
By moc.loa@732waltuO

Published on Oct 30, 2002


Copyright 2002 Feedback to

Disclaimer: The following characters are completely fictitious, and as such, don't have to wear condoms.

Gage and Luke

"Stop acting like a silly faggot and get your ass over here." Luke's voice over the phone reminded Gage of the way he'd addressed his slave.

"Fuck off." Gage hung up, and wondered if Luke would pick up on the wounded pride his voice so desperately tried to hide. He hadn't spoken to Luke since their night together. That was his typical m.o. - when the confusion got too heavy, when he felt he'd been played for a fool - Gage hunkered down. Unfortunately his cock refused to play along. He got hard every time he thought about his night with Luke, stroking himself 'til he was dry - feeling Luke inside him, taking him. But he saw this as a tug of war and he had been pulled farther than he liked - much farther.

Luke hadn't been accommodating, though, and after more than a week of his bullshit, Gage had had enough - enough of Luke showing up at the local park where Gage often played basketball, threatening to grab his cock and shove his tongue down his throat in front of the mostly straight strangers Gage was playing with. Gage was out to friends and family, but Luke knew in these situations he was more cautious. He'd had enough of the insulting voicemails and (successful) attempts at getting him hard at work, mostly via email, and more than once on his pager when he was out with friends. By the time he pulled up in Luke's driveway he was seething.

There was no answer at the door, but Gage heard rumbling in the back yard and figured Luke was working - he was always building something. He liked living out in the middle of nowhere with the nearest house a mile down. It made some of his more skittish tricks less fearful of being seen. The yard was full of mud patches from the rain over the last 2 days, and the dirt hole left after Luke had some dead trees uprooted had become a mud pit. From a distance it looked like movie quick sand.

That familiar grin of Luke's - the 'fuck yeah, let's play' look - spread over his face as soon as he saw Gage heading toward him. Of course this is what he'd hoped for all along, setting a good trap and Gage walking into it. He knew if he pushed Gage far enough he'd eventually come (and cum) for him. Poor Gage, he thought. He actually thinks he can get rid of me, thinks he wants to get rid of me.

"Well, look who's here. I knew you couldn't stay away."

"Cut the shit." Gage was having none of Luke's attempts at keeping things light. "You're pathetic. A guy's not willing to lick your boots, just lay down for you like your fucking slaves, you can't handle it."

"Well as I recall you liked laying down for me. On your back, legs wrapped around me, takin it....."

"Enough!" Gage cut him off. Gage's anger didn't stop him from noticing how good Luke looked in his jeans and work boots, and hoped Luke wouldn't notice him stealing looks at his substantial package. "That's not going to happen again. You can stalk me all you want but it's not. What's it going to take for that to sink in?" Luke took off his work gloves and walked closer to Gage, getting in his face, yet Gage was undeterred. "But then you're not used to hearing no. You make sure you won't have to by surrounding yourself with desperate masochistic fucks who can't get off unless you humiliate 'em."

"Well at least they're honest about what they want. They're not ashamed of it, not trying to run from it."

"You don't know shit about what I want. Take away your whips and all the bullshit rules, and what's left? You're all alike. All that shit keeps you from having to get close to anyone. You think those fucks who come around here give a rat's ass about you? They're just using you."

Something snapped inside Luke. It had been welling up in him for too long. Gage saw his eyes and immediately regretted it. Eyes he had seen so many times warm and dancing, filled with wanting, piercing into him while his cock was doing the same, were now filled with rage and hurt. Luke's eyes were like a dog's right before he bites you, but there was no reaction time. Luke backhanded Gage so hard he fell back into the mud hole.

It took Gage a second to process what had happened, but soon his face was burning like a match had been held to it. He tried to right himself but slipped, getting even more mud on himself, which Luke found amusing. "You pitiful little cocksucker." Luke let out a sinister laugh and Gage felt like he was back on the 3rd grade playground, feeling that white-hot mix of anger and embarrassment, knowing Luke had held back. If he hadn't Gage would be unconscious right now.

Finally getting to his feet he crossed to the taller Luke and went for his gut, half punching, half shouldering him like football players during practice, and both men fell hard. Gage rose with his fist pulled back but Luke was too strong; Luke pushed him onto his back and the two started wrestling, struggling to keep from getting pinned in the muck. Luke managed to get Gage's arms pinned long enough to straddle him, his hands closing on his throat. The grip wasn't tight enough to cut off the air supply, but was sufficient to control him. Luke pulled him forward violently then shoved him back down into the earth, over and over again, plopping the back of his head into the dirt stew. Gage couldn't believe his strength.

