Top Vs Top

By Adam Elliott

Published on May 4, 2008


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Top vs Top part 1

Tyrone ran a roving eye over Clark's muscular arse as he bent over to stretch before the bout. It was finally happening. He was gonna wreslte down this stud into submission and make him his pussy boy. His cock began to plump slightly at the thought of Clark spread out and ready to be roughly, and humiliatingly, taken by him. He had some ideas of what to do to Clark, to take him down low and keep him there. He had held of on cumming for three days, as he wanted to fill Clark to the brim with his load.

"Doesn't matter you know Green. The only stretch you need is your arse so that it doesn't hurt too bad when i fuck you."

Clark turned around "Whatever Wilson, we both know your gonna be screaming as i plow you hard."

They circled each other slowly, and Tyrone looked for an opening to take Clark down quick.

Without warning Clark darted in and grabbed Tyrone. Tyrone yelled in shock as he was tripped and slammed down on to the mat on his back. He managed to roll out from underneath quickly thanks to his reflexes, but it had been close. He countered by plowing into Clark's side and throwing him off balance as they landed in a tangle of limbs on the floor.

Somehow Tyrone came out on top, Clark beneath him on his back. He grabbed his wrists and locked them on the floor. Clark began to struggle, and Tyrone placed his knees between Clark's and wrenched them apart to deny him leverage. Clark struggled in futility.

"Man, I thought you might at least put up a fight, muscle-pussy. Guess you just want it in you sooooo bad." Tyrone smirked.

Clark brought his legs up and wrapped them around Tyrone's waist.

"That's it, show daddy how much you want it."

Tyrone's gloating was short lived, as Clark wrenched him to the right and managed to get a hand free. He released Tyrone and writhed clear, Tyrone in hot pursuit. Clark turned as fast as a snake and managed to grab and twist Tyrone into an armlock and pin him to the floor.

"I'll give you a fight fucker! There is now way your little dick is gonna get near my arse." Clark placed his full body weight on top of Tyrone and wrenched his arm further. Tyrone grunted in pain, but popped his head back and managed to connect with Clark's. Clark's grip released and Tyrone squirmed out and away. They once again stood and circled each other.

Tyrone had a plan, and if it went off, then this was over and he would be plowing that moaning white pussy within the hour. He managed to get over to the corner near his bag and waited. He darted his eyes as if he had just realised he had cornered himself. Clark saw the fake opening and charged in. Tyrone deftly sidestepeed and triped while grabbing Clark. Clark landed heavily and tyrone grabbed his arms while he was still disoriented and pulled them onto his back and sat on them, locking them in place. When clark began to twist and kick his legs to get free, Tyrone dove his hand into his bag and brought out a pair of solid, heavy steel hand-cuffs. In seconds he wrapped them around Clark's wrists and stood, triumphant.

"What the fuck!?" Clark yelled as he helplessly jerked his bound arms.

"Hey man, i thought it would be clear. No holds barred, gotta bring your A-game. Pity you don't have one. Now i'm Gonna have to show you how a real man fucks his pussy boy." Tyrone flipped Clark over onto his back and sat on his crotch. He began to grind his arse against Clark's bulge "This is the closest your ever gonna come to fucking a real man."

Tyrone could feel Clark's cock begin to firm against his cheeks. Tyrone had no problem using his arse to get Clark all hot and bothered. It would make his humiliation all the more complete. Clark was squirming underneath him in lust, his eyes heavy lidded and his mouth parted hungrily. Tyrone reached down and tore open Clark's singlet top, exposing his hairy and well musled chest. He stroked his hands over the firm slabs of muscle, zeroing in on the plump, pink nipples. Clark gasped in a deep breath as Tyrone began to gently stroke and pinch on the rapidly hardening nubs.

"Mmmm, yeah. You like how that feels, don't you bitch. Bet that it makes your pussy squeeze when i do this." Tyrone roughly twisted on them. Clark yelped and arched his back, but Tyrone felt his massive meat throb against his arse. "Yeah, you love it rough. Don't worry, i'm gonna do you so rough your gonna walk like the bitch boy you are for life."

"No, no way." Clark muttered weakly.

"Oh no? How you gonna stop me? Face it Green, you are my slutty little bitch boy from now on. Don't worry though, i might lend you out to my friends sometimes, just in case you get addicted to getting fucked hard."

Tyrone climbed off and grabbed the waistline of Clark's shorts. Clark's eyes widened.

