Top Vs Top

By Adam Elliott

Published on Aug 7, 2008


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Top vs Top part 3

Tyrone awoke to Clark gently slapping his face.

"Rise and shine, slut. We have an appointment to make, and we need to get you cleaned up." He said.

He began to untie Tyrone's hands from behind his neck. Tyrone shook life back into his stiff arms. He looked down to see his drying load on his stomach and chest, and could still feel it on his face. He had fallen asleep coated in his own cum, so soon in the morning. His arse still burnt from his spanking, and he was hard again.

"Let's get that tight cunt in the shower. We gotta get you nice and clean." Clark said.

With that, he grabbed Tyrone's arm and began to drag his unresisting bulk towards his own bedroom. He pulled him past the bed and into the ensuite. He turned the shower on and pushed Tyrone in before the water had a chance to warm. Tyrone gasped in shock at the cold, but it was incredibly soothing on his burning butt. The water began to warm and he turned to face the spray.

As he turned, he saw that clark had kicked off his shoes and was pulling off his socks. When he pulled off his shirt to reveal his hairy, muscular chest, Tyrone realised that he would not be alone in the shower. He felt drawn to the powerful chest, wanting to run his hands along the ridges of muscle and wiry hair. He felt his dick throb, and groaned softly at his own helpless arousal.

Clark smirked as he began to slowly undo his belt. "Are you looking forward to seeing daddy's big cunt buster again? Remember how good it felt inside you last night, how you purred like a whore in heat when it rammed into you hard?"

Tyrone was transfixed as Clark slowly began to slide his zipper down. He remembered the feeling of it against his lips, like an iron rod covered in silk. He remembered how it felt as it pounded inside him, driving him over the edge. Clark slid his jeans down, leaving only his boxer briefs. His massive cock was stretching them out, and they strained to contain it.

He hooked his thumbs under the waistband and moved them slightly before pausing. "You didn't answer. Do you want to see daddy's cock again?"

"Yes, please daddy. Let me see it again." Tyrone breathed. The warm water cascaded down his body, and hammered against his own cock. But Tyrone's gaze was locked on Clark's crotch. He ws like a deer in headlights, and couldn't move. He licked his lips as Clark pulled down his underwear and his daddy dick bounced free. His cunt quivered, remembering the rough conquest it had endured, and he felt the strange heat as his fuck tunnel began to moisten in preparation.

Clark stepped into the shower behind him and leaned in. "Start cleaning, boy. Put on a good show for your owner. If i like it, i might let you cum again this weekend. If not, your balls are gonna be aching for a while."

Even though he had already been nearly drained, Tyrone's balls were already aching to dump out a load again. He couldn't imagine not coming for two days. He usually shot off a load two or three times on average, whether with a hungry bottom or by himself. In fact, he had fired off almost every day since he was thirteen. But it seemed from now on, he was dependant on Clark's goodwill to fire off his creamy load.

He reluctantly grabbed the soap and turned. With an angry glare, he began to slowly soap his chest as Clark leaned against the wall and watched. He worked over his rock hard pecs, lightly rubbing his tenderised nipples, unable to suppress a gasp at touching the tortured nubs. He couldn't stand the smug look on Clark's face as he idly soaped himself, so he closed his eyes. Soon, he was almost able to forget that Clark was there, and began to move his hands lower and lower in lazy circles.

He sighed as he began to rub his soapy hands along his throbbing shaft. It felt so good to get some direct stimulation on it. He had come twice in a row now from mostly anal stimulation, and he hated what that meant for him. He began to increase his pace, but noticed that the tickling sensation in his newly minted pussy was increasing. He knew instinctively he was dripping, even as the water washed it away.

Suddenly, he was spun up chest first against the wall and slapped sharply on each buttock, reigniting the fire that had only just begun to die down. Tyrone gave a high pitched yelp, and found himself pinned to the wall.

Clark leaned in. "Why are you playing with your cock, boy. I don't give a shit about watching you play with it." He grabbed one of Tyrone's hands and moved it slowly down to rest on his arse, and nudged Tyrone's own middle finger against his spasming arse lips. "That's the show i want to see, so start playing."

