Top to Bottom

By J

Published on Feb 21, 2019


Hi readers, thank you for all of your feedback so far. Adam's degradation continues here and I hope you enjoy it! It's been great fun writing this so far. Let me know if you have any ideas. We're nearing the end of this 10-11 part series but don't worry...I'll be starting a new one so look out... Again, let me know if you know anyone who might be able to illustrate this story or turn it into a graphic novel! Thanks, J (

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Top to Bottom - Part 9: Adam's ordeal

Tuesday, 3pm:

When he removed the ketamine-soaked rag from Adam's handsome face, Billy couldn't help but marvel at how angelic and beautiful the stud looked...what a specimen of prime genetics...and what a giddy contrast the stud's physical perfection was to his nasty abusive character.

Carlo returned, helping Billy heave the sedated hunk to the private elevator that brought them down to the basement carpark. Loading their cargo into the back of a rented pickup truck, they drove to the outskirts of the city, far from the posh neighbourhood where Adam lived. Carlo couldn't resist prying open the stud's mouth for a sloppy kiss as he fingered Adam's electrocuted anus, removing the dildo in order to stroke the hunk's prostate with his slim index finger. Adam lay helpless, his eyes glazed over...the stud that hundreds idolised in the back of a rented pickup truck, his man-pussy being worked over by a scrawny kid who was more used to being impaled on his master's massive fuckstick. Carlo has never dared to ask Adam for anything, knowing that Senor Ralston would throw him out and alert the immigration authorities to his status as an undocumented, illegal immigrant if he dared refuse even his slightest command.

They drove to a rundown, almost deserted neighbourhood, pulling into a gated compound with faded neon lights. "Bordello Blanco" was the caption above the faded grey building, a far cry from the rarefied, expensive wine bars where Adam usually picked up the fit pussies that he deemed worthy enough to squeeze the cum from his bull-cock as he fucked their brains out all night.

Two heavy-set Hispanic men stepped out of the building, grabbing Adam off the back seat like a sack of meat and hauling him through the doors. One whistled, stripping off Adam's expensive white shirt, "You boys done good! This is a fuckin' awesome slab of grade A prime jock pussy!" Carlo and Billy followed them down a long, dimly hallway with rooms leading off that had small orange lights above the doors signalling "occupied" status. The dank smell of detergent wafted throughout the corridor, masking the smell of cum and sweat. Into one door stumbled an old fat man with a trimmed moustache; he was locked in for a kiss with a lean dark-haired guy, probably no more than 18 years old. From other rooms occasional smacks could be heard...and throughout, the sound of sex. Just sex, sex and more sex of every variety...dicks fucking chicks, cocks pounding asses and the sound and smell of flesh-on-flesh everywhere.

Adam was slowly regaining consciousness, restlessly shaking his head as he appeared to be falling into a deep vat of molasses, falling endlessly in an unending spiral. He was being carried into a steamy room lit by two small fluorescent ceiling lights. As the two burly men set him down on the stone floor they removed his boxer shorts, the one remaining item of clothing. His head spun and he wanted to be sick, but Billy soon dragged his out of his mental pit into the cold reality of the present.

"We need to get you cleaned out, bitch. The guys who are paying me for your pretty ass like a nice clean hole."

"Nnnnngghhh....Whaaaaa...?" Adam tried to shake his head.

"It doesn't matter, you little cockslut! You can fight and struggle all you like, it'll probably just turn the likes of these men on even more, but you might wanna remember your new place if you want to keep your pretty cock intact...not that you'll have much use for it from now on..."

