
By moc.loa@732waltuO

Published on Jan 11, 2003


Copyright2003 Feedback welcome:

Disclalimer: The following is a work of fiction meant for those 18 and over. Always practice safe sex.

Toppled Part 3: The Outing

Gage had spent the last hour walking around Luke's house like you would in a museum. There was no particular aim; just soaking it in, observing. He lingered over mundane objects like his passport, the type of cutlery in the kitchen drawer, the food in his fridge. The closet smelled like Luke. Gage let his hand drift over a couple jackets, stroke the length of a belt. Had this one come down over and over again against the reddening flesh of a wailing slave's ass? he wondered. There was a strength and confidence about the house's contents, the furniture big and solid like Luke. Touching and looking at Luke's personal items when he wasn't home made Gage feel closer to him, and yet made him realize he didn't really know Luke that well at all.

Yeah like you're easy to know, he thought. Luke had left him while he was sleeping to take care of "personal business." He had mentioned it last night after Gage tongued his ass until he spurted thick ropes of cum on Gage's stomach. Luke hadn't fucked him; Gage figured he was saving it for later. Luke loved toying with him. And why do you let him? Because his taste is addictive? Because of the way he breathes right before he comes, so deep and intense, the way your cock betrays your defenses everytime he touches you. It was too early to have such a conversation with himself. He pushed all that out of his head like he was so good at doing with anything he didn't want to deal with.

Gage had already tried the 'playroom' door. It was locked; no accident. There were still some things Luke wasn't ready to give access too. Gage marveled at how similar they were in some ways. Keep things locked up where no one can get to them (you).

He wandered aimlessly back into the bedroom. It felt weird seeing the bed, without Luke in it. The sheets looked ravaged and so still now compared to last night when they were crumpling around and under their writhing bodies. Luke sat on top of them, still ripe with their scent, and let his eyes trail lazily over the room. He slid closer to the side of the bed and eyed the bottom shelf of the night stand. Books, note pads, pens, bills. Luke pays bills. The thought made him chuckle. He didn't know why. He tried to picture Luke sitting at a desk, writing checks. Somehow it just didn't work.

Pushing a few layers of the pile aside, Gage found a copy of Drummer. It was about 3 months old. Good condition. He leafed through it, hoping to find a trace of how much Luke had 'enjoyed' it but the pages were clean if wrinkled. He settled on a story called "Prisoner," of a captured soldier putting up a valiant fight before giving in to the pleasures his captors were forcing on him. By the second page, he was fully hard, his cock straining against his boxers. He began to stroke himself slowly as he read, massaging the tip with his thumb until it started to weep precum. When he got to the part where the captor rakes his thumbnail over the prisoner's cocktip, making him finally acquiesce and freely offer his mouth to the captor's tongue, Gage's prick was demanding his full attention.

He spread his legs wide and inched the boxers down enough to free his balls, laying the magazine by his side. His breathing was growing ragged as he stroked harder, fondling his balls with the other hand, then running it up his stomach over his pecs, pinching his nipple hard. The feel of Luke's hands and mouth on his flesh was becoming as familiar to him now as his own touch, and came instantly into his mind. Even when absent Luke was controlling his pleasure.

He closed his eyes tight and threw his head back, concentrating on the memory of Luke inside him, pushing, stretching him, until his spot was sending shockwaves of pleasure up his spine and through his throbbing cock. He could feel himself widening and begging to be filled at the thought of it, of the deep growl Luke always made when he first entered him - as if he was momentarily overwhelmed by just how primitive his need was

"Well looks like somebody found a way to entertain himself while I was gone," Luke smirked. Gage scooted up and teasingly tucked his cock under his waistband, so that is was once again pushing urgently against the fabric. He wondered how long Luke had been home, how long he'd been listening and watching, but he didn't ask.

"I was reading your....."

Luke glanced at the magazine still lying on the sheet and moved to sit on the bed. "Reading? Reading what?" Luke eyed Gage's erection greedily.

"Just a story."

