Tormenting Twin Twinks

By theboysgamescontinue

Published on Jun 28, 2020


Ryan woke first, disorientated he tried moving. His hands were free but his legs, spread wide, wouldn't budge. He felt air on his groin. He looked down and saw Josh still passed out, his head on Ryan's thigh. Josh's breath softly blowing against the skin of his newly shaved pubic area. Both were still naked. Ryan lifted his head up to get a better view of their situation.

Ryan's feet were locked in a wooden stock, legs spread apart. Josh was curled up in-between his legs. Ryan felt something tight on his balls and he looked to see a single half of a pair of handcuffs which was rather tightly secured around his cock and balls. There was no way he could get that off without the key. This single handcuff had just one metal chain link attached to it. Attached to that single chain link was a decent sized padlock. The padlock also held a separate, slightly thicker chain which was secured to a metal collar that Josh was now wearing around his neck. There was writing on the collar. Ryan leaned over. Two words, `Cock Whore', had been elegantly engraved onto the collar in big letters. Big enough, he figured, for the streaming audience to clearly see and giggle over.

The length of the chain from Ryan's cock to Josh's collar was really, really small, just two metal links. Ryan realised that this meant that while they were chained up in this way, Josh's face, and more importantly he figured, Josh's mouth, could never be more than a two metal links away from his cock and balls. Any chance of Escape was never going to be possible while they were chained and locked together in this position.

Josh started stirring. His brother softly touched his head and spoke.

"Josh, please be very careful how you move. Move slowly. If you do any sudden movements you are going to really hurt me okay?"

Josh opened his eyes slowly. There, just an inch from his face, was his brothers shaved cock and balls. He panicked, tried moving away and Ryan screamed as Josh pulled away, with Ryan's cock and balls following in pain. Josh instantly realised their predicament and placed his head back down, his nose resting next to his brothers cock and his mouth resting right at the base of his cock and balls.

"What's going on? What do I do?" Asked Josh

Ryan explained what he knew so far

"Baby bro, you're safe. You have a collar around your neck and a really short chain connecting your collar to my cock and balls. I know your lips are so close, you're practically kissing my dick already, but please stay exactly where you are for now".

He continued "Just stay there baby bro, let me see for you. I want you to just stay there while I look around us, okay?"

"Okay" sighed Josh. Josh could only smell the lightest hint of an aroma from his brother crutch, but what he smelled he liked. He smelt like a man.

Ryan and Josh were laying on an all metal platform. The wooden stocks only had holes for one pair of legs so Ryan guessed this is how they will always be sleeping until freed. The stock had solid metal bolts holding them down and the latch had a thick, heavy-duty padlock. Not something they could ever break.

While he was looking around they both loudly heard the Beep. Josh remembered what he had to do, put his brothers cock in his mouth, but he didn't want to. He remained where he was.

After 5 seconds immense pain raged all over their bodies. The metal platform was electrified and it really, really hurt.

A voice came over the speakers "Every 5 seconds the intensity increases. Mouth... his cock... NOW!"

Josh only lasted two increases, just 10 seconds before the pain was too much. Ryan had laid back down in pain. Josh held his brothers dick and then moved down and covered it entirely with his mouth. The punishment instantly stopped.

Josh didn't know if he could let go or had to stay there. He decided that in 5 minutes he would slowly come off, he had lots of questions to ask. After 5 minutes he opened his mouth and lifted off of his brothers cock. Before he could even start asking his brother a question the pain from the electricity started again. Josh was again forced back down into his new sub position.

"Josh, you have to keep my dick in your mouth until you hear another beep or I tell you otherwise. Just stay as you are and let me keep looking".

"Mmmph" replied Josh. Because his brothers dick was limp, his lips could easily reach the base so he wrapped his lips around the base of his brothers cock and waited. It felt really weird having his brothers cock in his mouth, the shaft resting on his tongue, his cock's head, nestled at the back on his mouth. How long he would have to keep it in there he thought. With his mouth full, all he could do was breath through his nose, which gave Josh that lovely, safe, brother smell he was enjoying.

They were still in the same room that they were in yesterday, a huge darkly lit room that seemed more like a warehouse or maybe a hanger. There were no windows, one door and there were no bars or cells. This convinced Ryan even more that this is where they will be sleeping and how they will be sleeping while they are here.

There were giant thick black covers covering many spots in the room. Ryan again guessed that these are the devices that will be used on them, hidden from the live viewers and maybe even hidden from them.

It was then Ryan noticed something shiny between Josh's legs.

"Josh, can you try to stand a little and move to the side so I can see between your legs... but DON'T take my dick out of your mouth, okay?"

"Mmmphh mmphhhh mmmphs" was all he got back.

Josh moved and raised his head slightly. It was at this point Ryan realised that his brothers hands were also secured to the collar by a short chain. This meant that Josh could service his brothers cock with his mouth, hands or both as there was just enough chain for those options. It also meant that Josh couldn't do anything else with his hands, like help escape, as he couldn't get them down further than his chest.

Josh managed to partially stand and move to the side. Enough for Ryan to see a really small metal chastity device secured around his brothers dick and that device is attached to a thick leather belt by way of three straps. Two small straps go from the bottom of the device, under his legs and around the back, secured with padlocks. The front has a wide, thick piece of leather that attaches to the padlock on the chastity device. No pulling that off.

