Top to Bottom

By J

Published on Jan 23, 2023


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Top to Bottom - Part 15: Sounds like a fucking cock-whore

Two cold skinny fingers jabbed their way to the hilt in his ass causing Adam to wriggle on the bed uncomfortably. "Oooooo señorita, I'm gonna wreck you today! This sloppy hole is a present for me to bust open on my 18th birthday! Yeah shake that booty for daddy! You're no virgin culo, not like my hole that night you ripped open my boy pussy...but today I get the best present of all... I'm gonna take your virginity señorita Adam... fuck you hard in your pissing pussy hole!!"

The stud jock's neck jerked upwards in a flash as Billy swiftly bound steel handcuffs around his wrists to the bedposts, spreading the bouldered shoulders and sculpted muscled arms taut and his hole reflexively clenched around Carlo's invading digits. The Latino teen licked his lips viciously at the thought of the imminent defloration, jerking the muscled thighs apart so that Billy could restrain Adam in a spread-eagled fashion with a pair of shackles to the bedframe. Trussed like a turkey with scope for his toned sculpted legs to be bent back at the knees in the exposed lithotomy position, Adam immediately regretted the modified four-poster setup he had bought for those occasions when he felt like suspending his fuck-victims limbs while he plumbed their holes; his muscular frame could always lift the lithe bodies of the cumsluts but on the occasion when he dominated a bigger muscle stud, he found that having the ability to suspend their ankles higher up the bedposts gave prime access to conquer their musclebitch pussyholes to a depth that would satisfy his big 10-inch monster. It hadn't yet dawned on him how Carlo's fetish would really fuck with his `virginity' in yet another way, making the cocky top jock fall even further down the cum-soaked slide of depravity.

"Rrrrnnnngggghh!!!" Adam grunted, straining with each lean muscular fibre, his body covered in a lustre of sweat and dry streaks of cum. As Billy quietly left the room, Carlo deftly applied a generous coat of foam to Adam's spread armpits, still-spasming anus and the brief treasure trail that led from his navel to the already-shaved groin. "You smell like a rank whore, puta!" he spat, before turning to the large marbled ensuite bathroom to rinse his hands and take a piss. The Latino returned a few minutes later as an uncontrollable tingling and stinging sensation gripped Adam's pubes, pits and puckered asshole. He ran a damp washcloth over the spread stud, caressing each inch of the prime choice musclemeat as the tingling grew and Adam yelled "Eeeeeaaaarghhh!!!! Shiiiit it's burninggggg!!!! Aaaaaaahhhh!!!"

"Hahahahaha!! Smooth and tan like a gringo pussy faggot!!" Carlo laughed, deftly wiping down the hunk's athletic frame as he smeared around the armpits, pubes and anus to reveal a slightly pink but completely hairless smooth manscape. Carlo's foam had depilated every hair on Adam's body except the handsome blond locks on the stud's head, leaving him perfectly smooth all over. Kinda like a Ken doll....

The tingling was replaced by more burning on the raw anal surface causing Adam to squawk in protest a couple more times. "Shhhhhh senorita, we just get your culo ready so now you look the part!" said Carlo as he tweaked Adam's nipples into silence. Smooth except for the wavy blond locks on his head, his recently fucked asshole tingled from a few drops of cum that trickled out around the winking cleft onto the tender surface, bringing home the sense of loss - his lost lifestyle, his livelihood, his ownership over others, his domination, his body used by pathetic weaklings not fit to call themselves men, the loss of his body hair and now, he would find - the loss of control of his cock.

