Toramdon Eyes

Published on May 6, 2011


All characters and events in this publication, other than those clearly in the public domain, are ficticious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, are purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. The moral Right of the author has been asserted

Chapter 15 Finding a way

Ruan lay in the bed in the inn they were staying at. It was comfortable; the mattress was made of feathers entirely that swallowed a person as you lay down. The inn keeper had indeed given them his best beds. They had spent the night in the bar, not really drinking, but getting to know each other. Billy was still not forthcoming with information of his personal life but he has joined the conversation every now and then.

Dayashnee still had not come back, but it was a long way's walk. She could still come. They would need to get to Kegh as soon as they can, Ruan really wanted to know if his child was fine.

Natasha awoke with a startle. Something was at her room window. As quickly as it appeared it had disappeared.

Natasha walked up to the window drawing her robe close; when she opened it she saw nothing. "Hello? Is anybody out there?" Natasha looked around and saw it was still the wee hours of the morning. A cold wind blew in to her room.

Just as Natasha was about to close the window she heard a voice, "My leader has given word, it's in our best interest that I escort you to Kegh."

"Who's that?" Natasha said out in to the night air.

"It is I Dayashnee, come retrieve your friends, we shall leave immediately. Before the humans wake we shall be out of this city."

"Meet us downstairs in a few." Natasha said grabbing her things and getting dressed.

She stormed in to Ruan's room, "Wake up, Dayashnee is here, seems she has come to help after all"

Ruan groaned, "What time is it?"

"Early, come on, I think she doesn't want the other Human in the city to see her. I'll go wake Billy. She sounded in a hurry..." with that Natasha left the room and slammed on Billy's door. "Billy, wake up!"

A few seconds later Billy swung the door open, a hand gun pointed in to Natasha's face.

"That's not necessary. Come we need to hurry the elf has returned, she has come to help us after all."

"Damn woman is a menace." Billy said walking back in to the room.

They found each other in the lobby of the Inn, when they got outside the elf was nowhere to be seen.

"Where is she then?" Billy asked irritated.

"If you don't want help I'll leave." Dayashnee said out of the darkness.

"Where are you?" Ruan asked.

"Up here." With that they turned to the roof and found the elf sitting casually with 3 huge bird like creatures on the roof of the Inn."

"What are those?" Ruan asked.

"Those are hippogriff." Natasha answered.

"These will help us get to Kegh." Dayashnee said.

"We shall leave immediately and go to Morlin the half elf city. I will be most comfortable there as we night elves do not cope easily in the human cities. After that we will go to Kegh directly."

The night air blew passed Ruan as they flew through the skies. The hippogriff was reluctant at first to let Ruan astride it, but once Ruan was on the big bird like creature it was quite happy to fly. He saw the land of Torandia speed past him. So much alike to earth, yet the surroundings were different. He couldn't put his finger on it; he could just feel he was a long, long way from home. This creature beneath him was so unlike everything he had come to know in his life. All the stories and books he had read about these mythical creatures could not prepare him to see and touch, even ride this. The bird like creature seemed comfortable enough with Ruan astride it. He thought about the atmosphere around him, trying to determine the difference, if he had to word it; he felt a magical air, like reading a Harry Potter book, the same feeling.

The sun started to rise and Ruan found himself feeling tired and sore holding on to the hippogriff high in the air. Lucky he had avoided the plague of a fear of heights when he was born. Though the creatures flew with speed, it was nothing like he imagined when he first laid eyes on the birds. He was scared they would fly like something out of Avatar.

Ruan saw that Dayashnee and Natasha were also slightly less comfortable when they first climbed on, and they had started to descend. Billy also had the luck of getting a hippogriff for himself as the two slight women shared one. Neither Billy nor Ruan knows how to control the creatures so they were at the mercy of the Night Elf.

They landed on top of a hill and decided to rest for awhile. It would still be a few hours trip to Morlin.

"What do we eat in this place? I am starving." Billy said.

"We shall eat in Morin. For now we rest." Dayashnee said.

"I am a big man. I need food." Billy stated plainly.

Dayashnee answered in a sarcastic voice, "Then go and hunt. I do not see food anywhere, if you bring back something, I, myself will cook it."

Ruan looked at her accepting the challenge, as he walked away he threw the baddest looking gun over his shoulder.

"I don't expect him to find anything, he will return shortly bearing no food and we will be off to Morlin." Dayashnee stated matter-of-fact.

"You are seriously damaging his masculinity." Natasha laughed. "I bet he has never had such a small woman be so dominating."

"I do no such thing, human men are used to being the leaders and dominant figures, I respect that they do, but when I lead a party, I lead them. I will keep you alive."

The sentence was barely finished and they heard a gun shot going off in the distance. Shortly after Billy returned with a buck draped over his shoulders.

"This was the eldest and weakest one I could find."

Ruan and Natasha laughed and looked at the elf.

Dayashnee got up and ran towards a group of clumped trees without batting an eyelid or changing facial expression. She disappeared for a brief minute in the trees and returned bearing firewood.

"I said if you find the meat I will cook it, I can't stand human cooked food."

As the way of all elves, she had a small ceremony with the dead buck; she put her hands on its head and mumbled something in her own language. It was the most beautiful language any of them had heard. When she was done she started skinning the buck. Natasha and Ruan looked away grossed out, Billy found it interesting and started helping.

