Toramdon Eyes

Published on Jul 22, 2010



All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. The moral Right of the author has been asserted.

Chapter 3 Torandia

"Yeah, we realized this place is called Torandia by now," Mordain said.

"But where exactly is it, like is it still in Canada?

I saw you back in Alberta so there must be a way home and please explain this from the beginning, did you bring us here?"

"No my dear boy, I did not bring you here. You brought yourself here."

"Do you really have no idea what's going on?" George asked.

Roxy stared at the guy, "Well duh. What gave it away? Our bewildered faces, or the fact that we know nothing of what's going on? Please start from the beginning and tell us."

"The power must have grown weaker in the past 4000 years." George mumbled to himself, that only earned him blank stares from his guests.

"You are in Torandia Isles, it's an island in the middle of the great sea, this again is located on the world known as Nomed."

The man pulled out a map. "This is where you currently are, in a city named Sal", he pointed to a little dot on the map, surrounding the dot was trees and the name 'Eddar Forest.'

"You come from a place called Earth, Torandia is a sister world to your own, it's connected by what we call Jets, this in return is a complex type of magic and physics, the two worlds exist within each other, but on different planes.

The reason for you being here, is that Toramdon Isles are in Danger once again, you see, there are evil beings of the worst kind on this planet, what you on earth would call fantasy creatures, exist here, you see, they weren't dreamed up by novelists, it was news carried over by people who have traveled to Torandia and back, like the people known as the Knights Templar and the Torandia Knights, but we will get to that later.

The four of them listened attentively.

Now to explain to you a bit better, you get bad creatures, like minotaurs, werewolves and like you met in the forest, the cuypress. But most of them are still creatures mother nature made.. There are creatures on this plane called Demons.

Creatures of the worst kind.

Fashioned out of pure evil and malevolent intent.

Four thousand years ago the five people who our people called the Toramdon eyes created another plane, called Hell.

They cast all the Demons to hell, they reside there to this hour, but you see, it seems that every thousand years, the veil between Torandia and Hell thins and cracks away, and the demons are let loose on our plane again, and as you say, all Hell is loose. Luckily our fore fathers cast a spell of the most powerful sort, that every thousand years people will be born on our sister plane, earth, whom will then stumble upon Torandia, and then save Torandia once more. So as it seems this is the year of the crow, on your planet it's the year 2012. On the calender of your planet it will be 24 December to the exact date then the veil will crumble.

We have a bigger problem though, not only Torandia will suffer, some of the Demons know how to travel between Jets, and they will most certainly travel to Earth.

The proof that this has happened, is I think one Demon in particular is well known on your planet, his name is Satan, or as we know him, Lucifer. A few others have traveled there like Beelzebub, Mephistopheles, etc etc. The fact of the matter is, they wreak havoc when they are loose, I'm sure you have figured that out by now. Now what I am trying to say is you four are the Toramdon eyes for this age. I am just glad we found you in time. So do you have any questions?"

Mordain looked at the old man intently, and then got up.

"What a story, man, I enjoyed that, it was so creepy and shit, but the real question is, how do we get home? I'm not going to sound cliché and be all like Oh my, you have the wrong people, and it can be true, and shit. I'm just worried at this point in my life that we might never go home. We woke up in the middle of a forest, and suddenly you give us all this information. No, it's not us, cause if it were, I'm sure we would know. Mordain took off his ring and placed it on the table in front of them, there are your precious rings, that supposedly give us powers, which by the way is the oldest story in the book, think of a new one.

Mordain looked at the other three, what do you guys think?"

"I agree with Mordain, I just want to get home. We'll take it from there." Jason answered taking off his ring. Roxy and Richard followed suite, Both of them ready to get out of this weird place.

George smiled and nodded all the way, "I agree, maybe we have the wrong guys, I understand that you just want to get home." There was something in the way the old man said that, that it hinted to sarcasm.

"So, what do we do?" Mordain finally asked.

"Well, how did you get here?" George asked sneakily.

"I remember the power going down," Roxy said.

"Yeah, then suddenly we were here." Mordain said.

"No, that's not it, think a bit harder." George answered.

