Toramdon Eyes

Published on Jun 20, 2011


All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental. All rights reserved. The moral Right of the author has been asserted.

Chapter 16 Arranging a gathering

Port-John was a hustle and a bustle. The port town was it seems one big general market, people trading everywhere hawkers passing by them every second. They didn't approach as they were not used to elves walking their streets and did not know how to bargain with them. They advanced towards the local tavern, Carline and Handar opted to wait outside. The sun was beginning to hang low in the sky. They have but 5 days left to gather the knights. They have to find James fast; they still have a lot of ground to cover. They will not rest in this town this evening; they will have to leave immediately for Jestir to collect Jack. Mordain and Jason went inside the tavern and asked people if they know James Rabuko.

They approached a guy with shoulder length dark hair sitting with a group of men.

"Sorry to intrude, do any of you know a guy named James Rabuko?"

"Yes we know James. He works at the local brewery. You'll find him there, but you must hurry they close in about one hour."

"Where is the brewery?" Mordain asked.

The guy gave them directions and they exited the tavern.

"Follow us!" Mordain said to the rest waiting outside.

They ran down the street turn upon turn and reached an older looking building.

"Well this is it. We'll go inside to find him, you guys wait out here." Mordain said.

Jason and Mordain went inside and navigated the old barrels that smelled like old grapes.

Mordain spotted a group of men standing around and talking. "Excuse me?" Mordain said to them.

"Can we help you boy?" one guy politely asked.

"Yes, I'm looking for James Rabuko?"

A tall slender dark featured man stepped forward. He had an attractive soft boy like face. His hair pulled back in to a shirt ponytail.

"That is me. How can I help you?"

"Oh thank God. Can I speak to you alone for a second?"

James followed Mordain and Jason to a spot away from the men talking.

"Hi, I'm Mordain, this is Jason."

"Pleased, how can I help you kids?"

"We have a message from Rughnan, supposedly your communication is not working or something and the Knights need to gather in Kegh in a few days time. You need to make your way there immediately."

"Who are you to carry the message, surely not new knights?"

"No we are two of the Toramdon Eyes." Jason answered.

James looked awestruck. "Really, interesting. I will make my way to Kegh immediately. How am I to believe you though?"

"Handar and princess carline of the elves is waiting outside follow us."

James followed them and greeted Handar.

"James pleased to see you. You must make way to Kegh immediately. Rughnan is calling assembly of all 24 knights."

"Understood." James replied.

"Please take all weapons or provisions with, the veil will falter soon."

James took his leave, "I will see you in 5 days then. Be safe."

James ran down the street and disappeared around the corner.

"Come we must leave for Jestir immediately." Handar said. "Time is drawing short and we have a lot of ground to cover."

They exited the town at the south gate making way to Jestir. The elves mounted the horses and Roxy transformed to the drake and Rigaarth swooped down and collected Richard.

Stars made themselves known in the skies as they were still journeyed towards Jestir. The ground moving passed them faster than speeding cars. Jestir was on the horizon, drawing ever closer. The air around them was silent, foreboding.

Mordain sensed some danger and decided to draw his power closer. He knew something had to happen before they reach Jestir. There was no way they would just reach this city get the knight and fuck off without any incident.

Rigaarth let out a loud screech followed soon after an echo from Roxy.

"Dammit." Mordain said aloud.

"Harpies! Beware they attack the eyes first!" Handar shouted.

Mordain looked up and saw woman humanoid creatures with wings, beaks of birds and claws of eagles attacking Rigaarth and Roxy. There was a whole swarm of them.

Mordain shot up in the air, 3 Harpies going right at him. He lifted his hands and 2 lightning bolts shot from his hands killing two of them on the spot.

"What the fuck?" Mordain though to himself.

"There is not time Mordain we need to be wary, I have temporarily opened all of your gates, kill the harpies and rejoin the knights."

"Who said that?"

"That is not of consequence right now. Destroy the Harpies. Assist your friends."

Jason raised his sword and another Harpy died screaming in pain.

Andrew crouched down and leaped in to the air, grabbing one of the grotesque creatures ripping its neck out with his teeth.

Arrows were flying through the air killing the creatures upon contact.

