Top to Bottom

By J

Published on Feb 11, 2019


*Dear readers, your continued suggestions and encouragement really help to keep this story going ( Thank you for reading and for emailing me. **Please keep the feedback/idea emails coming and I'll keep pumping out this series and working on more for the future! *

If anyone out there is a keen/talented artist who would like to create a graphic novel series based on this story, please get in touch with me! I'd love to collaborate. I'm sure the fans would like it. PLEASE get in touch!

Cheers, J

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Top to Bottom - Part 5: A square peg in a round hole

2 am:

Watching the intense takedown of the helpless Adam was too much for Billy, who's teenage trigger let loose a bucketload of cum in the little hidden access alcove. Susie had planned things perfectly.

Mark's cock remained in the broken jock's scummy asshole, still silky smooth with a velvet grip now that he had filled it with his mighty load. He rocked back and forth, watching the cum froth around the margins of the anus and puddle around Adam's thighs. The warmth of the man-bitch he had just broken in was incredible, as if he had gathered the energy of all the fucks he had taken and combined them into his tantric ass. "Man, you were built for fucking!" thought Mark as he continued to plow his semi-hard cock back and forth, making more cum bubble around the bred jock-stud's unwilling asslips.

He slapped Adam a few times to rouse the bound former top. The drugs were really into him now, but they would wear off in another hour. At this point in the timeline, their chemical profile guaranteed passive submission and the amnesia would start to cloud Adam's mind. Mark had to empty his bladder and decided to relieve himself inside Adam, who recoiled in fear at the disgusting sensation of grimy urine as it mixed with and flushed out some of the copious load pooling in his colon.

"Fuuuuccckk nooooo!!!" he pleaded again, as Mark used his broken asspussy like a urinal, withdrawing as the hole puckered and leaked on the fine linen sheets, soaking the hot stud in more filth.

After wiping the cum and shit-stained cock on Adam's chin, another nasty throatfuck followed so Mark could clean his massive pole and feed his new bottom bitch a nice lovely mixture of assjuice, cum, sweat and piss tinged with some of his ass-hymen blood with a faint whiff of Adam's own shit. Another first for Adam as the hot jock recipient of thousands of blowjobs gagged and struggled again to accommodate Mark's mighty prick which stretched his lips to the max and nearly made him puke.

"Yeah, bitch, get me hard again" said Mark as his fucksnot leaked around Adam's lips with strings of mucus and spittle hanging from the bred jock's chin.

Dribbles of cum and piss drained from his anus as the sphincter, no longer a virgin rosebud, puckered and winced with sparks of pain. The puffy hole was stretched and dilated, no longer a jock's shithole but now an assfucked cumdump. It winked, back at Mark, closing slightly (but not completely), the smooth ass-lining sticky with Mark's juice that had bred the jock's hole and marked it as his territory.

"Fuck, baby, I gotta have another crack at this fine pussy!" remarked Mark. Adam's throat clenched in fear as the firehose-cock leaked more precum, hardening once again. He focused on trying to breathe as Mark choke-fucked his pecker down his gullet and pulled out, coughing and gagging as his resistance melted away. "Pleeeease no; please, sir!" It was the first time he had ever addressed the trucker with any semblance of respect. "I can't; you'll break me! Please sir!!" He whimpered and begged, straining with his toned biceps, crunching his abs and flailing his

"I'll bet you never gave those chicks you fucked any mercy, did ya, asshole?" was Mark's reply. "How many times did they beg you to stop? I bet you just pounded into them harder, fuckwad!"

Adam cried at the realisation that his ripped asshole was now at the mercy of another brutal fuck. Mark stared down at the pathetic mewling jock, tracing his fingers down the gorgeous V-taper of his back to the butt-cheeks, those powerful globes of muscle and his loins that had power-fucked hundreds of bitch-slaves into submission. "Please sir, don't fuck me, please don't fuck me; please!" He repeated over and over again, his cries making Cindy chuckle as the top stud was toppled.

Mark placed his foot long ass-splitter and thrust forward, breaking past the sphincter more easily as the cum lube greased his pole. The pain and shock of repeat penetration so soon caused Adam to yell. "Fuuuuccckk!!! Stop man please! Take it out! It's too big! It's too damn big!"

"Relax, fucker!" Grunted Mark, pressing in all the way and drilling the prone muscleboy. "Shhhhhh, daddy's gonna make you feel real good!"

