Toppling a Top

By Ben Dover

Published on Apr 30, 2014


Reader feedback is encouraged by Boss even if its trash talking his 'former top' writer and/or commenting on his tale :). Aw go on take your shot at him at Payback on his arse is a bitch but, for you, no doubt it will be very hot too, right lol.

Toppling a ?Top? Gay Erotic Writer

By Cracked Kunt

So I took him.

Okay, you probably want more to this story huh? Okay hang on, here goes:

Beginning: he was a well know writer of dom/sub gay erotica. I mean his stories really got into the heated mind fuck where a dominant or straight stud is sexually conquered and rewired into a complete submissive bitch. He was widely read and, over the years had really had a great output of stuff. He had a fan base that had a certain view of him. In shape guy or so rumor went.

I am a writer too. I had long admired his works and decided to email him with my compliments. He reached out to chat with me. We connected and soon we were discussing the sexual dom/sub aspects of his stories. I got a vibe off him and wanted to check it out. I managed to drift the conversation towards cyber role-play while making sure he thought he was brining up that area. During our conversation about cyber sex role-play he told me how he was the top in those scenes. He added that, by now, he found that role to be boring. I sensed something so I made sure we chatted a bit more while getting him comfortable. Get a guy at ease in a chat and they usually tell you more than they intended. After awhile my macho hotshot writer of domination confessed he had a ?secret itch to bitch? in a cyber role-play. Imagine it, a writer who has a rep as a storyteller extolling alphas bitching guys, admitting to me he had an inner fantasy about being dominated. Well that was all the confirmation I needed to know. I had a plan.

I casually offered to cyber sex play and let him sub in it. The fish took the hook. Started him out slow. That?s the key in conquering a so-called top with an itch to bitch. Get them into the idea of being dominated first & don?t rush it. Go slow. Get him aroused in small steps. Play him sexually, with cyber sex talk, into revealing more and more inner stuff that he fantasizes about happening to him while being sub-ed. Then, using those confessions on him during it to break his brain down. Oldest story in the book, once guys get boned they think with the organ between their legs and not their ears. Trust me I had him hot!

Does being called a ?boy? churn his nuts? Then I use it in on him a few times in our sex talk. Getting him comfortable to it. Critically getting him hard seeing it applied to him. Soon he liked it. After a few more times his brain felt it. He?d begun the road into submission. ?Boy?. I?d got him hard being called my boy. It is a process. You have to play the long game. Slip the collar on his mind slowly. Keeping the sexual heat in him rising till the trigger is revealed. Finding that one critical concept that will really drive him sexually into heat. When you want to screw a guy?s bole you finger his anus out slowly. When you want to finger out his brain the same thing applies. There is one major difference. If you screw his arse he might be yours for the night; if you screw his brain he is simply yours! By now I had my writer totally bent over mentally. He was groveling, totally degrading himself in this play and, so ready to be fucked over by me. I just needed that one last trigger that would spread open the ?legs? of his brain. The idea that, once he saw it, would crack his mental arse.

So, with patience, I found his ?bitch button?. The one thing that would shock the fuck out of him yet drives him into a fully rutting mental bottom boy heat.

Want to know that mental button that triggered his, ?please fuck me into being your total pussy.?

Come on, you know by now I knew he had one right? Guys who swear they just dominate yet secretly dream of their bitching always have it in them! The one idea that, when used just at the right time, easily overloads their brain and shatters their poser self-image as a top. For him it was simply this: I began by reminding him of what he had been doing in our role play, how much he was clearly debasing himself in it for me and, how much he was enjoying typing out all his groveling to me. THEN, I threw the mental grenade. I told him that, ?the thought that the famed {his name} will be on his hands and knees touching himself while I write about how I bottomed him will be so hot.?

BINGO. BITCH BOTTON in his brain pushed.

He had become fully aroused being humiliated by me. He read that comment and he totally crumbled into sexual heat at the thought of that ultimate humiliation. We both knew I had him. It was there in type. His name, my name and, so sweet, my hotshot writer?s typed lines using his name begging and squealing in his submissions like a teenaged girl! I truly had his bum and we both knew it. He tumbled into the land of the cunt.

