Top Man Al Gets Flipped

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 8, 2021


When he was younger, al had done a few three ways with women. He liked them, but they weren't his favorite thing. This was the first time he had been in bed with two other men. He was giggling in his sleep- how fast had things changed from just wanting a blow job, and his buddy telling him how he could get one? Now, he felt Louis' bulge pressing against his ass, while Shawn had his neck positioned right at al's beard, so that if al moved, Shawn would get a little bit of scruff. His own cock was moderately hard. The excitement he was feeling wasn't over the top - he was exhausted - but it was enough to keep him happy. He felt Louis' mouth at his ear. "Get your rest, al. Full day for you tomorrow. REALLY full day. On a lot of levels. High and low." He giggled, put his hand on al's pec, and soon he was snoring. Shawn had fallen asleep right away. He didnt snore. He just had a soft, sweet breathing pattern that reminded al a bit of his son when he was younger. Soon, he dropped off too.

al work up on Sunday, feeling Louis' finger, gently but firmly, pushing into his ass. He initial touch was painful, but Louis was persistent. As he kept pressure on al's nerve endings, they began to wake up , and al pushed back to get more. Then Louis started a "cat and mouse" game where al would push down to get more of his finger, and he'd pull it away. At one point he whispered "That's it sub Daddy. This is a way of admitting: I'm your Top man." al just moaned as he felt Louis' finger move around in him.

Up at the top, he saw Shawn's bright blue eyes. "I want my Daddy to kiss me. Take me big al. Take me while Master takes you." He opened his lips to al, who's tongue uncurled and started sliding into Shawn. Shawn's mouth was as welcoming, and soft, as any he had ever kissed. The gentle sucking that Shawn started doing made it even better. Now, those gently stimulated nerve endings in al's cock, began to fire strongly. "MMMMM. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" He was reacting to two sets of stimulus, one of which was getting stronger as Louis pushed in a second finger. The two moved back and forth, in almost a scissor pattern. Shawn looked at Louis. "You want him, Sir? You want me to move out so you can take him?" Louis smiled. "yeah, move out, but come help me. I'm not gonna fuck my daddy sub yet. But I'm gonna give him something to think about." al was flat on his belly. He wasn't gagaged, so he could moan and whimper all he wanted, as Louis and Shawn took turns running fingers back and forth on his ass crack, scratching his balls, and taking turns putting their fingers inside of him. At one point, al tried to push his ass up in the air. He got a smack from Louis, right across his cheeks. "ON YOUR BELLY DADDY SUB. YOU NEED MY PERMISSION FOR THAT. " al was shocked by the smack, but it felt good. He felt better doing what he was told, rather than looking for what he wanted. He knew he'd get it eventually. Shawn looked at Louis. "Can I Sir?" Louis smiled. "He should do it. You did him enough." Louis rubbed al's ear and spoke softly. "You're gonna suck Shawn's cock. No arguments, ok?" al gulped. "Ok sir. " Shawn's cock wasn't very big, which was good because al still had limited experience at this. "It's ok Daddy. Always fun to teach an old dog new tricks" Shawn slid his cock into his mouth. He wanted this blow job because he knew he wouldn't be around the rest of the day: Louis had some "training" planned for al, culminating in a good thorough fucking. He'd want to save his juice for al, so the possibility of getting fucked was not opened. He'd take what he could get. That's what life with Louis was like: he would do what he could to make you happy, but only if it didn't interfere with what he wanted. Right now, the thing he wanted more than anything else, was to add a Daddy to his slave harem. Still, this blow job, from a beginner, with facial hair that tickled Shawn's crotch, was pretty damn good. He began to thrust what Louis called "the little engine that could" as hard as he could, as al got harder from the finger fucking. Louis did too. "I am SO hard for you sub Daddy. But I'm gonna make you wait. Cause I got plans for you today." "FUCK YEAH," Shawn said in a loud voice. al's tongue had just grazed the side of his shaft, and it set him off. He didn't ask , but just shot his load down al's mouth. "I get to do that, beta boy" Shawn smiled. "Only person who overrules me is Louis. You gotta start gettin that" He laughed as he said it. Louis had pulled out his fingers, Shawn had finished his orgasm, and al was feeling cheated. He needed to cum. It wasn't gonna happen. "Listen up daddy sub. You're heading into the shower, and if you don't come out with an erection as hard as the one you go in with, there's gonna be hell to pay. GOT IT?" al wondered what 'hell to pay' meant, but decided he probably didn't need to know right now. "Yes sir," he got into the shower. While he was washing, shawn and Louis had a quickie on the bed. Shawn moaned as Louis pummeled him. "You haven't taken my ass since you found him. I was feeling neglected Sir." "Well, it's gonna change a little. I still gotta train him, the way I trained you, but I'm gonna have to share more." He laughed. Like in kindergarten. You're next." He heard al turning off the water. Louis sat on the corner of the bed, smiling , as al got dressed. He grinned more as he saw al trying to squeeze his hard cock into his briefs. "You'd be so much sexier in a jockstrap ya know" Louis teased. "Not my thing," al answered, and Louis' response was "You know eventually that won't matter. " al just didn't reply, as he pulled out jeans, and his turquoise button down and finished dressing. Louis, still naked, wrapped his arms around al. "You look really, REALLY sexy in that shirt, daddy sub." His tongue probed al's ear and al pushed back against Louis. He noticed that Louis' cock had gone down. "Did you have sex with Shawn, Sir?" "Damn right I did. My other sub." al didn't answer. Louis called him a sub a lot, but he wasn't ready to say "I'm your sub." Louis' hands were pawing al's whole body and he was getting hornier and hornier. "Please Sir. I need relief." "Oh, you'll get it, after you learn a few more lessons today. " He heard Shawn's shower end. "First lesson is patience. Let's get you in the chair. Hands behind your back. " al sighed, but did what he was told. He felt a rope going around his wrists. "Are you gonna just tie me here, Louis?" "For a while daddy sub. Gonna gag you to. Easy gag to spit out if you need to. Cause I gotta get ready. It's about time for me to parade my new sub to my friends." He rolled a handkerchief into a tight strip, and bound it over al's mouth. "Mister Louis is gonna go get showered. We'll talk when I'm all cleaned up."

