Top to Bottom

By J

Published on Sep 19, 2023


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Top to Bottom - Part 16: I bet you're not a faggot

27 year-old Adam Ralston lay on his back, shell-shocked from the rape of his proud 10-inch cock as Billy's and Carlo's cum dripped through a funnel, into the widest of the hollow urethral sounds that they had probed into his still moderately erect, former ass/pussy-busting penis. He had howled and sobbed as their jizz had dripped down his piss-pipe, backing up against his prostate as it filled up his reproductive tract. The man-spooge of these guys whom he had always viewed as 'lesser' than him now mixed with his own sperm, deep inside his body, their sperm burrowing deep within him. You'd have thought that the day's exertions would have exhausted Adam, but a ripped hunk with as much testosterone coursing through his system had a pretty short refractory period. Adam had always been proud of his sexual prowess; slap a bitch up and fill up her pussy and he was ripe and ready to go pretty soon to fill her other holes. Now Billy continued to ram his greased fingers into Adam's clenching hole against the supine stud's battered prostate, massaging it roughly until Adam erupted again, his 10-inch bullcock simultaneously spurting both his own cum and ejecting the loads of the two younger guys high into the air before it landed in a splatter across his washboard abs as Billy and Carlo laughed mockingly. Carlo slobbered, licked and sucked on Adam's semi-erect cock, slurping and felching the last dribbles of mixed cum from the tender dilated piss-hole as Adam cringed in shame and humiliation while his former houseboy drained his glands like a kid sipping at a straw. "Fucking faggots!!!! Arrrrggghhhh!!!" Adam yelled as Carlo roughly pulled out the sound from his semi-rigid cock. The shock of the yanked withdrawal and the exhaustion from being turned into their sexual plaything for hours on end caused Adam to nearly pass out, his ass unclenching as he involuntarily farted yet another bolus of cum onto the silk sheets. A sly thought crossed Billy's mind. "Let's see who's a proper faggot....this dumb jock just doesn't learn, does he?!" Billy and Carlo decided that their arrogant cock-jock would probably never learn but they could at least have some fun in the process of taking him down a further few pegs.

In the space of barely 5 months Adam had sunk from a top stud in the prime of his predatory sexual prowess to the literal property of his former houseboy and the bellhop from the Seldon hotel & spa, one of his preferred elite haunts where he had the privacy to fuck sluts senseless after wining, dining, and impressing them. The hotel manager knew Adam's father from back in the day and usually kept a suite for him and other big spenders. Of course, Adam liked them young, dumb and full of ... well ... his cum, if they were guys. He wasn't that picky - a hole to fuck is a hole to fuck, after all. Virgin slutmeat was always his preferred taste, simply for the thrill of the fuck but also because it meant he could ride their holes bareback without bothering so much about disease...well, about acquiring it, not that he cared about giving it. That was his prerogative, the rampaging alpha-bull whose cock was a gift to those lesser mortals he fucked. In Adam Ralston's world, the fuckee's role was to lie back and take it all...sperm, piss, and whatever he wanted to gift their throbbing holes.

Yeah, Kai was one of those. Not his first muscle-bitch, but definitely the youngest and one of the tightest. Sure, Sammy the gymnast was his first boy-fuck, an 18 year old that Adam had picked up at high school just before he himself had headed off to college. But the thrill of manhandling and macho-power-fucking a proper muscle-pup began with Kai. Oh man, that kid had just turned 16 the day before...5 feet and 10 inches of firm teen muscle, sculpted from hours on the swim team and water polo. Chicks loved riding Kai's 7.5 inch dick which stayed virile and hard for ages while he brewed his teenage cum to fill up their fertile pussies as they bounced on his legs, holding on to his V-tapered torso while he pump-fucked them with his muscled thighs, jackhammering their cunts until they begged for his teen-cum.

