Top Dawg

By Corpusdawg88

Published on Jul 29, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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This was it, the day.

I woke up in a bed with Gray and the guys, all of them sprawled over me, my own pack of friends, lovers, brothers, all here for me. I laid there and just took the moment in for a second, literally feeling the love around me.

"Are you surveying your kingdom?" Gray asked in my ear.

I glanced over and saw him smiling at me, "Taken aback by my family."

He hugged me and I hugged him back, god how had I gotten here?

We all woke up slowly, we used the bathroom, showered, and all ended up downstairs for breakfast. They guys were all chatty, but Gray pulled me aside.

"So that guy, he pitched Eden?"

I nodded, but said nothing more.

"What did he say?"

"That I had a place, no matter where I placed today."

"Wow, that's...that's impressive," he admitted.

"I didn't say yes," I assured him.

He smiled at him, "We both have some important choices to make today, and we need to make them individually, not for each other."

I looked at him shocked.

"We love each other, we know that. And If we mean it, no matter what we choose today, that won't change. I don't want you saying yes or no to them based on what I think, this choice has to be yours and what is best for you."

I took his hand, "You're what's best for me."

He smiled, "And no matter what you choose, you aren't going to lose me. I'm serious Archie, I know you've worked all this time to not...but right now I need you to only think of yourself. So what you think is best for you, not for us. Ok?"


He sighed, "Because if you choose not to go to Eden because of me then you will blame me for the rest of your life. Just make your choice, and I will make mine."

"What choice?"

He just smiled, "Forget all this and go win...kick ass and go be the stud I moved here for. Go out there and be Archie King, ok?"

I nodded and he kissed me.

There were a couple of people around who saw us, but I didn't care, at this moment, I didn't care about any of it.

I'm not going to lie, I don't remember much about my matches.

There was a guy, he was standing between me and my goal, so I killed him.

Anything else I could tell you would just be embellishment.

I came in third, won my first and lost my second match. The third I took, barely, and came in third in the nation, they gave me a trophy and I think a medal or something, all I know was I gave it my all and finished third in the whole nation. I had done my best and showed everyone how good I fucking was.

But that is not the end of my story, not even close.

I sat in the locker room, trying to come to terms that I had done it, just holding that trophy, wondering if it was all worth it. Everyone came in and congratulated me, hugs, kisses, random gropes, it was amazing to feel all these people who hared in this with me, it was...was just incredible.

"Happy?" Gray asked me, I nodded and buried my head in his embrace.

"Archie," my dad nudged me, I looked up and he gestured towards the door, "The college man is here."

There was the Eden rep, standing at the door, looking like a fucking walking wet dream, "Don't want to intrude..."

I waved him in and introduced him to my parents.

"You must be very proud of Archie."

They nodded, "He worked very hard."

"And that work is going to pay off," he said with a smile, "You ready to talk?"

I nodded and we all went to dinner and he pitched Eden to my parents.

It was huge, it had two different complexes, a high school prep side and a college side. It was a super expensive looking place with only the best kind of facilities. They had post graduate degrees in a ton of things and I was being offered a free, board, and expenses. It was like winning the lottery.

My folks were sold, not a doubt in their mind. So was I if I had to be honest, I mean this school was the fucking shit. I had a few other offers, but none of them were offering me something this incredible. It was my choice, and my parents left it to me. But they made it clear I would be an idiot not to take it.

Which left me and the rep at the table.

"It's a good pitch," I told him.

"Well, it's not like we can explain the rest of our experience to people. But in our defense, it is a top notch school, it isn't a cover."

"I didn't think so, I did my own research on you."

He smiled, "Hot and smart, dangerous combo."

I nodded, and picked at my dessert.

"This is about the boy right?"

I looked up and him and he winked, "I know when someone is choosing between their mind and their heart, I am actually an expert in it.

I wanted to ask him what that meant but something told me to move on, "So what should I do?"

"Oh do not ask me that," he said with a smile, "leaving your fate in my hands is dangerous."

The way he said that made my cock twitch.

I sighed, "He said I can't make my choice based on him."

"Smart kid, you shouldn't."

I looked at him and he explained, "You're in love right now, and that feels very real, and it might be. But this is a choice that will affect the rest of your life. Going to Eden can unlock doors that few people in the world never have a chance to see, much less go through. What if things don't work out? You will feel like you missed out on all that because of one mistake. He wants your choice to be made based on what do you think will help your life more? So Archie, what will help your life more?"

I thought about it for a moment, but in the end, I really only had once choice.

"I guess I'm an Eden man."

He shook my hand and smiled, "Good choice, so...wanna see your signing bonus?"

I gave him a curious look.

He got up and tossed some bills on the table, "Come on, you're gonna love this."

