Toramdon Eyes

Published on Aug 5, 2010



All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. The moral right of the author has been asserted.

Chapter 4 Exploring the powers

"Okay George, we need help. People on earth are not used to discovering they have powers. It's not as normal as is seems here." Mordain said.

George surveyed the children in front of him; they were definitely not taking this as well as he had hoped. The pure thought of having the Toramdon eyes in front of him was clouding his vision, he had over looked that they were still children.

"You need to seek Rughnan, my brother. He is the leader of the Torandia Knights, and the mater wizard in Kegh. He will be guiding you through everything.

"Come, we shall be off immediately. We need to travel by foot as you have not mastered nor learned enough about your powers to travel otherwise.

They looked at each other, "What the hell, we can always go home when we want to." Jason said.

"There is one thing." George said. "You cannot keep jumping between here and earth every so often. It weakens the veil between Hell and Torandia; your powers are directly linked to the jets. It also weakens you a lot. Go back to Earth now and grab what ever it is you need to bring so we can be off immediately, it is a long walk, two days, it will be strenuous, especially for kids."

"Wait, Roxy said, how much time has passed since we got here?"

Mordain looked at his watch, "About half an hour, why?"

"So that means only a half an hour has passed on earth, and when we go back we will still be in the middle of the school, and the police will probably be crawling all over the place, remember, the dragons? And I for one do not want to explain why we appeared out of thin air."

"I forgot, Listen, geezer, is there no other way to get back, like where we did not come from?"

Mordain asked.

"Unfortunately not."

"Shit, well guess we have no choice, we have to go covert, let's try to sneak past them, have you got masks?" Mordain asked George.

"I have exactly what you need, wait a second..."

George turned and went into one of the other rooms.

"Listen guys, this is what we are going to do, we get our asses back to that school ground, we evaluate our surroundings and we run like hell, and for god's sake don't use your powers and blow our covers. We have some Superman and Clark Kent shit going on here, no one can find out, it would be too awkward to try and explain, and I for one do not want to get booked in to the loony bin." Mordain said.

Everybody nodded their heads in agreement.

"Okay, Jason said, we need to get home asap and grab clothes tell the parents we are sleeping at Richards house, and your parents think you are at our house, so it will all pass through. We just need to get out of the school grounds first..."

"Yes, and let's try and hurry this up, I really want to see more of this world." Mordain said.

George returned with what looked like see through spandex in his hands.

"What is that?" Roxy looked skeptical.

"This my dear lady is your biggest asset back on earth, you pull this over your faces not even you best of friends or even you own parents will recognize you."

"And, pray tell, how did you get this?" Richard asked.

"Remember what I said, all Toramdon eyes are from earth and all of them end up here by co-incidence, so these are the original eyes' mask they wore to earth. All the eyes since have worn these to earth, for the same purpose you are to wear them. .

There is an organization of sorts here and on Earth that was established four thousand years ago. We are called the Knights Templar.

We are set to guard and protect both planes in between the veil crumbling. We are also here to make sure the Toramdon Eyes find their way to Torandia, teach them what they need to know, and help in the impending battle. Sometimes a stray demon will find a way through the veil and either get to Earth or Torandia; we in turn are there to kill it. On either side there are twelve knights. Rughnan is the Head knight on Torandia, and I am second in charge, on earth what you call the United States' president is the head knight, and Kyle Greyvenstein is second in charge.

On earth they have a secret to protect, they cannot reveal themselves, and for four thousand years and counting they have succeeded. On Torandia, there are no secrets; the truth is there for all to know. It is part of our history. The secret organization Knights Templar on Earth will find you sooner than later, it is vital that you co-operate with them, but for now, you need to return speedily. The masks I have here are part of the artifacts that we have to help the Toramdon Eyes.

"This stuff keeps getting weirder. Guess we'll just go with it for now, nothing else we can do, we'll find out what's going on one step at a time." Mordain said.

"Life is suddenly interesting!" Jason said.

Richard just smiled at Roxy.