It must have been 4 years to the day that, courtesy of being the ultimate nepo-hire, the bank had given Adam a nice fat salary bonus along with his promotion the week before. As he lazed by the pool at the Seldon hotel, his sculpted torso glittered in the May sunshine.

Adam's parents were old money and owned about a third of the bank along with a ton of other trusts and properties. When they had died, they left their estate in trust with Adam's elderly prudish maiden aunt, hoping she'd be able to rein in some of their spoilt only son's excesses, to put it mildly. Adam was just biding his time as an executive hire at the bank, waiting for old Aunt Jane to croak so he could really live the high life...although his jet set pussy-busting lifestyle was supplemented bountifully by the generous allowances and the fat paycheck which he'd later have to surrender to hush Billy and Carlo once he'd had his bullying leverage literally fucked out of him.

But anyway - back to the past...Kai...the studly teenage pool boy at the Seldon hotel...

Kai came from a middle class family, but his dad's business wasn't doing too well so his summer job at the hotel pool was helping with the bills. He'd seen Adam before on weekends pulling up with all sorts of babes in various swanky sports cars and imagined someday he'd get lucky and make it big. "Hey, kid!" Adam hollered as he flicked his dirty blond locks across his chiselled model face. "Hey! C'mon over. Get me a martini and get yourself one too. On me! It's been a good month and it's gonna get better..." the blond alpha muscled Adonis beamed, barely 23 at the time as he ordered a drink from the handsome pool boy. At 6 feet 4 inches Adam was a fair bit taller and definitely a good deal more muscled than the tanned pool boy. His imposing frame exuded masculinity. The teen stud-pup kid hurriedly walked over with a couple of drinks from the bar, not noticing the slicked puddle in front of Adam, who suddenly stood up from the sun lounger and startled Kai. As he skidded on the wet poolside floor and toppled forward he barely caught the glasses which spilled their contents all down Adam's 8 pack abs. "Ohhhh my god sirrrrrr I'm so so sorry!!" Kai stuttered apologetically, rushing to find his footing and look for a towel. Initially annoyed, Adam quickly seized control of the situation, tempted by the sight of that pert round ass in the kid's white shorts. Kai leaned forward, trying to proffer a pool towel to the hunk, staring at his perfectly sculpted abs as the martini remains trickled down the grooves of muscle. "What?! Are you staring at me, kid? I asked you for a drink, offered to buy you one and you spill it on me and ogle..? Is this what you're looking for?" Adam rubbed his sizeable package in his swimwear, watching the 16 year old pool boy shift uncomfortably. "N-n-no sir, not at all, I'm so sorry, please let me get you cleaned up? I'm so sorry, please I'm sure I can make this right sir!" Adam always knew that tone when a member of service staff was worried about a complaint. He relished it, that feeling of control and power. As a grin spread across his gorgeous face, from cheekbone to sculpted cheekbone, he chuckled "hahaha! Just kidding bro... no harm done.... but you gotta get me cleaned up properly. And yeah I'll take you up on making it up to me. But it might cost you..."

"Anything sir, just ... I'm so sorry..."

"Ok clear up this mess and come to my room. Parkside suite - you know the one?"

"Of course sir, I'll be right there.

10 minutes later Kai knocked at the double doors of Adam's suite.

"Enter!" he hollered.

In his white shirt and shorts, Kai quietly entered, feeling a little out of place as his white trainers squeaked on the marble floor of the suite's expansive reception room.

"You're late, kid" Adam rasped, crossing from the carpeted bedroom into the wood-floored dining room before opening another set of doors that led to the reception, where Kai crossed his hands behind his back, blushing slightly. "Sit down" he gestured at a plush sofa. Kai shuffled over and sat down as Adam stood over him in his beige bathrobe, making a power-show of holding his cock through the fabric.

"Have you ever been in here?"

"No sir" Kai gulped. As a junior staffer he served drinks and tended the pool area and sometimes helped guests around the grounds but the suites were generally off-limits.

"Ever fucked around with any chicks here?" The blunt forcefulness of Adam's question startled Kai.