After he left, Shawn came out. He smiled as he came over, and stroked al's hair and ears. "I'm gonna have to leave now, daddy al. " He bent down and kissed al's lips through the gag. "Did you enjoy me being in bed with you?" Al hesitated, but shook his head yes. Shawn smiled. "You're gonna have to keep in mind, daddy al, that the pecking order here is Louis, me then you. it ain't gonna change. And I don't want it to change." He kissed al again. "You're hot. Topping a guy who looks like a DOM is fucking awesome. I gotta go back to my other. See ya later." And then, for about ten minutes, al was alone, tied and gagged in the chair. He realized, early on, that the ropes were too well tied for him to make any progress, so she just sat, waiting for when Louis came out again. "HEY STUD. I'll be with ya in a moment. Just trying to decide what t to wear today. I think black. Heh heh. Topman Dom colors." He walked out where al was tied up. al felt his cock get even harder. In his black t shirt and his snug jeans, Louis looked even hotter than he did that first night at the bar. He pulled up a chair, opposite al, and sat in it. "so, al my daddy sub, we have to talk about the future. And actually, it's not for discussion, that's why I left the gag in. "MMMMPH" al tried to say something anyway. "LOOK at how hard that cock is. I bet I could get you to do ANYTHING I wanted, if I pressed down on it right now, hmmm?" Louis didn't press , but he put his hand on al's crotch. al's eyes went to the back of his head, he was so stimulated. "I really like you al. I think you're hot. I've fucked daddies before, I've dominated them, but you're the hottest one I've ever had. " He moved his fingers up and began toying with al's nip through his shirt. "I want you, and I almost always get what I want. " 'mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmph" al whined through the gag. "So, you know what I want? I want you as my sub . My sex slave. Just like Shawn. Well, not quite. Shawn has a second Master. But you... I wanna be your ONLY Master. I want your submission." al looked puzzled. "Ah ok, Shawn didn't have that talk with you. Ok. I'll take out the gag. We can talk." al took a minute to get some saliva back in his mouth. "What does that mean Louis? I mean, I like taking your cock, I like when you tie me up. Doesn't that mean I'm already your sub?" "HA HA. NAH. It means you're my BOTTOM. It means you still have the right to go to any other man, and get from him what I give to you.. Except what I give you is better." al laughed. "I used to say that to women." "Except what I say is true, al." He stepped behind al, and put strong hands on his shoulders. "You like it when I give you orders?" "In bed, Yes sir." "Good. Now, what if I told you: today, I want you wearing an orange shirt and dark brown pants. " "Well, I've got both Sir, but...." Louis squeezed. "Now you see, a sub would say "yes sir," and do what he was told. THAT's what I want." al paused. "I don't think I'm ready for that Sir." "I think you are al," Louis responded. He rested his hand on al's crotch again. "What if I told you, I wanted you to move in with me?" al stuttered. "Well, I'd be flattered but... I'd have to think about it. OW" Louis had just smacked his crotch. "NAH. A sub says "yes sir. What do you want me to bring?" "Then I guess I'm not ready to be a sub, Sir." "I don't agree. I think you're ripe for it. And that's what this weekend is about. So.... this weekend, I'm gonna 'convince' you that you wanna be my sub. See, I know how much you like what I do to you sexually . Now think about what would happen if it all stopped. " al pulled at his ropes. "YOU MEAN YOU'D STOP FUCKING ME IF I DIDN'T SUBMIT?" "Heh heh. Lotsa other daddies out there" al squirmed some more. "I don't like this idea Louis" "SIR. or SIR Louis. From now on." al said nothing. "Remember when you wore the cock cage for a little while?" al gulped. "yeah I do..." He saw the look on Louis' face "Sir." "I could lock it on today , send you home, and forget the key. How'd you like to have to ask someone to take it off you?" al reddened. He knew he couldn't do that. "You'd do that to me? SIR?" "If I had to. See, what I wanna do today, is convince you that you CAN'T do without me sexually. If it takes me all day, it takes all day. But you, my handsome daddy, are going to submit."