Top to Bottom

By J

Published on Mar 4, 2019


This is the final episode of Top to Bottom. The next story series will be entitled: "The Catamite."

Thank you again for the feedback and encouragement so far. It has helped shape the story.

J (

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Top to Bottom - Part 12: Finale


The black guy pawed at Adam's ripped muscled body, feeling every inch of defined muscle. He thrust his weight on Adam who continued to struggle, batting away the jock's hands and occasionally delivering a slap or a punch to maintain his dominance.

Adam remembered his first experience fucking a cheerleader in high school against her will - oh, how she had begged and cried!! The little cocktease had fought him like a wildcat but he easily overwhelmed her slim body, pushing her down before crushing her warm pussy with his cock.

"Don't worry bitch...I'm sure you're already nice and wet for me..." the words echoed back across time as the 27 year old alpha-male found himself at the mercy of the overpowering black ex-con. "Noooooo, nooo, please!!! Don't, please, this is rape, get off me, motherfucker, fuck....mmmmppfff!!" A hefty black hand covered his mouth, anticipating the enjoyment he was about to experience inside this white stud. "Shhhhhh baby, daddy's gonna make you feel reeeeeal goooood..."

He knew better than to risk a bite from using the unwilling hot muscleboy's mouth. "You're a fucking faggot now, understand?! An ass-pussy and a faggot-whore and I'm gonna fuck your tight little hole!! I could have chosen any white boy prostitute in this brothel but I want you, little stud...cos in prison I've seen them hunky studs who ain't really been properly broken yet... but all they need is my fat black snake in their poop-holes and they'll come back screaming for more!"

For the first time in his life Adam was held down, fully conscious, against his will, not by restraints or drugs or psychological blackmail...but by the pure strength of another man. His smooth muscled globes were parted slightly as the hard black cock lined up to the pink fleshy anal ring that winked and contracted. Every muscle in Adam's body was taut, pushing back against the man who held him down. He gasped in fear as the fat black cock came into view, a good 10 inches like his own, oozing precum as beads of sweat dripped down his forehead. "Oh god oh god, no no no, please I can't anymore, don't, I'm begging you!!!" he struggled, bucking to throw the black ex-con off. "Unnnnngh yeaaaahhh!!!" growled the heavyset black man, forcing Adam down hard as the head of his cock punctured the ass-labia. Having already been fucked open by too many men that night, the moistened but resisting anal cushions gave way almost willingly as Adam's strength could no longer hold back his assailant and inch after inch penetrated the warm silky anal canal. "Ugggghh!!!! Nooooo!!!! Arrrrgghh!! Stooooppp!!! Nooooo!!!! Nnnnnnnaaaaaarrrgghhhh!!!!!!" he yelled, the hoarse voice ringing shrill and scared in the dark room, echoing down the corridor. The black guy didn't care - this was prime white meat fillet-steak ass pussy and he was gonna take the fuck no matter what. "Awwww!!! Eeeeeiii, aaaawwww, arrrggghh!!!!" he yelled, tears of shame mixing with sweat from strain as the black fucker spat in his face and planted long sloppy kisses all over Adam's gorgeously handsome nordic features. Adam grunted, trying to shit out the sewer pipe cock that was brutally shredding his insides.

"Time to pay your dues, pussy-fag!!!"

Adam's screams and flailing about only served to harden the cock that continued to ravish and bruise his anal canal.

"Unnnngh! no, please, stooooop!!!"

Each thrust fucked away more of his tattered masculinity as his struggles gradually declined and he slowly shed the cocky top-stud attitude as it became very apparent that he was no longer one who fucked others but had now joined the ranks of those who got fucked. Predator had truly become prey tonight.

"Yeah bitch, you got one motherfucking tight ass!!"

For the next hour and a half, the black man slapped him about, fucking Adam like a new prison-bitch. With every attempt at resistance he found himself gut-punched, body-slammed or simply held down and fucked like one of the teenage pussies or gym-bred muscle-bitches he has so often abused. The worst came when he was impaled on the black monster cock while its owner jerked him off again...and again...and again...and again...until no more cum could be drained from Adam's balls. With each dry cum his anus contracted, tightening the sphincter around the massive black cock to give immense pleasure to the ex-con. He himself had shot thick ropes of creamy semen inside Adam's sperm-lined fuckhole every twenty minutes but somehow kept going, his massive egg-like balls churning out more and more fuckjuice to pour into the helpless muscle-stud. As the clock struck 8 he shoved one fat black finger inside the anal canal beside his cock, tightening the hole and causing Adam to shriek in pain as he passed out on the bed from the extra invading digit and the ramming ass-fuck, triggering a spasmodic tightening of his sphincter that drove the black guy totally over the edge into an explosion of cum that flooded Adam's bowels one last time. One roared in pleasure, the other fainted from the pain.


