Top to Bottom

By J

Published on Feb 11, 2019


Dear reader, I've had fantastic feedback ( and it really helps to keep the story going.

*Thank you for your encouragement. Please keep the feedback/idea emails coming and I'll keep pumping out this series and working on more for the future! *

If anyone out there is a keen/talented artist who would like to create a graphic novel series based on this story, please get in touch with me! I'd love to collaborate. I'm sure the fans would like it.

Cheers, J

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Top to Bottom - Part 4: The pain and the pleasure


Billy was almost lost in the moment as he peered down at Adam's helpless frame. The sedative was really affecting the prone Adam now, half kneeling as he was while Mark and his donkey dong hovered behind. How different it had been two weeks ago when the selfish alpha jock had fucked Billy so hard he had nearly passed out and thought he might end up in hospital. Then, Billy could hardly move for an hour, and when he did try to stand a gush of cum poured out of his battered ass. His clothes had been torn off his body and Billy had crawled exhausted to the showers for relief, trying to wash the stench of the brutal assfuck away.

Billy had always enjoyed working out, his toned trim build tapered to a slim waist and long feet. Gym exercise always made him horny. Since starting his part-time job at the hotel the young college freshman serviced the needs of older wealthier men who needed some relief from a cute young guy who was full of spunk. They usually picked him up in the gym; being totally versatile he was up for most things, although the majority of his `clients' were balding middle aged men who appreciated his cocksucking skills and the firm globes of his asscheeks. He remembered the first time Adam had seen him at the gym. Adam's piercing blue eyes and tanned alpha jock physique exuded his dominant masculinity that hung well over his expensive cologne. He was used to getting his way and he knew he had Billy from the moment the college kid set eyes on him. Yeah, Adam was proud of his ripped bod, the lean muscles that he kept in shape so he could claim whatever prey he wanted. His raging boner needed feeding more than once a day and the more humiliating the fuck, the more it turned him on. He had practically ordered Billy to kneel and worship his cock and body - truth be told, the kid was a really tight hot fuck - a tight hole is a tight hole, built for studs like him to breed and fuck up. Adam remembered how his giant cock had leaked so much precum...he could even feel it dripping onto his thighs as he had made Billy rim him. All that juice oozing from his massive egg shaped balls, leaking sperm that had bred countless hot chicks. He could feel it now.... wait... he could feel his precum as Mark grabbed his balls in his vice-like grip and then jerked his cock. Why the fuck was he still hard?! Adam's mind was spinning, he could barely hold it together as part of him snapped back to the helplessness of his present situation, Mark grabbing his slim waist and his wrists tied to the bedposts where he had earlier tied up and tried to drug and ass rape Cindy. The rest of Adam was helplessly obeying the giant behind him as Mark positioned him in his semi-dissociative state on all fours like a bitch in heat, head down and ass up with his muscular thighs spread and his asshole puckered tight like an inviting target, his cock drooling precum like his wet slutty date had on prom night 10 years ago.

Billy watched enthralled, as Adam tried to blubber some protest when he realised what was happening. An hour of deepthroating Mark's foot-long monster prick had been Adam's first blowjob from the giving end and his eyes were dripping tears of shame each time he had choked until they were almost glazed over. As it dawned on Adam that the same foot long horsedick intended to deflower his virgin ass he began to struggle uselessly. His movements looked more to the casual observer like restless agitation as his tight muscular bubble butt appeared to wiggle and his torso writhed slightly.

"Yeah, you little faggot bitch, I can see you're hard for me. We need to turn this chick-fucking closet homo fagboy into a punked out cumwhore!" growled Mark, in the same tone Adam usually reserved for ass-pussies that would tremble as he dominated them and fucked them into submission. Mark was a big unemployed trucker with a massive chest and thick trunk-like thighs that he planted squarely on either side of Adam's face.

Mark withdrew his massive cock from Adam's lips and slapped the fat mushroom head against the tight sphincter, making Adam yelp. He dipped his middle finger in the puddle of cum and precum and unceremoniously rammed it all the way up Adam's anus, breaching the top jock's inner sanctum. His eyes flew open and his cum-soaked lips parted with the kind of wounded yell that Adam was more used to hearing when he buggered jockboys with his massive prick.