Adam swallowed in fear. His earlier acquiescence to Billy's commands had only come as his final shreds of dignity were torn away with the pain of the anal electrocution. Adam's final bluff had been called and with the help of Carlo, Billy was wreaking the ultimate revenge on the muscled top on behalf of the 10,000 nameless fuck victims on whom he had imposed himself. Adam lay still as his own houseboy and, until last week, fuck-slave Carlo inserted a slim nozzle into his ass-chute. Billy turned on a tap, causing Adam to clench in fear as he felt a sudden rush of cold liquid enter his rectum. "1...2...3...hold it!!" Billy commanded, as Adam strained while the flowing water made his gut expand slightly and filled him to fullness with an urge to shit. "Ok bitch, release!" Adam heard Billy say, as the enema nozzle was yanked out of him and he rolled over, scampering like a frightened harem girl to the nearby toilet to expel the fluid and faecal particles. Oh what a relief to let it out! He had never experienced such pressure in his gut. "Again, bitch!" yelled Billy; Adam slowly walked over, no longer a proud top with an incredible physique, he hung his head in shame as the two guys he could have easily split in two with his love-muscle took turns repeatedly flushing his ass.

"Yeah, nice and clean, slut!"

Billy flicked the `occupied' switch on, guiding a petrified Adam by the hand to an adjoining steam room. Adam had always enjoyed steam rooms, the relaxing swirl of steam was, in his mind only bettered by a slick pussy riding his giant cock to the point of a relaxing climax as he reclined on a bench. Two years ago when he started at his current employer Adam had gone on his first trip to Eastern Europe, where the toned flesh of white slaves was relatively cheap and available - no questions asked. Albania had been one of his favourite countries, where he could pay the local big-men a relative pittance to have some terrified Slavic pussy dragged into the hotel sauna for him to fuck as she screamed for mercy. Even better were the guys, often imported from Hungary or some backwoods villages in the Czech Republic - good looking teenagers with defined features into whom he would ram his cock like a demon possessed as they flailed uselessly under his superior muscled body in the private hotel steam rooms. He loved screwing them doggy-style to emphasise his alpha status and underline their lack of worth apart from bending over to avert his superior gaze as he drilled his bull-cock into their bitch twats. Adam had once brought a few college buddies with him on one such trip recently, passing around a fresh-faced blonde from Slovakia for the fuck of her life. She had begged and pleaded as they ravished her holes, passing her around in the steam room like a cheap whore. Adam had been especially callous, throwing her out half naked after the brutal gang-fuck. The Albanian hotel owners didn't care what he did; he paid well - much more than enough to cover the expenses of procuring fresh meat for Mr Ralston's insatiable appetite. And Adam couldn't care less what they did to the used twats once he had filled them to the brim with his seed.

"Now Adam, you have a choice. You're not a big stud top anymore, you're just a whore for the cocks of men who are better than you. So fucking cooperate and it'll go easier for you...fight back and I assure you it's gonna be a long night..! Now start shaking those hips, a little!"

Adam gulped. In the steam room loud techno music began to play, the same stuff he had heard so often in the past as the dodgy Albanian hotels paraded in the unwilling victims of his pussy-poundings and ass-bustings for his pleasure. As the smoke cleared he stepped forward unwillingly into the centre of a wide semi-circle bench; five large hairy men reclined, wolf-whistling and whispering appreciatively in Albanian. He shuddered as he recognised at least two as hotel owners from Tirana who had supplied him so willingly with the local meat to break in.


One of them grabbed his bare left ass-cheek, smiling as he simply said "Bitch...Pussy...fuck..."

"Oh god, no...." Adam sobbed.

In the shadowy room rough fingers trailed along his V-tapered back, hands grappled with the small of his back, knuckling into his back dimples and his spine. Others groped at his muscular thighs, kneading the sculpted flesh that tensed up with hardly an ounce of fat.

"Pussy, pussy..."

"Please, don't...I'll pay your price, I have money, I'll pay you!" Adam begged the men.

"They already paid, Adam" Billy replied "and I'm sure you're going to break even in your own way..."

