Tormenting Twin Twinks

By theboysgamescontinue

Published on Jun 30, 2020


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Their day was mostly a blur. After breakfast, which consisted of a lot of a type of porridge and high protein snacks, both were forced on treadmills and the gym. It is clear they didn't want either thinking of escape because they were both put back to sleep and awoke just 20 minutes before the show. Still butt naked but apparently, cleaned inside and out.

Ryan was moved over to one of the covered devices in the room and the live stream started. This was one of the larger and taller devices in the room.

The cover was removed and there before him was a large, black, very slightly padded table. The top of the table was chest high so it stood tall. This table had thick metal hooks all around the edges and a hole cut into in the middle, about the size of an mouse pad. The table wasn't very thick but that played an important part in the design.

Ryan was mounted up onto the table, face down and spread eagled by 4 men. The men slid him up until his head was off the table but resting on an attached head rest. The inner part of the head rest was empty so he could see the floor below. His head was then strapped onto it. Everything else, shoulders down, was on this table. His cock and balls were dangling down through the hole in the middle of the table. The men chained his arms and legs to each corner. He was then strapped down on his legs, thighs, top of his butt, his stomach and chest.

What Ryan couldn't see, under the table, was the two thin pieces of wood on rails, both of which could slide towards his cock and away again on either side. Both pieces had a semicircle cutout at one end. Those two pieces of wood were then slid towards each other and Ryan's cock. When those two pieces of wood met, the two semicircles had formed a perfectly fitting circle around Ryan's cock and balls, trapping them under the table. Yet another reason both boys were measured so precisely on the first day. It was important he couldn't move his dick at all, These two pieces of wood were locked into place and this did the job perfectly.

The thinness of the table meant that very little of Ryan's dick was taken up by the thickness of the table or those pieces of wood. Ryan felt the spray and quickly had an erection that felt like it needed to grow beyond what it was capable of. Once he was fully erect, a large metal, mechanical device was placed close to him. Attached to this device were two items on two rods. Both rods at a 90 degree angle away from the device and towards Ryan's dick. On the end of the top rod was a 1 inch vibrating cock ring for the top of his cock. The second item, on the second and lower rod, was a 3 inch vibrating cock stroker to go beneath the cock ring. Both were placed over his cock. Both these devices were on automated poles that once started, will slide up and down his dick at whatever speed Mike wanted. The devices would never fall off because his measurements were already pre-programmed into the device.

The head of his cock was still free but the stroker would soon be sliding all the way up and down his shaft and head like its life depended on it. The other benefit of these devices is that Ryan's cock is now pointing straight down with no way of moving anywhere but straight down.

With the first part set-up, Mike turned on the microphone and begun...

"Welcome to the next installment of `Tormenting the Twin Twinks' live stream. As you can see, the amazing Ryan is now all set-up and ready for your pleasures and your bets, where every bet clears some of his debt".

Two cameramen moved around the table, giving everyone at home their first look at the set-up, above, below and all around.

Mike continued.

"While hooked up to this machine, you will be betting on how many times this stud of a twink Ryan will cum within an hour. As a fun side vote, it's up to all of you at home to elect how much time Ryan has to recover between each cum dump. On your screens at home, choose now for either 30 seconds, 1 minute, 1 minute thirty or 2 minutes. Please cast your vote now".

After a minute Mike Laughed as he announced "Well, you lot are so devilish. The machine will stop for just 30 seconds between each load. I guess you don't want Ryan to be too comfortable do you."

Mike carried on:

"In his ass we will be adding a vibrating, curvy, prostate pressing butt plug. This plug has a thin metal plate which will be touching and vibrating on his prostate for the entire hour for a lot of extra arousal."

"We need to declare now, just before the main betting opens, that we will be keeping his cock this rock hard all the way through. He will physically not be able to go limp until it ends and the spray wears off. This `will' affect the amount of loads this naked, spread-eagled horny stud shoots, so please take that into account when placing your bets.".

Mike carried on:

"For those of you not betting, as a side part of this event, you can once again participate on how things happen. You'll see on your screens at home there are now six options for what or where Ryan's cum will be drained. Please choose two options, with your first vote being your main vote. Once the winning two options have been voted for, the first 30 minutes of cum will be drained into the winning vote, the remaining 30 minutes will be for the second most voted for option. Neither of the twins can see the options so vote away and good luck!"

A minute passes and Mike announces over the speakers: "We have just had 138,000 votes and have two clear winners. Those at home can see those two options on their screens now, those two winning votes will be implemented and thank you for voting! The games will begin momentarily, after we have set-up the options." He looks over to his men.

"Men, cover Ryan's field of view, put the headphones on him and then get the first voted option set-up directly below his dick. Once done, plug his ass and have the remote ready to turn on the vibrator, make sure the mode is set too maximum. The main show begins in 5 minutes".

