Toppling a Top

By Ben Dover

Published on Jul 26, 2014


Toppling a "Top" Gay Erotic Writer: Part Two

by Cracked Kunt

Reader feedback is encouraged by Boss even if its trash talking this 'former top' writer and/or commenting on his tale :). We all know some dudes like him. Tall, well-built arseholes, the ones that strut around boasting about how they are tops. This one had a rep as a writer who authored stories on guys in control. Well when they bitch they really bitch out J. So go on take your shot at him at

Payback on his smug arse humiliates him but, for you, no doubt it will be very hot too, right. lol.

I know a few have asked about part two of "the Adonis story". Hang tight it will be coming. My "ex alpha " bitch was in the midst of being "reoriented" as a writer to scribble with a new viewpoint.

And remember sites like this are not cost free so make a donation. Every little bit keeps places like this open for your enjoyment!

Part 2

So I took him.

If you haven't read part 1 of this `saga', my suggestion is you go find it on here. If you have, then you know how things went down. I fucked him over. I fucked him over really good. But merely pounding this smug, alpha, smart-arsed so-called writer into a squealing, sissified bottom in bed wasn't my end goal.

I'd known from long past experience that if you fuck a guy his arse could be yours for a night. But if you fuck with his head well, he is just `yours'. And THAT boys, was my Master Plan for this guy (hey, that's sorta funny, if a bit fuckin dated).

Now I'm not recommending that all you young, excited Alpha's go out and do this to every BOMC you decide to take down, every swaggering Total Top' that posts his torso selfie from the gym at Grindr. You've got to pick your targets well for the full immersive experience. And this jock' was primed to have mind seeded with my juices too. Plus, yeah, I am good at what I do too.

Anyway, So here is how I did him.

Two second back story here. He's a writer, so he has quite an imagination. And he is apparently very well known as an author of dom/sub gay erotica. In fact I admit, I think he's quite a big name in the field. He's produced a lot, he's read widely, has a fan base on the net, other writers even reference him in other books. Don't get me wrong, his stories are hot even if they are all focused on only one thing though. They are all about rewiring a guy into a complete submissive bitch.

We met at the gym. He's that type. You know what I mean. You see them all the time at these places. The guys with the defined build who hang with each other swapping their macho bragging shit on who they screwed the night before. So we chatted and his stories came up and I asked him about his inspiration, and My God, he just kept bragging about how he saw himself as the top guy' in all of them. How bitching guys in them' -- his words -- was no sweat' because he did this in his real life too. Yeah I get it, the author had an image to sell but damn if he didn't believe it. I stood there in the gym, sweat streaming off me as he exposed how he bitched guys' online and in bars and in this gym. He was like those disturbed straight boys with `their plans' to pick up girls.

I had to fix this `jock'! I would like to say I was doing it for the good of the gay community but well he did put his time in at the gym. He was a proper muscle god. And turning a muscle top into a muscle pussy was giving me a nice hard-on. And like a twink with a daddy issue in a leather bar, his mental chink was staring me right in the face. His writing was exactly how he saw himself and if I dismantled that image in terms of him as an author... well I was going to have an obedient puppy dog for the rest of my years.

My strategy was very simple. I was going to drag him into fuck scenes that mirrored his own stories but with him as the fucked-over' character. Once that vibrant imagination was refocused on him as the cunt and he accepted that as fact, with a tiny bit of patience his mind would begin to believe that everything he wrote was actually about him unconsciously craving to be bitched-out' (Geez, now even I'm writing like him. Oh well, it really is his story so I'll throw him a bone-r).

This was all going to take a bit of time but I reflected before I started, this was definitely going to help him with his writing too. Give him a different perspective, open his eyes; and isn't that what reading and writing is supposed to do? Of course, his reputation on-line was going to be in tatters by the time I finished with him and maybe his book sales would dry up but hey, no one ever said you don't suffer for your art right? And he, he, he ... he was gunna suffer!