Stroking his cock to an erect 6 inches, Carlo popped one of his ass-probing fingers into Adam's mouth, eliciting a groan of protest from the unexpected odious intrusion. He slipped a single Viagra pill onto Adam's tongue and ordered him to swallow it, planting a sloppy kiss on the startled hunk. Carlo then clambered and squatted over the muscled frame. "Nnnnnnngggghhhh!!!" Carlo moaned, his slinky asslips spreading to accommodate the fat pink head of Adam's rapidly inflating stallion cock. Over the months when he had served as Adam's houseboy his tight anal passage had always struggled as it was stretched and inflated to take the jockstud's girth, but at high noon on his 18th birthday, instead of the hefty missile inching upwards into the skinny howling teen, Carlo was the one in control who now chose the pace and rode it gradually down like a dildo, feeling the warm fullness in his rectum. The suave depraved fucker and twinky deprived fuckee had swapped places but the friction on his stirring cock made Adam want to buck upwards despite the restraints. "Mmmmmmnnnnggghhh fuuuuuccckkk!!!!!" he grunted, "fuck fuck fuck nnnghhh tight pussy hole yeah!" Carlo ride him silently cowgirl, leaning forward as Adam's second inch slowly entered his butt. "You've been missing a real stud cock in your little spic pussy haven't you!?" he taunted, feeling the familiar warm gripping tension around the Latino asscunt serving his burgeoning penis. It had been months since Adam had planted his normally overused cock in any kind of tight hole, and despite being made to cum whilst being fucked earlier on Billy's pole he could feel a familiar cumload boiling in his balls, ready to be triggered up Carlo's ass-gash like a good slut. Lost in the moment, Adam could feel his hefty scrotal sac tense as the third inch slowly slid further in, Carlo's rectal pleats scrunching around the recently underused cockhead. During every afterparty-afterfuck assrape of the Latino's anus Adam would never willingly allow the teen to ease in to the fuck, preferring a full-throttle long-dicking to maximise his own pleasure at the expense of his victim, whom he basically used as a daily cumdump. Massaging the Latino's prostatic G-spot was not his primary concern, but in the current situation Carlo gyrated slowly, using the inflated horsecock to rub his prostate at just the angle Adam had never bothered to reach, slowing down just on time to build up those gooey sensations in his own balls before Adam could erupt. "Yesssssssss!!!!!" Carlo hissed, not caring that the frustrated stud beneath was being edged back from the point of spurting, an unwelcome sensation he had never had to countenance before. For nearly half an hour he expertly and repeatedly edged the 10-inch prong, only letting dribbles of Adam's pre-cum to trickle around his anal ring as he slow-fucked his former master's frustrated horsecock.

Long before either of them could blast any cum, Carlo stood up, as Adam's cock plopped out of the Latino's hole, proud and painfully, unsatisfyingly erect. "Arrrngh!!! Fucking faggot twink.... take my cum already! the stud bellowed, wanting nothing more than some release for his big cock.

"Easy, big stud...hahaha!! I think it's time to fuck your cock!!"

Adam lay there, his muscled thighs spread obscenely by the ankle restraints, his picture perfect body framing his blue balls and rampant rigid cock.

"Then get back here already and fucking ride it already!!!" he bellowed, desperate for some release, the kind that didn't require him to receive an ass-pounding for once, the kind that he had always delivered as a dominating muscled top.

"Duuuuude you misunderstand, eh? Such a big cock and such a little brain, hehehe" Carlo chuckled. "You want me to fuck your cock, babe?" he cooed. "Such a thick big cock, so long and so wide and so hard..." he grasped the fleshy missile with both hands, rubbing the pole with his slicked fingers and massaging the cockhead as Adam grunted and moaned, totally losing control as his hormones raged. "Fuuuuuuuuck already!!!!!" he hissed. To his susprise Carlo strapped a tight rubber cockring around the base of the shaft and squirted a heavy glob of lube on the head of Adam's penis, which slowly trickled down over the piss-slit. The rigid 10-incher remained tensed, the viagra coursing through his system now and Carlo stroking the shaft and his smooth ball sac ever so gently as small drips of pre-cum continued to force their way upwards into the glob of lube. The skinny Latino opened a small cloth pouch, taking out a set of thin, smooth metallic straw-like hollow tubes, each with a silicone tip. " we're gonna have a bit of fun fucking your cock today, hahaha!!" he laughed as Adam's face puckered with the realisation that the stupid pun was the clue to his next round of torture. "You're not getting to fuck anything with your bigboy cock today, senorita. Your bad boy cock is gonna get fucked instead!!"

