Tormenting Twin Twinks

By theboysgamescontinue

Published on Jun 27, 2020


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The problems of owing money really start to happen... when you can't pay it back.

Identical twins Ryan and Josh had a hard life. Their mother passed away during the twins birth. Their Dad died a couple of years ago. Having just left school, in debt and no-one to help, all the family they had left was each other. Ryan was older by just a few minutes. Josh was called Junior or baby bro by Ryan since as far back as both could remember.

They were very close. But they were about to be forced to get a lot closer than either would ever want.

Josh was walking towards the shops when a van slowed down beside him. Josh didn't notice the side door slide open, nor the two men jump out. The first he knew was a cloth over this mouth and being picked up by his hands and legs and disappearing inside the van with with two men. The smell on the cloth was strange but quickly Josh was overcome by the sweet smell and passed out.

When Josh woke he tried moving but his feet weren't touching the ground. A hood was on his head. His leather strapped hands, chained to pulley's on the ceiling, were taking his full weight as he gently swung in the air.

As he swung, he felt himself constantly pressing against something else. Something else soft and also swinging. Josh heard groans, this other thing was waking up.

"Which one of you is Ryan?" a gruff sounding man bellowed out

"Me" said Ryan groaning.

"We couldn't tell which one of you identical twins was Ryan so the easiest way of getting the right one was to grab you both. Take off their hoods".

The hoods were removed and Josh saw his brother, chained to the ceiling with him. Both attached to the same hook. Their bodies touching.

"I'm sorry Josh, this is not your fault. Please let him go!". Ryan had tears in the eyes.

The gruff man, Mike, spoke up "Shut it Ryan. You still owe me 15k for the original loan and £150k interest. The time to pay it back has long gone. Now I need to get the money another way".

"Men, strip them!"

4 men nodded to Mike and came over and ripped their clothes off until they were both butt naked in the air. Their bare skin touching each other while they swung, the warmth of their skin briefly letting them know they were alive.

"It looks like you aren't identical after all".

It turns out that baby bro was somewhat accurate. Josh wasn't quite as endowed in the manhood department, being a couple of inches shorter than Ryan's 4" when soft.

Mike laughed "Well, naked, it's easy to see which one is which so there will be no clothes on either of you again. If someone needs to know which one is Josh, they can just look at his little cock to see".

Mike walked up to them both. "Ryan, an example needs to be set. Killing you won't get my money back. I want people to fear what happens if they mess with me and I want my money. I am going to livestream the pair of you being put in the most compromising situations possible. I will livestream, make videos, photos will be shared on social media. People can pay to vote on what happens to you both. They can gamble on who does what first. I'm going to keep this gambling and games going until the money you owe me is paid back... with interest!"

Mike smiled "But first, we need to get all your measurements and get you ready. All body hair will be removed but those lovely blond curls on your heads can stay."

Both Josh and Ryan were extremely fit. Slim with 6 packs, they both loved running and swimming. Mikes men measured every inch of their bodies, especially their limp dicks and balls.

One of the men came over with a spray and gave one spray just above the dicks of both boys. Josh and Ryan could feel a tingling sensation and their cocks getting hard, harder. It got to the point they were so hard, pre-cum was quickly starting to form on the heads of their cocks.

Mike laughed "It seems the boys love being tied up naked next to each other. Either that or the spray is Viagra based. You see boys, the problem with Viagra is that it can last for hours. I want more control than that. This spray lasts just 20 minutes. I now have total control over your cocks and can make them hard of soft whenever it is needed for your live-streaming shows. The cost of this and all the equipment used on you both will also be added to your debt".

Mike's men took very careful measurements of their rock hard manhood. Even down to the circumference of their cock heads. Ryan's 7" cock stood proud. Josh's 5" cock wasn't as impressive but the pre-cum strand that was stretched down to his feet was.

"It looks like we can already tell which one of you is likely to be the bottom to his twin brother, but I'm sure there will be plenty of bets to see. Here is what is going to happen..."

Mike smiled as he talked.

"There will be a test today to see which one of you cums first. Each and every day from then on, the loser will only be able to eat or drink if the winner has first cum in either the mouth or ass of the loser. If the loser wants to eat or drink each day, the cum from the other has to be put in them each day." The loser will also have his mouth covering the winners dick for most of the time. Each time you hear this beep..."

A loud digital beep echoed around the room.

"Each time you hear that, the loser, or 'Slaves sub' as it will be called, has 5 seconds to get his mouth completely covering his brothers dick. failing to comply will result in severe pain for you both.

"Now let's get you ready, men put them to sleep"

Josh and Ryan woke at roughly the same time. Their hands and arms were secured tightly behind their backs. Both wore a leather harness to lift them up. They both saw that neither had a trace of hair left, except for their head. In front of them they saw a very tall, leather gymnastics vault, the type with the two metal hand loops in the middle. This one, was slightly different. Secured just on the inside each hand rail, was a 6" dildo.