To be sure Ryan couldn't see what they were up to, they placed 3 small black panels around Ryan's head and then, at the base, they slid in a bottom panel which was actually a small TV screen. Then they added some heavy duty headphones to completely cover Ryan's ears so he couldn't see or hear anything other than the TV in front of him. There, right in front of Ryan's eyes, the screen lit up and started replaying the initial erotic build-up and cum explosions as both brothers shot over each others cocks in the tube yesterday, then followed on with Ryan cumming into his brothers mouth this morning. This he thinks, will be looping through the entire hour, headphones giving him maximum sound of both their sexually fuelled groans and their ejaculation ecstasy.

The viewers at home, could now see what Ryan was watching on his screen. Mike spoke up "As you can see at home, these adorable twin twinks obviously LOVE cumming on, over and in each other. So much so, we thought we'd give Ryan something to watch to keep him feeling as desperate as possible for his beautiful brothers cock, ass and cum-eager lips and mouth".

Ryan's embarrassment level just went up ten-fold.

Naked, Chained spread-eagled on a table, with his rock hard dick locked in place, he was about to cum multiple times to the sight of him and his brother having the best ejaculations of their lives. How the hell did this even happen he thought to himself.

With Ryan's cock at a perfect 90 degree angle from his body, pointing perfectly straight down, he knows his cum will shoot dead straight into whatever jar, cup or tube they had below him. Ryan had no idea what the audience had just voted for.

The winning vote was moved under the table and within 3 minutes it was all set-up and ready. A long strand of precum was already going into it.

Everything was set. Mike got the game started...


The sensations were too much even after a few seconds. His prostate exploded into joy, his dick vibrating as the stroker started it's long strokes up and down, over his head and back up again. Every few seconds, the speed got quicker until it was at a pace Ryan was already ready close to cumming. His eyes, fixed on the screen with him and his brother.

Beneath the table, the highest voted option, was Josh on a metal trolley, still wearing his aptly titled `cock whore' collar. His mouth had the open-wide gag attached to it again and his head was strapped down with 3 heavy-duty straps, with a head vice either side of his head to keep his head firmly locked into one position.

His arms and legs were chained wide apart above him using the hooks from the table above him . His chastity cage had been removed and the spray added. His sexy cute ass was on the edge of the table, in plain view. The smaller butt plug that had been in his ass all day was now replaced with a bigger plug to widen his hole.

His trolley was locked in place and it had a hydraulic lift which raised the trolley until his mouth was just a millimeter from the limit of the cock stroker, directly below Ryan's precum dripping cock.

Josh quickly felt the precum strand entering his mouth and touch his tongue. He tasted this earlier, he knew exactly what it was.

Ryan was wrong about the TV screen looping earlier, it now showed in real-time, two camera angles, both showing very clearly what was under his throbbing cock.

Two cameras were on Josh. A small go pro was looking down directly into Josh's mouth and the current precum strand entering it. A big camera beside the table was zoomed in on Josh's cock. As his brothers precum strand reached Josh's tongue, Josh's cock jumped and bounced. Ryan and every single viewer saw Josh's dick react passionately and longingly to what it knew the mouth had just tasted.

It had barely been a few minutes but the sight of Josh's reaction, with everything else going on, Ryan couldn't stop the desperate urge to empty his balls. Maybe if he shot everything now there would be nothing left, he thought to himself.

His eyes were transfixed on that wide open mouth and eager tongue, his brothers desperately horny cock bouncing on the screen.

For Josh, the spray, and the fact he hadn't cum, made him feel so sexually frustrated. His baby bro dick bouncing around humping the air, while his body and head were helpless to do anything or move anywhere. He was so utterly desperate to cum. He started trying to beg through the open mouth gag to cum.

That was it for Ryan, when he saw and heard him begging to cum, and then saw his baby bro's dick swinging a precum strand that landed on Ryan's own cock and balls, he lost all control.

He wished he hadn't, but he couldn't help it, he screamed out "Arrrggghhhh JOSH..." as wave after wave of brotherly cum came out like a fountain. Josh, because he couldn't see anything other than his brothers fully erect and dripping cock head, had no idea it was about to happen until he heard his brothers words.

The first two spurts, the biggest ones, came out so fast and hard, they went straight down his throat. The third, forth, fifth and six spurts hit the back of his throat and he had to swallow to clear his airways. Josh cock humping the air like crazy and was desperate to be able to cum himself.

Mike boomed over the speakers

"Ladies and Gentleman, in just 4 minutes and 10 seconds, we have our first ejaculation. A huge load. So sweet that he screamed his lovers name as he came".

Ryan was mortified but he didn't have enough time to process what he had done.... or why he said it. He was still dribbling cum, panting and still recovering from that explosion when he heard "5...4...3...2...1...BEGIN!"

The 30 seconds were already up and all three of those devices in and on Ryan started ramping back up. The post-ejaculation sensitivity on his spent cock was intense but there was nothing he could do. His cock was going to remain rock hard for the entire hour, no matter how spent, exhausted or sensitive he was.

One of the men came over and added a little more spray on Ryan's cocks and balls, then lube to the stroker. As he left, he gave Josh a quick spray and two hand strokes on his super sensitive cock head which sent Josh into complete sexual desperation.

