Top Dawg

By Corpusdawg88

Published on May 24, 2021


When I woke up it was morning and I was alone on my bed.

I could hear the shower running and it took a second for last night to come back to me.

"Oh shit," I said to myself as I realized Cooper had owned me last night. I had to take a piss but I didn't want to walk into the bathroom, I just knew it would set him off. I got up and tossed on a pair of sweats, my cock straining at the material because of my piss hardon. I was jumping around trying to keep it in but I knew it was no use. Either I go in there or piss myself it here.

I ran in and threw the toilet seat up, I pushed my cock down and started to let it flow, a sigh of relief escaping from my mouth.

Once I had finished I turned around and saw him looking at me from the shower. Water was just cascading down his body and it was pretty obvious he had been really working out lately. He was nearly as toned as I was, a fact I am sure wasn't lost on him.

I didn't know what to say so went out to the room and waited.

A couple of minutes later he came out, towel wrapped around his trim waist.

"So what the fuck happened?" He asked me, "One second you were cumming the next you were knocked the fuck out."

"Um, it's my condition, it really knocks me out after I cum."

"Condition?" He asked

Fuck, he didn't know about it.

I explained it to him, as clinically as possible, but he was smart enough to read between the lines.

"So you have a pussy?"he asked when I was done, "A hungry jock pussy."

I just looked down.

He walked over and lifted chin until we made eye contact, "It's ok baby, that pussy is never going to be empty again."

To accent his words he dropped his towel.

I licked my lips before I could stop myself.

"Holy shit, fuck me!" He marveled, "Archie King is really a cock whore."

He looked like he was about to make me suck him off so I stopped him, "If I cum I'm gonna be shit for this afternoon."

He gave me a wicked grin, "Who the fuck said anything about you cumming?"

He pressed his cockhead into my mouth and I closed my eyes and started to service him. His hands pulled at my hair as he shoved his rod deep down my throat.

"Oh fuck yeah," he growled, "This is how it's gonna be. Archie King as my personal fucking cocksucker. I am going to feed you so many loads your hair is gonna turn white." I was holding on for dear life as his cock lunged at me, forcing more and more of his cock into my mouth. "We are going to have so much fun..." he promised as he pushed my head back, nearly standing over me as he slammed his cock downwards. I could feel him hit the back of my throat and I started to gag, but there was no way to push him off me. He had me pinned, he was the one in charge...he was the Top Dawg.

As the tears streamed down my cheeks I could feel my cock hard as a rock in my sweats. Bad enough Cooper was gong to make me his fucking slave, but I was getting off on it? I reached up and held on to his ass, trying my best to maneuver his cock so I could breath and get him off at the same time.

"Fucking dog," he roared, "Eat my piece of shit loser. I can't believe we looked up to you, fucking thought you were a stud and look at you now!"

He pulled his cock out and I took a lungful of air in as my head swam. He grabbed my head and dragged me along the carpet into the bathroom. He pulled me up and leaned me over the sink, my face right next to the mirror.

"Watch yourself as I fuck you," he ordered, squirting some lotion into my hole before slamming his cock into me.

It fucking hurt! He was too big to just be throwing his cock into holes, I relaxed the best I could but my hole radiated pain as he kept pushing into me.

"Listen to you whine," he said, not stopping, "You act like you don't want this shit, when we both know you do."

I shook my head as I tried not to scream, Jesus Christ he was too big for this, I needed time to adjust.

I felt him bottom out and hold his pubes against my ass, "Look at yourself," he said, turning my head to face the mirror, "Look at the fucking whore you've become."

He slowly pulled his cock out and I tried not to react, I could feel his cockhead slide down the my tight hole, in my mind I was counting down, trying to prepare myself for...

"Oh fuck..." I barked as he rubbed my spot.

"Don't close your eyes!" He snapped as he thrust all the way back in.

My eyes flew open as I felt him smash my prostate, making a small whimper sound fall out of my mouth.

"Look at you," he insisted as he slowly drew his cock back, searching for that spot. As he hit it I gasped and he paused, holding his cock above my spot.

