
By moc.loa@732waltuO

Published on Oct 6, 2002


copyright 2002

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Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction, based loosely on real events. Always use condoms.


Luke was a leather master. Gage had never seen his friend in action but was well aware of his reputation. He didn't charge for his services; he didn't need to. Men -- strong, competent, intelligent men -- willingly lined up to submit to him. Gage had a faint curiosity about leather, enjoying a smattering of porn dedicated to the practice, yet had more than once laughingly spurned Luke's half serious invitations into his dungeon. Gage was a top, and though he'd enjoyed some hot times with Luke, they always stopped short of fucking, neither being willing to let the other take him.

Luke had asked him to drop by that night, without specifying a time, to pick up some old books he was donating to the charity Gage volunteered at. As soon as Gage stepped into Luke's house he knew something was up; Luke had the look of a man with a secret he's not worried about keeping. He was also shirtless, wearing leather chaps over his jeans and leather gloves with the fingers missing.

"Going out?" Gage had never seen Luke "dressed" before, so he wasn't sure if this was his regular leather bar attire.

"Nope," Luke grinned like a Cheshire cat. His white teeth played against tan skin and that coal black stubble - but then a master as busy as he couldn't be expected to shave everyday, Gage thought. And damn he was an impressive sight; picture a Tom of Finland drawing come to life, with a down of black fuzz across his pecs and a hairless stomach, strong legs. Luke was getting lost in the spectacle when he suddenly detected the faint smell of soap and steam and heard rustling from across the hall by the bathroom.

"All finished, piggy?" Luke eyed his slave as he crawled into view. "I demand thorough cleanliness from all of them, inside and out," he explained to Gage, who was now staring wide eyed at the man on all fours on Luke's expensive solid oak floor.

"I should have known you'd have 'company'," Gage said sarcastically. "Don't want to interrupt. I can come back later."

"No, stay," Luke eyed him in that mischievous way that made him melt. "Enjoy the show." Gage tried to make himself inconspicuous by standing near the corner of the room. Standing made him feel more powerful. He was going to enjoy this and Luke knew it; he hated how well Luke could read him.

"Crawl to me." Luke's voice with slaves was even more commanding, cultured and assured than Gage found it to be in normal conversation.

Gage observed the slave curiously as he slowly crawled on his hands and knees to Luke's booted feet. The naked longing in the slave's face made Gage uncomfortable. What makes a man want to submit so completely, be humiliated, ask to be treated in ways that would arouse violence in other contexts? He was blonde, pale, with very little body hair and a swimmer's build; the type who looks younger than his real age, which Gage estimated at early 30s. He wore only a jock strap and black leather slave collar with a thin leash attached at the Adam's apple.

"You want to taste me? Is that what you want, slime?" Luke hissed as he yanked up on the leash pulling the slave to his knees, his face pushed against the swollen mound between Luke's legs.

The slave let out a muffled cry, the sound of a man who's just entered the one he loves. "Mmm, yes master." Luke slowly took out his thick, cut 8 inches, already moist at the tip, and rubbed it around his slave's full lips. The slave's cock was stone hard and leaking profusely, wetting the leather of Luke's boots.

"Fucking pig! What have I told you about getting cock juice on my boots?!," Luke shoved the slave down to his feet. "Lick it off." Gage wanted to chuckle, but was surprised at how erotic the site of a masculine man licking himself off the boot of another was. The man was mouthing Luke's boot like it was a cock; like it could feel his mouth. Gage felt his cock begin to stir in his jeans.

"Would he do anything you ask?" Gage asked in a low voice, in awe of the master's confidence and strength, as he walked closer to the two men.

"Pretty much," Gage grinned again proudly. "But I would only ask so much of him. He's weak, and my evil mind does know SOME limits, even if he doesn't. Besides, domination is a mind fuck. Any brute can beat the shit out of a guy." Luke was eyeing Gage greedily, like he tended to before one of their suckfests. He traced a finger slowly down from Gage's chin to his breastbone to his navel. "You know one of these days, I'm gonna show you what you're missing." His hand slid down and began lightly rubbing Gage's cock, bringing it to full hardness. Gage pulled slightly back embarrassed but making sure to keep eye contact to show he wasn't threatened.

"Don't count on it." Luke moved closer until Gage could feel his hot breath against his neck, feel the roughness of his stubble grazing him. Fuck that always got to him. Luke pressed his hot mouth against his ear.

"I could get you to that place no one's taken you yet...get you so hot," he rubbed Luke's cock more aggressively, his deep whisper changing to a growl, "that you're begging me, needing me inside you." Gage stared into his eyes defiantly and grabbed the hand that was torturing his cock.