Roxy burrowed her claws deep in to its neck ripping the head off, it's limp body falling to the ground.

Mordain shot a fireball through the sky that exploded upon contact disintegrating 3 of the harpies. Mordain could feel ultimate power flowing through his veins. He could bend all of the elements to his will. He could also see clearly for the first time that he is not bad, he was good. Killing the things that wanted to kill his friends and harm this world was helping him see that. Having all his powers awakened had the opposite effect to him than what they expected. He was in full control of his mind and boy. He briefly wondered about the voice that he had heard earlier.

Mordain landed on the ground bodies of the dead harpies lay around him.

"How did you do that?" Handar asked Mordain.

Mordain could feel the barriers closing down in his mind. Not allowing him to access the powers he had just used.

The others gathered around him, interested in his tale.

"I heard a voice in my head, telling me that it will open the barriers that block my powers, as we have to hurry and gather the knights. After that... I just could, I knew exactly how to control every aspect of my power. But as soon as the last harpy died I could feel it closing back down. I can now only use my mind and probably the flower stuff I don't know. I think it was a female voice that spoke." Mordain said lightly blushing at the idea how crazy that had just sounded.

"That is remarkable. Monitor that Mordain. Voices in your head opening up your powers will be no trick of the mind. Something else is at play here." Handar said.

"Why did the Harpies attack such a big group of travelers?" Mordain asked. "Don't they usually pick off lone travelers?"

"Remember Mordain, we are not the only races preparing for the coming battle. Harpies too will want to stock up on food and the like. That I suspect is why their hunting group was that big. This is a grave time for everything. The demons spare no race, not even the ones they created like the Cypress."

"I see." Mordain answered.

"Is everybody okay?" Jason asked.

Everyone nodded in unison. No one was injured.

"That was thrilling! Roxy said in her human form. I can totally fight in that form."

"I think we understand our powers better by the minute, I can talk to Rigaarth as if we are one person, I could almost feel a multitude of other animals and creatures waiting to summon them." Richard said.

"I am starting to like my powers as well, I am super fast, strong as hell and it's like I can make decisions without really thinking, I just know where they will attack next." Jason sounded really exited for the first time about his abilities.

Everybody smiled and was friendly realizing how strong they really are. They looked at Harold waiting for him to say something about his powers, trying to include him.

Harold looked at the ground, "I don't like using my powers or whatever it frightens me, it feels so weird being and controlling a body that is not yours and not even really looking the same as you. I can still hear the thoughts of the things I posses. So mine is not so much fun."

"You get used to it, imagine your skin ripping apart and taking form of something else." Roxy smiled at him.

"I suppose." Harold answered.

"We will need you Harold. We don't need to like each other or see eye to eye. But we are in his together and we will need to stand together or die." Jason said.

"I am asking you to just try to help us." Roxy said.

Harold nodded once at them. As his way of saying I will try.

They entered Jestir after talking at length with the guards at the gate as to why a company their size wanted to enter the city at that time of night. They had finally convinced them that they were the Knights templar and the Toramdon eyes. They requested an immediate counsel with the duke as Jack O'Morran is the Duke of Jestir.

They were shown to the vestibule in the castle to wait for the Duke.

The guards returned shortly after, "The Duke will se you now."

The 8 of them walked in to the main hall where the duke was standing in his sleeping robe.

"What brings you here?" he asked.

Handar answered, "We were sent by Rughnan, all knights are to assemble in Kegh in the next 5 days. These are the Toramdon eyes, I'm sure you know carline our princess and these are the Toramdon eyes." Hander waved his hand towards us.

"I shall make haste towards Kegh in the morrow. We have a few hours left; please I see you all are tired. My servants will show you to your own rooms we will depart at sunrise."

"Thank you Jack, you are most kind."

Mordain and Richard told the servant girl that they would prefer one room. The room was as pretty as any Hilton hotel room Richard imagined. They fell on the bed and slept like babies.

Morning found Richard taking a bath in the tub the servant had filled for them. Mordain quickly followed after. A message was sent to their room that they are to be at the table in 20 minutes for breakfast, they will depart for Alga straight after.

They got dressed in clothes that were put out on their bed for them, both of them could feel the luxury in the clothes, these were expensive by Torandia measures.