"Beg me," he ordered, "Beg me to fuck you."

I shook my head, no, I wasn't going to give in. Last night was a one time thing, I had to remind him who was in...

He slammed in and I lost control of myself.

"Oh fuck me..." I blurted out, and then slammed my mouth shut.

He just gave a chuckle and drew his cock back again, like he was drawing an arrow. When he hit my spot he wiggled it back and forth over it, causing flashes of light to explode in my eyes, my will was fading fast.

"You like this Archie? You like my cock?"

I was biting my bottom lip, I was afraid I was going to draw blood I was forcing it so hard, he slammed into me again, pulled back and slammed even harder. As he positioned in me he asked, "You like my cock?"

All I could do was moan uh huh, I wouldn't let my mouth open to form words. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction. No, not like this, not to him...

He pulled nearly all the way out and thrust into my so hard I went to my tiptoes.

"Oh fuck yeah," my traitorous mouth proclaimed and I knew I was sank.

"Come on baby, how does daddy's cock feel?"

He was just burning across my spot now, his whole shaft a blur as he fucked me hard.

"Oh fuck me daddy...please....oh shit...please..."

"You a good girl?" He teased.

"I'll be a good girl, please...please daddy fuck your girl..." I begged, hating myself with each word.

"Look at yourself," he commanded again, and I looked up and saw it.

The raw, naked, fucking hunger on my face as I begged him for more.

"Please, please daddy," I asked him through the mirror, locking eyes with him , "More...please more..."

He laughed and began to just rabbit fuck me as hard as he could. He had one leg up on the counter, giving him unfettered access to my little, jock hole as I cried out, begging him for more, faster and harder. My own cock was leaking all over the sink and I watched myself just unravel as that cock pushed me further and further down into my own hell.

"You belong to me now," he said as he grabbed my hips and pulled me back into his thrusts, "You are my cunt now. You got that Arch? You are mine!"

I just nodded, "All yours...please Coop...please..."

"You gonna backtalk me?"

"No sir...please...oh fuck..." I whined.

"You know what happens if you challenge me?"

I didn't.









And he came. I felt his cock swell and then flood my fucking pussy with jock cum. I felt my own cock twitch and knew I was close, I thrust back, trying to get myself off when he used me forward and slid his cock out of me.

"No!" I cried out as he kept cumming all over my back, "Please..." I begged as I tried to push back onto his dick, but he wouldn't let me. He finished cumming and then stepped back as I turned around and looked at him with wild eyes.

"No cumming for you," he said wagging a finger in my face, "You have a match today."

He got close to me and whispered in my ear, "You win, and daddy will bring you a surprise."

My cock just throbbed, as my spot started to calm down. I was going to have a wicked case of blue balls, but I felt the hunger start to fade.

"You got it?" He asked.

I nodded, not trusting myself to talk.

"Clean up whore, you got cum all over you," he said walking out and closing the door.

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time, the image of me begging was still there, looking at me like the ghost of Christmas yet to come.

When I got out of the shower the guys were all there waiting for me. Wyatt and Tony gave me wolf whistles as I slipped on my jock.

"How much for a lap dance baby?" Tony asked, slapping my ass.

"More than you can afford," I said as I grabbed my jeans.

"I got a buck, you got change," he said.

"Guys," Cooper said standing up, "Let's be real here, we're all friends. I'm sure Archie will give us a friend discount right?"

He was staring at me intently, the guys thought he was joking but he was daring me to argue. Instead I just nodded, "Anything you say Coop."

They looked at each other in shock as I let Cooper win. I pulled on a shirt and looked looked at Cooper.

"You guys ready to eat?" Cooper asked.

Wyatt looked at me in confusion, since it was me who generally said what we were going to do. Instead I just nodded and waited for Copper to walk out the door first, and then I followed behind him.

They were silent the whole way down, they could tell something had changed overnight.

