Top Dawg

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Mar 29, 2021


The next morning I woke up and had no idea where the fuck I was for a few seconds.

I was laying in the kid's bed, I had been curled around him, big spooning him like a champ. My first reaction was to pull away but he was still asleep and...well it wasn't like this was killing me.

I laid my head back down and closed my eyes for a moment, I had to admit that this wasn't the worst feeling in the world.

There was noise outside his room, his parents were awake and moving around. I shook him slightly, "Kid, wake up."

He shrugged away from me.

"Come on man, your parents are up."

"Five more minutes mom..."

Fucking mom?

I turned him over on his back, "Wake the fuck up."

He was smiling with his eyes closed.

"Oh you think it's funny to play possum?"

He started to laugh and tickled him in revenge. He starts to cackle as he curled up into a ball.

"Show you to play games..."

He was crying for me to stop when his bedroom door opened. I froze as his dad stuck his head in, "Either you two are awake or someone is getting killed."

An image of him railing me in the living room flashed before my eyes and I instantly regretted everything.

I got up, "Sorry sir,"

He cocked his head, "It's ok Archie, I'm just messing around."

I nodded and rushed to the bathroom before he could see my morning wood and I could imagine the rest of what I thought about last night.

I took a piss and threw some water on my face, the door opened and the kid pushed me out of the way.

"Unless you wanna get peed on, move."

The sound of a gallon of piss filled the room and my eyes glanced over despite my thoughts screaming for me not to.

He was hard, and pushing that fucking monster down to hit the bowl. I felt my dick react and I looked away quickly.

"You bring a toothbrush?" He asked me as he washed his hands.

He washed his hands after peeing, dear god.

I shook my head, "I'm good."

He handed me a toothbrush, "It's not we haven't shared more intimate bodily liquids than spit."

I almost choked as he laughed.

"Dude, what if your dad could hear you?"

He shrugged, "He'd think I was telling a crude joke."

I handed his toothbrush back and went to change. As I pulled on my track suit I wondered why I felt bad about snapping at him? This kid was literally blackmailing me for sex...

No, that wasn't true anymore. I was here because I wanted to be, I needed to be. He didn't say or do one thing to force me here...

So then why was I so pissed?

"How you feel?" He asked opening his closet and grabbing some clothes.

"Fine," I said, trying to figure out who I was mad at.

"No headaches or jitters?"

Another shake of my head.

"Cool, you're gonna tear it up today," he pulled his tracksuit on.

"Why? Because of you?" I asked, wondering where this verbal vomit was coming from.

He paused, his shirt half on, "No, because you're Archie Fucking King. Hands down the best wrestler on the west coast." He paused for a moment, "Are you mad at me?"

It was a good question.

"No," I admitted, "I'm just in a shitty mood."

He made sure his door was locked and he walked over, "You need a hit?"

It was such a simple question. No tone, no attitude, just an actual concern. He wasn't trying to have sex with me, he wasn't trying to torture me. I was looking into his eyes and all I saw was raw truth.

He just wanted to help me.

I grabbed his face and kissed him. It was as surprising to me as it was for him. He reached up and kissed me back and suddenly we were making out.

He turned me and tossed me back on the bed.

He pulled his track pants, "Get naked."

His smile was huge.

I didn't need a hit. I didn't. I was fine and I knew it. I was pissed because there were a million feelings running around in my head and I couldn't make sense of any of them.

No I didn't need it but I pulled my pants off all the same. He had grabbed the lotion and stroking that donkey dick, and again I felt something move inside me.

He crawled onto the bed and I felt his fingers coat my hole. He tossed the bottle aside, "Ready?"

I nodded, not trusting myself to say something horrible.

His head pushed against my hole and I felt myself relax. Slowly he entered me, his head popping into me with an agonizing amount of pain that for some reason felt fucking incredible. I winced as he kept pushing until he was fully in me. The fullness was familiar by now, he paused as he always did, making sure I was ok.

I looked up at him and actually looked at him for a moment. Fuck he was young, but he was also pretty good looking. Not to me, but I could see how girls would be into him.

"You ok?" He asked, his voice tinged with concern.

It snapped me out of whatever and I nodded.

He pulled back and it happened. His fucking dick slid across my spot and everything I had been worried about vanished. My head flew back and I stifled a moan as he pushed back in.

"Jesus kid..." I quietly moaned.

"Yeah there we go," he said with a smile, "Feel better?"

I nodded as he began to fuck me.