"Oh? You like those kind of stories?" Luke dug his thumb into Gage's belly button and slid his hand under the waist band of his boxers, pressing and rubbing just above his pubic hair. This was one of Gage's "spots," guaranteed to always bring the desired effect. Gage let out a low moan. "Which one? Show me," Luke whispered.

"Page 18," Gage muttered as Luke reached over him and started leafing through the magazine.

"This one?" Luke asked. Gage nodded yes. "Well don't stop on my account. Finish."

Gage noticed Luke's erection and reached out for it, but Luke grabbed his wrist and pushed his hand away. Gage then reached for his own cock but was abruptly stopped again as Luke pulled his hand up over his head and pinned it. Luke was now lying half beside, half on top of Gage, his thigh rubbing against Gage's full balls. He pulled at Gage's earlobe with his teeth and whispered, "I said finish the story. Read it to me."

Gage took the magazine and folded it back, starting a couple paragraphs ahead of where he'd stopped. Luke roughly pulled Gage's boxers off and laid beside him as he read about the prisoner getting whipped while wearing a butt plug. Luke raked his hand over Gage's stomach and up to his left tit, pinching his nipple hard. "You haven't washed me off you yet," Luke hissed, getting his first good whiff of his partner. "I like that." Gage winced and pulled Luke down to him, kissing him deeply, hoping he'd forget the story. No such luck.

"Don't stop," Luke commanded. Gage could tell Luke's arousal was quickly matching his own. Luke bent down and rolled Gage's nipple between his teeth, stroking Gage's soaked cock in that torturously slow way he loved. By the time the prisoner was getting fucked in the last paragraph, Gage was panting and Luke was pushing his thumb back and forth against Gage's hole.

"You like that don't you," Luke teased as he rolled on top of Gage, still fully clothed against Gage's naked flesh. "You couldn't tell me but I know. I know you. You want me to punish you like that, you need me to."

"Uuuughhhh," Gage was moaning loudly and thrusting his hips, pressing his cock against the denim, dry humping Luke.

"I was watching you. You were thinking of me, weren't you? I can take it out of your head and give it to you for real. You want me to whip your ass?," Luke's cock had started leaking at thought of it. "Here?" He kept a slow stroke on Gage's cock with one hand, running his other under Gage's ass and cupping it, squeezing. Gage's head was thrown back and his chest was heaving. "Here?" Luke pushed a finger into Gage's widening hole.

"Ooooooh, fuck, ye...yesssss," Gage felt himself losing control.

"You like belts?" Luke pulled the belt from his waist and pulled it taught, wrapping it around both hands. He rubbed it side to side against the underside of Gage's cock like a bootblack shining a shoe. Gage started to shudder. "You know I whipped this one slave with a belt. Funny thing...the harder I whipped him the wider he opened for me. He was shaking and begging me to fuck him." Gage's sounds were growing louder and more pleading. Luke moved the belt up working it against the reddening mushroom head of Gage's cock. "I whipped his hole until he was so open I could have probably pushed my fist inside him." Gage shot Luke a worried glance.

"Oh no. I don't ever want you doing that. I want you to stay nice and tight for me." Luke turned the belt, now damp from Gage's ooze, vertically and rubbed it up and down against Gage's crack. "You know how good a tongue feels against a dry, whipped, gaping hole?"

Gage began stroking his own cock. Luke, seeing how close he was, didn't stop him this time. He roughly pulled Gage by his calves closer to him and lapped at his asshole like a dog, pulling at the delicate surrounding skin with his teeth and fucking him with his tongue while Gage breathlessly begged him to fuck him. Luke ignored his pleas and soon enough Gage was crying out as he shot all over his own belly and chest.

"What about you?" Gage asked puzzled, trying to catch his breath. He wanted desperately to hear and feel Luke cum, but Luke rose from the bed and headed toward the bathroom. Gage lay still for a few moments, confused but sated, then wandered naked into the bathroom where he found Luke beginning to shave. He wore only a white towel around his waist.

" can you just stop like that?" Gage studied Luke's face in the mirror as he began to shave. He loved watching him, the curve of his chiseled arm as he moved the razor over his chin.

