Topping from the bottom 01

By Newton Daley

Published on Oct 9, 2011



This is fantasy man on man sex so if you don't like that then leave. If it is illegal, in your country, for you to read this then you should also leave.

If you want to re-post this story do the usual and check with me first by sending me an e-mail.

In this story the men having sex don't use a condom because they can't get infected. In real life anybody can get infected with AIDS/HIV so use a condom.

Jon Wesley always considered himself cute. Like a cherub. He was chubby, there was no going around that, but he was cherub cute. He had brown hair a little below his ears, hazel eyes, rose pink cupid bow lips and a great tan. A friend even said his looks could make a girls pussy quiver in anticipation of a good fuck.

Now Jon Wesley was sprawled in the back of the dark limousine looking like crap. His hair sticking out at all angles, his eyes red and his breath smelling of puke. Jon was glad the day was coming to an end. He was heading home, to one of his houses, to sleep of the alcohol and drugs.

It had been a long party to celebrate the end of the fourth season and alcohol and drugs were present to overflowing and Jon had a taste of everything because he was the star for fuck sake and he'd be damned if he didn't loosen up and enjoy himself.

Now that he was settled down, the drugs and alcohol made him feel like he was on a roller coaster. Before he'd left the party he had refused the company of Marie White, a production assistant, but now he felt seriously horny and wouldn't mind screwing some pussy before he went to bed. He could call up his favourite escort Rochelle but he had fucked her earlier this week and fucking her so close after the last time was asking for trouble.

Jon grunted and vomited all over the car floor and suddenly fucking some pussy wasn't so high on his personal to do list. Jon had just used his right jacket sleeve to wipe his mouth when the passenger door opened.

"What the fuck?!" Jon exclaimed as the bright light shining through the open door seemed to sear his eyes.

"We're here, sir." the voice of his driver, Bill, said.

"We're home already? I feel sooooo...fucked right now Bill. You'll have to help me up to my room."

Bill reached in and gently helped Jon out of the limo into the cool night air by putting one of Jon's hands behind his neck and placing one of his own hands around Jon's waist to help him into the house and up the stairs.

Upon reaching his bedroom door, Jon placed his other hand around Bill's neck and said, "Do you wanna help me undress?" and added a smile that was not supposed to make Bill pull back the way he did; like he found Jon disgusting.

Jon felt the slap to his ego and pulled back from Bill and slammed his back into his bedroom door but almost fell to the floor and had to grab the door knob.

Bill reached out to help Jon up but his hand was slapped away.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" Jon shouted as he struggled to his feet, turned and entered his room and slammed the door in Bill's face.

Jon didn't reach far though before he fell to the floor, almost hitting his face, and blacked out.

When Jon gained consciousness, he slowly got to his feet and saw his bedside clock showing the time to be 3:15 a.m. and made his way to the bathroom. Squinting at the bright bathroom light, he splashed his face with some cold water and was appalled at his appearance in the mirror. Seeing the look on his own face reminded him of the look Bill had given him.

Bill. His fucking driver looked at him like road kill.

I'm going to remind him who he works for, thought Jon.

It was a week after the party and taping of the fifth season would begin in a few weeks, so Jon was taking it easy and relaxing by the pool and had wanted to be alone so he gave his staff the day off.

Jon padded into his study to make a few calls when he felt as if he was going to be burnt to a crisp in the hot sun. He was about to call up a couple of female escorts when an idea came to him.

He checked his rolodex and dialled Bill's number.

The cell number was off so he tried the home number.

A child's voice came on the phone and said, "Hellllllooooooooo?"

"Uh...hi may I speak to Daddy?" Jon said hoping he had the right number.

"Daddy's in prison." Came the reply.

"I guess I have the wrong number then."

Jon heard someone in the background say something then there was the sound of someone taking the phone.

A female voice came on and said, "Hello? Hello is anyone there? I'm sorry about Meggie she gets these strange ideas sometimes. Can I help you?"

"Yes, maybe you can. I'm looking for Bill Collins. Is this the right number?" Jon said.

"Yeah this is the right number. Can I say who is calling?"

"Jon Wesley."

Jon wasn't used to screams over the phone so when the scream came, it was a surprise.

"Jon Wesley? Jon. Fucking. Wesley?! Oh my God, oh my God. I cannot believe this. Are you really?"

"If you mean God then no but I am Jon Wesley. Listen I need to talk to Bill."

"I love your show. I loved the line you used that went uhmm...uhmmm... oh, oh, oh when Patty caught you screwing the maid and you said `Would yu look at that. Good help isn't always hard to find.' Oh I just loved the look on her face." the female voice started to giggle, "I always thought Patty was a bitch and that you deserved better." She added a purr to the last three words.

"Uh...thanks? Can I speak to Bill now, please?"