"You have to be careful, take this as the warning you need. Your journey will not be all peaches and cream. There will be danger. Life threatening danger. Demons will kill, like they always have. They want their plane back, and they want more. They want earth. They take down anything that stands in their way. You have to learn, learn as much of your powers as you can, for without it, we will most certainly fail."

"Thanks for the mood dampener, but we'll take it as it comes, I'm not even sure I believe it all yet." Mordain said.

"Just keep in mind that you will challenge yourself to your limits in the months to come." George said.

"Well let the challenging begin, enough chit chat, let's be off so we can learn more about this place."

They were standing on the school ground, exactly where they left, there was no one around.

"So the geezer made himself clear, let's not get caught just yet. Also guys, let's try to not use our powers, we have no control over them and we might just destroy something.

Sirens were heard from all over the place as the police tried to investigate what happened.

They headed for the gate through the main school ground. They headed directly through the main hallway, when they saw a few policemen walking around.

"Shit, what are they doing here anyway, it's not like there are clues to investigate! Why couldn't they just question the students or teachers?" Mordain complained.

"Well there is no way out of the school yard, so we have to get past them, what do you guys suggest?" Mordain asked back.

"I say we walk passed them and run, if these masks work, they wont be able to identify us." Roxy said.

"Well, it's the only plan we have, let's go." Mordain said and walked around the corner towards the door.

"Who goes there?!"

Mordain walked up to the policeman all nonchalant.

"Hi officer, my friends and I were around and when everybody started panicking then ran to hide and now we just want to go home." Mordain spoke in his best innocent voice.

The other three had caught up with Mordain by then.

The policeman's face looked weird, as if he was trying to figure something out.

"Is something wrong sir?" Roxy asked in her sweetest voice.

"No... You can go, I'm sure," He said as if he was trying to figure something out.

"Thank you sir." Mordain said.

They tore through the halls, ran towards the door and out of the school grounds.

They ran towards the school parking lot and jumped into Mordain's car.

He pulled away tires screaming, the two policemen that followed them could not catch up fast enough before they got in the car. Mordain raced down the street towards their house.

Roxy started laughing, "We did it! We got away. Didn't expect it to be that easy!"

"Yeah, Mordain answered, we did, but there is something not right, I feel like I'm forgetting something."

Mordain sped home; they got there in 10 minutes flat. They walked into the house.

"So we are here now, what supplies are we going to get, I'm getting clean clothes," said Mordain.

"Yeah me two, answered Roxy."

They grabbed a few food items, and everyone got some clean clothes.

Roxy decided to take the flask she bought, Jason grabbed his sword he bought, and Richard took his papyrus scroll.

"I better take this, seeing as how I actually know how to use it now," said Jason while flinging the sword around.

"Stop that before you put someone's eye out," Roxy said while coming down the stairs

"Have we got everything we think we need now?"

"Shit!" Mordain screamed. "My car was the last car in the parking lot, I'm sure somebody would have taken my number plate down!"

"Let's get out of here, I think George would be pissed if we wasted time chatting to the earth knights, they'll probably get their chance soon enough." Richard said.

"Let's vamoose." Mordain said.

They grabbed hands and were back in George's house.

"That took you guys long enough," said Handar.

"Handar! Roxy said happily, I wondered what happened to you!"

Handar laughed a melodic laugh, "George had to leave for some urgent state business, he is the king's adviser, I will be accompanying you to Kegh to meet up with Rughnan."

Mordain couldn't keep it in anymore, "Handar, what exactly are you, sorry if it's rude, but I'm so curious. Plus, you are hot as hell."

"Handar laughed, what do I look like Mordain?"

"An elf, to be honest."

"I am an elf Mordain. I come from the Elven city Morin which is also located in the Eddar Forest, you see in Torandia there are two elven cities, Morin and Morlin

The elven-queen is in Morin, which is why that is our mother city; it's built in the trees of the forest that is why people have come to call us Wood-Elves.

Our elven powers are also the strongest, and even the stronger in Morin.

Morlin on the other hand is a more urbanized type of elf, mostly half-elves. They have a weaker power, and they are not phased by forests or lack there of.

Lastly near the dark lake there are another type of elves, they are known as Night Elves, they sleep during the day, and live at night. They are one with nature, the females rule, and the males are the magic users and known as druids. They don't mingle with the outside much, and they will not think to kill you twice if you so much as think about desiccating their forest.