Natasha could not believe venison tasted this good. Ruan moaned slightly as he ate, mirroring Natasha's thoughts. Billy as he were, did not say anything, he silently ate.

The climbed back on the hippogriff after they fed them as well. Recharged and full they took to the skies.

The flight to Morlin seemed to drag on. The beast clapped its wings, pushing itself forward. The sun started to set, in the east... Ruan looked over to Natasha. She was really something, strong, cunning, and Billy, forceful, head on and strong yet he has a caring side. This was his allies in this place. He couldn't ask for any better. The dim city lights of Morin peeked over the hill. They made their descend in to the town.

Dayashnee was the first to dismount the birds and the others followed quickly after. The birds took off as soon as the last pair of feet hit the ground. They seemed to be what looked like a city center, yet it was nothing like any of them had ever seen. Plants were growing everywhere. Beyond the center they saw houses but most of them covered in ferns and plants. This must be what urbanized elves did, even half elves were mostly one with nature, and they could not escape it.

"This place is beautiful. I could stay here forever." Natasha said.

"Most humans have this reaction to Morin, but then again you have not seen Morlin.

None surpass the beauty of elven strongholds." Dayashnee said.

"I agree, this place is magical." Natasha said.

They made their way to what resembled a tavern. Inside it looked like a small forest with pot plants everywhere and a dim lighting... The people were beautiful. They had slightly pointed ears, big eyes; most of them sported blonde hair.

"This is a half elf town." Dayashnee said. "They are the offspring of Elves and Humans. Though there are not that many of them, most of them reside here in Morin. It's a half way city, not human but not quite elven. The half elves have developed their own culture. Though elves and Humans rarely have interracial relationships, mostly due to a Human's short life span, it is not unheard of. In the past when Torandia was over run by Demons, it was even less uncommon, due to the battles and having fought side by side. Morin is a small city. Half elves have strange ways, the elven genes and human genes differ so much. They are as patient as the elves yet as vengeful as humans, caring as elves and bloodlust like humans. They are the fiercest opponent to that degree. But they have lost much of their elven ways. But I suppose they can not help it, with the human blood running through their veins."

Everybody listened as Dayashnee spoke; they had since taken a seat at one of the available tables. Ruan noticed every now and then one of the half elves would sneak a peak at their table.

"What's up with them? Are they not used to seeing humans in their town?" Ruan asked softly.

"More used to humans than Night Elves." Natasha answered.

"Correct. We rarely step foot outside our sacred forest. When we do we keep to the shadows and people rarely see us. To some we are no more than a myth."

"Ah, I see. Are there half night elves?"

"None that we know of." Dayashnee answered.

"Interesting. So what's the plan now? We stay here for the night and then?"

"We make for Kegh in the morrow. Once there I will leave you behind and go back to my village. We also need to prepare for the coming onslaught. My sisters will need me."

"It sucks that you have to go back though." Ruan said.

"In this great time of despair we shall need to stand together, as much as we can, for all the Demons do not attack at once. I have a feeling they will gather a horde this time. They must have learned out of past mistakes, should all of them stand together we will fall. But as is the demons nature, hate runs not only deep for all other species and creatures, but for each other as well. Yes I feel they will gather as a horde, but some of them will not participate, it is these ones that we must be vigilant of, for the Toramdon eyes will not know about them and it will be each race for himself. That my dear Ruan is why I will need to stand with my sisters, Demons are powerful, we are ignorant of their powers, and on top of that there are countless of them.

The five strongest that legend speaks of is Rizzak, Galderel, Abraxas, Gerasene and Marchocias. They will target the Toramdon eyes as they have always in the past. They will be match enough; we on the other hand need to be prepared for the others."

"That seems fair enough." Ruan answered taking a sip of the most delicious ale brew that he had ever tasted. Ruan looked at Natasha, "The body of that Demon in area 51, what type of Demon is that?"

Natasha said, "That is a Demi-Demon. We only know of a four Greater Demons on earth. They have been fictionalized into religion though, we have never encountered them; we regard them for that reason as a myth. They are Lucifer, Beelzebub, Baal and Andariel."

Ruan snorted at the names. He had heard of them before, but where better to hide than in plain sight and knowledge. He had no doubt that they exist.

"So that thing as big as a car was just a little demon?" Ruan asked.

"Don't be fooled by size. I have come to know in my research there are demons no bigger than a small dog that will kick that demons butt. Size is nothing, some of them have more than one form, some of them are ethereal like ghosts, some as hard as brick. They come in all shapes and sizes. That is why they are so powerful; we don't really know what they can do."

"How do you kill ethereal demons?" Billy asked.

"Our weapons are enchanted, they will slice through them like a hot knife in butter, but those guns of yours will do no damage. That is why we have to find Rughnan; if those monsters can be enchanted then you might be able to do some real damage!" Natasha answered.

Dayashnee picked up one of Billy's mini guns and inspected it. Billy got tense as the barrel swung past his head every now and then.

"What are you doing?" Billy asked tetchy.

"I am trying to see if they will be able to enchant these metal machines. The problem with this is that I see it uses some sort of a metal... Bullet, each of these will need to be enchanted as well."

"That is something Aradia must have foreseen as no one uses bullet propelled weapons." Natasha said rapt.

