Top Jocks Secret Passion

Published on Aug 24, 2022


Top Jock's Secret Passion: Todd

First and foremost, I would like to thank everyone who has responded to these stories with suck a positive and tremendous attitude. Your email will always be welcomed and I will do my best to answer each and every one in a timely manner. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this one.



We were at the tail end of wrestling practice, prior to the beginning of the season opener, when the coach introduced us to Todd, who was a transfer student from another state. As the coach explained, Todd would be vying for the starting position in the 120 pound weight division. We all sat there on the mat while the coach and Todd stood before us. I could hear the coach talking, but I was mesmerized by the vision that stood before me. The coach stood 5' 7" and Todd was a couple inches shorter than the coach. In my eyes, Todd looked like he was barely twelve years old, but I knew he had to be older than that to be on the team. His short spiked golden blond hair, mixed with his tanned complexion, along with those big blue eyes, melted an everlasting impression in my head. Todd stood before us with an ever so present wonderful/nervous smile with the cutest dimples implanted on both cheeks. His arms had very little hair and what was visible was almost white in color. He was wearing a loosely fit short sleeve shirt that was tucked in to his extremely baggy pants.

As the coach spoke, I carefully examined Todd from head to toe. He certainly wasn't the most gorgeous guy I had ever seen, but he definitely was in the top ten. The coach sent him into the locker room to get changed while he made the rest of us continue on with practice. I would have been more than happy to give Todd the tour of the locker room facility with the undying chance to see his glory that was hidden underneath his baggy attire. As luck would have it, that opportunity never presented itself before me.

The practice was long and hard and finally the coach blew the whistle ending practice. I tried to be the first one into the locker room, but the coach pulled me to the side before I had a chance to even walk in that direction. My mind wandered to Todd while the coach gave me a useless pep talk on the up-coming season.

I had been the three time state champion in the heavy weight division and thought to myself that I would skate through this season as well. Being 6' 4" and weighing 275 pounds with a body-builder physique, I considered myself a shoe-in for the state title. Our high school is one of the largest in the state, so naturally, we have a lot of talent to choose from for any sport. The team we were getting ready to face was three times the size of our school. We were 14 and two, while they were 17 and 0. During this time frame, up to this particular wrestling event, I never got close to Todd or was able to see him shower or change clothes, but I beat my meat daily thinking about him.

For the first time in two years, I was considered the under dog. The team we were facing had a transfer student from Russia, named Alexis. From what I had read, he stood 6' 6" and weighed a solid 320 pounds. He had pinned everyone he wrestled within the first minute of his matches. I had pinned everyone I had faced too, but some took me to the third period.

It was Friday night and we were the visiting team and the moment of truth was at hand. There was a lot of newspaper hype covering this event, calling it the "Main Event", and "Clash of the Titans." Both teams were in the one locker room for the official weigh in. This was the first time I came face to face with the guy they called "The Beast from Russia." Yeah, I may have had a body-builders physique, but Alexis was built like a locomotive. He was big and powerful! As our noses touched right in front of the weight scale and the officials, Alexis with his heavy Russian accent said, "You go down tonight comrade!" I tried to stare him down, but deep inside me, I knew I was the one who was being stared down.

The coach announced the starters for the event. Todd would be wrestling in the 120 pound class against a guy who was the defending two time state champion. I had to go against the Russian monster and the more I thought about it, the more nervous I became. All during the matches, Alexis's eyes never left me as he stared from across the wrestling mat separating the two teams. Television cameras surrounded the mat while being broadcasted live. The auditorium was packed and more people ventured inside to watch the so called main event.

I sat next to the coach when Todd's name was announced. As Todd strode to the mat, I fell in love immediately with his backside. The tight wrestling outfit that we all wore, outlined his every feature like a perfect fitting glove. His butt was very little, but had a fine, almost perfect, tear drop shape. His legs, lower region, was softly covered with light blond little hairs. His legs were muscular, as so was the muscles on his back.

This was the first start for Todd and I think he got his chance because our regular starter, Jason, was simply too scared. Jason was playing sick and Todd jumped at the chance to face the two time defending state champion. The referee blew the whistle and Todd immediately completed a single leg take down on the champ. While Todd was bent forward, my eyes zeroed in on his package. What a package it was! The uniform tights revealed a rather large bulge as his cock and balls were all bunched up in the material. Our team was cheering Todd on, but the guy he was against was too skilled. By the beginning of the third period, Todd was down on points by a score of 18 to 5. It looked like the defending champion was toying with Todd. He had numerous opportunities to pin Todd, but was more interested in running up the points instead.