"Umm...only of the maids...she was kinda hot...but I swear it was just the once..."

"I bet you like to fuck, kid, don'cha?" Adam snickered. Kai nodded quietly. "And I bet you're good at it too. So - hot stuff...ever fuck a guy before?" Adam pivoted.

"No way dude ... I mean, sir! I'm not a fag!" Kai blurted out.

"Then let's just cut to the chase. You're gonna make it up to me by taking me on at a bet, ok?"

Kai shifted uncomfortably. "Sir...I don't have anything to bet with...I don't earn much here, and this job is kinda all I've got at the moment while I'm in high school..."

"Nonsense, kid - you've got a cock, you can fuck - hell, I bet you cum a few times a day - so let's take a bet, eh? I've got three hot sluts in the room next door. Prime grade A pussy...we each get to fuck 'em as hard as we want, until we cum, and keep fucking again! Whoever stays hard enough to fuck and cum in more sluts, wins...with a winner's lead of 2."

"...fucccckkkk...that's....I dunno...I mean..."

"You mean you want to know the prize? Apart from how you get to fuck some hot pussy all day today? Well...if I win, I get to choose any hole in the room to fuck. As many times as I want, whenever I want, forever. Trust me - these are all tight holes! And if you win, we'll you get the same. Don't worry - I've got so much cash I can pay for any hole to be your personal fucktoy for the rest of your life..."

"Dude...!! You're on...bring it on!" Kai, the high school jock and now Seldon hotel summer poolboy.. young, dumb, and full of cum stood up as his cock hardened and twitched in his white shorts, following Adam through the luxurious suite as he entered the massive bedroom. Silk lingerie lay on the floor and the white silk sheets were crumpled over three of the most gorgeous girls, barely 18, nubile and slim, with perfect round breasts who lay draped over each other. The air smelled perfumed, masking the faint musk of Adam's sweat and cum. Kai's cock-brain was rapidly taking over as he climbed on the bed, barely noticing Adam split and swallow a mini-Viagra. The teenager barely needed to ask permission to begin, chucking off his clothes as his rampant sweaty cock rose to the occasion and he climbed onto the lithe frame of the light blonde Swedish au pair, locking his lips over hers while she gripped his broad back. He didn't waste much time before thrusting his 7.5 inch boner deep into her twat, making her cry out as he muffled her lips with hers. Adam buried his own cock deep up the ass of the German brunette, watching the kid's ass pump hard and fast into the blonde Scandi slut as the strawberry blonde girl from Maine played with her clit between them. The sound of flesh on flesh, slapping and pounding ground on for the next fifteen minutes until Kai unloaded his teenage cream deep in the blonde, slamming so hard the bed shook as she yelped loudly. His virile prick remained pretty erect as cum dribbled down when he withdrew, seeking out the next hole. Kai seldom got to fuck ass, so he romped over to the strawberry blonde bitch, pulling her up by the hair onto a pillow and showing her he was in the mood for a rough fuck; the muscled jock shoved another pillow under her ass and raising her legs high, he burrowed two fingers deep into her ass. Adam's cum had slicked the anal passage earlier that morning so the kid now plowed the head of his cock into her asshole hard in one thrust, busting her open as she howled.

"Open up, bitch!!" he called out.

"Eeeeiiiiiinnghhh!!!! Go slow, go slow!!! Aaahhhhhhhh!!!" she yelled, his hard teen prong fucking deep into her guts. Meanwhile Adam finished off in the German slut, and proceeded to fuck the brains out of the blonde again. 'Enjoy fucking, kid...cos it's the last time you'll get to do it from this end...' he thought to himself smugly. The room echoed with the orgiastic sweaty thumps and thuds and thrusts and splutters of fucking for the next hour as the two men, ripped man stud and good looking jock boy took their pleasure and kept their count. Kai, however, was starting to flag as Adam's pharmacological advantage gave him the edge by two whole fucks.