"Yes, only Handar of the elves uses a bow and arrow. He is third ranked in the Toramdon Knights. Elves have magic of their own. His bow and arrow would have worked on the demons even if he had not used the bow enchanted by Aradia. Elven people call Handar's bow the bow of might, it is charmed with elven magic and with Aradia's magic. Only elves have held that bow since the dawn of its creation, each elf adding some power to it. That is why the bow automatically enchants an arrow upon loading. Eons of elven magic has perfected this. Each elf's bow has been enchanted with something of the like. None as strong as the bow of might, but all similar in magic, the bow enchants the arrow upon loading. These weapons will need similar enchanting. I imagine they will deal quite some destruction when properly used."

Billy seemed to glow as the elf complimented his weapons. He for one knew how to use the guns. Billy's arsenal consisted of a Tommy gun, two AK-47's, a semi automatic and two revolvers. Billy carried this upon his person at all times. Billy had brought explosives as well; he had dynamite sticks and grenades on him as well. He was certainly prepared for anything.

"How can we get them cursed or what ever?" Billy asked; pleased at any idea that can make his guns stronger.

"I shall see if some of the half elves will help this cause, their magic is weaker than that of the elves, but I shall help them. I am the sage of our tribe. My magic is strong enough.

"Is that why you can read minds?" Ruan asked.

"No, that is a singular gift that I have been born with. I can not hear your mind, but as soon as I touch you I can feel it. As if I was part of you. It is not something I have learned to express yet."

"How do the night elves differ to the elves?" Natasha asked, curiosity gripping her, everything about Torandia fascinated her.

"That is not something we can describe, we have different ways of life. The elves have banded together in Morlin, the elven mother city. They live in the forest it self, much like us, using the trees and nature as shelter. The elves dwell at during day time and we mostly prefer night. The elves have formed one major city and they choose to band together. We prefer the seclusion of small villages, spread out over the dark woods. The biggest difference will be that each night elf village has its own leader that leads the tribe and sage that leads the head of magic in the tribe, healing and such. The males in our tribes are not counted as part of the tribe; for they rarely are. As soon as a male reaches adulthood he sets off in to the woods, either to never be seen again or to return as a druid, our ways that we do not speak of. The druids do not form part of our society the live as hermits in the woods. When one of my sisters comes of age, they will either become a warrior a sage or a carrier.

The carriers are sisters called to carry the children of our tribe. Sometimes a warrior or sage will fall with child but they will not raise the child, the mothers of the tribe will raise the child.

The druids will re join their tribe for a short amount of time each year, when our mother earth turns in to bloom. We have celebrations and the carrier mothers' ready for child will then choose a mate. We procreate slowly. The elves choose one partner and then stay monogamous throughout their lives, When one of them dies, they will mourn for years, once grieving is over then they will search for a new mate. Elven woman do not carry child frequently, the elven body does not allow that. All the elves in Morlin are ruled by their queen. They used to have a king, but he tragically died about two hundred years ago. We do not fall under the rule of the elf queen. That is how we differ from the elves. Our magic works differently but in very subtle ways."

"That is interesting. Do you look differently?" Nor Ruan or Billy has seen another elf and had no reference to them."

Natasha answered, "Yes, the elves or as other humans call them, the wood elves have light fair skin. Like ours. As you can clearly see Dayashnee has dark blue almost purple black skin."

Dayashnee smiled. "Yes that is true. That is why they have come to call us the Night elves as we resemble the color of night."

"Where are we going to sleep?" Billy asked suddenly bored with the conversation, since it has dwindled from his guns.

"This tavern has rooms that you can sleep at. I have no use for beds and the like. I will be off this evening with those weapons of Billy and will see if we can get them enchanted. They will be most useful then. I will get you in the morrow and we shall continue to Kegh."

Billy seemed less than pleased to part with his guns. But allowed it, he knew the strange dark lady with the pointed ears was to be trusted. She had given him no reason not to trust her.

It was 2 hours past nightfall when they decided to each get a room. The rooms were not as they expected inside, it held a normal bed and not much else. The inn keeper had told them these are the human rooms. They decided not to say much, the three of them each got their own room, they were too tired by then to ask. Dayashnee had set off with Billy's weapons on one of the Hippogriffs, the other two went hunting.

Morning found Billy inspected his Tommy gum. Nothing seemed different to it. No ominous glow, no sparkling, they looked exactly the same. The only noticeable difference was their weight. Because Billy carried this around so much, he knew exactly how heavy they were supposed to feel.

"I see no difference." Billy said looking like a disappointed child.

"There will be no noticeable difference. Use them carefully. You are the only human whom now own any item enchanted by night elf magic. I would advise you to seek further enchantment from the other elves and speak to your wizards. All enchantments will help more."

"Useless." Billy said screening his weapons.

"I think you will find quite the opposite to be true. Allow some time. The spells I cast will grow stronger the more you use them and even more so over time." Dayashnee said handing Billy a row of bullets. "These ones I cursed with the most foreboding elven magic. This bullet will penetrate anything, poisoning and killing it instantly. This will also kill the undead, and inhibit it from rising again. Use this sparingly."

Ruan viewed the bullets, 10 of them all together. They will only fit in to one of the revolvers. They truly held an air about it. They looked dangerous, yet Billy couldn't exactly place why.

"Thank you." Billy said out of civility.

Ruan and Natasha joined the conversation back in the tavern. They had a quick breakfast and made off to the city center. The three hippogriffs were waiting for them; they took off to the skies and made way to Kegh.