We ate and headed over to the arena. I had been pretty quiet all through breakfast, Cooper hadn't stopped going on and I wasn't going to try to get a word in. Wyatt and Tony knew something was up but they didn't have the guts to say anything. So they just went along with it and Cooper drove the conversation.

We got to the locker room and began unpacking our gear, I sipped on my singlet and tried to get my head in the game. About thirty minutes before the match Cooper came over and sat down next to me,

"You ok?"

I nodded.

"Look man, go out there and fucking destroy these guys. You're the best on the mat and they know it."

I looked at him confused, where was all this coming from?

"What?" He chuckled, He leaned in until he was whispering, "I'm proud of my bitch, go out there and earn the fuck I'm gonna give you tonight."

I hated the fact my cock twitched.

The coach came in and started talking, and my thoughts went back to wrestling.

My first match was against Bull Thomas, a Cuban guy from San Jose.

He was massive, his singlet bulged like he had been poured in it. He was the same weight as me but where my mass was all lean muscle his was pure fucking beef. His thighs were massive and his biceps looked like they were coconuts. But all of that was nothing compared to the fucking log that was shoved down his left leg. It wasn't like singlets hid anything to begin with, but a fucking trenchcoat wouldn't have concealed that thing.

We got to the mat and I looked up at him. He just smiled, "You don't look so tough."

I gave him a smile, "You should be really happy, just getting here is an accomplishment. Too bad you'll be going home today."

He scowled and the ref started out match.

He was strong, no doubting that at all. But the problem was the bigger they were the slower they moved, and he found out quickly that strength only counted if he could catch me. Which he couldn't. He tired himself out trying to keep me down which made it pretty easy to pin him on the back. As I held him down I could hear him huffing and puffing, cursing me in Spanish as the ref counted him out.

I got up and held my hand out to him.

He batted it aside and stomped off the mat, some people just can't stand losing.

My second match was with a kid named Lucas. He was six foot, blond hair, Boy Scout smile, he was from Berkeley and from what I had seen he was hard to beat. I had more muscle mass but he had literally more body than I did. His singlet was stretched over his compact frame, showing me every single muscle definition he possessed. Tall and lanky he might have been, but weak? Not a chance.

When we got to the mat he nodded, "Good luck man."

I gave him a grin, "Luck ain't gonna be what beats you."

His smile faded as the match started.

He was good, I could see how he had gotten this far. He had moves, strength, endurance, nearly everything he needed to be good. What he was missing was everything he needed to be great. In the next three and half minutes, I showed him that difference up close and personal. By the time I had him pinned he was squirming underneath me as the ref counted him down.

As soon as he was out Lucas thrashed against me, "Get off me."

I stood up and the congenial, boy next door smile was gone, replaced with a bitter scowl of someone who had just been schooled.

"No hard feelings," I said, holding my hand out.

He batted it away, as I knew he would. I loved making guys like that lose their shit after a loss.

My last match of the day was with a. Guy named Jakob, who made giants look small. He was easily 6'6", pale, red hair and a body that...well he had a fucking hell of a body. He had to have had hollow bones if he was in the same weight class as I was. My eyes bugged out when I saw him and he just grinned.

"Take it all in shorty, he bragged, "This is the body that's gonna beat you."

I cocked my head and smiled "Sorry dude, I don't swing that way."

His smile morphed into a frown instantly and I knew I had gotten him.

"I mean I know," I said gesturing to my body, "It's hot, but control yourself ok?"

He just scowled as the match started.

Fuck he was strong, there was no doubting that this guy was a fucking beast, but as we fought one thing became pretty apparent. He thought being stupid strong was enough to win matches. I'm sure 99% of the time he was right, with this kind of muscle he could easily dominate a lot of guys in our weight class.

Problem being, I was the one percent.

Strength only works when the gives you the opportunity to use it. I was faster and smarter than him, he lunged at me a few times, trying to crush me but I was not falling for that shit. I knew if he got a solid grip on me I was done for. Instead I let him play this out until I could see him hesitate for a moment. The match was lasting too long, he usually won by this point. And in that instant, that moment of hesitation...

I had beaten him.