I watched him grab my ankles and spread my legs, letting him slam into me deeper. I feel myself push back into his thrusts, my hands grabbing handfuls of his sheets as I try to hang on to my mind. He wasn't drilling me like he usually did, he was making sure the entire length of his cock pushed against my spot, filling my brain with so much pleasure it was insane.

"My girl like that?" He asks and I force myself to stay coherent.

I grabbed his head and pulled him down to mine, "D-don't..."I stammer, "Just fuck me..."

He seemed shocked.

`I'm...I'm into it..don't have to..." my mind was going numb.

"You like it?"

I nodded, feeling my eyes roll back.

He paused and then leaned forward kissing me, I wrapped my arms around hm and kissed him back. His thrusts became less demanding and longer. Drawing even more pleasure out of me with every second. My back was arched as I tried to shove as much of him into me as I could. My leg were wrapped around his waist, locking us together as one a death grip.

I pulled my hips up as he pushed into me, our mouths never leaving each other.

"Fuck," he panted, sweat covering us both, "You feel so good..."

"Jesus your cock," I whined, feeling him go even deeper. I was clawing at his back, holding on for dear life. "Fucking me so hard..."

"Yeah," he said slamming e hard, "You want that cock?"

I nodded, feeling like crying it felt so good, "Fuck me kid...please fuck me."

"God Archie..." he said, his thrusts getting harder and harder, "I love your ass so much..."

"Oh fuck kid it's your's all yours.."

I could feel my balls start to tingle as he began to jackhammer into me.

"I'm close..." he moaned.

"Me too...." I whimpered.

He pulled back and grabbed my hips, thrusting into me as hard as he could. My legs spammed as my spot began to just shoot out waves of pleasure.

"Come on Archie," He growled, "I wanna see your cock shoot...cum for me."

"Oh god..." I cried as I felt my cock begin to pulse, "Oh fucking make me cum..."

He hit my spot once and my cock went off like a volcano. My hips shook as cum rained down over my body. I saw the look of shock on the kid's face as my ass clamped down on his cock, sending it over the edge as well. I could feel my guts get flooded with his load, that fact alone made me cum even harder.

He pumped the last of his cum into me and then collapsed. My load was smeared on both of our chest as he panted like a exhausted puppy. My mind was just flooded with feelings of happiness and joy, my arms went around him and held him tight. He looked up at me and smiled and I felt my chest tighten.


I nodded and pulled him up into a kiss, no way I could risk talking and letting these emotions come flooding out.

He laid back on my chest and sighed, "So we have to move?"

"You boys ready?' His dad asked from the other side of the door.

"I think so," I said trying not to laugh.

"Almost," he yelled back and then starting laughing himself.

God Dammnit, why was I so fucking happy?

We got cleaned up and raced to the school for our match.

We sang with the radio, both of us hyped for this afternoon. I kept looking over at him and he'd glance back and wink as he sang. I hadn't been this happy...ever? With the other guys it was always a fight to see who was on top. I was the alpha but it was hard because they were always looking for an opportunity to bring me down. But when I was with the kid, it wasn't like that.

Because he already owned me.

That stopped my happy real fast. I stopped singing as I tried to reign myself in. What the in the actual fuck was wrong with me? Luckily we got to school before he could notice. I grabbed my bag and got out quick, I needed to get this fucking match over and done with.

I walked into the locker room, the kid right behind me. He knew better than to say shit when people were around, which meant for the next few hours I was safe. I said hey to the guys as I stripped my tracksuit off and got into my singlet.

"You ok man?" Cooper asked me, seeing the intense look on my face.

I nodded, focusing on hunting down every queer thought I had in my head and killing it. I refused to look over at the other side of the locker room, I knew he was over there and most likely waiting for me to look so he could smile or nod or...

I glanced over and he was talking with the other guys in his class, laughing their ass off.

Why the fuck did I look?

I went back to brooding, waiting for the match to start.

We all headed out to the gym, the stands were crowded with people from all over. The sound was deafening when I walk out onto the court, I smile, this is what I needed. A reminder, I was fucking Archie King. I was a god in this place.

It was time I started acting like it.

My first match was against some asshole from Pacific Ridge. He was big, beefy chest, tree trunk legs, anyone else would look at him and be intimated. I looked at him and saw lunch. We walked up to the line and he nodded, "Good luck man."

I didn't blink, "Sorry about the leg."

He cocked his head, "What?"

The ref blew his whistle and I picked him up by his waist. He grunted in surprise as I threw him back to the mat. Hard. A three count later and he was out. He slowly got up, glaring at me. He limped back to his team, shooting me daggers the entire time.

That was just the start.

We tore their team up all afternoon. Even the Kid took his guy down so fast that his opponent didn't even know the match was over until the ref held up the kid's arm. The whole bench jumped up and cheered, I had to admit he was a little gangster in that moment.