So let's begin. I told him to write down what happened and how it felt. I'm probably going to need to check his spelling and punctuation; he gets overexcited now when he writes. In fact, I had to put him into a silicone cock cage since he cannot stop whacking off as he writes about how what I've had him do. The boy is sexually a really little hair-triggered of late...haha. Of course this is all subtle reinforcement.

Okay time to pass it over to him. And remember bitch, from the moment when you first consent to put on a pair of panties for a man, there's just no going back. Tell `em pussy boy...

This girly acting sub fucked me! I mean in the past I have mocked this scrawny lisping guy type of guy. Hell, I'd never have given this loser the time of day. Even more of a mind fuck was that I'd once written a story about a stud that mocked and used this type as his personal " cum-dump faggot". Okay let me start at the beginning. My head is still trying to wrap itself around that night. I was standing in boss' living room when he arrived. I had on my usual required underwear: panties and a bra and fuck I was in nylons too. I couldn't believe it when this wildly effeminate little guy sashayed into the room and saw me. I saw Boss' manly sneer and my nuts just rolled up into my clit. I knew he was bitching me! He tells me tonight we are reenacting a story I'd put out on the net called, "Cum Dump " In it a stud uses some mincing fag as his personal cum depository. Boss told me I had been pretty smug and denigrated the femmed guy in it. Tonight, he tells me, I am going to be the cum-dump for this smaller guy. A part of me said no way but the rest of me just fagged on the spot. WHAM I boned up fast into "pussy-boy". Boss had me twirl in front of them. The puny guy was smirking. I was humiliated. I mean that was what my stud had his fag do and here I was doing it. But my head was on fire and my cunt was dripping. I found it was hot doing it. Boss had me stop. Before I knew it I was draped arse up over the back of the couch. Boss has this guy petting my panty clad rear-end and telling me what a sweet rump I had to dump his load into. By now I was panting like a bitch in heat as my story played out in my head. I was no longer seeing myself as the macho jock in it. NOW, I was visualizing me as the prancing nelly getting ready to open up for seeding. As I'm imagining my writings in a new way Pansy boy is saying how much he is going to like fucking someone who put him down once. Then it hits me. I had been cruised by this guy at the gym when I was such an alpha-poser. I'd laughed at him and really put him down as a queen. I mean he was barely five-seven and dripping wet he was no bigger than 125 lbs. Before boss turned me out, the thought he was hitting on me who was six-two and a gym built 225 lbs was laughable. When I wrote the story I'd dedicated it to him just for a laugh. Now I'm butt up in the air waiting for this queen's scepter" to be shoved up my hole!

More embarrassing, I'm moaning, "yes fuck me", to him just like the fag in my story. Without realizing it my long legs are spreading as he massages my butt. Then I feel a tear on my good panties. A chill as air hits my twat. Boss or the guy had slit an opening in my undies. The pansy dude is mumbling how hot my twat is as he is fingering my chute entry. I realize he is using the EXACT SAME LINES my hunk did as he readied "his dumpster" for a good fucking I'm humiliated that this lisping queen is using my own words to bitch my twat yet, I'm so hot to be fucked by him. I know from my story how much I needed it. When he finally plows his cock up my twat I yelp. High and loud like a bitch getting her first dick; just like in my story. Boss is cracking up over that sound. The dude is laughing too as he fucked my twat silly. I mean for a scrawny frilly dude his cock was fucking huge and damn if it wasn't hitting every part inside my pussy. I was mentally losing it big time just like I wrote about. I out-weight him, out-muscle him, and he's fucking a runt next to me but I'm arse up on this couch making all these "fuck me" noises and bucking like a dog-bitch in heat just like I did in my story. He's cracking up more now. He starts whacking my upturned rump with his right hand telling me that, judging how I'm wiggling my arse onto his pole, its clear my prior alpha act was covering my deep need for bitching. I mean here is this limp wristed little nelly slamming my jock's twat, tanning my butt and I'm squirming in heat on his dick while begging for it to go deeper. Even more mind-fucking I'm yelping with each slap asking for more of it!