With 27 seconds remaining in the match and Todd being down 32 to 5, a chance of victory was extremely slim to none. I had lowered my head thinking of the match I was to have when I heard the audience explode with applause. I thought the match was over and when I looked up, I saw Todd ripping the champ's crotch in half with a banana split. Todd had the champ's left leg hooked with both of his and Todd had both of his arms wrapped around the champ's right thigh, spreading his legs farther than humanly possible. The champ was trying to hold on although he was in tremendous and agonizing pain. The scream on the champ's eyes said it all. With 5 seconds left, the champ could take no more. Using both hands, he pounded the mat in submission. The ref blew the whistle and Todd jumped up with both arms high in the air. Just before my death match, I had to stare at his armpits for more clews as to Todd's body. It seemed like one single line of light blond/brown hair was under each pit.

If things couldn't get any worse for me, it was time for the final match. Both teams were tied and whoever won this match, not only would have bragging rights, but their perspective team would win the overall event. My heart was beating right out of my chest as I walked to the center of the mat awaiting Alexis's introduction. The guy walked towards me with every ounce of confidence he could muster. His large muscles rippled under the extremely tight and hard skin that contained them. His legs looked like tree trunks with not an ounce of fat on them. I was scared to death and was sweating profusely before the match even started.

The ref blew the whistle and I found myself flying backwards. He was not only big and powerful, but he was extremely fast as well. I used every ounce of strength I had to counter his move, resulting in both of us standing up with neither of us gaining a single point. In all my previous matches, I was the aggressor, but now I was being chased as if I were his next meal, or victim. Both of us tried everything imaginable to gain an advantage, but we would counter the other's move. Going into the third and final period, the score was zero for both of us. We were sweaty and exhausted because we both used everyone of our muscles to elude and attack the other. He certainly had my respect, and for a split second, it looked as if I had gained his respect. We both worked and utilized the outer ring to prevent the other from scoring.

With six seconds left in the match, I attempted a double leg take down on the beast. I went for broke trying to gain the victory, but he still had plenty of strength remaining. His arms wrapped around my upper body while he was trying to spread his legs. I held onto his massive thighs with a death grip and was using my feet to drive him backwards. I had taken the giant down and knew I had won with points. I held my own hand high as Alexis was still on the mat in total disbelief at his defeat. The applause was so loud that nobody heard the ref blow the whistle ending the match prior to me driving the Russian beast to the mat.

The referee immediately stepped in and declared a match a tie and erased the points I had because the time expired prior to me putting him onto his back. Sudden death match was announced by the officials and both me and Alexis sat down in a feeble attempt to catch our breaths while both coaches gave us pep talks.

The officials and coaches agreed that we would start in a standing position, instead of the standard refs position. I was so tired, my legs trembled from sheer exhaustion. Alexis was standing on trembling legs as well. The ref blew the whistle and neither one of us made an attempt to shoot in. We both had the same idea. If one shot in for a take down, we would counter with a side step and get the point for the victory. Neither one of us fell for that trick. We were too tired and too sweaty to have a slip of the hand cause our defeat.

Like two polar bears locked in battle, we held the other's head firmly while trying to trip the other. While we were locked in an embrace, Alexis was trying to drive me backwards, but because both of us were sweating like a water fall, his left foot slipped causing me to fall on him. Due to Alexis slipping on the wet mat, his strength departed him long enough for me to inadvertently fall, landing on his back. We were both trying to scurry to our feet, but the ref blew the whistle giving me the point. I had won the match because of a wet mat and was too exhausted to give a crap. Both Alexis and I lay on the mat, side by side, gasping for air. We were too weak to even stand on our feet.

With the assistance from our teammates, both Alexis and I were helped to our perspective locker rooms. I wreaked of sweat, but did not have the strength to stand and take a well needed shower. Sitting on the bench, I bent over with my arms resting on my thighs. Every attempt I made to stand, I felt like I was going to faint and sat down immediately. The reporters wanted an interview, but I wanted to die, or at least I felt like I was dying.