"Fuck dude...I think I'm spent...but maybe another half an hour and I could go again..."

"Sure kid...but if I cum in this bitch...unggggh....unnnnghghhhh...fuck....then....unggghhh..I win..!!"

Kai sat on an armchair furiously stroking his cock, trying desperately to will it hard again after the previous four furious fucks he had thrown to the ladies sore and throbbing holes. The chance of a lifetime supply of on-demand fuckhole pleasure was one orgasm away.

"Fuccccckkkkkkk!!" Adam roared, nutting deep inside the brunette's cunt as she bucked on all fours on the bed, squealing as her hole accepted his load.

"I win, kiddo..."

"Fuck! Sheesh man, so close..."

"Not by a mile! And now I get to choose my prize." Kai was one of the best looking but certainly not the brightest kid on the block. He did think Adam was just trying to show off to him, thinking that he could have any of the bitches there any time anyway - in fact, as he fucked the girls he was pretty sure Adam had already taken them all, maybe more than once. Basically - a bet without much of a buy-in...apart from being shown up by a man who could fuck more than he could...but that's where Kai was wrong.

"I hereby choose...this - hole" - Adam rapidly withdrew his cock with a pop from the freshly-dicked gaping pussy of the brunette and pointed his rigid 10 inch ass-slaying prick at Kai, whose quizzical expression betrayed a sinking feeling in his gut that rapidly made his teenage schlong, covered in cum and pussy juice shrink further.

"No man, no no no no no fucking way!"

"A bet's a bet, boy. Now pay the piper! You said you'd clean up at make things right, you came and fucked pussy on my dime on a bet, but there's no free lunch and I won your ass, so open up, bitch!!" Adam growled threateningly as he walked over and grabbed Kai's head with both hands, one around his neck and the other firmly placed around the back of his head.

The 16 year old looked up in fear at the tall blonde stud's 10-inch cock and struggled to accommodate the first couple of inches as he heard the same words he had casually thrown while he assplowed the tight ass of the howling strawberry blonde bitch earlier. He had never sucked cock. Shit, he himself was barely legal...

"Suck my cock, faggot! And mind your teeth cos if I feel a single scrape I'll break your jaw and you'll be out on your ass in the streets. And swallow every drop!"

"Nnnnnggghhhmmmmmppppfffff!!!!!! Annghhhhh aaaaaaaahhhhh!!!" he came off the massive cock choking, spitting and gasping for breath. `How did the bitches take his cock?' he wondered for the first time as Adam grabbed the back of his head and vigorously skull-fucked his ramrod prick down his gullet. His pupils dilated in fear as Adam picked up the pace, using the suctioning mouth-hole to clean the ass and pussy juices off his cock as he plumbed the kid's throat and coated his dickhead in saliva for the next five minutes. "Fffffuuuuuccckkkk yeah boy, gonna blow, eat my fucksauce, take it all!!!!" He shouted, pumping a load deep down Kai's spasming throat which unwillingly gulped and swallowed the hunk's copious ejaculate. As he withdrew his stiff cock, Kai choked and coughed, strings of cum and spit dribbling down his chin to his abs.

Adam was covered in a light sheen of sweat which accentuated his ripped physique. His deltoids and lats were clenched and his obliques rippled as he ran a hand through his golden locks, slapping his spit-moistend cock across Kai's cheeks. "Not too bad for a virgin.." he chuckled. Kai blushed. "You're a mess already, and I haven't even started on your ass..." Adam grabbed a bottle of premium vodka and poured it over the winded Kai. He squeezed the teen's cheeks in one hand, admiring the fresh muscle-bitch physique before jamming the bottle into his mouth and tipping it forwards. "Drink up!"

