Top to Bottom

By J

Published on Oct 11, 2023


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Top to Bottom - Part 18: Further to fall

"Ahhh Ouchhhh!" Adam felt a needle pierce his right shoulder as a vial of ketamine was injected rapidly into him. His head spun as he felt himself buzzing out, with the sensation of falling into a vat of molasses. Lights flashed and he lost track of time and space. He had the sensation of lying back on a comfortable deckchair aboard a yacht, the sun on his face as a lithe nubile blonde crawled over to suck his cock, just like last summer on the Mediterranean...

...the swirling sensations alternated with flashbacks and fuzzy headaches as his mind spun and dissociated from his body. Adam Ralston, 6 foot 2 inches with a 10 inch cock, the gorgeous handsome blond epitome of muscled perfection had been overthrown and fucked like a common whore, his once-virgin anus used like a piece of trashy fuckmeat. He did not know that what he was yet to experience over the next three days would plumb the depths of humiliation even further. The downfall of his control over others, the overthrow of his physical prowess, and probably even the fracturing of his own mind are yet to come as he struggles with the loss of his masculine status as a perfect physical specimen who topped and fucked those beneath his control...

The foggy hazy dizziness lifted very slowly. Sunlight dappled the polished wooden deck of the megayacht as its brass name plaque glittered with the reflected rays "Ukaz." It belonged to Vladimir Menshikov, one of the richest Russian billionaires - the man who had just bought Adam Ralston from a fat American banker. At an investors function in New York many years ago Menshikov had glimpsed the sizzling good looks of the stud who was now his property; he had happily invested in the stock of Adam's family's companies over the years and now he chuckled as, by a stroke of good fortune he had come to acquire the jewel in the crown itself. Nobody anywhere knew (or perhaps cared) where the former hotshot stud had disappeared to. Many were aware of Adam's love of partying and his love of fucking glamorous pieces of ass, and few could resist his charms, money or blackmail. But few would believe that today he had been toppled to become the captive property of another man, unable to use his wealth, family connections or threats to free himself from his sticky situation. Apart from the wealth that had always backed him up, Adam had always been deadly handsome, a dapper dresser and strong. Fast on the field and a good college wrestler and swimmer, he often loved physically overpowering his bedroom conquests, both men and women, dominating their struggling frames with his muscular body as he thrust his 10-inch cock into them.

Vladimir had watched from the windows of his suite on bird as his heavyset bodyguards carried the unconscious naked fallen hunk up the gangplank and placed the expensive million-dollar cargo onto the deck of the Ukaz. Adam's lips were slightly puffy and covered in dried cum from all the spillover cum that had been hosed down his throat earlier. Pale pink handprints covered his taut muscled buttcheeks, the marks of a debased muscled rentboy. More dried cum daubed his abs and muscled back, streaking down towards his rumpled anal opening from which the occasional drip of an earlier cum deposit dribbled onto the deck, mixed with the occasional drop of pink from whatever rectal breaches the earlier gangfuck might have caused. They soaped and hosed him down with jets of cold water from a hose, dissolving the crusted cum, sweat and dirt. Two nubile sluts towelled him down, gazing at his perfect squared broad shoulders and smirking at the heavy semi-hard 10 inch cock which occasionally twitched as they wiped him down. They then dressed him in an expensive white shirt and navy suit, before the bodyguards placed him barefoot on a recliner deckchair.