"Willpower," Luke stated flatly not taking his eyes off his own reflection.

"But, don't you want me to....." Gage's voice trailed off as he moved behind Luke and bit at the back of his neck.

"Later," Luke said in that firm, I'll-take-you-when-I-want-you tone that let Gage know he should back off.

Gage stepped back and undid Luke's towel, holding it in each hand rubbing it from side to side over Luke's cock.

"Hey, I said later," Luke eyed Gage in the mirror.

Gage continued to hold the towel open gazing at Luke's ass. "Have you ever been fucked?"

"Don't even think about it,' Luke chuckled.

"Too late."

Luke wiped the residual shaving cream from his square jaw and took his towel from Gage's hands, rewrapping it at his waist. "Yeah. There was a man, one of those supreme, uncompromising masters you maybe meet once in a lifetime. He was bigger than me. He was unbelievable. Taught me everything I know."

"Bigger than you?" Gage looked shocked. Luke laughed at his almost childlike disbelief.

"Yeah. He broke me in, like I'm doing you," Luke said, rubbing Gage's stomach lightly. "Of course he was a lot tougher on me. It's a lot of responsibility, controlling a man's pleasure - mind and body. But ultimately he knew I was meant to do what he did, have men submit to me."

Gage turned his glance downward and murmured, "Is that what I do?"

Luke raised Gage's chin with his hand, pulling at the cord at his neck and rubbing Gage's throat beneath it. "You like this -- us?"

"Yes," Gage gazed into the endless dark of Luke's eyes.

"Because if you stop liking it, you just take it off," Luke continued. "I've never given it to anyone before you."

"But the men who come to you......"

"That's different," Luke spoke slowly as if speaking to a child. "A man who needs me to use his body comes to me, wears a collar when he's with me, then leaves it behind. I don't give a fuck what he wears or does once the door shuts behind him. But this.....this means I'm always with you."

Gage swallowed, hesitating. "I don't want to take it off."

"That's my job," Luke grinned broadly, referring to their ongoing agreement. Only Luke could remove it, and only when he wanted to fuck him. Gage pressed his body against Luke and devoured his mouth, pushing his tongue as deeply into Luke's as he could, trying to overwhelm him with his passion, make him need to take him right then. Luke sucked hard on Gage's tongue, but then pulled back and went to open the cabinet under the sink, pulling out the electric trimmer. He sat on the toilet and turned Gage to face him.

"I want to take you out later and show you off." He turned the trimmer on and began carefully shearing Gage's pubic hair.

"No way! I'm not gonna be one of your hairless freaks," Gage insisted, stepping back.

Luke laughed out loud and pulled Gage by the arm back to him. "Don't worry. Hairless is for twinks and cockslaves. I know what I'm doing." Gage relaxed and let Luke continue, and soon his dick was coming to life again just from having Luke minister that closely to it. He ran his hand through Luke's hair and stepped closer signaling for Luke to suck him. Luke jerked his head back.

"I said later. Jesus you just came," Luke shook his head, chuckling. "Now hold still."

Gage was admiring Luke's work as he dressed. Luke had left him with hairless balls and little more than a 5 o'clock shadow above his cock, but he liked it. He looked bigger, felt more exposed. He couldn't wait to feel Luke's mouth and stubble against his newly exposed skin. He was wearing jeans without underwear and a black T-shirt, per Luke's instructions. Luke was decidedly dressed down compared to other occasions when Gage had seen him prepare to go out. His boots, jacket and gloves were the only leather he wore. Gage had never been where they were headed, knowing only that it was one of Luke's favorite hangouts. A laid-back leather bar with a somewhat legendary back room.

Luke came into the bedroom and gave Gage the once-over. "There's one more think I want you to wear," he said, and produced a medium sized buttplug. Gage bristled but Luke was a champion coaxer, especially where Gage was concerned. "C'mon baby," he huskily breathed in his ear as his hand slid over Gage's ass. "It'll be so hot thinking of this inside you, getting you ready for me." Imagining Luke fucking him was all it took. He slid it in last thing before they left.