Tyrone nodded and was released. He leaned slightly against the wall and spread his feet further, but could not turn his face toward Clark. He didn't want to see his smug face, or let Clark see the humiliation on his own. The worst part was that his cunt was hungrily spasming against his finger, and he could feel the a small dollop of his slimy juices pushing out before being washed away. Reluctantly, he began to push his finger in.

He gasped with the pleasure that quickly washed over him, making his entire body jerk, and Clark chuckle.

"See, your pussy knows what it needs. Yep, guess you just needed a real man to show you how much of a pussy you really are, boy." clark said, chuckling.

Tyrone whimpered. Of all he had been forced to endure thus far, this he found most humiliating. He was being forced to play with his own hole, just for clark's amusement. The worst part was, he loved it. He pushed a second finger in and his knees weakened and his hips involuntarily jerked back, trying to force his fingers in deeper as he moaned and whimpered in heat. His hole was so wet and slippery, and pulsed hungrily against his digits. Tyrone knew then that his hole was now fully a wet man-cunt, and would always be needing to be fed. Even if he could find a way out of this situation, he would never be able to go back to being a pure top again.

HE began to lose himself in the sensations. Hot water cascading over his muscular, dark, studly body, stimulating him as it never had before, his balls churning in lust, his big dick throbbing for release. He forgot that Clark was even there, so engrossed he became in his own slutty pleasure. He moaned uncontrollably in pleasure as he manged to nudge his prostate, and his legs widened further, his knees weakening, forcing him into a half-squat.

He jerked as Clark grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand and it's pleasuring fingers away from his hole. He looked back, his eyes heavy lidded with lust, half-heartedly trying to pull his hand back, to pleasure his hole further. Clark's smug grin was still there, but his eyes also showed his own arousal. He sighed contentedly as Clark's own thick fingers replaced his own. he leaned forward, placing his hands on the wall for support, and spread his feet and knees as far as he could, to give best access to his pussy. Clark moved closer, so that his thick tool pushed up against him, his frame covering Tyrone's. He wrapped a powerful arm around Tyrone's stomach, locking him helplessly in place.

"See, boy, it hasn't even been a full day, and you are my hungry little cock slave, aren't you." he whispered in his ear.

Tyrone could barely speak, his body was no longer under his control. "Ye-Yes, sir." he breathed.

"Say it. Say what you are. I wanna hear it." he ordered.

"I'm your hungry little cock slave, sir. You're my big-dicked daddy, and i'm your dirty pussy boy." Tyrone couldn't stop himself. He burned with humiliation, but his horniness more than made up for that. At that moment, he meant every word. All he could process was his submission, and Clark's dominance.

"You like me playing with your pussy? Playing with your clit, like this?" Tyrone gasped, his eyes rolling back in his head and his eyelids fluttering as Clark expertly manipulated his prostate. "only the most slutty bottoms have clits like a woman, Tyrone. But i guess you are no exception. Funny how it's hidden way in there, so you need something rammed up there to please it." He focused his attention on it again

"Uuuuuugh. My clit!" was all he could get out. He was panting like a bitch in heat, and he began to rub his butt against Clark's hard rod. The last of his resistance crumbled, and all he wanted was for Clark to take him, right then and there. Almost all his weight was now being supported by Clark.

"Fuck me daddy! PLEASE!" he yelled.

Clark Whispered into his ear. "Not yet, my dirty slut. I decide when and where, clear?"

Clark hauled him back to a standing position and withdrew his fingers, reaching over and shutting off the water. Tyrone quivering in confused lust. He had assumed Clark was as horny as he, but even now, his will was as solid as his cock. Tyrone, on the other hand, had never been so out of control. He dropped his head in humiliation, realising he had been brought lower again, and so effortlessly. He had even admitted to having a clit in his pussy. HE stood idly, slack jawed and panting as Clark dried himself and re-dressed. He had no resistance as clark pulled him out of the shower and dried him.

"One last thing." Clarks said rubbing his goatee. "Real men have beards, slutty pussy boys don't. So from now on, your gonna be clean shaven."