"You stupid fucking prick! What's the matter with you?" Luke shouted. Gage could see the confusion in Luke's face and suddenly felt very self-conscious. He didn't really have an answer. "Answer me!"

"You just don't get it, do you," Gage's voice had lowered and he looked away, still struggling to free himself and trying to catch his breath. "Just leave me the fuck alone." Sensing Gage was giving way, Luke released his neck and held him pinned by the wrists. Both men were covered in mud.

"Did I get to you? Huh? Is that what happened? Somebody finally get to the mighty Gage?" Luke raked a mud-coated finger against Gage's mouth making sure to shove some in. Gage spat it back at him and struggled harder. Gage hated him so much in that moment, but hated even more how good Luke's heat felt against his stomach. The mud had started to seep through Gage's shirt.

"Awww, is that all you got?" Luke hissed. "You disappoint me. Daddy spoiled you just a little too much, eh?"

"Fuck you!" The frustration in Gage was starting to swallow him whole but he struggled to stay calm, knowing Luke enjoyed seeing him out of control. "What do you know about it? You don't even have a father."

"No but I got you," Luke said it so matter of factly as one would state the color of the sky. "Been eating away at you, hasn't it?" Luke clasped both of Gage's wrists in one hand and began rubbing Gage's cock through the muddied denim. Gage squirmed to free himself but Luke tightened his vice grip. "How many times have you cum thinking about it? Huh? You probably ran out of cum feeling me fucking you," Luke was practically whispering now, his lips curling into a snarl. "Didn't you?"

Gage turned away and closed his eyes tight. If he could just squeeze them tight enough Luke would disappear, like a bad dream. Maybe it was all a dream. He'd dreamed of Luke so many times since that night it was hard to keep the dreams separate from reality, all blurring into haze, like a steamed mirror. But the ache in his cock was all too real.

"You remember? How intense it was? You were so open to me." Luke unbuttoned Gage's fly and yanked down on his waistband. He grinned when he discovered Gage wasn't wearing underwear. He grabbed a hunk of wet dirt and shoved it down the front of Gage's jeans. Gage winced at its unexpected coldness.

"How long after we fucked could you feel me inside you? You can still feel me can't you?," Luke continued, rubbing the mud roughly against Gage's cock, eliciting a low grumbling noise from deep in Gage's throat. Gage had so much mud on his face his eyes practically glowed in the twilight. It caked his hair and had fallen into the shirt he wore with the top 2 buttons open. Luke was itching to see his flesh.

"Filling you, so deep inside. Touching you where no one else has," Gage's head was thrown back, his cock rock hard, his breathing labored. He could feel himself losing control again. Luke yanked down harder on Gage's jeans, pulling his cock free, bathing it in mud that was quickly slicking with precum. "I made you cum from the inside." The roughness of the mud was sweet agony on Gage's swollen organ. "I didn't even have to touch your cock. Remember? You came so hard for me." Luke greased Gage's balls with mud and made a couple of attempts at ripping his shirt before it gave way. "Just me." He let up his grip on Gage's wrists and held him down with both hands on his chest, pushing forward putting more weight on his own arms. "You begged me. Have you forgotten already? Begged me to fuck you."

Gage was moaning, thrusting his hips up at Luke. The mud had started to dry on Gage's chest. He could feel it tightening, making his nipples hard. Luke stroked fresh wet sludge against Gage's nipples with his thumbs, pinching them hard, dragging his thumbnails over them making Gage's cock jump. "Aaaaaaaaa," Gage tried to push himself up on his elbows. If he'd gotten that far he wasn't sure if he'd try to kiss Luke or punch him, but he didn't. Luke kept his weight firmly pressed onto him, rubbing the mud hard up from his belly to his pecs like he was kneading dough. He had no intention of letting him go. Luke's eyes had started to look warm again, Gage noticed. Warm and lusty. He managed to get Gage's jeans down around his knees, and slapped a huge handful of mud against his crotch, matting his pubes.

"You don't ooze like this for anyone but me." Luke had begun to sound like he was running on a treadmill when he spoke. "Look at you." He grabbed another fistful of mud and packed it against Gage's ass crack, rubbing it back and forth against the puckered hole. The grainy texture was maddening. "You going to stop fighting me?" Gage was thrusting so wildly Luke had to struggle to slow him, dry humping his own raging cock still trapped in his jeans against Gage's nakedness. The roughness of the denim plus the mud made Gage cry out. "Oooh't......."