Kai gulped as the liquor ran down his chin, tears running down his cheeks as it mixed with the cum in his throat and he was forced to swallow. Last night he'd won a bet over vodka shots with his girlfriend and finally got to fuck her ass - and the irony wasn't lost on him that the same liquid was going to fuck him up, but in a different way. He must have swallowed a good half bottle before Adam released him. The buzz was rapid as Kai leaned forward to steady himself. Adam grabbed him under his armpits and hoisted the kid onto the bed, admiring his dark wavy hair and cupping the muscled teen's tight round ass mounds. His fist clenched over the cock as Kai winced in pain, reminding him that he was just a slab of meat on the losing side. The vodka, now hitting his brain made Kai more unsteady as he felt Adam bend his legs backwards, his feet pointing at the ceiling. "Spread, those thighs and open up, bitch!!" Adam hissed, his muscled legs kicking the teen's own limbs apart as he flailed and tried to resist. His untouched virgin high-school asshole clenched tight. Adam dipped a couple of fingers into the pussy of the blonde whom Kai had first pounded into, moistening them with her juices and his load. "Eeeeaaaaaaarrgghhhh!!!!" wailed Kai through the haze of the alcohol as he lay back on the expensive sheets and bucked his hips as Adam forced his fingers deep into his tight teen shit-chute with the pungent boy-batter lubricant and greased the virgin orifice. "P-p-p-pleeeeeeease sir!!!!!! Aaaannghh!! Please please stop, it hurts, take it out, please, anything, just don't fuck me, please don't fuck me, I can't take a cock, pleeeeease!!!" his slurred pleas fell on deaf ears - if anything they turned Adam on more. "Shhhhhhh babe, gonna make you feel so good!!" he lied as he inched forwards, knowing his 10-inch sausage would rip deep into the kid's butthole and make him scream as his manhood was turned into bloody maidenhood. "Gonna twat you out now, bitch, so open up! Either way you're gonna feel whatever the slut over there felt, only this time you're the one taking it up your cherry hole!!"

Pressing on Kai's hips, he pushed forwards aiming his hard cock, lance-like at the anal rosebud, nudging the tip at the puckered entrance which clamped involuntarily tight, anticipating one of the tightest openings he would bust open. Lying on his back in a fog of emotions and fear, Kai felt the fear and trepidation that fifty teen bitches had experienced when he had laid them back and prepared to fuck their brains out. He felt the incredible pressure at his closed opening, the warm damp heat of another man's cockhead as his splayed upturned buttcheeks tensed. His own muscled arms and wrists were held back by Adam's strong grip as the hunk's biceps hooked around Kai's knees and bent them uncomfortably backwards.

"Hnnnnnnnggggghhhhhh!!!!!!! Aaaaaaaaooooooowwwww!!!!!" through the drunken fog his yell split the silence as he felt the 10-inch man missile pierce his resistance and forcibly rupture his anal hymen. "Fffffuuuuuucccckkkkkk aaaaaaaggghhhh!!!! Pleeeease stooooooppp!!! You're tearing me!! Angggh!!! You're ripping me, you're tearing me!!!!" he cried, the cocky high school jock facade disappearing as Adam buried half his rigid penis into the screaming jock below. "You want more, slut? You want me to open this slit up wider? Well then why didn't you say so, baby boy?" he taunted, pulling out until only the head remained before ramming his fuck-muscle all the way with the full force of his weight into the bent backwards muscle-bitch beneath him. "Mmmmmppfffff!!!!! Ffffuuuuuuckkkk noooooooooo!!! Aaaaaaarghhhh!!!!!" screamed Kai, tears streaming down his chiselled cheekbones as he felt Adam's cock rearrange his guts and stretch his anal ring to the max. Adam didn't give him more than a couple of seconds to adjust before he started power-fucking the crying teenager, loving the sight of his helpless broad shoulders and pert nipples crowning his squared pecs heaving as he howled in discomfort. "Fuck babe, fucking tight cunt! Gotta make every stroke count before I sperm your womb with my seed - gonna breed you pregnant, dude!!" Adam exited and re-entered rapidly, bottoming out his 10 inches deep into the teen before spamming repeatedly in the kid's colon, feeling every silky tight fleshy grip on his fuck-stick as he fired his cum into the howling Kai As the bed shook violently. Kai felt like his ass had been shredded as his head spun, nearly passing out while Adam continued to fuck his cock slowly back and forth in the now sloppy ass-cunt, feeling the silky warmth of the boy's spermed guts as the milky fluid leaked out around the ass lips and dribbled down his muscled thighs. The sheer pressure made Kai's own cock start to dribble a trickle of piss as Adam slapped him and laughed. "Looks like your pecker got a bit hard too, eh, but you pissed yourself while I blew my load deep in your butt-womb, bitch!" In that moment, with the teen muscle-bitch beneath cowering beneath his broad pecs and V-tapered torso, Adam Ralston could not have imagined that barely four years later he would find himself being escorted through the lobby of the Seldon hotel, padding down the plush carpets towards the marbled corridor that led to the Parkside suite where he had spent so many pleasurable weekends plowing and nutting into Kai's bitchboy hole as he made the kid tighten flex and wank himself off, clenching his teen ass around his 10-inch fuckspear.