"Auuuuugggghhh!!! Ow, ow, Fuck! You fucking faggot! Take that out before I knock you out!!" Adam hollered at the shock and searing pain of the thick digit slicing its way into his anal canal. Mark ignored him and quickly added a second finger, eliciting howls of protest as Adam grimaced, sweat forming on his brow.

"Owww! Fuck, man, get the fuck off me! I'm not a faggot, I don't get fucked! Now get your fucking hands away from my ass!" he gurgled angrily, trying to yell louder but feeling waves of fatigue as the drug wore on. It had been sold as a sedative but Susie had asked for something which with zero anxiolytic properties - just enough to weaken the victim and dull his reactions but heighten other physical sensations. Something as fucked up as Adam's mind.

Mark was being a lot more merciful by attempting to loosen Adam's rectum with a finger, but it is doubtful that the selfish jerk could remember how just over an hour ago he had been preparing to ram his fat prick directly into Cindy's virgin ass using only pussyjuice as lube and the only loosening up had been going to give her was the single ramming thrust of his mighty cock. Adam felt a chill down his spine as Mark traced his other hand down the rippling muscles of the jock's taut spine to his back dimples and pushed down on the small of his back.

"Get down, bitch! Push that boycunt up for me. That's right, spread your hole. Attaboy, fuck that sweaty jock pussy back on daddy's fingers, yeah, c'mon you little whore, show me how much you want my cock!" Mark demanded as he pressed and dug in further.

Adam tried to scramble away, a surge of fear rising from deep inside. The intruding digits clawed at his prostate while Mark grabbed Adam's hard cock. Adam was one hell of a handsome selfish jerk and Mark snickered as he spat on the jock's face, showering him with a torrent of humiliation as the viagra-loaded cock betrayed him. No pleasure came from the prostate rub as Mark scissored his thick fingers inside Adam's anus and rotated them a full 180 degrees repeatedly. Just waves of shame and hurt.

"You have one cute little pussy, baby" Mark continued to degrade Adam, as he rested his massive throbbing cock across the former alpha-jock's asscheeks, the thick veins forming ridges along the huge missile of flesh. "Yeah, this little twat is gonna make daddy feel real good tonight...we're gonna rip apart this tight butthole and rip it apart until your cock becomes nothing more than a clit. Gonna fuck you up so good, bitch!"

Adam trembled in fear, his blond locks crusty with cum. The object of a thousand women's fantasies had tears in his eyes as he tried to beg. "Please, no! I'll give you money, whatever you want, I have cash, you can have it - just don't fuck me okay?!"

Mark wrenched his fingers out rapidly before skewering the virgin jock's hole over and over again, making Adam squeal in agony. The top man had always loved the feeling of power that a good fuck gave him. Two months ago he had been flying first class from London to New York when a good-looking air steward asked if he could be of assistance. Adam thought he knew when a faggot was coming on to him and immediately followed the guy to the toilets of the nearly empty cabin. The steward, a toned 20 year-old with hazel eyes named Richard had been caught totally unprepared as Adam slammed him against the bathroom wall and ripped his trousers down, holding Richard down with his strong arms in a tight headlock. Hawking a gob of spit, he had briefly moistened his 10-inch ass-buster before raping the steward, who somehow managed to suppress his screams for 30 minutes to save his job at the cost of his pride. Adam had always taken pride in his cum-control, making sure he could jack the bottom off to orgasm at least twice while he jackhammered away, so that the exhausted and fucked out man-bitch would convulse on his prick and draw as much cum out of his bull-balls when they spasmed over and over again, maximising his pleasure. He, Adam, decided whether and when they came. With his handsome chiselled jawline, sharp features, gorgeous physique, superior strength, money, suaveness and good looks, he alone had always chose whom and when to fuck. Except with faggots - when he felt like it Mark often switched off the charm and resorted to a good ol' caveman fuck.

"Okay, bitch, buckle up for the ride!" taunted Mark. "Your ass is so tight, it's definitely a virgin pussy. Don't worry, we'll soon right that wrong!"

"Please don't fuck me! Please don't fuck me!" - Adam was desperate now. He remembered the pleas of a hundred faceless twats he had pummelled into ruinous submission. Dozens of muscleboys whose asses he had fucked into disrepair. "Please, man, I'll do anything! I'll give you anything! Just don't fuck me!"