The bird like creatures descended to the ground. Trees surrounding them, there was a strange feel to the forest. The trees looked the same as that of earth, yet slightly different.

"We are in the Eddar woods. We can not proceed to Kegh. It is a Human stronghold, they are not used to the likes of Hippogriff entering their cities, let alone carrying humans and a night elf. We will continue by foot from here."

"How long walk is it?" Ruan asked.

"No longer than one hour. We are as close to the city as we can get without the rangers and guards spotting us."

"Are you coming in to the city with us?" Billy asked.

"Yes I shall accompany you safely to Rughnan. The Humans in Kegh are more used to seeing the likes of elves as they are in close proximate to one another. They will take twice seeing a night elf in their city, but most people are sentient to the times we are in. They know of the legends of the Demons. They can see the temples engraved with the ancient pictures. The stares will be uncomfortable, but we shall endure."

"Once we are with Rughnan will you leave immediately?" Billy asked in his Australian accent.

"No I shall stay awhile, Rughnan knows me, when he was but a young boy he stumbled in to the dark woods trying to further his arts. I found him and taught him for I found him to be of good heart. He knows some elven magic. I wonder if he will recognize me."

"How do you know so much? I mean about what goes on outside of the Dark Woods." Natasha asked.

"Just because we are secluded does not mean we do not have rangers and the like. We need to be up to date with events outside of our woods. We have regular communication with the elves as well."

They approached the huge gates of the city. The guards advanced the newcomers.

"Who are you?" The guard to the right asked.

"I am Ruan. This is Natasha and Billy, and this is Dayashnee."

"What manner of creature are you?" The guy to the left politely asked to Dayashnee.

"I am a night elf from the dark woods. I belong to the clan of the Nah'lis. I am here to deliver the Knights Templar from earth and request an assembly with Master Magician Rughnan immediately."

"Please follow us."

They were escorted to the wall of the castle inside the city, where the guards briefly spoke to the royal guards.

One of the Royal Guards disappeared in to the castle gate.

"He has gone to fetch Magician Rughnan. We shall wait here until you are securely in his attendance." The guard from the gate said.

They wore tunics with a blue symbol on the front of it, a lion sitting on top of a huge eagle. They royal guards' symbols were red.

A few minutes later a guy that reminded Ruan of Dumbledore came sprinting out of the gates.

"My friend, I am so glad you could come! Natasha, my dear, Rughnan said giving Natasha a hug. You two must be the newly ordained knights, Billy and Ruan. I have heard about you bad looking guns Billy, in all my visits to earth I have never seen the likes. Not on Torandia or Earth, Rughnan grinned to himself. Ruan I have heard about your son. Harold. It is funny both of you were destined to be part of the struggle, he is safe. Do not fear they are on a quest, to gather the Knights. They aught to be in Port John by now the knights will gather soon.

"Come we shall go and rest."

Up to that point Dayashnee had not been in eye view of the magician. She stepped out behind the mammoth man Billy.

"Rughnan, it is a pleasure to see you again. I see you have gotten quite old..." Dayashnee said humorous.

Rughnan studied the night elf for a few seconds. "Diane? Is that truly you?"

"Yes it is I" Dayashnee said recalling the nickname that her old student had bestowed upon her so many years ago.

"It's been years..." Rughnan stepped closer and gave Dayashnee a hug.

"It has, I see your memory is has not failed you with age. You always were a bright one, especially for a human."

They followed Rughnan up the stairs; he was locked in conversation with Dayashnee. Ruan noticed the medieval look of the place. Technology has not been manifested. This was the sort of place you expect Aragorn to walk out of wielding his sword. A place of fantasy, yet he could touch smell and see everything. They entered a chamber with chairs and bookshelves lining every wall.

"Have a seat; we must discuss your most timely arrival!"

Ruan and the rest sat down whilst Dayashnee stared out of the window. Billy looked as if he was ready to shoot something at a moments notice. Natasha looked lost in thought.

"How is my son doing?" Ruan asked abruptly. "I need to know he is okay."

"Harold is in good hands, he is strong. There is tension between the Toramdon eyes; they seem not on good feet. Hopefully the mission they are currently on will help them overcome that."

"My son is not the easiest person to get along with." Ruan said somberly.

"We didn't fail to notice that, the elf princess is with them, she seems to have a calming effect on Harold. The other four are quite capable of looking after themselves in his presence. Especially their leader Jason. He keeps Harold in his place."

"What do you mean leader?" Ruan asked.

"It seems they have the original powers of the first 5 Toramdon eyes. In the old days a guy named Arthur was the leader of the five. He flailed the power of might. He was strong, could use any weapon but with one touch, mastering the weapon in seconds, fast, powerful. It seems the exact same power has manifested in Jason, as with the rest of the eyes. Each bares the powers of the original five, making them exceptionally powerful, more so than our wildest dreams. Harold has the power of possession. He can inhabit any living creatures' body; the legends suggest he cannot posses' greater demons and Dragons, but all than that can succumb to his power. Two downfalls exist to that power though, whilst inhabiting another body his is left unattended. Tomas of the original eyes had overlooked this situation, always leaving his body behind in hiding, immediately possessing other bodies, during fights he will jump from body to body. The other is, if the body he is currently possessing dies, we are afraid he will perish with that. Tomas never allowed that to happen, not even to see what happens. So we do not really know."