"I remember feeling dizzy, Richard said."

"Yeah me two!" Mordain answered.

"Right after we bumped in to each other!" Roxy practically shouted.

George smiled.

"Why are you so content on letting us go home? I thought we were the only hope to save the planets or whatever." Roxy asked.

"Because you will come back."

No body answered that, for the fact is that given the opportunity to think about what happened logically, they most likely would go back, but neither of them would admit that.

"So basically we just take hands and we'll be back?" Richard asked sceptically.

"That's it. Just touch each other, but it is important that you must all be touching."

"We had better be getting home you guys, as fun as this is, people will be getting worried if we stay in the alternate universe for to long." Mordain said sarcastically..

They joined hands the last thing they heard was, "Oh and be careful of discovering your powers, it works on earth as well, even without the rings!"

The world went white and then everything went black.

They were standing back in the dark entertainment room, the power had still not come back on.

"What the...did that really happen or did I just have a weird dream?" Roxy asked

"The fact that we all remember it, it must have really happened. Weird as that was... Torandia?" Richard said.

"Torandia." Mordain replied in a dream like voice.

"I'm going to switch on the lights, maybe then we can make sense of what happened." Jason said.

When the lights came back on, and Jason was again with his friends in the entertainment room, he saw them sitting on the couches, dead quiet, just staring in from of them dreamily lost.

"Fairies?" Roxy asked. "Fairies." Mordain answered. "Hot elf?" Mordain asked. "Hot elf." Roxy answered.

Then they were still trying to comprehend what happened.

Only Jason seemed to take it well.

"Okay listen, what happened, happened. We can't change that, I agree it was weird as fuck. But now we have to pull ourselves together. We have school tomorrow, are you two sleeping here?" "Yeah I'm sleeping here." Richard answered.

"Me two, just gotta call my parents." Roxy said.

"Cool, Roxy you can have the room down the hall to your right, Richard you can sleep in the suite you always sleep."Jason said.

Jason looked over at Mordain, and saw he was really out of it, "Bro, You Okay?"

"Yeah. Just trying to figure out what happened, running over and over it in my mind."

"We have only got one way to find out, it's Thursday today, tell you parents you two will be staying here this weekend as well, tomorrow, we have to survive school, and then we go back to Torandia. If we take hands and it works, we'll take it from there, if it doesn't work, we forget all about it and write it off as a bad dream.

"That's an idea, now just for school tomorrow. As long as nothing freaky happens. Roxy said.

"I'm sure that's to much to ask." Mordain answered.

They got up, Roxy and Richard called their parents, They went to their separate rooms and beds. Sleep came quick to all of them.

Mordain woke up at around 4 in the morning. He lay there thinking about the Torandia thing. Mostly about how much he wanted to believe it. He had always believed he was special in some way, just to be brought back to the ground by how frighteningly average he is. Then came the thoughts of Richard. How much Mordain wanted him to be there laying next to him.

To hold him. Mordain thought of how he would see if Richard is interested. Maybe start to give little hints. Mordain knew he was too afraid of rejection to really do it, but that didn't stop him thinking he might get the guts.

Mordain got up at seven after having fallen asleep again. He walked to Roxy's suite, lightly shaking her awake. "Roxy, wake up, we have to get to school."

Roxy groaned and opened her eyes a little bit. "What unholy hour is this?"

"Its almost seven. We need to be at school at eight remember. Please brush your teeth! Dragons breath!" Mordain laughed.

Roxy playfully hit him on the arm. "You bitch!"

"Get up though, I'm waking the other two." Mordain said walking out.

Mordain woke Jason without incident, but when he got to Richards room he just stood in the doorway, leaning against the door frame and he watched him sleep.

"He looks so peaceful, and innocent, as if nothing could bother him. I wish I could be as happy-go-lucky as he is. I almost feel bad waking him." he whispered to himself.

"Stop staring at me, you're freaking me out." Richard mumbled through his sleep.

"Wake up sleepy head we need to get to school." Mordain answered.

"I'm up. I'm up." Richard said throwing the blanket off of himself. Mordain's eyes stretched wide, Richard slept in only a boxer, Mordain's eyes hooked on Richards six pack, and then went a bit lower to Richard's obvious morning glory.

