Top Man Al Gets Flipped

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 2, 2021


al was a light sleeper, so he was mildly aware of Louis' semi hard cock all night. He hadn't paid much attention to it the first time he had stayed over, but Louis was STRONG: VERY strong. He had his arm around al's middle, and it was just tight enough to keep al almost completely immobile. Had it been just the tiniest bit tighter, al would have had trouble breathing. Louis' leg, thrown over al's was heavy. al had caught a glimpse of Louis' legs as he got into bed. Clearly, the man worked out. But the "best" part of sleeping with Louis, was feeling his breath on al's ear. Louis' head was positioned so that every time he exhaled, a bit of that breath caught al's left ear. The ears were the one part of his body that al knew were "hot spots" or "achilles' heels," and the slow, repeating touch of Louis' breath aroused him to the point where al didn't really WANT to sleep. "You better rest daddy. I'm gonna put you through your paces tomorrow." He heard Louis smirk, just before he grabbed al's cock gently. "You're hard, sweetheart. I like that. " He kissed al's ear. "Maybe tomorrow we're gonna sleep with you handcufffed. That'd be hot. al heard Louis beginning to snore. He was going to try to sleep. He smiled as he thought about what Louis could mean about putting him through his paces.

When al woke up, he had changed position during the night. So had Louis: now, al's head was lying on Louis' broad chest, his mouth not far from Louis' right nipple. Flirtatiously, al stuck out his tongue and licked that nipple just barely, and Louis opened his eyes. He smiled. "You wanna use your mouth for something, daddy? Well there's a large cream sickle standing up right in the middle of the bed, and if your mouth doesn't go around it, your ass will." "Yes sir." al moved his body down as Louis threw aside the covers. He brought his mouth down and took as much of Louis' cock as he could. Louis moaned, but then pulled al's hair back, gently but firmly. "This morning, we begin remedial blowjobs for daddies. You're doing fine, but let's kick this up a notch, like they say. " While he held al's hair, he didn't let his mouth off his cock. "Now, I'm gonna guide you. Bring your head back up my cock very, VERY slowly." The gentle pressure on al's hair did guide him, and he moved with Louis' expert touch. "YES. YES. Now that's how to give a better blow job." He had guided al's head back to the tip of his cock. "Now get out your tongue. Lick it. Like you're eating an ice cream cone." al had to laugh at that. Coffee made him jumpy, and the thought of Louis' coffee colored penis as ice cream, well... but he did it. "OH YEAH. That's right daddy. Twinks are good, daddies are BETTER.." al felt Louis' hand slip down to his ass, and begin to run a finger in between his ass cheeks. He couldn't help moaning while he sucked Louis' cock. "Now, back down, little by little. " Louis released al's hair, and al felt his finger enter his hole. FUCK. It felt so GOOD! al was sliding up and down on Louis' cock, and Louis' finger was sliding in and out. He could feel Louis stiffening, and his own cock getting hard too. Louis pulled al off his cock. "I think we took this to the point where.... " He rolled on top of al. "I'd say I hoped you weren't still sore from last night, but.... I don't care.." He slipped a second finger into al, and al moaned even harder. "You think you're ready for three fingers, daddy?" "MMMM. I don't know . I don't know." "We're gonna give it a try. " Louis begin slipping in a third one, and al winced. "No sir. No. It's... it's too much. " Louis laughed. "I don't care. I want it. If you can handle my cock, you can take this." al's head twisted back and forth and he was making high pitched sounds. This DID hurt a little. Louis was right: he had handled his cock. He was having trouble with this though, and he didn't know why. "I think it's time for the main event, daddy al." Louis was smiling. He grabbed al's ankles. "At some point, sweetpea, I'm gonna tie these ankles to your wrist and keep you like that all day. And I'm gonna come after your ass every fucking hour. "Oh shit!" thought al. He knew Louis wasn't kidding either. He felt Louis' nose at his ass. He wasn't rimming al, but... he was tickling al's rosebud with his breath, his morning beard, and his moustache. al began to laugh. He wanted to squirm, but Louis' firm grasp on his ankles prevented that. When al thought he couldn't take it anymore, he felt the tip of Louis' cock begin to enter him. He moaned. He wanted to swoon, but he was afraid he'd faint, and miss the feeling. "OOOOOH YES. OOOOH yes." Louis was moving slowly this morning, the same way he had had al suck his cock. This one was different - way different than the way those first fucks had felt. Louis would penetrate, stop and hold, smile and say something like "fucking hot ass you got there daddy?" or "I bet you never thought you'd be a Latino's bitch, stud." All of it got al hotter, and hotter, and hornier. Sometimes, Louis would simply wiggle his cock in place, lighting up nerve endings al didn't know he had. At one point, he thrust, HARD, and went all the way in. Then he pulled back and started again. "How's that feel daddy al?" Louis smiled when all al could do was make inarticulate sounds. "Guess you like it hot stuff." He smiled. "How the hell did you avoid some topman grabbing you, you fucking stud? How the hell did I miss you?" "I think it's cause I was straight," al grunted through the plowing he was getting. Louis laughed. "You think that woulda stopped me? Or any self respecting Dom? al baby, you got daddy sub written all over you. And now..." He pushed hard, and shot into al's ass. "You got Dom juice up your man pussy." As soon as he said that, Louis began running his finger down the line in between al's balls. "FUCK! YOU SEXY BASTARD." al yelled, and Louis just smiled. His cock was still in Al, and Al wasn't going anywhere, as the light touch to his balls got him harder, and harder, before he yelled. "I'M GONNA SHOOT." and Louis answered. 'THEN SHOOT FOR ME DADDY SUB. SHOOT FOR ME" al bucked his hips as well as he could, and wound up covering his hairy chest with his own spooge. "DAMN..." He smiled at Louis. "Good morning." Louis laughed and lay down right on top of al. "Good morning to you, rosebud." He kissed al. "That was maybe the best sex I ever had in the morning?" "Maybe?" al teased. "Ha ha. Now you got something to shoot for later today. Go get yourself washed and pretty. I wanna see my man when I come out of the shower. " al went off and got cleaned up. As he let the hot water stream over him, he realized he was happier than he had been in a long, LONG time. Louis didn't seem to be very concerned with what al wanted or liked, but somehow, al was always satisfied. Louis also had a good sense of what al's limits were: yeah, al had thought that the third finger was gonna be too much. At first it was: then it wasn't. He began to think about the warm feeling that came over him when that finger went in. It was AMAZING. And Louis said they were just beginning. While he waited for his turn, Louis was smiling about this hot man who was becoming his sub. al was not the first "straight" guy he had "converted." The conversions never stuck though: he wanted this one to work. He had to think about it: al seemed willing to be broken, and Louis just had to figure out the best way to do it. While al was in the shower, he sent a text to Shawn: " daddy feet and cock at 7 tonight. Be here."