My second guy was a little more cautious as the first, but I could smell fear on him so it was just a matter of time. It took less than a minute before he was pounding his fist on the mat, screaming at me to let him up. The ref counted him out and I let him go. He actually scrambled away from me in fear, him looking up at me in panic was rewarding.

I walked back to bench and high fived Tony. I was on fire and everyone knew it. The kid's second match was good too, the guy he went up against looked a little older and gave him a run for his money. But he ended up using a reverse drop that I had been teaching him all week and slammed the guy down so hard it looked like he had the wind knocked out of him. The kid held him down for the count and jumped to his feet with a cheer.

Our bench went wild and I found myself feeling more than a small amount of pride from his win. He ran over to me and was ecstatic, "You see that? I did it, just like you showed me!!"

His enthusiasm was contagious and I nodded and grinned, "He didn't even see it."

"Not bad kid," Cooper said neutrally, throwing some water on my excitement. "They won't fall for that again."

The kid nodded, "Yeah I know, I still got some tricks." He looked at me, "Right?"

I nodded, trying not to engage.

If he noticed he didn't say, he went over to his side of the bench where the other guys his age were going nuts for him.

"Kids cocky," Cooper said nudging me.

"Yeah but he killed his guy fast," my mouth said before I could stop it.

He nodded reluctantly and I forced myself to shut up. I was fucking defending him now? Come on King, get your shit together.

We kept steamrolling them until the last set of matches. My guy hadn't been touched once, we were both undefeated and for good reason.

He was a beast, no doubt about it. His arms looked bigger than mine but that was about it. I had him in bulk, definition and from what I could tell, dick size. You laugh but trust me, every advantage counts on the mat.

We walked up tit he circle and met eyes.

"Ready to go down pretty boy?" He snarled.

I smiled and cocked my head, "You think I'm pretty? That's gay."

He scowled and took a half step back, we both knew I had just won. He didn't want to admit it and neither would I in his shoes, he stepped up to the ring and we waited for the match to start.

The ref blew his whistle and I lunged at him. He held me for about three second before his legs started to buckle. He tried to flip me to get leverage but that shit hasn't worked on me since junior high. I use his own move against him and slam him down so hard he bounces.

I feel my dick twitch as I drop down and pin him. The desire of just fucking him right there as he laid defeated was strong. He struggles under me and I make sure he can feel my half hard cock against his ass. He squirms even harder, knowing I wasn't just beating him but using him as well. I'd never done this before, I'd seen other guys use it to throw their opponents off but I never needed to. I didn't need to now, this guy was down and out, but it felt good. It felt powerful, it felt fucking amazing. I wanted to fucking mark his neck, let the world know he had been had. There was a direct line between sex and power in my had now and it was confusing.

The ref counted him down and I jumped up with a roar. Undefeated, fucking untouched! That was what I was fucking talking about! I looked over to the bench and saw the guys jumping and screaming, but not the kid. He was pointing and yelling.

I turned just in time for the guy to fucking knee me so hard he lifted me off the mat for a second. My brain instantly just shut down as I fell to the ground, clenching my balls. The world faded away as the only sound I could hear was my own heartbeat and a small whimper that came from deep within. I heard screaming and a commotion over me, but I had no idea what it was. All I knew was pain.

What I found out later was the the guy had kneed me and was standing there, trash talking me as I rocked back and forth in agony. He was so caught up in that he didn't see the kid come charging at him and hit him squarely in the waist. From what I heard he literally picked this guy up and then slammed him to the ground. It was hard to believe because the kid wasn't anywhere near as big as the guy, but that was the story everyone told.

The kid got two hits on the guy's face before the guy kicked him off. He got up and looked like he was going to kill the kid when he saw the rest of the guys standing there, begging him to try. Their team came off the bench and it looked like a fucking full on brawl was about to go down but the ref and coaches got between them, screaming every foul word under the sun to get them to back off.

I was helped up and limped back to the locker room, I didn't even notice it was the kid and the medic until they laid me down on the table. The medic was getting some ice ready while the kid looked down at me with a worried face, "Just hold on, he's bringing something."

I nodded, nausea filling my head as I felt like I wanted to vomit. The medic came back and put a bag of ice on my balls, I screamed but almost instantly it started to numb. Some of the guys were at the door, asking if I was ok. The medic screamed for them to get out and close the door, I heard it slam and then quiet.

"I need to examine you," the medic said, looking me dead in the eyes, "It's going to hurt, but I need to check if anything was ruptured."