Shortly after they were on the road, Luke reached over and unceremoniously jammed his gloved hand down the front of Gage's jeans, making Gage jump. "Just checking," Luke said as he felt of his own trimming handiwork, making sure Gage wasn't wearing any briefs. "That feels so good."

"Yeah it does," Gage spread his legs and held Luke's hand inside his jeans where it stayed the rest of the trip. Gage was horny and anxious with anticipation, shifting on the plug to find a comfortable position.

Gage was met instantly by the scent of sweat, cum, smoke and beer as they walked through the bar. He noticed several men turn and give Luke a subtle nod or wave as a show of respect. When Luke walked by, people had a way of making room. And Gage noticed they were eyeing him too. Zeppelin was playing loud and Gage couldn't make a lot out in the dim light - he saw men in leather huddled together, hands caressing bodies, men kissing. He knew the real action was now kept strictly confined to the back after the place had almost been shut down more than once. He wondered if Luke would take him there. Luke told him to get a couple beers while he grabbed a table. From the bar Gage noticed two men talking to Luke as he was sitting down. The men were eyeing Gage as they spoke. He liked knowing he was making Luke proud.

"Now I see why we haven't seen much of you lately," one of the men, Cain, teased Luke, continuing to eye Gage across the room. He was a large bear with graying temples and the deep lines that only a full life as a shit kicker can put into your face. "How the fuck did you manage to break that one?"

"It's a work in progress," Luke said flatly. "He's different."

"Haaaaaaha," Cain bellowed. "I'll say!"

"Where'd you find him?," Luke's other companion asked with amazement and jealousy in his voice. He was lean and covered in tattoos with a jagged scar across his chin. He always claimed he got it from a broken beer bottle taking on two bikers. No one ever found reason to doubt his story.

"So hard to find good slaves these days," he chuckled, as if he'd just said something brilliantly funny. He was starting to get on Luke's nerves. "Their eyes start to all look the same - desperate. "They'll suck you dry if you let em, and not in the way they're supposed to," he chuckled again. "But that one," he said, nodding toward Gage. "That one's got defiant eyes."

"Eyes? What eyes?," Cain grinned, exaggerating his obvious approval of Gage's package and firm ass.

Luke remained stoic but his pride was hard to conceal. "Like I said, he's different. And for the record he's not a slave," he added, his eyes moving from Gage back to his companions. They gave each other a bemused glance but thought better of pushing Luke on the subject.

Gage took a seat at their table, beers in hand, next to Luke, who made introductions all around. The men were asking Gage the usual- where was he from, what did he do. Gage would have been quite bored if it is wasn't for Luke's hand once again making it's way down his jeans, this time to finger the plug. He tried to stay poised in front of Luke's friends but it was driving him crazy. Luke continued talking as if Gage wasn't there. Then just as quickly as they'd appeared the men moved off into the smoky haze, onto better exploits, sensing an intimacy between Gage and Luke that Gage thought perhaps made them uncomfortable.

"I'll be back," Luke mumbled looking off toward the bar. "Somebody I need to say hello to."

Luke was taking a long time just to say hello to an old friend, Gage thought as he nursed his beer. Gage had been cruised by several men during his wait, most of whom had wanted him to fuck and/or piss on them, and his ass was beginning to feel full. He decided to check the backroom for Luke.

The smell of raw sex instantly overwhelmed him. It was larger than he'd expected. He saw a man in a leather swing being administered to by much larger man, with a couple of spectators nearby. Another man was lashed to a wooden X, getting flogged, counting each stroke as his tormentor had instructed.

Gage didn't pay them any mind. He scanned the room for Luke's familiar form. He was about to leave to check the men's room when he spotted Luke in the corner talking to a shorter, thin man wearing a collar and jock strap. Luke was touching the man the way he touched Gage, running his hands over his body, his ass, almost admiringly. The man reminded Gage of the slave Luke had used in his initial seduction of him.

