Top Man Al Gets Flipped

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 20, 2021


Al's house was not all that close to Louis' apartment - it was a good two hour drive. "Normally I do the driving al. Just better learn that. At some point, I'm gonna need to be on this insurance. " Louis smiled, and laughed a little. "I do the driving in the bedroom, and I do the driving in the car." He reached over and squeezed al's thigh. "You regret submitting, sexy daddy?" al didn't take his eyes off the road. He had on sunglasses too, to avoid the glare. "I think it's still sinking in Sir. All of this is happening so fast, and it's all new." Louis stretched back. "Yeah, I DID push things, but I'll tell you why, stud. Once you made the commitment to try men, and once you found where your 'place' was, I needed to move fast." "Why's that Sir?" Louis ran his hand up and down al's leg. "Because you're so fucking hot that if I didn't get in there first, someone else would've. I wanted what I thought was mine. And I got it." "Yes sir" al answered. He was still having trouble getting his mind around the idea that he belonged to this man. He was accepting, more and more, that he was Louis' bottom, and that he liked bondage, but this part... this was.... tough. "Do you own Shawn Sir?" "Hmmm. Good question. I'd say it's like a time share with him. Shawn has another Master, and his ass is off limits to me by agreement. But that Master doesn't really like the different kinks I do. " Louis paused and then continued. "Most of which you haven't experienced yet." The thought that there were more, new things, gave al a little chill and a little sense of excitement. "Speaking of which, this stretch of road, it seems sort of lonely ." "Yes sir. It's not well traveled." "Can we pull over up ahead." "Sure Sir. Need a bathroom break." "Ha ha. Not really. But my cock needs tending to." In 15 minutes, the car was parked alongside the road, and they were behind some trees. al was on his knees in front of Louis, who was sliding his cock back and forth into al's mouth. "OH YEAH. The joy of having a sweet, sweet sub at your disposal.. MMMM"

al had never had any form of sex outside. He had kissed women when he was younger, on patios, at outdoor parties, etc, but nothing like this. As he sucked Louis, he wondered what it would have been like if someone had done that to him in the outdoors. He realized he was too "uptight" to have done anything like that. Even though he had never seen anyone on this stretch of road before, he was nervous: what if they got found?" "UGGGGGGGH. OH YEAH. " Louis pulled his cock out and shot his load on the ground. "There's nothing like a fresh air blow job. And when you've got a hot daddy with a beard doing it... FUCK YEAH. Doesn't get any better."

They were pulling into al's house in about half an hour. By the standards of the area, it was a small house. By city standards it was, as Louis put it "FUCKING HUGE" . al wanted to make a joke about things that were "fucking huge, " but held back. Louis was walking around the house, marveling. "HOLY SHIT. This could turn into a dungeon with no problem." He turned to al and smiled. "I could have you, shawn, and at least two other subs all chained to the walls and take my time with each of you. We could have a hutch right over here, filled with equipment, a few restraining structures. DAMN.

He continued to walk around the house, as al went to the kitchen to find something for them to drink. When he came out of the kitchen, he didn't see Louis, but he felt him, as he gently took al's arms, pulling them behind him. "I found your closet. You got a shitload of ties. And other stuff. But for now.... a necktie is all I need." He roped al's wrists together, and then he pulled a chair over to the sofa. He sat al in the chair, close to the sofa. Then he sat down on the sofa, and picked up his feet, resting them in al's lap. His heel rested right on al's cock, and Louis smiled, as he ground the heel into al. al let out one big moan, and then Louis laughed and stopped, just resting it there.

"You know, sometimes I like just sitting my sub down like this, tied up, thinking of ideas for what to do with him. I already got SO many ideas of our future, al. SOOOOOO many." al pushed at the silk tie binding his wrists. It was secure. "So, you like getting fucked daddy al?" al sighed. He did, but he didn't think that was the right answer. "Isn't the question whether you like fucking me, Sir." Louis smiled. "Yeah, I do. Your ass is hot. Not used before me, I can honestly claim it's mine. The ownership thing again. al needed time to assimilate this. Again, he pushed at the bonds, and again, got nowhere. "I see what you're doing stud. You know, if you wanna play escape and recapture, we can do that. I know it's your territory, but I'm pretty good and bringing back a reluctant sub." "You think I'm reluctant Sir?" "I'm not sure. I think you're not 100% on board. So I tell you what. You surrendered. Strictly speaking, that's that. I OWN you. BUT... I'm gonna negotiate with my attorney daddy: how about a three month trial? If you don't like it, we'll work out some other kind of deal. If you do, we'll officially consider you owned, and I'll collar you. " "Collar me Sir?" "Next time you and Shawn get together, look at what's around his neck. It's a chain with two locks. One is bigger than the other. That one is from his REAL owner. The smaller one is mine. It means he belongs to both of us. " Louis got up and ran his fingers over al's nipples, through al's shirt. "If you're still on board, you'll get one with ONE lock." "What'll happen to Shawn, Sir?" Louis smiled. Now THAT's a good question superstud. " He moved a finger down and pushed it inside al's shirt, circling his navel. That was one of al's most sensitive spots, and he squirmed. "I think we're gonna leave things as they are for now. After that 3 months, if I decide I wanna be a monogamous DOM, I'll release him." "Sir, do I get to play with other guys the way you do?" Louis shook his head. "Nope. If I wanna 'rent' you out to another DOM that's fine. You gave up the right to screw around with anyone when you surrendered." "So for three months...." "The only cock you're gonna get is mine, and the only exercise your gonna get with yours is when I let you jerk off or shawn blows you." He grinned. He could see al had not thought this through when he yielded. "Let's get into that bedroom. I wanna go through your closet to see what we're bringing back with us."