Both boys were pulled over to the vault and the harness was attached to chains. Both were lifted high into the air. Tracks in the ceiling moved them into position and they were gently lowered, facing towards each other, until their asses were resting just on the very tips of those rubber cocks.

A voice bellowed out around the room and a giant screen lowered down one of the walls.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, winners and losers, today we have the first of many live games for the freedom of these identical twins, where you, the viewer, decide everything. Each bet you place gets them one step closer to freedom. You are not only in complete control of their freedom, but also what their bodies can take and what those twin brothers will be doing to each other and with each other."

"In this first game, you'll be betting on which one will cum first. The winner will be called the slave', the loser will be the pathetic sub to the slave'. Each will be lowered onto the dildo, their bodies so close together they will be virtually touching. Each boys cock will be well oiled and both are wearing a nice wide cock-ring with small grooves for clips. their cocks will be placed inside a perfectly measured clear plastic tube so you can see everything going on within it. Either end of the tube will be clipped onto each boys cock-ring. This will completely secure and lock their cocks inside the tube. A spray will be applied to each boy and as they become fully erect they will discover that the tube is precisely long enough that the heads of both their cocks will be firmly touching the other. The diameter is just wide enough that their cocks have nowhere to go except on each others dick, where they will be rubbing, slipping, sliding and eventually humping their cock over the other. Let the games begin!".

On one wall in the room that huge screen kicked into life. Josh and Ryans names were in large letters, the odds and bets made next to each name. People could bet on everything from which cums first, to how much cum, who cries first, who gives in first and so on.

They saw the dildos being lubed up. They were slowly lowered onto the dildos until the balls on the dildos were touching their own balls. Their bodies were as close to touching as you could ever get.

Both boys felt oil smothering their cocks and then their cocks being placed inside the clear tube and the tube clicking into place on their cock rings. With flaccid cocks it looked to them like their cocks probably won't reach each others. Maybe they got the measurement wrong? The spray felt cold and but that tingling sensation quickly superseded that feeling. Ryan felt all of his 7" manhood grow. Josh could feel his 5" boyhood grow.

The measurements were spot on. Once both boys were fully erect, the heads of each of their cocks were perfectly positioned and trapped in place to slip and slide over the other brothers cock. Trapped inside the plastic tube, it was just wide enough in diameter for it to be impossible for their cocks not to touch. Very slightly squashed against each others cock, the oil made sure there was plenty of sliding movement inside the tube. The spray once again had pre-cum quickly forming and they were already glistening each others cocks with it. The cameras above and to the sides of the tube gave all the streaming audience everything they needed to see exactly what those boys cocks were doing inside the tube.

Both tried not moving their dicks, both tried sitting straight up. They were doing quite well, but that doesn't make for an interesting game. Mike was well prepared.

Mike's voice come over a speaker "Who thinks we should make this more interesting?"

Suddenly on the screen thousands of `yes' votes started coming in.

"Choose the interest"

Neither Josh nor Ryan could see what the options were. After 30 seconds Mike was heard saying "Voting is closed, we have a clear winner. Men proceed with the winning vote".

One of Mikes men came over with a ball gag. He placed the ball gag in Josh's mouth and strapped two straps around Josh's head, one at the base of his head, one over the top of his head. A third strap coming off the ball gag lay dangling. Ryans head was then grabbed and his mouth was forced up to the ball gag. The third strap was then secured around Ryans head. Both boys were now gagged to the same ball gag. Mouths wide open and their lips touching. They were completely at the mercy of Mike and the choices that their growing audience were making on their behalf.

Both boys were getting very horny because of the spray. Each time they tried to move back the dildos deep in their ass prevented most movement. They couldn't move forward because the tube was so perfectly fitted and clamped, it just wasn't possible. Now they couldn't even sit up straight because their heads were strapped together and their lips were embraced in a permanent ball-gag kiss. As one moved their head, the other had to move. This movement alone was just enough to keep them reminded that they were sat on a dildo and that their cocks were rubbing and moving against each others.

After 18 minutes they both knew the spray was starting to wear off but no sooner had they thought it, the spray was reapplied, this time two sprays each. Within a minute their cocks felt like exploding. Pre-cum was now dribbling all over the others cock in a constant stream.

Mike's voice come over a speaker "Who thinks we should make this more interesting? Vote now!"

Ryan could just see out of the corner of his eye, more than 10,000 votes appeared on the screen, but the screen doesn't show what the options are, just how many have voted for them.

After 30 second Mike laughed and declared "Voting is over, an overwhelming choice this time".

Then, they both felt it.

A slow, low vibration started. At first the boys though it was the vault they were sat on, but then realised the vibration was coming from within them. The dildos were not just rubber.

On the screen, this time they could see the options. It seems the Mike can pick and choose what the two boys can see is coming. A new dial appeared with 5 settings, Light pulse, moderate pulse, intense pulse, powerful shock and orgasm. There was a green light next to Light pulse'. The votes started coming in and interestingly, the most voted for was intense pulse'.