Gage could feel his face growing hot. Seeing Luke's grin as he admired and fondled the slave's body was too much. He felt humiliated, used, furious, and yet he wasn't sure why. He had watched Luke with other men; there had been no promise of fidelity between them. Gage knew Luke's talents as master were in high demand, yet this was different. Now he was standing, newly shorn under his jeans, wearing Luke's 'mark' around his neck and up his ass. He had turned down requests from no less than three men in the last 20 minutes, all wanting him to fuck them, which he probably would have done had Luke not been there. And Luke was the only man he'd ever bottomed for. He was in no mood to share.

The man was now suckling Luke's nipple while Luke held fast to his collar. Though his view was partially blocked by two men, Gage then saw the man kneel before Luke, who pressed the man's face into his bulge. By the time Luke was moving to unzip his fly and give his slave what he was begging for, Gage was upon them, approaching Luke unseen from behind.

"Is this what you were saving up for?" Gage sounded incredulous. "So much for willpower."

Luke turned, a bit startled but still managing a grin. "I told you I'd be back. This won't take long."

"What'd you bring me here for?," Gage demanded. "To fucking sit and wait for you? I don't wait for anyone."

"Oh you don't?," Luke was sarcastic and patronizing in his tone. The slave stood back, eyeing the two men cautiously. Cain had been wandering in the backroom and decided he couldn't resist.

"Having a little trouble with your harem, Luke?" he snorted. "Guess they're right about not shitting where you eat. Looks like this one doesn't like waiting his turn."

Gage lunged blindly at Cain. His pride was too hurt for him to consider the fact that Cain outweighed him by twenty five pounds. Luke struggled to pull them apart, albeit with some extra effort, and positioned himself between the two. His patience with Gage was wearing thin; he didn't like being embarrassed on his turf, yet he couldn't help enjoying Gage's jealous display.

"You must be losing your touch," Cain chided Luke. "Looks like you've been way too lenient..."

Gage lunged again for Cain, managing to catch Luke's jaw with his elbow. Luke was using everything he had to hold Gage back and then struck upon a way to save face and humiliate Gage all at the same time.

Luke pushed Gage by the throat onto a nearby low table and held him down despite his struggles and torrent of swearing, the growing pain in his jaw fueling Luke's anger. Cain seemed startled, at first thinking Luke meant to strangle Gage. Luke grabbed at Gage's crotch, getting a handful of cock and balls, holding and squeezing so tight Gage cried out. Cain moved cautiously closer to the table for a better view.

Luke yanked Gage's jeans to his ankles, leaving him exposed to the room, his legs dangling off the edge of the table at the knees. Gage felt a rush of embarrassment as he remembered he was wearing the plug. He had never felt this vulnerable. He started struggling full force again kicking at Luke and trying to sit up so he could hop off the table. Luke slammed his head hard and pinned him, pressing his hands once again over Luke's throat and piercing his eyes with his own. Gage could see he was angry but his eyes also had that glazed look they always got when Luke's desire for him started to get out of control.

Luke practically suffocated him with his mouth, forcing his tongue as deeply as he could manage it, subduing him with the sheer force of his desire, rubbing roughly at Gage's cock. Gage's struggling soon calmed as his need overcame him. A loud deep grunting noise escaped his lips. He was becoming overwhelmed with the pain, pleasure and frustration that converged on him all at once.

"Don't you move," Luke instructed menacingly. Gage turned his head and tried to look around the dim room to see how much of an audience they were attracting. Luke cupped his chin and jerked Gage's focus back to him. He pushed three fingers as far into Luke's mouth as he could and pulled them out slowly, again forcing deep, urgent kisses onto his lips. He ripped Gage's shirt and began pawing his body with his gloved hands. Gage started to whimper and squirm beneath him, now fully hard.

Cain felt his own cock straining in its codpiece which he wore with leather chaps. "He's beautiful." He reached out to touch Gage as you would a friend's shiny new car.

"Back off," Luke huffed as he continued to paw at his prey. "This is between him and me."

"C'mon, you forget how to share?" Cain smirked, never lifting his gaze off of Gage's writhing body. "For old time's sake?"