Exactly like in my tale this dude begins lisping jokes about my outfit and how I looked in my panties while he's screwing me. He is telling me my friends at the gym would love hearing about this and that he has his cell recording it all. It was if what I'd published was coming alive in every detail. My head just exploded. I was boned getting screwed like the pansy arse faggot in my cyber writing. I was feeling his character melding into me. This little guy is pounding my twat so hard my cock is getting masturbated on the couch's surface. I'm yelping and thrusting my butt backward begging him to bitch me harder and harder just like I did in that story...I mean like I wrote...or was it me and head is so screwed up...fuck.

Anyway by then I wanted to jerk off. Boss knew it I guess because he walks in front of me. He shoves his crotch into my face as he holds my hands behind my back so I couldn't touch myself. This other sub is calling me a bitch and I swear I was howling, "yes" over and over while I'm breathing in Boss' crotch musk. Then the other guy started using my writer's name while he screwed me. Boss had told him whom he was fucking! I really lost it. I yelled I was going to blow my wad in my panties. I can hear myself spouting lines my cum-dump used in my story. Dammed if that pansy didn't pull me up slightly, reach under to grab my hard-on, pull it out of my panties and aim my dick up towards my face. Boss let's go of my hands and pushes my head downward so I'm staring at my cunt. "Swallow bitch", was all his said. When I squirted, I opened my mouth to gobble up my own fucking jizz just cause I heard Boss yell to do it. The other fucker howls insults about me being some "alpha "getting my twat screwed by a guy who likes to bottom. I suddenly feel his hot cream up into my guts. I got seeded hard that night by that sub. When the other guy left I was a mess. My spanked arse was burning and his cum was pouring out my twat-hole. Boss stood over me and creampied my face. As I was licking up the cream on it, I thought how my writer's views had altered. Before I wrote seeing myself as the total top that was fucking losers. Tonight, I'd begged some candy arse dude to fuck me silly just like in my story. As I told Boss this he nodded, had me reach down with my fingers, scrap the spunk dripping from my reddened arse and lick my fingers clean!

Got an email from boss a few days later. My head was still whacked about what had happened. It simply said to report to his house after work like a good bitch should. Not to be late. Fuck my cunt if I didn't get a hard-on in my suit. For the rest of the day I was fighting not to go whack off somewhere & wondering if that nelly sub was going to pound my now wet twat. I left work fast and arrived to the house twenty minutes early. Boss was there with three pretty pudgy looking guys. He had me strip and get on all fours as they watched. When they saw the panties I was wearing it gave the three a big laugh.

Then Boss spoke. "Guys this femmed bitch used to be pretty smug about his former manhood. Now he's just a crazy cunt in heat. He once wrote, "Doggie Gets Pounded," about some guy who was treated like a dog. Boasted about how he did it to some guy too. You train dogs so train him."

One of his friends went to a side room. I was shivering, naked, on all fours and my fucking cock was dripping. Boss just laughed some more at me. "Remember the stuff you had the other guy in your story do to him, you cunt?" he asked. I just gulped and nodded. It had been a big hit with readers. I'd really had fun writing it and then making a guy I met act it out. Now I was the one who was about to be "dogged" just like in my posted tale. His friend came in with a dog bowl and a butt plug shaped like a like a dog's tail. I told myself get up but my pussy was itching for a real man by then so I just stayed put.

"Bark you twat," boss said as the other guy lubed my hole. I thought my mind would crack up but my femned cock was pouring pre-jzz. So I just began barking "Arf.Arf.Arf," over and over just like in my story. As I was doing it the plug was placed on my hole. I'd was still sore from my prior screwing and I knew my "anal lips" were still tender and swollen. I moaned I did not think my clit would take it. He shoved it into me.