Tyrone gawked. He had been growing a goatee for seven years now. He now apparanlty had lost that too. Angrily he began to pull out his shaving equipment and lather his face. As he did so, Clark moved up behind him and slipped a finger between his buttocks, nudging against his desperately hungry cunt lips. Tyrone stood stock still, transfixed by the anticipation.

"Start shaving, boy. Next time you swallow my cock, I don't wanna feel any prickly hairs." Clark ordered again.

As Tyrone began to reluctantly shave, he was rewarded as clark's finger began lazy circles around his cunt lips. It felt amazing, but only added to the itching burn of need deep inside his pussy. He forced himself to concentrate, finishing quickly, leaving his face bare. It made him look much younger than clark now, even though he was actually almost a year older.

"Let's get to that appointment." Clark said.

He guided him back to his bedroom. He opened a drawer, guessing correctly where Tyrone kept his workout clothes. he rummaged around, eventually pulling out an old pair of tight baby blue shorts.

"Let's get you dressed." Clark said.

Tyrone was made to put his feet in, and Clark slowly drew them up his legs. Even this felt incredibly erotic to Tyrone. His pulsing dick was forced in, but was clearly unable to be properly contained. It look like he had a sausage stuffed in there, running along his waistline.

"Good, let's go." Clark pulled him out into the hallway and out toward the front door. Tyrone realised in horror that this tiny pair of shorts, faling to conceal his erection, and so brief a peek at his crack and a hefty amount of his spanked arse above his legs was showing, was all he was going to be allowed to wear. No shirt, no shoes, no underwear.

"Please, no. Don't make me go out there like this man! I'm almost naked!" he whined.

Clark turned. "For forgetting to call me sir or daddy, i should yank those shorts off and drag you out there by your balls. Is that what you are after? is that what you secretly want?"

Tyrone felt his heart drop. "Please sir, i'm sorry. I panicked. Please..." he replied quickly.

Tyrone waited nervously as Clark seemed to think it over. He would die a thousand times if he was dragged out by his balls and anyone saw.

"Alright, but when we get to our destination....well, i'll give you a clue. You bent over the hood of the car, shorts around your ankles, my hand, your arse. Agreed?" Clark asked.

Tyrone opened his mouth in horror. Another spanking, this time, potentially being seen. He was still tender, too tender for that. He had to offer something else.

"Please daddy, can i suggest something else?" he whispered.

Clark shook his head. "Nope, those are your choices."

Tyrone didn't want either. But he knew that he could take a spanking better than the chance of being seen guided out like that.

"Spanking, sir." he said, dropping his head in shame.

"Good, now lets go." clark said, slipping his aviator sunglasses back on.

Clark led him out into the daylight. Clark made no move to close the front door, and grunted in annoyance when Tyrone went to close it. Tyrone stopped and left it open. Tyrone felt his face heat in embarrasment at his situation, and gladly dove into the back of the car when Clark opened the door for him. Now that he was in the car, his mind couldn't help but focus on what was coming soon. As Clark started to drive, he realised he was travelling to his next spanking. He was already so sore from his last two, he could barely sit. And the last ones had been private, but this time he had no idea if that was the case.

His sense of trepidation began to grow more intense as they drove. Tyrone had no idea what this "Appointment" was, but he knew it couldn't be good. Clark was utterly silent on the drive, and Tyrone's stomach began to knot in fear. He had already experienced his fill of humiliation in the last 24 hours. His mind raced, trying to figure out what it was.

Clark pulled into a parking garage and stopped the car. Tyrone was sweating, knowing full well what was coming. He winced as clark opened his door and guided him out to the hood of the car, parked near the wall, between two other cars.

"You know what i want, so hurry up." Clark said.

Tyrone was worried. Even though no-one seemed to be around, he knew he would sob and yelp during a spanking, and anyone could hear and investigate. But he had no way to get out of it.Shaking, he moved over to the bonnet and stood. He gave one last pleading look to Clark, before yanking on his tiny shorts and dropping them to his ankles. He slowly leant over the bonnet, hoping for anyhing to provide a last minute reprieve. He was left there, shivering, for almost thirty seconds.