Luke reconsidered and nodded a go-ahead at Cain, deciding he could provide further humiliation for Gage. Cain eyed Gage's erect nipples, rising and falling as he panted. Men were always fascinated by them. Though not large, they shot up off his well-developed pecs like pencil erasers, begging to be tortured. Cain pinched the left one as hard as he could. Gage cried out and started bucking his hips.

"Oh yeah, so sensitive," Cain hissed. "You should get him pierced," Cain raked his thumbnail over Gage's reddened nipple. He lapped at first one then the other before settling his teeth against the left, grinding Gage rougher than Luke ever had. Gage cried out and wriggled futilely as Luke held him down. Cain then pulled his mouth away and applied a set of nipple clamps joined by a chain. Gage screamed but his cock betrayed him, and instantly wept out a thick stream of juice.

"Jesus does he always get this wet?" Cain was amazed at Gage's prolific leak.

"Only with me," Luke boasted and removed his gloves, smearing his fingertips with the fluid, offering Cain a taste before taking one himself. Cain groaned and started to stroke his own cock through its leather encasement. Luke's throbbing organ was growing impatient. He moved around toward Gage's head, pulled it so that it was partially hanging off the table and took his own cock, dripping, from his jeans, rubbing the tip at Gage's lips. Cain fitted Gage with a ball stretcher. Luke liked the feel of Gage's wailing mouth so close to his cock.

Luke's breathing was getting labored. "This what you want?" he purred as he pushed himself slowly into Gage's hungry mouth. "Yeah, suck me hard." Gage's animal noises were growing louder and soon a crowd of men was surrounding them. Cain became fascinated with the plug in Gage's ass and started wiggling it inside him as Gage sucked Luke. Gage felt himself moving to the brink. He was crazed with animal lust; the taste of Luke's urgent cock, the pain in his nipples and balls and now his hole, already giving way from wearing the plug for several hours, was screaming to be filled. Cain lapped at Gage's stretched balls while working the plug, then pulled a length of thin leather cord from his back pocket.

"Let's see if I remember how to do this," Cain mused. "Little trick I picked up in Thailand." Cain focused intently on intricately binding Gage's cock with the rope, winding it back and forth, leaving only the angry, reddening tip exposed. Gage wanted to cry out but knew he couldn't dare move his head away when Luke wanted to be sucked. "Oh yeah," Cain hissed. "Let's see how bad he wants it," indicating to Luke that he wanted to pull out the plug. Luke nodded, taking his cock from Gage's mouth with a loud slurp, letting him work his balls while he stroked himself over Gage's face. He pulled hard on the nipple clamps, his balls muffling Gage's whimpering.

Cain unceremoniously pulled out the plug. "Mmmm., man, Luke you gotta see this," Cain gushed.

Luke walked around and eyed Gage's hole. "Oh god, babe," he breathed. Gage was wider than he'd ever been before with Luke. His perfect puckered pink orifice was gaping like a mouth and slick with his cock juice.

Luke became mesmerized by the site of Gage's widened hole and bound, straining cock. "Hold him down," Luke instructed Cain, who held Gage's arms down fast against the table. Luke began rubbing the tip of Gage's cock back and forth with his finger, then pushed into the oozing slit with his tongue. Gage was near tears. He lost all track of time and space. His vision blurred. He felt several hands running over his body - there was no way to tell how many or whose -- strangers' hands, pulling at his tit clamps, rubbing his belly. One man removed a clamp from Gage's nipple and bit into it as the feeling returned. Cain had to push extra hard against Gage's arms to keep him down on the table as the pain shot through him, making him buck like a horse.

"Need a beer?" Cain winked at Luke, a shorthand for a trick he'd seen Luke perform on slaves from time to time. Luke carefully unbound Gage's impossibly red cock, now twitching and bobbing in the air, desperate for his touch. He grinned widely and grabbed his now warm beer from under the table, taking a long swig. He held it in his mouth, pulled a nearby stool up to the table, sat and bent toward Gage's gaping fuckbud. He slowly spit beer inside of him, sucking it back out.