"Your turn Sir," al grinned as he came out of the bathroom, wrapped in a towel. "Now what're you hiding? I already saw what's under there." "Maybe I'm just emphasizing the best parts, Sir?" al pushed out his chest, and Louis smiled. "OH YEAH. That's a good one." As he washed, he thought about what he had said to al previously : those pubes WERE gonna be shaved. He was just waiting for the right moment. When he came out of the shower, he saw al from behind: he had put on his pink oxford shirt, and the corduroys again. "What a flirt," Louis thought to himself. He pulled on some clothes, and saw that, when al turned around, he wasnt' wearing a t shirt, so some of that wonderful white fur was sticking out through the top of his shirt. "Am I getting hard again? Yeah, I am," Louis thought. "So, listen stud. How about brunch? You up for that?"

Louis had a place in mind that was close enough to walk to. He lent al a light jacket in case he needed it . (He was actually trying to get al to sweat, which would have just driven Louis nuts, thinking about the sweaty chest hair). He didn't get it that afternoon, but he made a mental note: if al was gonna sub, he'd wear what Louis said.

"This is a gay place, isn't it?" al asked as they sat down at a table. "It is. Uncomfortable for you, because we can go somewhere else." "You like it though, don't you Louis?" "Yeah, it's one of my favorite places." "Then we should stay. I'm not uncomfortable, just unfamiliar. " The atmosphere, the crowd, the people staring at him approvingly, was all new to al. "So, this is what I have planned for this afternoon and tomorrow, sub daddy." Louis loved how al blushed when he called him that. He hoped he was making al uncomfortable: that was the first step. "This afternoon, you're gonna get introduced to more bondage play. Chair bondage and maybe hogties. Tomorrow... I signed up for a workshop on something I know very little about: Japanese bondage called shibari. You have to bring a partner and..." he smiled "That'd be you." al made a bad joke. "Guess I should be telling people who call I'm gonna be all tied up for the weekend." "Heh heh," Louis laughed. "You may not get a chance. Gags are involved too." He saw al blush and then he reached over. "Show me some more fur al. Your chest hair is SO HOT" He opened the second button on al's shirt. "I never dress like that." al reached for the button, saw Louis' face, and put his hand down. "You do now, sub daddy."