Luke muffled his cry with his own mouth, biting his lower lip, tasting the bitterness of the mud, putting all his weight on Gage. Gage tried resisting but his tongue betrayed him, lapping at Luke's like a thirsty man takes to water, trying to drink him in. Luke pulled back to read his victim's fixed stare into his eyes. Gage was motionless save the rise and fall of his chest, rapidly sucking air in and out through his mouth, his eyes wild. Satisfied that he was temporarily subdued, Luke moved down to remove Gage's hiking boots. "I don't want anything on you but dirt," Luke smirked as he pulled off the boots, then the jeans. "And me."

For a split second, Luke turned his eyes off Gage to toss his boots and jeans far enough to make it harder for Gage to find them in the growing darkness. Gage lept to life in what he knew was his only opportunity, scrambling to his feet and lunging at Luke, toppling him, trying his best to choke him. But his arousal had weakened him. Luke lay still on his back, Gage's hands wrapped around his throat. He sensed Gage's hesitation.

"You want to choke ME?," he taunted. "You don't have the balls. Do it. DO IT!" The rage had returned to Luke's eyes. Gage loosened his grip briefly then squeezed tighter again. Gage's eyes were desperate, and now Luke could see it was not he Gage was fighting. Gage was fighting himself.

Luke slowly raised his hand and placed it on Gage's mud-caked thigh, moving it toward his angry erection. "Is that what you want? To hurt me?" He gripped its base gently and very slowly slid his grip up the shaft. Gage groaned and tightened his hold.

"Let go," Gage muttered, trying to back his hips away from Luke's grasp. Luke's eyes never left his. He stroked harder.

"You know when I touch your cock, it's like I'm touching my own. I know just how to touch you. I know you, Gage. I know what you need. Why can't you let me give it to you?" He moved his hand up and rubbed Gage's faint treasure trail up and down, tracing his appendectomy scar from when he was a teenager. Gage tried to lunge back out of Luke's reach while still keeping his hands on him.

"What do you want from me?" Gage's gaze was steely but Luke could see the sadness underneath.


Gage closed his eyes and slowly opened them searching Luke's face. He wasn't sure what for. He marveled at how Luke was being with him - like the wolf that could rip your throat out, choosing instead to roll over and let you touch it. He loosened his hold on Luke's throat, sliding his right hand up to rub his thumb across Luke's mouth, pushing into it like a curious child who's found something he can't quite identify. He began to paw it harder, wiping the mud away with his fingers. He bent forward, his tongue licking away the rest of the mud, pulling back to tease Luke. Luke's patience was fading. He grabbed Gage's hair and pulled him down, onto his back, and held him fast, fucking his mouth with his tongue, pushing as far as he could into him.

Luke paused taking in the site of his prey naked, covered in a thin layer of dried and drying mud. "Mmmm it's all over you," Luke groaned as he sucked Gage's neck, moving down to bite his nipple. Gage's cries were getting louder. Luke rose up to he knees and pulled his own shirt off, letting Gage see the mud caked on his massive frame, matted into the fuzz on his pecs. Gage whimpered and reached up for one of Luke's tender nipples, who rewarded him by dipping low enough for him to lick the mud off it. Luke growled; his hands were all over Gage - running up and down his body, pawing his balls, fingering his crack. "Ugh, want you so bad," Luke breathed.

"Shit! Goddamnit, Toby!" Luke's bark startled Gage out of his fog, and he realized he hadn't felt Luke's young Doberman pissing on him, on his left side near his ribs and his left arm. It's warmth felt soothing. "Should have done that myself," Luke smirked, moving up and off Gage. "Guess he's jealous."

"Did you get to him too?"

"No. You're the only dog I need to fuck."

Gage moved to get up, his stubborn cock refusing to budge, and was abruptly stopped by Luke's boot on his chest. "Stay. Gooood dog." This was like one of those dreams where you wake up but can't move, Gage thought to himself, a cloudy mixture of real and unreal. Everything in him was saying flee, but his body wouldn't let him.

Luke walked toward the house. The porch light came on, casting a faint yellow glow out into the yard, it's edge nudging the mudhole. Gage felt like a fool, but oddly enough, safe. Luke returned with the garden hose already putting out a good stream, and took aim at Gage, rinsing the piss and mud off his crotch and torso. "There. Now I can taste you," Luke tossed the hose aside and went to kneel by Gage, noticing he had started to shiver. "Too cold for ya?" Luke teased.