While I was sitting on the bench, the rest of the team took their showers. By now, I was leaning on the lockers behind me still panting and gasping for air. My eyes were closed, but the step on my foot forced them open. Todd accidently stepped on my foot and was standing there with only a towel wrapped around his little waist. "Oh shit Shawn, I'm so sorry." Not being able to speak, I just shook my head and smiled at him. Temporarily, I forgot about my exhaustion and directed my attention at Todd, who was standing only inches from me in front of his locker.

My eyes sprang wide open as the towel around Todd's waist fell to the floor. Bikini tan lines creased across the top of his little ass cheeks separating his creamy white ass from the rest of his well tanned body. His crack line was barely big enough to call a crack line. Starting from the top of his crack at his lower back, and ending abruptly above his thighs. The cheeks hardly wiggled as he shook the water from his head. My tongue became intensely erect as he leaned over to retrieve the fallen towel from the floor. His ass cheeks spread as he lowered, revealing a tiny little brown hole that was tightly sealed shut. A small patch of light brown hair guarded his anal entrance. Two perfectly shaped balls hung low in an amazingly and impressively four to six inches below the base of his cock. His ball sac had tiny light blond/brownish hairs that layered it evenly and sparsely. I couldn't see his cock from my view, but what I could see was definitely heavenly.

Wanting to see more of his nakedness, I found the inner strength to speak. "So Todd, congratulations on beating the champ tonight." Unfortunately, he didn't turn around but gave his thanks. I can't remember what I said next, but whatever it was made Todd turn around. He was still drying his hair with the towel and I was completely brainwashed watching his four inches of cut swinging meat place me into a mind boggling trance. A perfect V shaped patch of dark blond/light brown pubic hair rested nicely on his pubic region. The shaft of his soft cock was creamy in color and had quite a thickness to it and his mushroom head was thicker than the shaft. His circumcision scar was hardly noticeable. I was so entranced at his cock and balls, I hadn't noticed his cock and balls had stopped swinging.

Todd was finished drying his hair and was looking at me while I was looking at his lower half, probably with my mouth wide open. I don't have no idea how long I stared at his non moving teen meat with him staring at me. My own cock was as hard as a rock, but was cramped inside the tight material begging to be set free.

Our lockers were at the back of the locker room and at the end of the wall. Todd inched his body facing the wall and my eyes never left his glorious crotch scenery. I watched in total awe as his cock began to grow. Longer and thicker, inch by inch, his impressive meat transformed before my very eyes. Nearly eight inches stood straight out from his body with a downward angle bending in the middle of his shaft. His mushroom shaped cock head grew thicker than his already kind of thick shaft. His erect cock began to bounce up and down and this is when I looked up into his smiling face.

Just as quick as it began, it ended. The rest of the team started piling up in the close quarters of the lockers. I watched Todd as he slipped a pair of bikini underwear on and our eyes met. He never lost his smile and I never lost my hard-on. He got dressed and after my cock started cooperating with me, I got undressed to take my shower. I noticed Todd's eyes as they grew wider looking at my cock. I got my shower supplies and turned around to go to the showers. Be it intentional, or accidental, but it felt like Todd's hand slid over my soft cock while I was making my way through the crowded locker area. I felt his eyes burning a hole in my ass as I walked to the shower,

Upon my return from my shower, everyone had already left to get on the bus for the short trip home. I left the locker room and was mobbed by reporters. Instead of harping on my victory, I gave credit to the whole team, especially the upset of the decade with Todd's win. After the short interview, I really wanted to sit next to Todd, but he was already sitting next to the coach. Everyone was excited at beating the undefeated cross town arch rival.

We made it back to our school in a timely and safe manner and said our goodbyes and walked to our vehicles, or awaiting parents. I had my own car and was almost to it when Todd approached me from the passenger side of my car. "Hey Shawn, where you headed to?" I responded, "Home, I guess." With excitement in his voice, he said, "Man, everybody is going to celebrate our victory. You need to come." I didn't need to come, I needed to cum, right up his little tear drop shaped ass!

We talked for a little while and he realized I wasn't in the mood to go anywhere and celebrate. I was still shaking from my hard fought match. I wanted to win, but not the way it happened. I knew in my heart that I didn't honestly beat Alexis; he had slipped and I fell. Todd's voice was soft and gentle when he caught me off guard by saying, "Hey man, why don't you come over to my place tonight. My parents aren't home and won't be back until sometime tomorrow. We can go in my car, or yours, or you can follow me. I don't live far from here." Music to my ears and I didn't have to think twice before I replied, "I'll follow you."