I?m telling you he truly lapped it up. The thought his fans would find out what a pussy he was just blew him into bitch-land. By then he was so crazy with his urge to sperm that he was putty in my hands. I got him to send embarrassing sex pictures of himself {a first for him} binding him to me even more. Now I had a face too. Hell, I even brought him into such a cunt-head state of mind that he gave me free copies of his books. By the time I was done. Mr. TT {e.g. I?m totally a top} was even using the fem terms I told him to use when talking about his sex parts. That sealed the deal with him. No matter what happened in the future, once you get a so-called alpha guy to call his crotch a clit and his arse a cunt or a twat he is all yours baby. He did it and we knew I had his own typed out lines from him to prove it to his fans. Wannta read a few of them? :)

Me: Do you reckon you can call it your pussy and your clit.

Him: if you want; anything you say is okay if u say you want me too.

Me: Yeah see I wanna hear it from you... I wanna hear the great writer {typed in here his name} say pussy.

Him: pussy

Me: Whose

Him: my pussy

ME: say your name then add ?My pussy needs a real mans cock in it.?

Him {types his name?so sweet} my pussy needs your real man's cock in it sir

Me: good boy

Him: I?m so bottomed and fem bitched by you

Me But the boys tell me they've never cum so much or so hard after I do that to them?you hard there cunt

Him: I?m so hard right now sir

Me: what are you boy

Him: femmed

Him: shit

Him: my clit is wet typing that.

Me: type your name and then tell me how you love playing with your twat.

Him; {types in his name} loves playing with his twat

Me: always use those terms now got it.

Him: oh fuc yes Sir. My clit is so wet

Yeah, that?s right, I fucking femmed his sweet writer?s arse by then. Made him love it, crave it, beg me for more of it. Broke that top bragging bitch hard. By the end, he was fingering out his butt-hole, on all fours while he was typing more of his pathetic submission to me. Even hotter, when he blew his load, he cream pied onto his own face thanks his doggie position. He will always see himself as my cunt and that is just right in my book.

Not to brag but my special gift is turning out those tops that got an inner cunt in them. Yeah, I turned him out but good in that session. I own his arse and control his future tale outputs. This writer is my little bitch now. I turned this author with the rep of a ?stallion? into my own personal brood writing mare. Talk about making a bull into a heifer huh guys :). Don?t believe me? Well guess who is writing this out for me huh. Tell them you pussy.

?Iam writing this out for you Sir.?

?You feeling humiliated doing this boy?

?Yes sir?

?But its turns you on being punked so bad right boy?

?Yes sir?

?Your boner is making you do it huh.?

?Very much so Sir?

Pathetic huh. Yeah it?s really him typing this out as my ?Cracked Kunt?. BTW, that writer?s name is a private word play private joke between us. I told you, now he writes when I tell him and what I tell him. After he gets done with this we are going to post this story online. Oh not under his name. I don?t want to destroy his reputation. Announce to his fans that their famed {his name} got cunted. Well, not yet that is.

?But posting this will so fuck you over won?t it bitch.?

?Aw fuck sir.?

?Imagine everyone reading this and one of them realizing its you huh.?

?Aw shit no sir.?

?You?ll never know if some fan figures it out. You will be so humiliated thinking that might happen too huh. Bet your hard knowing how much I own your arse now huh boy!?

?Yes sir?

?Is it still wet, you fucking pussy?

?My clit is very much Sir?

?Tell me what I did to you.?

?Made me your bitch Sir?

?No type out for them who you are and what you are. Before you do remember this is going out on the net boy.?

? My name is {deleted by me} and I am your pussy-boy Sir.?

Yeah, I deleted his name but he did it & that is how bad he is mentally bitched to me by now. LOL. I kept up using the fem terms with him. It reinforced their use in him. Ah fuck whom am I kidding. Seeing him use em on himself was freaking hot too. Want more? Hehe

?Typing out your name just now & knowing I might post it. I bet your little girl clit is so wet huh boy.?

?Oh fuc yes Sir.?

? You are such a bitch. Shove a few fingers up that twat of yours. Use your clit juices to lubricate them.?

?AW God?Sir?my fingers wet with my clit juice and going into my twat?now?YES!?

?Iwas hoping that I might meet another real man... but fuck no; another little pussy who in 5 minutes is showing me their twat.?

