy in my mouth and my ass. It took a long time to relate the whole story and it was getting dark in the room when I finally finished. Jesse hadn't turned on a light and I couldn't make out the expression on his face. I was sure this would be the end of our relationship.

"I .... ahhh ... I understand if you want a new roommate. I'll move out ... you can stay here.", I added.

He didn't move or say anything. He just sat there for several minutes. I was ready to cry. Brandon was a great guy and I had just confessed to being a slut ... a whore. I was sure he was disgusted with me.

Finally he leaned over. Almost whispering, "We've gonna have to find a way to get you out of this."

"I donno what can be done. He's got me and I'm scared he really will give that tape out if I refuse him", I whimpered.

"Yeah ..... maybe .... Maybe I can think of something", he replied.

He took me in his arms and held me very tight. We slept fully clothed in each others arms all night. Damn, now what was I gonna do about Steve?


Next: Chapter 5

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