I took him at the knees and resisted the urge to scream timber as he fell back onto the mat. I could hear the crowd go wild as he hit the ground with a deafening thud. Now his height was his problem because his head had fallen a full foot father than most people and he was dazed. By the time he had his senses back his limbs were pinned and the ref was already on the eight count.

He struggled once and then it was over.

I'd won.

I jumped up screaming, I'd done it! I just cleared the first day of state finals undefeated! The team came out to embrace me as the crowd came to their feet, all of them cheering me on. I saw Jakob stand slowly, shooting me daggers the whole time.

I ignored him, I had won and that was all that counted.

We ended up going for pizza to celebrate. The team was all riled up and we felt like we could take on the world. Everything with Cooper had fled my mind as person after person came up to me and told me how fucking badass I was. Gray had done well to in his weight class, all of the workouts and training I had given him under duress had paid off. He was over at another table with the underclass men, being told how badass he was as well.

Tony and Wyatt would not leave my side, if there was fame and popularity to be had they were going to catch the falling scraps of it if they could. Cooper though, he had congratulated me and then bounced early, I wasn't sure where he was but he wasn't here with us.

When the night ended we got back to our rooms, wound up and tired at the same time. The guys headed to their room while I walked into mine, Cooper was on his bed watching Sportsnight.

"Hey," I said closing the door, "You didn't want pizza?"

He shook his head, "Nah, had other things to take care of."

"Cool, " I said, grabbing some shorts, "Gonna hit the shower."

He nodded, "Have fun."

I went into the bathroom and finished off. My winning high was being whittled down for every second I wondered what Cooper was going to do next. He didn't seem upset, but he didn't seem happy either. I was in a state of quiet terror as I dried off and headed back to the room.

The TV was off and he was still lying on his bed smiling.

"Come here," he said, patting the space next to him.

I sat down and he sat up near moved between my legs, "Any idea how hot your were today?"

I smiled as his hand moved up my leg.

"I swear man, watching you out there wrestle, it actually makes me forget how much a slut you are," his hand moved into my short's leg and under my ass, "You look like such an alpha stud..." his finger nudged my hole, "But we both know the truth right?"

Our eyes were locked and I just nodded.

He removed his hand and headed to the bathroom, "Lose the shorts."

I pulled them off, hating that I was already half hard in anticipation. He came back with a bottle of lotion and sat between my legs again.

"Spread em," he ordered, and I moved my legs to give him full access to my ass. He squirted some lotion on his fingers and I clenched my jaw as his index finger entered me. "Fuck your ass is so hot," he said as he nudged his digit further up my ass. It wasn't hurting as much as it just felt weird as shit. I was used to things in my ass but not moving this slow and deliberate.

He moved his finger around some and then slid it out, more lotion and then two fingers. He leaned forward and he speared my ass with force, it was starting to sting but he was also getting closer to my spot.

"How far?" He asked.

"Um...another inch...and up," I said, swallowing hard.

I felt his fingers move and I shook my head, "Other way."

He changed course and within seconds I could feel his fingertips brush my spot.

"Fuckkkk...." I moaned as he tickled my brain.

"That it?" He asked and I nodded.

He crooked his fingers upwards and pressed into it and I gasped as my ass tightened around his fingers. My cock began to stiffen as I felt the familiar tingle of endorphins start to flood my mind.

"Oh that is it isn't," he asked as he used further, siding across the first part of it. I could hear the whine come from my mouth as I nodded, bring my bottom lip from spouting more embarrassing bullshit. My hips were pushing back against his hand as he fingered me slowly.

"Oh yeah my girl likes that," he growled with an evil grin, "You like your pussy being played with? Huh slut?'"

I nodded again as my cock leaked precum everywhere.

"Tell me," he insisted, "Tell me how much you like it."

"Oh fuck yeah..." my mouth vomited, "Right there...oh fuck right there..."

I sounded like such a bitch so weak, so needy...fuck I hated this and loved it at the same time.

"You want more?" He asked and I nodded again.

"Beg me," he demanded.