The torn lace panties lay on the floor, soaked in cum and piss as Adam slowly came to his senses on the dingy brothel bed, half-paralysed with pain and aching from every muscle in his body as he felt the torrent of sperm leaking out of his bruised anus. The black stud had skull-fucked the unconscious pretty muscle jock before leaving the room so his throat also hurt badly and he coughed the cum remnants in his gullet. He searched desperately for his cash but couldn't find it, causing him to flush with panic.

The next few hours spun past in a daze.

Wearing only the ripped denim cropped shorts he was rushed back home by his waiting driver, Carter. The old man remained bewildered by the saucy, smelly Adam but assumed the young master had taken his pleasure in some grunge-fucking out in the less salubrious parts of right he was - but the defeated Adam lay on the back seat shaking from cold, humiliation, pain, fatigue - but mostly fear...of what was to come.

Billy sat with one leg crossed on his living room armchair, staring at the barely covered stud who entered quietly, searching for some clothes.

Cindy stood quietly behind Billy, while Carlo handed each of them a cup of coffee. Billy`s words sliced through the awkward silence.

"Ok bitchboy...let's see the winnings from last night? Don't forget you still owe the house 50%..."

Adam was speechless. He tried to explain that he was nearly at the target until some black guy had practically raped him and taken the money. "Tough shit, fuckwad!" spat Cindy. "You not only lost the now owe the good folks at the Bordello Bianco $2100..." she added. "Also, it looks like you've forfeited your claim to those little fuck-videos. In fact we've decided we're going to send the original footage on to each of your many victims, releasing them forever from your control. Oh you can keep the ones with your identity blacked out for your own amusement...because once they have the originals, that's all they need to sue you for rape. And when you're in prison being skull-fucked and ass-raped for every charge laid against you until you're an old, shrivelled man - you'll forget you ever had a cock. Your massive prick might as well be cut off and fashioned into a stub-dildo to help you adjust to prison life and your upcoming domination by black thugs."

Adam crumpled to the floor. He begged and pleaded as they laughed at his predicament. "No dice, fuckwit!" she said coldly. "Of course you could pay for our compliance...but the figure, per not a small sum. And as you're such a fucking pervert with thousands of's going to cost ya. I mean, lawyers fees alone...."

Slumped in his office that afternoon, Adam startled at every sudden intrusion - all he had on his mind was how to stump up the cash to pay Billy and Cindy off. Thank goodness he earned a huge amount - he could front some of it, sell his car(s), top up with credit on future earnings using a sell the beach house and cancel golf club memberships, pawn some fancy watches...he might just about make it.

Barely an hour had passed after the lunch meeting when a summary email arrived, dismissing him from the company. A case officer waltzed in to the large corner office, explaining that the firm had found compromising footage of pornography on Adam's hard drive and in order to maintain an orderly reputation without causing too much fuss they were going to fire him with a month's severance. Adam swallowed the lump of panic and fear as he was escorted from the building. Mike the IT guy watched everything on surveillance, smirking to himself. He remembered how Adam had casually throat fucked him in the toilet stalls every week after he had first arrived at the firm until he had begged for a transfer to the IT department to avoid bumping into the muscle jock as much. When the anonymous email arrived from Cindy with a photo of Adam sucking trucker Mark's cock and an offer of revenge, he was only too happy to plant the compromising porn on Adam's drive and let slip a quiet email to the upper management team.

Back in his apartment that evening, a flustered Adam's head was spinning.

"You'll probably have to sell your apartment," Billy had said matter of factly when Adam had pleaded for more time, now that he was jobless and a personal loan would be insufficient to meet their demands, if it was even possible to arrange. "I have a friend who's a realtor that I'm going to send over. Now that you're just a muscle bitch in a suit you can't afford, I guess you'd better be nice to him if you want a good valuation. Remember - you're nothing more than a rentboy to me now, so you'd better find a way to start paying the rent." - Billy hung up.


Adam answered the door dressed only in his black underpants and a bathrobe. The face of the slender man that greeted him in the cheap suit reminded him of a guy he had pounded long first of those mile-high faggot air stewards who was always craving his cock. "I'm Richard, nice to meet you." he shook Adam's hand firmly, smiling as he stepped inside past the shocked muscle jock. He cut straight to the point, looking around the apartment before doling out a ballpark figure to the shocked stud. "We can put that into the estimate for the brochure, if you wanna get started right away." Richard's boyish smile caught Adam unawares. He had exactly the kind of perky ass Adam would ordinarily have split wide open with his horse-cock but instead the once forceful top shuffled from foot to foot, just hoping the realtor would give him a good valuation for the property.

