Top Man to Pussy Bottom

Published on Aug 1, 2003



Top Man to Pussy Bottom


A fantasy.

My name is Nick, and I am a straight guy, to the best of my knowledge, aged 23, having just left college and now working as the manager of an adult mail order catalogue warehouse. I only have one person above me and that is Jane the owners daughter, who I have been dating steadily for the past month. We seem to get on well and I have every intention of continuing the relationship with the idea of possible marriage. She is 24 years old, blond, really good looking and with a fantastic figure and personality, and on top of which her father owns the company which he now leaves Jane to run, as he has virtually retired from.

It was Friday morning and all the staff where talking about the Staff Party that Jane was hosting at her fathers house that nigh. It was going to be a fancy dress party so costumes where big on the agenda. I had already got mine from the fancy dress hire place and was going to go as a Barrister with wig and black robe. This would allow me to keep a certain amount of decorum, considering my position in the firm and relationship with Jane.

I had called Mike, the dispatch supervisor, and his two assistants Peter and Paul to the office, to rift them over their poor output and errors being made in the dispatch of certain orders. I noticed Jane was in the admin office, talking with the customer service team of all girls, some of them also very good looking girls. One or two I had dated prior to my relationship with Jane. I decided to show off my authority and power, in front of all these females and really ripped in to the three lads in the admin office rather than take them into my office. I did not even let Mike make any reply to my tirade and sent them packing with a flea in their ears about giving one hundred percent to the efficiency of any task or job they where doing.

Later that morning I was carrying out my regular walk around the warehouse just before lunch time. I decided I needed to use the toilet, so I nipped into the old gents toilet at the back of the warehouse just of the dispatch section. They where old and not in the best state of repair and very few people used them, preferring to use the new toilets at the far end of the warehouse from these. I have a fairly high sex drive and my power trip that morning over the lads in front of all the girls and the thought of my afternoon meeting with Jane, after lunch and the party tonight at her fathers house, I decided to take this opportunity to wank myself off before having a shit. Out of the three cubicals only one had a door and even this didn't have a lock, but once inside with the door just pushed too I dropped my pants and unbuttoned my shirt, so as not to get it messed up. I was sat on the toilet when I noticed a magazine on the floor, so I picked it up and started to thumb through it. It was a gay mag, and had a number of pictures of men with their cocks up other mens arses, humping away. I don't really know why but the pictures for some reason took my full interest. So I sat there with the mag open on my knees as I beat my own meat. Just as I was about to fire my load the cubical door burst open and there was a sudden flash as I rubbed my cock for the last two pumps, which finally caused my cock to fire off six full loads of my spunk up onto my chest, abdoman and even splattered onto the open mag on my knees, together with more bright flashes of light. As I looked up from my erotic stupour I saw Mike, Paul and Peter all stood in the toilets, with Mike holding a camera in his hands.

Nick : "What the fuck are you lot doing I barked ?" as I quickly tried to drop the mag down the side of the toilet, out of site and grab my trousers and shirt to get dressed, as I went to stand up.

Mike : "Not so fast there faggot, I think you need to answer us. What the fuck are you doing ?" At which point the was standing in the door way and pushed me back down onto the toilet.

"What do you lads think we should do" he said turning to Peter and Paul. "Finding this fagot jerking himself off looking at gay fag mags. I'm sure Jane and the rest of the workers will like to see these photo's we've just taken. Don't you think so fagot ?"

Nick : "You've no right bursting into a toilet like this" I say as forcefully as I can, but slightly weakened by the fact I am sprawled back over the toilet, shirt fuly open, trousers and underpants around my ankles, with spunk running down my chest, abdomen and groin. "I am also ordering you now to give me that camera, otherwise you are all going to get the sack, immediately."

Suddenly Mike slaps me across the face "I don't think you understand Nick, when Jane and the others see these photo's you are not going to be around here long enough to sack anyone. Do I make myself clear ? However we might be able to come to some kind of arrangement over the photo's, What do you think lads ? Lets say we can consider what to do with them if say fag boy here is willing to please us and act as our slave boy for the weekend, then on Sunday at midnight we can vote on what we should do with the photo's, either give them back to the fag if he has pleased us enough or make them public !!!"

With my face red from the slap Mike had given it I just sat there on the toilet trying to quickly work out my options. There was a lot at stake and if I could gain a bit of time I should be able to get out of this without to much trouble, get the photo's back and then sack these three young upstarts.