"Sure, sure." She shouted Bill's name then came back to say. "Talk to you later Jon."

Jon shook his head and thanked God he had caller I.D.

"Yes Mr. Wesley? Do you need me to drive you somewhere today?" Bill asked.

"Yes it's an emergency. How soon can you get here?" Jon said.

"Maybe an hour plus."

"No need for uniform. Whatever you're wearing now will do. Just get here." Jon said and hung up without waiting for a reply.

Half an hour later as Jon sat in his study his office phone rang showing the call was coming from the kitchen.

Jon wondered who was calling when he answered saying, "Hello?"

"I just wanted to let you know I'm here, sir." Bill said.

"O.K. come up to the study."

Jon waited a minute or two before Bill knocked on the door and entered the study.

Bill was what many called a gentle giant. He was built like a lumber jack. He was a tall, brown eyed man with a shaved beard and low cut black hair. Right now Bill was dressed in a white `I love tacos' t-shirt that stretched across his broad chest and faded blue jeans.

"Please sit down, Bill." Jon said and when Bill was seated he continued, "The reason I called was to talk about your job."

"What about my job, sir?"

"What would you do to save it?"

"I-I d-don't know what you mean, sir." Bill said, suddenly getting flustered.

"Would you go to bed with me to save your job, Bill?" Jon said, feeling his dick harden in his blue trunks.

Bill got up so swiftly the chair he was sitting in toppled over. "Fuck no. Who do you think I am?"

"My employee, maybe?" Jon laughed at the shocked look on Bill's face.

"No sir. I'd rather quit than fuck my way up the ladder." Bill said turning to leave.

Jon got up from his chair and walked around the desk and said, "Who said anything about ladders? You'd still be my driver. What you should be concerned about is what will people say when I tell them I fired you?"

Bill spun away from the door a scowl on his face. "You're not firing me. I'm quitting."

"Don't be naive. If I tell people the sky is purple, they believe me. You on the other hand..." Jon left the sentence open, forcing Bill to fill in the end with whatever he wanted to and suddenly it dawned on him.

"I wouldn't get to work for anyone else." Bill said quietly.

"Atta boy!" Jon smiled at the defeated look on Bill's face. "You do have a brain in that sexy head." Jon laughed as he felt his victory close at hand. "So, is my bed looking like a better choice yet?"

Bill's Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed over and over trying to make his decision.

Jon leaned back on his desk and pushed his throbbing dick out to get Bill's attention.

"Yes." Bill said but it seemed that was all he could utter.

Jon walked over to the brown leather sofa in his office and patted the space beside him and said, "Metaphorical bed. Come and sit."

Bill walked over to the sofa like a man on death row. Turning on Jon even more.

Bill finally sat on the sofa. Jon straddled his lap and felt Bill tense. "Relax. I'm only gonna bite a little." Jon giggled as Bill's body stiffened. All except his cock.

Jon placed his palm on Bill's pecs and rubbed them before leaning forward and brushed his lips across Bill's lips.

Bill clamped his lips shut but Jon kept kissing him and licking his tongue across Bill's top lip, then his bottom lip.

"Kiss me like you mean it. I'm not kissing a fucking wall." Jon said and pinched Bill's nipples through his t-shirt causing Bill to gasp.

Jon started kissing Bill again and got his first taste of Bill's tongue. Their teeth clicked and clacked for a while before they got it right. It took only a minute for Jon to realize Bill was a good kisser. Even with the scratchy beard.

"You've been holdin out on me, Bill." Jon said and lifted Bill's t-shirt to view the broad chest. "You are so fucking hot." Jon twirled his fingers in Bill's thick chest hair.

Jon leaned back from Bill, pulling Bill's face to his chest and said, "Nibble on my nipples a little."

Bill went to work without any complaint. Clamping his sucking, nibbling mouth unto Jon's chubby tit and didn't need instruction to move from nipple to nipple.

"Jerk on my cock." Jon said, revelling in the feel of Bill's teeth and lips.

Bill began to pull down Jon's trunks, but it was too tight. So Jon got up and quickly took it off and went back to straddle Bill's lap and have his nipples laved in Bill's spit.

Bill held Jon's circumcised 7 inch cock loosely as he jerked up and down the shaft.

Jon used Bill's ears to pull him off of his nipples and said, "I love my cock jerked within a nice tight fist."

Bill tightened his fist around Jon's cock while Jon whimpered as he kissed and tasted Bill's mouth.

Jon got up from Bill's lap after another two minutes and said, "Suck my dick."

Bill tentatively leaned forward to take Jon's 7 inch cock into his mouth.

"Uhhhh...."Jon said when Bill's mouth enveloped his dick going up and down, half of his shaft, slowly. "Yes Bill. You're doing great. You gotta take more of my cock in your mouth though."

Bill took about two more inches of Jon's cock before he felt it start to enter his throat and pulled back.