"Uh, yeah, sure."

"You don't remember me, do you? All those years ago when I was serving you in first class and you shoved me into the toilet and took my virgin ass? Man you really hurt me...but you also made me realise how much I liked men."

"Hey, let's just keep this simple..." Adam began to perspire slightly. Surely this dude didn't have something on him too...

"Lie down on the sofa."

Adam glared at him, folding his arms over his chiselled chest.

"I said lie down."

He refused to budge.

"Lie down, bitch!" Billy's voice echoed down the hallway as the door closed behind him, sending a jolt of fear through Adam. "You just don't learn, do you, cunt?!"

The two slender guys stood next to each other and embraced. Adam's barely concealed look of disgust was quickly wiped off his face when Billy reminded him how much money he still needed in order to buy the former bottom's silence. Before he could protest, Richard slipped a pair of steel handcuffs over Adam's wrists while Billy relieved him of the bathrobe, leaving him standing in the middle of the living room wearing only his black underwear. The two licked every inch of Adam's body, from his neck, down his broad V-shaped torso and back, tonguing his muscled arms and across his nipples before licking his squared, muscular pecs without an inch of fat. They slobbered down his abs and obliques, tracing lines with their tongues to his waistband, which was peeled down by Billy. Adam's hard 10-inches stood to attention and he stood, half in fear but also turned on by their attention to his body. Instead of slurping on his cock, as he had hoped, they pulled him towards the large sofa. How many tight pussies had he fucked on his sofa, Billy wondered aloud. Adam remained silent. "Well, bitch - tonight you're gonna finally experience something you've never done to anyone you've fucked before!"

The two guys undressed each other and Richard lay flat on the sofa, his rigid cock pointing to the ceiling as he ordered Adam to sit on it, cowboy style, facing him. "Doors to manual!" Billy joker as Richard chuckled, watching the unwilling muscle jock escalate slowly, his larger body hovering pensively over the 7-inch penis. "Yeah, ride my cock!"

Adam lowered his butt slowly over the cockhead, hoping to ease the pain of penetration and allow his sore and clenching ass-muscles to accommodate the former air steward's cock more easily. "Annnnnggghh!!!" he groaned as his huge dick began to slowly deflate. Billy grabbed it and rubbed the head hard, keeping the erection alive as he slipped a cock-ring onto Adam. "Time for take off..."

Richard began to thrust another two inches sharply into Adam, pushing past the sphincter. "Aaaaarrgh!!! Ungh, ungh, aiiieeeee!!! Slow, slow, please!!" he howled and begged, as Richard smiled with pleasure and Billy laughed. "Yeah buddy, you're definitely a hot fuck!" he said, picking up the pace as he pummelled Adam's ass, tugging at his balls and groin. "Now ride me, bitch! Ride me like a first class cabin hooker!"

More tears rolled down Adam's cheeks as he obeyed, bouncing his body up and down the cock gingerly as Richard fucked upwards faster and faster. Adam felt a hand push his head down towards Richard, who bathed his face in saliva as he forced the muscle jock into a sloppy french kiss, leaning him prone forward while he continued to slam the entire length of his cock in and out of Adam's ass. With his hands cuffed he was helpless to resist, begging and gasping between kisses "Please, man, I can't take it...owwww!!"

"Take it, slut! Take my cock, faggot! Take my throbbing cock up your wet slimy pussy!" Richard chimed with each thrust as Adam buckled forwards into a crouching position, unable to support his weight as his spread knees chafed against the sofa on each side of Richard's slim torso while his muscular body heaved above with each inward piston of the smaller guy's cock.

Billy stood behind the rutting pair, a shadow hanging over Adam from the rear. He leaned forward, feeling every inch of the jock's muscular back.

As Adam prayed like a prostitute that the man abusing his hole would cum soon, he suddenly felt an immense pressure against his anal opening. Billy was pressing forward from behind, slowly stuffing his cock into Adam while Richard continued to fuck from below. He let out a bloodcurdling scream as the sheer pain of the double penetration ripped through his tender asshole - "Yaaaaaaaarrrgggggghh!!! Arrggghhcck!!! Mmmmnmnngghh!! Nooooo!!! Take it out! Take it out! Fuck, fuck, noooooo!!!! Aaaaarrgghhh!"