?God yes Sir. Fingering my twat as ordered Sir?aw gees.?

?Fuck. If Id known you were just some little cunt who needed a firm hand I wouldn't have spent the money on your books.?

?Sorry you ever had to pay for my stuff Sir.?

?All those fans thinking you are some type of alpha stud. We know that your real self is the cum sucking, little clit girl begging for my load.?

?Fuc?I?I?so?yes?I?am?begging shit...begging?

?Yeah I bet there are a ton of them out there who would just love to ride your cunt. That would be an author reading worth seeing hey boy. I've always fantasized about turning real big top men porn stars into bitches... never thought I could do it to a top erotic writer like you!?

?You cunt my twat Sir.?

?Just another poser top now right pussy. Beg me to screw that twat.?

?Yes sir I am begging. Please my clit is so wet. Please screw my twaaaaa?aw?fuccccc?I squirted Sir?


Ya know I?m now thinking that my ?poser top? author needs to retire. After all, he is no longer in any mental state to write from the perspective of his old alpha self. Not to worry cause I?m also thinking that ?Cracked Kunt? will soon appear as the net?s newest storyteller. Naturally his fan base will know that this writer is a total ?femmed out? bottom. Yeah, writing all his tales from the perspective of a feminized little bitch; writing whatever way I want ?her? to write. Just like now. HAHA!

?Hey does your clit get hot reading those last few lines??

?Yes Sir.?

?Bet you?re fingering your ?what; right now, boy?

?Fingering my twat, yes Sir.?

?Maybe next time we will get you into girly panties right. I?m thinking something frilly you can pose in for your fans to see in a nice Net published picture huh K-girl.?


See them opening that pix of you in lacy girly undies, boy. Imagine your fans laughing while thinking, ?holy shit. That is {used his name} in those frillies.

?AW?GOD...please don?t make me? fuck! I fuck?I shot Sir!?

Pathetic?huh lol. Yep, I have unmanned him alright. Toppled a top erotic writer?brilliant, yeah! Well it was probably all in the cards for him anyway.

You see, after those initial few minutes of chatting I knew him. Mr. Macho had just never met the right dominant. Smug in his TT role he never truly realized he could be taken and would love every second he was being mentally bitched. I knew it however?

So I took him!

What the hell let him tell you himself:

The view from Cracked Kunt on how it felt being bitched

Fuck he totally took me.

I couldn?t even tell you how it happened. I mean I had {notice the use of the past tense now} a hard reputation. I was a pretty well known writer of gay adult stories about bitching guys. To the fans that contacted me I was full of advice on how to sucker punch some dude into mental submission. Fuck I was a total take-charge type in my life and my writings reflected it. In cyber play I topped. The two times I tried a bottoming rile in it well, was barely erotic for me. Yet, when Boss {what I see him as now} and I chatted about doing a role play, I not only agreed to punk in it but, fuck me, I found he was turning me onto that role with him. I know it started in a cyber sex role-play. But a short while into it?my brain seemed to explode. I mean I was typing humiliating shit and totally degrading myself to him AND FUCKING LOVING IT!

As I just wrote, I?d tried a sub role once or twice before but this time?I was mentally being fucked over by a real man. Hell I even sent him private never seen shots that I once took for a BD session. A full view of me buck-naked with my junk tied up in leather straps. I was that submissive to him!

When he called me his boy I went fully erect. Then, out of the blue during our chat, he tells me to finger out my arse. Not asking me now. Telling me to finger it out and fast?and I do. I mean I?m grounding them into my twat {yeah later on we will get to terms like that} but anyway I?m humping on it like I was on fire.

I lost it man. I mean I already you I had a rep as an alpha writer type and acted as one till that chat. But this guy, my Boss, well he turned me out but good, I surrendered to him like a bitch in full heat. Man when Boss called me out as his pussy-boy I was humping on my twat and my balls were begging to milk juice. Then he threw in the clinker by reminding me who I was to my fans and what the fuck I was doing with him. I saw all the guys seeing all this and imagined their mocking. But by then I was to far-gone to care he was fucking my ?top stud? self image into shit. Even that humiliation of being shown to them all I was a closet bitch only made me sink deeper into my need to cunt-up to Boss. Fuck I loved his degradation of my rep.