Mordain stared. Then blushed and stared again.

Richard saw what Mordain was looking at, looked down and blushed.

"Yeah, happens to the best of us."

Mordain stared.

"Well, if I have your approval, I'm going to get dressed now..." Richard laughed.

" okay." Mordain said dreamily.

Mordain tore his eyes away from the focus point in the room, and turned around.

"Get dressed, we still have to grab breakfast."

They went downstairs to the kitchen and sat down with Roxy and Jason.

"So, that took you guys long enough" Jason commented.

Richard shot him a dark look. Roxy snickered.

"We have to get to school you guys, hurry up." Mordain said.

Breakfast went by fast, and the four of them hurried outside, they went for Mordain's car, as he has four seats. They got in to the M6 and Mordain pulled away.

Mordain has an irritating habit of speeding and racing everyone he stops next to on the street.

By the time they got to school the two in the back, Richard and Roxy was drained of all color.

Jason being used to Mordain's driving, wasn't fazed at all. They got out of the car and walked into the school grounds.

"This seems so weird, after what we went through to be back at a normal day at school."

"Lets just get through this day, and worry about Torandia later." Mordain said without looking up from his class schedule.

They disbanded to their separate lockers after arranging to meet up lunch time. Richard and Jason would avoid their group of friends during that time, they had figured until thing settled they had better stay close to each other.

Mordain, quietly standing by his locker, suddenly dropped his books when he saw Harold the school outcast was standing next to him.

"Jesus Harold. My heart." Mordain practically screamed while picking up his books.

Harold's favorite passed time was picking on smaller kids in school. Mordain was not only small but sort of stood out with his dress sense, making him an easy target.

"So, fag, how was your day off?"

"Fuck off Harold." Mordain warned shoving his books back in the locker.

"And if I don't? What are you going to do about it, fag?"

"Stop calling me that." Mordain warned again.

"What you going to do, Faggot?" Harold replied with a snide face.

Mordain calmed himself down and answered, "Who I fuck has nothing to do with you."

"So you admit it." Harold asked.

"We'll I like men, if that answers your question."

Harold looked pained. He shoved Mordain against the locker.

"You are sick!"

"No actually I feel quite fine." Mordain said in the spur of the moment.

By then the bell rang, meaning Mordain was already late for his class. No body was in the hallways anymore. No body to hear him scream when he gets beat up just now.

Now that Mordain looked closely he saw the potential in attractiveness within Harold. He has almost yellow eyes and pitch black hair, with very rough features. But this probably wasn't the best time to be thinking about that.

"I hate you gays, you pollute our cities. I will make sure no other fag wants to look at your face ever again."

The last thing Mordain saw was Harold pulling back his fist. This is it, he thought to himself, lets hope the freak has mercy. Panic suddenly struck Mordain. He tried to stop the blow with his hands in a last attempt to save his face. Seconds went past, and he still felt nothing. He realized his hands felt warm and opened his eyes. He would not have believed what he saw, If he didn't see it. He was standing with one palm shot straight out, Harold dangling in mid-air and Mordain protecting his face with his other hand.

Harold looked as if he was about to throw up his face void of all color.

"What are you? Some kind of witch??!" Harold almost screamed hysterically.

He kicked in mid air to Mordain's face, but every time Harold's foot came close to Mordain's face he would hit some sort of a barrier shield like thing and ricochet off it.

"Let me down!" Harold screamed kicking.

Mordain was still too shocked to move. He just stood there hand in the air.

"I... don't..."

"Put him down Mordain!"

Mordain looked to see Roxy standing down the hall.

Roxy ran up to Mordain and looked at Harold dangling in mid air. "Someone is going to see you! Put it down! You don't know where it's been."

Mordain closed his hand to form a fist and Harold fell to the floor.

"Oh, and don't tell anybody about this, or we will kill you." Roxy looked quite intimidating.

"I ain't afraid of no voodoo!" Harold said running down the hallway.

"What just happened?" Mordain asked bewildered.

"Looks like the geezer was right Mordain, we have powers of some sort. We need to find the other two before something like this happens again!"