I was following him and my cock was hard the entire five minute drive to his house. After we parked our cars, mine behind his, I walked up behind him and waited for him to unlock the front door. Once inside, I followed him into the kitchen where he handed me a beer. Small talk erupted but I had to ask him how old he is. After all, he only looked to be twelve, but he was old enough to drive a car without an adult riding with him. He took a swig from his beer and said, "I'm seventeen." After complimenting him on how young he looks, he just kept on smiling and nodding his head.

It didn't take neither of us long to polish off four beers each. Before he was to get us another beer, he asked, "Shawn, you mind if I go change out of these clothes?" I wanted to say that I would help him undress, or just walk around naked, but the courage remained inside me. "No, not at all."

I stayed in the kitchen while Todd went to his bedroom. He was gone for a couple of minutes, but when he returned, my jaw hit the ground. He was wearing the skimpiest thong like bikini briefs I had ever seen on a guy. It almost looked like it was women's underwear. The top of the briefs barely concealed his pubic hair and his cock was outlined while it was pointing straight down. It looked as if he was to turn quickly, his balls would blast out on both sides. Todd bent over to retrieve us another beer and the thin thong that just covered his hole was unable to conceal the little hairs that surrounded it. I wanted to drop to my knees and run my tongue straight up his hot little ass. But, the coward that I am, I stood frozen in place. Instead of going into the living room, we went to his bedroom.

We finished off the beer we were drinking, and Todd left to go get us some more. His tiny butt caused my already hard cock to get even harder. To be seventeen, he sure didn't look it. He returned with the beer and I had already seated myself on his bed. He sat down on the other side and cut on the television. We talked for about an hour as to where he moved from and his family life. His mother divorced his father when he was ten and his current step father was really cool. According to Todd, him and his step father had developed quite a relationship. He didn't offer many details and I didn't ask.

The beer started kicking in and I felt more relaxed and he did as well, or so it seemed. Todd was leaning on the head board with his legs raised up, ankles almost tucked under his ass. My eyes immediately fell to his crotch area. The thin, skimpy material was struggling to keep his package hidden as they protruded out. After about eight beers that we each consumed, Todd said, "Man, I sure do have to piss." The beer I drank talked for me and I didn't even think when I stated, "Has anyone ever drank your piss?" Very audible, he replied, "Hell no man, that's kind of gross and borderline weird." Sputtering, I said, "Not really, it's kind of neat and erotic." Smiling, he shook his head. One thing I did notice was that Todd didn't make an attempt to go relieve his over flooded bladder. He remained in the same position as we talked. Todd said, "Shit, if someone puts their mouth on my dick, it will get hard just thinking about it. There's no way I could pee in somebody's mouth, especially with a hard on." We had finished our beers and Todd hopped off the bed get some more. I listened to hear if he went to the bathroom first, but he was back in the bedroom within no time. He repositioned himself in the same position and I licked my lips as I stared at his tightly bunched up crotch area. He took a drink of his beer and said, "I really do have to pee." I didn't say a word, but looked at him with passionate, horny eyes. While looking at him, my mind went back in time with him standing there with his massive erection. I remembered how large his cock had looked considering his rather small frame. Compared to the rest of him, his cock was largely out of place.

He was the first to break the silence. "Have you, ugh, have you ever drank someone's pee before?" While shaking my head up and down, I quickly said yes. His only response was, "Wow." He was so cute sitting in that position and I was so hard just looking at him, painfully hard to be correct. Finally, I blurted out, "How did you get such a big dick?" He said with a sexy smile, "I don't know, but I have been sexually active since I was really young." I continued with the questioning assault. "Well, what all have you done?" He closed his eyes as if he had to really think before he spoke. "Okay, my mother says I was molested when I was eight years old, but I say you can't molest the willing." I asked him what had happened, and he continued on by saying, "I guess it all started at a church camp where I had lived. My counselor was a guy in his mid thirties and he was really hairy. Anyway, I think I was the one who seduced him, not like my mother claims that he seduced me. We got busted by one of the other kids having sex and then everything was let out of the bag. The cops were called, but I refused to say anything that might have caused him to go to jail."