This guy was kind of hot. He was college aged, blond hair, nice I was out of it if I was lying here noticing how hot he was.

I nodded, knowing I couldn't handle this at all.

He lightly touched my balls and I screamed. Holy fuck that hurt...flinching made them hurt even more and I screamed again and again.

"Shit," the medic said, "We gift have to move him to hospital, I don't have anything strong enough to dull that pain."

"Hold on," the kid said moving him aside, "Can you hear me?"

I nodded, tears falling down my face.

"I'm gonna take the pain away so he can examine you ok? It's that or go to the hospital."

I didn't want to do that, I'd I went to the hospital that word would get around fast and the scouts would think I was hurt more than I was. Though I had no idea how much more I could hurt. I nodded, willing to do anything to stop this fucking pain.

"What are you going to do?" The medic asked as the kid put a rubber glove on.

"He has a condition," he said moving my singlet aside, "Trust me this will work."

I felt his finger slide into me and I winced, not from the pain but from the fucking embarrassment. I felt him dig around, moving up until he found it. He pushed it and I let out a loud gasp.

The pleasure was a pain in itself, but even the pain felt good now. I slammed my head back onto the bed as he kept moving around over my spot.

"Fuckfuckfuck..."I began to pant as I felt my cock harden.

"How you feeling?' The kid asked.

"More," was all I could say.

"Ok, you're good," he said to the medic.

The medic reached down and began to examine my balls, which was the most excruciating pleasure I had ever felt. I whimpered a bit as he rolled my tender balls around in his hand, my cock leaking through my singlet.

"Jesus," the medic exclaimed, watching me writhe around on the bed like a fucking whore, "What is that?"

"Sensitive prostate," the kid explained, "Right now his brain is flooded with endorphins, he is practically drunk."

"Really?' The medic asked looking down at me. My head rolled to the side as I groaned, "Harder..."

"Wow," the mixed said adjusting himself, "That's..."

"Hot? Yeah, how is he?"

The medic shook his head, "They seem fine, I think they are just bruised. I don't feel any bleeding but...we do need to see if there any impediment to function."

The words were gibberish to me as the kid kept massaging my spot.

"To what?"

"He needs to cum," the medic explained, "To see if the damage is more severe than it seems."

The kid just stared at the medic for a long minute and then shook his head, "Sure man, whatever you say." The kid looked down at me, "You want more?"

I nodded and groaned.

"You mind if I examine him?" The medic asked.

The kid slipped his finger free and I gave out a huff of complaint. I was still a little fuck drunk so I didn't say anything when the medic shoved his finger in me.

"Shit," I growled, this asshole had no technique.

"Slowly," the kid explained, "Just move up the channel and the press up about ¾ of the way."

The finger steadied itself nod began to move up, I clenched my eyes closed until he got close. "Little more," I croaked.

The finger moved up and I felt it hit the edge of my spot, "Oohhhhh....." I moaned, trying to scoot down to get more contact.

"Push forward some," the kid said and I felt the finger shove its way over it.

"Oh yeah...." I moaned, my hips moving upwards on their own.

"Holy shit," the medic said, rubbing my spot back and forth, "He really likes this."

"Oh yeah, oh yeah..." I whined, the fact some stranger had his finger up in me was completely lost on my fuckfog. All I knew was that I felt good and wanted more.

"Jesus look at his dick!" The medic marveled.

"Yeah we need to get that singlet off him, if he cums in it people will notice."

The finger retreated and I felt empty as fuck...I felt hands pull my singlet off of me, I lifted my ass up to help them. They stripped me quickly, leaving me naked on the table, legs spread waiting.

"So now what?" The medic asked, just taking my naked body in.

"Well you needed to see him cum right?"

The medic nodded mutely. He was licking his lips watching me lightly moan on the table.

The kid came around to my face, "You want more?"

I whined as I nodded, the pain of my balls coming back.

"You care if he does it?"

I shook my head again, just wanting release...

The kid looked over to the infirmary door and made sure it was locked. "All yours doc."

The medic started to strip, losing his clothes as quickly as I had. Damn he hot a tight little body, he looked like a swimmer, toned body, no hair...nice cock.

I closed my eyes as I tried to focus, what was I doing? He climbed up on the table and I realized what was happening. This guy was going to fuck me! I looked up at him, ""

The medic looked at the kid.

"Ignore that, he gets like that before."

The medic nodded and rubbed some gel on my ass.

"No, stop..." I looked at the kid, "What the fuck..."

He smiled, "We both know you want it...why are you fighting all of a sudden?"