"Wait, you also have powers? What can you do?" Mordain suddenly asked.

"I was like really late for class and I started panicking, and I was at biology, you know my class is like on the other side of the school, so I ran as fast as I could and I couldn't stop myself, I fell down on all fours trying to run faster, and when I looked down at my feet I had like paws with spots on them, I think I sort of transformed or something into a cheetah, its weird, but I felt like one. I think our powers are showing themselves when we need it the most for the first time, after that, its like a switch being opened, I don't know if I can control It though. Lets just find the other two, Jason said something about having gym class first, God knows what their abilities are."

"Wait, why did you come and find me?" Mordain asked.

"Same reason we need to find your brother, before something like this happens!"

The two of them tore down the hallway, Mordain looked over at Roxy and saw her eyes changed to feline eyes. She was running a lot faster, suddenly she fell down and landed on her hands, running like an animal, Mordain couldn't keep up, he ran as fast as he could but she was

still gaining speed, Mordain felt his feet lift off the ground, like he was floating.

Fuck it, Mordain thought, Lets just go with it. He threw himself forward with his kinetic energy, trying to keep up with Roxy. The cheetah looked over next to Mordain, and growled something that sounded like "Nice!" Mordain was leaning forward, his feet not quite touching the ground but above it like ten centimeters. They traveled through the hallways, luckily the first period had started so no one was to be seen.

A cheetah and an airborne Mordain would be the last thing any of these students would expect to see.

They exited the hallways towards the school grounds and the gym, they halted around the corned from the gym.

Roxy sill in cheetah form glanced over at Mordain, her eyes turned human, she slowly transformed back to human in a way that would put mystique to shame.

"This is just way too unbelievable, feels like a dream, and I'm impressed, your clothes transform with you!"

"No they actually tore the first time..." She blushed. I actually, what can I call it, transform? Yeah, transformed, clothes onto my body. I'm actually naked... It's weird, should I lose concentration, I'll be stark naked!" she laughed.

"Oh my god." Mordain laughed as well.

They peeked through the gym window and saw Jason standing in the middle of the floor, practicing fencing. One after the other, his fellow school mates challenged him, it wouldn't even last a minute and they would be out.

"He's never been good in fencing!" Mordain said shocked.

"I have a feeling I know his gift..." Mordain added.

"Well lets go then," Mordain answered

"You're his twin, you go get him!"

Mordain sighed.

Mordain entered the gym glancing at his brother, whom looked a tiny bit panic stricken, walking over to the gym teacher.

"Mr King, can I please have a word with Jason?"

Mr. King was a well known teacher in the school, he was tyrannical, homophobic, and a sports freak, who believes that anybody not doing sport, or who grows their hair, or who looks anything accept his idea of school-boy is a sissy, and he hates sissies.

Put shortly, Mordain was everything he hated in man-kind.

"Who might you be?" King asked nonchalant.

"I am his brother, can I please speak to him?'

"Actually he is a bit busy, doing so well in fencing, it would be a shame if we had to bother him. Kindly show yourself out.

Mordain just looked at the teacher, "Can I please talk to my brother?"

"I think we'll have to take you to the principle for class skipping." He said with a snide smile.

Mordain felt anger building up inside him, he tried to calm himself down.

"No wait, I have a better idea, I'll write you a detention slip, say, this afternoon?"

"Can I please just speak to my brother! Mordain snapped. We have a family crises!"

"It's just going to have to wait until my class is finished.

"Well fuck you." Mordain said turning and walking to his brother.

Mordain felt himself getting hotter with anger. He turned around and walked towards Jason.

"Who do you think you are talking to, come back here you little twit!" King said after Mordain.

Jason looked over at Mordain, "I think we have to talk!" he practically shouted.

Mordain saw the teacher coming towards them in the corner of his eye.

Mordain turned towards him and let loose a tiny blast of kinetic energy, the teacher stumbled and tripped but fell to the ground with a large thud.

"We don't have time, we need to get going!" Mordain said.

Jason followed Mordain closely out of the gym, they ran and caught up with Roxy.