After brunch, Louis clamped his hand on the back of al's neck. "Now, before I put this hand where it really belongs, you put yours where they belong. Behind you. As if you were handcuffed." al smiled sheepishly. "Really?" "Really. Part of your sub training." "Ok, Sir Louis." Louis dropped his hand down to al's ass, and then he stopped walking. "One minute, one minute. I wanna take a picture of you. Just like that." "C'mon Louis. NO!" Louis gave him a look. "Ok Sir. You're the boss." Louis pulled out his phone and took four or five photos of al standing there, as if he were bound, making him push his nips out at one point, and one with only one shirt button opened.' "You know, stud," Louis said to al. "You're right about the buttons. Hints at your hair, doesn't show it." When they got back to Louis' place, he shoved al against a wall. He forced his tongue down his throat and then said, in a deep voice. "You just drive me so fucking crazy al. All I wanna do is FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU HARD. NOW GO SIT IN THAT CHAIR." "Yes sir. al did what he was told. Louis grabbed his wrists, roughly, and pulled them behind him. He tied them tight, and then al heard him say 'open your mouth." Louis shoved a ball of cotton - al found out later it was a sock - and held it in place with a big piece of tape. "Now, let's have some fun.. " Louis began playing with al's nips through his shirt. The fabric was rough, and since al's nips were already well worked from the night before, they responded immediately. "NNGYA NNGYA NNGYA " Louis began chewing at al's ears - he had remembered that they were al's most sensitive spot . Then, for reasons he didn't understand, Louis reached down and pushed a finger into the space between al's waist band and his "muffin top." al nearly jumped out of his seat, and would have if he hadn't been tied down. That just motivated Louis to dig in more. "OH. My subdaddy's ticklish isn't he? You're gonna be SORRY I know that stud..." Louis ran his fingers all around the perimeter of al's torso, right at that spot. al was in ecstacy, and also agony. His face was turning red and now.. he was sweating. Louis stopped. He had an evil look on his face. "When you're tied up, feels very different when someone plays with your cock...." The finger that had gone up al's ass that morning, and then around his waist a minute ago, was now poking underneath al's balls. Then, Louis stopped. "I got a better idea. One minute. " "MMMPH?" al wasn't sure what could be better. He was ridiculously hard. He hadn't been hard twice in a day in a long time, and it was early afternoon. Louis came back with something that looked like a toy one of his old girlfriends had. She called it "her steady boyfriend." al found out why when Louis shoved it between his legs, and pulled it back and forth. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." al started bucking his hips again. "AH. Now ya see al? If you had one of these... and if it were about the size of me.. you could think of me REAL hard during the day at work... " Louis began unbuttoning al's shirt. "I can't decide if you're hotter dressed or undressed. One thing stud. You look MUCH hotter when you sweat. " al WAS sweating. And now, Louis had taken the "boyfriend " and was running it up and down his nipples. He smiled. "gonna give you a break al. I think you probably need a nap. You need a nap?" al looked at him pleadingly and shook his head yes. Louis seemed to read his mind. "I'm coming in with ya. Don't worry. No one sleeps alone here." He took out the gag. "I hated that Sir." "Too bad. I like seeing you whimper. Like hearing it too." Then he untied al. He pulled him into the bedroom. "I'm not gonna set the alarm. I'll wake up. Then I'll get you up. At least two ways."