Torture Week

By Casey .....none.....

Published on Oct 7, 2023


Disclaimer: All the usual. This story involves male-to-male sex, bondage and discipline. If this is offensive or if you're under 18, get out!


Chapters I, II


Hi again. My first story was `The Party', published here. I've had good response from it, so I decided to write more about my experiences. I guess I've had my share of unique fun, partly because I'm very outgoing and I always make it clear that I'm up for anything, especially if it's new to me.

My stories don't mention condoms, so I need to give everybody a warning about having safe sex. Even though there seems to be some progress in the control of HIV/AIDS, this is not the time to get careless. I have to admit that at the time of my first story, The Party', my hormones took over my senses and I dropped my guard. Indeed, no one at the party used condoms. Later, I was scared shitless, but I was told that everybody in the group were carefully screened and had frequent initiation' parties similar to the one given me. Even so, it still isn't safe sex, but I now know several of the guys at the party ... none have contracted HIV. In the following story, most of the sex was unsafe, also. I know that each man was known by my Master and had been carefully selected. As I looked back on my experiences, I have to say that I would NEVER repeat the sex without condoms. I dodged the bullet ... many are not as lucky.

Now, on with my story .......

I was 18, almost 19 and my age was a big asset. I wasn't extemely cute, but I had a nicely defined smooth chest and smooth bubble butt. I wasn't shy, so I didn't have any trouble finding new fun. After I started college, I was able to expand my sexual appetite, tempered only by the available time and money. Oh yeah, MONEY! I was always in need of money. I guess all college boys are, but I decided that I had to do something about it. Sure there were part time jobs at minimum wage ... better jobs required too many hours.

I still had thoughts of the summer I spend with Mike, the stud from `The Party'. We spent the summer is total decadence and debauchery. God, I loved him, but I had to break away and attend college. We were half a continent apart, so it was difficult to see each other, except at holidays or breaks.

I was lucky to find a gay friendly' roommate, Brandon. We got along very well. He was always a bit too curious about my life and sexual activities, but we hadn't done anything together. We had many long frank discussions about sex, jacking off and whatever else happened to pop into our minds. We became totally comfortable with each other and were not embarrassed to beat off whenever we felt like it, even in front of the other. At first, Brandon always waiting until after we had gone to bed or when I wasn't around to get himself off ... I guess he was still a little shy. I had not such reservations ... day or night, I'd whip it out and pound it when I felt the urge. I know that Brandon always watched while I stroked. After awhile, he'd usually get hot and have to jack off at the same time. I always offered to help him out, but he would laugh and tell me no' ... so we made a joke out of it. He loved to tease me about wanting his cock and I liked to tell him he was a closet case and wanted me to do it, but was scared. Actually, I wanted him bad. He was very attractive and had a nice piece of meat. I was positive that someday we would get it on.

Knowing I was desperate for cash, he told me about a `dirty' bookstore near campus where gays hung out and he knew some of the guys on the street were hustlers. So, I decided that I'd give it a try. I made a lousy prostitute. I enjoyed the sex so much that I felt incredibly guilty taking any money from them. I only took it when the guy insisted that I take it. When I told Brandon how much I was making, he roared in laughter, saying he could probably make twice as much if he wanted. I felt embarrassed ... a decent looking young queer boy that can even bring himself to accept money for services performed. So, with renewed energy, I was determined to get picked up and make some money.

That's were my story begins.

Chapter I

It was Thursday and I was horny and broke. Even though I should be studying for exams the following week, I hit the street at the bookstore around 10pm.

There were several cars circling the block, sometimes two or three. Almost every one would slow as they passed and stared, sometime wave. I was particular, deciding to wait until I saw an attractive man.

I didn't wait long. A dark blue panel truck cruised by with a good looking middle aged man. It was one of those model without and windows on the side or in the back door. Unlike the cars, he pulled up to the curb in from of me. Leaning over, he rolled down the window and asked if I'd like to get in. As I walked up to the door, I could see him better ... a very handsome man with an apparently good body.

"You know I'm hustling", I queried

"Sure", he smiled. "I especially like to pay guys. Ah .. no involvement."

Well, I figured he was married or something like that and would be fun. Married men were so appreciative, but never gave me more than I asked.

"How much?" he asked as I got in the truck.

"A hundred. .... ah ... for an hour, but I don't watch the clock. Ok?"

"Sure. What do you do for that?", he asked.

"I guess anything. Well, all the regular stuff. ..... ya know, sucking and sucking.". As I answered, I was surprised at his expression.

He turned with a smirk on his face, "Any regular stuff?"

I wasn't sure why he had said that, but didn't want to ask as he put the truck in gear and we drove off. After a few minutes, he had found a deserted road near the edge of town and pulled over.

"C'mon, let's get in back", his voice was very demanding.

I hadn't noticed, but there was a heavy curtain hanging behind the seats, closing off the back of the truck. I was surprised when I crawled into the back. The floor was soft, covered with mattresses. He got in the back with me.

"Strip, boy", he demanded.