Just by his statement, I knew he had sex with a guy and must have enjoyed it. I asked Todd, "Did he fuck you?" Without any hesitation, he replied, "Shit yeah he fucked me and he fucked me real good too." He was licking his lips after he made his statement so I had one more question that would seal my fate that night. "Todd, are you gay?" He paused for a brief second and with a tremendous smile on his face, said, "Kind of. I'm more of what people might say, an adult molester. I like men, not guys my age or younger. The hairier the better, that's my motto. Heck, on the way here we stopped off at a public restroom and I got a blow-job from a guy who had to be in his sixties." A slight pause, then he said, "I would have sucked him off too, but I had to get back. My mom knows about me and she is always telling me to be careful."

I blurted out, "I, I really would like to give you a blow-job, that's if you want one." With a smile as broad as China, he whispered, "Sure, but I have to pee first." Wasting no time, I reached over and grabbed the top of his skimpy briefs and in one smooth motion, pulled them all the way off and threw them onto the floor. His cock was semi hard as I lowered my face to his crotch and deeply inhaled. Todd spread his legs further apart as I got closer to his crotch. The intoxicating aroma steaming from his crotch area set my mind ablaze. I was laying on my stomach and engulfed his large mushroom head, running my tongue over it. His cock sprang to life and quickly filled my mouth. Using my tongue, I tried to stick it straight up his piss slit. I slipped my right hand under his ass cheeks, using my thumb to press against his little hair covered hole. Soft moans escaped his mouth as my own mouth was plunging up and down on his eight inches of rock hard meat.

He cried out, "I, I think I'm, I'm about to pee." I had to quickly start drinking his hot piss as it erupted inside my mouth and gushed down my gulping throat. After all the beer we drank, it tasted like drinking hot water. Not bitter, but absolutely delicious. His hands wrapped around my head as he bit his bottom lip making whimpering noises. His cock was still hard and his piss was still flowing freely ever so powerfully strong. I sucked and drank, sucked and drank for a rather long time until only a trickle of his precious pee was left.

"I can't tell if I'm still pissing" He cried out! He had been drained of his pee, but I wanted to suck his cock thoroughly. My mouth rifled onto his cock while my thumb continued to press his little anus. My left hand found his low hanging balls and began caressing, pulling, and twisting on them. It all too soon ended as his cock blasted a load. Shot after shot, coated the roof of my mouth and soon filled my cock sucking mouth to its full state. I almost allowed some of his precious teen cum to slide out of my mouth, but managed to slurp it back in. His cock was falling limp and I kept my mouth tight around it as it slipped out of my mouth. Still on my stomach, my cheeks were bloated with his cum. His hands were still on my head as I began to slowly drink his fruit of love. Slightly salty with a mild hint of bitterness, but sweeter than honey to my taste buds.

His legs were still shaking as the last bit of his cum slipped down my throat. Using my hands, I pushed his legs up and behind him. Todd grabbed his legs and held them into place as I slammed my tongue onto his quivering hole. His anal hairs tickled my tongue as I inhaled his fresh boy scent of his hot hole. Kind of a musky odor, but sexually arousing in which drove me to a frenzy state. My hands fell onto his little tight ass cheeks and gripped what it could and began forcefully spreading his cheeks apart. My tongue drilled at his hole until it opened, allowing my tongue to explore further. Todd screamed out, "Yes, yes, eat my asshole! Let me feel your tongue! Shit yeah!" The more he cried out, the harder and further my tongue traveled. His cock regained its full length and girth while I was eating his tasty asshole. His right hand fell off of his leg, but his leg remained high and out of my way. He took his cock in his right hand and began to pound it with a blinding speed.

By now, I had crawled onto my knees and using my body, shoved his legs further behind him. My tongue went further in his hot musky smelling ass. Todd cried out, "Oh God, oh my God. Yes, hell yes, feed me your tongue!" His entire body was violently shaking and his head was bouncing off the bed. His left hand had left his leg and had the bed spread tightly balled up in it. "Shawn, Shawn, I'm gonna shoot!" Not wanting any of his semen to fall to waste, I quickly shot my mouth over his piss slit as the first blast of his cum fell onto my tongue. This time, his cum didn't fire out, it fell out. Six or eight creamy loads fell onto my tongue, then four fiery blasts followed, striking that back of my throat. His right hand slammed away at his over sized cock until the last seed was squeezed out into my greedy and still hungry mouth.