Everything seemed like a blurry nightmare. Adam's eyes remained closed for some time as his brain, still on a come-down from Ketamine and GHB, blocked out the dull pain emanating from his battered asshole and his sore piss-slit. As the sunlight fell on his face, his mind wandered back to a year ago, when he had sailed on his family yacht along the Croatian coastline. Modern slavery was well and truly alive and kicking - he had set off from Albania after picking up four prize specimens flown in to a brothel in Tirana where he had viewed each nude trembling body in the hotel steam room. The brunette cheerleader from Minnesota and the gorgeous blonde Latvian au pair - both tied back to back in one corner, their perfect rounded breasts in perfect symmetry. On the opposite side were the blond Swedish college exchange student with his sculpted Nordic physique and the varsity water polo player from Florida, his auburn hair blending nicely with his deep tan; barely an ounce of fat covered their toned bodies as they lay bound together - Adam had nodded in appreciation and wired over a good chunk of cash before they were hauled away to his yacht. That had been one hell of a summer, breaking in each quivering bondservant - each one a perfect example of peak physique and sculpted form with gorgeous good looks, turning them into subservient sex-slaves for him to dominate on deck. As the yacht had pulled out of the harbour, Adam had smiled, his handsome reflection glinting off the expensive gold Patek Philippe watch on his wrist as he had cast off his white linen shirt and then untied, tackled and overpowered the defiant water polo player, bending him over a deckchair, plunging his heavy cock inside the puckering anus and plowing his seed deep into the screaming college hunk's guts as the others watched in fear. A half-hour of full-throttle long-dicking the once-virgin asshole had reduced the young college stud to a crying mess. After taking his turn fucking and degrading each of the terrified nineteen year olds, Adam had them dressed in short cropped white uniforms to serve as deck-crew, kicking them forcefully on the polished wooden deck for any failure to attend to his whims for the rest of the week-long cruise. They pretty much lived off a diet of protein shakes and his cum, in between getting pounded by his 10-inch gut-ramming cock.

As Adam lay on the deckchair, his head spun, his piss-slit stung, his muscles were sore, his knees were grazed from being fucked on all fours, his hips were aching from being bent backwards to his shoulders as his hole had been split by cock after cock...and his no-longer virgin ass-cunt throbbed with the hurt that every high-school cheerleader felt the day after a donkey-dicked quarterback ripped open her winking twat and split it open into a cock-glove. Only a few drops of cum still trickled around Adam's anal opening which retained its slick muscular elasticity and snapped back to its post-hymen closure, winking with a puckering slit-like vulnerability. The ketamine fog clouding Adam's mind slowly lifted and his muscular body shook as he came around, like every drugged bitch had, the morning after he had pounded her holes into a quaking mess all night.

One of the guards slapped his right cheek suddenly, causing him to startle as his eyes adjusted to the sunlight and his new situation on deck. "Open up!" The guard yelled, slapping Adam's chiselled jaw like a cheap rentboy. Two other guards held his shoulders back as the first burly security man punched Adam in the solar plexus, winding him. "Aaarrffffggghhh!!!" he half-mumbled, half-gasped. The guard yanked his tousled blond hair upwards and a glass containing a colourless liquid was put to his lips as he was forced to imbibe the cocktail of viagra, GHB, ecstasy and crystal meth down his parched throat, wincing as it trickled down his cum-stained oesophagus.

One of the nubile blondes unzipped the expensive trousers as the drugs gradually took effect and Adam found his 10-inch prick rising while she stroked the head and shaft. He wanted to grab her head and choke her throat with his cock, but found that she could easily resist his muscular strength and push him back onto the deckchair. A once cocky and arrogant stud, dressed in an expensive navy suit, Adam Ralston was edged repeatedly just to the brink of climax on the polished wooden deck by the two sluts, who laughed as he failed to cum whenever they stopped jerking him. Without warning, the gooey warm feelings of frustration that washed over his crotch every time his fat cockhead was stimulated were suddenly replaced with a sharp tacking bolt of pain as he yelled "Aaaaaarrrggghhh!!!!" - a searing sharp stab jolts through his body and he struggles to shuffle away but finds his legs held down by the slim blondes. The pain radiates from Adam's crotch as one of the blondes pins his perineum with the business end of a metal joint, clicking the loop into place to pin a perfect guiche piercing right behind his hefty ballsack as she wipes away a few drops of blood. Adam continues to gasp, the shock of his sudden mutilation burning through his flesh and brain like a plantation slave being branded as the sharp pain continues to course through his body even the panic subsides. "Ahhhh!!! Ah ah ah ah ooooohhhh eeeuuruggghhh!!!!" he pants, his head a daze as he hyperventilates and another drop of cum leaks out from the deposits buried up his ravaged rectum.

The guiche piercing is positioned perfectly, discretely tucked away like a mini-dog collar with which Adam knows he has been shackled.