Louis led al out of the chair, but kept his wrists bound. al's bedroom was off to the side. It was massive. "HOLY SHIT. THIS IS NEARLY AS BIG AS MY APARTMENT" Louis exclaimed. al gave a little laugh. "You get space when you're out in the middle of nowhere." "SHIT. Got to think about turning this place into a weekend getaway." He walked over to the closet. It occupied an entire wall. "GOOD LORD DADDY! You have more clothes than three gay guys. You sure you were ever straight?" It was true. Whatever else you could say about al, he was a clothes horse. Louis opened one door of the closet and saw what were easily 60 shirts. "FUCK! You don't have to to laundry for a couple months." al laughed again. "I don't have that much underwear Sir" "Well, maybe you're not gonna need underwear, muffin. We're still gonna work that out. Now let's see...." The shirts were divided into white - about half of them - and everything else. "Why do you need so many white shirts? " Louis asked, truly puzzled. "I litigate Sir. If a trial goes on.. I need to be able to look good even if I don't have time for the cleaners." "Well, ok. I think this is what we're gonna do. We're gonna take ten of them with us." He turned to al and smiled. "I saw you in white. You look good. You look REALLY HOT . And I'm gonna look through the rest. I'll pick.. oh, I don't know 15?" "It's up to you Sir," al answered. Before he started pulling , Louis turned to al. "Tell you what. I know you picked stuff that you thought made you look attractive. And you did. You looked good this whole weekend. But right now, here's what I want you to do, daddy sub. I'm gonna untie you, and you're gonna pick the outfit you think would make me the horniest if I saw you wearing it. Then you're gonna help me pick the rest. Ok?" He saw al smile for the first time that day. "YES SIR!" al went over to the closet and took a few minutes. He pulled out a light gray button down, and then a pair of off-white pants. "That's for you Sir." "Ok, now, you start picking 15. I'll veto what I don't like. We can always come back if we need more. " It took a while, but they eventually had the 15 shirts to go with the ten white ones. Then they pulled out six pair of slacks, all of al's jeans (four pair), and started loading enough underwear and other stuff for two weeks. "All in the trunk, stud. All in the trunk." As they were loading, a neighbor went by on his bike. "Hey Al. You moving?" al was sort of tongue tied. "I'm spending a lot more time in NYC. I need stuff so I don't have to waste too much gas. " "Nicely played daddy," Louis whispered after the guy was gone. "Nicely played."

When they got back in the house, Louis picked up the outfit al had chosen. "Now change. Let me see if I need to reward you, or punish you. But before you do... drop the pants. Time to take that nasty thing out." The thought of either reward or punishment made al harder than he was. He was still caged, and the dildo that he had been wearing had done its job in stimulating him. He got changed, and came out to the living room, where Louis was sitting. "Sir?" al stood in the middle of the room and put his hands behind his back. His nipples pushed forward. Louis smiled. "YEAH. That's sexy. That's up there with the yellow outfit you wore Friday." He came over and whispered "Keep those hands behind your back, sub," as he began rubbing his day beard over al's neck. al began to gasp, and Louis started moving his hands up and down al's torso, before he squeezed his ass cheeks. "I think you're gonna get rewarded. Unless you want punishment." "I want both Sir." Louis laughed. "One now, one tonight. Punishment now, cause it's a shame to get you out of that outfit. Back in the chair."

