Top Man Al Gets Flipped

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 13, 2021


Al sat in what Louis called "the play chair " or "the bondage chair. " He wore only a pair of white athletic tights, a size too small, and heavy white socks. No shirt. His wrists were tied behind him, and he was gagged. Louis had gagged him because he would only be gone for a very short while. Had it been a long trip, Louis would have taken al with him. He only gagged al when they were both at home, or for times when he was just running to the store to get lube, or food, or a workout at his gym, or something like that.

Al pushed against the ropes that bound his wrists, although he knew, it wouldn't do any good. He screamed into the gag, and heard only the muffled sound. HE could hear it over the stereo left on just loud enough to cover any yelling, but he was certain no one else could. He had screamed the first couple of times Louis had left him like this before, and no one had come. As for the ropes? Louis tied him up every day. It was part of al's "training" he told him - like the cock ring he was wearing right now.

How had he gotten in this position? al was a retired army colonel who had gone to law school when he left the Armed Forces. There was something about him that made you think "Army." It wasn't anything in particular: he wasn't "built" but he was solid. He had a big head of salt and pepper hair, a short beard and a moustache, and a cocky carriage. It all just sort of "worked" for him, giving off an air of hypermasculinity that some would say, gave him an unfair advantage in litigation. Others would say it gave him the advantage in the bars. They were both right.

If you asked al if he were gay, he'd laugh at you. He would answer "I'm a hedonist." If there were a hole he wanted to fill, he filled it, man or woman. It depended on his mood. He had a small stable of both women, and younger men. When he had a break during his work day, he'd think: Julia tonight? stevie? calvin? " Then he'd call. They always said yes. He was always clear: we fuck and then you leave. Usually for him, "fucking" meant oral sex, but occasionally, he felt in the mood to just fuck someone hard. The small stable he had shrank considerably for when he wanted this. It was only about four women and three men. His favorite man was shawn. Al began to smile as he thought about shawn the afternoon that he met Louis: he didn't think too hard about why he liked him, but it wasn't hard to figure out: shawn was very effeminate: his big lips, the wavy blond hair: he even called himself a "girly twink." He never told Al his age, but Al had heard him talking on the phone to a friend once about his 25th birthday. shawn had a thing for Daddies, and when Al had curled his finger and summoned him in the bar that night, he didn't think about it. Al had a solid body, he had on one of shawn's favorite "Daddy uniforms" as he called them: white oxford shirt, rep tie, tighter fitting slacks that weren't jeans, that showed off Al's ample bulge: yeah, he was hooked. His first words to Al were "Is there something boy can do to make Daddy happy tonight?" There were. Al needed a blow job. BAD. It was quick and a little messy: in one of the stalls of the bathroom at the bar, but shawn was good at what he did, and Al was more than pleased. He used shawn at least once a week after than. So as he smiled , thinking about all the good blow jobs he had received from shawn, he decided that yeah, tonight would be another one. He called shawn and got his answering machine. Now THAT was odd. He had never gotten the answering machine. He sent a text and after 3 hours, he hadn't got an answer. Also strange. He wondered if shawn were playing hard to get. That was fine. He could get shawn pissed off by talking to another boy at the bar where shawn hung out. He'd go there tonight, and if shawn were around, he'd "get to know" another guy a bit, before taking shawn home with him for a while.

The bar was busy that night, and it took Al a bit of time to get used to the noise from the sound system. He smiled when he heard the second WOOF, but didn't stop. He was looking for shawn. He didn't see him, anywhere. He found a position where he could see most of the bar patrons, and looked left to right. Nothing. But he felt a hand on his left shoulder. "Hey, I know you. You hang out here with shawn sometimes." He turned around to find a Latino man with a built body, sort of stuffed into a tight t shirt and jeans. He was smiling. "I'm Louis. shawn used to say I was his best top until he met you." Al smiled and introduced himself. "I'm sorry if I interfered with the two of you. Shawn came over to me one night, and..." "Ha ha. No problem. shawnie's a slut, no question about it. We've come here together , and I've had to, shall we say, REMIND him of that when he went trawling for someone else. " He saw the look on Al's face and laughed. "Nah, that wasn't your night. That was the night I had to go to a family gathering and I told shawn to take the night off. So of course he went out right away." Al laughed. "So, really, you're the one who made it possible for us to meet." Louis shook his head. "That's right. And if I were the jealous type, I'd say you owe me." Al smiled. "Well, we both like the same thing, so... maybe I could repay you for shawn by buying you a drink, or dinner, or something?" Louis smiled. " A drink is fine. Be nice to get to know the guy who shawn raves about."