"Any last words before i take the last of your dignity Green?"

"Fuck you Wilson!"

Tyrone grinned as he began to slide the shorts down. "Nah, i'm gonna have to settle for fucking you."

Tyrone ensured that Clark's hard on got trapped in the shorts on the way down, bending it into a slightly painful and uncomfortable position. He then whipped them down and off as Clark's cock sprung up and loudly slapped against his stomach.

Tyrone was momentarily taken aback. Tyrone was used to his view that his nine and a half cock was the biggest around. But Clark's beat him by half an inch in length and was a bit thicker as well. Well, he thought, i'll make this donkey dicked guy my pussy and it doesn't count anymore.

Clark was shuffling away from him. "Where you goin Green?" he asked, reaching down and grabbing his ankles. He flexed his muscles and deftly flipped Clark onto his stomach. Clark's arse was a piece of art. Muscular and round, with a light covering of fur that thickened the closer you came to his fuzzy crack.

"Oh yeah," Tyrone murmered as he knelt down, spreading Clark's struggling legs out to expose that virginal pink pucker. It was clenched so tight, but would give the occasional twitch. "that's gonna feel nice wrapped around my cock Green. But first, i'm gonna have me a taste of that. Five minutes of work with my tongue and and you'll be whimpering about how hard you want it."

Tyrone leaned in and wrenched Clark's butt cheeks apart and blew air onto the puckered opening. "Yeah, your gonna love being my stud-cunt."

Fast as lightning Clark twisted and clamped his thighs around Tyrone's head. Tyrone was so shocked he didn't react for a couple of seconds, and then he was too late. Clark clenched his thighs and cut of his air supply. The pressure was intense, and he could already feel the blood pounding in his head. He flailed his legs and tried to use his arms to fre himself, but to no avail.

"Nighty night, cheating mother-fucker." Clark said, a clear sneer in his voice. Tyrone barely heard him as he quickly passed out into unconsciousness.

Tyrone groggily came around. He was disoriented at first, but quickly remembered what had happened. He tried to sit up, and found himself restricted. Clark had obviously found the keys to the cuffs and freed himself. Now Tyrone was face up, and his hands were cuffed behind his back. Clark Had gone further though. His ankles had been spread and were now tied to each end of a benchpress weight bar, keeping his legs helplessly spread. Also, of course, he was completely naked.

"Smile, bitch. You're on fucking candid camera." Clark said.

Tyrone lifed his head and his mouth formed an o of shock. Clark was standing a short distance away. Still completely naked, his massive hardon jutting up and out while he sowly stroked it. Next to him was the camcorder on the tripod, the red light showing that it was recording.

"What the fuck, Green! Can't you keep your word? I had you, fucker." Tyrone yelled.

"Oh, you had me in a bad place, i'll admit that. But if you remember, to lose the bet one of two things had to happen: you had to tap out or be put into a sleeper. I can play the tape back to show you us agreeing to that if you want. Neither of those things happened to me. But you, well i got footage of you unconscious, so you clearly lost on the sleeper clause. Simple math. I won, and you lost."

Tyrone's eyes widened as the truth of that sank in. If he hadn't fucked around, acted so cocky, he could have easily won. But now he had lost. He was now locked in a sexual submission trap of his own design.

"Come on man." Tyrone was using his most diplomatic and reasonable voice. "We can work something else out, can't we. It was a fun game to play. But we're the two biggest tops in this city. We should be allies, not enemies."

Clark laughed. "Oh, Tyrone, man that's funny. You go from saying how hard you were gonna fuck me, to negotiating to get out of your own bet. You must be dumber than i thought. No, my soon to be whore, there is not a chance you are gonna be a top again. By the time i'm done with you tonight, you won't even remember what that's like."

Tyrone began to squirm against his bonds. But he knew it was pointless. Even if he could free his legs, he wasn't much threat with his arms cuffed, and he doubted Clark was going to fall for the same trick that he had used on him. He felt his heart begin a rapid, nervous beat as Clark began to confidently stride over.

Clark grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him up onto his knees, positioned for a side on view for the camera. With his legs forcibly spread, he was exactly at crotch height. Clark used one hand to hold Tyrone's head in position. With the other, he took his thick, ten inch rod and began to slap it across Tyrone's face.