"I already have what I want, motherfucker" said Mark, in a matter of fact way. Billy's cock leaked precum all over the floor as he heard Adam stifle a pathetic sob when Mark withdrew his fingers for the final time. Adam strained uselessly at his bonds as Mark's hulking frame moved closer, his thick fingers prying apart the asscheeks that had only ever expelled turds before today. Turds like Mark to Adam's mind who weren't worth the time of day.

"What about a condom? You know, for protection!? Please!" Mark didn't care whether Adam was either buying time or making excuses. The manwhore never used any protection when he fucked other women, according to Susie who had prepaid Mark handsomely for his efforts. The big Texan trucker didn't mind in the least when Susie and Cindy had approached him to help them deliver a most brutal grudge-fuck and he couldn't believe his eyes when he first saw Adam's gym-honed and sculpted body.

"You're nothing but a dirty fucking bitch, nothing but a hunk of meat for real men to fuck!" he sniggered, waving the moist bulbous cockhead of his giant 12-inch elephant cock against the delicate pouting anal rosebud of the whimpering muscle stud below. Adam begged, pleaded, and cajoled his captor. "Please, man, please, have mercy, oh god, oh god, don't fuck me, oh god please don't, I just can't be fucked, I can't take it! You'll kill me, man!" The fear was very real; quite aside from the humiliation, he was pretty sure a tool of Mark's size would wreak irrecoverable havoc on his insides. Oh god, the pain would be too much for him to bear...Adam's mind was ablaze with panic and he babbled as he flashed back to the warm summer night when he had fucked the golden-haired twin cheerleaders who had struggled and screamed to as he had split their virgin pussies open with his own huge dick. That had been a hot fuck, especially their begging and crying as they had such a rough time handling his fat prick.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up already! Jeez, dirty cunt!" Mark slapped Adam. "Get ready, fucker, try and shit back on me cos ol' Mark here is gonna show your pussy a bit of Southern comfort!"

"Corn hole the faggot, Mark!" yelled Cindy, who was now fingering her sore clit.

Mark's giant dick-knob pressed against the tight ass-lips, a trickle of dick juice tickling the winking entrance as Adam clenched his sphincters tight, despite knowing from experience that it was futile. The realisation dawned on Adam that he was about to be fucked - raped - like a common street walking whore. No - worse - he wasn't even getting paid. "Payback's a bitch, isn't it?" murmured Cindy.

Suddenly, Mark lunged forward and forced his cock past Adam's tight virgin ass lips. The shock of the sudden entry as the huge cock-head penetrated his puckering ass-ring made Adam howl painfully at the ceiling and buck away in a vain effort to expel the baseball bat sized intruder that was battering ferociously into his rectum, breaching the last defences of his perverse masculinity.

"Arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh!!!!!!! Nnnnnnngggggh!!! Mmmmmppppfffnnnngggghh!!!! Auggggh, ow, ow ow ouch, aaaaagh, fuck, fuck, auuuuuuurrrrrggghhh!!!!" Adam was screaming bloody murder, gasping for breath. Susie had ensured the room was soundproofed so only Billy could hear the bellowing from his front row seat in the access hatch above.

"Nnnnnnngggggh!!! Nnnnnggggh!! Fuck, fuck, stop, please, stop! You're killing me! Please, have mercy, give me some lube!" the former top jock whined and panted as Mark pinned him down without mercy, kicking his muscled legs apart wider like a ragdoll. Mark pushed harder as his massive love muscle violated inch after inch of Adam's virgin territory, the foot-long invader ravishing the smooth jock muscle below. He could feel the tightness of the virgin hole like a vacuum gripping his man-splitting fuckstick. Adam was squeezing hard, his unwilling ass-mouth clamping down on Mark's shaft in a vain attempt to hold back the final half of the battering ram that was ripping apart his love-canal. Adam knew it was useless but the reaction was automatic, he had to stop this fuck, it was tearing apart his identity with each inch of penetrating finality.

"Ffffffffuuuuuuuucccckkk Yu nnnnnnnnnggggghhhh!!!! Aaaaaaarrrrgggghhh!!!" he groaned as tremendous waves of pain radiated throughout his body.

"C'mon fuckboy, you got half in you!" roared Mark.