During the first drink, they compared their stories. Louis was military too: way after Al's service, and he didn't stick around long enough to advance in the ranks, but he was part of the army generation that became obsessed with the gym. That explained the body: two hours, minimum, six days a week. Careful diet. By the second drink, they were comparing their coming out stories: again, both in the service, Louis early in his stint, in a guard tower one night. Al, much later, after he had been promoted to Captain, and was at his desk, in full dress uniform, and his secretary - he still remembered his name: Parker, had given him a look, and then offered to get on his knees. Neither one had ever been caught.

Al tried to refuse a third drink: he was an alcohol light weight, but Louis was insistent, and he WAS having a good time. When they were deep into the third drink, Louis asked the question. "Hey. There are better places to drink than this dump. You didn't come here because of the quality of their cocktails, Al. You wanted sex. " He smiled. "How about it? I'm not far from here." Al smiled. He was more than a bit tipsy from the drinks, but he had his wits about him. "But you like getting sucked. So do I?" Louis smiled. "Mutual ? Sort of a military 69 kinda thing?" "I don't know, Louis. I've never done it." "Well, there's a time to learn everything. COME ON COLONEL AL. Be brave! Try something new. " Al thought about it. He wasn't convinced, but the thought of having this built Latino man choking on his cock was enough to convince him. "Let's go." "Knew you'd say yes stud. I live walking distance from the bar. Let's head off." On the walk, it was clear that Louis knew everyone. Al almost blushed from the guys who were giving Louis the thumbs up, and WOOFING as they headed to Louis' apartment. The apartment itself was clean, and fairly large. "You want anything more to drink, stud?" He felt Louis' hand on his shoulder again, squeezing gently. It felt good. "No, No. If I drink anything else, I may fall asleep. "Ha ha. Well, let me see if I can keep you up." Al felt Louis' hand on his crotch. That was working. He was being "kept up." He felt Louis' mouth at his ear whispering "You like how that feels?" "Hell yeah." "How about this?" Louis began to lick Al's ear. "WOW. Al got out before he began moaning. "I never had anyone do that as well as you just did." "Heh heh. I do a LOT of things well, Al. " Al felt Louis move his hands down his arms, finding his wrists, and pulling them behind him. Al put up very little resistance. "You game, Al?" "Game for what?" "Me restraining you." Al pushed against Louis' grip. Were he sober, he MIGHT have stood a chance, but he doubted it. Right now, he had none. And it felt kinda hot. "I"m game. What're you gonna do next." "My secret." Al felt handcuffs going on his wrists. His cock jumped when the clink indicated they were locked. "Now, you can't get away Al. I can do ANYTHING I want to you. And it's gonna start... with you going down on my cock." Louis untied Al's necktie. He opened a few buttons on his shirt. "Get comfortable. There's a lot to suck." There was. When Al saw Louis' huge cock, he thought "how did I get into this?" His own hard cock told him "JUST DO IT," and he did. He went down on Louis' cock, trying to remember how his favorite cocksuckers did him. Louis smiled. Al needed work at this, and he'd be teaching him. He hadn't taken Al home with him for blow jobs: he had a bigger prize in mind. Louis HAD been at the bar when Al and shawn met. He saw them, and fell for Al right away: he had a big thing for Daddy bottoms. shawn told him afterward that Al was far from a bottom, and Louis smiled. "Every tree falls. You just need the right tools. He was well on his way to topping Al. He imagined what it would be like to have al underneath him , begging for cock. His own dick got harder as he thought about it, giving al the sense he was doing a real good job. Louis moved his fingers up and played with al's nipples and whispered. "That's right stud. Take care of a man. Take care of him the way you should. DAMN. You're good at this." He grabbed a handful of al's hair and shoved his head forward. "Lemme tell you something Colonel Al. You are ONE FUCKING HOT MAN." Then he pulled al off his cock. "I want something else. It ain't a blow job. You game for THAT Daddy?" al had some idea, but he wasn't certain. "What's that Louis." Louis smiled as he put his hands on al's butt cheeks. "I feel like I wanna slip my sausage down your peach. I want your ass al." al had never REFUSED getting fucked, but no one had ever asked him. They just made the assumption, he was on top. And they weren't wrong: Al LOVED being a top. He'd take a look at the guys he was fucking and always feel that the positions were right. Now, as he was being kissed by this big, strong guy, he could feel himself melting . "I'll give it a try. " Louis kissed him again. "Good for you colonel. I'll be gentle." Al looked at him. "Don't be."