"Alright bitch, time for you to learn how to suck a real man's dick." Tyrone shook his head to try and free himself, but Clark held him firm. Soon, the plump, dripping head was butting up against his thick lips. Clark rubbed precum all over Tyrone's tightly clamped lips. "Come on boy, open up and suck on your daddy's dick, or i'll drag you out onto the street as you are and leave you there." From the tone in his voice, Tyrone was pretty sure he would do it too.

Tyrone closed his eyes and parted his lips slightly to allow him access to his mouth. The intruder withdrew and the next thing Tyrone knew, a stinging but not brutal slap struck him across the face. He opened his eyes as he was grabbed around the throat. "I said suck my cock, not open your mouth to get throat fucked, got it? And keep your eyes open... in fact, look me in the eyes."

Tyrone was so shocked he nodded dumbly. Clark released his throat and presented his cock again. Tyrone licked his lips to moiston them, then opened his mouth while looking up. The smug, arrogant look on Clark's face made Tyrone's blood boil. It should have been clark on his knees, sucking his fat butt buster. He moved his head forward and felt the head force his lips further open, and he ran his tongue over it, eliciting a further smile from Clark. Tyrone began to draw more into his mouth, forcing his jaw to the maximum he could open it, until he couldn't get any more in, and he was only halfway down if he was lucky. Tyrone had never needed to deep throat before. He rarely even sucked cock unless he felt like it on the rare occasion.

He began to slowly suck on the thick slab of dick, trying to pay attention to the head. His only hope was to buy some time and make Clark shoot in his mouth instead of being fucked by him. After a few minutes, he tried to take more in, but when it his the back of his throat, he gagged and pulled back. Fast as lightning, Clark grabbed him with one hand on the back of his neck and one on the back of his head, foiling his attempt to pull off.

"Hmm, not as good a cocksucker as i thought then." Clark mused. Tyrone continued to try to pull off, but with Clark's strong arms, he didn't have a hope. "Looks like i'm gonna have to train you up, starting right now."

Tyrone felt an insistent and forceful pressure as Clark began to pull him back down on his rock hard cock. His jaw already ached, and saliva was already leaking past his lips and collecting on his chin. Tyrone gagged as the spongy head hit his gag reflex again, but Clark didn't allow a single iota of backward movement this time. Tyrone was also painfully aware that his cock was beggining to harden. He just hoped he could get it under control before Clark noticed

"On second thought, maybe a good throat fucking is a good way to show you what i need. And you'll have to get rid of that gagging sooner rather than later." Tyrone tried to say no, tried to tell him to stop. But with his mouth and jaw stretched to the limit and full, all he could manage was a muffled gurgle. He pulled back as best he could, but he had no leverage. He gagged again as Clark hit the back of his throat, and his eyes watered as he was forced further down.

"Wow, what a pussy. Crying cause you can't take a big cock." Clark laughed again. Tyrone yanked back as hard as he could. He wanted to spit that cock out and tell Clark he was a fuckhead. But Clark held him firm, and when Tyrone stopped pulling, yanked him back and managed to ram a full inch down Tyrone's throat, passing the tonsils. Tyrone glowered at him even as he began to gag in earnest and dribble saliva down his chin and onto his chest. His air supply was now routinely being cut off as Clark began to thrust in and out. Tyrone was forced to snatch quick breaths at random moments before Clark would start pushing back in. With each thrust, he was being forced to take it deeper and deeper. But the worst part was that He was now leaking saliva down his chest so much it was dripping down to land on his now fully erect and throbbing cock.

Within a few minutes, Tyrone felt Clark's trimmed pubic hair tickle his nose, and his furry balls resting against his dripping chin. His body was hunching as he continued to gag. His eyes were watering, and his face was streaked with wetness. And with no notice, he was rudely pulled off and pushed back. With no way to balance, he fell back ont his rump, gulping in deep lungfuls of air.

Clark crouched down to Tyrone's level, smirking while looking at Tyrone's clear arousal. He reached down and began to touch it with feather light strokes. Tyrone turned his head away, not wanting to see the smug expression on his face as he gave a breathless moan of pleasure. He turned to see the Camcorder, and was horrified to realise that it was still recording.

"Turn that camera of, you mother fucker, or else." Tyrone snarled.

Clark whipped his head up, an angry and focuse look on his face. He used his finger and thumb to roughly squeeze the head of Tyrone's dick, making him jerk and then squirm.

"You don't get to make demands, and i think someone needs to teach that to you, as well as smack some respect into you." Clark grabbed Tyrone and pulled him closer. He got up onto his knees and brought one of his legs out, knee at right angle. With one efficient move, he pulled Tyrone across his knee, Tyrone's cock pointing straight down, running down Clark's furry calf. His face was just inches from the ground. Tyrone struggled, confused as to what was happening, but knowing it wasn't good.


