Top Vs Top

By Adam Elliott

Published on May 22, 2008


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Top vs Top: part 2

Tyrone slowly woke with the sun warming his back. He lay on his bed, facedown and haphazardly spread-eagled and naked on his bed. After last night, he needed a big sleep. Not only had he been humiliatingly and roughly fucked, but had been pissed on and forced to drive home naked. He had fumed and seethed the entire way home, knowing full well Clark's massive load was leaking from his newly ploughed pussy onto the car seat. His arse had also been stinging painfully from his embarrasing spanking, making him wince and yelp any time the car went over a bump. His hole also felt bruised, and sitting was uncomfortable. The knowledge that it was all on film in Clark's possesion was also a great concern.

He had showered and gone to bed naked. His sore butt hade made wearing anything to bed out of the question. In the mirror, he had caught sight of it and was shocked that his dark rump showed a definite redness. He had also been forced for that reason to sleep on his stomach, and even a sheet over him had stung his tender arse.

He groaned as he woke fully and the memories came flowing back. He kept thinking how stupid he was to have had Clark dead to rights, and bein too stupid and cocky to finish him off. He reached back to rub his butt, still tender but no longer painful. It could have been Clark's fuzzy white butt flaring red instead of his. Clark's tight cunt lips wrapped around his big tool. He remembered how inviting that puckered hole had looked, and found his dick swelling appreciatively. He began to grind his cock against the bed, imagining tongueing that cunt until Clark had begged to be fucked harder than he had.

Eventually he realised he needed more than to simply hump his bed. He rolled onto his back and spat in his hand, preparing to rub out to the thought of banging the top right out of Clark. Without warning, there was a banging on the door. It was no simple knock, it sounded like a rhino was trying to get in. Tyrone swore angrily and jumped out of bed. He threw on a black robe and stomped to the door, intending to kick the arse of whoever was ruining his saturday morning wank.

"what the FUCK do you think you are doi-" His voice cut out as he saw Clark standing on his doorstep. He was wearing a collared shirt and jeans, and had a pair of aviator sunglasses on, hiding his eyes.

"Hmmm, seems someone needs to teach you the right way to open the door to your new owner, boy." Clark said, pushing past a shocked Tyrone and striding inside. Before Tyrone could stop him, he had walked into his lounge room and dropped his large frame onto his couch.

"Nice place. But you bottom boys like to decorate i suppose."

Tyrone walked in and mustered his full dignity. "What the fuck are you doing here, and what the fuck do you want."

Clark raised an eyebrow, but his expression of his eyes was still hidden. He got up and walked over to Tyrone's computer and began to tap on the keyboard. Tyrone walked over as he finished and went to sit back down. Tyrone's mouth fell open when he saw the screen. It was a photo of him completely naked, face contorted in orgasm with his eyes screwed closed. His cock was gushing, and between his parted legs, he could see the base of Clark's thick cock as he was fucking him from behind. The worst part was Clark's cocky grin, eyes locked on the camera. The website had a name. "" "Free site, come in and watch the full video."

Tyrone turned in shock, his robe falling open and revealing his hard dick, now strangely even harder than before.

"Don't worry too much, slut. I haven't given out the address....yet. No-one can get in unless they have that exact web address. But if i don't put a codeword in every day, a program kicks in to advertise it on about twenty websites."

"No, please no." Tyrone was shaking his head. There was nothing he had ever feared more than that video getting out.

"Right now Tyrone, i doubt i'm gonna put that code in tomorrow. You seem to have forgotten what you learnt last night. I could punish you for your behaviour, but you seem to prefer for everyone to watch you get plowed. Guess that must turn you on, advertising your new status as a hungry cum hole." Clark said. His voice was like ice, and the reflective glasses still hid his eyes, making him seem more menacing.

Tyrone gritted his teeth. He had been raised to believe that as a strong black man, he was the top of the pile. He wasn't supposed to bow to any man, let alone a white one. He hated that he was now, for all intents and purposes, utterly and completely helpless against Clark. He had dirt on him, powerful and humiliating dirt. He bowed his head in shame, and steeled himself.

"Please sir, put the password in." he said softly.

When clark did not respond, he raised his head. Clark was looking at him and seemed to be thinking.

"Maybe i might give you a chance to earn the password for a day. Would you like that?" he replied eventually.

"Yes, sir."

"Well, you'd have to be much better behaved, and would have to be punished for your attitude to this point. Does that sound fair?"

Tyrone hated being spoken to like a teeneager who had stayed out to late, but couldn't think of a way out of the situation.

"Yes, Daddy, it seems fair." he said through gritted teeth.

"Excellent. Now what punishment do you think you deserve?"