The sensation made Gage shudder so much that Luke reached up, concerned, to stroke his stomach. "Easy." Gage calmed and breathed deeper, and Luke repeated himself, pushing another mouthful of beer inside him and sucked it out, sucking extra hard on Gage's outer rim. He looked up at Gage. His eyes, like something wild yet so full of trust, almost overwhelmed Luke in that moment, but he kept his head.

"I want to fuck him," Cain's request sounded more like a dare. "You think he can take me?" Cain's cock was over 9 inches long and thicker than Luke's. Luke pulled Gage up and made him walk, jeans still dangling from one foot, across to what looked to Gage like a pummel horse. Gage's knees were weak. Luke had to hold him steady. He bent him over the contraption and secured both wrists. He then walked behind him and shoved three fingers inside him. Gage moaned.

"He's still real tight," Luke smirked at Cain. "You'll have to go slow...."

"Fuck you!" Gage was struggling to protest, a sheen of sweat coating his body. He pulled uselessly at his restraints. Luke fashioned a makeshift gag out of Cain's bandanna, pulling it tight against Gage's mouth so that he could only make muffled cries.

Luke removed his black leather belt and walked around to where Gage could see it. "Then you're gonna have to take this. Remember this?"

Gage looked at the belt with both fear and longing, his moans becoming more pleading as Luke rubbed it against his face.

"You need this don't you?" Luke growled.

"Mmmmmmmmmm," Gage broke Luke's gaze, ashamed of just how much he did need it, and the fact that Luke knew.

"Spread you legs wider," Luke commanded, rubbing Gage's ass and toying with his hole. Cain was mesmerized. He hadn't seen Luke in action with a belt or whip in a long while.

Luke brought the belt down hard against Gage's asscheeks. His face was expressionless, determined. Each thwack elicited a muffled groan from under the gag. "Stay still. Good boy," Luke urged as he continued to methodically whip Gage, now aiming directly at his hole. Gage cried out louder and bucked forward with each blow, his hole puckering closed then opening again. Luke stopped momentarily to trace it with his thumb. Cain had released his cock and was now stroking it furiously. Gage was too overwhelmed to cry out, instead panting loudly like he'd just run 10 miles, humping his desperately dripping cock against the apparatus he was fastened to.

"That's it. Take it for me," Luke pummeled the backs of his legs and the very top of his ass, until red lines were clearly visible. He then knelt at Gage's twitching hole like it was an alter and lapped at it, fucking him deeply with his tongue.

"Oh god," Cain was close to cumming. He continued stroking himself to the site of Luke torturing Gage's ass with his mouth, spewing his load on the ground near the two men. The smell of fresh cum was bringing Gage to the brink.

Luke rose suddenly, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Show's over," he said to no one in particular, unhooking Gage's arms. Cain looked surprised but said nothing. Gage started whimpering and pleading with Luke when the gag was removed. Luke shoved Gage's jacket in front of his impossibly hard cock as he struggled to pull up his jeans, walking him out through the bar in a final act of humiliation.

Gage was dazed as Luke started the car. His cock and ass were throbbing, and Luke at this point had to be desperate for release. What the fuck was Luke doing? Gage was too far gone to think clearly. He had never been more aroused or confused, yet the more he thought, the more his confusion quickly melded into anger, slowly squeezing his desire out of him like a sponge. There was a long silence. "You were going to let him, weren't you?" he said softly. "You were gonna let him fuck me." There was hurt and disgust in his expression.

Luke shot him a harsh glare but remained silent.

"Fuck this. I can't do this anymore."

Luke abruptly pulled his truck off the road. They were about a mile from his house near a wooded area. He turned off into a clearing until the truck was no longer visible from the road.

"Get out," Luke's tone was harsh. Gage looked around the darkness pierced only by the headlights on Luke's truck. "Get out!" Gage reluctantly stepped out. Luke slammed his door shut and moved around to Gage's side, pinning him against the truck before he had a chance to speak.