"Please...oh fuck yeah please more..." I pleaded with him, his fingers were just pressing down on my spot, causing my body to jerk in ecstasy with each push.

"You a good girl?"

"Oh I am...please..I'll be a good girl...keep fingering me...harder..."

"Fingering your what?"

"My pussy," I blurted out, "Finger my jock pussy more..please daddy..."

He did just that, shoving his fingers down on my spot, my head began to fog as he really fucking attacked it. My head was thrown back, drool rolled down my face as he savagely pinned my spot over and over again, within minutes I was in a fuckfog, completely out of it, begging for more and more.

"You want more?" He asked and I just nodded vaguely, unable to form words anymore. I hadn't been this fucked up in a long time, the lube had made me forget how far my mind spaced out when I was in this state. All I could do was whine and push back, nearly crying for him to get me off.

"Convinced?" I heard him ask, the words meant nothing in my state.

"Fuck me," a voice said, "For fucking real?"

I opened my eyes and my vision was blurry for a moment as I struggled to focus for a moment, but his fucking fingers were just dancing over my spot to fast...finally I could see three blurs and thought he had brought Tony and Wyatt in to fuck me. Part of me screamed at losing the last piece of power I had over these guys, but the rest of me wanted cock so bad...I wanted them to fuck me. Hard.

And then my chemically addled mind caught up.

Three people?

That got my attention nod I really looked...and my fucking stomach plummeted.

It was the three guys I had beat today. Bull, Lucas and Jakob were standing at the foot the bed, watching me get fingered by my teammate, begging for him for more. I could feel my face grow red in shame but Cooper hit my spot fucking hard and I gaped and moaned, my mind sliding sideways, forgetting everything but fucking pleasure for a moment.

"Who's first?"

Bull stepped forward and pulled his shirt off, "I am going to fuck that cunt up," he said undoing his belt. Cooper slipped his fingers out of my ass and I fuming hated my mouth let out a disappointed whine as my body begged to get off.

Bull shucked his jeans and his boxers and began to fist a fucking beer can thick, uncut cock that looked like it was an attack dog. Even though my spot wasn't being stimulated, my brain was still out of it and I could feel my tongue lick my lips as I stared at that thing. Everyone in the room laughed at my weakness.

"Oh yeah he does want this doesn't he?" He asked crawling on the bed, "Thought you were tough shit out on the mat huh? He asked, grabbing my legs and spreading them wide, "All cocky and shit," I felt his head press against my hole, it felt like a tiny fist, "You should have just told me you were a fag," he moved forward, "I would have taken care of you."

My hole screamed as his fucking cock forced it's way into me. I moaned in pain as he just kept moving forward, using his weight to press that cock all the way down my tiny, hole, no matter how much it resisted. I tried to push him off me but I was too fucked up, I had no strength as I pushed against his huge chest weakly.

"What's wrong puto? Too much cock for you?"

"Arrgghhh...."I called out as he shoved inch after inch of fucking thick ass dick into me. It felt like hours until his bottomed out and pressed against my ass.

"Feel that?" He asked, leaning over me looking me dead in the eyes, "You fucking feel me cunt?"

I closed my eyes and tried to look away but he grabbed my chin and moved my face back to him, "Look at me faggot."

I opened my eyes and he smiled, and then slowly pulled that fucking bat out of me. There was no way I could like this, this things was too fucking big. It didn't matter how much it hit my spot, I couldn't...

"Oh fuck!!" I called out as he literally slammed into my spot, "FUCK!"

I could hear him chuckle, "Oh yeah, you want this meat don't you?"

He pushed back in and I felt my legs wrap around his waist, pulling my ass deeper onto his cock. My back was arched off the bed as I felt my brain just go fuzzy with pleasure. His huge hands gripped my lower back and pulled me up until I was sitting on his cock.

We were face to face, my hands on his shoulders as that fucking staff of meat just throbbed in my ass, "Ride me bitch."