"Shut up motherfucker! Or do you want to issue an open invitation for every cock in the building to come for a fuck?" Richard slapped him as Billy pushed further, unrelenting in his quest to drill his cock into Adam's sweating jockpussy alongside his lover's. "Yeah, tight hole again!" he slapped Adam's asscheeks repeatedly as he forced his prick halfway, setting up a steady rhythm which made Adam scream incoherently with each entry. "Ok baby, here goes!" Billy shouted, powering his thighs forwards as he buried his 7.5-inch missile all the way home while he yanked Adam's blond locks backwards and smooched his beautiful face which was scrunched in terrific agony. The two guys see-sawed in and out of the fallen stud's shit-tunnel which spasmed around their cocks as he bucked and thrashed. "Please, oh god, oh god, stop, for the love of aarrrrrrggghh!!!"

Billy jerked Adam's prick as he fucked harder, longer and deeper while Richard alternated short jabs with sudden pounding dick-punches into Adam's rectum. The stud bawled like a virgin on her first plow, his legs spread obscenely as the cocks forced his asspussy to comply with their urgent needs. Fifteen agonising minutes later the pain continued to pulse with each stroke until Billy forced Adam's head down and power-fucked into his anus with a vengeance. "Yeaaaah, bitch! I'm cumming! Keep daddy's sperm inside you, I want you to shit my kids out bitch!" he yelled, triggering Richard who slammed his hips upwards into the groaning stud and unloaded his own bucketload of seed.

Adam remained motionless as he felt the loads mingling in his rectum before farting the cum out of his stretched ass, feeling it trickle down their embedded cocks and drip onto his thighs.


After an evening of double-dicking and alternating between his mouth and ass, the Billy and Richard grabbed some food from Adam's fridge. They returned as the stud, his face caked in shame and cum, looked fearfully at the clock and realised the night was just beginning. "Ok bitch, you can get out of here. We're done with you now."

The words stung, reminding Adam of how many countless bitches he'd thrown out after fucking them silly all night.

"B..b..but this is my"

"We can do whatever the fuck we want, since you're pretty much homeless once we sell this place so you can pay us to keep quiet...unless you'd rather end up in jail for rape and assault? I`m sure that more than a few guys in prison would love to make love to your sweet ass!"

Adam trembled...he was totally fucked. In every sense of the word. His life unravelled before his eyes as he found himself begging...on his knees...begging Billy, of all people. Begging Billy not to throw him out - to let him stay and serve the college a houseboy - a whore - anything.

The month that passed after that fateful day got no better as Adam found himself tumbling down the social ladder and getting used to an existence that was very different to the lifestyle he had been accustomed used to. Billy used some of Adam's money to help Carlo find a good lawyer and sort out his immigration paperwork. With Richard, Billy moved in to the swanky apartment, leaving behind his poor student apartment and getting used to driving Adam's Porsche and spending his money. Adam was now a squatter in the spare room, sleeping naked on a sheepskin rug on the floor. Every day he would be used as Billy and Richard's personal fucktoy, cleaning the apartment and cooking meals for them the way Carlo had done for ages. Billy once hosted a party, renting Adam our to a dozen guys who gangbanged Adam all night and paid Billy handsomely for renting the stud. Even Carlo managed to get in on the action, dropping by every week to skull-fuck his former master before hosing his load down his throat. He took a special pleasure in trying to choke Adam with his Latino dick in an effort to make him pass out.

A few months later Billy woke Adam early for a pre-college missionary style-fuck; by now the former top knew how to assume the position for Billy to fuck him silly and to grunt and squeal his discomfort yet submit to a hard pounding like a faggot bottom. "You know, faggot, you still owe me a great deal of money...clench harder, bitch!"

"Unnngh!!!! Agggh!!! Ungh, ungh!" Adam's legs pointed to the ceiling as he shuddered beneath while Billy roughly fucked his ass-pussy, making the large bed shake.

"So I was speaking to one of those Albanian guys and he said he would buy you from me for a really good price...which you could work off by renting your ass out in his hotel in Albania to businessmen. It might take you a while, since they probably don't charge very much...maybe quite a few years...but you need to earn your jeep somehow, don't you?"

"Please, Billy, fuck me, fuck me harder!! Please, annngh!!! Owww!!! Oh god, please I need your cock, don't sell me, please master, sir, I'll do anything, just fuck me harder!! Breed me!! Argh! Fuck - just use my pussy!!" For the first time, Adam thrashed his ass around Billy's cock, squeezing his asscunt with all his might to prove his worth as a proper bottom bitch for his master, a whore begging to be used and not forced and sold into sexual slavery.

Billy smiled as his cock swelled and he built up a fresh load to deposit into his muscle bitch. "We'll see, faggot, we'll see. Now let's see how many times I can fuck your muscled faggot ass today!"

Next: Chapter 13

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