They followed the little servant girl to the dining hall and found everybody already seated. Once the good mornings and hellos were finished they ate quickly.

"Jack, we need to gather the rest of the knight and we only have 4 days left. We will need to trust you with getting Koni and Rinol on your way to Kegh. They as you know are in Roney and Riz. They will not be far of your route. 4 days will be enough if you take your fastest steeds." Handar said.

"I will collect them. Do not fear. I shall ask Koni to collect Lilith in Ipra whist I move on towards Roney to get Rinol. I suspect that will leave you with Oliver, Michael and Andoriam?"

"That would help much old friend; we have more than enough time to collect them during today and tomorrow. We shall then meet back with you in Kegh."

Jack smiled and exited the hall.

"That just made life a whole lot easier." Mordain said.

"Oh thank god. I have studied the map of Torandia lat night and saw that we wouldn't make it in four days. I think we need to get going immediately." Jason said.

"We will reach Rejd by midday if we travel at the speeds we did the last few days. The Rejd Mountain range will be tricky but the elven steeds will not be hindered by that. We will reach Alga soon before nightfall we shall spend the night there and make for Lumna the following morning. Alga and Lumna are very close to each other so we will get there by midday. We will proceed to Atlantia immediately after. We shall get Andoriam and proceed back to Kegh; they will double ride on the elven steeds in order for us to make it in time. We have two days from there to make it back to Kegh. We will spend the evening in Roney If we must, it might be that at that time that Jack will also arrive if they experienced any delays along the way. But I trust and hope that they are en-route to Kegh by then." Handar said.

With that they departed from Jestir and made way to Alga.

Dusk was breaking as they left eh Rejd mountain range behind; Handar was right the mountains were no more difficult then flat terrain. The hill men had bothered them for a bit but swiftly departed after they saw that they had magical powers.

Alga was drawing ever closer, Harold could hardly believe it. He thought about how that place had a good effect on him. He wasn't so tense all the time anymore, he also felt calm and at piece. He didn't want to be rude all the time. This was a first for him. He knew he liked the princess a lot; maybe he was just being civil to impress the princess.

"Shit lookout!" Mordain shouted to Harold.

Harold didn't see the green skinned men running beside them in the trees. One leaped out and attacked Harold from his horse and bit in to his arm and Harold screamed with pain. The Goblins leaped out from everywhere in the trees attacking and biting the party. They were dirty little things with large fangs. Mordain slapped one through the face the audible slap sound; sending it flying through the air. Jason slashed left and right but the more he killed the more attacked him. They seemed like an endless stream of attack. Roxy swooped down still in Drake form, the trees proving to be a problem to maneuver through while still falling she changed in to a harpy that they had encountered before. She attacked the Goblins with her talons and pecked at their neck and eyes with her huge beak.

Mordain did not have enough time to summon any of his powers in between the attacks. He could only dodge and slap the goblins away. Andrew took one goblin and ripped it apart, one of the larger ones jumped on Andrew; enraged that someone had killed his friend, in return getting its throat ripped out by Andrews's teeth.

There was no end to the Goblins; they seemed hundred strong. The slaughtering continued. Handar had pulled out a blade and what seemed to be a celestial dance, slaying goblins as he went.

Harold was beating the Goblins with his fists, not helping to posses anything for then his own body would be undefended. He beat the goblins away, the only weapons he knew how to use. Harold could see the princess being overwhelmed as she has a long distance weapon but she to soon traded the bow and arrow for a dagger. Right as she was to throw the bow on the floor Harold saw one of the big nasty looking goblins sneaking up behind her, his claws and fangs ready for the kill.

"Carline watch out! Behind you!" The princess couldn't hear him. Over all the noise Harold started running to the princess, he was not going to make it in time, she had not turned around yet, she hasn't noticed the big goblin approaching her.

"Look out!" Harold screamed at the top of his lungs.