"Maybe you just can't handle being shown a side to yourself you're not ready to accept," Luke hissed, pressing himself tightly against Gage's trembling body. Gage's jeans were still unzipped, his semi hard dick fully exposed. "Is that why you're shaking?"

Gage felt like a cornered animal desperate for escape. The truck was so cold against his naked back, but Luke's smell and voice were quickly bringing his cock back to diamond hard. He turned his head to avoid Luke's attempt to stroke his face.

"Is that what I get for giving you what you want? I told you I know you." Luke's eyes trailed over Gage's body. "Cain was right, you are beautiful." He ran his hand down Gage's torso, stopping just above his pubes, then ran it beneath his jeans to his still red hot asscheeks. Gage winced under Luke's touch.

"Still sore, baby?" Luke pressed himself tighter against Gage, the heat between the two men becoming palpable in the night air. Luke released his enraged cock and pressed it against Gage's. He moved Gage's hand down to stroke it. "You feel what you do to me? You think I'd let anyone else have you? They all wanted you, but it's just us now, isn't it?"

He turned Gage to face the truck, pressing against Gage's back, speaking softly into his ear. He traced his cock up and down along Gage's crack. "You don't have to be scared of it, because it's me," Luke continued. "And I'd kill anyone who tries to take what's mine."

The desperate need so long delayed was overtaking them both. Luke reached past Gage into the truck bed, yanking out a thick horse blanket and tossing it onto the ground. He pulled Gage down onto it, positioning him on his back.

"You were so good tonight," Luke beamed down at Gage while undressing himself, then pulled Gage's jeans and boots off. "You made me proud." Luke removed the leather cord at Gage's neck, kissing and tonguing his bare throat. "I wanted you so bad. I almost held out too long......"

Gage lifted his chin as high as he could and moaned softly. He never felt as naked as when the necklace was gone. There was a deep ache welling up in him he didn't fully understand. "How did you know? How did you know I'd respond the way I have?"

"I always knew," Luke raised Gage's legs over his shoulders and pushed easily into him, his hole offering little resistance. Both men were grunting as the tip of Luke's cock massaged and burned Gage's insides. He knew it wouldn't be long for either of them. "Oh god, fuck me. I need you so much," Gage groaned. Luke stroked Gage's cock as he pistoned into him with long, deep strokes. They became so loud he was glad they were well back from the road. They bit and tore at each other's flesh, mouths and hands trying to stave a cavernous hunger. Luke started spanking Gage's ass hard as he pounded into him.

"I love.........," Luke stopped himself and kissed Gage's gaping mouth, his tongue warm and wet, moving in rhythm to his thrusts. "I love the way you feel." Gage's orgasm overtook him. He shuddered and clawed at Luke as he came, triggering Luke's cock to purge itself in his gut. Gage felt the past several hours' evaporating from him like sweat off his skin as Luke pumped the last of himself into him, rocking him so hard they almost slid off the blanket onto the gravel.

"Stay inside," Gage whispered softly. Luke collapsed onto him in a heap of exhaustion, remaining buried to his balls in his lover. There was little noise save their breathing and the occasional distant whir of a car. Gage stroked Luke's hair and looked up through the black, snake-like tree branches that spread like a grid over the night sky.

After a few minutes, Luke pulled out of Gage's limp body slowly and without a sound gently rolled him over. He began softly rubbing Gage's still-red ass. His soothing touch brought a low humming noise from Gage. Encouraged, he kneaded harder, pulling Gage up on all fours and spreading him wide so he could see his glistening, reddened hole and his own cum making its way out of him. Gage was exhausted yet pushed back toward Luke, spreading his legs wider.

"Hold still," Luke whispered. Gage's breathing was getting faster. He looked back at Luke in confusion and all-encompassing desire. Luke spread him still wider and with great precision started lapping up and sucking himself out of him, slowly at first, then rougher as the scent and taste overtook him. Gage shuddered and cried out, an odd, high-pitched primitive noise he didn't recognize as his own. His tortured cock once again grew rigid.

"That's it baby," Luke said. "Nobody can hear you. Give it to me."

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