Nick : "Look Mike, lads it's not what it looks like" my tone now more supplicant, "I'm not a fag boy I found the mag already in here and only just picked it up to see what it was, you can understand that can't you ?"

Mick : "That's not what it looks like from this picture, which shows a fag boy wanking himself off looking at what is clearly a gay mag, it's quite clear on that" So if you want these photo's back you are going to agree to become our fag boy slave for the weekend and if you please us sufficiently by putting one hundred percent into the task come Sunday midnight we will give them back to you. It's your choice but you better make it quickly cunt."

Nick : "Alright Mike, Peter, Paul, I agree to be a fag boy slave for you till Sunday night. Can I get dressed now and get back to work please ?"

Mick : "It's lunch time now, you don't need to get back to work till 2.00, so you can make a start at pleasing us, for a start you will only answer direct questions put to you and nothing more. All instructions we give you will be carried out without question or hesitation and you will address us by SIR. Do you understand?"

I just noded my head in compliance, totally lost for the moment, the idea of buying some time would I hope give me some working space. I was then told by mike to get my kit off, which meant he wanted me stripped stark naked and to hang my cloths on the hook on the back of the cubical door. I then had to walk out into the main toilet area and kneel down in front of the urinals. Mike instructed me to open my knees more, so my now deflated cock and balls hung freely down and fully open, my hands held to the back of my head and my buttocks pressed into my heels. This is the position I had to adopt when ever any of the told me to assume the present position. I felt totally humiliated at this and looked down at the spunk running down my body and groin.

I had not realised but Peter and Paul had both left the toilets, Mike continued to give me basic instructions on what I should be doing. He also told me that he wanted to see me with a constant bonner on for the whole lunch hour that lay ahead. I there fore had to start wanking myself off again kneeling before him. I was not however allowed to cum, but had to keep playing with myself to make sure I maintained an errection. If it started to go soft again I had to start wanking again. He even placed the gay mag on the floor in front of me to help me as he said.

I only noticed Peter and Paul's disapearance when they returned a short time later, as I had been preoccupied and getting very turned on by my wanking myself off in my curent situation, having never done anything like this before other men before. It was strange really because I found that although I found it humiliating, I was excited also by it and hopped to hell that nobody else from the warehouse would come in here and see me like this. Peter handed me two bottles of 169 cream, which we sold, and told me to stand up and cover the whole of my body from the neck down with it. I looked in shock at him, hesitated and went to say something, but before I could say anything my face was slapped hard by Peter.

Peter : "No questions and no hesitating you are here to please us as a fag boy slave, and slaves should not have any hair on their bodies. Don't worry you know the hair will grow back in five to six weeks, so no problem is there ?"

Nick : "No SIR thank you SIR"

I applied the 169 hair removal cream over my whole body from the neck down, including my cock, balls, and arse crack. With my body covered I was told to assume the present position and got back down on my knees. After ten to fifteen minutes I was told to tip my head back and open my mouth. Then all three started to piss over me, filling my mouth and telling me to hold the piss in my mouth whilst using the rest to wash the cream off my body. My genitiles where slightly burning but with the amount of piss these young lads had I was able to get all the 169 off my body, along with all my body hair, I was now not only naked kneeling before them but like a true slave, totally hairless except for the hair on my head. I found the sensation of this totally erotic and very exciting and felt so horny I no longer cared if anyone did come into the toilets. The door suddenly burst open as I started to wank myself again as my cock was beginning to get soft again. There to my horror now stood Jason a young 16 year old lad on career training course from his school who worked in the dispatch section as part of his course two days per week.

Jason had a total look of horror on his face seeing me, the boss, kneeling there, totally naked, a hairless body covered in spunk stains and piss, with piss leaking from my closed mouth as I wanked my cock off before Mike, Peter and Paul. Mike said something to him and he just burst out laughing and with the one comment `COOL !!" I just held my position and continued to play with myself at the word of command from Peter. Jason asked Mike if he could stay and watch and so it was agreed my audience had gone up by one. I was beginning myself to get more and more into this and found I was in fact willing to do it and not just because of trying to get the photo's back.

Mick : "Why did you come in here fag boy ?"