The following happened all at once in a blur. Harold shot forward trying to save the princess, two goblins jumped up to stop him biting in to his neck. The big goblin lunched towards the princess baring his teeth ready for the kill. Harold saw his spirit tare loose from his body and shot in to the princess' body. Harold immediately took control remembering exactly where the Goblin was coming from. Harold jumped out of the way just in time to dodge the huge fucker. He noticed the princess still had the dagger in her hands; he spun around and stabbed the Goblin in its heart, he looked past the falling creature just in time to see his own body being torn apart; limb for limb. Harold went cold; he tried to escape to his body, as he tried nothing happened. Where he could always feel the link between his body and spirit, he could feel nothing now; His body had been killed and ripped apart. Harold started to panic.

Mordain saw a goblin running passed him with Harold's head' clearly eviscerated from his body. Harold was dead. As much as Mordain hated him, they needed all of the help in the oncoming war, but he had grown content with each other over the passed few days.

A voice in his head said, "Mordain, don't lose it, these goblins are nothing compared to the Demons, your friend was weak if he perished at the hands of mere goblins, he would not have survived the coming onslaught. I will open your gates, you need to stop the Goblins now, we can not afford to lose the princess of the elves and she is shocked with fright from seeing her beloved's death. She can't move. End this battle now."

Mordain felt the power flowing through his veins once more, the absolute power. Mordain realized once more how utterly weak these pathetic goblins are. Every time one of them tried to attack Mordain, they would ricochet off an invisible shield. Mordain looked up and spoke to Richard on Rigaarth through his mid.

"Baby, Harold has died. I need you to get out of the skies please. I am going to kill all of these goblins now."

Rigaarth flew down and Richard jumped off, immediately starting to defend himself.

Mordain closed his eyes and saw the life force of each and every goblin in front of him, they dangled like strings, ready to pull or cut.

Mordain summoned the winds but manipulated the winds to avoid his friends. The winds picked up in speed reaching gale force speeds. Goblins smacked in to trees crushing their bones some of them just blew away. A few minutes later the field was clear no more Goblins to be seen. Everybody panted and gathered themselves.

Mordain ran to the Carline, "Princess I am so sorry." Mordain put his hands around the princess.

Mordain led the princess to the horses and gave her something to drink. The princess kept muttering, "No, no, no, I'm trapped."

Richard, Handar, Roxy, Jason and Andrew soon formed a circle around them.

"Where is Harold?" Andrew asked.

"He got killed. Mordain answered. I saw a Goblin running of with his... head."

A deathly silence befell the group as they all tried to process that one of their comrades have been killed, slowly realizing the reality of the situation.

"Princess... I am truly sorry..." Handar said.

Carline looked up at Handar. "I'm trapped."

"What do you mean?" Handar answered.

"It's me, Harold. The princess didn't hear me, a huge ogre was about to kill her, I had no choice. I possessed her to get her out of the way and the Goblins killed my body... I had no choice!" Carline said.

"Shhh, calm down." Handar said. "So you are Harold, in the princess' body?"

"Yes. I can't get out, I don't have a body anymore... I can't go anywhere."

`Is the princess fine?" Roxy asked.

"Yes, she is in here, she says she doesn't mind sharing her body with me until we find Rughnan to see what we can do about arranging a body for me."

"This is a situation most unique. Handar said. The legends speak nothing of this. I don't think this has ever happened."

"Will you be fine to travel? We will get the rest of the knights and head back to Kegh. Rughnan or somebody might know what to do about this situation." Jason said.

"Yes, I'll manage." Harold answered.

They dressed everyone's wounds and quickly freshened up. Harold was sound talking to himself every so often as he and the Princess had conversations, by what could be made out, the princess was comforting Harold.

Mordain's gates had closed; the voice had spoken to him again. He decided not to say anything if nobody asked. He would discuss this with Rughnan as soon as he got the chance.

Alga is a spiritual town, most people walking around in robes. The city was beautifully decorated. They found Oliver at his house; he will make way to Kegh in the morning.

The trip to Lumna was one of thought, everybody running through the occurrences of the previous day. They had lost one body but luckily no one died. It made them realize that this place was not to be taken lightly and that they were no invincible. When they arrived at Lumna Michael was at the gate guarding the city, as he was part of the arsenal, with his weapon of choice, the claws.

He was ushered to go to Kegh immediately as they only had two days left.

Wasting no time they departed to the shore of the inland sea.

The travel was short to the inland sea.