Tyrone jerked in shock as Clark swung his hand full force against his arse. Before he could process what was happening, he was hit again.


"Oh fuck no!" Tyrone cried out. His arse was already warming from those two powerful blows, and he whipped his head around to look at the camcorder, hating that this was being captured on film.

"Oh fuck yes!" Clark replied.


"Ow, fuck!" Tyrone was trying to squirm free, but Clark had placed his free forearm over the small of his back, which had the added benefit of blocking Tyrone's bound hands from trying to protect his butt. All he succeeded in doing, therefore, was to tease the head of his cock against the scratchy hair of Clark's calf, making himself leak precum.

"I clearly need to drive it home to you. You are my bitch from now on Tyrone. From now on, you may only call me two things: Sir, or daddy. Anything else is punishable, and i am only too happy to punish you boy. Is that fucking clear." Clark had punctuated the end of each sentence with another open handed swat on his rump.

"No fucking way am i calling you those. You must be fucking crazy, you bastard." Tyrone yelled.

"Right, now i'm angry." Clark replied, his voice like ice.


Five stronger blows in rapid succesion made Tyrone wail in pain and humiliation.

"Feel free to scream, boy. This gym is pretty sound proof, and there isn't anyone nearby who can hear you. I'm not surprised your screaming so loud, i suppose. You walk and talk tough, but you just can't handle much really."

Tyrone began to receive another blow every few seconds now. He couldn't see it, but the dark skin of his arse was also beginning to take on a reddish hue as well. Within the first few minutes, he was grunting or yelping in pain after each one.

"Come on man, this" CRACK! "Ah, hurts." he yelled.

"Good, it's meant to. Maybe this wil teach you some respect. And i have already said; you can call me sir or daddy. You just earnt an extra ten minutes of punishment." Clark ended with the hardest spank he had mustered so far.

"No, please no." Tyrone pleaded. His arse felt like it was on fire. He had never been spanked in his life, not even as a child. He was completely unprepared for how much it was hurting. He cried out and jerked as another powerful blow landed. Clark was not merely lightly slapping him as a form of humiliation, although he definitely felt humiliated, especially with his dick still rock hard and leaking. Each blow was as strong as Clark's powerful arms could muster, and he was desperate to stop that.His legs were involuntarily jerking the bar they were tied to.

"Please, Sir, please. No more. You win! Please Sir!?" He cried out, his voice cracking and tears of shame and pain falling down his face.

The spanking abruptly stopped. He caught his breath as Clark began to soothingly rub his enflamed arse.

"There, now that wasn't so hard, was it. But i did say you just earnt another ten minutes." Clark said.

Tyrone whipped his head around as the next blow descended.


Tyrone yelled again. "Aaaargh. Please Daddy, no more. I'll do whatever you want. Just please stop."

"The arrogant Tyrone Wilson begging and calling me daddy. This is too good. Alright, i'll stop, but you are still going to have to be punished. Maybe i'll do it another way. I'll have to think for a while."

Tyrone breathed a deep sigh of relief as Clark again began to rub his swollen butt again for a minute or so. He was pulled up into a kneeling position. He heard Clark's footsteps and turned. His heartbeat quickened as he saw clark pull a bottle of lube out from his bag. It hit home at that point; He was about to get fucked, and he had no choice in the matter ever again. The worst part was knowing that he had put himself in this position. He may has well have strode into Clark's office, stripped naked, bent over his desk and spread his arse open. He had turned himself into a lifelong butt-slut for Clark.

"Alright, we've started training your throat, but now we have to break in that tight man-pussy." Tyrone was again pulled over his knee, his sensitised cock again stimulated teasingly by the hairs of Clark's calf . Tyrone heard the squirt of lube and hung his head and closed his eyes. He had one defence left, and he was determined to use it for as long as he could, holding out hope that something would stop this. He was unable to clench his red and burning buttocks due to the bar spreading his legs, but he clenched his hole with all the strength he could muster.

Clark's lube coated finger begand to rub along his crack, slicking up the entire channel and depositing a glob at the entrance to his arse. It was an odd sensation for an avowed top to feel. He felt Clark's thick finger begin to make small circular motions against his sphincter. It temporarily made his defenses weaken, but he quickly shored them back up again. He felt Clark's finger push against him, seeking entrance. He screwed up his face and tensed his entire body. After almost a minute, the pressure stopped and the finger withdrew.