I felt the guy's cock press against my hole and my body automatically relaxed on it's own accord. Fuck, I looked up at the medic with wide yes, "Please man....don't..."

His cock pressed into me and my head fell back. Fuck he was big, not as big as the kid but he had some girth on him. He was going slow, not sure if I could take it. The pain of that and my balls was agonizing. I was biting my bottom lip to keep from screaming, I looked at the kid, "Hurrry..."

The kid put his hand on the medic's ass and pushed. His cock went all the way to the base and I clenched my teeth to keep from yelling bloody murder.

"Slowly, pull out," the kid instructed.

"Like this?' He asked, slowly pulling his cock out...

"Noooooo...." I whined as the strange cock slid across my spot. I was fighting it the best I could but the pleasure drowned out the pain of my balls and I felt myself start to slip fast. "Oh fuck....yeah..." I grunted as he pushed back in. He got all the way in and then pulled back again.

"Oh yeah....oh yeah...." I whined, hating the way my voice went up an octave when I got fucked. I felt my back arch as I tried to push back onto his cock. I felt my own dick slap against my eight pack, fucking as hard as it ever had been.

"Jesus Christ," the medic said, his hands moving over my hard body. He felt the cuts of my abs, felt the mass of my pecs, just touching every part of me. "Fuck you are a fucking stud aren't you?'

I nodded as he slowly pulled out again, making me grab the sides of the table to stay still. I wanted more, I needed more, I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in.

"Fuck me harder..." I growled.

"Holy fuck you're a slut!" He said slamming his cock back in hard.

"Oh fuck," I began to babble, "I'm a slut, fuck your slut...harder...harder...:

The medic chuckled as he leaned it and really started to ram me. Fuck he might not have had a big dick but he was a grown ass man and could really use that cock for all it was worth. The impact was so much stronger that the kid's, each thrust making flashes of light dance in front of my eyes as I slowly began to descend into a full on fog.

"You Ike that stud? You like that cock?'

"Oh yeah, fuck me, fuck me....oh yeah there...fuck yeah...." I moaned as he began to really piledrive me.

He had me leaking like a faucet, he cock was working me over so well. Fuck I couldn't believe some stranger was fucking me at school! God what if someone came in? Jesus the thought of the guys walking in...seeing me get fucked...

My cock started to rage.

Fucking Cooper seeing me on my back, getting fucked, hard cock begging for release.

"Holy fuck Archie's a fag!" He'd cry taking his own hard cock out of his singlet. Cooper had a great cock, not all that long but thick and fucking heavy. I bet he could slam my spot with enough weight to make me black out. I could see him over me, face red with anger that his best friend was a fucking fag, his fucking beer can cock just crushing my little jock hole as I begged for more.

I could imagine Tony getting tired of me moaning like a fucking whore and take out his long Italian cock. He'd be half hard and shove it down my wanting throat. I'd choke as he fed me so much cock I could feel it in my throat. Fuck I'd be such a fucking cockslut, on my back, both holes being used by my guys...using me, fucking me...showing me where I belonged.

"Yeah you are a little cockslut aren't you?" The medic asked, breaking my fantasy.

I nodded as I felt him start to speed up, a sure sign he was going to flood my guts with his seed.

"How do I make him cum?" The medic asked the kid, like I wasn't a person just a fuck sex toy to be used.

"Thrust up and hold it, make sure you scrape the top of his wall and then push forward. Once he jerks hold it and push upwards as strong as you can."

The medic nodded and I saw the sweat falling from his face.

"You ready to cum you fucking whore?"

I nodded, feeling so fucking ashamed I was letting this guy do this to me.

"Yeah let's see if I can make the cunt cum..." he said moving his cock around. "Hit the top and drag it along..."

I felt his head budge my spot and my whole body twitched

"And up..."

He shoved it up and his fucking cock stabbed my spot right in the middle. I don't think the kid had hit it so dead on.

My cock just exploded, there was no precum, no warning, just jets of fucking hot cum came flying out as some college guy I didn't even know fucked all of the cum out of me. I was bucking my hips up, smashing my spot even more on that cock, my vision just flickered as I felt that fucking dick abuse ass over and over.

"Holy crap his ass..." he called out as my tight ass gripped his cock with my orgasm, milking a load of his balls, my ass flooding with some strangers cum, his seed spilling out the side of my ass. He kept thrusting into me, making sure I took every drop if his fucking load like the faggot cumslut I was.

My dick just kept firing as the guy kept slamming my spot again and again.

I felt everything start to spin as my head was filled with wave after wave of pleasure.

"Hold up man," I head the kid said, "Not so much, you'll knock him..."

And then nothing.

Next: Chapter 6

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