The second load of his thick cum was far more saltier with a little more bitterness to it, but I would never complain. I rolled off of him and realized I had to pee like a race horse. Todd wasn't willing to try and drink any piss, so I slipped off to the bathroom to relieve myself. Before I left the bathroom, I removed all my clothes and walked back into his bedroom as naked as I could be with my boner leading the way. As I entered his room, his eyes opened wide and he said, "Holy shit Shawn, now that's a big dick!" I smiled as I sat on the bed next to him. His eyes never left my straining cock. Todd slid down the bed and leaned on his right side and started licking my shaft and cock head with his tongue. He had just worked his tongue to the head when he looked up and said, "Promise me that you will shove this thing in my ass tonight!" What could I say, but, "I wouldn't have it any other way!"

It didn't take long for me to realize that Todd had sucked a few dicks in his life time. He must have had a snake like jaw because he was going up and down on my thick cock burying at least seven inches inside his hot oven like mouth. Even his throat expanded to accommodate the "Coke Can." Todd never gagged once as he shoved more of my cock down his throat. His mouth fell off of my cock and quickly swallowed both of my large balls. His tongue traced each ball as they were being cooked inside his mouth. His left hand slid under my balls and several of his fingers began to press and rub at my asshole. When my balls slipped out of his mouth, he dove onto my cock, burying at least eight inches in one swallow.

Todd worked on my cock like no-one ever before and soon I felt the familiar stirring in my balls. I warned him, but he kept on sucking my dick. Round after round of my thick sperm flooded his mouth. I heard him as he gulped while still sucking on my dick. Tears of pleasure began rolling down from the corner of my eyes as my love juices flowed heavy. I had just delivered the last of my cum, but Todd never once stopped sucking on my cock. My cock didn't go limp either, it remained painfully erect. He slicked up one of his fingers and shoved it straight up my ass. His finger found my prostrate and pressed firmly against it. Within seconds, I shot off another tremendous load into his sucking mouth.

Todd released my cock from his mouth and after smacking his lips, he smilingly said, "Damn Shawn, you can shoot a whopping load and it taste so dog-gone good too!" I was catching my breath and was unable to speak. He sat next to me on his knees and said, "I really don't know if I will be able to take your big cock up my ass, but I sure as hell want to try. I've never had a cock like yours before, but now that it's here, I'm sure gonna give it my best shot." Todd spat onto his left hand and rubbed it all over his cock. I watched him to see what he was doing, but he grabbed my legs and I slipped down on the bed sheet. Before I could react, he placed his thick mushroom head against my asshole and pressed forward. My mouth immediately opened wide as his thick cock tore into me, traveling upward and further inside me. His saliva sure didn't replace lube as it painfully crept further and further. My anal canal was on fire as he began to slam his cock in and out of me.

With my mouth still open and my eyes partially closed, Todd surprised me when he let a mouthful of his spit fall free, landing directly into my open mouth. Todd said, "That's right, yeah, drink my spit and feel my cock in your tight ass. Shit you're tight!" The air was being fucked right out of me and I was at a lost for words anyhow. I couldn't believe how soft spoken Todd had been and now that we were actually having sex, it appeared he was getting into talking dirty. He lowered his head within inches from my open mouth. I thought we were going to kiss, but he said, "Take my cock up your ass. You've eat my asshole, swallowed my piss, sucked my cock, swallowed my cum, and you've tasted my spit!" As soon as he said that, he spit into my mouth. I savored his spit and craved more.

One thing was for sure, Todd knew how to fuck. He constantly changed speeds and mixed up his fucking motions. His cock felt awfully good inside my ass. Todd leaned closer and began spitting several wads into my spit craved mouth. Next thing I knew, I was shooting my load onto my chest and stomach without any assistance from any hands. I felt like I would not stop busting a nut as it shot constantly out of my piss slit. The more spit Todd would send into my open mouth, the harder I shot.

Todd had been fucking me for over an hour when he finally pulled out. My asshole was grateful that he stopped because it was well past the sore stage. Now I was clean with a shower, but I wasn't enema like clean. My ass juices covered his cock and Todd stepped up onto the bed placing both of his feet to my sides and leaned down. His cock was twitching as he used his hands to steady himself with the wall. Bending at the knees, his piss slit was less than an inch from my mouth. He brought it forward and the head of his cock pushed at my sealed lips. The head of his cock slid across my lips as he continued to push forward.