Kicking him to his knees, one of the girls roughly inserts two greased fingers into Adam's man-hole before replacing them with the first of a linked set of light round hollow metal spheres, each progressively wider in diameter. "Aaaarrrhhhhh!!!" Adam groans as the first pops in past his anal sphincter. "Noooooo!!! Stop!!!" he pleads, as she pushes another one past the winking asslips, smiling as they open and shut in a vain attempt to expel the intruding balls. "Ouuuccchh fffffuuuucckkkk!!! Go slow!!!!" She prods the inner sphincter and coats it with more lube, as Adam shifts uncomfortably on all fours like a bitch adjusting to take more, feeling her nimble lubed fingers roughly scrape his inner anal ring. And then she stuffs in another ball...and another... each lodged deep into his rectal cavity and working the previous sphere further into Adam's rectum, burrowing slowly up his colon. By the sixth hefty bead, Adam can feel deep pressure against his second ring, as the first ball impacts against his sigmoid colon. He shifts on all fours to accommodate them within his gut, feeling stuffed. A couple of small loose wires are attached to the final ball and trail out of his puckering anus; she attaches them to the guiche piercing. The metal beads contain an electric power source and Vladimir watches intently before pressing a button on his remote which causes them to vibrate within Adam. As they buzz, the blond musclestud feels his cock rise from the stimulation of his prostate, stretching the fresh guiche piercing as his perineum becomes taut. Like a hooker on all fours, he crawls to the deckchair for support, overcome by the buzzing against his rectal walls and the drug cocktail coursing through him. Vladimir strokes his own massive cock, smiling from afar as he sees this arrogant perfect specimen of manhood struggle to climb onto the deckchair as he clings to it for support while the vibrations intensify and his cock drops precum onto the floor. As Vladimir presses a red button on the remote, a sudden jolt of electricity passes from the wires to the guiche, shocking Adam right at the base of his genitals and sending his crotch into convulsions. "Aaaaaarrrggghhhhh??!!" He screams, his head jerking back and his brain buzzing as his ass spasms up into his gut and his muscular glutes clench while the gorgeous hunk's muscled thighs wobble, collapsing him prone onto the deckchair. His biceps clench as he tries to steady himself, the muscles of his back ripple and his 8-pack abs flutter as his abdomen churns from the electric shock. "Eeeeeuuuurrrgghhh!!!" Adam dry heaves and retches, spewing up a handful of old cum from his stomach onto the deck.

Just a year ago before that delectable week of fucking four hot teen asspussies on his own yacht, Adam had flown in to Tirana the night before and with the compliments of the hotel and the men selling him unwilling jocks and hot terrified slut-slaves for pleasure, he had taken delivery a trembling, frightened and panicked sixteen year old freckled twinky ginger nerd - "something for sir to empty his balls into" according to the security deliveryman. Kid had no idea about his surroundings, only that he was going to be in for a long painful night. Although the twink wasn't exactly built to the defined physique specifications that Adam liked to fuck, he was pretty much a `free gift' and what a night that had been - Adam's wavy blond hair and ripped tanned muscular body tapering to a narrow waist had contrasted so sharply with the skinny kid's pale freckled skin and cropped ginger hair. Adam had easily thrown the frightened ginger twink on his back on the massive bed, overpowering the teenager as he scrambled to get away. He had grabbed both wrists like they were chicken wings and held them above the twink's head, which shook from side to side in fear. With his muscular thighs separating and shoving the ginger twink's supple calves easily back like a split paperclip, he had escalated like a dark shadow above the squealing teen, loving the contrast between his broad chest and tanned flawless muscular frame hovering over the pale slender hips of the twink below. Without warning he impaled his 10-inch ramrod-hard dick deep into the howling teen's untouched fuckhole, sending bolts of pain like an electric shock, convulsing through the pale frame which he forced open with his massive fat cock. "Eeeeeaaaaaaiiiiirrrrrggghhhh!!!" the rigid bull-cock had practically ripped the kid's virgin anus to shreds, pummelling into the tight crack as he tore into the deflowered asshole. "Take my fucking cock, fucking twink fag, take it, unfgh, yeah, deeper, ungh,fuck, yeah, fag, fuck fuck fuck!! Fucking clench!!" Adam barked, his blue eyes and handsome half-smiling, half-snarling visage contrasting with the the ginger twink's scrunched eyelids which shot open periodically with each pummelling thrust as his high-pitched desperate screaming pleas and protests dribbled into a cacophony of unintelligible grunts and weak injured yelps.