"What's going on!" shouted Jason as soon as they got there.

"It seems the geezer was right Jason, we have powers, it also seems stress unlocks it somehow." Roxy answered.

"Oh." answered Jason with disbelief in his voice, looking at Mordain.

"It's true, so far I have some sort of telekinetic power, Roxy can transform in to animals and it looks like you are the warrior of sorts. I don't know what our powers entail, but that's what we have figured out."

"Ah." Jason answered.

"Jason, I know it's difficult to understand now, but just trust us, you were the calm and collected one up until now. Now it looks like we have crossed over in to my forte, we'll figure it out later. We need to find Richard, I was nearly caught dangling Harold in the air, Roxy almost transformed in to a cheetah in front of people, thank god no one was around. We have no idea what Richard can do, we need to find him before it causes to much trouble to bear.

"You did what?" Jason asked.

"Long story, he tried to punch me, my power awakened... tell you later, we need to find Richard asap!"

"Okay he said he had math, that's in the new building, lets go!" Jason seemed to gather himself.

They set off to the maths class, in much less of a hurry, Mordain and Roxy thought Jason would not be able to keep up.

"I cant figure it out! I know fantasy like the back of my hand, what's missing.

We have the Wizard, we have the Warrior and we have the Shape-shifter... What power is left?" Mordain thought aloud.

"We'll I'm sure we'll find out soon." Roxy answered.

Jason suddenly looked up at the sky, "Guys, I think I have a pretty good idea..." Jason said pointing to the sky.

A huge green scaled animal flew over them, screeching loudly.

"Shit! Mordain screamed a curse! He is a fucking summoner!"

"We have to hurry! If that thing starts tearing at who ever pissed him off, he's done for!"

The drake let out a loud roar.

"So much for secrecy! We have to get going before the school notices that thing and come running in hysteria." Mordain said. "A summoner, of all our luck."

"Lets go guys! Either we need to kill that thing, which I'm sure we won't be able to, or get to Richard. Jason said.

"I'm going to run off ahead of you two guys, see if I can stop him!" Roxy said.

"What makes you think you are faster than me? Jason answered.

"Let's go then!" Roxy answered.

She fell down on all fours, and transformed into a cheetah again, looked at Jason and roared.

"Ah cool!!!" Jason uttered.

"Nah, Mordain said, seen that before! You have to do better than that if you want to win this race you old cat!"

The drake let out another roar.

Mordain's arms shot out next to him, his eyes turned all black, he levitated off the ground, the wind started blowing with meaning around them.

"Awesome!! Jason said openly admiring his brother.

The cheetah growled at Jason and Mordain.

The three of them took off, Mordain floating 10 cm from the ground and throwing himself forward with his kinetic energy.

Roxy ran with the full speed of the cheetah, trying to catchup to Mordain, Jason was running faster than any human could ever run.

They ran through the eating hall, it seems no body had noticed the drake yet, because the halls were absolutely void of people.

Another roar filled the air.

"That was definitely not the same one as before, there must be two now!" Mordain shouted.

"Shit! What the fuck could trigger him to lose it this badly!!" Roxy asked with a human voice, clearly worried.

They ran up the stairs, Roxy changed back while running, and they stormed into the classroom.

"Where is he?" Mordain asked panicked.

The classroom was empty. Richard must be getting math in a different classroom.

"Where is he? Where is Richard! I'm suddenly actually hoping these are his dragons!" Jason said.

"Wait!" Mordain said, I can hear him, I hear what he is feeling, it's hard to describe, but he is in the guys bathrooms. Come let's go! He is seriously pissed off, I think he'll actually hurt him!" ' Who was echoed out of the room, left unanswered.

The boys bathroom was just down the stairs, they went into the bathroom and saw Richard holding Harold by the neck against the wall.

"Say that one more fucking time and I will snap you neck!"

"You are a freak! Just like the other two this morning! Let me go!" Harold screamed and tried to punch Richard.

Mordain's hands shot out in front of him and he stopped Harold's fist with his energy.

"What happened here! Richard! What did you do?! And most importantly are those your things flying about outside?!" Jason asked entering the bathroom.