By the end of our session he was using feminine terms in reference to mu crotch and arse. Fuck, I soon realized, thanks to my pounding erection, that I wanted to apply them to my body too now.

I mean he cold conked my fucking masculine arse man into his willing fucking bitch. He femmed me full out by then. Soon, I want to shout?GOT BITCHED!

The next morning, at the gym, because he told me, I fingered out my twat while showering. My clit was leaking during it and I was panting like a cunt in heat. Ya think, knowing only a gauzy plastic curtain kept me from other?s view, I?d have been discreet. Fuck no. I was itching to bitch for my Boss. Hearing the other guys walk by and their sounds in the room made me only shove my fingers that much deeper into my girly hole. I fantasized it was his man?s cock thrusting into me. Going deeper and deeper screwing into me. Fucking every bit of the old me away. I dreamed about my Boss shooting his manhood?s spunk up my hole. Feeling the gushing warmth of his seed in me. I imagined getting seeded so good that I somehow got pregnant. To my shock I realized my head was thinking like I was his ?girl?. Yet, my clit got so wet with that realization.

I heard a few muscle jocks in the showers laughing about how they screwed some bitch. I used to be one of them too but now, here I was, getting my twat all loose for Boss. Then I heard these two muscle jocks that I knew standing by the curtain. Knowing just a thin plastic separated us blew my head. I used to be one of them. We would share smug top man stories. Hell, I had a great writer?s rep posting tales like that on the Net. Now I?m inches from them, screwing my twat, and ready to pop a load. One of them mentioned he?d just seen me working out then began commenting on some old story I?d posted. The other laughed that he had read it. I heard him say how much he admired how I got into bitched guys in them. They wondered whom I did recently. Yet here I was only a thin curtain away fingering my hole because this once boasting bitch maker had gotten bitched instead. Something in my brain then went wild! I rammed two fingers into me and hit my ?bitch spot?. I swear I felt my gusher before it came! I bit my lip but I?m sure, as I squirted, I must have lightly groaned. Did they hear me moaning like a pussy-boy? Would they pull back this curtain to see me bend over ramming my fingers in and out of my anus sighing about ?fucking my twat?? Fuck I only shot more cream thinking of that one. Washing off later I moistened my fingers tip with some my junk that was on the floor of the shower. I rubbed it deep into my hole. I came out to dry off everywhere else except between my crack. I drove home feeling sticky inside my twat. Thinking all the while that is what it would feel like when Boss screws my girl butt.

Boss and I chatted latter today. I am his ?girl? now. I surrendered myself to him. My old butch-like writer persona, with its macho rep, is retired. This pussy is boss? new bitch. Hell I?m typing this while waxing my cunt. Why? Well because my boss ordered me to do it. He likes his girls clean. From now on this bitch is hairless down there for my boss.

As a writer, this feminized once smug punk, is going to only write about the erotic thrills that men experience in being femmed and bitched. My new writer?s name is Cracked Kunt cause he truly cracked my arse and made me his cunt.

Once day he says he is going to deflower my former writer?s name to the mocks of my old fans. Let Cracked Kunt get a good rep as a totally pussy of a writer then?bam! Show everyone how he bitched and then even more shockingly fully femmed a writer who had a ?top? masculine reputation. Everyone seeing this once macho author as a full out pussy just like the guys in his tales! After that, in all my old stories, the reader will now see me as the one in them, who is getting sexually and mentally bottomed & not, as the guy doing it to someone. I can imagine them say, ?fuck who knew {my name} was such a bitch boy huh? or, ?damn that {boss? name} really turned out that poser top into a fucking pussy didn?t he?.

I think it will make my girl puss tingle. But for now my cunt is cleaned and waxed. Writing my admissions, entwined with writing his own thoughts on all this as ordered because, as I said, he owns this bitch?s ability to write now. When this is posted on the Net it will be so humiliating. Yet, Boss knows when I see it out there in public I will fondle my clit till I pop my wad every time I visit that site. Doing it says to us both that Boss cunted {my old author?s name}. So I am writing, rubbing my clit while sitting in my frilly newly brought girly underwear fucking away my former writer?s rep because?.

Fuck he totally took me.

Next: Chapter 2

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