Back to the present and once again the boot is on the other foot. Adam retches phlegm and specks of cum from his oesophagus again, as he struggles to steady himself after the electric shock passed through the perineal piercing. He blinks in the sunshine, disoriented from the shocking whirlwind that had transported him to an unknown uncontrolled environment - a bit like that skinny ginger twink whose tight rectal passage had warmed his cock up a year ago...those frightened blinking doe-like eyes that had rolled to the back of his tousled ginger head with each pounding thrust during the hour-long fuck. His muscular thighs were wobbly as he clutched the deckchair on all fours for support...Adam blinked in discomfort on all fours as he looked up at the slight slim shadow that hovered over him, his handsome face curving to a frown as the sight of a skinny freckled ginger-haired teenager came into view.

"Not such a fucking hot stud now, are ya?" the quiet voice echoed on deck. The ginger twink was probably maybe an inch taller than he remembered, but still skinny with floppy red hair. A couple of tattoos flanked his arms and side `Slave 23 property of Vladimir Menshikov' but his freckles were the giveaway. His eyes squinted sadly and mirrored his fate bottoming out into debauched sexual slavery, serving the guards on the yacht after Adam had tossed him aside a year ago for more pleasurable merchandise and he had been picked up by the local Albanian dealers and sold on. Only now they glinted slightly with trepidation and anticipation as he looked down at the bent over greek god-like frame of the blond hunk who had easily held him down and bust his cherry a year ago. A security guard suddenly stepped forward and said "Boss's orders are simple. You two punks wrestle. Winner fucks loser!"

The cocktail of GHB, viagra, ecstasy and crystal meth makes Adam's mind spin. He wobbles again, lunging out as the twink steps easily aside, laughing at the hunk below. As a fit 6 foot two inch alpha male with barely an ounce of fat Adam would normally easily be able to overpower the skinny twink - grab him by the neck, push his chest down and throttle the fucker into submission. But his physical prowess is neutralised and as he struggles to his feet and clasps at the shorter twink's throat, the kid easily bats his hand away. Mustering all of his strength, Adam's lats and triceps flex vainly as he attempts a tackle. The ginger twink is no wrestler, but finds himself getting hard as he clutches Adam's athletic toned torso through the fabric of the expensive suit. He finds himself in the position of being able to push the study hunk with little effort, shoving Adam onto his back on the cushioned deckchair. Startled, Adam falls back, his muscled quads landing on each side of the deckchair as he plops down and his feet land on the ground with a thud; the impact jiggles the anal beads deeper up his ass-canal and he winces.

The ginger twink climbs over him and using nothing more than his slender body weight forces Adam back. Shocked at being physically overpowered, the tanned blond stud finds himself beneath the pale slight body above. Adam's muscles tense as panic wells up within his sculpted chest; usually with a simple bench-press he would have thrown this twink off, but Adam now found his physique was suddenly no match for the kid he had once fucked senseless - overwhelmed by the ginger kid above him he shuddered as the warm panting breath of the teen taunted and tickled his cheek like an animal in heat. Adam's biceps buckle as he squirms beneath and desperately flails his arms as he tries with to shift the ginger twink. With one hand now, the teen pulls the unzipped trousers off Adam's legs, feeling the strong muscular thighs exposed to the sunshine. He notices the guiche and the wires connecting it and trailing out of the puckering asshole before grabbing Adam's cock which springs to life in his freckled palm. The blond hunk tries to resist - pushing upwards clumsily as he desperately tries to fight off the teen, who easily strips off the expensive suit jacket and unbuttons his white shirt with one hand, caressing the tanned chiselled pecs and sculpted abs before pinching each of Adam's pert nipples. "Aaaaahhhh!!!" He calls out, but even as he tries to repel the assault with his legs he finds them kicked aside by the skinny limbs of the 17 year old ginger teen, whose lips clamp themselves over each nipple in turn. "Ooooooorrrrggghhhh!!!" - helpless to resist, Adam moans and groans. Feeling his cock stiffen as the teen rubs his belly against it and the viagra courses through his system he blushes with embarrassment, like a whore being fingered against her will. He tries to defy the advances of the red headed kid, a twink who would normally be no match for his strength - pushing back with his outstretched palms to no avail. Grabbing the armrests of the deckchair Adam tries to crawl away, hauling himself with all his strength as he cringes whenever the anal beads move within his rectal cavity. He has barely crawled three feet away as Vladimir smiles from his suite.

