Top or Bottom

By Griffin, LD

Published on May 15, 2002


Bottom or Top (3/3)

By: LD Griffin

Pairing: JC/Justin

Disclaimer: I do not know NSYNC. I wish I did, but I don't. This is Fiction!!!

Summary: Justin goes out to prove JC's not what he says he is.

Rating: NC-17

Feedback: Yes please!!! It brightens my day more than anything in the world. Author's Note: First off, I again state that this short series is for Viv. (Please don't be harsh; I don't think I write sex scenes that well.)

"What do you mean you may have more of an idea than I may think?"

"What do you think I mean Jace?" Justin said as he began to creep closer to JC like a lioness approaching her prey.

"Um...I haven't a clue Just.." JC was cut short when Justin's face was directly in front of his own.

"" Justin emphasized every word breathlessly.


"Think hard Joshua."

JC didn't answer. He whimpered slightly and Justin smirked knowingly to himself.

"Come on Josh. I know you know. At least your body seems to show that you do." Justin said as he gently placed his hand on JC's crotch.


"Concentrate JC."


"Yes, Josh. Contemplate intensely." he continued to whisper as he moved his lips to be right against JC's left ear.

"Uhh..." JC was unable to say a coherent word.

"Joshua...I'm gay." Justin hissed as he squeezed Josh's hard on.

"Ooohh..." JC moaned from the words Justin had told him and the sensations rolling through his body.

"Am I seducing you Josh?" Justin spat again.


`I'll take that as a yes.' Justin thought right before he began to teasingly blow in to Josh's eardrum.


"Yes Josh?" Justin asked as he again blew slowly and seductively into JC's ear.


"What is it Josh?"

"Take me..."

Justin smiled and moved his lips away from the ear he had been playing with.

"What did you say Joshua?"


At that comment, Justin eagerly placed his lips on top of JC's.

JC melted right then and there in the chair. His lips were mesmerized in the syncopation they had with Justin's pair. Every movement, every touch was sinfully perfect. Their mouths danced in harmony, bouncing over each accord as one.

Justin pulled back and smiled. There before him sat a man who's eyes displayed passion, lust, desire, and desperate need. A look he'd never seen before that was forever captured in his own eyes.

"More..." JC breathlessly spoke before leaning into Justin once again.

Their lips were recaptured in lust. JC's tongue slithered through his silky pink lips and forcefully pressed upon Justin's own pair until they opened invitingly. Their tongues intertwined and began to battle each other for ownership.

Justin kept kneading JC's hard on through his jeans. Squeezing with ample amounts of pressure every time his lips went in, releasing when his lips slightly retracted. JC ran his hands through Justin's freshly re-grown curls, bringing him still closer to his body.

Justin broke the kiss once again and looked JC directly in the eye. The passion now apparent in his eyes made JC smile and close his eyes in utter ecstasy when Justin blew gently in his ear again.

Justin stood up bringing JC to a standing position from his chair as well. Taking Josh's hand in his, he ran backward towards the bedroom, dragging JC behind him. Once inside, he slammed the door and threw JC down on the bed hungrily.

Leaning down over JC and licking at the base of his neck, Justin began to unbutton JC's shirt. Rubbing his hands over the smooth chest when he had it fully undone, he sighed.

"God, you are so beautiful." Justin spoke as his eyes started to slightly water.

JC didn't answer, he pulled Justin's tank over his arms and leaned up. Taking Justin's right nipple in his mouth, he began to suckle on the soft bud.

"Ohhh mmmm...." Justin moaned tilting into Josh's touch.

JC let the right nipple slide from his suction and began to work just as forcefully on the left one. Soon, both nipples were completely erect and swollen.

Justin once again started his attack on JC's mouth. Each time their lips came completely together they smashed into each other more vigorously than before. This time around he ground his own erection into JC's matching one.

Looking deep into Justin's eyes, JC saw fire and want. The look on Justin's face wasn't comparable to anything he'd ever experienced in the world. It was beyond this world. Justin had become someone else, someone he didn't know...and was dying to become familiar with.

Soon JC was panting as Justin devoured his neck again, knowing that a large red mark would be left there when he was through. But JC didn't care, let the world see...let the world know that Justin Timberlake had dominated him.