I pulled myself off his cock and let out a low moan as his thickness just obliterated my spot, causing chills to move up my spine as I shoved myself back down onto it. I could hear Bull grunt as my tight ass milked his fucking dick within an inch of it's life. He held on to my waist and shoved me down onto him each time I pulled myself up.

"Oh you love this cock don't you?" He asked as I fucked myself like a madman on his fucking baseball bat of a dick.

I nodded as I concentrated on hitting my spot perfectly with that fucking grapefruit sized of cockhead of his.

"Tell him," Cooper demanded, "Tell him how it feels."

Normally I would have resisted, in any other case I could have at least tried to not embarrass the shit out of myself, but I was too far gone already and my mouth had no ego to protect.

"Oh fuck this cock I love it...fucking shit...oh right there...please...oooohhhh....." I cried out as I just threw my head back and fucking went to town on him.

He was shocked, there was no doubt about it. With a fucking beast like this between his legs there was no way he had girls lining up to get their fucking pussies destroyed in one night. But I didn't care, all I knew was fucking pleasure and like a greedy whore I wanted more, and I wanted all of it.

He was cussing in Spanish as I slammed myself down on him effortlessly, my ass had adjusted to his girth and the only thing slowing me down now was literally the laws of thermodynamics. We were both sweating and I could hear him let out a small whine as his hands gripped my hips.

"Fuck...gonna shoot in you..." he said, his voice sounding unsteady.

I nodded, "Breed me...fucking shoot that load..." I begged.

"FUCKING SLUT!" He roared as he shoved me down onto this exploding cock and painted my guts with his jock cum. I could fee his cock pulse in my ass, just emptying gallons of man juice into me, making me all the more horny.

"Ok get out of him," Cooper warned as I tried to keep fucking myself on his cock. I was close...I wanted to cum...that cock..I wanted that cock...

He pushed me down and slid his cock out of me.

"Please! No!! Please fuck me...I'll be good...please...make me cum..." I begged him shamelessly.

Bull got off the bed in a daze as they all looked at me, writhing on the bed, begging for cock.

Part of my mind noticed Cooper filming all this with his phone, but the hunger in my pussy was too much and I just didn't care who saw right now.

The remaining two wrestles looked at each other and Jakob let Lucas go next. The blond practically jumped onto the bed and placed my ankles on his shoulders. His cock slipped in with no resistance and I let out a throaty moan as he began to fuck me. God he looked so innocent, with that honey blond hair, deep blue eyes, he looked like a paperboy or a lifeguard. But as he fucked me raw it was pretty obvious that Lucas was not an angel.

"Come on slut, tighten that pussy up," he ordered as he pumped into me.

I did as he told, my ass was wide because of Bull's monster dick, and though Lucas wasn't small, he was in no way Bull. He wasn't hitting me with the same force and I felt my excitement dial back some as I let him fuck me like the cum whore I was.

"What the fuck man," he complained, "You fucking broke him Bull!"

"Here," Cooper said, handing this phone to Jakob, "Don't miss a thing."

He crawled up onto the bed and sat at the headboard, "Pull out." He said.

Lucas slipped his cock out and I laid there, dazed for a moment.

"Come on baby," Cooper said with a smile, "Come ride daddy."

I saw his cock and like a fucking animal I got up and straddled his hips, guiding his tool into my cum soaked ass. I pushed down and we both groaned, Cooper was bigger than Lucas, but my ass was still fucking loose after that Cuban monster.

"Come on," he said talking past me, "Get in."

Lucas moved behind me and there was a flash of panic as I realized I was going to get double penetrated again, but instead of fighting it or trying to stop, I felt my ass relax as I pushed back onto the second cock entering me, I was that fucking greedy for cock.

"Unnnn....." I cried out as the two cock stretched my hole again. The two of them together was about the same as Bull, and not they were crushing my spot again, as a new round of chemicals flooded my brain.

"Come on baby, ride our cocks..."

I pushed back as both cocks speared my hole, fuck this was it. I was so full...I felt like I was going to explode there was so much cock in me.

"Baby likes that?" He asked.