Both boys felt it deep inside them, a pulse that sent their cocks into overdrive but the pulses were slow. Each pulse was intense enough to keep the pre-cum momentum going, but slow enough that it couldn't do much more. The main problem was each time the dildos pulsed, the twins moved slightly, which meant their cocks moved slightly, which meant both boys were getting REALLY turned on as their cocks rubbed together.

Both brothers wanted to hug each other but with their arms so tightly tied behind their backs, all they could do was stare into each others eyes, their lips still touching either side of the single ballgag.

After 5 minutes the beep echoed around the room, the light had changed to `orgasm mode', the next most voted setting.

Both boys felt the intensity and speed increase inside their asses. Their prostates were sending signals to both of their cocks and balls that they `really' needed to cum soon.

With each pulse they jumped just slightly, but jumped enough that the heads of both cocks were now moving and sliding over each others. Both now were getting desperate to cum. Ryan could move just slightly forward and back. Each time he did this though, the dildo moved slightly inside him, which set him off even more. He was desperate to hump and cum. He no longer cared it was Josh's straining erect cock he was humping, he just needed to dump his cum quickly. Josh faced the exact same problems, he was getting as desperate to cum, no matter what he was humping.

If only the brothers could see themselves on screen, like the tens of thousands of other people now watching them live. Identical twins, naked, rock hard, pre-cum dripping cocks rubbing against their twin brothers cock, sat on vibrating dildos deep up their asses and now both desperately needing to hump each others erect boy-cock, inside this perfectly sized clear plastic tube for all to see, just so they can try and get the sexual relief they were both desperately begging for.

How could a single piece of cheap, clear plastic cause so much sexual frustration and entertainment. Mike smiled at the simplicity of it.

The orgasm mode, combined with the spray, drove both to the edge of insanity. Both could feel their balls desperate to cum. Josh could feel Ryan's cock moving quicker over his. Ryans breathing quickened. Ryan didn't want to either of them to cum but this was now out of his control.

Josh could see in his brothers eyes what he was about to do. Josh tried nodding to let me know it was okay. That was all Ryan needed. His cock slipped and slided over his baby bro's cock. With the dildo ramping up and the feeling of his brothers cock on his, he could control it no longer.

Ryan let out a scream into the ball-gag that connected their lips. Wave after wave of cum covered Josh's dick. Ryan desperately trying to hump his brothers cock more as the cum kept coming. Josh felt the warmth of his brothers cum all over his cock and the humping on his own cock. Josh didn't want to but he couldn't stop himself, his breathing quickened and moments later Josh's cock exploded his baby bro cum all over his brothers side of the tube.

The screen split into two halves and one half now had a closeup, looping replay, of Ryan's explosion of cum over his twin brothers cock and then Josh's cum fountain over his brothers cock.

Two men came over to the boys. One untied the ballgag from their mouths, the other places a cup at the bottom of one end of the tube. He gently tilted it up so the precum and cum from both brothers poured into the cup.

Mike's voice came over the tannoy...

"We have our first winner in the Tormenting Twin Twinks' live-stream tournament, Slave Ryan!'. To the loser, Slave Sub, the first of many new chores that he must get used to. In this case, it is his first taste of their cum so he can prepare himself for his new daily duty, emptying his brothers load into either of his boy holes!"

With that a man came up to Josh with the cup. There was no way Josh was going to allow this to happen but once again, he would quickly find out he has no choice. A different gag was placed over Josh's mouth, This time it wasn't a ball in the middle, but a hole for the mouth. The gag went in enough that there was no way Josh could close his mouth. It was secured and his head was tilted all the way back.

The cup of twin-cum was emptied into Josh's wide open mouth. He couldn't do anything. It was still warm and there was so much of it. Both twins had emptied their balls of more brotherly cum than they had ever done before. Josh was now paying the price for the most intense orgasm either brother had ever had.

The overhead camera zoomed into his mouth as he conceded to his predicament and swallowed their cum. He needed two gulps because they had both produced so much of it. As the last remnants of their cum slid down his throat, 85,000 likes had lit up the screen. This live stream was gaining popularity quickly.

Mike gave the announcement "Tune in tomorrow where we will setup even more devilish predicaments for you to place bets on. Remember, `every bet helps pay off their debt!'".

Ryan was exhausted. Josh had the gag removed and his first new daily task of taking his brothers cum was over. Neither boy had any idea just how much `entertainment' had been lined up for them. They were too tired to care. They were lowered off the vault and their hands and arms set free. They gave each other a naked embrace, their cocks, still hard from the spray, rubbed together, with pre-cum from each joining together as they hugged.

The men came over and shortly the sweet smelling cloth sent both naked boys to sleep in the arms of Mike's men. The next `game' was already being prepared...

Please comment or give me feedback on the story so far.

Next: Chapter 2

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