Adam had had to taste his own medicine for nearly 5 months as Billy and Carlo had taken him down a few notches. This latest round of fucking his piss-slit, cumming into his urethra and wanking him to expel both his own load and their cum-deposits still hadn't made him realise that he was in no position to fag others out. Billy and Carlo proceeded to shave every inch of light fuzz and body hair on Adam's body save the golden locks on his head, before forcing him into fishnet panties and a light translucent skin-coloured bra. A tight crop top barely covered his torso, showing off Adam's hunky sculpted 8-pack abs and perfect deltoids while a slightly torn pair of high-rise mini denim shorts completed the hooker look, his heavy (and sore) cock crammed uncomfortably into the tight outfit, exposing his muscled thighs. Adam gulped nervously as he was the one who now shuffled down the marbled corridor towards the large mahogany doors. Billy and Carlo pulled them open, pushing the anxious stud forwards onto the carpeted floor of the suite.

"You probably don't remember how many guys you've fucked here. I was on duty here that one time you brought some high school teen jockpussy and bet your dad's perv golf buddies a ton of cash how many times you could fuck him that night, how many times you could cum up his ass... but today the bet's on you, bitch. In that room are five old rich dudes - the guys you would dine with here and sometimes see in the hotel gym - your kind of guy, hahaha! Well, each of them has paid $250k for a good night of fucking. Not like you have much of a choice, but you're gonna get fucked for cash tonight. Except and I are gonna have a bet - and we've both got skin in the game - cos we'll both be in the ring...anyway - you win IF you manage to get fucked by the highest number of guys without letting yourself cum..! So, whoever wins, takes the $1.25m pot...and IF - If you win, that money can pay me and Carlo for our silence. We'll leave you and your fucked up ass alone."

Adam stared open mouthed and scowled as he clenched his biceps - "Let's double that bet, faggot... if I win, I get to fuck you good and proper too. You've fucked with me, so I'll get to turn you and this pissboy over here (Carlo) back into my fuckslaves and get my fucking life back!" he snarled, his chest rising as the thought of reclaiming his manhood spurred his cock into a state of semi-hardness.

"Sure, whatever dude..." Billy chortled, taking his shirt off as he showed off his lightly toned pecs. Adam nodded. He was used to winning at fucking and was desperate to end this losing streak and get back on top as his heavy balls churned and his recently-fucked ass twitched in the scratchy fishnet panties while drops of cum and lube trickled out of the sore opening.

Without warning, Billy and Carlo kicked Adam in the back of his knees and the tightly muscled stud fell to the ground, steadying his fall with his palms. He flicked his wavy blond hair out of his face and as he stared up from the floor his gaze was met by the beady eyes five fat hairy men standing over him, licking their lips in anticipation as one handed out a glass of cheap vodka to the kneeling stud with a good dose of GHB mixed in.

Next: Chapter 17

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