Tyrone was feeling unnerved by the icy calm demeanor coming off Clark. Last night, he had seemed cocky and amused. But he was much calmer and even more in control. Tyrone was in his own house, and he felt powerless against him. He didn't want to choose any punishment at all, but Clark was patiently waiting for a response.

Tyrone's mind raced. There was no way he was going to suggest a spanking. He had hated that so much, and his arse was still tender. And the thought of being bent over Clark's knee, utterly helpless and brought to tears like a bitch again made his fists clench.

"No answer then? Well i know one. Take off that robe, it's not hiding your hard dick. Guess the memory of my big, fat tool slamming your boy-pussy to orgasm can make you hard. I wouldn't know, cause i'm a man, not a fag cunt."

Tyrone didn't move. He was so angry he was stuck like a statue. He resolved right then, that this was over. He charged at Clark, planning to take him down and fuck him on the ground right now. He was going to fuck the password right out of him, and turn the tables permanantly. He was no-one's pussy boy.

Clark leapt up faster than lightning and met him full charge, twisting his hips and throwing Tyrone off balance. He landed heavily on his back, with Clark on top of him. They were between the couch and the coffee table, leaving Tyrone no room to maneuver. Clark quickly had him pinned, his hands locked just above his head.

"You fucker! You don't know how fucked you are now, cunt."

He used one hand to keep him pinned, and began to pull the thick drawstring out of Tyrone's robe. Tyrone struggled to get free, but to no avail. He began to squirm his lower body, but only succeeded in rubbing his raging erection against the rough texture of Clark's jeans, teasing the hot, throbbing head. He used the cord and tied Tyrone's wrists together tightly, still leaving a length free and dangling.

"Fuck! NO." Tyrone cried out as he realised he was almost helpless again.

"Yeah, whore cunt. you are gonna get it so hard now. I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson. Oh, and that video is gonna get advertised EVERYWHERE now!"

Clark stood and dragged Tyrone up. Tyrone's hands were in front of him this time, but he had no time to react before Clark sat andf pulled him over his knees. Tyrone's dick became trapped between Clark's thighs, the length stimulated by the roughness of the jeans, and the head rubbing aainst the leather of the couch. Tyrone knew his still tender arse was going to receive a brutal spanking, and that fear broke him a little.

"Please, daddy, i'm sorry." he whined.

"No you aren't, but you soon will be. You aren't gonna be able to sit for a month when i'm done with you." he replied, confirming Tyrone's fears.


The first blow caused Tyrone to jerk, ramming his sensitive cock head into the coach, sending shivers of pleasure through him even as he felt the searing pain. His right butt cheek now stung severely, even through the robe, last nights fire re-awakened. He pushed his hands underneath himself to lever away, but clark grabbed the free length and pulled them out.

"Hmm, still trying to get away, huh? Then i have an idea for that."

He pulled Tyrone's hands to his neck, behind his head. He then wrapped the free length around his throat and tied it off again. Now Tyrone's hands were stuck there, and to pull them would cause him to choke himself. He was utterly helpless to Clark's desires in his own home.

Clark pulled the hem of his robe up over his back, exposing his bare arse and eliciting a soft whimper of fear from Tyrone.

"Let's go through the rules, Tyrone. I fucking own you now. If i want to take you to the city square and fuck you in the middle of the day, you fucking take it. Clear?"


"OW, FUCK" Tyrone yelped loudly.

"I asked if it was clear, bitch, answer me!"


"Ah, yes. Yes sir. Yes sir."

"That's better. Now, you clearly remember to call me sir or daddy?"


"Ah, ah. Yes sir, i remember."

"Good. Now, i've decided that clothes aren't really required for you. So, from now on, if you are alone or with just me, you're to be completely naked. Maybe i might occasionaly let you wear something if you have been well behaved and obedient, but only if i feel like it. Clear?


Tyrone jerked, his cock again rubbing pleasureably against the couch. He hated the idea of being completely naked, even alone. But he had no choice.

"Yes, sir. No clothes. Understood, sir."

"Good. Now, no more jerking off. If i even THINK you have been blowing a load without my permission, you are going to regret it. I want you focused on cumming for me when i want it to happen. Understand?"


"CLEAR SIR!" he hoarsely yelled. He was praying that the neighbours couldn't hear, but his driveway was longer and his house was further back, making it unlikely that they could.

"Good, now i'm gonna remind you what happens to disobedient slut cunts."


For over half an hour, Clark's heavy handed swings landed on Tyrone's defenseless, tender buttocks. Tyrone begged and pleaded, but Clark didn't say a word. Tyrone endured a brutal spanking, his arse burning and stinging worse with each blow. He even began to leak precum onto the couch, his dick being pleasured from friction along the shaft and on the head. He kicked his legs in pain, but it was futile to attempt escape. He eventually had tears in his eyes, which evolved slowly into full sobbing and crying. He had lost the last of his will to fight back. The very thought of enduring this again was impossible to imagine.