"What the fuck are you looking at, slime?" Luke barked down toward the floor. Gage was startled at the anger in Luke's voice. He hadn't realized the slave had been watching him and Luke, but was secretly flattered he could distract Luke even for a moment from one of his slaves. "Did I say you could look up?" Luke pulled his hand swiftly from Gage's crotch.

"Nuh, no master," the slave looked startled, his mouth moist with his own spit and precum.

"On your feet!" Luke yanked up on the slave's leash until he was standing. He bent him over what Gage thought looked like a large butcher block, pushing him down by the back of the neck. He took a large pair of scissors from a nearby drawer and swiftly cut the jockstrap off, yanking a large buttplug from his slave's ass with deliberate hardness, making the man yelp and draw air in through his teeth.

"You're gonna learn not to disobey me, pig. And until you do you won't get near my cock." Gage was mesmerized. The slave had a beautiful ass, his hole stretched from the plug, squeezing in and out. Luke secured his arms to the table's legs with leather lashes and produced what looked to Gage like a fairly menacing whip. But then he was no whip connoisseur.

Luke tied a black blindfold over the slave's eyes and moved behind and slightly off to the side of him. The man quivered helplessly across the table, his back muscles taut. Luke spread the slave's legs wide by kicking his feet apart, and pushed the end of the whip handle against his burning hole, stopping short of inserting it. The slave let out a low moan and pushed back against it.

"You greedy little fuck," Luke pulled the handle away and turned it around in his meaty hand. "Don't you know by now your ass, your body, are mine. I use them for my pleasure, not yours." And with that Luke pulled his arm back and whipped his slave, slowly, deliberately, mercilessly, building in intensity as the whip landed across his ass cheeks, backs of his thighs, his gaping hole. With each stroke the slave whimpered pitifully. Gage's cock had begun to ache.

"Want him to suck you?" Luke was staring at Gage's straining cock, motioning him to step in front of the slave. It was tempting, but Gage didn't trust a man's mouth on him while he was being flogged. Luke seemed to instinctively realize this, and motioned his friend over to him. He handed the whip to a hesitant Gage and smiled that wicked grin. "Try it."

Gage had secretly fantasized about whipping a submissive, but now he was actually holding the instrument. He looked at Luke quizzically, who turned him into the correct position. "Hold it like this, that's it," Luke urged him. Gage hesitated, then struck a half-hearted blow against the slave's ass. It was far too light and he felt himself blush with embarrassment. "It's okay," Luke purred into his ear. "You are a virgin, afterall."

Luke stepped close behind Gage, until he could feel his steel-hard rod pressing against the top of his ass, his breath on the back of his neck. Luke closed his hand over Gage's as they both held the whip, and swung hard, giving Gage the feel of a proper stroke. The slave cried out and lurched forward.

"Shut up filth or you'll get twice as many." Luke motioned with his head for Gage to continue on his own. He began a rhythm, getting the hang of it, losing himself in the act. He glanced over to Luke who had freed his cock, slowly stroking it to Gage's whipping prowess. Gage was captivated by the sound of the whip, the red lines appearing on the slave's ass, his cock throbbing each time the slave lurched forward.. The bound man's body was now covered in a sheen of sweat and his breathing was very ragged.

"That's enough," Luke said, sensing the panting slave was nearing his limit. Gage felt self conscious at how much he'd gotten into it. Luke untied the slave and removed his blindfold, addressing him like a difficult child. "Go in there until I call you," Luke motioned to the other room. "Crawl! And don't even think about touching your cock or your ass, you worthless piece of shit." The slave silently crawled out of site, pouting, his streaked ass now seeming comical to Gage.

With his slave out of sight, Luke turned to face Gage, cocked his head as if studying his face, and walked to him swiftly. Without warning he cupped Gage's chin in his hand and devoured his mouth, biting at his lips, shoving his tongue into him. Both men were filled with raw wanting, tasting each other, pressing their painfully hard cocks together like a bizarre dance. Luke sucked Gage's tongue like he was trying to dislodge it from his mouth.

"You taste so fuckin good," Luke said as he pulled away, catching his breath. His massive chest was heaving. Gage searched Luke's dark eyes unsure of what was coming. "I want to see you." Gage knew what that meant. Luke loved looking at him naked and hard, especially after getting him good and worked up. Gage unceremoniously stripped, loving having his begging cock finally free.

Luke grabbed his own cock, still jutting from his jeans, and, pressing it against Gage's stroked both men's cocks in one gloved hand. Gage moaned and threw his head back. Luke began gnawing on his neck and ear. "I want to fuck you," Luke hissed.

"Nice try." Gage stepped back, losing Luke's grip on him.