"DAMN look at all your curly hair. You're like a sexy polar bear al." Louis was looking at the masses of short, curly white hair all over al's body. "Nice cock too. I can see why people want it." He was squeezing al's balls, and al was whimpering. "Yours is bigger Louis." "I know. Some people think that the guy with the bigger cock should always be on top." "Who am I to argue? " Al squeaked out, and Louis smiled. "Tonight, no one." He had a jar of lube next to them. He leaned down and kissed Al before he whispered. "You ready?" "Yes sir." Al answered, and Louis smiled. He rolled Al on his belly, and had him get on his elbows and knees. "If it hurts too much al, say something. PLEASE." "I will Sir. I just want it now. I want it bad." "Well, you're gonna get it." First though, Louis ran his tongue around al's hole and al felt a jolt of pleasure. "HOLY SHIT. I never had that done to me before." "I bet you did it though: ever have one of your chicks ask to have her pussy eaten?" Al thought for a minute "YEAH. Once or twice. I never liked it, but they did." "Well, I like it. You like it? " Louis shoved his tongue into al's ass. "OH YEAH. I LIKE IT REAL FINE LOUIS." Louis chuckled "Call me Sir again, and I'll go much deeper." "I like it REAL FINE, Sir." MMMMMMMMMMMPH. " Louis thrust his tongue in deeper. Al wanted to reach for his cock, but he was afraid he'd fall over. "Now let's get to the meat of things, stud.." Al winced as he felt a greasy finger go into his ass: it was like that procedure at his doctor's office he hated so much. After a minute or two, he was pushing back on Louis' finger. This time, it felt good. It felt even better when the second finger went in . Al was trying to catch his breath. He was a virgin to this kind of sex. He thought he'd never have it. But then he felt Louis' cockhead at the entrance to his ass and he knew, his virgin days were over. He had told Louis not to be gentle. He wasn't. The ramming he got from this hot man was amazing. His moans surprised even Al. They got louder and more urgent as Louis pumped harder, and when he reached under Al and took his cock and squeezed it "just enough," Al nearly exploded. Louis laughed. "Not yet, stud colonel. Top man cums first. That's the rule." Al grunted. "Yes sir. " Louis hadn't expected to be getting the "Sirs" so fast, and that last one set him off. He wasn't sure how Al would react to getting jizz up his ass, so he pulled out and came on the bed cover . When he did, he was holding onto Al tightly. And when he finished, he kissed his ear and whispered "See what you did you sexy beast? Now roll on your back. I am gonna give you the best hand job you ever had." Al smiled. He felt like he had just crossed a line he had avoided for a long time, and it felt good. It also felt good when Louis rammed his tongue down Al's mouth and when he wrapped his hand back around Al's cock, and balls and slowly, but confidentally , brought him off. When Al's hips stopped bucking , he looked at Louis. "I think that was the best sex of my life." Louis laughed. "You don't get out much stud, do you?" Now it was Al's turn to laugh. "I guess I don't." Louis was rubbing Al's torso. "Listen handsome. We gotta make some snap decisions. Tomorrow's a 'school day' as they say, and we both gotta work. didn't expect this and you don't have a change of clothes. I want you to stay, but that's not gonna work. And you may have to think about this. There's plenty more where that came from if you don't want this to be a one night stand. But that's up to you. I'm giving you my number. Put it in your phone. I hope I'll hear from you. Whatever I might have had planned , I'll make room for you." He smiled and rolled over on Al. "I just wanna feel what it's like to be on top of you. " He paued. "It feels GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD Colonel Al." "It does," Al thought to himself. Louis rolled off of him. "How far you need to go?" "I'll call a ride," Al was pulling on his clothes. "But I'll call you back this week. I promise." He was standing at the door with Louis, kissing him. He tried to get his tongue into Louis' mouth, but Louis blocked it. Instead, he snaked his down Al's mouth, and Al didn't protest a bit. "Thank you for tonight Louis. I truly enjoyed myself." Louis slept with a smile on his face that night, and the next day, he spent some time thinking: where was he gonna take this, and how fast.

It was later that day that he got a text from Al. "Hey Louis. How'd you feel about dinner on Friday, and me bringing an overnight bag.?" Louis smiled. "I feel real good about that . And I'm gonna expand your horizons a bit. Ever do bondage?" Al read that sentence: "ever do bondage?" He hadn't. It sounded hot. "I haven't. But I'm game." "Baby steps Al. You'll enjoy it. " "Ok, Louis. Shall I text you on Friday to set up time and place?" "Yes." (Louis figured that, if it were gonna go the way he wanted, Al should get used to the short messages of a Master). And after he read the texts again, Al ran off to the bathroom for a quick jerk off.

Next: Chapter 2

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