Once al was sitting, Louis tied him back up started rubbing the day beard over his neck again. This time, he took al's ear too. "This is punishment?" al thought, as he began to moan. "What's next." He found out. Louis came around in front and lightly, VERY lightly, began running his finger along the line where al's slacks met his torso. "DAMN. Louis knows how to fucking find every weak spot." al squeezed his lips together, and then his suppressed laughs began to escape from his mouth and then, finally "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHA. LOUIS STOP! PLEASE STOP . HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA." Instead, al felt Louis' fingers move to his armpits, and it got even worse. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA. OH PLEASE. PLEASE SIR, PLEASE. " "Nah, not finished yet, sexy daddy. Not finished yet at all. " Louis took another necktie, and blindfolded al with it. al felt his shirt buttons getting opened. Then, he felt Louis' mouth going to his nipples, and heard the sucking sounds as Louis worked them. His hips began to twitch harder and harder in the chair. "OH GOD SIR. THAT FEELS SO GOOD. SO GOOD. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." While he was working over al, and getting the response he was, Louis was trying to figure out what he was gonna do with shawn, now that al was in his life. He had given al three months to decide, which was a stupid thing to do, he thought, but Louis was a man of his word. He'd decide in three months. He took a quick look at his watch. It was 7.

"Too late to head home daddy. Any places around here to get good food?" "There's a steak house about two miles south Sir." "Hmmm. That may work. Need a reservation?" "Probably not on Sunday, Sir." "Let's give it a try. " He untied al and he smiled. "You get the reward when we're home from dinner."

al was right: there was almost no one in the restaurant. That made it hard for Louis to tease al, because the staff didn't have much to distract them, so they were all taking a look at these two men - one of whom seemed familiar - and one of whom had darker skin than just about anyone in the area. "You know something, sexy? These folks are giving me the creeps. Let's finish up and leave." "Ok Sir. I'm kinda eager for my reward." Louis smiled. "You think you know what it is. I KNOW you do. Let's see if you're right. "

"What time do you need the alarm for in order to get to work, daddy al?" "5 sir. " "Ok. You may be a little bit later than usual tomorrow, because we're gonna drive to my place first. I'll get the shit unloaded. " He grinned. "And tomorrow night, you'll spend your first night as my official sub in your new home. But for now... STRIP. Then get on the bed. On your belly. And spread your legs." al thought that maybe the cage was going off, but he was wrong. Still, he did what Sir Louis told him. It was getting close to his bedtime, so staying awake was getting tougher: until he felt Louis on top of him and felt his cock head pointed at his ass hole. He felt Louis' lips form a kiss on his ear, and heard him whisper: "I have been wanting my sub daddy's ass all fucking day. " He felt one of Louis' hands down at his crotch, and felt him pinching the skin right under his balls. al began to squirm and make low, pleasure sounds, as he felt Louis begin nibbling at his ear. Louis joked "You may have a hickey tomorrow by the time I'm done. Just saying." "OH SHIT" al thought. He wasn't ready to explain THAT if people asked. As Louis proceeded, he realized that he was just teasing him to make him scared. Louis' hand was gone from his crotch and instead, he felt a very slick cock beginning to penetrate him. "I hope you want it hard and rough tonight, sexy, cause that's how you're gonna get it... MANBITCH." al felt Louis' cock slam into him, as Louis pulled his hair back. One of his old girlfriends liked it when al pulled her hair. Now, he thought he understood it. Not by itself, but with the ass fucking, well... things were just getting hotter. He could feel that there was a sloshing in his cock cage. He wasn't cumming - he couldn't get hard enough for that - but he was definitely shooting pre-cum. As Louis kept up on his ass, he finally understood what "banging meant, as his ass suffered Louis' assault. "I won't be able to sit down tomorrow Sir," al joked as he felt Louis slide back and forth. "Life's a bitch and so are you," was Sir's reply. "Please sir. Call me a bitch again." "Heh heh. You like that don't you... manbitch." "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH OH GOD. YES SIR. I'M YOUR MANBITCH. MMMMMMMMMPH." Louis had just put his hand over al's mouth. Somehow, EVERYTHING this man was doing to him was getting al hotter and hotter. He could hear Louis' body slapping up against his ass, and he was waiting until... "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKER"

screamed Louis, as he unloaded into al. "Geez, he came this afternoon. He got that already?" al thought he was thinking to himself, but he was speaking "DAMN RIGHT I DO BITCH DADDY. IT'S ALL YOU. " He fell on top of al and whispered. "It's all you , you fucking hottie. MMMMMMMMMMMMM. " al came close to asking to be released from the cage, but thought better of it. A few minutes later, he didn't have any choice. He heard the rhythmic sound of Louis' sleep breathing. al curled into Louis, resting his head on his shoulder. Louis moved his arm to hold him there. When it got colder, Louis got up, and turned down the blankets. After he and al had gotten under them, he spooned al. "Bitch, you better make the right decision after 3 months," Louis muttered, before they both fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 6

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