"You will find Andoriam in Atlantia. He is the king of the Merpeople. Swim due east and you will find the city there, ask for a meeting with him." Handar said.

On their way there they decided only Roxy and Mordain will go to the city as they had previous experience with the mermaids. They will not stay long, they were to get Andoriam and be on their way back to Kegh immediately.

Mordain and Roxy entered the waters and swam off. Wasting no time Roxy changed in a mermaid, Mordain summoning his bubble around him.

They swam through the murky waters, nothing in sight except fish and plants.

"I wonder how this place is going to look." Mordain

As they swam deeper in to the waters they noticed far down in the waters a light of some sort shining, they swan deeper and deeper in to the dark waters. As the closed in on the light it got bigger and bigger, until it became apparent that it was a vast underwater city. There was a feint dome covering the entire city; very feint, it looked like a web from a spider; almost ethereal.

The closer they got the bigger the city seemed. Stretching out in all directions as far as the eye can see. They approached one of the gates in the dome, they guard stopped them.

"Who are you and why do you wish to enter Atlantia?"

"We are here to retrieve Andoriam." Mordain said.

"Why do you need counsel with the king of the water people?"

"We are the Toramdon eyes. We are here to gather the Knights and he is the last one that we need." Roxy answered.

"If you are the so called Toramdon eyes, why do you look like one of the water people?" The guard asked skeptically.

"I have the power to transform in to any living creature." Roxy answered.

The guard nodded, still not yet completely sure of they were speaking the truth.

"I shall call the counsel with the king; he shall decide what to do with you."

They followed the guard in to the city. The castle in what seemed to be somewhere near the center towered over them. They swam passed the other guards in to the Castle.

The inside was just as spectacular as the outside, decorated with carvings in to the stone like walls, Moss growing nowhere.

They entered the camber where the king was at, "My liege, you have visitors claiming to be the Toramdon eyes."

"I have been awaiting your arrival." The king answered.

"So I take it you are Andoriam?" Mordain asked.

"You shall speak to the king in a proper tone!" The guard said in a disapproving tone.

"You may leave Espian. These are our friends, I have no doubt they are the Toramdon eyes."

The guard nodded and exited the chamber.

The king approached Roxy and Mordain. He was very handsome, white marble like skin, sea blue eyes and his fin was almost violet, unlike the other mermaids who sported either blue or green fins.

"Welcome, before we leave please assure me that you are the Toramdon eyes, who sent you?"

"Rughnan sent us, he is gathering the knights, and the earth knights are bound to arrive soon as well."

"Well then, before we set off I need to warn you of something." Andoriam said.

Mordain sighed. "Yes?"

"There was a water demon in Atlantia the day before yesterday. We captured it, for it was very weak. It was no more than a demi-demon. It spoke about a great congregation of demons in hell. They are to stand together in destroying the Knights Templar and the Toramdon eyes. We do not know how they intend to do this. Its grave news indeed to know that some if not all of the demons are standing together this time. We counted on them fighting with each other as much as us the last four thousand years. Aradia said to me that they will learn of this feat in the future and that it is then that the most powerful Toramdon eyes will be born, I fear that time has come. Tell me, do you remember of any of the original Toramdon eyes?"

"Remember? What do you mean, we weren't there, and what do you mean Aradia told you?"

"You see the previous 3 sets of Toramdon eyes, upon putting on the rings immediately knew everything about the demons and such that the original Toramdon eyes knew, the spells, how to fully control their powers etc. They slew the demons and cast them back to hell. However the Jets are shifting now and they will stay that way. Not allowing you to cast them back to hell like the previous Eyes. You will need to figure out what you are to do."

"You still didn't answer, how did Aradia tell you? What do you mean?"

"I knew Aradia; I am currently four thousand three hundred and fifty two years old. I am a siren and I have been the king of Atlantia for Four Thousand two hundred years this year. I knew Aradia; she was one of my closest friends of all times. She told me more than any body else.

"So why aren't you head of the knights?"

"Oh, I have been, on more than one occasion in history. But when Rughnan entered this world it was as if he was born to lead the knights. His whole life revolves around the knights, he is a good leader. So I stepped down again."

"Interesting." Mordain said.