They are a powerful race; they match the power of the wood elves.

So if I have satisfied your curiosity Mordain, can we be off to Kegh now?" Handar smiled.

Mordain smiled, "That is so awesome! I love Torandia, we have fantasy games back on earth with night elves, and wood-elves and such in it, but it is so much better in real life!"

Mordain truly looked in awe.

"My life basically revolves around fantasy; this is better than any dream come true."

Handar smiled, "You may think of it as fantasy, but here it is very real, some things can kill you here that you thought didn't exist, be careful.

One last little thought Mordain, why do you think you knew of us Fantasy Creatures?

Do you really think some clever mind thought us up?

No Mordain, it was people who has traveled here by some or other means and back to earth and lived to tell the tale, and obviously from the previous Toramdon eyes' stories." Handar smiled again.

Mordain nodded, "But still it is so interesting."

"Come let's go," Handar said

The five of them walked out of the little house, and down the street towards the northern gate. The town looked busy with activity people selling goods, people scurrying around their normal day's activities here and there, there was an odd looking person, that wasn't quite human, but everyone just decided to keep quiet about it. They got to the main Northern gate, the guard greeted them and they set foot back in to the Eddar forest.

Chapter 5 Knights Templar

I hate not knowing what's going on! A Dragon apparently appears in my city, and I have nothing!" Ruan screamed slamming a paper down on his desk.

Ruan Preeves is a good looking man; he is head of the Albertan Police, and also currently a member of the Knights Templar on earth. He has never been to Torandia as he is still new by the organizations standards. On earth there are twelve Knights Templar, as on Torandia. The Earth knights are referred to as the Knights Templar and on Torandia, the Torandia Knights.

Ruan learned much about Torandia and the truth of what was really going on in the last year that he was a part of this organization. He also knew he was chosen when his predecessor was killed by a stray demon.

"I asked you to clear that school! Get people that saw and especially people who had been there for a time after everyone else had left! Not a difficult task, is it!?" Ruan screamed on Gerhard, one of the policemen dispatched to the scene.

You say four kids, whose faces you have NO idea how they look, not even a fucking eye color, walked passed you into the building?"

"Yes sir." Gerhard answered.

"Okay." Ruan sat down. It made sense to him as to why this man in front of him had no idea how the children looked. They were the Toramdon Eyes. They exact kids he had been tasked to find. Kyle told him if they went to Torandia before finding the Knights Templar they would have been given masks to conceal their identities. It might prove more difficult to find them now.

A dark looking, bearded man walked into the room.

"I have a number plate of the four kids we found on the school ground, this car was the only one left, it was also the car four kids got in to."

"Ah thank you Peter, we can always rely on you to do the job.

Gerhard, you are excused. Have you pulled up the records of whose car that is?"

"Yes sir, a kid named Mordain Patterson, it's a black BMW M6 and he has no criminal record, albeit a few speeding fines. He is seventeen. Parents named Suzanne and Bill Patterson. Twin brother named Jason Patterson."

"Where do they live?"

"In the Mansion near the sandy beach."

"I've driven passed there a few times before, yeah; okay thanks Peter you can go.

I'll take it from here; just leave those documents with me."

Peter gave the documents to Ruan and left his office.

They'll probably be in Torandia by now. I'll wait until Monday to see if they will be back by then, Ruan thought to himself.

Ruan pushed his chair back and put his feet on his desk, reclining to the back.

Don't get hurt Mordain Patterson, the fate of two worlds rest upon your shoulders. Ruan whispered to himself.

Ruan got lost in his thoughts thinking of his son, and his new life.

Ruan drove home, still lost in thought, about how one year ago, eleven people knocked on his door. They convinced him to go with them, the only reason he actually went is because the President of the USA was there. They took him to New York, and told him a story so many others before him had been told, a twin world exists within our own.

They proceeded to tell him about Demons and creatures from this world called Torandia. They tool him to area 51 and showed him bodies of some of these creatures.