Ruan was enthralled with his little boy's powers. He was truly afraid for his safety.

"Is there any way to communicate with them?" Natasha asked.

"No our ability to communicate with the other knights has been inhibited. We have no way to talk to them. They are on a quest to gather the Toramdon Knights. I gave them one week. There is at least two weeks left before I suspect the veil to collapse. I told them there was one week so they can be hastily. We need all of the knights gathered, and at least a week to determine what is going to happen and practice strategies. I have studied the jets at length in the last few years, what I have learned I have not shared yet. It is very grave news, but alas there was no way for Aradia to predict this."

"What is that? Have you told Kyle or the president yet?"

"No I haven't for what I learned I could only confirm last night. I will tell all now and you must carry word to Earth immediately."

"So we don't get to stay the full week?" Natasha said despondently.

"After we all survive this ordeal you can come stay here for as long as you want to. We can teach and learn together Natasha. I know you have a fondness of Torandia. But now we have a much bigger situation at hand. I need all of the knights from earth to come to Torandia. I need all 24 gathered by the end of this week. This will prove to be no easy feat for we have placed much trust in the Toramdon eyes, they will succeed though. Now the rest of the mission befalls you."

"What is going to happen? What have you learned?" Natasha asked.

"The jets have moved in a way we could never predict, this will make it accessible for the demons to basically jump worlds at will. Torandia Isle will not be the only place for them to be able to jump to Earth."

A cold atmosphere fell over the room as everybody realized what has just been said.

"The good news however is that not all demons will be aware of this fact. Demi-Demons have a better relationship with each other than the greater demons. They will spread the word amongst themselves I figure, and they will set of for earth the moment the veil collapses. The other more vengeful demons will stay and want to re take Torandia again. I know in past legends they do not care about the rest of the planet. They will, no doubt, set of for the Toramdon Isle at once. They will come in multitudes. They fight amongst themselves as well. But horde upon horde will attack Torandia. The Toramdon eyes will be the only ones able to stop this mass attack. The knights will be obliterated if we as much as step foot near the battle. We will gather on earth, all 24 will stand strong to face the demons. Demon powers work differently than any other powers; they can only appear on one exact spot on earth that is known as the Himalayan Mountains. There is a vast open plain there where they appear. This will be in our favor as we will be prepared and waiting for them. We will need all the might we can get. I trust our powers united as the Knights Templar will be enough to stop and contain the onslaught."

There was an epic silence in the room. It was as if the world outside had fallen silent to process the information given.

It was Dayashnee who broke the silence. "It seems my priorities have changed."

"What do you mean? Billy asked.

"There is greater need for me on earth. I shall accompany you to earth, 25 is stronger than 24."

Rughnan smiled. "Diane, you haven't changed one bit. Your care for others around you, your compassion for others has made you different to the other night elves."

"My sisters care for others Rughnan, bit mostly for the other night elves, they will stay and protect each other, and we shall not befall them with this burden. All races need to stand strong for no place on Torandia or earth will stay safe. I can not however after hearing this stay of sound mind if I do not accompany the Knights to earth to stop the coming onslaught. I trust the Toramdon eyes to be enough to stop the majority of demons here. No my sisters will be of almost same might with or without me, yet with the knights templar I will made a great difference."

Rughnan smiled at Dayashnee. "Your powers will make great difference. I thank you for that."

"So you will be staying with us?" Natasha asked.

"Yes, I will need to go back to Nah'lis in order to tell my leader, though I'm sure she will not have objections, but I need to go and get some supplies, magical and otherwise. I will join back with you in two days time."

"I will go with you." Billy said to Dayashnee.

"I will be quite safe Billy with or without you. I can fend for myself."

"I don't care, I am going with you." Billy said irritable.

"Suite yourself." Dayashnee answered nonchalant.

"So then Ruan and I will go back to earth and get the rest of the knights packing. We will also

Try to be here within 2 days; however we have no idea when we come back where we will end up at though." Natasha said.

"Take this to Kyle. It is a new teleportation spell I have been working on. It works on the same principle as the previous one, except this one can only take you to somewhere in the immediate Kegh area. It is still a bit faulty I have never tested it; I have been working on this for 3 years and finished it recently, it aught to work." Rughnan handed Natasha a scroll closed by wax.

"It is getting late; you will all leave in the morrow. Now you rest." Rughnan said.

Servants showed them to their separate rooms in the castle.

Rughnan made his way down the stairs to the Dukes chambers. Duke Tyrone was sitting at his desk staring out the window. The duchess was not in the room as yet. Rughnan sat down beside his friend.

"Tyrone we have to talk. Kegh has to up its defenses. The veil is crumbling fast. We have less than two weeks." Rughnan said.

"I know my dear friend. I have had word from the king that Swordsmaster George has spread word and is returning to Sal as we speak. All cities and towns will be under Marshall Law from the day after tomorrow. We will not be taking any chances. All men and boys that have reached 16 will take up arms, women that choose to can also take up arms. The ill, old and the woman will be taken to the underground chamber beneath the castle coming of next week. They will remain there for the duration of the oncoming war. We will keep them safe until we no longer breathe. The elves are starting to patrol the whole forest. We have runners going back and forward every day to Morlin and Sal. After Marshall Law only the runners and Hunters will be allowed to enter and exit the cities, and of course all the knights and Toramdon eyes."