I quickly took everything off and so did he. My excitement was high and my cock was rack hard by the time I laid down, waiting for him to use me. He lay next to me, taking me in his arms and kissing my lips, holding my moth wide open and moving his tongue deep inside me. One hand traced the contour of my body until he reached my dick, throbbing by now with a drop of precum on the tip.

"Wow", he exclaimed, "You've got a nice big one"

It always made me blush when somebody complemented me on my size. I had about 8 circumcised inches, quite thick with a nice mushroom head. I reached for his fuck stick and about died. It must have been 10 inches and probably the thickest real cock I'd ever had.

"You're pretty nice, too.", I answered. "Your body is hot." I had been feeling his well defined chest, with a dusting of short dark hair. With his slim waist, I could only assume that he worked out regularly.

He got on top of me in a 69 position. I tried to suck his huge cock into my mouth, but it just wouldn't fit.

"Damn, it'ssss t.... tooo big", I said sorta gurgling on the head.

"Do the best you can", he answered. "I want your ass anyway"

He was literally swallowing my cock. Taking it into his throat and massaging the head with his throat muscles. Never had I had such a good blow job. He reached down to my knees and raised my legs, and my ass, very high. His face went quickly to my hairless crack, licking the length and pausing at my hole to shove his long tongue inside. He was driving me crazy. I needed his cock in me ... I had to be fucked!

Breathing hard, I gasped, "Fuck me ... FUCK ME please"

He quickly swung around between my legs, slapped some lube on my crack and on his cock and put that massive head against my quivering hole. He started applying pressure. My sphincter yielded allowing the head to almost pop in.

I must have jerked and let out a yelp, because he stopped pushing.

"DAMN, don't stop! Give it to me! Give me every inch of that fucking big cock! I wanna be rammed hard!" I was almost screaming.

He gave it more pressure. Inch by inch, that fat fuck stick disappeared into my eager hole. Oh man, it hurt like hell, but it was the erotic `good' hurt that I so loved to feel when I was getting fucked. He pistoned gently at first, then increased both length and speed, slipping his massive meat all the way out of my hole on every stroke. With only a very brief hesitation, he would plunge it all the way back in. His aim was perfect ... he would punch my prostrate every time, making me feel like I was gonna shoot any second. I grabbed my cock and started to pound it.

He hooked his arms under my knees and then slapped my hand away from my cock. Holding my wrists, he held my arms straight out while his cock ravaged my stretched hole.

"I don't want you to cum until I tell you it's ok", he commanded with a stern voice.

God! I thought I was in heaven. Held down by a hot stud being pounded and rammed mercilessly, I was about to pop. He started to tense and I knew the end was near. He bent over to lay on me and plant a kiss on my that about sucked my adam's apple out. I felt him shudder as his cock pulsed his seed in my ass. His groin, rubbing on my cock and the cum blasting in my ass, was more than I could handle. My own rod blew a load like I've not felt before, lubing our bellies and chest.

Exhausted, he collapsed on top of me, still holding my legs high and his softening cock in my butt. Eventually, he pulled it out and stretched down beside me. We laid together for a long while. He held and gently massaged my cock and balls the entire time. Gradually, he started to arouse me again. He manipulated my dick until it was quite hard and ready for action.

"Good boy.", he was pleased. "I was hoping you could do it again, cause I need another shot at that ass".

He rolled me on my stomach, spread my legs. With his hands spreading my cheeks, he buried his face in my crack, still wet with cum and lube. Damn, he kept it up for a long time ... I thought I'd go crazy. Then he mounted me, thrusting his giant cock deep in my in one stroke. I let out a yelp and he grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back so I couldn't squirm forward.

His thrusting felt exceptionally good ... no more pain, just the feeling of being completely filled with huge man meat. Again, he managed to stimulate my prostrate. He would pull all the way out before plunging deep into my guts again. After a few minutes, he put his arms around me, squeezing my body tight against his. Then he rolled us both over ... I was on my back on top of him ... his cock still slowly pumping my ass.

He put one hand on my balls and started to gently pull on them. At the same time, he started to pump my rock hard dick. I started to feel the cum swell up inside me when he gave a few hard thrusts in my ass ... I knew he was cumming.

Too much for me .... I begged, "Please let me cum .... please."

"Ok, do it boy, DO IT NOW", he said almost breathlessly.

Without hesitation, my cock pumped out my sticky sperm, shooting all the way over my belly and chest and landing all over my shoulders and face. Actually it wet my fuckers' face too, under my right shoulder.

We lay there panted and sweating for awhile, then he rolled me off of him and started to pull on his clothes. I did the same. We climbed into the front seats. He fiddled around with his wallet , then shoved a wad of bills in my hand,

"There's a couple a hundred .... ah, You're worth a lot more.", he was smiling'

"Oh man, this is too much. I do need it, but you're too good to charge" I actually hoped he wouldn't take it back, cause I was desperate, and he didn't disappoint.

"Nonsense! Take it. You earned it. There's more where that came from if you call me." He handed me a calling card that was blank, except for a printed phone number.

"Thanks, I'll call soon. I've got some exams next week, so I have study. I'll call you around the end of the week. I'll have a few days off, then", I said hopefully.