"It's you again! Those freaks!" Harold said hysterically. "The witches!"

Richards grip tightened around Harold's neck.

"Richard! Drop him!" Mordain said.

"I Cant, he's going to hurt you."

"Trust me, he won't."

Richard let Harold go. Harold gathered himself and ran out of the bathroom.

"Richard there are two fucking things that look like Dragons flying about outside please tell me they're yours!" Mordain asked.

"Otherwise we have a crises on our hands." Roxy said walking closer.

"I think they might be, when Harold started talking shit about you two, I kind of lost it, I felt something stir within myself, I think I summoned them, although I cant describe it at all."

"We can figure out the details later, just get them de-summoned or whatever.

Humans aren't really used to seeing large scaly beasts flying around." Jason said.

Richard's eyes rolled back in his head, he lifted his arms and dropped them again.

"There, done. I think."

They ran outside to see, and sure as hell, when they looked up there were no drakes, far in the distance one could see two huge animals flying.

"Well, this went better than expected." Mordain said. "Scary, and exiting, but at least no one died."

"Guys what's going on here?" Richard asked.

"We have powers Richard, the geezer in Torandia was right. I am what seems to be a magical, Jason a Warrior, Roxy is a Shape-shifter and you are a Summoner..

We are the Toramdon eyes.

"Oh. That's cool I suppose, almost caused big shit, but cool." Richard seemed to take it the best out of the three of them.

"What did Harold say to you anyway? " Roxy asked.

"I wasn't in the mood for Math, so I bunked in the bathroom, and Harold came strolling in here saying faggot left and witch right, and something about you. I asked him what's up, and he said, that you told him this morning you are gay, and that you want to fuck him. Now I know you wouldn't, he is not your type anyway, so I told him to stop talking shit about other people, so he went on about how you are a fag, and not to come up for you, obviously I did, and then he started calling me a fag, and told me that I probably want to fuck you and shit, so I punched him, he punched back and I think that's where the drakes came in, to try and protect me.

So I got this weird power, I grabbed his neck and that's where you guys practically stormed in."

They quickly filled Richard in on the rest of the details of the day, how each of them discovered their powers.

They walked out of the bathroom hallway and saw children and teachers running around.

Practically no one was left on the school ground, police sirens could be heard coming to the school, probably coming to investigate the sudden appearance of Dragon like creatures.

"Seems they caught on to the drakes, lets get to Torandia and get some clarity on all of this. I don't want to be the one that explains to the police why we stayed behind.

"Good idea, lets go." Roxy said.

They took hands and everything started spinning and went white.

"Man I hate that feeling." Mordain said.

"I second that, feels like someone punched my guts out!" Roxy said.

Mordain looked around him and saw they were back in the geezer's house.

"What are we doing here again why are we not back in the forest?" Jason asked looking around.

"My dear boy, I'm so glad you all decided to return so hastily."

George emerged from an adjourning room.

"Why are we back in your living room?" Mordain asked. He clearly had no liking for this man.

"It is the nature of the power which transports you to and from Torandia.

If you were to go back to earth right now you will be back at the exact spot from whence you left, and vice-versa."

"We have a problem." Roxy interrupted.

"Not wasting any time I see Roxanne."

"Please call me Roxy, and yes, there were Dragons loose on earth, that Richard summoned, why couldn't you warn us as to what our powers were?"

"George laughed a whole hearted laugh, Dragons on earth hey? I could just imagine their faces. I didn't tell you because I didn't know. Each generation of Toramdon eyes have different abilities, depending on how bad the impended crumbling will be. Have you figured out all of yours?"

"Yes, I am some sort of Mage, Roxy is a Shape-Shifter, Richard is a Summoner and Jason is what seems like a warrior." Mordain answered.

George smiled even wider. "Seems you have the original Toramdon eyes' gifts, except there is one missing, but that's not important.

You four will be undoubtedly strong enough for the demons"

Thanks for reading this chapter, the story picks up more pace along the way. Please bear with me, and please PLEASE leave any feedback on my blog for the story...

Remember you few words of encouragement and or critisism is my only reward...

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Next: Chapter 4: Toramdon Eyes 4 5

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