"AAAAHHHWWWWHHHOOO," I screeched like a dog in heat as they plugged my twat with it. Boss and his friends were laughing. My story flashed into my head but once again, now I was not the trainer in it but the doggie boy. Without realizing it I began to reenact it for them. I was just there, on all fours, yapping like an idiot and wagging my plugged butt like a trained pooch. Boss grabbed a dog collar out his pocket and attached it around my neck. I swear I was ready to orgasm. I wrote the tale and my brain just automatically flowed into the submissive role I'd set out in it. Soon I was barking. Doing doggie tricks like rollover and sit up and beg. I even raised my leg and bent over trying to lick my cunt for my owners. My brain was gone. My cock was running the show following what I'd wrote about myself in that story. Boss kept telling them what an arse I'd been and "look at him now". I just wanted to pop a load so bad. Finally they took turns fucking my mouth. I climaxed twice into a doggie bowl that boss had placed under my cunt. When they had finished I was told I was a good little doggie and, as a treat, I could "lick my bowl clean." I fucking rammed my face into my dish. I lapped up that spunk filled bowl like a stupid cunted bitch recalling the fun the stud in the book had while watching his bitched-mutt do it. One guy grabbed my hair and yanked me up from my meal. I was smiling when he took the cell pix. Boss showed it to me later. I'm grinning, my face covered in my bitch squirts and a dazed look in my eyes.

We went to the bathroom and laid me face upward in the bathtub. As they stood over me and let loose with their golden showers I just opened my mouth slurping up some and began jerking off like I did in that story. After that, Boss read some of my other stuff as his friends pulled out my tail, draped me arse up over the tube's edge & screwed my twat some more. Hearing Boss's words I mentally floated into my old role of "doggie boy" from that tale. I left them later that night, stinking of piss, full of cum in my guts and their spunk leaking from my hole. When I got home I jerked off reading that old story but now, for the first time, visualizing myself, not as the "doer" in it but as the one being "done".

An hour later an email from Boss arrived with a video of that first nelly guy doing me. It simply said to report to the gym so the dude could screw me in the showers. After the guy was going to haul my bitch arse to a tattoo parlor. I was going to get the word "cum" tatted on my left butt cheek and the word "dump" affixed on my right one. An arrow was going to be drawn on the small of my back pointing downward to the crack between my illustrated rump cheeks. It was just like in one of my other stories. I was so hot by the possibility the others jocks at the gym would find him screwing me, and then a tattoo to follow, that I jerked off. As I was pulling my girlish pud I was thinking of him plowing my panty-covered twat while lisping insults into my ear.

The gym was crowded when I arrived. It was as if every jock I worked out with was there today. My guts were churning. I walked into the locker-room and he was waiting for me. He was dressed in the most girlish workout clothes one could imagine. Guys were looking at him and smirking. Their faces took on a different image when he told me to lay arse up on the bench and beg for him to tool my butt. It was just like my story "Benching the Bottom" with me as the pussy-boy. I saw the other guys waiting for me to punch out his lights. I just gazed at the prissy runt and nodded. I was zoned out on what I had once written. I think I said, "yes sir" to him. I know I girlishly said the line in the story, "my twat needs your pole in me so bad sir." I could hear the gasps from the studs I hung with not only over what I had said but also the faggy way I'd said it. But more howls of insults were to come when they caught me stripping down to my see-through black lace panties. I could hear the jocks saying, "fuck look at that bitch" or "I though he was all-man?" After I slipped out of my undies. a few commented nastily about my shaved cunt. By then I was stiff and I knew, from how I acted in "Benching" that I needed to drape arse up along the workbench. Someone said, "no way" but then another yelled out, "hey get the guys cause I think Mr. `I'm only a total top' is getting butt fucked by this fairy."

My head began recalling every part of that story I wrote. It was like everything on that page was happening in real life.