"Kewl ... I'll be waiting. We'll go to my place then."

He drive me back to my dorm. H leaned over and kissed him and thanked him again. As I turned to leave, he gave me a little pat on my butt.

I burst into the dorm room. Brandon was naked and jerking off, standing in the middle of the room.

"Damn! Don't make a mess on the floor. Why don't you just cream my mouth ... that won't make a mess" I said, half jokingly.

"Buzz off, fag! You know I do go for that." He stopped stroking and sat on his bed. "Do any good tonight"?

"Yeah, great sex. Shot off twice and got a hundred for each time"

"Well fuck! And you wanted to suck me off too?! You're never satisfied", he joked as he lay back and resumed his pumping.

I was tired, so I fell asleep quickly.

Chapter II

For the rest of the week, I studied and studied some more. I aced the exams and felt really good about myself. I only jacked off a couple of times. It was Thursday again, a week after I had met my hot trick'. I called the number he gave me. As the voice said hallo', I realized that I didn't know his name and I had not told him mine.

"Ahhh .... my name is Bill. I think I met you last Thursday in your truck", I stammered.

"Oh yeah. I remember ... I'd never forget you. My name is Steve. How'd your exams go?" he sounded happy to hear from me.

"Ok, I'm sure I did real well. Now I need a few days of entertainment. Any suggestions?", I replied.

He let out a slight chuckle, "Sure kid. Wanna come to my place? I'll keep you real busy."

"Yeah, but I don't have a car"

"No prob ... I'll pick you up. When will you be ready?"

"How about NOW?", I wanted it bad.

He picked me up in about 30 minutes. I had packed a few overnight things incase he wanted me to stay. I had to have some way to brush my oral pussy, even though I couldn't get very much of it in my mouth. I still wanted to taste his cum. Shit, I loved the taste of that stuff.

We arrived at an impressive house. I thought that this guy must be loaded to afford such a place.. On the way, he told me he lived alone, but had a select group of guys that visited him on regular occasions. I was the first he had nailed outside of the group in several years. I asked about using a condom, but he said he hated them because it hurt his cock. I could understand that ... I didn't think they made them big enough. He went on to explain that his select group of men were extemely careful, got frequent HIV tests and seldom went outside the group for sex. In fact, he told me that He had really been stupid to fuck me without protection and hoped I had been tested. I assured him that I was tested regularly and hadn't done anything unsafe for almost a year. My mind flashed back to my initiation party.

He lead me into the kitchen from the garage. "You hungry?", he asked. I told him that I wasn't so he took my hand and we started into the basement.

I was amazed and fascinated by his playroom. There was a sling hung in the center of the room. Some leather items neatly hung on the walls along with several dildos, some of which were the largest I'd ever seem. I went to the wall with the leather goods and started quizzing my host as to their purpose.

After several explanations, he asked, "You want to try some of them?"

I hesitated, then told him I didn't like pain, but some bondage would be ok.

He told me to strip ands I did so quickly, eager to get that big cock again. By the time I was naked, my own rod was at attention. He picked me up and laid me in the sling, fastening my ankles and wrists to the chains that held it to the ceiling. I was helpless and I liked the feeling. I trusted Steve and knew he'd give me a good time

I wasn't disappointed. He fucked my face even though I couldn't take much of his cock in my mouth. I managed to get him to cum ... he tasted salty and strong, just like a dominate man should. He fucked my ass several times before he let my off that sling.

For several days, we fucked and sucked. One time he spanked my ass very hard while I was in the sling. It hurt like hell and my ass was stinging, but I found myself liking it. I liked it a lot. The more he wacked me, the harder I got. Damn, maybe a little b&d wasn't too bad after all. I got to try some ball stretches, cock sheaves and a variety of other torture and discipline goodies that he had. None seemed to hurt much and I started wondering if all the shit I'd heard about b&d and s&m was a lot of hooey.

One afternoon, He asked if I would make a video for him, so he could remember how hot I was. Without thinking, I agreed. He cleared out a place on a wrestling mat and turned on some bright lights. There were two fixed cameras and Steve operated a portable. Obviously, this wasn't the first video he had made. Even so, no alarms bells went off in my head. Almost gleefully, I got on the mat and acted out the scenario that he had dictated.

I stroked my cock; I moaned; I got on my belly and spread my ass-cheeks open for the camera; I said things like, "Oh .... please fuck my faggot ass.

I only charge a hundred" and "I'll blow you for twenty bucks". I made a 20 minute tape, ending by jacking off and blowing my load all over my stomach and chest. After rubbing around my cum, I licked my fingers and said, "I love cum sooooo much. Please give me yours."

Later, we watched the tape together and hooted ... it seemed so damn funny, at the time. After a couple more days of bondage and sex, he drove me home after insisting that I take another two hundred bucks. Damn, he was generous. He asked if I could come back the next weekend so he could demonstrate some of his toys on me. I jumped at the chance, thinking it would be an erotic turn on. Little did I suspect what was really gonna happen to me.


Next: Chapter 2

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