"Yeeehaaaa!!! Yeah baby, this has gotta be the tightest pussy I have ever broken in! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, ungh!!" chanted Mark in ecstasy, punching his weight down to slam-slide another four inches home.

"Fuck yeah, muscle bitch! Take it! Take more of it, take my cock in your tight cumhole! Gonna fill you up and make you shit cum for a week!" Mark viciously spat back Adam's earlier taunts to Cindy.

"Pleeeeeeeeeaaase!!!! Owwwww!!! Stop, I'm begging you! It's too big, you're tearing me apart, I can't take it!" screamed Adam.

"Please, no more, no more!! Ooooowwwwww!! Aaagghh!!!" the wails of a terrified Adam were like music to Mark's ears as he plucked the cherry of the former top. And a damn fine cherry it was too, the object of lust of countless men was now unexpectedly being dominated in the most painful way. It wasn't lost on Adam how the gun always looks bigger when it's pointed in your direction.

He pleaded with Cindy as his vision glazed over, form the tears, the pain, the drugs. "Please Cindy, make him stop!!? Fffuuuckk!!! Owwww you're ripping me!! You're ripping me!! Please have mercy! I can't take any more, ooooowwwww you're fucking killing me!!"

His cries echoed pathetically like those of the twin cheerleaders falling on his deaf ears on that warm summer night...their cries for mercy disappearing with his moans of ecstasy as he had fired his load into each virgin twat before bending each slim, beautiful girl over so he could break open their anal cherries too. One of them had tried to help the other as he had broken into her tiny anal rosebud with his thick horsedick slick with their virgin blood and his cum, eliciting screams of bloody murder as she begged him to stop and go slow. He had silenced her with a slap, threatening to break her pretty face if she didn't lie down, suck his balls and wait her turn. In fear she had complied, her sore, freshly fucked pussy leaking his copious second cumload which she had scooped out to lube her quivering ass as much as possible as he bottomed out in her sister.

"Yeah, fucking slut!! Gonna turn this tight fine asspussy into my personal fleshjack!" he had moaned in ecstasy. Of course it was never true; Adam didn't hang on to them long once he got bored or their holes had been fucked too hard to wrecking point and they lost their vice-like grip on his megacock.

No such time, no such mercy for Adam here. His ass remained wrenchingly tight as he felt the sewer-pipe girth of Mark's cock drill further, deeper, harder, the final two inches finally giving way and filling him to the brim as Mark finally bottomed out with a mighty yell into the tight spasming asscunt as he grabbed Adam's hips and pulled them even further back, resting his massive balls so Adam could feel his bristly pubic hairs scraping his butt.

"Yeah, fucking slut!! Tight ass bitch pussy!! You got daddy Mark all the way in you now, stud! Time to make daddy feel good!" The pain was indescribable now.

Mark pulled out all the way and slammed the entire length of his cock home, causing Adam to let out a bloodcurdling scream as his tormentor immediately long-dicked him. Mark's cock had flecks of blood, shit and assjuice, the minimal cumlube forming a slimy emulsion that sparsely coated his huge donkey dick.

Cindy laughed as she watched the arrogant cocky stud's pleas gradually changed to exhortations of "Arrrrgh please go slow! Go slow, man, please, have mercy and just slow down, let me get used to it, pleeeeease!!" as his body and mind were wracked with intense pain.

Adam's own throbbing erection refused to die down and was humped into the mattress as Mark's groin slapped against his asscheeks with each forceful thrust. Adam felt as if his insides were completely filled and his intestines rearranged. This was his first time at the other end of a hard brutal fuck and Adam barely paused to wonder whether this was how the pussies he had fucked had felt - they seemed so willing as he had stretched them out, deaf to their cries for mercy. He remembered how the second cheerleader's eyes had rolled back in her head after Adam had fucked her asshole for hours, cumming repeatedly until it had gaped and dripped cum on the floor of his expensive apartment. Nothing like a good assfuck before bed, he had thought every night, crushing the girls below with his spent muscular frame. Adam thought he was going to pass out from the explosion of sheer pain. Mark refused to allow him to adjust to the ramming cock, and Adam's cries only served to turn him on more. Mark withdrew his cock slightly, banging it all the way in one cruel fuck stroke, burying his monster pole deep into Adam's core. The excruciating pain of his first fuck held no pleasure for Adam, despite the curve of Mark's cock banging his prostate repeatedly.