"Mmmph!" Tyrone managed to muffle his cry. He braced himself for the next blow.

"Ok, get up and lets's get those shorts back on, boy." Clark said.

Tyrone stood up, confused. He had taken only one blow on each buttock. It had re-awakened the burning feeling, but that was apparantly going to be it. He sighed inwardly in relief as Clark began to pull his shorts back up.

"That was just a reminder, boy. Next time, i won't have any mercy at all. Got it?" Clark hissed.

Tyrone nodded. He gasped as Clark grabbed his balls through the shorts and began to pull him towards the elevator. Apparantly he was still going to have to be guided by his balls, but at least it was more private here, and he wasn't naked. Tyrone actually loved the feeling, even though it was embarrasing. His balls were being roughly, but not too roughly, squeezed and pulled, and he felt a wet patch forming where his cock-head rested. Once in the elevator, he parted his legs to allow further manipulation of his balls. He was rewarded with more tugging and squeezing, and sighed softly in pleasure.

Eventually they reached their floor. Tyrone was pulled into the hallway to a nondescript door, which Clark unlocked with a key. He was guided inside. It was a small room, with just a simple chair and a padded table. Clark began to pull down his shorts, and ordered him to step out of them. His cock stood up and out, rigid as a crowbar. He was guide to dit on the table. Clark spread Tyrone's knees out wide, so that they hung off either end of the table. he then guided his hands back, so that he braced himself leaning back. Tyrone was now on full display, and facing the door.

"Don't move a muscle, boy, or say a word unless i say so, or i swear i will smack your balls tender." Clark said.

Tyrone gulped. He watched helplessly as Clark tapped a message into his phone, obviously signalling someone. Within a few minutes, Tyrone heard a key in the lock and the door opened. Tyrone burned with humiliation as a cart was pushed in by a man. He was a dark italian in his late thirties, with just a bit taller and broader than both Tyrone and clark. Masculinity oozed off him in typical cocky italian fashion, and Tyrone felt his dick throb slightly harder as precum began to bubble down the shaft. He smirked as he saw Tyrone's submissive pose, and grinned when he saw Clark.

"Clark, found yourself a nice stud pussy i see." he said, no hint of an accent.

"Sure did, Gino, started training him last night. Poor thing was under the illusion he was a Top. I fucked the virgin out of him and he's learning now." Clark said dismissively.

"Awesome. You want the full body treatment?" Gino asked.

"Yep. All over treatment." Clark confirmed.

Gino went over to the cart and started to stir something in a pot. Clark came over and leant into Tyrone.

"See, Gino here runs a salon with his wife. Gino's specialty is men's grooming. That includes waxing, see. Gino here is gonna give you a full body waxing." Clark said softly.

Tyrone's eyes widened and he turned his head, his eyes wide in shock.

"That's right. Pussy boys like you get confused when they have hair like a real man, so this will remind you of what you are. I'm gonna go now, and leave Gino to it. If i get back and Gino tells me you gave him any trouble, i'm gonna fuck you while he watches. clear?" Clark whispered into his ear.

Tyrone nodded numbly. it was bad enough being humiliated by Clark, now he was going to have to put up with someone else too?

Clark walked out, telling gino he would be half an hour, and rather forcefully saying he expected Tyrone to be finished then. Gino nodded and smiled, and turned to Tyrone, bringing the cart closer.

"Come on man, don't do this." Tyrone pleaded. "He's got me by the balls here, but anything he's paying you i'll triple it. Just help me out here?"

"No can do, man. Clark pays a pretty good price, and he's been paying it for a while." Gino replied.

He guided Tyrone to lie down flat on his back and put his arms behind his head. He flinched as the hot wax was applied to his underarm. He nearly jumped out of his skin when the fabric strip was torn off with his hair.

"Yeeeeow!" he yelped.