I knew I had to grind my cunt on that bench as I spread my legs just like I typed it. I couldn't help doing it. Fuck I craved to do it now. The room was filled with guys who were laughing and mocking me. I recalled that happened in the story too and I boned full out. Soon I was humping my cunt on that bench and begging for his cock. He finally began screwing my pooch while telling me what a good girl I was and how much fun he was having fucking me just like that bottom in my story. I was mentally that bitched pussy now. I heard myself shamelessly moaning, groaning and crying out for him to really fuck my hole. By now every limp-wristed guy in the gym had come in too along with even more of the jocks I worked out with here. I knew my old alpha rep here was gone. But my tale kept spinning into my head. Finally he exploded into me. As he did it his man's hot cream filled my guts. I began yelping a high-pitched giggling sounding, "yes" just like my bitched character did in his gym fuck. After he pulled out I just lay there sucking in air. I could see the jocks snickering and pointing out that, judging by the white goop dripping out from the sides of that part of the bench under my cunt, I had creamed while squealing "like a girl". A few minutes later, this tattooed guy walks into the room with tatt tools. It hit me. I wasn't going to a tattoo parlor. I was getting my butt branded right here just like I once wrote in "Tatted by a Hard Top." As the guy went to work on my butt a few really swishy gay guys took the time to let me suck them off. I was mumbling yelps at first as the ink was laid down on my once pristine rear end but the yells were soon drowning in my eager slurps sounds of me gobbling up fairy cock. The story "Tatted" floated inside my head. I just lay quiet drinking up gobs of their jizz like a good cunted-cow. After the branding work was done the jocks I once ruled with stood around me and jerked off on my back and arse while commenting on my labeled rear end. The trainer that day threw my panties at me and told me to go home to shower since the locker room was for males only.

I slunk out of the gym my rear end on fire, stinking of spunk and hearing everyone laughing. When I got back I pulled up both stories from the Net and read them. I jerked off fantasizing myself into the roles of the ones who got nailed. The next day Boss sent me an email. It had a file attached. When I opened it, there he was in the local sex club standing next to a sign with my writer's name and face upon it. It read that on a certain night I was appearing. Under that was written, "you've gotten off reading him now come and get off inside of him." I knew after that night my rep in this city was gone. I would be seen as a total femmed bitch that once posed as a smug macho writer. I also remembered that this new event fit the scene of my last story, "Gang Bang the Bottom." I pulled it up on my computer, read while fingering my clit.

I arrived at the club in my best lacy undies. I knew it would please Boss. He told me to keep them on and lay arse-up in a bed in one of bigger side room. I was so stimulated. To be one of my bitched characters again was so hot. Boss asked me how it felt. I told him if I ever wrote again I would always want to visualize it was me getting it from the guys. He smiled and told me to finger out my cunt. Minutes later twenty really fat guys came into the room. A few kept saying they couldn't believe I wrote the stuff I did. Others just laughed. They had seen me high hand guys I mocked as "losers" or being smug from fan reactions. One old geezer just chuckled how payback was going to be fun. They began chanting my writer's name. Boss ripped my nice new panties off me and shoved the remnants into my mouth. I spread my girlish legs and opened my cunt wide for their inspection business. Cock up my arse again! As I felt their bulging round stomachs slamming into my girlishly gym toned rump, I knew it would be a great night giggling......

Next morning I slunk home to find more emails from guys who have been reading about my bitching. Boss likes when I read him those emails from you guys who write to trash me. Some are "regulars" now. One is J**n from Illinois, another Clark and the last one is from a guy "VA". Reading them mocking me always gets my clit so wet.

Boss tells me this week he is having me perform another of my old cyber "squirtings." He likes to call anything I now write as "squirting" because I usually end up whacking off now while I type them. Anyway, he has decided that, "Banging him Bald" is up next. I can hear him testing the hair clippers now. I can feel my cock pressing against this metallic chastity tube he has me locked into, I'm so boned thinking about my hair going....

I know there was some discussion on this site whether this fits mind control. Well I think screwing a guy so much you rewired his brain does comply. I mean he literally got mind-fucked out of his poser self - image haha...I leave it to you to decide. Oh I changed his story titles. Yeah their plots are his stuff only titles are different. I want to drag out his "outing". Knowing it's coming but not when keeps him mentally whacked. What the femmed bitch doesn't know is that by the time I finish with him it will be him beginning to out himself so he can get abused by you guys and mocked. So keep the trash email coming cause every one turns him on, turns him more bitched, and unconsciously gets him needing more of it so bad he will soon be screaming to tell you his name.J

Banging Out Bottoms,


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