All Josh could see was the head of his brothers fully erect, throbbing cock directly positioned above him, and the stroker going up and down it. His own mouth forced wide open, ready for his brothers next deposit into the bank of cock whore.

It took 6 minutes to bring Ryan back to the same point but he fought it. He tried everything he could to think of anything else. He managed another 6 minutes before Mike put into action one of the contingency plans. He whispered to a couple of his men.

One of the men took hold of a mechanical fuck machine and wheeled in front of Josh's ass. The machine was locked in position. The arm was extended out and attached to Josh's plug. Measurements were taken and calculated and the machine set-up. The second man now repositioned Josh's cock cam' so it now became Josh's ass cam'. He zoomed it in as close as he could to Josh's butt plug filled hole and gave a thumbs up that it was ready.

The screen Ryan was watching now showed the new angle and the machine fired into life. Ryan watched as the plug came out of his brothers hole, leaving a nice small pink open hole, his boy hole opening and contracting a couple times before the plug went back in and repeated this new show.

As the plug came out and Josh's open hole was puckering, a sexy voice started speaking softly into Ryan's headphones. "Isn't that the perfect sized hole for your man cock to go deep, deep into?"

The plug went back in and came back out, more slowly

"Wouldn't that little brother hole look so lovely and sexy if it was filled with your big mans cock?"

Ryan by now was on the brink of shooting again, these suggestions were breaking through every barrier he was putting up.

The plug went back in and came back out, even more slowly. Josh's hole open and looking all inviting.

"Just think of all your cum running out and down your brothers cute ass and onto his little, blue, desperate balls"

That did it, talking of cumming in his brothers hole and dribbling out, while Ryan himself was so desperate to cum again, just set him off. With the quietest `Oh God...', Ryan shot his second load into the back of his brothers throat. This time Ryan's cry out wasn't loud enough for Josh to hear so the first surge took Josh completely by surprise. It was as fast and as plentiful as the first wave on the previous cum dump.

Ryan managed 4 good spurts before he was spent.

"Well well, who would have guessed". Mike smiles and on the big screen in the room he replayed not only what just happened but the sexy voice Ryan was listening to. Ryan thought only he could hear it that, it turns out everyone could hear it, all except Josh. But that was just about to change...

Over the room, nice and loud, for Josh's benefit the room echoed with:

"Just think of all your cum running out and down your brothers cute ass and onto his little, blue, desperate balls".... "Oh God..." and then followed the sound of Josh swallowing.

Josh now knew that the reason that load was just as fast-shooting as the first, was because his brother was thinking of his open boy-hole and cumming deep inside him.


The embarrassment and total humiliation of this event was really getting to Ryan. Will his brother ever talk to him again? Ryan caused all this but it's Josh who is being used as the cum dump. Ryan wished he could have lasted just a few more seconds so that his baby bro wouldn't have to go through this.

Cum dump... baby bro...cute puckered blue balls... Ryan was quickly heading back to the point of shooting again with all these thoughts.

"5 minutes of the first 30 minutes remaining"

Ryan wasn't worried about cumming once more in those 5 minutes, he was worried about cumming more than once!

Mike knew what to do to ramp things up.

The stroker was re-programmed to not go down as far as Ryan's head. Once it had been re-positioned, Josh's trolley and fuck machine were raised until his mouth was again just a millimeter from the stroker, but now, his brothers big warm cock was inside Josh's mouth and close to the back of his throat. Josh moved his tongue just every so slightly up and was greeted with the tip and slit of his brothers cock. With precum now on his tongue again, Josh went further up, wrapping his tongue over the head of his brothers pulsing cock.

Ryan tried everything he could to not cum. He managed another 2 minutes. Ryan closed his eyes but he could feel the warm breath of his baby bro on his super sensitive cock head.

"2 minutes of the first 30 minutes remaining"

Josh wanted the last laugh, he wanted payback. He wanted his brothers exhausted and for his sensitive cock to be forced to cum again.

Josh licked and caressed, flicked and pressed on his brothers throbbing cock. Josh put the tip of his tongue inside his brothers slit and wiggled inside.

"1 minute remaining"

Ryan was desperate. His brother's tongue was driving him insane.

The Stroker sped up and Josh's tongue matched the stroker, now working as a team on Ryan's desperate cock.

"20 Seconds"

Josh started breathing heavier on his brothers cock, warm breath as his tongue was going wild all over his cock

Ryan couldn't contain it. He tried desperately to not cum. He was soooooo close.


With one last big tongue flick over Ryan's head, Ryan screamed at the top of his lungs "ARRRRRGGGGHHHH FUUUUUUUCCKKKK"

Wave after wave of cum shot into his brother's mouth once again.


All machines slowed and stopped. Ryan was sweating, panting, exhausted... drained.

Josh smiled the best he could inside the gag, as he lapped up the last of his brothers man juice. That will teach him!

Neither knew what the next 30 minutes had in store for them...

"Ladies and gentleman, there will be a brief 5 minute recess while we set-up the next 30 minutes using option 2"

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