"'re not ready to do a deepthroat yet baby." Jon said and looked down at the muscled upper body of the man that was now gulping on his cock. "Baby look at me."

Bill looked up to show Jon his beautiful brown eyes, almost causing Jon to spill his seed.

Jon stepped back and gave a small smile seeing Bill's face lean forward to take Jon's dick back into his mouth.

"No baby." Jon said and pressed his palm to Bill's forehead to stop him. "Lean back."

Bill leaned back as Jon got to his knees between Bill's legs. Jon unbuckled Bill's jeans and shoved them down his thick hairy thighs to his ankles. Bill blushed when Jon saw his pink boxers.

"My sister bought it for me for Christmas." Bill mumbled.

Jon just smiled and made the boxer shorts join the jeans.

Bill had a thick bush around his cock and on his balls. Bill's cock was still flaccid but Jon planned to take care of that.

Jon took the circumcised cock in his mouth and sucked on only the head and then slowly admitted entrance for the rest of Bill's cock. This went on for a minute before Bills cock started to harden.

Jon took the cock from his mouth and began jerking on it. Jon licked the head and the veins that were popping up all over the growing cock.

Bill's cock stood at 10 inches. Ready and waiting for action. Jon was ready to please.

Jon took that rod into his mouth and bobbed up and down the hard column of white flesh. Jon was moaning and tasting the great slab of manmeat. He fondled Bill's hairy balls as he tried to deep throat the thick rod of flesh for the second time.

`Uk, uk, uk' was the sound of Jon trying to deep throat Bill's cock over and over. Eventually he got the head in and received and exclamation from Bill.

"Oh fuck!" Bill said when he felt Jon's throat squeeze his cock head.

Bill grabbed Jon's head when Jon started pulling off of his dick and started face fucking Jon.

Jon shoved Bill's hands away from him and dislodged Bill's cock from his throat and back handed Bill.

"I'm the one in control. Don't move a fucking inch without my say so!"

Bill looked like a scolded child, ashamed and repentant, causing something to happen in Jon. Jon felt rash for acting as he did and reached out to soothe the aching cheek with his palm. Jon quickly drew back from Bill and got to his feet surprised at the tender moment.

"Take off the rest of your clothes while I get the lube." Jon said, walking over to his desk to retrieve the lube.

After getting the tube of lube from a top drawer, Jon returned to Bill who kneeled in the sofa with his head lying on the back of the sofa and his ass sticking in the air.

Not today, thought Jon.

"Bill, get up. You're doing the ploughing today, baby."

Bill scrambled off of the sofa quickly with a relieved look.

"Have you ever fucked a guy before?" Jon asked.

"No sir."

Jon smiled and said, "Then let's remedy that shall we."

Jon gave Bill the lube, got on the sofa, stuck his ass out and began to give instructions.

"Taste my asshole before you start lubing it. I've always wanted to feel a beard rubbing my ass cheeks."

Bill got to his knees and parted Jon's ass cheeks and sighted the tight pink pucker and liked the idea of his dick being squeezed by such a small hole.

Bill leaned forward and sniffed Jon's ass and got only the male musk scent rising to fill his nostrils.

If Bill were a man that maintained a diary, he would write all about the experience he had with Jon. He liked being told what to do at every step of the way. He liked the way Jon kissed him, drawing out passion with every smooch. Bill liked the taste and feel of Jon's lips. Jon tasted like a fruit and his lips were unyielding, ready and willing to give and receive a good time. Bill had experienced these things with women, no doubt about it, but not all these things in one person. The fact that Jon is male, well that's a hurdle Bill is trying to overcome and so far, so good.

Bill licked once over Jon's pucker receiving a moan and didn't mind the taste so he continued to lick and press his tongue on the tight pucker.

"Ohhh..." Jon said when Bill continued to lick and tongue his hole while Bill's beard made his ass cheeks itch to be held and mauled by Bill's thick fingered hands. "O-O.K. now squirt a little lube on one of your fingers and slowly push it into my hole."

Bill did as instructed and added force to his index finger when the hole kept resisting. When his finger popped into Jon's tight hole, he slid in the finger up to the first knuckle and waited.

"It's O.K. give me more of that finger. Yesss...that's it. In and out now baby, in and out." Jon felt good giving step by step instructions and also felt good with the knowledge of knowing that you're setting a standard that others will have to follow or surpass. "Gimme another finger. Lube it up and stick it in beside the first."

"Ohhhh...shit." Jon said and pressed his ass back to take in both fingers. "Fuck!" Jon said as he squeezed Bill's fingers with his hole when Bill grazed his prostate with a finger.

"Is that your prostate?" Bill asked when he felt the button like organ and the obvious pleasure it gave Jon. Bill had heard that the prostate was why gay men liked getting their asses fucked but he thought maybe it was one of the crazy things people said to get a piece of ass.