Adam shuffled uneasily on the bed, squirming and bucking to shift his weight, to no avail. Carlo stroked his own six-incher. He picked up the thinnest of the urethral sounds and swiftly aimed the silicone tip at Adam's piss-slit, pulling on the shaft to get the angle just right. "Fuck fuck no no noooooooo!!!!! You'll cut my cock, no please noooo!!" Adam's tone descended from protests to begging pretty damn quickly this time. "Please - Carlo - please don't - not my cock, please!!!!" he whined like a high school freshman, "just shove your cock in my ass, I'm sorry just please forget about me fucking you and you taking my cum and whatever, just please don't....don't fuck with my cock?!"

"You're right bitch. But I'm still gonna `take your cum' and I'm gonna fuck with your gorgeous schlong. Except I'm gonna take your cum rather than your cock giving it to me when you bust your nut in my butt...time to get milking, studpussy! Now hold still, unless you want your cock to get properly broken..."

Adam clenched in fear, his rigid penis rampant and straight. Carlo squeezed the cockhead between his thumb and forefinger, easing the tip of the slimmest sound into the piss-slit.

"Aaauuuuuunnnnrrrgghhhh!!!!! Nnnnnngghhhh" Adam groaned, the unwelcome sensation hitting the back of his brain as he struggled to keep still. "Please - can't you put something to numb it? Ow ow owwwww!!!!" he yelled as the lubed cold metal slid through the gel and burrowed deeper into the virgin cock-passage. "Nnnnnaaaaarrghhh fuuuuuuuckkkk!!!!" he was panting and spitting now, his forehead tensed."

"Shhhhhh babeeeee" Carlo smiled, pushing the third inch down the still-hard shaft which he continued to stroke with his other supporting hand. "Gonna make you feel soooooo good...." Beads of sweat formed on Adam's head as he tensed his ripped jock muscles. "No no no no pleeeeeassee!!!! Take it out!!! Ahh ahh ahhh ahhh" he panted, "it hurts, it hurts, pleeeeeasee??!!!!" Carlo slid another inch down "halfway there baby! No need for you to push out like you're taking a shit, senorita, this is all on me!! Halfway there, your taking so much in your big cock!!"

For Adam the sensation was pretty much the pits of degradation. He felt halfway between having his dick ripped out whilst giving birth through his piss-slit as Carlo eased the probe further before drawing back half an inch each time, causing him to gasp while his anus winked like crazy, the final drops of dried cum crusting his now hairless opening.

"Nnnnggghhhhh noooooooo!!!!!!! Mmmmmnnnggghhh arrrghh!!!" he moaned, shaking his head from side to side as the thinnest sound finally hit cock-bottom, pressing against his prostate as Carlo attempted a few swirling motions. "Don't worry babe, I know you have great muscle tone, Billy says there's a risk when we switch to the wider ones that you might find it a bit hard to hold your piss next time but your ass seems to hold the shit in despite all the fucking you get, and I figure your dick will do the same, hahaha!!" he chortled as Adam blushed. "You know all that muscle ass and bitch pussy you used to fuck.... I don't think your fucktool broke them that much looser - like my hole - I think you just liked breaking something new, like you wanted the feeling of fuckraping a fresh twat. So now you get the feel that too dude!! How is it, your new cock-twat? Itsy bitsy tiny tight hole getting bust open? I think time for a bigger one now, slut!"

"Please Carlo, stop! I can't, you're gonna make me bleed, it's gonna rip me, you're gonna tear me, I can't take it, it's too fucking big, you're splitting my cock, it hurts, fuuuuuuck fuuuuuck stop pleeeease!!!!! Oooooowww!!!"

The next fifteen minutes were utter humiliation as Carlo slowly sized up the urethral sounds, each one stretching Adam's piss-slit and cock-shaft just that bit wider. To a litany of grunts, pleas and moans from the unwilling stud, Carlo began to stroke his own cock, which he placed at the entrance of Adam's clenched asspussy and fucked in, breaching the anal canal without warning. "Owwwwwwwnnngghhhh!!!!!" Adam hollered. The sudden and unexpectedly sharp intrusion from the Latino twink's smaller prick would normally have deflated him, but Carlo stood between those splayed muscled thighs and pummelled deep and fast whilst stroking the widest sound deep against Adam's prostate.