Nick : "I originally came in for a shit SIR, but things got a bit out of hand before I had a chance to shit SIR"

Mick : "In that case you better take a shit now"

I went to get up and go to the cubical to be slapped again across the face, and told by Mike to take a shit where I was. I hesitated slightly and looked at the four smiling smirking faces looking at me before I started to try and have a shit, it's very difficult to achieve when being watched but finally I managed to start shitting. Mike told me to catch the shit in my hands as he didn't want the floor dirtying to much. Which was a laugh considering I was kneeling in a huge puddle of their piss. I followed my instructions and when told to rub my arse crack with my left shit filled hand and play with my cock and balls with my right shit filed hands I just complied. When Mike was satisfied my arse cock and balls where nicely covered with shit I was told to stand up and turn around. Paul then cuffed my hands behind my back. Then a small blue tablet was held up in front of my mouth and pushed through my lips into my piss filled mouth. I was then allowed to swallow. I knew precisely what tab I had been given and knew that for the rest of the afternoon the Viagra would ensure my cock standing to ridged attention.

It was getting close to 2.00 now and I asked Mike to release me so I could get back to work as I needed to get cleaned up first. All I got back was a slap across the face for my trouble and told to shut the fuck up. Mike Paul just pulled out a mobile phone and made a phone call connection before thrusting it into my ear, It was Jane he had called in her office, I recognised the voice. Paul then told me bit by bit what to say to her, I felt very humiliated indeed making this phone call naked, hairless covered in shit, piss and spunk, almost as if I was visible to her, which thank goodness I wasn't.

I had to tell Jane that I was having to go out that afternoon to see one of the customers, I would not get back till later so I would see her tonight at the party. I was also going to have to take the next two weeks off on urgent leave, but would talk to her tonight about that. The phone was then removed from my ear and switched off. So I was now at there bidding for the rest of the afternoon. Mike told Jason to get my cloths and shoes from the cubical and to take them out to the dispatch office. Paul then removed the one remaining cubical door and left the toilets with that. Mike then told me that I would learn a very important lesson now which I had better remember in future. I had asked for something which fag boy slaves do not under any surcumstance should do. My punishment was therefore to remain in the toilets for the rest of the working day just as I was in the present position in front of the urinals. I would remain there until Mike, Peter, Paul or Jason came for me. If anyone else comes in it was just tough and any one who does come in I was going to have to offer the services of my mouth as a urinal, as I was a FAG BOY SLAVE who loves drinking piss.

I was left there by the four of them totally degraded and humiliated, naked, hairless, covered in piss spunk and my own shit, stinking in a pool of piss. I had no ware to hide as all three cubicals now had no doors on them, and I could not go out into the warehouse where a number of people would be at work. My hands also still covered in shit cuffed behind my back and my cock now fully erect and bursting from the Viagra the lads had given me.

Throughout the afternoon Peter came back in once, Paul came back in three times and Jason twice. I had to each of them on each occasion offered my mouth as a urinal and they had in turn used it as such, ensuring I drank it all down before leaving me. It was humiliating and degrading but the more I thought about my situation the more I was liking it, I could not explain why I just was. The photo's where very much secondary now and I didn't care that what I had been put through at lunch time was further photographed.

It must have got to near four thirty, when Paul came in once again, so once again I offered my mouth as a urinal.

Paul : "Don't think so this time, I think I am going to use it as the FAG BOY SLAVE mouth it is !!"

Then without warning he unzipped his cock from his jeans and I noticed he was throwing a massive bonner, which was leaking pre cum from its piss slit. He rubbed this round my lips before thrusting his massive cock into my mouth, totally filing it. I could hardly breath or believe Paul was doing this.

Paul : "Start Sucking Fag"

Totally shocked and taken aback I tried to move back away from him, but his hands where on the back of my head and I could not get back. Then he strted to thrust back and forth, nearly chocking me as his massive cock slid back and down my throat. He must have been wanking his meat before he came in because he shot a great load of his spunk into my mouth very quickly in deed. Paul then told me to swallow his man juice and make sure I didn't lose any, shocked and humiliated by this sudden attack I just swallowed, tasting the hot, sticky spunk slide down my throat. I don't know how I really felt about this latest asault, as I was at first shocked and then felt dirty and humiliated at this act I had just had my face fucked. Then I started to think some more and started to think I had actually liked and had been turned on by the first mans cock I had ever had. I even found myself asking Paul to do it again. What was I becoming, especially when he replaced his cock in my mouth a second time and I really started to suck and lick at his cock like a hungry baby on a pacifier. Paul managed to come once more inside twenty minutes I guess, and I thanked him for letting me suck his cock off, before he left once again. What I had not seen the second time I sucked him off was that Peter had entered the toilet and had taken some more photo's of my total action on Paul's Cock, as I later discovered on seeing the photographs.