"You are prepared my lord. This is wonderful news. We will gather all of the knights; we shall not be stationary on Torandia. We must be going to earth. The Toramdon eyes will stay and fend for Torandia. We leave in 3 or 4 day's time, they are to gather here first, I need to assist in Astir also with the magic shields."

"We shall win this battle Rughnan, you will see. We will sit here in a month or two's time and discuss the happenings once more." Duke Tyrone said.

"I fear my lord that we may not. That is why I have come to say goodbye. We might not see each other again, dead or alive."

"Rughnan, it has been a pleasure to have had you as my teacher and adviser. You have been good to me. Thank you."

"My friend, I would have had it no other way." Rughnan stood up and exited the room, no further words spoken.

Never had Billy experienced this type of luxury. The beds were bigger than any he had seen on earth, marble floors, golden plating everywhere and gemstones sown in to everything linen.

The room was more of a vast hall, en suite bathroom, though there was no running water. One of the servant boys had poured a tub full of hot water for Billy.

"Do you want me to undress you master?" The boy asked.

Billy gaped at the child mouth open. "What did you say?"

"Please accept my apologies sir, as it seems I have offended you. In the royal house we undress our royal subjects and bathe them as well."

"That is so wrong where I come from." Billy said to himself.

"No sir it is our jobs." The boy said exiting the bathroom.

"What a weird place." Billy thought to himself. I can't wait to get out of this place. But then I won't get to see her again. That is a problem.

Magic, what a waste of time, you can't touch and feel magic like my guns. Billy soaked deeper in to the hot water. All Billy's life he has not been attracted to anyone. He had made piece with being asexual. He focused on his guns, aiming and understanding explosives. His job has been his love his whole life. Then on a strange planet he meets a `night elf' words he never though he would think, let alone say, who has attracted him so much he doesn't know how to handle it.

Billy sighed and climbed out of the tub, the servant handed him a robe.

The bed was more comfortable than he had ever felt before. Billy took his backpack and packed out the explosives he had brought with. If his backpack exploded it would probably take out the whole castle. He had several dynamite sticks, grenades and land mines in the bag. It also contained two prototype nuclear grenades that he had been working on. They were very unstable but he thought best to bring them should they need it. Billy sighed again and fell back on to his bed, he was definitely not used to this feeling.

Ruan and Natasha took hands and Rughnan started chanting in a strange language. The last thing they saw was Billy and Dayashnee exiting the room.

Ruan struggled to focus his eyes. Natasha was holding on to him, clearly the same.

"Where are we?" Ruan asked.

"I can't see yet" Natasha answered.

Their eyes focused and the saw they were in some sort of a park. They found the nearest path and ran to the first person they saw, an elderly lady that looked at them as if they were crazy. They didn't realize they were still wearing the clothes from Torandia.

"Excuse me could you tell us where we are?" Natasha politely asked the lady.

"You are in central park in New York." The lady answered disgruntled.

"Thank you." Ruan said.

As they walked away they heard the lady mattering, "Damn foreigners".

In the subway on their way to the base Ruan called Kyle telepathically.

"Kyle its Ruan."

"What are you, how are you getting signal there... how?" Kyle was flabbergasted.

"No time Kyle. Natasha and I are on back on earth. We need to talk, urgently. Gather all the knights. We will be there in the next half an hour. This is a code red."

"See you now."

Kyle ran to the lounge where most of the knights sat. "We have a code red. Everybody gather in the chamber right now!" he sent a shout through his telepathy.

They scurried through to the round table. Waiting for Ruan, minutes later Ruan and Natasha burst through the doors.

"We have a situation." Ruan said.

Ruan and Natasha explained to all the knights what Rughnan had told them. They need to gather in the next three days. The president soon after joined them, having one of the knights call code red is something nobody takes lightly. They also told them about the jets and the plans to face the demons.

"I need to call the UN together. I have no idea what to tell them. I want Marshall Law ordered on my country; General Louis will need to take over the country while we are away. We need to inform him of our current situation. We need to vote, can we trust General Louis with the information of the Knights Templar?

All yes? All hands went up; for they knew the general the President spoke of was a tough and seasoned man. They have asked him for help in the passed and erased his memory every time.

I shall call him right after this meeting; I need to call assembly to the UN.

I need to somehow warn the other countries. I have no idea what to tell them.

Kyle said "Tell them a plague has breached our borders some sort of an incurable disease that kills in 2 days or something. I will cast something to make it look as if the aforementioned has happened. The UN will fall for that, something like the swine flu but times one thousand, we need to make them believe a touch can kill you."

"That is a good plan. We shall work on that, Kyle and John I need you to create people on the countries database to prove this. I want at least a hundred thousand dead in the last day."

Kyle and John sprinted and came back with their laptops. They started writing a program that could create artificial non existent people that has died. Birth days, times and death date and times. Reason of death for all hundred thousand: Dragon flu. They quickly invented symptoms and the like. Not leaving any detail behind. They created non existent hospitals and doctors.

But the push of a button he hacked the national mainframe and planted the evidence.

The rest of the knights have stayed quiet the whole time listening to the typing in Kyle and Johns keyboards and as they debated left and right, both of them masters at hacking and programming.