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx al didn't fight because he knew it was useless, when Louis pulled him into the bedroom, and tied him down to the bed. Except this time: he pulled al's ankles up, and shackled them to the head board. He used the ankle restraints to tie his wrists. "Shawn tickles feet a LOT better than I do, but I CAN do it. al " "HOLY SHIT. " "I like something better though. " He crouched down at the foot of the bed. "I like nibbling ears." al felt his beard scruff running over the perimeter of his right ear, before he began nibbling. "FUCK. HOLY SHIT. " al began to whine as Louis' tongue dove in, licking, nibbling. "Now let's go and do the other ear," he said, after ten minutes of work on al's first ear. It had gotten to the point where al's nerve endings in the first ear were exhausted, and Louis wasn't getting any response. "They'll recover, studly daddy, and I'll go back. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR" he dug into al's left ear, and it seemed even more sensitive than the first one. When he was done, Louis looked at al. "Submit?" al weakly shook his head 'no', which provoked a smile from Louis. "GOOD. I got more games to play with you. I love this shirt. This is one you're gonna keep. " Louis opened the buttons, and he began to run his hand over al's belly. It felt GOOD to al, and he smiled. Then he saw Louis' hand start sliding up to his nipples. "I'm gonna have some fun here, just me and my fingers al.... Now think about what a pair of clothes pins are gonna feel like. Cause I got worse than that." He began squeezing al's nips and al squirmed more. He felt like he had a straight line with an electric charge, going from his nipples to his cock, and he began bucking. "AH. Yes. Let's take away the chance of friction, stud." Louis stopped for a minute to open al's pants. His cock shot out immediately. "It's a little inconvenient here, with you tied this way, but we can handle it." Louis roped al's pants to his knees, so there was nothing for his cock to rub against. It just stood out in the air, as Louis went back to his nipples. "Now, don't just think about those clothes pins al... Think about how it would feel if, oh, I had a finger on your nips, and my tongue in your ear at the same time. You ready to submit?" al sucked in his breath and whispered "NO" "Hey that's ok," Louis replied. "I think I'm gonna give you a break for a few minutes. After I.... heh heh heh. Just five strokes." He began running his hand up and down al's cock, but he didn't make skin on skin contact. It was like a tube that was too big for al's cock. "PLEASE SIR. PLEASE . DON'T DO THAT NOW. PLEASE...." al was close to crying. "All done for now. I'll be back in a half hour. OH YEAH. Maybe you should experience the clamps." He showed al a pair of nipple clamps, He rubbed them against his tits. "Not gonna use them... yet. Just gonna keep them here so you can think about them. al DID think about them. They looked... nasty. In the army, they had gotten some torture training, but that was a long time ago. He saw Louis set a timer and then head out of the room He was back after EXACTLY 30 minutes. "So... I like ya tied up this way al, but I think we're gonna go back to standard position, at least for now. Cause it's... TICKLING TIME..." "OH SHIT." al breathed. "Ha ha. Not your feet. That's the good news. But those sides of yours. They're ready." al was too weak to put up much of a fight as Louis rotated him. "MMM. I still love that daddy fur. But right now, I'm gonna love me those ribs." His fingers dug in and al began laughing. al's laugh was not a big rolling one. It was a tight, almost snicker, but you could see much more on his face, as Louis moved his well manicured nails back and forth, settling in al's armpits. The sounds coming out of al, were like a hose squirting water. "Ready to give yet?" Louis asked, with a big smile on his face "NO!" "Too bad Shawn's not here to REALLY do your feet stud. Should I call him?" al looked up in horror, and Louis laughed. "Don't worry. Submission's gotta be earned, and given. Just you and me alfredo." He made the same tube with his hand and teased al's cock. "Isn't there cream in alfredo sauce, studmuffin? Gotta get the cream out of you. HEY, let's let you feel these. Just for a second. " Louis attached the clamps and took them off right away. It was enough. "FUCK! THAT FUCKING HURT!" al yelled. "Now think of them on your nips for fifteen minutes, stud daddy. Hee hee. I'll be back in half an hour. " "PLEASE. DON'T GO. DON'T. !" After Louis left, al found himself thinking "was submission going to be THAT bad, if he did it? "