This caused a bit of a problem for Ryan. The thought of his baby bro's smaller dick all secured and locked away in chastity, plus Ryan's own usual morning wood starting to happen, plus the fact that his `completely free-to-do-anything-it-wants' cock is currently in the mouth of said chastity-locked brother, started to get him hard.

Josh felt the growing member in his mouth and let it be known he wasn't happy by gently biting it.

This got a slap from Ryan "Oi, knock it off, I can't help it!"

Ryan's thoughts raced. He couldn't stop the thoughts flooding his mind. Josh had to reposition as his brothers cock became fully erect. The links in the chain were barely long enough for Josh to reach the tip, he had to bend it down slightly to get it in. Josh just covered the head of his cock and didn't move.

A voice came over the speakers "When your brother is hard you MUST service his needs... immediately. The platform will electrify in 5...4...3...2..."

Josh went down on his brother. He could not believe what he was doing. How could his brother do this to him when there is no spray involved. Josh decided to just keep his mouth in the one spot, a bit lower down.

The speakers came alive again "You are not giving him the correct oral relief. The platform will electrify in 5...4..."

For christs sake thought Josh. He started sucking his brother off.

Once more through the speakers spoke "Sub Josh, you may not finish the relief until slave Ryan has ejaculated into either of your holes. Once complete you will both be released for food, drink and your new daily routines. Any cum spilled and the punishment will be severe for you both. If ejaculation does not happen the punishment will be even more severe. You may use the spray at the cost of 5,000 per spray but the spray must be used on you both".

Ryan suddenly realised how that last part was really bad for his Josh. A spray that turns you into a cum-fueled sexual fiend, used on a boy locked up in chastity. He hoped that would never happen.

Ryan spoke up.

"Josh, I can't see another way. I am so sorry because this is all my fault. I wish I could turn the tables around so my mouth is doing what you're being forced to do. I will beg and plead with them later. For now I need you to do it this once, for me. If we have to use the spray I think you will be in trouble. You can't eat or drink without doing it and I bet you're as hungry and as thirsty as I am? At least this will only be between us, no live show now, no-one will know, okay?"

Josh, with his mouth full, managed a `Obbkay'.

Ryan should have closed his eyes and fantasied about other sexual desires. He hated himself but he couldn't stop looking at his naked twin brother, chained to his cock, his hand masturbating the base, while his soft, luscious lips and tongue licked, flicked and sucked the top of his cock. Josh's little cock all locked up and denied, while being forced to relieve his brother. This got him much hornier then it should have done. He felt himself cumming. His twink twin brother has brought him this close to climax in only 2 minutes.

Ryan couldn't help it, he started humping his brothers mouth, Josh knew he was close. Josh increased the momentum of his hand and mouth. Ryan knew he was cumming. He grabbed hold of his brothers head and pushed his head down further his shaft. The moment Ryan felt his cock on the back of his brothers throat he could contain it no longer. Spurt after spurt of cum shot down his baby bro's throat. Ryan couldn't stop pumping and Josh kept swallowing.

Josh was about to move off his brothers cock but Ryan stopped him. "Not a drop spilled remember? I still may have cum".

Josh stayed in placed, holding the base of his brothers cock, gently sucking and licking the head to be sure nothing was left. Ryan loved those couple of minutes of soft, gentle after-cum licking and sucking. He hoped he may get that chance again.

There was a beep and the speakers kicked back into life.

"The `Cum for food and drink' achievement for today has been unlocked. Sub, you may remove your mouth from the slaves cock until you hear the beep again.".

For the second time now, Josh had tasted his brothers cum. Josh released his mouth from his brothers cock but he still had to rest his head next to it, at least until the chains were taken off. Josh could smell cum but he wasn't sure if the smell was coming from his brothers cock, his own mouth, or both. All he could do was lay there, looking at the Silvia-moist, semi-hard dick that he just pleasured. He wished his dick was just like his brothers. This was making Josh as horny as he was a few minutes ago. Thank god no-one could see his cock right now, at least yesterday it looked like they had no choice and the spray made their dicks hard and cum.

As they lay waiting to be released from the chains and stock, the giant screen came down. The website had just had a new video added. Someone hit play and then set it on loop;

There was Ryan looking down passionately at Josh while Josh sucked him off. Josh was looking very eager as his brother was about to cum, A small windowed video within the main video popped up. This smaller video had zoomed in on the collar and those words 'Cock Whore' were being shown just at that moment Josh was all the way down on this brother, taking every spurt. Then Ryan looking so pleased that Josh had swallowed everything he gave him. Josh was so embarrassed but it was about to get worse for him.

The headline across the top of the video titled "Those twin twink brothers do love sucking and cumming with each other. Stay tuned for more action later". A close up camera, called the `chastity cam' clearly showed that during that performance, Josh's rock hard cock was desperately trying to break free from the chastity it was locked and secured in.

They had both completely forgot about the cameras but now Josh could see for the first time that his brother looked like he loved being sucked off by him. His brother meanwhile, could, thanks to the chastity cam, clearly see how much Josh had enjoyed having his cock in his mouth and his balls being drained into him.

The time was 6.30am. The likes on this brand new video were already going up hundreds a minute. The main live show wasn't for hours yet. Josh and Ryan both thought... it couldn't get any more embarrassing or humiliating... could it?...

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Next: Chapter 3

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