"Geez, calm down, it gets worse below." he said, indicating Tyrone's crotch. Tyrone blanched at the thought. He numbly allowed Gino to wax his underarms, flinching slightly but refusing to yell again. The few stray hairs on his chest were quickly stripped away. To Tyrone, it was as if his very manhood was being stripped from him, and it signaled his further descent into slutty pussy hole. He gasped as Gino roughly grasped his hard cock and held it to the side to wax the hairs on his lower stomach. and then pushed an pulled it in every direction to remove it from his crotch. He was having a harder time not crying out now, as it ws a much more tender area.

When he felt the hot wax going onto his balls, he began to sweat in fear. Gino yanked the first strip off mercilessly. Tryone slammed his fist into the table and roared at the pain as Gino laughed.

"Feel free, this room is soundproof." He chuckled.

Tyrone had to endure three more strips on his balls, although he was certain the last one wasn't necessary and was just torture. He tried to sit up, but was forced back down by Gino's strong hand. Gino then lifted his legs and forced him to hold his own knees in the air, spread wide. This revealed the hairs on his perineum, as well as around his hole. He whimpered in impotent rage and fear as he was painfully waxed clean, leaving the only hair anywhere on his body on his eyebrows. He was now as smooth as a pre-pubescent boy. He felt humiliated and vulnerable, and just wanted to crawl into a dark hole to get away from it all.

Clark re-entered soon after carrying a black plastic bag. He set it down and came over to Tyrone and began to feel over his denuded crotch.

"Nice work, Gino, not a hair in sight. Did he give you any trouble?" he asked.

"Other than screaming like a little girl, none." Gino replied."So, when you wanna organise payment?"

"Right now." Clark replied.

Gino seemed slightly taken aback. "Now? What about him?" he said, nodding his head to Tyrone.

"Now or never, Gino." Clark Said firmly.

Tyrone was intrigued. Whatever this payment was, Gino the straight married stud was reluctant to do it in front of him. Tyrone wondered if Maybe Clark sucked him off, oe something similar. Gino was squirming in indecision whilst he thought.

"Alright, now then?" he said, throwing his hands up in the air. Clark sat down on the chair and seemed to be waiting. Tossing a glance at Tyrone, Gino began to unbutton his shirt. Instead of revealing a hairy Italian chest, Gino revealed a well muscled, but completely hairless torso, and bare armpits. He slipped of his shoes and socks. Tyrone's leaking dick went into overdrive at the thought of seeing this stallion naked, and hoped that was what was going to happen.

Gino hesitated before unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly. He dropped his pants, revealing a straining slab of meat in his briefs he turned away and dropped his briefs, revealing a hunky, but smooth and hairless, arse. He turned, revealing a thick eight inch prong jutting out, also completely smooth and hairless. Tyrone was incredibly turned on. He would have loved to jump up and fuck that muscle hunk into the ground, but he knew he wouldn't get that chance. Tyrone was pleased, though, to see that he looked embarrased to be naked in front of the man he had just waxed as smooth as he.

"See, Tyrone, Gino is an interesting case. He loves his wife, very much. But she doesn't put out for him as much as he needs, so he ends up trolling for cheap whores. He was doing it so often, the guilt was tearing him up inside. I provide him with a way to be punished for his transgressions, and his wife never has to be told." Clark explained.

Tyrone gawped open mouth and turned back to Gino, who was blushing furiously.

"So, he has to keep himself waxed clean, which his wife enjoys, and every time he sleeps with one of his whores, he gets ten minutes over my knee, spanked like a little boy. How many was it this month?" Clark asked.

Gino mumbled something softly.

"What?" Clark said firmly.

"Four." Gino mumbled louder.

"Wow, that's double the last three months. Ok, so that's forty minutes over my knee, Gino. And Tyrone is gonna watch too. I think having an audience might make you think twice next time. Get over here and bend over!" Clark said.

Gino reluctantly moved over and bent over Clark's knee, placing his hands on the ground and turning his head away from Tyrone.

"Nope, Gino, I'm not starting til you look at Tyrone. Your gonna look at him the entire time, so you can see someone watching you get your well deserved punishmment." Clark said.

Gino reluctantly turned to look at Tyrone, murder in his eyes. Tyrone couldn't understand why he would willingly put himself in this situation if he clearly hated it.