"Have it your way," Luke's steely determination was unsettling. He pulled out the table's fold out piece and put his hand on Gage's chest, pushing him back until he was forced to hop up onto it. He jerked his head indicating Gage was to lie on his back. Gage began to think differently about the slave, realizing just how difficult it was to resist the master's commands. His head hung off the table slightly so he couldn't see what Luke was doing, and his lower legs dangled off the other end. This bastard is taking a lot for granted, Gage thought, expecting him to submit without being tied down. Arrogant prick.

"Oooh, fuck!" Gage cried out as a nipple clamp was applied to his left tit. The pain was fierce yet his cock twitched in the air, making Luke smile. Luke raked his hands roughly over Luke's neck, stomach and thighs, moving back up to tug on the clamp. Gage groaned loudly and gripped the table tight. Luke's hungry mouth found his other nipple, biting and sucking it, scraping his beard on it.

Luke then moved down to trace the tip of his cock against the underside of Luke's swollen organ with deliberate slowness to tease him. "Yeah that's it," Luke whispered, noticing that Gage was breathing much heavier. "No one gets you as hard as I do." Luke followed the path his cock had traced with his warm, wet tongue, drawing a loud whine from Gage. He tied one of the lashes he'd used on the slave around the base of Gage's balls, pulling down on them, making Luke wail in pain.

"Like that, boy?" Luke couldn't believe he was being called 'boy' or that he was letting a man torture his balls. His mind raced. How far was Luke going to take this game? Suddenly the nipple clamp was removed, causing a rush of pain like nothing he'd ever felt.

"Fuck you!" he spat at Luke, who was still sporting his wicked smirk. Gage felt anger rising up in him. He had never been this aroused with Luke before and knew Luke could sense it. Luke licked and bit his burning nipple, pulling roughly at his cock, making him squirm and ooze copiously. He put the clamp on the other nipple, and again Gage cried out. Stepping back, Luke pulled off his boots, chaps and jeans. Gage, panting, struggled to hold his head up for a full view of that magnificent body before dropping it back down in exhaustion. Luke removed his gloves, moistened 3 fingers with Gage's cockjuice and began to push into him, feeling resistance. "You know you want it, just let me," he snarled. "Give yourself over to me."

Instinct took over. Without thinking Gage pressed his foot against the larger man's chest and pushed, making him stumble back. "Save it for your fucking slaves!" Luke had seen Gage angry but this was different. His eyes showed fury but something more -- lust, fear, desire, confusion. But it only fueled Luke's determination, making what he saw as his final prize all the sweeter. Sensing Gage's pride was hurt, Luke refrained from retaliating and decided on a new tactic, summoning the slave back into the room. He remembered how much Gage had enjoyed the slave's licking his boots, and that they shared a shoe size.

"Put these on," Luke held the boots out to Gage, who was having none of it. He eyed Gage, sitting up, naked and still hard on the table. He felt a pang of guilt normally unheard of for him; certainly not with the many other men he'd played with. He knew Gage wanted him. He could read it in his face. But going from wanting to giving himself permission to be taken, was a big leap. He wanted to make love to Gage, without the games, just their naked bodies writhing together. But that was impossible. He knew Gage would accept rough from him easier than tenderness, at least at first. "You'll look so fuckin hot, and I want to make him lick them."

Boots turned Gage on, and his growing excitement at the thought of a willing slave at his feet mellowed him. He acquiesced, sliding the boots on to Luke's delight. Gage's cock started to twitch in the air again as soon as they were on. He admired how they looked on him. Naked save the boots, he felt like raw sex, powerful, renegade. They were heavy and came up mid thigh, the kind of boots made for only two things - kicking ass and leathersex, he thought. He came down off the table and moved to a nearby chair.

Luke pulled the slave over by his leash, commanding him to Gage's feet, then stood back letting Gage take control of the scene. Gage tipped his foot back so the slave could get to the sole, shining it with his spit, then moving up over the toe to long slow licks up to the top. Gage was surprised at the intensity of his arousal. He began stroking his cock (and saw Luke was doing the same) as he moved his foot so that the toe of the boot was rubbing against the underside of the slave's engorged cock, shining with wetness. He bent his foot back still farther, sliding the toe past the slave's balls to his ass, rubbing against his opening still swollen from earlier. The slave began humping the shaft of the boot, bathing it in his ooze.

Sensing Gage's heightened arousal, Luke walked in front of him, straddling the kneeling slave, positioning his cock in front of Gage's mouth. Gage hungrily took him in, keeping a steady rhythm on his own cock and watching the slave alternate humping his boot with licking. Both Luke and Gage could sense the other was getting close as Luke roughly fucked his face, so Luke stepped back, stopping the action. He whacked the slave hard on the ass and commanded, "That's enough, little bitch." The slave obeyed, protesting with a soft whimper. Gage's eyes were wild with lust, but Luke wasn't quite finished. "Come with me," he motioned Gage to follow him into his bedroom, barking "stay!" to his slave as you would a dog.