I followed him to the elevator and waited as we went up to the top floor.

"This is our corporate suite," he said coming to a door at the end of the hall, "It's yours for the rest of the night. I am going to get the papers together for you and your parents, and we can get everything signed once you get home. For now though," he handed me a key card, "Enjoy."

I took it as he walked back towards the elevator.

"Wait, what?" I asked.

He got on the elevator and left me, holding the key card.

Shrugging I put the key in the door and opened it up.

I was walked in and this room was bigger than my fucking house! I didn't even know they made hotel rooms like this! I walked around, wondering what I was supposed to do here?

The bathroom door opened and Jakob, the giant redhead from the semifinals walked out, "Oh hey you're here! I was wondering when you'd show up."

I looked around in half a panic, last time I saw this guy I had been being fucked by the three guys I had beaten that day on the mat, Jakob here being the biggest and hottest of them.

He looked confused for a moment and then understood my panic. "Oh hey, I'm the only one here, this ain't a trap."

"Then what is it?" I asked, not really believing him.

He sighed, "Ok. Let's do this."

He walked towards me and I held a fist up, not sure what was next. He got within three steps of me, stopped, and then sank to his knees. He was 6'7" so it was like a redwood falling in the forest. He knelt there, head down, hands behind his back and said, "I wronged you. I took advantage of you and your consent and I am here for punishment."

I just stood there, jaw dropped.

He looked up with large eyes, "Please sir, punish me."

I was stunned, I mean this guy was huge! I had seen him naked, he was nothing but muscle, if it came to actually throwing hands I don't know if I could take this monster. But here he was, begging me to punish him.

"What the hell is going on?" I asked.

He sighed and stopped begging, "Look man, I am in the running for Eden. They are interested but they want to see if I can submit. They asked me of the people I had wronged recently and I brought you up, because what we did was bullshit man. I was pissed cause you won and that ain't fair. So they told me if I wanted to prove I could submit and make things in this room and wait for you to show up."

Holy shit, this was my signing bonus?

"I'm serious man, do whatever you want to me, I deserve it."


He nodded.

"Gimme a second," I said, pulling my phone out.

Fifteen minutes Gray was knocking on the suite door, Jakob answered it in nothing but an overflowing jockstrap.

"Please come in sir," he said to Gray's shocked look.

Gray walked around him and found me sitting on the bed, big ol smile on my face.

"What the hell is that?" he asked, gesturing to Jakob.

"Would you believe my signing bonus for Eden?"

Gray turned back around and take a good, hard look at him. Finally he locked eyes with Jakob and asked, "You're atoning?"

Jakob's eyes fell to the ground, "Yes sir."

Gray looked back at me, "What did he do to you?"

"He was one of Dax's surprises."

Gray quickly looked back at Jakob, "You fuck my man without his consent?"

"Yes sir," Jakob said solemnly.

A look passed over Gray's face for a moment and then vanished, "Go stand in a corner."

Jakob shuffled off to a corner and just stuck his face in it.

Gray came over to the bed, "So you said yes to Eden?"

I nodded, "Are you upset?"

He smiled, "Of course not, it's an amazing school. Not many people get offered the chance."

I took his hand, "What about us?"

"What about it?"

"I don't want to lose this," I said, trying not to sound emotional.

"Then don't," he said, removing his hand and standing up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He began to take his clothes off, his cock just hanging low as he stood at the foot of the bed.


He took a deep breath and looked at me, "Archie, I wronged you. I took your consent...and I am asking you to punish me."

I cocked my head, was this a joke?

"What are you doing?" I asked.

He gave me a small smile, "I'm atoning."

"Why," I asked getting off the bed, "You don't have to."

"But I do," he said as I got close, "It's a condition of my enrollment."

Now I was super confused, "What are you talking about?"

"I wronged you, I took advantage of your consent and I need to atone for that, if I ever want to be admitted to Eden prep."

It took a second for me to gt what he was saying, "You're gonna go to Ed en too?" He nodded. "With me?" Another nod. "We get to stay together?"

Huge smile and nod.

"And all you have to do is serve me for the night?"

He looked down and in a soft voice said, "Yes sir."

I felt my heart explode with happiness as my cock began to get hard.

"Well what are you waiting for kid?" I growled, "Get on the bed."

He smiled and climbed on the bed. I looked over in the corner, "Hey Red,"

Jokob turned and looked at me.

"Get your jock pussy over here, Archie King will see you now."

His face lit up and jogged over to the bed.

I looked and saw the two fucking studs laying on the bed, waiting for me to breed them and had to marvel at it.

Sometimes it paid to be the Top Dawg.

Author's Note: Eden Academy will continue in the story Eden Academy in incest right now. Archie, Gray and Jakob will return there.

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