He can still remember how shocked he was, but he couldn't deny the position, his life had been so dull up to that point, how could he consider denying that. Should a person deny the position, they will do some sort of magic and erase all memories of them.

That is the way it works, this is the biggest secret to ever exist on earth, if so much as one word is leaked, there will be dire consequences, for the people who refuse, mind erase techniques are used. If you are counted as part of the Knights Templar and you leak, you will be killed, as well as the people you told. The secret must remain hidden from the rest of the world for if it got out, it is unforeseeable what would happen. Havoc would reign.

Ruan got out of his car and entered his house.

He saw his son, Harold, sitting and watching T.V.

What a sweet child he thought.

They have had a few problems with him in the passed, but he has seemed to calm down a bit.

"Hi son how was your day at school?"

"Totally weird, these kids at school. Totally freaked me out."

It had completely slipped Ruan's mind that his son is n the school where the dragons were spotted, and most likely the Toramdon Eyes' school.

"Oh, yeah I heard about people claiming to see what looked to be Dragons in that area, it was most likely just big birds, Ruan said as nonchalant as he possibly could.

"Really big, scaly birds then." Harold answered looking skeptical at his dad.

"Tell me about the children, Ruan asked."

"I'm going to sound completely crazy, I know." Harold answered.

"Try Me."

"So we have this gay guy at school, Ruan nodded, so I was in an Uhm, playful mood, and decided to tease him a bit."

Ruan visibly looked a bit angrier at his son because knowing him; it was no harmless playful teasing.

"We were talking, and I wanted to punch him on the shoulder and he stopped me, with his mind! Then he levitated me into the air dad, I'm not even joking! Ruan nodded, so his friend stops him from doing God-knows-what to me, and threatens to kill me if I tell anybody about what happened. I almost shat myself, and then I ran away to the bathroom to gather myself."

Ruan nodded "Go on"

So I in there I found this guy Richard, and I decided to vent on him, he seemed to believe me, but when I told him not to come up for fagots he lost it. He shoved me against the wall, his eyes changed dad, I can't describe it. Just as he was about to punch me, which looked like a punch that would kill me, his friends storm in there, the two from before, and another guy, Jason. They stop him, and chased me out of the bathroom, but just before I left, I heard them ask him if that was his Dragons flying about outside and he said he thinks so. So I ran outside and dad, I shit you not, I saw two dragons flying around, then suddenly they decided to leave, and they just...left!" Harold was looking totally freaked out.

Ruan just looked at his son, he has obviously met the Toramdon eyes, this was at least very good news.

"Okay son, I believe you, but I need you to promise me something, Ruan looked very stern and serious, you cannot tell anybody what you saw and who you met, that is of vital importance, do you understand!" Ruan was looking more serious than Harold has ever seen him, Harold knew his dad has let him get away with a lot of things, ever since his mom died, but this is not how he knows his dad."

"Dad what's going on?" Harold genuinely looked scared of his dad.

"No time to explain, you need to promise me, you won't breathe a word of this!"

"I won't."

Harold has never been scared of his dad, the easy going, always friendly person, but he knew his dad meant business at that moment. He also knew his dad knows something that he isn't telling him, but thought better of it not to ask right at that moment.

"The kid you teased, what is his name?"

"Mordain Patterson why?"

"I had a feeling it would be, come we have to go." Ruan answered.

"Where to?"

"You are to go and apologize to the kid you teased, we are going to his home." Ruan answered.

Ruan knew very well that Mordain would not be home, all fingers point to them being in Torandia. He wanted a good enough excuse to go any check the house out, see where he lives and gather some information.

Harold is not to find out what is going on, otherwise both their lives are forfeit.

"I'm what?" Harold looked shocked.

"Yes, you are to go apologize, I certainly did not raise you to be a bigoted homophobe, now come, this is not up for discussion."

Harold has never seen his dad so serious; this was clearly not getting away this time.

"Did I tell you about people transforming, and levitating, and god damn dragons, and you want me to apologize about a silly little joke?"

"I told you not to mention that ever again! You and I both know it was not a harmless joke, had he not done what he did you would have beat him up, for no reason whatsoever, now come!"