"I see, you would prefer for me to begin spanking you again?" Clark asked.

A shiver of fear ran through his body. "No."


Tyrone yelped again.

"Yes sir or yes Daddy. Now i will ask you again; Would you prefer me to begin spanking you again?" he asked again.

"No, sir."

"Well then you got two options. You can either toughen up and take another spanking. Or you can beg me, and i mean really beg me, to make your arse into a pussy. What's it gonna be slut?"

Tyrone new he couldn't take another spanking, and it was only going to delay the inevitable. He looked at the camcorder, knowing that it was going to be filmed, knowing he could never take it back.

"Please sir, turn my arse into a pussy." he mumbled

"No Tyrone, that's not gonna cut it. I want it louder, so i can hear it, and i want you to convince me to do that instead of this." Clark said.


That one blow convinced Tyrone. "OW! Please Daddy, make my arse into a pussy!" he cried out.

"Is that really What you Want Tyrone?"


"ARGH! Yes, i want you to make me a pussy boy, Daddy."

"Do you know that pussy boys don't get to Top, ever again?"


"Oh god. I understand Daddy."

"Good, now i'm gonna start the process now. If you resist me, i may not bother with a warning. I may just decide you need further convincing. Is that clear?" Clark asked.

"Yes Sir, crystal clear."

Tyrone heard another squirt from the lube bottle, and once again the cool liquid was applied to his hole. The finger once again circled is pucker, and Tyrone had to supress the urge to clench.

"When i start fingering your pussy, i want you to thank me. And explain why you are thanking me. If at any point you sound ungrateful, then you will be punished."

Tyrone felt the thick digit begin to press firmly against his pucker. There was a last ditch defense, and then it popped in to the first knuckle. Tyrone's previously unpenetrated arse was no more.Tyrone gasped loudly and arched his back. the sensation was totally alien to him, and slightly painful. But it also felt strangely nice. he could feel his ass lips throbbing from their first stretching.

"Oooh, Thank you daddy for putting your finger in my arse." he said breathlessly.

"Your welcome, whore. But from now on, you call it what it is. It is your cunt or pussy." Clark replied. Still pushing in, he reached up to the second knuckle and began to wiggle his finger slightly.

Tyrone squirmed from alien feelings in his arse, further rubbing his cock head against tickling hairs. "Oh, that feels weird in my ar- in my pussy sir."

Tyrone gasped as the finger slipped all the way in. His breath caught in his throat when the finger zeroed in on his prostate and rubbed it. His whole body jerked in pleasure.

"Well, looks like i've found your slut switch." Clark said smugly, probing and hitting it repeatedly.

Tyrone was in no position to talk, his eyes rolling into his head and whole body jerking. It seemed his prostate was incredibly sensitive, and he had never felt anything like it.

"Should i stop?" Clark asked.

"NO! Please don't stop daddy!" Tyrone blurted. Tyrone began to blush, even as he wanted more. He found the lips of his newly minted man-cunt were clenching hungrily on Clark's finger. He was utterly humiliated, but didn't care. When Clark began to pull is finger out, Tyrone pushed his arse back, desperate for more. This little act made Clark laugh heartily.

"Wow, you must really have a hungry cunt there Tyrone. Let's see if i can feed it. Would you like that?"

At that moment, Tyrone wanted that finger inside him more than air. "Oh god yes sir. Put it back in my pussy. That felt good."

Tyrone felt the pressure against his arse again, but quickly realised it wasn't just one finger. Another had joined it on it's quest.

"Thank you daddy, My pussy wants it so bad." A large part of Tyrone was hating the humiliation of being made into a pussy boy. But the pleasure had been so intense he didn't care.

The two fingers were more roughly shoved inside him, giving slightly more pain at first. but when they began to work in concert on his prostate, his body practically went into a fit. He felt like he was being electrocuted by a pleasure machine. He felt a third finger push in, again causing him pain, but melting quickly into pleasure.

After about fifteen minutes, the fingers were abrubtly withdrawn. By this stage, Tyrone was a sweaty, moaning mess. He was barely aware of being repositioned face down on the floor, head facing toward the camera. He was placed onto his knees, but his shoulders and face were left to fall on the mat, his arms still cuffed. He sensed Clark kneeling behind him.

"Ready to be fucked Tyrone? Just imagine how good your pussy will feel when i fill it up with what it was made to take."