When Louis came back, he looked at al. "Ok. Now we're going for the big time. Ears and nips. Got anything to say?" "Wwwwwwhat... what does submission mean, Sir?" "It means you belong to me. I own you. If I make a decision, you follow it. If I want sex, you put out. If I tell you to service Shawn, you service him. " He paused "incidentally, Shawn has serious instructions. He can play with your cock, your feet, your mouth. He CANNOT touch your ass. That's mine. ALL mine.' "NOT YET LOUIS." al had pretty much made up his mind, but he was gonna make Louis earn it. His captor got on the bed, alongside al, and began nibbling his ear while he squeeze a nip . He said nothing. At first, al was fine. Then he began to squirm. Louis didn't intensify anything, he just didn't stop it. He didn't even change ears or nipples, and he was getting to al, profoundly. He gently pushed his knee onto al's balls, and al squirted some cum out. "Oh yeah. That's another thing. You stay locked while I'm not around, stud." "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGG." NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Louis pressed his knee just a bit harder and that was it. "YOU WIN. YOU WIN. I SUBMIT SIR. I SUBMIT. I BELONG TO YOU. I'M YOUR SUB. " The effort that saying that took was evident on al's face . "good boi sweetie. You won't regret this. Now look. Look at what all this play did to me." Louis opened his pants and showed al his newly hard cock. "See what you did. And you want it, don't you?" "Yes sir. Yes sir I do . I do. I want your cock. PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR COCK SIR. PLEASE." Louis started complying, thinking "even SHAWN didn't beg like he did. This is gonna be fun.." He began sliding back and forth taking full measure of al's ass. He was a little gentler than he normally would have been, since al had suffered so much that afternoon. "You wanna cum, sub daddy?" "YES SIR. PLEASE. PLEASE MAY I CUM? PLEASE SIR?" "After me. Which is RIGHT NOW." Louis shot into al, and then started yanking his cock to bring him off. It didn't take long. "OH SHIT OH FUCK. THANK YOU SIR THANK YOU.. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" al shot the biggest load he had in a long time. Maybe ever Louis stroked his hair. "You're mine now. You know that?" "Yes sir. You conquered me. I'm your slave." "Yup. You are...." He kissed al. "Know what we're gonna do? We're gonna take a trip to Connecticut to your house. We're gonna start loading you in. You're moving in. We'll load tonight, spend the night, and then drive back tomorrow. I'll leave ya at work, and then, I'll unpack you." This was fast for al. He didn't expect it even though Louis had told him that was what was going to happen. He could only answer "Yes sir," as he saw Louis pull out two "toys." One was the chastity cage he knew about. The other... was that something he had seen in one of his girlfriend's bedrooms. "The cage goes on now, stud. My subs wear them. Shawn wears one when he's with me and I don't let him use his cock. Same'll go for you. Now this..." He handed it to al. "Start twisting it into your ass. You're wearing it up to Connecticut. Maybe back to NY tomorrow. It'll make ya keep me in mind." An hour later, they were on their way to al's house . They were going to pack up al, and bring him back to Louis' apartment, and a new life.

Next: Chapter 5

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