Gino's butt quivered from the slap and his face twitched slightly.






Clark set up a brisk pace of slaps against the muscular globes, Making Gino quickly begin to screw up his face and begin to squirm. Tyrone saw that his smooth white cheeks were quickly passing pink and beginning to slide into red sore mounds of muscle. Gino's feet occasionally kicked against the ground in defiance, and a thin sheen of sweat broke out over his studly body.

"That's right, you know you deserve this. Cheating on your wife with cheap whores has come back to spank you on the arse, Gino. We are ten minutes down. Half an hour to go." Clark said, never stopping his brisk spanking pace.

"Ah man, geez. Can't we just make it twenty today and i'll come over later this week for the other twenty?" Gino suggested, wincing and kicking his legs with each hard swat on his red cheeks.

"Nope, you agreed this was the way we work it. Remember, if you don't take your full punishment, you told me i had to tell your wife about the whores, as well as what we do here." Clark reminded him.

Tyrone was so turned on. Watching this truly masculine straight stud's tight buns turning a deeper and deeper shade of red was making his own butt sting in reminder, as well as making his cock throb, which only made his pussy wetter. He was actually glad he wasn't the only one that clark had by the balls. Gino was soon yelping and jerking his body, but made no move to get off Clark's knees. His eyes were moist with tears, and Tyrone realised he was about to cry. Tyrone was pleased to be able to watch this guy, who had so recently been so cocky, get his comeuppance.

Soon, Gino broke and began to sob. "Please Clark, it hurts too much! I'll do anything if you'll stop. I've learned my lesson!" He sobbed, tears running down his face.

Clark stopped and began to stroke Gino's tender arse soothingly. "Anything huh? Remember that extra punishment i gave you six months ago for getting a blowjob from your best friends wife?" Clark asked, grinning nastily.

Gino's eyes widened. "OH NO! Not that, please not that." he cried out.

Clark shrugged, and began his rhythmic spanking again. Gino tried to hold on, but soon went to full howling in pain, and tried to get off clark's knee. Clark wrestled him back on and managed to keep him there, continuing his slapping pace.

"OK! OK! I'LL DO IT! PLEASE STOP CLARK!" he yelled. Tyrone wondered exactly how soundproof the room was, because it was full yelling.

Clark stopped and gave Gino a few minutes to compose himself. Gino was a hot sweaty mess of submissive muscle, desperately trying to catch his breath. Clark began to suck and spit on one of his fingers and then moved it to Gino's arse. Tyrone watched in excited amazement as he began to slide in between his cheeks. Gino howled again, but this was a howl of humiliation, not pain. Gino soon had Clark's index finger in his arse, right to the hilt. His eyes showed shocked humiliation, and he clearly hated it. Clark began to slide it in and out slowly, teasing at Gino's prostate. Gino squirmed and let out a whimper that began to turn into a muffled moan of pleasure.

"See Tyrone, Someone else in the world likes to have his clit played with almost as much as you." Clark said.

Gino eyes were heavy lidded with lust. He was making a contented whining sound, and began to move his hips back against Clark's finger. Tyrone wondered if he looked that slutty when he got fingered.

"Another thing you and Gino have in common, you both lube up like sluts." CLark said, matter of factly, sliding a second finger in. Gino arched his back and rolled his eyes into the back of his head. So Gino was one of the other self lubers he had mentioned, he thought to himself

"Uuuuuuugh!" Gino groaned. He was flexing and relaxing his studly muscles in time with clark's magic fingers. Tyrone felt the heat and wetness in his own pussy returning, and squirmed in pleasure at the memory of clarks's talents at manipulating his own anal zones. Clark spotted him squirming and smirked.

"Well, Gino, seems like we've been neglecting Tyrone over there. Seeing me play with your clit must have made his own feel jealous. We'll have to remedy that." Clarks said.

He pulled gino to standing, but never withdrew his fingers from his cunt. He stood and guided Gino on shaky legs over to the table before finally withdrawing them. He made Tyrone move to one side of the table, and sat gino on the other, both facing him and sitting on sore, spanked arses.