Adam felt more hands grab his hips and others rub his nipples as they cupped his chiselled square pecs. One of the Albanians yanked his head back by the hair and planted a slobbering kiss on the lips that he could barely resist - of course, he tried, but in his dazed and weakened state, with fear overcoming him despite the adrenaline coursing through his veins, Adam fell to his knees as two of them shoved him down. One bearded man licked Adam's broad, muscled back, holding his shoulders down. Another moved behind him, hoisting his hips up so he could finger the now squeaky-clean hole. "Good, pussyboy clean!" he heard before a smelly 6-inch cock was pushed past his lips down his throat. Now on precipice of being at the receiving end of a gangbang, Adam shook his head, "mmmmmmpppffff!!!! Nnnnggghh!!!" but his cries were muffled by a mouthful of fat Albanian cock leaking salty precum and he was forced to concentrate on sucking and breathing.

The man behind rose up, pawing at his Adam's loins as he mounted the handsome musclestud like a bitch in heat. "I fuck you, make you cum!" He gruffly said, pointing his cock at the entrance of Adam's washed-out love-gunnel. A wail of desperation broke from his lips as he was bent over for a doggy-style ass-breeding in the sordid steam-room, whored out to the hotelier pimps of Albania who had so often provided his pleasure when he was a top in control. "Now, bitch, you squeeze my cock good!"

"Aaaaaaaannnnggghhh!! Mmmmmmnnggghh! Argh! Argh! Owwww!" Adam's cries of pain could be heard in the corridor as he was systematically passed from one gruff Albanian customer to the next, each leaking dick anxious to plunge into the warm ass of a top whom they never thought they'd get to fuck. "This American meat is so good, so delicious, I want more!" exclaimed one, as if he were at a steak restaurant. Below him Adam's crumpled body was fucked harder and faster, his man-cunt engulfing the 8-inch cock as the plump Albanian mounted him over and over again, scraping his elbows and knees on the floor with each thrust, practically fucking him halfway across the room. The final embers of defiance no longer shone from Adam's eyes. Each vile spurt of cum in his manpussy left him more violated and humbled.

"Eeeeughh, nnggghh, annnggghh, mmmff, ah, ahhhh, ahhhh!!!" he found himself moaning as the next man took position and took aim at his winking cumhole. Totally overpowered by their brute force he stared at himself at a wall-length mirror, rutting on the floor as they yanked his butt back onto their groins to meet each thrust like a cheap street-whore, each man grunting and taking his pleasure from the stud's ass-canal and unloading again and again inside his spasming rectum the way Adam had blithely fucked his bitches in the recent past.

Courtesy of the Bordello Bianco, each customer was given a complimentary Viagra tablet, more than enough to double a two-hour mid-afternoon fuck and extend the heavy sex session into the evening. It was good business sense, of course, with rooms rented by the hour and the steam room was definitely the place to be that night.

Billy smiled at the finder's fee that he split with Carlos. After subtracting the car rental, ketamine, paying off Adam's apartment security and other miscellaneous expenses the two had done pretty well for themselves. All told, $1000 each in `pimp's commission' they joked, which worked out to just about what Adam would command for an hour of his time at the office - double what he would have paid the Albanians to get him a fresh piece of ass, and much more than anything Carlo had ever made.

Billy smiled and stared at Adam who lay motionless on the floor, face up and legs spread like a drunk slut on spring break, his gaping ass leaking cum as his handsome face betrayed the pain in his jock pussy. It felt like a heavy goods vehicle had driven through his insides. They must have pumped a gallon of cum into him as it leaked out around the last cock that pistoned into him, jackhammering the tough jock into submission like a bred animal stuffed to the cervix. "Probably wide enough right now to shit a baby out," Billy sniggered, pocketing the cash as he watched Adam's gorgeous face cringe when another man entered him yet again. "Shhhh...don't worry, bitch, you practically broke my asshole last week and it closed up fine again...we'll soon have you tight...well, almost as tight as a virgin, ready for more breeding. I know you're no're just a cumslut for cocks belonging to real men who are better than try not to give birth! Yeah, lots of sperm deep in your womb, slut!"

Billy knew that every derogatory word would burn deep as he spat them out, leaving the compound with Carlo as the Albanians continued to ram into Adam while the exhausted man-whore choked back more tears and grunted in pain.


An hour after the final round of frenzied fucking had ceased, a naked Adam lay motionless in a puddle of cum. He felt a boot to his ribs from the janitor who tossed him a cleaning rag that was used to wipe the tables. "Get out, fag, I gotta clean up your mess!" he barked.