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx al didn't know how long he slept, but it was dark, deep sleep. He didn't dream, he didn't hear anything and he sure didn't feel Louis spreading him out on the bed and tying him down again. His pants were gone, his shirt was opened, and Louis was standing there with a scissor: "Cut them off, or slip em down? What shall I do." al was frugal enough to not want to lose a pair of underwear like that, but the thought of having them cut away while he was helpless was, well, hot. Louis grinned and began cutting. Soon, the briefs were rags. He saw Louis standing over him, arms folded. "Yeah. it's gotta go." "What's gotta go, Sir?" "This hair." He grabbed al's balls and cock. I like it on your chest, but you're gonna be a mancunt. Cunts should be smooth. "FUCK. You're gonna shave my pubes?" "DAMN RIGHT subdaddy." "OH SHIT." al had very little knowledge of Dom/sub life. He new one guy - another lawyer named Dave, who shaved his sub vinny almost every week. He said that vinny hated it but "submission is submission." al didn't know what he was talking about with submission, but he knew that this was a possibility. As Louis took al's cock in his hand, he smiled. "You know this is the start." "The start of what sir." "The start of you TRULY being a sub." Al yelped when he felt the cold shaving cream hit him but then he kept very still . He saw the size of the straight edge Louis was using. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. "DAMN. I didn't know there was a way to make you hotter than you already are, stud sub." Louis squeezed al's cock with just enough pressure to get him harder. Louis was teasing him, and he knew it. He teased al more by going very , very slowly. But they got to a point where there wasn't a single hair left. The excitement had gotten al ridiculously horny, and he felt like he needed to shoot right now. Not in five minutes, but NOW. "better hold onto that hairy guy." Then al heard the door of the apartment open. "Hey, you guys in the bedroom?" al heard Shawn's voice. "OH, LOOK AT THAT DADDY. Now that delicious cock of yours looks even bigger than it did. MMMM. " He looked at Louis. "Did you get all the nasty cream off?" Louis responded "You tell me. If it tastes nasty, we'll wash it again." He turned to al. "Tonight, you're gonna learn about a few things. Shawn's gonna work his magic. Then, I'm gonna work mine, and you're gonna give the champ of cocksucking a blow job. He'll give you a grade. " "OH SHIT. " al thought. Could he handle more today ? He'd have to. He felt Shawn's soft lips go back over his cock, like a velvet clothe. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHAWN. DAMN YOU FEEL GOOD." Louis kept busy by squeezing al's nipples as if he were milking him, and talking dirty while he licked his ear. "Sub daddy here getting ready for the day he says the magic words and becomes my fucking sex slave. Ain't gonna be long. Not long at all. "AYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaa" al's yell trailed off, as he shot into Shawn's mouth. "Yeah, that was fun. Now take him, Sir Louis. Take your beta slave. Meanwhile..." He moved up to the top of the bed, stripped, and positioned himself on al's chest. "SUCK ME. SUCK ME AS IF I WERE LOUIS." al felt his legs go up again, and he felt Louis' cock going straight in. No fingers. Just cock. al decided to try something and he tightened his glutes. "WOOO HOOOO. You CAN teach a daddy new tricks. GOOD BOY SUB DADDY. " al's tightened glutes made it harder for Louis to move back and forth, and so he almost felt the cum shoot out of him involuntarily. He was in mid climax when he heard Shawn yell. "DAMN DADDY YOU GOT A FINE MOUTH," and al tasted a flavor of cum much sweeter than the almost funky one that Louis produced. Panting, Shawn turned to Louis. "I think we're gonna keep him Sir." "I think so too. He's fucking perfect. How about the two of you get cleaned up together, and I'll take us all out to dinner." al looked at his clothes: pretty much a wreck after the day. He could wear his yellow one from Friday, but.. he pulled out the blue striped one. He was glad he had brought one extra. He put that one on with his jeans. Louis looked at him. "I don't think it's possible for you to look bad, al." Louis had switched to a cashmere v neck sweater with no shirt underneath. It showed off his beautiful skin, and Shawn had gotten a fairly fancy ecru number out of the closet, with some burgundy pants. He draped his arm around Louis. "We're gonna be sharing him al. You and me. Get used to it. " And after dinner, al found out that the bed was big enough for 3.

Next: Chapter 4

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