Eventually, the harsh blows stopped, and Clark began to gently stroke and rub Tyrone's sensitive arse cheeks. Tyrone was able to compose himself slowly, utterly humiliated he had cried like a little boy over Clark's knee, and secretly praying that it was over.

"Lesson learnt?" Clark asked.

Tyrone gulped in a breath.

"Ye-Yes sir. I'm sorry, sir." he managed to get out.

"Good to know. Your punishment isn't over, by the way. Not by a long shot"

Tyrone felt his entire body go rigid. He closed his eyes and buried his head into the cushions, waiting in fear for the next blow.

"Oh, no boy. I'm not gonna beat your arse any more. This is gonna be probably much worse."

Clark began to flip Tyrone over, and Tyrone yelped loudly as his ravaged arse rubbed against the rough denim of Clark's jeans. His rigid cock was so hard it was suspended above his washboard stomach, throbbing and wet.

"Well, you clearly enjoyed your spanking. Would you like me to do it every day, just to get you in the mood?" Clark asked.

"NO! please no sir. I hated it sir!" Tyrone replied hastily.

"No, i think you really liked it." Clark reached down and gently took Tyrone's nine and a half inch cock by the base. With light touches, he began to move around the base, making Tyrone squirm, which only made him gasp in pain as his sore butt chafed against rough denim. with his other hand, he began to lightly rub and pluck on his exposed nipples, alternating between them until they were hard and plump. Tyrone's lips parted and he let out a soft moan of pleasure.

Clark's light touch moved from his cock base down to his heavy bull nuts. He stroked the hairy sack lightly. Tyrone had always liked his balls being played with, and this was no exception. He sighed in pleasure and parted his knees wide, giving greater access. While he continued to play with Tyrone's nipples, Clark began to gently squeeze and tug on the full sack, eliciting whimpers and moans of pleasure from him.Tyrone felt like an instrument, and Clark was playing him like a virtuoso.

Leaving his balls alone, Clark worked his fingertips slowly and gently up Tyron'es aching shaft. The intense yet teasing pleasure brought out another drip of precum that added to the expanding puddle on his stomach. Clark stopped just short of Tyrone's heated cock-head, and began to move down again. The slow and light strokes continued to ignore his head, driving him mad with pleasure and frustration. He began to lightly thrust his hips, attempting to get more friction on his throbbing cock.

"You like that?" Clark asked.

"Yeah." Tyrone replied softly.

Clark released his shaft and roughly grabbed and roughly squeezed and pulled on Tyrone's vulnerable balls. Tyrone cried out and tried to sit up, but Clark's hand held him down even as it viciously twisted his nipple.

"That's "Yes, sir" or "Yes, daddy". Got it cunt?"

Tyrone nodded his head, too short of breath to speak. He gasped deep lungfulls of air as Clark went back to his teasing strokes. Tyrone was slowly going mad with desire. He had always been taught that a black man was superior to a white man in strength and manhood. It was a humiliating position to have been spanked so hard, and now be desperate for even a light touch from Clark. He endured further light strokes for another ten minutes, occasionally thrusting his hips in an attempt to increase his pleasure. His balls were churning and he was throbbing and aching for release.

Clark stopped teasing his nipples, which now were starting to become sore from being played with for too long. He used that hand to begin a slow stroking of his shaft with a barely closed fist, still ignoring the head of Tyrone's cock. He used his now free hand to play with Tyrone's balls again. Tyrone threw back his head in pleasure and frustration, his eyes rolling back into his head and his mouth forming an "o" of pleasure. He spread his legs wide to allow unrestricted access to his nuts, and was rewarded with more stimulation on them.

"Would you like to come, slut?" Clark asked.

"Yes, daddy, please make me come." Tyrone was surprised by the truly submissive whine in his voice.

"Too bad. Only good whores get to come. But you've been a bad whore, so we'll just have to keep playing." Clark replied.

Tyrone groaned as the slow strokes continued. He could feel Clark's solid meat against his hip. It was as rigid as a crowbar, but Clark still had cast iron control. Tyrone, on the other hand, was quickly turning into a sweaty mound of horny muscle. He writhed and thrust his hips, desperate for more stimulation. Every movement sent pain through his buttocks, but that just somehow served to make him even hornier.

"Oh god, please daddy, i wanna come so bad. I'll be good, i'll do anything you want. please?" Tyrone pleaded.

Clark continued to tease and frustrate him for a while before answering.

"Anything i want, huh? Tell you what my hungry little butt-slut, make me an offer. What are you willing to offer me to come? I want to hear exactly what your willing to give me."

"I'll suck your dick sir." Tyrone blurted out.

Clark laughed. "Fuck boy, i can make you do that whenever i want. That's not an offer."

Tyrone groaned. "I'll take a fuck as hard as you want daddy, please?"