"We're done, I have not planted activated the files yet, no one will be able to find it. I am scared if I activate it before you assemble the UN that it will cause widespread panic.

"I will call Marshall Law tonight, curfew 17:00h." The president said.

"There will be riots." Chow said.

"You will need to deploy the whole US army, Navy and air force first." Nara said.

"That will avoid the most of the riots." Chow answered.

"I hope my army is strong enough for this." The president said.

"Since you stopped the war in Iraq a year ago all has returned, they will be strong." Kyle said.

The president pulled out his phone.

"Louis. I need you to come to the following address immediately."

The president knew his general stayed in New York. He will be moments away.

He dialed the following number. "Can I please talk to the national secretary?"

"It's your president dammit, put me though."

"Call an urgent meeting with the UN in two hours. Threaten them with war if they refuse! This is a code red!"

"Yes sir."

The knights silently listened to the president making the most important calls in the last 1000 years.

"I need you to arrange a national broadcast on all national channels and radio stations in the next hour! I will be broadcasting from my New York office. This will be the most important broadcast in the history of my rule. I'm done with you; put me through to the vice president.


"It's me."

"Is something wrong?"

"Yes. I am calling national Marshall Law in the next hour. Start deploying the army, navy and police in every town and city. National curfew is at 5 from tomorrow. I will explain all now.

Switch on your TV. There will be a national broadcast on all channels and radio stations in exactly one hour. This is the direst situation we have ever been faced with. I have just had word. This is a code red worse than 9/11!"

The president disconnected the call.

"Now that I have the whole cabinet in uproar, the real fun begins." The president smiled. "They will start cancelling flights in the next hour. I only want my air force and Air force one in the US skies the same with my us waters, only the navy will be patrolling that. Everything needs to run smoothly now or this is going to ruin everything.

There was a loud knock on the front door that echoed in to the chamber.

Kyle stormed up the stairs and answered. The guy standing in from of him was a mammoth of a man. He was dressed in a tidy Military uniform decorated with what looked to Kyle as a million badges.

"Hi I'm General Louis. I got a summons to come to this address from the President?" Louis said perplexed.

"Follow me" Kyle answered.

Louis followed Kyle in to the chamber where he saw the president sitting at a huge round table.

"General Louis, my friend. Please follow Kyle in to that room so he can give you a briefing on the situation."

Louis followed Kyle in to the room adjoining the chamber, the same one the final test and teleportation get done from.

The chamber was in absolute silence as everyone waited for them to remerge from the room.

"He is lifting the spell from him that erased all memories. He will be aware of the entire situation once they come out."

They came out of the room Louis looking even more perplexed. "What is the situation?"

"The demons will attack in one maybe two weeks; they will have full access to earth. I have summoned Marshall Law on the entire USA. They are busy deploying all forces as we speak.

I have a national broadcast in less than one hour. You will be in charge of the country while I am gone as I deem the cabinet unfit to rule during this time. Marshall Law will be active for one month."

"What is the excuse?"

"Kyle has hacked the national system and planted files of a fake disease, a disease said to kill in less then a day, but remains inactive for at least a week. We will call it the Dragon flue as this is the year of the Dragon. We are going to feign origins and symptoms, saying it can cause slashing away flesh to burn marks. This will be a good excuse for the people that will succumb to the Demons in this time. The illness will spread through touch, breath and everything else. No one immune, we will play dumb to origins and everything. One hundred thousand people said to have died in the last 24 hours that is way it is only coming out now. There will be conspiracy theories and riots because of the lack of knowledge and the like of the illness. It is up to you to stem that. We are off to Torandia tomorrow morning. I have called a meeting with the UN; I will tell them about the illness and warn them. Suggesting they do the same. Kyle will be working on files for each country to have this illness pop up here and there. More likely than not. They will all soon execute Marshall Law. I will show them all the fake files that Kyle has made. That will be more than enough. I have full trust in Kyle and Johns capabilities in this regard.

Kyle and John upon me saying "We have a situation." On the broadcast, spread your files through the entire database of the country. They must be visible. Use your creativity with how you will die. Think of ways demons kill you. Oh god I hope this works."

"I will, by the time the demons start killing they will believe this, doesn't matter how sad this sounds. It is the truth" Jankov said.

"That it is." Ryan echoed.

"Please fill the General in on all the rest of the details. I must be off to my office the people will be waiting for the broadcast. They still have no idea why they are running around like that." The president sighed. "See you all later, let's hope the world is as gullible as we hope."

The drive to his office was a short one; the president had his sirens on and raced to the office.

"Take my coat Mary, he said to the secretary of the building upon entering. Is the broadcast ready?"

"Yes sir, the national secretary has informed all broadcast channels and radio stations. Time square has been notified and all over the USA this will be broadcast." Mary answered.

"Thank you Mary."

"Sir, May I ask what this is about?"

"Grave news Mary, grave news indeed. You shall find out with the rest of the world right now."

"Yes sir."

The presidents' body guards closed the office down, only the propagation team in the building along with them. "Sir we are transmitting in 3 minutes."

The president sat down at his desk, straightening his tie and folding his arms on the desk.

The lady at the camera showed her fingers, 3...2...1...