"Come we leave immediately, you have a lengthy mission in front of you, this will all be explained as soon as we are back in Kegh. I need Rughnan to be present; he will need to help you. Tell me, what are your powers and where are the others?"

"I think I have magic or whatever, and Roxy here can transform." Mordain said.

"Ah, Aradia and Jasmine, though it is strange that you are male. Since Aradia and all of the Magic wielders have been female, so we have come to call them witches. I guess that's not applicable anymore." He laughed.

They surfaced the water and saw the others lounging on the beach and waiting for them.

They arrived back at Kegh and entered the castle. All the knights were there, only Rughnan was still to return from Astir, he was still helping with the magic shield that they were casting over Torandia, he would return in the morning. Tomas, the one knight that they had not collected had like Rughnan said, made his own way to Kegh, in time for the assembly. Mordain recognized the brute of a black man, but couldn't place him exactly.

Kyle spoke to Jason about the veil. They had taken just over a week for all the knights to arrive, but is seems Rughnan had lied to them a bit to make sure they were a bit more hasty. They still had about two weeks for the final collapse of veil.

Mordain walked through the vast hall that he had come to know. There were so many doors in the hallway. Each leading to its own sleeping quarters, just like back on earth; enough to sleep all 24 knights and all 5 Toramdon eyes and one extra room for the unknown. What Mordain saw was millennia in planning and fighting that prepared them so well.

Kyle and George walked together towards Mordain and Richard, followed by the tiniest girl they had ever seen.

"This is Lillith Senkiel." George said seeing them staring at the girl. "It's good to see you all again."

"You too." Mordain and Richard said in almost unison.

The fact that she was so small was not what had triggered the response by Mordain and Richard's starting. She was stunning in beauty. Not in a sexual way for Mordain, Richard was another story, but she was gorgeous in the most natural way. She was about 1.5m tall, she couldn't have weighed more than 40 kg and she has a small waist. Piercing green eyes, that reminded Mordain of the colour of grass on Scotland, green to the utmost, she had long almost curling reddish blonde, but dark hair, indescribable in colour. Her shy face was lined by almost a whisper of freckles, but only over her nose. The way she carried herself was shy to the utmost, she looked no older than 16 years old.

`Who is she, what is she doing here?" Mordain asked.

"She is 8th ranking in the Toramdon Nights. She is also one of the most powerful."

Mordain gawked and Richards' mouth fell open. She didn't look like she could lift a butter knife let alone a weapon.

"Is she like a magic user or something?" Richard asked.

"No she relies on sheer brute force more than anything else." George answered with no sarcasm in his voice.

Mordain and Richard stared and the girl blushed ferociously.

In a whisper singsong voice barely peeking out from behind George she said, "Hi"

"Don't let her looks fool you, she is strong." Kyle said. "Now, for the real reason we are bothering you, we are gathering tomorrow morning at 7 sharp. Rughnan has sent word that about the time he will reach Kegh. There will be an immediate meeting, with only Billy still missing, but he is probably on his own mission with a night elf we hear, he aught to be back soon as well. The vampire is making a few people uncomfortable and we have yet to understand how this Harold and the princess thing is working. He might shed some clarity on that."

"Why is Andrew bothering them? Has he done anything?" Richard asked.

"No his presence makes some of the guys from earth a bit uncomfortable. But they'll manage."

George said.

The night continued in chatter and joy as all the knights caught up and the ones that have never met forming quick friendships. The meeting between Harold and Ruan was bitter sweet. That because his son was trapped in a woman's body, and not in a transsexual way.

They had spoken at length as Harold explained everything to him; of course Ruan didn't believe them at the beginning but that all got cleared up.

Mordain and Richard exited the chamber and went to the room designated to them. They closed the door behind them as the get together was still in full swing. Roxy and Jason were talking to a couple of Knights from Torandia and Earth; they seemed to be enjoying themselves. Andrew was speaking to Kyle the last they saw. They fell down on the double bed, and cuddled for awhile.

"You know our relationship happened very fast, and we haven't really had any time to ourselves. I just know what I feel for you borders on the unnatural." Richard said.

"I know what you mean. Sometimes it's like I feel what you are feeling. I don't know how to describe it. Sometime ago I felt very close to losing it, I've been having weird dreams, and..."