Todd cried out, "Oh man, damn I'm gonna shoot!" With some hesitation, I opened my mouth and his cock buried itself in my throat. Todd began to fuck my mouth like crazy. My nose was being struck against his pelvic area and his soft pubic hair wasn't soft enough. His balls slapped against my chin with his every forceful thrust. He never missed a thrust as his cock blasted off a huge load. He pounded my mouth while shooting his seed down my throat. The more cum he offered, the more I greedily wanted.

With no more of his wonderful sperm being offered at the present moment, Todd pulled his rapidly deflating cock from my mouth and sat down next to me. He was panting, but I was ever so horny. I got in between his legs and pushed them over his head. His knees rested alongside his ears as my tongue drove deep inside his anal cavern. The farther my tongue traveled, the more of his ass juices filled my mouth. With my tongue impaling his inner's, I ran two fingers straight up his ass. Todd screamed, "Shit, shit yeah man, do it, ah!" My fingers pistoled in and out of his fiery odor filled hole while my tongue ravished all around deep inside.

My cock was standing at full attention patiently waiting for the command to dive in. With my tongue and fingers at work, I began to jack on his cock with my free hand. Todd had the bed spread rolled up into each of his fists while slinging his head from side to side. He just about brought his whole body straight out of the bed when I rammed a third finger in his ass. When I slammed a fourth finger in, his cock tensed and I had to quickly cover it as it began shooting off some more of his thick and creamy cum. I had four fingers slamming away at his ass and he was shooting a pretty good sized load when he soon ran out of sperm. I continued to suck on his cock while ramming four fingers, fast and furious, in and out of his sloppy, but tight hole.

His body tensed and he began shouting while crying out something. My mouth was soon filled with his fluid. He wasn't having another orgasm, but he was emptying his bladder instead. Hot piss shot out of his cock and traveled down my open throat. Todd wasn't aware that he was pissing. He was acting as if he was having the most intense orgasm of his life. As the last bit of his wonderful piss fell free into my mouth, I removed my fingers from his hot ass and slicked my cock up with my saliva and his ass juices.

On his back with his legs way over his head, I placed my cock directly at his anal opening. Todd's eyes were closed and he was gasping for air as I shoved my cock into his ass, spreading his anal walls in the process. "Oh shit, oh shit, ah it hurts, it hurts!" I held him into place, inching my cock forward. "It, it's too big Shawn, oh, oh, ripping me apart!" His mouth was wide open and I spit directly into it. His eyes appeared to have said thanks as my cock drove deeper and deeper inside his tight little ass. Finally, my cock was buried to the hilt inside Todd's hot ass. He whispered, "My ass is on fire, take it slow please." At times he held his breath and at other times he was gasping for air. I slowly withdrew my cock all the way out. I watched as his asshole made an attempt to close, but I quickly put it back inside his ass before it could do so. He was grunting and his eyes were partially closed, but glassy, as I continued to pull my cock all the way out and then ram it all the way in. Tears streamed from his eyes as I began my anal assault on his tear drop shaped ass.

I pounded his ass with fury for as long as I could maintain that pace before I was getting close. When I felt like I was getting too close, I would change my pace, or technique. By now Todd was well into being fucked. He would cry out, "Yeah Shawn, that's right, fuck my ass, fuck me good!" I asked him, "You like feeling my cock inside your ass?" His reply was simple, "God yeah, rip my ass up with your horse cock!" I pounded his little ass with a blind and furious passion. I was getting to the point of no return and knew I had to do something or I would bust a nut. I pulled all the way out of him and without thinking, ran my tongue in his still open hole. I lapped at his juices while tongue bathing his inner ass wall. The odor seeping from his open hole was sending me into a mad and unexplainable animalistic desire. The more I smelled, the harder I worked my tongue inside his ass. It wasn't a gross odor, but more of a sweaty and heavy musky cologne scent. Whatever it was, it definitely was driving me crazy. I backed off from his asshole long enough to get him into a doggie-style position.

I licked his small crack, up and down, before returning to the hole I wanted so desperately. Loud and echoing moans filled the air as my tongue began tracing his inner ass lining. Four fingers soon joined my tongue up his sweet ass. Todd was in such a head space that he began crying while reaching back with both of his hands and spreading his ass cheeks. I reached under him and pulled his cock towards his asshole. Taking turns, I ate his ass and sucked on his pre cum soaked cock for a long, long time.