"Aaaauuuuurrrrrggghhhhh!!!!!" Adam lets loose another blood-curdling scream as the red button is pressed on the remote again, sending jolts of electricity from the anal bead power source via the wires to the freshly implanted piercing. On all fours now, his knees shudder as he clutches his chest uselessly. The ginger twink pounces, pulling at the anal opening so the first metal sphere pops out with a sucking noise; he grabs the slicked orb and yanks, watching while the prone stud grunts and howls "aaaaauuuuugggghhhhhhh!!!!!" - bead after bead is withdrawn and he marvels as the puckering asslips stretch and retract with each expulsion. As the last of the light hollow beads clatters to the ground, the chain of spheres remains connected to the guiche via the wires, tugging down on his ball-sack as he clenches his ass in fear, while Adam's heavy cock remains as rigid as a pole against his abs. Not wasting a moment the pasty ginger twink positions himself behind the blond hunk, casting a shadow over the tanned muscled glutes that extends overhead. Adam senses this and trembles unsteadily on his haunches, struggling to get away as he tries to creep away slowly on the polished wooden deck, his asshole exposed as he crawls forwards and drags the metal anal beads on the ground, still attached to the guiche piercing, shuddering with the fear of another sudden shock to his genitals. Grabbing the drugged and weakened stud by his V-tapered hips the twink lunges forwards and rams his rampant 7-inch cock with as much force as he can muster with one thrust to the hilt - past Adam's sphincter, left ajar by the exiting anal beads, plunging his cockshaft deep into the muscular gluteal cleft, balls deep. "Eeeeeaaaaaaiiiiirrrrrggghhhh!!!!" screamed Adam, "take it out!!!! Pleeeeeaseeee you're ripping my ass!!! Aaanngghhh mmmpppfff!!! ooooowww eeeaarghhh!!" he pleaded and babbled, feeling the skinny teen taking long pummelling strokes as he thrust with every ounce of his strength against the firm glutes, cramming his dick as hard as he can as if attempting to deflower the muscled stud again...

"Take my fucking cock, fucking muscle bitch, thinking you can fuck anything with your pathetic big cock, but you're just a fag, a fucking useless twat hole built for a skinny twink to fucking rape, so take it, yeah, deeper, hot fucking hole, unnngghhh!!" The ginger twink set up a punishing rhythm as his thighs slapped forcefully against Adam's butt cheeks, fucking the hunk doggy-style with as much force as he could muster while Adam's grunts diminished into quieter moans of pain and humiliation. He could barely crawl away as the teen pulled his hips towards his pistoning groin, feeling every inch thrust into his spasming rectum as the movements scraped at the tender guiche and his own cock dribbled pre-cum onto the polished deck. The kid grabbed his knob and roughly polishes it with his skinny fingers - "yeah, such a studly macho alpha top fucker, getting rammed by my cock, do you feel my wiry ginger pubes against your hole, huh!? Fucking ace, baby, cum for me, spew that fucking load on the floor the way you spermed my guts, cos I'm gonna cum soon!!"

He roughly jerked the hefty cock, and Adam yelled "ffffuuuuuuccckkk annnnggghhhh!!!" as he spurted 6 heavy loads of cum against his abs and hosed onto the deck below, fucked like a dog on all fours by the skinny ginger twink as tears of shame mixed with his sweat and frustration and he panted for relief that didn't come.

Next: Chapter 19

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