Mordain stopped.

"Tell me? What's wrong?" Richard asked.

"When all these fights and stuff happened there was a voice in my head, definitely not mine; it sounded female. She said she has opened my gates and stuff and that usually when I get so strong. If that didn't happen the first time I think I would have lost my mind. I don't know how to explain, but something is at work inside me..."

Richard gently kissed on Mordain as he saw his eyes starting to tear up. The kiss grew in passion as they both let go of the passion they held for each other. Never had they felt the need for each other so intense. There was nothing holding them back now; never had they felt the need to become one like at that point in time. They needed to. The noises outside drowning out the sounds of passion they held for each other. The first time for both of them, they explored each other's bodies in ways none had experienced before. They soon after drifted off in to a blissful sleep, feeling the burden of the impending doom lightening slightly.

Richard woke to a tha-rump on their bedroom door. He was still naked, but covered under the blanket. "Come in!" He shouted and Mordain stirred slightly next to him. The moment he felt Mordain move next to him his heart skipped a beat and melted, never in his life has he had such need for anything, and never in his life had he had such a feeling of complete and utter love.

Jason peeked through the door. "Is it safe to come in?" he asked.

Richard said, "Sure is."

Jason walked in to the room and sat down on the bed.

"So, you just disappeared last night..." Jason said.

"Yeah, he was tired and I didn't want him to fall asleep alone. We talked quite some time, and yeah." Richard blushed.

"You know you can be glad you have the last room in the hall and mine was next to yours. One of you two has quite the set of lungs." Jason laughed.

Mordain woke and said groggily, "Mind your business, I'm happy." He said eyes still closed while he stretched and a smile creeping over his face.

Jason laughed, "You are glowing."

"I know I've never been this happy." Mordain answered.

Richard said, "No baby, he means you are literally glowing."

Mordain looked down and saw a soft almost fairy luminescent light coming out of his skin and giggled. "I've no idea how I'm doing this"

A voice answered in his head, "That is your power overflowing from not enough use, when you have one or more fervent dominate emotion your power will start leaking out of your pores. You are radiating so much love; your power is reflecting that."

Mordain snapped with and found the other two looking at him. "Where were you now?"

"That voice spoke to me again."

They decided not to comment on that.

"Listen we need to get to that round table, they are having a meeting soon and I was sent to fetch you." Jason said.

They got up and Jason blushed and nearly fell from the bed when he saw they were naked. He politely turned away while they dressed.

Soon after they were all gathered at the round table, Rughnan had arrived early in the morning and Billy and Dayashnee had also returned.

Rughnan spoke first, "During my time in Astir and from Andoriam I have come to learn that the Demons are assembling like they never have in the past. The demi-Demons are assembling a mass attack and it would seem the Greater Demons have also assembled, but what was discussed we remain ignorant of. This truly brings grave danger to us. In the past, you can ask Andoriam about it as he had first hand experience with demons throughout his life; we had counted on the Demons fighting amongst themselves as much as with us. This seems to have changed in their absence; they seemed to have learned from their passed mistakes. The demons numbered well in to the millions eons ago, but the collapse of the veil every time costs them lives, if you can call them that. As far as we know Demons don't breed, but we are unsure. They were created when space and time was created and given dominion over Torandia and as time passed we are unsure how but different creatures came to be here, humans and elves amongst them; for the first time in the Demons history another being challenged their rule. They created other races to do their work for them, which is where Ogres and Orcs and the like comes form. They were found lacking against the combined might of the greater races, Humans, Dwarves, Elves and Fey.

The Demons then sought to destroy us themselves, each of them trying to better their own rank and power. That is where they started to fight amongst themselves. Once again our combined might was more than any Demon alone or small party of Demons could overthrow, heck they couldn't better us even with the might they threw at us at the time of the banishing. Once in history they assembled in might; more than a million strong, they put their differences aside, all agreeing that we are becoming to strong and we need to be destroyed. They assembled and attacked, we were nearly overthrown when Aradia banished all of them to hell, calling upon powers theretofore unseen, and that have never been seen to that amount of strength since.