"Now i can make sure neither one of you gets neglected." he laughed.

He pushed them both onto their backs and ordered them to lift their legs and hold their legs high and wide. They both reluctantly obeyed. Tyrone wondered later why they both acquiesced to quickly. In unison, Clarks talented, clit tickling fingers began to slide back into two aching cunts, burrowing for sensitive man-clits.

Tyrone gasped as he was quickly brought back to the same point that he had been in when they had been in the shower earlier, and he saw Gino quickly join him in the state of helpless, slutty need. Tyrone clenched his pussy on Clark's fingers, desperately hoping they would not be taken away again. He and Gino were quickly incoherant with desire, and had no resistance left.

Clark Withdrew his fingers and began to circle on the entrance to both of their man-cunts. The aching heat in Tyrone's arse was unbearable, and Gino didn't seem to be doing much better.

"You want more?" Clark asked.

"YES DADDY!" Tyrone cried out.

"Yes please, Mr wilson." Gino whimpered.

"Well i'm not going to give you any more." clark replied, still stimulating the lips of their holes. The whimpered in unison and looked at him with pleading eyes.

"I got an idea though." Clark grinned wickedly.

He pulled Gino of the table and onto his feet. Poor Gino's legs were quivering so much he could barely stand. Clark dragged Tyrone into the centre of the table, lying lengthwise.

"Ok, boys, here's the rule. You get to tongue each others pussies until i say stop. No fingers, just tongues. And if i think one of you isn't putting in the effort, i'll tease you for as long as i feel like and the other gets to come." Tyrone said.

He guided Gino onto the table, straddling Tyrone's face. Tyrone was so horny, he immediatly pushed his face into Gino's red cheeks and began to furiously tongue that hairless, married italian cunt.

"Ooooooohhhhhhhh." Gino moaned, clearly in rapturous pleasure. Tyrone felt Clark reposition Gino, then Push his own legs up behind Gino's powerful arms, opening his own pussy for tongue work. Although he loved the musky taste of Gino's leaking hole, he needed his own licked just as much. Gino resisted slightly as Clark began to push his face into Tyrone's sweaty crack, but once his lips struck Tyrones gushing pussy, he quickly began to slurp up the leaking juives and suck on his hole. Tyrone's legs jerked in rapture. FUCK! Gino knew how to lick pussy. He probably made his wife come without putting his dick anywhere near her.

Like a true slut, Tyrone wrapped his waving legs around Gino's upper back, and his arms around his slender waist, locking them both in place as filthy butt lickers. All that could be heard in the room was muffled slurps and moans, as both of them forced their faces in as far as they could to give maximum stimulation.

Tyrone's cock was getting hotter and hotter, and Gino's felt like a bar of hot lead. against his pecs. He could feel himself approaching orgasm, and knew that Gino felt the same thing. They both redoubled their efforts, desperate to shoot their hot loads, knowing it was the only thing that Clark wanted before he let them go.

Tyrone felt Gino stiffen, and his tongue began to ram deep into Tyrone's anal cavity in a mimicry of sex, as he cried out and began to shoot his hot load all over Tyrone's chest, gushing out a massive load. His arse spasmed wildly on Tyrone's tongue, which coupled with the now animialistic eating of his pussy, deove him to cry out as he shot onto his own stomach.

Gino was unceremoniously pushed off Tyrone, who was dragged to the very end of the table, forcing his head to hang weakly of the side. He was accosted with Clark's massive cock just as it began to fire a gargantuan load with all the force of a fireman's hose all over his face. Tyrone lay limply as more and more stud-sauce sprayed over him, coating his face like a cheap whoreas it began to drip , he was forced fully back onto the table, to keep it on his face.

Tyrone, utterly exhausted, could only lay covered in three different loads like a slut at a bukkake party as Gino was allowed to dress and leave, looking bewildered, confused, and still very horny.

"Now we'll go back to your place, Tyrone. You promised to ride my cock like cowboy at a rodeo, remember?" Clark said, having quickly regained his composure.

Tyrone groaned. He wondered how much else he would have to endure before the first day as Clark's whore came to an end.

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