At five o'clock Peter, Paul and Jason came into the toilets and removed the handcuffs, I was allowed to stand and go to the toilets in the cubicals to wash myself as clean as I could. It took a little time but I managed by using all three toilet bowls to get most of the shit, piss and spunk stains off my body. They then gave me a small metal cock ring which I had to put on. At least my cock had finally gone down from the bonner I had been throwing most of the afternoon. The ring was tight though I caused my balls to really stand out and my cock to grow stiff again once it was on. I was then given a solid metal butt plug which I had to insert up my arse, or as Paul told me `get that stuffed up your FAG PUSSY HOLE, Bitch !!!' I had never had anything up my arse, sorry PUSSY HOLE before and had some difficulty in getting it in. It finally went in and I had an exquisite feeling of being fulfilled and although my mind was telling me that I should think this wrong I was actually enjoying the sensation. I was then given an old faded pair of very tight fitting Levi's 501's and a Levi's trucker jacket to wear and a pair of black leather winkle picker boots with over two inch heel. The cuffs I had worn all afternoon was refastened around my right wrist, both cuffs being fastened to the same wrist like a bracelet and I was led by the lads out into the car park having had to walk through the entire warehouse dressed now and looking more like the FAG BOY SLAVE I had to admit I was becoming and at the same time enjoying. It was still humiliating and degrading however even if I was enjoying it more and more. I only passed three other people though and as my face turned red with embarresment I just kept my head down and followed the three lads out.

I decided not to ask any questions, having learnt my lesson from Mike, but wondered if the lads would take me home so I could get ready for tonights fancy dress party. Peter was driving his transit van and the other two lads sat up front with him. I was sitting on the floor of the van in the back behind the wire mesh of the driving compartment. The van parked up suddenly and the lads led me into the back of some shop or other. Once inside I realised it was a tattoo and body piercing studio. When we left 30 min's later I had both my nipples pierced and large silver metal stirup shaped rings inserted, as well as a smal but thick silver metal ear ring pierced through my right ear. It had cost me on my credit card which Paul had given to me from my wallet he had in his pocket. As Paul had told me all good slaves have slave rings in there nipples and FAG BOYS wear pierced earrings in their right ears. So it pleased him greatly to have me correctly decorated.

Once back in the van we all set off again where to I did not know, but I hoped the lads would take me home soon so I could get ready for Jane's party. I sat on the floor of the van and found great pleasure in getting the butt plug over one of the ridges and feeling the vibration of the van and road pounding up inside my PUSSY HOLE and causing the butt plug to massage my prostate. I must have got a bit carried away by it all because after about half an hour I realised I had just cum inside the Levi's with a full load of my spunk, which now started soaking through the crotch of the jeans and spreading down the inside of my thighs. I felt wild, hot, turned on and started to think about sucking Paul off again if I could.

When I was let out of the van by the lads I found we had come straight to Jane's party, and as I stood by the van Jason pointed out to the other lads that it looks like I had accidentily cum in my pants. I blushed and lowered my head and eyes in humiliating embarressment.

Nick : " Sorry SIR's it was the vibration in the van on the butt plug. But Lads your not going to make me go in there dressed like this. Please don't do it I beg you SIR's.

I waited expecting a stinging face slap, but it did not come, instead Peter told me to bend over, and getting a cane out of the cab proceeded to give me twelve of the best across each buttock. They then led me into the house, my arse stining from the caning I had received and tears slowly rolling down my face. They instructed me that if asked what my costume was I had to say I had come as an over excited FAG BOY SLAVE who enjoyed being punished for the error of his ways. I certainly looked the part and what was worse was I had now become just that. I was excited, hot and horny, which was clear through the crotch in my jeans. This was helped by the Viagra tablet I had been given before leaving the van, as I now sported a monster of a bonner in the tight jeans with a dark wet patch spreading across the groin and down the inside of my thighs from my own spunk. I even smelt like one because of the load of spunk, which was heady and very overpowering. I tried to keep a low profile but was stopped by a number of people and had to explain my costume and state. Peter, Paul and Jason had me running back and forwards to the bar area to get them drinks.