"Justin please..." JC said as he raised his index finger and pointed down towards his waist.

Justin took his cue and began to unzip JC's very tight jeans. The zipper buzzed as it slowly descended over the large organ that was pressed tight up against it. Slowly but surely the swollen member was revealed to him through Josh's super tight briefs.

Even though his phallus wasn't completely uncovered, the pressure release had been immense. JC let out a groan deep within his throat the moment he realized his jeans had been tossed aside.

Justin gazed down at the array of bunching cotton. The lines on his forehead began to crease as he sat pensively, pondering his next move. JC beat him to it though. He started to fumble with the clasp on Justin's belt buckle, then unbuttoning the snaps he pulled the khakis off of Justin's lean body.

The cool air hit Justin's now mostly-naked body, his torso being fondled by the man below him. Looking down into JC's face, he saw the concentration plastered upon his countenance. Without thinking, Justin eased his left hand up underneath JC's buttocks and began removing Jace's briefs with his right.

The material peeled away gradually. Revealing each tiny sliver of skin little by little as if in slow motion. The cotton slid down JC's thighs erotically, continuing the essence of the material as they revealed every inch of JC's muscled mass to Justin. His eyes opened wide and his lips parted in a moan.


JC smiled at the fervor displayed on Justin's face.

The initial look faded as Justin analyzed what he was going to do. Slithering down like a snake he cupped JC's bulge in his hands. Bowing down, he carefully placed his open mouth on top of JC's penis. Humming slightly, he caressed the shaft and blew waves of warm air over the phallus.

JC writhed in pleasure on the bed. The sensations piercing his body were immaculate. He lifted his hips in instinct as Justin repeated the previous occurrence. Once again, JC moaned as his organ was engulfed by Justin's moist mouth.

Justin bobbed his head in pleasure. His throat took every thrust with ease. His body tensed and relaxed in sync with the movements of Joshua. Soon, he was on the verge of climax and with one look into JC's eyes he knew what the other wanted.

Letting JC's member slide through his inflamed lips, Justin took his left hand and removed his boxers. The fabric slid off his hips and crumbled to the floor. Stepping out of them, Justin walked over to his duffle bag. Pulling out a bottle of hand lotion, he strolled back over to the bed and positioned himself over Joshua.

JC stared at the bottle of lotion. His eyes read the label cautiously and then scrolled upward and met with Justin's blue orbs. He poured a generous amount into his hand, and began to smother Justin's phallus in the cream. The heat of JC's hand upon his member pushed Justin's eyes to roll into the back of his head in utter bliss. His lips parted in an "o" shape, he grunted from deep within his chest.

JC slid forward and nodded to Justin. Justin took his cue and positioned himself in a comfortable manner. Once again looking into JC's blue eyes he slipped himself in gently.

The acute intense pain JC felt blast through his body like a dagger upon Justin's entry. Justin perceived his agony and stopped. Waiting for an approval, Justin tiped down and pressed an ever so gentle kiss to JC's lips. At this JC bucked his hips up in an attempt to get more of Justin inside of him. Justin smiled against JC's forehead and began a slow, steady rhythm.

The two rocked together, back and forth. One pressing in, the other pushing out. Each moan was met with one from the other, each gasp was met with a breathless word. Minutes passed as the two continued to stay as one. Their bodies intertwined; JC's legs wrapped around the small of Justin's back.

The incessant swaying of the bed against the wall was drowned out by the increasing sounds of pleasure made by the two. Each plunge sent them closer to the edge, each moan testing their highest will.

The beating of their hearts could be heard in their eardrums. Justin delve deeper and deeper as the time progressed while JC succumbed to his every move, his every desire. Their breathing increased, their passion engorged. The climb to the peak almost over. And then with a loud cry, both surrendered to their savage needs.

Justin slipped out of JC and collapsed on top of the older man. Their heartbeats slowed back down to a pitter patter. The masculine smell of sex lingering in the air. Bordering on the whims of sleep, JC spoke.

"You were right Justin."

"I was right about what Josh?" Justin slurred, exhausted beyond compare.

"About me. No matter how much I try, I will always be the one to give into you."

End Part 3

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