At last the demons were gone; sure there were a few stray demons that were left, but no more than a hundred, they were quickly disposed of. Before the banishing Aradia sought to harmonize all magic, all physics and jets, and in time she did. This opened up gateways to our sister planet; Earth. This proved to be more of a complication as a few demons made their way through the jets to earth, seeking refuge. They found a planet teeming with life; the planet conquered by the race they hate the most; Humans. I have no doubt that they exist to this day; oh some were banished with the others to Hell, but some were clever, hiding until the 5 most powerful beings thought them dead and passed away themselves. They realized that power truly does not come with physical damage and invaded the religions of your world; planting seeds of war, famine, greed and lust. They are smarter in ways than the Demons that were banished. Now we face onslaught of masses that were last seen at the banishing; what's more, in the past the jets only moved for 30 days; allowing them access for exactly 30 days to Torandia before being sucked back to Hell. What we face now is graver than any the Jets will move and the demons will brake loose, except in 30 days they will continue; the jets are moving permanently; thus allowing access to Torandia for as long as it takes and soon after we have fallen they will surely make through to earth. We have had notion that with the moving jets some demons will have the ability to teleport to earth at will wherever they are; this proves another situation we have never faced; they could usually only get to earth when in the powers of the Torandia Isles; and few of them got through our protective force field we erect over our continent. The city of Magicians have started their castings of the protective fields, that where I have been the passed days. The Toramdon eyes have assembled the knights and all 24 are present, Billy and Dayashnee making a most timely an entrance this morning soon after me. It seems we have 3 new comrades this year; we have the Vampire – Andrew, The night elf – Dayashnee and the Princess of the elves, with whom I understand Harold, is currently sharing a body with. The presence of these three might prove the difference between failure and success."

The knights and eyes listened attentively as the air in the chamber filled with almost magic like presence.

"I have discussed with Kyle and the President what the best route is to be taken. We have decided it would be best to see first hand what the demons are planning. Roxy, Mordain, Richard and Harold, you would visit Hell. Jason I need you and Andrew to assemble the Armies of the West, you need to speak to Prince Graham and gather the Armies; march them to Somnia and speak to the King, have him gather the armies of the East; and them march all of them to Sildor. This will take no more that 3 weeks. The veil will collapse in two weeks, our powers that we have cast around the continent will keep them at bay for another week, don't worry about that. It is far and speed will need to be your ally. The armies of the West stand almost 70 000 strong and the Armies of the East double that. Handar I need you to gather the Elven armies and march them to Sildor.

Andoriam, please gather all sirens and Demi-Sirens, all capable of land movement and march them to Sildor, I will go to the Dwarf king, he would loath to miss this fight, I will bring the Dwarves. The fey will soon notice the armies marching and the sprites, the fairies and the like will all be there. All creatures capable of rational thought we need in Sildor or close by. Armageddon will then commence. The Demons will as sure as I am standing here attack from that side, our shield is the weakest there and they will attack there. With all of Torandia Isles' armies there; we will be strong. We will face them there for one day exactly, the demi demons will then start making their way to Earth just as the last bit of jets move; this will take two days. The battle will continue in Sildor, the Knights will then proceed to earth and keep them at bay, the armies will stay here and stop the attack, and The Toramdon eyes will gather in might and destroy the demons once and for all."

"No pressure." Mordain said.

"None at all." Jason echoed

"If this plan is to be successful we will need to dispatch this moment, is anybody apposed to this?" Rughnan asked.

The table was quiet for a second as no body could find fault with the plan, it was impeccable and doing so they all figured they had a chance to win.

"I do." Andrew said.

"I shall be accompanying the other four to hell. I have no patients to speak to royalty and gather human armies. Once we return to Torandia we will gather as many of my allies as we can, and have them all make off to Sildor, this will include some giants, mountain trolls and the like, but if the swarm of humans don't kill them and are warned up front then they will be great help."

"As you wish, Andrew, that is indeed a good plan. Mordain I would usher you to find as many sprites as you can. Your elemental powers will help a lot with he battles." Rughnan said.

The table exploded with conversation as plans were being formed and the plans made were being discussed.

Breakfast was served and the conversation continued. There was no doubt of the lingering stress at the Table. Billy thought back to the past few days. He had joined Dayashnee and had learned things that baffled him. The way the woman of the night Elves held total power.

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