"Fuck fuck yeahhhh!!!! Mmm nnnnghhh yeah fuck tight hole fuck yeah, cum for me babe!!" the slim Hispanic displayed his usually quiet dominant side, his groin slapping against the now-hairless upturned buttcheeks, long-dicking his former master as deep into the jock's guts as he could go, whilst plumbing the depths of the humiliated stud's cock, stirring away while the obscenely rigid pole twitched. "Nnnngghhh noooo no stop no no pleeeeease!!! Take it out take it out!!!" Adam jerked his head back with each thrust, feeling the silicon-tipped sound bang against his prostate which Carlo's own cockhead simultaneously probed through his freshly-fucked asspussy.

"Yeeeaaaaaah baby!!!! Cum for me!!!!" Carlo roared, jackhammering into Adam's ass the way the fallen stud had ripped into him on an almost nightly basis in what now seemed like a lifetime ago.

"Nnnnggggrrrrhhh aaaaaggghhh!!!!" Adam's moan of anguish as he physically edged towards a long-delayed climax was music to Carlo's ears. With every ecstatic spurt that the slim Latino pumped into the blond stud's perfect ass, the urethral sound banged deep against the upturned Adam's prostate. Carlo loosened the cock-ring, which triggered gush after gush of thick prime grade-A man-seed to erupt like a freshly-drilled oil well, spurting through the hollow metal sound from deep within Adam's cock, to the spouted tip as Adam cummed hard and fast, releasing his load through the steel sound as it splattered all over the Latino's chest. Adam bucked and trembled with each of his seven heavy loads, ejaculating like a fountain through the metal tube bored into his sore piss-slit. Carlo continued to fuck his ass, pushing over and over again to empty the gorgeous stud's balls. The rigid sound maintained the erection somewhat, and as Carlo finally withdrew, Billy walked in quietly, surveying the mess and the spent stud; trussed on the bed like a common whore. He withdrew the metal sound halfway and attached a small funnel to the tip, before climbing up the bed to Adam's head.

"Open up, bitch!" he commanded, grabbing Adam's lips and forcing his prick deep to the back of the choking stud's throat as he gagged and spluttered. Billy kept his orders simple and Adam knew better than to screw up now. "Make me cum" he said, thrusting his cock deep down Adam's gullet the way Adam had often warmed up before fucking so many pussies. "Mmmmffffff" croaked the used jock, taking the younger man's cock and alternating between gulping, gasping and slurping as his tongue made a futile attempt at slicking up the cockhead. "You suck like shit bitch!" Billy said, slapping Adam as he continued to force the stud to deep-throat him. "But that doesn't matter, just the thought of raping your mouth gets me off everytime, haha!!"

As he neared the point of no return, Billy withdrew and positioned himself over the funnel, jamming his fingers into Adam's freshly-fucked hole, admiring the tight round buns and his former tormentor's perfect physique. "Nnnngghhhhh!!!!!" he moaned, cumming hard into the funnel, splattering a big load but making sure he squirted it all on target. Carlo scooped up his own load that was bubbling and trickling out of Adam's ass, plopping whatever he could into the funnel as the two of them watched the white sticky slime slide down the widest of the sounds deep into Adam's cock, while Adam, horrified, pleaded with them. "Fuck please no!!!! What if I get some kind of ... disease fuck fuck stop!!! You're filling me up like some kind of bitch - please, it's wrong, you can't do that, you can't cum into me!!" His former defiance ebbing away, Adam sobbed as he felt the two younger men's cum dripping inside his manhood. His outlets had become their inlets, with their cum mixing in his mouth, their cum filling up his ass, and now their cum pouring down inside his own dick, backing up against his urethra and mixing their man-spooge with his own sperm deep inside his reproductive tract, fucking with him so deep. Fucking deep inside with his superior genetics helpless as their sperm burrowed past his.

Next: Chapter 16

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