"Lie on your back." Gage, desperate to cum, didn't protest when Luke tied him at the wrists to the bed. He left him there for several minutes, letting the anger rise back up to match the arousal, then returned with the slave, still on his leash. Luke lifted Gage's ass and placed a thick pillow beneath it, making his hole more accessible. He pulled the slave's leash until his head was positioned at Gage's ass.

"You don't stop till I say so, swine." The slave needed no further instruction, lapping at Gage's hole, nipping, sucking, biting it like it was his last meal. Luke's evil grin returned when he saw the surprise and resentment in Gage's beautiful, tormented face. "Good fuckface," he swatted his slave's ass. "Eat him good. "If either of you cum, you'll get this." Luke held an immense buttplug, larger than the one Gage had seen earlier, waving it at the men like it was a weapon, then left the room. Gage closed his eyes, unable to fathom even the idea of it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaahhh," Luke could hear Gage's desperate moans coming from the bedroom as the slave devoured his ass. He loved how Gage sounded when he was getting close to cumming - like an animal in pain. He heard the headboard hit the wall as Gage pulled valiantly at the lashes that bound him, desperate to stroke himself to completion. Luke needed to see this up close.

The sight he found made him want to take Gage right then -- bathed in sweat, nipples fully hard, chest heaving, his legs over the slave's shoulders, head thrown back with his eyes closed tight, face in a grimace. Gage was so aroused now he was in pain. "That's it, pig, all the way inside," Luke instructed the slave as he tongue-fucked Gage's widening asshole, teasing him open. Luke rubbed Gage's belly just above his pubic bone, and pinched his nipples, knowing this made his cock scream urgently for release. It had leaked so much precum it had begun to slide off his hip down to a puddle on the bed. Gage was now crying out incessantly. "That's it, baby, oh yeah, tell me what you want..."

"Ugh, cum. I want to cum. Fuck!," Gage gasped.

Luke pulled the slave down off the bed and motioned for him to leave the room. "Leave your leash and collar on the hall table, get dressed and leave. Lock the door behind you. You may not shower or touch your cock for 12 hours."

"Yes master," the slaved bowed his head and exited, his stubborn cock refusing to accept that he wouldn't be cumming for some time.

Luke moved onto the bed and stared proudly at Gage's hole, bathed in the slave's spit. He wet three fingers inside his own mouth and slid them easily into Gage's hot, wet opening, feeling it stop fighting him. Gage let out a long, desperate moan. "Shhh. I'm going to give you what you need." He worked his fingers inside his friend, opening him further, sensing how close he was.

Luke replaced his fingers with his pulsing cock and began to push slowly, inserting just the tip. Gage marveled at Luke's control. He had desperately tried to hold out, but the fight in him was gone. He felt himself giving way, his ass begging to be filled. Luke pushed only slightly further in, stopping and stroking Gage's erection, which by now could barely tolerate the contact.

"Ugghgodfuck me," Gage heard the words, barely above a whisper, escape his lips, as if hearing someone else say them. He was in frenzy.

"Beg me," Luke insisted. "I told you you'd be begging me."

"Pleeease..." Luke pushed half way in and Gage wrapped his legs around his waist, hooking them at the ankle.

"Look at yourself, baby," Luke turned to the mirror against the opposite wall. "You're so goddamn hot." He thrust himself into Gage up to his balls; Gage let out a cry of pain mixed with relief. "I'm all the way inside you. You feel so good, so tight..." And then Luke took him, fucked him forcefully, battering his spot again and again. Gage looked at their reflection, seeing himself, his entire body moving back and forth on the bed under this huge man, like a mop or ragdoll. He felt the point of no return coming on fast.

"You're gonna cum so hard for me, harder than you ever have," Luke panted, plowing into him with long deep strokes. "I don't want this to be for anyone but me. Don't let anyone else inside you. Promise me."

Hearing that was all it took. Gage exploded, spewing more cum than he thought possible, all over Luke's tan torso, yelling out a battle cry so loud he wondered who else was hearing him. The primitive noises sent Luke over the edge. He felt his balls pulling up and unleashed his load inside Gage, "Ugh I knew you'd be a hot fuck ," pounding his ass even as the last drops spilled out of him.

Gage kept his eyes closed as his breathing finally calmed. Luke started to slowly soften inside him, staying inside, bending down to kiss him deeply. He stroked Gage's neck and lips, pushing a finger inside his mouth. Gage opened his eyes and stared wantonly at Luke, sucking the finger in an act of final resignation.

The rough worked, Luke thought. And now for the gentle.

Next: Chapter 2: Gage and Luke

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