My taste buds were rewarded when Todd sent his cum flying into my mouth while my four fingers vandalized his ass. He didn't give me much of his honey, but I was thankful for what was given. After milking his cock free of cum, I withdrew my fingers and quickly slammed my cock up his ass. Todd's head quickly raised up from the bed as he cried out, "Damn, oh shit it hurts. Hurts good. Fuck my ass, fuck my ass Shawn!" My hands were filled with his hips as I thrust savagely, repeatedly in and out of his hot ass. Todd slammed his ass backwards onto my diving cock while crying like a newborn baby. I began slapping his butt cheeks with my right hand. The harder I rammed my meat into his ass, the harder the slaps became. His creamy white ass was beat red, a fiery bright red at that. My hand prints covered his tiny butt cheeks. My left hand released his hip and was able to get a handful of his golden blond hair and abruptly yanked it towards me.

The harder I pulled his hair, the harder he rammed his little butt onto my pile driving cock. I was no longer a human, I had become a beast as I continued my anal assault, hair pulling, and ass spanking on this little beauty. I was getting dangerously close to releasing my built up load and knew I had to do something else.

Keeping my cock buried in his asshole, I rolled him onto his left side. His right leg was trapped on my shoulder and his left leg was held to the bed by my right shin. I began to pound his ass some more and he cried out words that are not in the English vocabulary. My right hand began squeezing his inner left thigh as I rammed away at his hot hole. Todd began jacking-off with his right hand. No matter what, I knew I would not be able to continue fucking him without soon busting a load in his ass. Stretching his legs further apart, I leaned down and slid my tongue into his gasping mouth. His right hand on his cock never missed a beat as our tongues entwined in mortal combat. I had never fucked anyone this long before as we were going onto the third hour of a steady ass fucking session.

Todd grunted with our lips locked together. His pace on his cock got even faster and I knew he was busting another nut. I put my right hand (cupped) under his cock head and watched in fascination as it spewed its contents into my hand. Three large globs fell from his cock followed by more watery sperm. My cupped hand was full as he wiped the last of his cum onto the side of my hand. His sperm jiggled in my palm as I continued to savagely pound his sore ass. His mouth was open and I tilted my hand to an angle allowing a small portion to fall directly into his mouth. At first he seemed kind of surprised at drinking some of his own cum, but the more I fed him, the hungrier he became. While his cum was dripping from my hand and into his mouth, I took the opportunity to spit into his mouth. Before I realized it, I was too far gone to stop my load. It felt like I shot off the head of my dick as my cum began to rifle out and into his delicious ass. Todd screamed, "Yes, hell yes, I feel your cum, damn I feel it!"

It seemed like an eternity before my sperm ended its shooting spree. I released his legs from their clutches that held them into place and we just laid on his bed, both of us panting for air. Somewhere in time, we drifted off to sleep; my cock still in his ass.

We both awoke at the same time, and to my surprise, my cock was still in his ass at a semi hard state. Todd said, "Morning and I got to pee." I said, "Good morning and I got to pee too." He started inching his way to the side of the bed and I followed keeping my cock firmly in his ass. Once we were out of the bed, I grabbed onto his hips and picked him up. The upper half of his body was angled below his waist as we entered the bathroom with me carrying him. I stepped inside the bathtub and lowered Todd so that his feet was on the tub floor. He asked in a funny kind of way, "So, now what do we do?" I began sending my piss into his ass and soon he let his piss fly. I was gyrating my hips back and forth while pissing inside him. His piss, my piss, and his ass juices mixed with my sperm began falling to the floor of the tub. While I was pissing inside his ass, my cock went and decided to get hard. Todd began crying out as my cock expanded deep inside him.

My piss, sperm and ass juices sneaked out the invisible opening of his cock filled ass, falling to the floor as I began slamming my boner in and out of his well ridden, sore little ass. My morning nut didn't seem to take long as I shot my sperm deep inside his anal cavity. Todd was masturbating with his left hand while I was shooting my seed inside him. For the first time in several hours, my cock left his dripping asshole. He was about to cum, so I maneuvered myself in front of his cock and swallowed it to the soft hairs. My hands caressed the soft flesh of his ass while my mouth worked on his cock. Todd grunted and moaned as he blasted a huge load into my mouth.

I milked his cock free and began swallowing his sweet nectar. I had swallowed nearly 3/4's of his cum when Todd reached his hands behind my head and brought his lips to mine. We kissed long and hard, savoring and sharing his delicious gift of life.

Next: Chapter 11: Brandon

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