Clark shook his head. "You must be even dumber than i thought. I already have that option, remember. I slammed your hungry cunt nice last night. I'm gonna do it plenty harder whenever i feel like it."

Tyrone blushed in embarrasment at the memory and groaned as he continued to be teased. He had to think of something that Clark would want from him. But he was so horny he couldn't think straight. Clark had stopped stroking his balls, and he could hear a slurping sound. He looked up in time to see Clark's spit coated finger drawing away from his mouth and down. He felt it rubbing against his man-pussy, and knew he was about to get finger-fucked again. He winced slightly as clark thrust his middle finger in. But with his cock still being stroked, the pain quickly began to melt away. The finger began to tease and stretch his hole, and Clark was making a special effort to hit his throbbing prostate. Tyrone groaned loudly at the frustrating pleasure.

"No more offers. Well i wouldn't worry too much. I'll stop at midday."

Tyrone looked up at the clock. 09:48. His eyes widened to realise he was looking at over two more hours of torture. He knew he wouldn't make it before breaking. He needed to think of something quick. But the ache in his balls and the throbbing of his hungry cunt were driving rational thoughts out of his head. All he could think of was how badly he wanted to spray his load.

"Man, if i was as horny as you, i'd wanna blow my load soooooo bad. But i wouldn't be hard getting fingered, i'd hate that. Guess that's the big difference between you and me." Clark said, as he slightly increased his speed. Tyrone bit his bottom lip and whimpered again. He felt another finger begin to slide into his arse, and spread his knees as wide as he could, needing the stimulation, even if it was anal stimulation. He hated how quickly he had grown to enjoy the feeling of his hole being played with and filled. But right now, he would have gladly ridden on Clark's cock if he could have come.

The inspiration struck him with that thought. "I'll ride on your cock, daddy. I'll bounce up and down on your big dick like a cheap whore. i'll fuck myself on you....hard. PLEASE...let me CUM!" Tyrone bellowed.

"That's a good offer, cunt. Show me what you mean, fuck yourself on my fingers." Clark growled back.

Clark stopped moving his fingers. Tyrone braced his feet wide on the couch and began to bring his hips up and down. He managed to slide his arse slightly up and down on clark's fingers. Clark had stopped stroking his dick, and was now instead cupping his balls and gently squeezing on them.

"Come on, boy, show me you mean it. Convince me you'll ride my cock hard."

Tyrone shifted the angle of his hips and allowed his weight to slide himself down further on Clark's thick fingers and then pulled himelf almost all the way off. He dropped back down, and swivelled his hips, enjoying the feeling of his stud-cunt being stretched. He began to bang himself harder, groaning as he felt himself getting closer to orgasm. His hole felt so hot and so wet, and a strange tickling was running through it.

Clark's fingers quickly withdrew, making a slurping sound. Tyrone realised his hole was leaking fluid, more than simply the spit that had been on Clark's finger. Clark began to laugh.

"Oh, this is too perfect. In all my life, i have only ever fucked two self lubing butt-sluts before. It's official, you were built to get rammed in the arse. Guess i'll save a fortune on lube." Clark chuckled.

Tyrone's face burnt in humiliation. His own body was betraying him rapidly. Clark had managed to awaken something in his hole that marked him as a cock receptacle. His arse was now designed to be filled. He especially hated that his hole pulsed, hungry to be filled again. He whimpered as Clark added a third finger and rammed them roughly back in. He automatically began to ride up and down again, even faster than before. His hips no longer seemed under his control, and his thick cock slapped loudly against his hard stomach.

"That's it, my little whore. Show me how your gonna ride me. Your gonna be a tight ride, let's see if you can make it a good one too."

Tyrone wasn't listening. He could feel his cum rising. He was so close, but couldn't quite tip himself over the edge, no matter how hard he rammed himself onto Clark's fingers. He looked into clark's eyes, trying to ignore the arrogant smirk on his face.

"Please daddy." he breathed.

Suddenly, Clark began to squirm his fingers and ram them to meet Tyrone's own thrusts. Tyrone's legs flew wide apart and began to quiver. With a roar, Tyrone came. His cunt spasmed uncontrollably on Clark's fingers, and his thick cream spurted onto his chest and face, drenching him with his own seed. He had never pumped out so much cum before. He writhed as load after load sprayed, unable to control his gasps and moans as he felt himself run out of come and continue to orgasm dry for a short time.

Eventually, he collapsed, exhausted and completely drained, legs occasionally jerking with subsiding pleasure. Clark lifted his legs slightly and slid out from them.

"Enjoy the rest. We have a big day planned. And later, you are going to be riding my cock twice as hard as you just fucked my fingers."Clarks said, walking away. Tyrone was left a sticky, sopping mess, too drained to move.

Next: Chapter 4

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