"Dear America. I called this urgent news broadcast with grave heart. We have a situation most devastating that this country has faced since 9/11. A disease has bared its teeth so bad; we have no knowledge of it. It is not a common flu, yet I have nicknamed the Dragon Flu. It shows no signs and can kill within minutes of getting it. My doctors suspect you get it five days before you die. The trouble with this is that it does not kill everybody the same way. Some have had failed hearts, some developed rashes and bled to death. It does not manifest the same in everybody. It can spread through touch, breath, saliva, and every way possible. We have no idea of its origins, but we do know it attacks the brain cells and evolves by the day. The reason I have called this transmission today is that in the last 24 hours the death toll is close to one hundred thousand. Doctors suspect that this was picked up 5 days ago and have been spreading ever since.

I have no choice but to call Marshall Law to the entire United States of America. The Military, navy, police and Air force are being deployed as we speak. Marshall Law will be ended in one month's time or when we have full control on the epidemic. I implore you; do not exit your houses in this time. Stay indoors. Al businesses will be out on hold, but it is up to you to decide if your life is worth risking, remember Dragon flu can be spread through breath and touch. There will be national curfew at 5 in the afternoon. I do not want anybody out by that time. If you are found outside of your house you will be arrested immediately. Remember your chances of catching this flu will be 100 times bigger if you are thrown in to prison. If this gets out of hand my fellow people, you might be mistaken for thieves or the like and be shot.

Please remember the imposition of Marshall Law accompanies the suspension of the Civil Law, Civil rights and Habeas Corpus, and the extension of Military Law and Military justice to civilians. Civilians defying Marshall Law may be subjected to military tribunal and the court marshal. Please do not let it come to that. General Mark Louis will be running this operation. Everybody will report to him. My fellow Americans, please grasp the depth of this situation and please comply with the rules. I have a meeting with the UN right after this, as the rest of the world needs to be made aware of the situation.

Marshall Law will be effective tomorrow.

With that I bid you good night. Please remember 100 000 in 24 hours.

Please look after yourselves.

The broadcast ended and the whole room was silent. The president stood up and summoned his body guards to accompany him. I need to get to the UN.

They exited the building not uttering a word. The president climbed in to his vehicle, his guards creating a fleet around him. They set off the UN headquarters.

The UN was quiet all of the countries representatives showed up on the short notice. The president of the United States took the stand.

"My fellow countries, I have just issues a national Broadcast. This was issued to some international stations that were willing. I am going to begin this speech by saying I have implemented Marshall Law on my country effective tomorrow. If you want to flee the country to your homes, please do so tonight.

We have an illness spreading fast; the documents will be available after this meeting. It kills upon contact. 5 days. It kills everybody differently and can spread through touch and breath. The death count was at one hundred thousand in the last 24 hours. Please inform your home countries of this so that they can take the steps necessary. Now you have to excuse me, I have a lot of things to arrange."

With that the office roared with conversation and accusations. The president made a swift departure. The guards were waiting by the car. "I am going to ask you to please inform my wife that I will not be present for the better part of the next month, please take them to the presidential safe house and lock them in the basement if you must, they are not to set foot outside until I give word. I will ask you to leave me here again as I have national secrecy to maintain."

The president made his way back to the Knights headquarters. The knights were packed and ready for departure to Torandia. As the president entered the room they were told to meet in the Chamber for teleportation to Torandia. Kyle had taken the liberty of packing clothes and provisions for the President.

Ruan and Kyle looked at each other, worried about their friend who has set off with the night elf.

Kyle studied the new spell that Rughnan had sent him. The knights took hands as Kyle invoked the spell.

Darkness enveloped them all.

Hi guys

I'm sorry that I have been out of action for so long, like I mentioned earlier my life took some drastic turns. I aught to be back on track now as everything seems to have worked out just fine. It s funny the way life sort of destroys everything important to you and that it has absolutely no mercy at all. But alas, the show must go on. I hope you didn't lose interest in my story, as the dreams have started up again. What I mean by that is most of the story was actually literally dream once, well most parts of it anyway. so last night I had another dream that showed me again where my story needs to go, you'll see that a bit later. I'm posting 3 chapters for your reading pleasure probably later today as I want to get back on track with this, I miss Torandia just as much as my readers, that world used to be my escape...

One reason I didn't write any further was because of the person that the character Richard is based on, made a swift exit out of my life and I was scared that I might cause Mordain and Richard's relationship to fall apart because of that. I am going to be as objective about this as humanly possible so please bare with me as I enter the next phase in my life. The story will continue as normal and I will try and update once or twice a week. The other reason I stopped writing was because to me it felt like no one was really interested in reading this anyway. I lost all faith I had in the story. I went through a really bad time.

SO the last few weeks I started thinking about Torandia again and attempted to write some more, but I had no inspiration at all the story would have sucked, so when Jules commented on my story the fire began to ignite again as its been 4 months since my last update and someone had taken the time to read this and comment on my wordpress site,

that means a lot to me and when I started dreaming again last night (a dream not filled with sad and loneliness and actually something fantasy) the bucket was tipped and I decided to continue my story. Maybe this is what I need to help me to stop wallowing in depression and live again. We'll see... But like i said I will keep the relationships and friendships objective from my own life now. Thank you guys for reading my story, I hope it will continue to enthrall you.

Please go to the wordpress ( site and comment on the chapter, story etc. There is a world map available there as well and a character listing etc, or send me an email to but please responde to tell me what you think.

No part of this story may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the author, not be otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than in which it is published (should it be) and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent reader.

Next: Chapter 15

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