This was a revenge fuck, pure and simple. Mark slammed his donkey dong repeatedly into the upturned ass and the suffering Adam thought back to his neighbour Lana, the twin cheerleaders and all the other helpless virgins he had broken in. He had been their nasty first fuck, his obscenely big cock had stretched them to the max and made them shriek as he had ripped their hymens until their virgin blood had trickled down his shaft.

Now an even bigger cock was piercing his hitherto virgin ass, owning his man-cunt forever. He could feel Mark's hefty balls smack against his taut spread asscheeks, until the Texan trucker lifted Mark's right leg, grabbed a handful of his blond hair and side-split the jock, driving his entire cock all the way up to the hilt.

"Aaaaaaarrrrgggghh!!!!! Nnnnngggh nggggh!!! Fuck!" Adam yelled in renewed pain as Mark upped the ante of his assault on the former muscle top, as if he was making sure that with every jackhammering thrust he was shredding Mark's ass-hymen, fucking him with the combined fury of all the men and women Adam had callously used through the years. From a night of pleasure to a night of indescribable pain, Adam bawled and cried for help.

"Please, help me! Please stop, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please stop! I'm sorry I hurt you Cindy, please tell him to stop! Nnnnnggggh!!! Aaaaagggh, ow, ow aggggghhh!!"

Mark never let up, his mega cock sawing into Adam's split-open ass-pussy, missionary style, staring the hunky jock in the face as he pawed at his defined pecs and watched the hunk spew his second load of the night across his abs. Adam Ralston hardly ever spilled his seed outside an orifice; now the defenceless stud's cum-control was gone and he shot his thick goo onto his face, coating his chin, neck and his hairless muscled chest. One of the most powerful loads he had ever shot had come courtesy of a monster cock defiling his virgin anus.

The fucking didn't end there. Mark whipped Adam with his belt, making the jock scream in pain before cramming his cock back down the unwilling stud's throat so he could taste his assjuices. "Lick it clean, bitch!" Adam had no choice but to obey, sucking and licking the giant torture instrument as if his life depended on it before Mark re-entered the battered and broken hole.

"I'm gonna stretch this pussy until it's wide enough to shit out a baby!" teased Mark. Maybe you're gonna have twins, bitch!!"

The shame burned in Adam's mind, how his wrecked hole would never be the same, just how he has ruined the twin cheerleaders spectacularly, no high school prick would ever satisfy them after his cock had split them wide.

He lifted Adam's muscled legs by the ankles, stretching them clear back to his ears as he inserted his monster cock all the way, every inch of his mighty shaft boring into the previously untouched flesh of Adam's tender asschute until his own thighs nudged Adam's muscular glutes and pried them apart further.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" yelled Mark.

"Arrrrrrrgh! Ow, ow, ow, agggh, ahh!!" chorused Adam, pain blinding the unwilling lust that accompanied his forced ejaculation.

For another two hours Mark grudge-fucked the unwilling stud, making him cum again all over his belly. No longer the macho top, Adam whimpered and cried as he was used like a cheap whore.

"Okay muscle bitch, gonna breed you pregnant, dude!! Your ass is mine, gonna fill this fine cunt with my seed! Get ready to take my load, motherfucker, gonna fuck the cum out of you, your ass is mine!" grunted Mark, as he bottomed out in Adam. "Gonna cum in your ass, dude, squeeze your pussy, milk my cock!!"

"Eeeeeeiiii!!!!!! Aggggghh!!!" squealed the jock, as the huge cock throbbed and shot a torrent of thick cum, blasting Mark's load deep into the jock's bowels, coating his slimy insides with the Texan trucker's batter and soaking his upended guts with a massive deposit of fresh warm sperm. Adam's cock spurted again, his cock dribbling out his third humiliating cumload for the night as Mark's huge cock thrust against his prostate, breeding him like a prize bull.

Mark left his cock inside Adam, basking in the post-coital glow of an awesome virgin ass fuck while the punked out broken muscle stud lay motionless, passed out and sprawled across the bed with a giant cock plugging his anus, stopping the otherwise gaping hole from leaking the massive load with which he had just been bred.

Next: Chapter 5

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