Nick : "Here is your drink SIR I am sorry it took so long" I said to Paul in full hearing of a number of the girls from the customer services.

I saw Jane over the far side of the room and was led over there by Peter, I was instructed to tell Jane I had a personal problem I was going to have to go away and sort out for the next two weeks. So if it was alright with her I would take two weeks of my leave. I also thought it might be a good idea if Mike stood in for me whilst I was away, as it would be good experience for him and I felt sure he could easily do my job. On arriving I was totally embarrassed to have to stand before Jane dressed like I was, I could see by the look on her face she was not at all sure of me. I quickly did as instructed and Jane accepted my reasons and my suggestions. I could see her nose curling slightly at the smell of spunk she could obviously smell and saw her looking down at the dark stain covering the crotch of my jeans. I made some excuse and exited into the garden as quickly as I could.

Out side Paul was waiting for me and he led me down to the indoor swimming pool at the bottom of the garden. Once inside he ordered me to strip naked and lay with my back on the table. I did as told and lay there as Paul went and turned the pool lights on fully. He returned quickly and put my legs up over his shoulders and pulled the butt plug out from my PUSSY HOLE.

Paul : "Right FAG BOY SLAVE it's time I took your cherry, Do you want me to FUCK your PUSSY ? If you do you will need to beg for it."

Nick : " Please Paul, I mean SIR will you please take my cherry and fuck my PUSSY HOLE, I beg you SIR please I need you to FUCK me" All I could think about was the empty feeling left by the removal of the Butt Plug. I did not even think about the fact that with all the lights on in the pool, I was going to get fucked up my PUSSY HOLE in full view of any one watching from the house and garden.

Paul now erect entered my PUSSY with his massive cock of man meat and I felt his balls slapping against my caned and red arse cheeks. I felt his cock head hit my prostate and I was in a total state of excited horny extasy.

Nick : "Ooooohhh Yesss, please SIR more I need more Aaahhhh.

As Paul shot my PUSSY full of his warm steaming spunk I shot a further load from my own

Cock covering my face, chest and abdomen. Paul withdraw from my arse and pushed the butt plug back in place before ordering me to rub my own spunk over my face and body including my cock and balls. Only telling me to stop when he was satisfied they where covered in my own sticky spunk. At this point I still lay on the table, naked, hairless and shinning with spunk, feeling exhilarated by the erotic pleasures and emotions I was feeling for Paul. The doors to the pool burst open and there stood Jane red faced with rage and Mike following on behind. She went ballistic at me and even told Mike who had his camera out to get some more photographs. She would see me when I returned in two weeks from my leave and would decide on what to do with me.

When I returned at the end of my leave I had been kept for the two weeks by Paul chained up naked in a room in his house. That is another story in itself. Needless to say he had used me regularly and I was now well and trully a bottom for any good looking guy I could get hold of. Jane saw me in the main admin office in front of all the girls with Mike, now the new permanent manager and soon to be married to Jane, as well as Peter and Paul and even Jason was present. I would be kept on but would have to work as an assistant under Paul in the dispatch room, even Jason when in would be above me. I would be expected to carry out all the orders given to me by any of the employees of the company. I would also be expected to become the model for the new catalogue, especially modelling all the gay male sex toys and aids. There was also going to be a special hard core porn version of the catalogue made for special customers and I would be the main model, they would make sure my face would be the only one to appear in full. If I tried to leave and go anywhere else I could be sure that the photo's already taken and now loaded onto the internet would follow me wherever I went.

I tried to explain but Mike just cut me off, telling me to just accept I was no longer the TOP MAN I was now just a PUSSY BOTTOM to be used accordingly. He told me to get my trucker jacket off and from now whilst at work in dispatch under Paul I would be expected to remain naked at all times except for my winkle picker boots I had been given. I was only allowed to put my Levi's 501's on when coming up to the admin office and if asked by any female customer service assistant to remove them I would. When I was finished work I could dress as Paul wished me to be dressed. I was now Pauls FAG BOY SLAVE totally and willingly working at the warehouse every day, normally totally naked and hairless except for my boots. At lunch times I would spend them in the old toilets, getting my PUSSY and mouth filled with the lads spunk and enjoying every minute of it. Mike and Jane got married and Mike runs the company now more and more and has even started a line of hardcore porn movies staring none other than me, NICK the FAG BOY SLAVE.

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