The huge Texan penis slithered along Adam's anal canal, stretching his rectum with its girth as he squealed like a pig when Mark flopped him over, still impaled on his mega-cock. "Eeeeeeiiiiiigggghhh!!!! Shiiiitttt!!! Fuck, no, fuck, eaaaaaauuuuuuggghhh!!!"

"Look at me baby, remember the real man who creamed your guts and turned your pussy out!" he snarled, thighs slapping against Adam as he railed his cock mercilessly into the muscle bitch. Mark's work-worn face was gripped with ecstasy while Adam's fine features contorted in agony as he nearly passed out from the renewed assault.

Truth be told, Adam had fucked hundreds, if not by now thousands of pussies. Ripping up virgin teen pussy and ass was probably his favourite, but came with the baggage of persuading them to let him fuck them and of silencing the little bitches afterwards, a blackmail art he has honed over the years after he had tired of them. Of course when he could pay them off (with a bit of blackmail insurance) that was easiest. So young married women were another target, those he could easily subordinate - airline stewardesses, secretaries, checkout girls, bar waitresses. He had his pick of models and actresses. They loved his stud prick and his gorgeous body. Adam always ensured the power dynamic remained tilted in his favour. He was always the dominant top man, the richer partner, the one on top.

As for guys, he had splattered his cum in a good number of them, too. And yes, his was always the larger, longer, wider cock. Adam was physically bigger than the closeted muscle jock boys he'd mercilessly skewered with his giant dick. He viewed most of them as twat-assed boycunts hungry for his supreme cumload. Like Billy, or the first jock he'd fucked in high school, Sammy Taylor. He was one tight fuck; Adam had lifted the young gymnast up by the thighs and carried him around the room impaled on his massive prick, the tip of his cock burrowing further and stabbing deeper into Sammy's guts with each step as he squealed in a lusty heady mix of pain and pleasure, leaning forward for support against Adam's muscle chest and clinging to the nape of his neck for dear life.

"Eeeeiiii arrggghhh!!! Augh! Augh! Augh!" Sammy had yelped in time with the rhythm of each powerful thrust by Adam, much the same way the sadistic former top was now being powerfucked by the bigger Mark. "You're nothing but a muscle bottom bitch for my cock! Feel the burn, motherfucker!" the Texan trucker growled, adding an extra finger to the already stretched out faggot hole as he plowed balls deep.

Secretly Adam often found fucking gay men less of a chore - it suited his "pump and dump" routine and no-strings-attached, no holes barred hardcore sex when the faggots didn't whine about getting pregnant or their periods. Just straightforward, bend their legs back, fuck & release! He could spot the obvious gay boys who would flounce over and covet his body easily. Adam could afford to pick and choose and he preferred the closeted muscle bitches whom he could coax into letting him split their asses open with the same dazzling smile, gunshow and impressive show-and-tell of his cock in an executive bathroom or a gym changing room. Half an hour later he'd have them in a shower stall, pressed up against the wall as he would shove his massive bullcock inch by inch up their aching man-pussies.

But the prey Adam secretly coveted was the tight muscular flesh of alpha tops - gay or straight, it didn't matter. There was something about breaking down their psychological defences as he entered them, feeling them open up their asses unwillingly to his superior girth and length, reaming their insides and branding his ownership over them with his seed. They could top other men, fuck other chicks, but he asserted his alpha jock status over them. Last year he had bet a girl-fucking stud on a local college swim team a thousand dollars he had a bigger prick. Of course when Adam won the jock hadn't been able to pay, agreeing to settle the debt by doubling up the bet over an arm-wrestling match back at Adam's place. The feigned joviality masked Adam's darker intentions - with his taut bulging biceps Adam won easily, and the double-loser swim-team captain started to feel uneasy as the good quantity of expensive single malt Scotch whiskey from Adam's spirit cabinet began to go to his head. In the plush surroundings of Adam's luxury apartment, the jock, alone, two grand in debt with no way to pay it off and a raging boner from the powdered viagra Adam had slipped in his drink became much more malleable, pliable and fuckable. Yes, those were some of the most awesome fucks ever - Adam knew these guys would regularly get horny college girls drunk or high before fucking their brains out. That was basically what he did to his female conquests when his gorgeous physique, sculpted features and wealth alone weren't enough to make them surrender. "Time to pay the piper" he'd whistled then, pushing the swimmer onto his king-sized bed. As Adam had escalated onto the mattress, he lifted the kid's balls, yanking them down suddenly. "You won't be needing these tonight, boy" he had whispered. "Please sir, give me a few days, I'll get you the cash! Don't hurt me, I'll pay up!" the college jock had whined as Adam stripped the prone stud, wondering how many sorority sluts he'd broken in with his respectable 7-incher. Adam hunted man-boys like this, turned them into drooling asscunts and made sure they knew their place - with their lips and butts wrapped tightly around his massive pole. The pain of being dominated made all the straight hunks cry and scream with the searing pain of being penetrated by Adam's gigantic monstercock. A pain that burned deep, forever.