"Fuck this. Where are my clothes?" The cold water had brought Gage to feeling more like his old self. He'd had enough. Luke shrugged, and stood motionless as Gage brushed angrily past him toward the house, looking around in vain for his clothes. Gage was feeling shame in his nakedness; his legs were weak.

Once inside Gage went immediately to the bathroom and got in the shower. The heat felt even better than expected against his tired muscles. Taking his anger reluctantly with it, the mud began fleeing his skin, puddling at his feet in a brown soup. Blood from a few scrapes earned in the scuffle trickled down as well. He soaped his body, running his hands over his flesh, imagining how he must feel to Luke.

The soap's scent was familiar, he had noticed it on Luke before. Bathing himself in Luke's smell made his cock throb. He could still taste Luke, still smell him. And now his ass was betraying him, aching to be filled. He leaned back against the tile, closed his eyes and began to jack his begging cock, fingering his own hole. Images flashed in his mind - Luke's cock, his mouth, his eyes, his heaving chest, the veins that snake down his forearms. He remembered Luke savagely flogging the slave, and imagined being whipped by him, fucked by him up on all fours, collared and leashed by him.......

Luke was watching. He could make Gage out behind the opaque sliding door of the shower. Naked but still mud soaked, he began to stroke himself. His cock was like lead. He smiled knowing Gage had enjoyed himself more than he wanted Luke to know. He liked getting inside Gage's head almost as much as his ass.

"Having a good time?" Startled, Gage wiped the steam off the shower door. He couldn't read Luke's face but could see he was naked. Luke moved into the shower, pushing Gage aside to step into the stream, rinsing himself clean. Gage admired his powerful back, firm ass and strong legs while Luke finished his shower as if Gage wasn't there. Motherfucking son of a bitch, Gage seethed. Another game, another attempt to teach me a lesson. He was always playing Luke's game, but Luke couldn't play alone. Yeah, fuck him. He can't play alone. Though still soapy he moved to slide the shower door and exit when suddenly Luke whipped around, pushed Gage under the shower against the tile, grabbing a fist full of his balls. Gage cried out and Luke pushed his hand over his mouth, muzzling him.

"Mmmmmmmmpppphhhffffffffffuuuuuuckkk......" Luke could feel Gage's anger against his palm as he tried to spit out a torrent of obscenities.

"I think you missed a spot," Luke hissed, tightening his grip on Gage's sac. "I also think you need to calm the fuck down." Gage's eyes were like fire. "You calm?" he asked pulling down on Gage's balls. Gage tightened his eyes shut and nodded, moaning a muffled 'yes'. "Good boy." Luke slowly loosened his grip and left the shower, draping a white towel at his waist. Gage noticed Luke's erection was gone and felt strangely disappointed.

"You're not in much shape to be driving," Luke spoke to him like a parent. "Waaaaaay too much anger. What's it like carrying all that around all the time?" Gage stayed silent.

"Take the guest room; sweats in the dresser," Luke said as he tipped his head toward the hall. He studied Gage's face briefly. "Guess you see me as an enemy after all." Gage wanted to speak, wanted to explain he simply couldn't give Luke what he wanted, but thought better of it. He was at last alone - his balls ached, his head ached, his cock finally going flaccid. Just one night, he thought to himself. Tomorrow he could leave Luke's house, Luke's life; leave him behind. Just like you've left them all behind, a voice in his head nudged.

Gage pulled a T-shirt and sweats from the dresser drawer as Luke had instructed. They were Luke's. They smelled like Luke. Again his cock sprang to attention as he pulled them on, but he was too tired to give it attention. He got into bed and started drifting off, happy to be warm and clean. Yeah, just one night. He could deal with that.

Several hours later, Gage was dreaming. Luke's hands were running along his legs, his mouth nibbling his inner thighs, licking and biting the tender flesh where the leg joins the body. He felt a mouth sucking his bulge through cloth, making him ache. Gage stirred, coming out of his slumber just enough to reach for his hardening cock. He felt hair - it was Luke's head. Still in a sleepy fog he pushed against it, testing its realness. "Luke?" he managed to whisper.