Harold noticed there was no point in arguing, he followed his dad promptly to the car.

"How do you know where he lives?" Harold asked.

"Just going on a feeling, his surname is Patterson, Ruan lied smoothly. He probably lives in the Patterson Mansion."

The car pulled up the big driveway; only one light was burning in the house.

"Looks like no one is home, let's go home, Harold said.

"No we will be going inside to make sure of that."

"Dad, what's really up now, you are starting to freak me out now. This wasn't really about me apologizing, was it?"

"I'll explain later, come on."

They went inside the house, as the door was not locked, standing in the foyer they were both in awe of the beautiful house.

"Just wait here, I need to go check out a few things. Wait here." Ruan gave Harold the evil eye.

Ruan walked up the stairs and to the left wing of the house.

Harold standing there, as confused as hell, decided to do some exploring himself, he went up the stairs to the right wing of the house, he walked into the game room.

"Awesome..." He said to himself. He looked at all the games, and gaming systems the twins had, feeling a sudden gloom on his own pathetic life, put in to perspective by this.

Harold realized he was actually a very sad with himself, he had a boring life, his dad tried to provide him with things he could, but money was a bit on the short side in their house.

He suddenly wished he could be a part of this house.

"And to think this is all a fagot's things." Harold thought bitterly to himself.

If Harold was to be completely honest with himself, he didn't know why he hated gay people, the thought of two men together grossed him out.

Harold looked at the rest of the things in the room when he heard his dad scream from downstairs.

"Where are you?"

"Up here dad, right wing first room!"

Ruan ran up the stairs, not trusting his son, he walked into the room, "Didn't I tell you..." and saw something very distinctive on the coffee table.

"Chest of The Toramdon eyes...."

Harold turned around and saw a strange looking white chest; he picked it up and saw a ring inside.

"This little thing? It has a ring inside it."

"Put that down Harold, do not play with that."

"Dad you are getting way to weird for my taste. What are you so scared about the whole time? Something is going on and I need you to tell me, now!"

"This is not the place, we need to leave, you already know too much, your life is already in danger, come."

"What?" Harold said still holding the chest.

"We need to leave. I know now what I came here to find out."

Ignoring his dad, Harold became captivate with the ring inside the chest; it seemed to call to him somehow. He took the ring out of the chest and inspected it a bit closer.

"Put that down Harold, it does not belong to you."

Ruan walked over to Harold, "Put it down."

Ignoring his dad Harold decided to put the ring on.

"Don't do th...!" Ruan screamed, but it was too late, Harold had put the ring on, with a loud crack noise and a blinding white light Harold disappeared into thin air.

"What the..." Ruan's eyes tried to adjust to again.

"Harold? Harold?" Ruan asked. When his eyes came too he saw Harold was gone.

"Fuck." Ruan didn't know what else to say. "Fuck!"

He ran out of the house and got into his car, he would have to contact the other knights.

"This was not supposed to happen! What the fuck happened!?" Ruan thought while driving home.

He pulled into his driveway, ran into the house and grabbed his phone, he punched in a number

"Hello, Ruan Speaking."

"JFK Airport, tomorrow at 8", Kyle answered and hung up.

Long time no see, my life has been hectic the past 2 weeks and again i find myself single!

Sorry about the delay in updates and to top it all off, both these chapters are a bit short.

That is why I decided to post them together. The chapters do get longer and i have already written them, chapter 4 is 2104 words

whereas i just finished the latest chapter (NR19) and its 8690 words. so something to look forward to. lol

Please remember to visit my blog for the story, the map of Torandia will be available on there

in the next few days, in the coming chapters Im sure you would like to have an Idea where the places mentioned will be.

Please do not judge it yet, Im not exactly finished however the location of the places wont change at all.

Also im in the process of adding a page where discussions can be had, just trying to figure out how to do it.

Then if you have any questions about the books, please don't hesitate to ask. THings might become a bit complicated

from here with all the additional characters of the Knights Templar.

Once again your kind words (or not so) are my only motivation to continue to post the chapters and to write the book.

Please comment... A lot of you were wondering who the 5th Eye was going to be... Surprise! hehe.


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Next: Chapter 5

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