Now, the shoe was on the other foot and Adam found himself getting fucked for the second time that night as Mark's enormous tool pounded and plowed his tight rear, eroding his manhood with every stroke. The top jock was used to being in charge, taking his pleasure and dominating other tops. His change in circumstances and stunning reversal of fortune was all the more acute as Mark taunted him with similar words Adam had used to destroy the egos of the men he fucked.

"Not such a tough guy now, are you?! You won't be using that useless prick when I'm done with you - you're nothing but a dumb slut, a cumdump for a real man's cock!! C'mon, pussy - take it, I"m gonna smash your hole so you really know what it's like to have a proper man's dick sperming your underserving slave pussy!!"

For a further half hour Mark fucked savagely, gripping the fallen top's washboard abs and slapping his asscheeks with each thrust. "Shit!! Fuuuuck! Ughhhnnn!!" Adam's gorgeous gym-honed body writhed in the throes of agony, the hurt from the foreign invading cock boring deeper into his insides with each spasming thrust. "Oh god, oh god, take it out, please, I'm begging you, I can't take no more, I just can't!!" Whenever he fucked those unwilling muscle boys into submission they ended up babbling some unintelligible shit that he ignored through his own savage lust. Finally Mark's huge cockhead convulsed again within the ass ring and he slammed it home to the sigmoid colon, sperming Adam's guts, not caring about the wailing from the man-bitch he crushed with his heavy frame as he climaxed.

Adam nearly passed out from the pain, gasping with shock as Mark wrenched his entire cock out of the distended asshole with a pop, followed by a gush of cum from his hole, which tried to close desperately. Cindy remembered that after fucking her each night he would always order her to take him inside her warm vagina and lie still, letting him fall asleep with his giant hard cock buried deep in her pussy so that he'd wake up ready to fuck in the morning before work. Now the aching emptiness of his pouting anus beckoned as he lay semi-paralysed with shock, fear, pain and humiliation. She passed the camera to Mark and walked around the bed, pulling out a 10-inch strap-on latex dildo covered with bendy protruding bumps and soft bristle-shaped barbs along the length of the shaft. The cock itself was sculpted from the contours of Adam's own fleshy missile, using a cast she had sneaked to replicate a self-dildo that Adam kept in his apartment study. That statue was something he had created with a 3D printer, after scanning his own massive cock, so he could pry apart the pussies of unsuspecting chicks while he assfucked them, thereby laying claim to being able to double-penetrate them by himself. It had been Cindy's suggestion that they replicate it with the bristled amendments so she could repay the hard poundings he had given her, but go one better.

Before he could protest, she gagged Adam with his piss-soaked underwear. "Mmmmmmpppppffff!!!! Mmmmmmppppffff!!! Nnnngggrrgggh!!" he tried to yell through the gag. She escalated her lithe frame over him, relishing the power of being on top and in control, pinching his nipples for pain rather than pleasure. Without warning she yanked his hair back, looking down at his helpless muscled frame, the face stained with tears. She saw his glint of fear, where previously she had only glimpsed the sadistic cruelty radiating from his gorgeous blue eyes. Armed with his cock - her cock now, she speared the mighty fallen top in one swift movement, raping his upturned ass as Adam tried to buck free, impaling his cum-lubricated anal channel even deeper onto the strap-on dildo. Cindy fucked him brutally, paying him back for every insult, every fuck, every threat as she rode his ass like a bull elephant, making Adam feel every bristle and bump on the latex cock. The heady drug made his head spin under the twenty-minute onslaught of this third brutal assrape in as many hours while Adam failed to cough out the gag. With the lack of oxygen and the intense pain he collapsed on the bed. Cindy had quite literally fucked his brains out and reluctantly withdrew the demonic dildo as more cum spilled out of the newly bred muscle slut's stretched hole.

An hour later the semi-prone stud jerked his head back in horror as he realised Billy the bellboy had entered the room and was fucking his fingers rapidly into his freshly-fucked manpussy, tickling his prostate over and over again, making him squirm in discomfort but also causing his cock to stir. His mind swirled in confusion as his sore asshole was finger-raped and he panted like a bitch in heat while his throbbing cock ached for release.

Next: Chapter 6

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