This was no dream. Luke became more aggressive, mouthing him through the sweats until they were soaked through with cockdrool. Luke roughly pulled them off, awakening Gage enough to see that Luke was nude, sprawled on his stomach between Gage's legs. Luke began kissing Gage's balls, gently, quietly, slowly, licking and fondling them as if in silent praise, brushing his nose across them letting them rest on it's bridge, biting lightly on the skin between his balls and ass. "Ooooh fuck.... ," Gage was moaning loudly, and reached for his own now straining cock. Luke took his hand, stopping him, taking Gage's cock, squeezing it's thickness, watching the precum dribble down the back of his hand.

Luke lapped at Gage's cock, running his tongue slowly from base to tip, nipping and kissing up and down the shaft while Gage quickly removed his T-shirt. "Mmmmmm, suck me," Gage begged. But Luke stayed silent, using his entire body to pleasure him, rubbing his legs against Gage's legs, his feet against Gage's feet, his belly against the tip of Gage's oozing cock. Luke moved up silently and devoured Gage's open mouth, who offered no resistance. Luke then turned on his side, positioning his cock near Gage's mouth, and the two men began the 69 ritual they had performed a few times before.

Luke groaned loudly upon first entering Gage's mouth. He worked Gage's cock until the tip hit the back of his throat, struggling against his need for air as long as he could. Gage fondled Luke's ass while he sucked him, running his finger along his crack, tracing his hole. Gage was wild with raw desire; he felt the need to taste every part of Luke welling inside him.

Luke shifted, sitting up and straddling Gage's face, facing away from him. He had never allowed Gage inside him, not even a finger or tongue. Yet now he offered his ass for Gage to taste, pumping furiously at his own cock. Gage circled Luke's hole slowly with the tip of his tongue, eliciting a cry from Luke that could have been mistaken for pain. He lapped hungrily at Luke's ass, like a dog licking his master's face, wetting it, reaching around pulling Luke's hand off his own cock, replacing it with his own. As Gage stroked Luke, he plunged his tongue as deeply into him as he could, pistoning it in and out. Luke was panting, steadying himself by reaching his hands back and bracing against the mattress, grinding against Gage's face.

"Stop....stop.....don't want to cum yet..." Luke turned to face Gage and once again sprawled on top of him, kissing him so deeply Gage felt like he might suffocate, tasting himself on Gage's mouth. The two stayed eye to eye though their faces were too close to register more than a blur. Gage felt the intensity getting out of control and grabbed a handful of Luke's hair, pulling on it and biting down on Luke's lower lip. Luke grunted in pain and squeezed Gage's cock tight enough to make him wince, then loosened his grip to a slow stroke. "Eaaaasy," he whispered. "Easy."

Luke suckled and bit on Gage's nipples making him bellow like a wounded bull. His mouth moved down to Gage's abdominal scar, pushing his tongue strongly against it, tracing it's length. Gage's hand instinctively went to Luke's head to push him away, but Luke was unrelenting. Gage slowly tucked his hand back and stroked Luke's hair - another sign of his surrender and trust.

Luke slid further down to lap softly at two of the cuts on Gage's knee he'd caused when they fought. Then his mouth found Gage's hole. He lapped at it greedily, pushing easily inside, impaling him. A task he had once assigned to a slave, as if it were menial, Luke was now eagerly doing himself. But this was different. The slave's ministrations had felt rote and disconnected; Luke was making love to him. Gage was now moaning loudly on every exhale, offering himself freely, pushing his ass against Luke's tongue. His hard nipples, tweaked off and on by Luke, rising with his breathing. Luke started to speak against Gage's hole, his hot breath whispering against it like you would an ear.

"You taste so good, baby. Soooo good." He alternated licking with kissing Gage's opening, and continued to talk against it.. "So, you never answered me. How long after I fucked you did you feel me inside you? Tell me."

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, all night," Gage was so aroused he was shivering.

"How many times did you cum?"

"Mmmmmmm, three. Three."

Luke started sucking on Gage's puckered ass, gently at first, then harder like you would a straw in a thick milkshake. "Have you let anyone fuck you since me?"

"No," Gage whimpered. He had started making the same animal sounds Luke had heard when the slave was tongue fucking him before.

"Has anyone touched you?" Luke panted "Touched your cock?"

"Just me." Gage turned to half bury his face in the pillow. A tear slid down his left cheek. If Luke noticed, he didn't let on. Luke took his attention from Gage's begging ass, making him whimper. Luke's cock was desperate for release. He raised up pausing to look at Gage, breathing his scent, feeling him squirm beneath him. Gage could sense how urgent Luke's desire had become. The naked longing on Luke's face was unsettling. Gage turned his head, and his body followed, moving to roll over, offering his ass to Luke. He wanted to be taken this way, needing to give himself completely.