"Yeah. Get another finger in there then fuck my ass. I wanna feel your monster dick stretching my hole."

Bill withdrew the two fingers and got lube over all three. Then he placed them at Jon's entrance. Slowly he sank his fingers into Jon's asshole, loving the way Jon's hole pulsed around his fingers.

"O.K. enough, enough. Lube my hole some more then do your dick and put it on hole but don't push it in."

Bill did as was asked and waited.

"O.K. hold unto my hips, press the head on my hole and when the head is in wait until you feel my ass relax."

Bill gripped Jon's hips, watching the sweat roll down Jon's back to his ass crack. Bill pressed the crown of his cock on Jon's hole and eventually Jon's hole gave in. Bill waited, as he was told, and as soon as Jon's ass felt relaxed Bill sank two more inches in then stopped again.

"No, just sink the rest of your cock in me. Nice and slow and I'll tell you if you have to stop."

Bill pressed his shaft into Jon, fighting the urge to cum but he couldn't resist saying, "You are so tight."

"Mmmm...feed me that monster cock." Jon responded, then went back to gritting his teeth as his fuck tunnel accepted Bill's rod.

"Oh God, that's it." Jon said when he felt Bill's bush pressed on his ass cheeks.

"That's it? You have 10 inches up your ass and you say that's it?" Bill said and chuckled.

God, Bill thought, when was the last time I chuckled?

"I don't mean it like that." Jon said and felt himself blush as if he was the one losing his virginity.

"O.K." Jon said, getting back to business. "It's all up to you now. Just slowly pull a little out then push back in. With each stroke in and out you can take out more and more till you're able to long dick my ass. O.K.?"

"O.K." Bill said.

Bill drew back and felt Jon's fuck canal gripping his cock with each stroke. Jon's hole was vicelike, especially on Bill's cock head teasing and enticing Bill's ball juice to come out and play.

Jon felt his balls being slapped by Bill's low hangers on each of his in strokes and felt a wall tear, not physically but mentally and so he made his decision.

"Take it out Bill." Jon said.

Bill did two more strokes before he withdrew his cock. He was a little confused but had learned to do what Jon told him to.

Jon got up from the sofa and held Bill's hand as he drew him to the rug in the office.

Jon could do this. Treat Bill like more than a lover; treat him like a partner or a boyfriend.

Jon lay on his back on the rug and pulled Bill down towards him and held unto Bill's cock aiming it for his hole.

Bill sensed the change and saw it in Jon's eyes. Jon looked at him like some of his previous girlfriends had when their need arose. Not a need for just sex but for love making. Jon had a need to feel another person hold him and stroke him. Bill could do that, because he wanted the same thing.

As soon as the head entered Jon's hole, Bill leaned forward to taste Jon's lips, but was too tall for it to work so he had to settle for Jon's sweating forehead. Bill planted a soft kiss on Jon's forehead and received a whimper in response.

Slowly Bill's cock head sank into Jon's needy hole opening him up for Bill's shaft.

Jon stretched his neck so he could bite Bill's nipple and chew on it a little.

Jon unlatched his teeth from Bill's firm nipple and said, "Uhhh...uhhh...stroke my dick while you fuck my ass. I wanna cum with you."

Bill slammed into Jon's hole then slowly withdrew his dick, only leaving the head in, before slamming into him again. Bill gripped Jon's cock tightly and stroked up and down with each of his own in and out stokes of Jon's asshole.

Bill fondled Jon's balls and rubbed Jon's cock head smearing the precum all over the head with his thumb.

"I'm c-cu-cum-cumming." Jon said and his cum hit Bill's chest and got stuck in Bill's chest hair.

Feeling Jon's asshole give a mighty squeeze, Bill's cum churned in his balls and ran up the shaft out into Jon's ass cum bucket.

"Fucking sweet ass." Bill said as he tried to take in deep breaths.

Bill fell forward on top of Jon and Jon wrapped his legs and arms around Bill's body.

"We're going to have to do that some more." Jon said after a while, his breathing becoming more even.

"Yes sir." Bill said, "I don't mind."

"Yeah? What would your wife think?" Jon asked.

"Wife?" Bill asked, feeling puzzled, then after some thought he understood. "You mean Cindy, my sister. It was her kid that answered the phone. Sorry about Cindy's screaming and all that. She really loves your show."

"Do you think she would have liked the show we just put on?" Jon asked.

To that Bill had no answer and even though he had fun, Bill hoped he wasn't about to become another star in celeb porn becuase of some hidden camera Jon might have set up before hand.

Thanks for reading. This is the first in a series about guys who love to control how they're being fucked. Maybe I got the story wrong or maybe it's ok so please send me an e-mail ( with your constructive comments and suggestions.

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