Adam wrapped the frayed fabric around his groin, the only cover for his bare body. His entire ripped body and face was a total mess, the normally fine lips swollen from sucking so much cock; cum and piss stains streaked his hair and his bloodshot eyes betrayed the scenes of his torture that he could never un-see.

The janitor unlocked a side door, motioning for the battered Adam to make himself scarce. "Please, spare some change? I need to get home..."

The cleaner repeated his order to get lost, he hated the faggots who sold their asses for money in this place. Adam, who had never cared for charity, experienced for the first time the humiliation of begging for help and having insult heaped upon injury. He staggered painfully into the cool dark night, shivering in an alleyway. Up ahead a figure moved against one wall of the alley. "Hey mister...please...sir..." Adam called out, "can you spare some change for a bus ride?"

The tramp reeked of piss and flashed a toothy grin; his daily pickings from the nearby bins had eked out a meagre $2.43 - barely enough for a lottery ticket, let alone dinner...but today was jackpot day as he beheld the divinely gifted model-features of Adam's used body. What a gorgeous piece of ass.

"Please, help me??" Adam implored, barely crouching while holding the improvised loincloth around his manhood. "I'm hurt, I need to get home" he begged.

"No such thing as something for nothin, sweetcheeks! Let's have some sweet boy lovin' eh?" said the vagrant, blocking the alley exit. He unhooked his belt and lowered his trousers.

Adam's lips pursed for a moment. He crawled over to the tramp and licked the dirty sweaty balls.

"Mmmmm yeaaaaah! That's it! Pussy-fag has a nice sweet cock-lovin tongue..."

The humiliated jock hunched in defeat as the tramp roughly pulled him to his feet and thrust him against a wall. The slick smelly knob pressed against the violated entrance and entered Adam's ass-pocket while the tramp stroked his cock, bringing it to life. For not the first time in his life Adam found himself contracting his anal muscles, desperately trying to make the man cum, his dignity now secondary to the more pressing need to survive, escape and return home. "Yeah, fuck bitch!" the triumphant roar came as Adam moaned like a five-buck whore, "nnnnggghhh!! Arrrghhh!!" while he sprayed his own copious load of fuck-sauce against the wall as the cock throbbed inside him and filled him to overflowing. Adam cried as the sperm dripped down his perfectly muscled glutes and thighs, each squelch resonating in the dark alleyway. "Unnngh, unnngh!!" The tramp kept forcing his cock deeper in again, the dirty knob lodged at the

Sure enough, the tramp pulled his semi-tumescent dick out of the used jock's sloppy anus, tossed his change on the floor and forced Adam to clean him off before shuffling away, leaving the stud in tears as he scrounged in the dirt for the coins, lower than the filthiest whore in town. $2.43 for a suck & a fuck...


A tired, cold and hungry Adam staggered into his dark apartment, caked in cum and filth. From the cream of society to a debased piece of ass he had fallen a long way. Reeling from the fucks he had just endured, he stumbled towards his study, searching desperately for the mahogany cupboard where he kept the original blackmail leverage videos under lock and key. A swell of despair filled him with panic and fear as he realised the cupboard was bare, emptied of the only things that maintained some semblance of his former identity as a top in control.

Two miles away Carlo sat with Billy in his small living room as Richard, Billy's new boyfriend walked in, wondering what the hell was going on. It took him barely 10 seconds to realise that the video footage they were screening through featured Adam Ralston's massive cock plumbing the depths of a screaming high school prom queen while her prom king boyfriend lay prone on the floor, passed out, bruised and bleeding after being ass-raped by the same knob that was now breeding little miss perfect.

"That's the fucker! That's the guy who practically tore my ass open when I was an air steward!"

"Yeah" replies Billy nonchalantly, "but now he's got nothing on anyone anymore. He's been using these tapes to ensure silence from his victims for years...but I think it's time he finally got a taste of his own medicine..."

Next: Chapter 10

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