"Want to see you," Luke ordered, pulling Gage back onto his back.


"Not yet..........," Luke pushed his thumb as far into Gage's hungry mouth as he could. Gage sucked it desperately. Kneeling astride Gage, Luke reached up and removed the black leather cord he wore around his neck, now moist with his sweat, and raked it across his soaked cock. He fastened it at Gage's throat, rubbing his thumb across it and Gage's flesh.

"I don't want you to take this off. Only I get to. And next time I do I'm going to tie it around your cock."

Gage moaned and reached for Luke's swollen purple cock head, but Luke kept him at bay with 2 fingers worming up his ass. "It's light, you won't remember it's there most of the time, but whenever you see it or feel it, I want you to feel me, to remember this - remember when I first....." Luke stopped himself before finishing, but Gage knew what he was going to say, what he meant. This was no casual fuck, no 'scene' like before. And Gage realized that this was just as difficult for Luke as it had been for him; there were after all, no props, no lashes, boots or whips.

"Ooooooooh, pleaaaaaase....." Gage begged pitifully, as Luke snaked three fingers exageratedly slow in and out of his aching hole, rubbing the finger of the other hand back and forth over Gage's soaked piss slit.

"Please what?"

"Mmmmm, let me......."

"Let you cum?"

"Uuuuuuugh" Gage was frantically trying to roll over now, to escape Luke's Chinese-water-torture light stroking on his cock tip. Luke didn't stop him as he flipped onto his belly, instead pulling him up on all fours.

"Wider," Luke spread Gage's legs further apart, exposing his gaping hole. The precum had slid down his crack making it glisten. "Stroke your cock"

Gage groaned in disbelief but reluctantly followed Luke's commands. He was so close but didn't want to cum until Luke was inside him.

"Stop," Luke ordered. Gage began whimpering like a child. Luke touched the swollen mushroom head of his cock to Gage's hole, rubbing his back and ass cheeks. "I'm gonna give you want you want."

"Fuuuck! Do it!" Gage angrily panted. Luke slid just the tip inside, holding it there. Gage tried to back further onto it but Luke pulled back, then reached around to pinch Gage's nipples punishingly hard. Gage cried out. "More......more."

Luke stayed still, keeping just the tip in, feeling Gage shudder, he hole clamping so tight on it, then pulled his cock from Gage's body. It jerked and throbbed in protest. Luke was struggling to keep control, but his ragged breathing gave him away. Gage turned to look at him, wild and confused, and angry. Luke rolled him over on his back, making him lie in the wet from his own cock. Gage was pawing at him, trying to pull him onto the raw highway of nerves he didn't even recognize anymore as his own body.

"Told you I wanted to see you." Luke quickly positioned Gage's legs up over his shoulders and held Gage's arms down like he had in the mud. His cock once again found its warm, wet home. He plunged into Gage as hard as he could, no lube, no waiting. He drove deep up to his balls, sending a hot shot of pain and unbearable pleasure through Gage. He fucked him like an animal, like his cock was trying to pull him inside out as you would a sock. "Cum for me. Cum for me now. You denied me for so long."

Luke's cock was stretching Gage, filling him, until Gage's cock relented. One final slam against his spot sent thick ropes of cum spewing and clinging onto Luke's fuzzy chest and taut belly. When the cum hit him, Luke's balls pulled up tighter and his own climax overtook him, shaking him as he kept up his rhythm in Gage's ass, feeling it tug on his impossibly tender flesh, gutting Gage with his spunk.

He stayed inside Luke, even as he was softening, pulling out only after he'd rubbed Gage's jizz into his own pecs, his nipples, his belly. He lay beside Gage and rubbed a cum soaked hand against Gage's abdomen and reddened nipples, pushing his fingers against Gage's mouth as he came down, making him suck himself off of them. He nipped and bit at the cord he's placed at Gage's throat, pulling at it his with his teeth.

"I won't take it off," Gage whispered, a final reassurance though now Luke needed none. "Only with you." Gage liked the thought of being completely naked, with nothing touching his body, only for Luke. He reached up and fingered his "collar," hooked his finger under it and tugged. It was strong, like Luke. The thought of Luke "marking" him this way, the similarity to the slave's collar, and Luke's drying precum all over it made Gage's cock stiffen again. Luke moved closer to Gage and kissed him deeply; seeing him harden made him want to take him again. Gage looked lost in thought.

"What are you thinking about," Luke whispered.


Next: Chapter 3: The Outing

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