Tyrone knew he needed to be fucked. If he didn't get something put back inside him, he was going to go insane. "Yes, please fuck me sir. Do me hard."

Clark knelt shuffled forward, and Tyrone felt the lubed head of the massive conquerer at his arse. "Say bye to that cherry of yours Tyrone." With that, Clark began to push forward.

Tyrone didn't think it was going to get in, but his ass lips were hungry to be stretched again. With the small amount of training he had received, combined with a now hungry arse, the head eventually popped in.

Clark leaned over and placed both hands on the mat by Tyrone's shoulders. "Say goodbye to that cherry, cunt." With that, Clarke used his own weight and a powerful thrust of his hips to ram his entire ten inches deep into Tyrone's virgin arse.

Tyrone roared in pain. He thought that the massive tool was going to rip him in half. He had utterly surrendered, and now he was being taken as the spoils of war. He had been snapped out of the sexual trance he had been in, but he could feel his stretched arse rapidly becoming more accustomed to the monstrous tool, and his prostate was already making his legs jerk from being pushed on. Clark started with slow but long strokes, deep dicking Tyrone. Tyrone still felt the pain of it, and the humiliation, but the pleasure was intense.

"Wow, i never expected a virgin to take to a deep cunt stretching so quickly. You're so fucking tight and hot. Guess you were just made to take dick. Since you held back on that for so long, i'm gonna make it up to your arse for you." Clark said, increasing the speed of his fucking.

Tyrone had no response. He knew this was just the first of many hard fucks he was going to receive. All he could do was moan deeply and breathlessly as his cunt got raped hard. The pleasure was quickly mounting. He felt like there was an electrical charge between his arse and cock. Every thrust into his guts fired pleasure through his arse and into his dick, and he was loving it. Clark HAdn't even touched his dick, but his balls were ready to drop a three day load, and his cock was throbbing, ready for release.

When Clark increased his speed and intensity, Tyrone felt himself going over the edge. "Oh god, i'm gonna come!"

With that, clark grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up to a kneeling position. The change on angle of the fuck made him cry out in ecstacy. He felt his balls clench, and his cock throbbed. Screaming in pleasure, and part humiliation, he experienced his first hands free, anally induced orgasm. His balls pumped his load with such intensity, he nearly shot onto the ceiling.

His orgasm caused his tight man-cut to spasm and clench, driving Clark to fire his load deep into Tyrone's guts, roaring like a bull as he pumped a massive load into his cunt. Tyrone was surprised how clearly he could feel his cunt having a load dumped in it.

After a few minutes basking in the post orgasmic pleasure, Clark pushed Tyrone down and withdrew. Tyrone felt and heard the slurping of his arse tryin to keep him in. When he fully pulled out, Tyrone realised his arse was still slightly stretched, and a little cum was dribbling out already.

When he had collected his thoughts, he realised that Clark had packed up the camera and tripod and put them in his own bag. HE picked up their clothes and got dressed, but placed Tyrone's clothes into his bag after using them to wipe up his scattered load.

"Hey, those are mine." He complained.

"No, wrong, and remember to add "Sir" or "Daddy". I own these now."

Clark packed everything up and then came over and untied Tyrone's ankles from the bar and pulled him to his feet. "Time to go." Tyrone began to worry as he was led out of the room, completely naked and still cuffed. He was led out into the dark parking lot, and watched numbly as Clark loaded everything into his car. He saw Clark pull the keys for the cuffs and Tyrone's car out of his bag before locking his car.

"Now, do you want these, pussy boy?" Clark asked.

"Yes, please, sir." he managed to reply between clenched teeth.

"Good, come with me."

He led him to the small garden in the centre of the carpark. He pushed him to his knees. Tyrone had no idea what was going on. When Clark pulled out his flaccid but still impressive cock, he assumed he was going to have to blow it.

He was caught by complete surprise as a yellow stream of urine began to flow and splash into his face. He swore and recoiled, but Clark simply followed and pissed on his chest and face. By the time he was done, Tyrone was dripping wet in stinking piss.

"Enjoy the ride home, slut."

With that, Clark tossed the keys into seperate bushes and walked away. By the time Tyrone had scrabbled and found the keys to the cuffs, Clark had already driven away. Tyrone managed to free himself, but had to drive home completely naked, covered in piss, and cum dribbling onto his car seat. He regretted making this bet more than anything, and wondered what else could be done to him.

Next: Chapter 3

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