"Oh daddy..." I whined as I rode them both shamelessly, "So full...ohhh....:"

"Fuck he's a full on whore," Lucas said from behind me.

"You my whore?" Cooper asked me and I just nodded and smiled.

"Daddy's whore...oh yeah fuck good...ohhh!" I cried out as Lucas moved a little and both heads hit my spot at the same time.

"Who's my jock slut?"

"Me...oh me....oh fuck....harder..." I pleaded, slamming back down with as much force as I could muster.

"Fuck man," Lucas called out, "He's fucking tight..."

Cooper nodded, "I know...shit..."

Lucas nodded, "I'm close too!!"

I sped up, desperate to cum before they did, knowing if I didn't they'd leave me wanting like last time and I needed to badly....

"SHIT!" I heard Cooper cry out as he came, Lucas whimpered behind me as the spurting cock stretched my hole even tighter, sending him over the edge as well.

Both jocks pumped their seed into me, their cocks pulsed, stretching me even further...getting me close...

Lucas slipped out and I tried to back up to keep him in me. Cooper stood up and tossed me on the bed, my sanity slipping away by the second.

"PLEASE DADDY! LET ME CUM...I'LL BE A GOOD GIRL!" I cried, literal tears.

Cooper shook his head and took the hone from Jakob, "You're up."

The massive redhead hadn't taken one stitch of clothing off the entire time. He had been just standing there, watching me get plowed silently. As he looked down at me, begging for cock he slowly lifted his shirt off his frame. He was fucking was amazing to watch his muscles move beneath his pale skin. He undid his pants and just grinned.

"Take it in shorty," he said dropping his pants in one go, "This is the cock that's gonna own you."

I looked down and I stopped breathing for a moment.

Hanging out of a patch of rust colored pubes, was a six inch cock, fully soft.

It was insane. It looked bigger than Gray's, it looked easily as big as Gray's dad. He walked over to the my side of the bed, my eyes never looking away from that incredible cock.

"You want this?" He asked, holding it in his hand.

I nodded.

"Tell me how much."

"Please...please fuck me..." I heard myself cry, "Fill me with you cock...please rape my ass..."

His cock was getting hard as I talked, hearing me debase myself was turning him on.

"Who's a fucking cunt?" He asked, his head getting closer to my mouth.

"I am, I'm a jock cunt..."

"You want me to fuck you?"

I nodded as it got closer and closer.

"Tell me you're a worthless whore," his cock was inches from my mouth.

"I'm a whore, I'm a fucking faggot whore...please use me Jakob, please...destroy my jock cunt with your cock!" A bead of precum formed at the tip and I crawled on my hands and knees to get closer to it, "Please..please show me you're better than me."

There is silence for a moment and then he lowered his cock head down, the tip touching my lips softly.

"Suck my cock," he orders and I take as much of it into my mouth as I can.

I feel my jaw click as I try to force as much as I can in one shot. It's so fucking big, I can feel myself getting lightheaded just servicing it. My brain is trying to imagine what this is going to feel like in my ass and I feel my cock start to leak.

I choke almost instantly when he grabs the back of my head and shoves me down on it. My eyes water and I feel myself gag as he doesn't let me up off that fucking yardstick. I slap at his hips as I try to draw breath and can't, he is ramming the back of my throat and I can see spots form in front of my eyes for a moment.

He lets my head go and I fall back onto the bed, gasping for air.

"Say thank you," he asks in a deep voice.

Once I catch my breath I let out a ragged, "Thank you daddy."

"Get on all fours," he commands.

I climb up into my hands and knees, my face is buried in the hotel pillow. I feel the bed move as he climbs in, his huge hands grasp my ass cheeks and pulls them aside.

"Tomorrow, when you're out on the mat, and you think you're a stud, your ass is going to ache, and you're gonna remember..."

I felt him press up against my hole.

"You're gonna remember the time you got fucked by a real cock."

He pushed in, and even after Bull, even after being dp'ed, I felt pain as he breached my hole and forced his way into me.

"Aaarrghhhh!" I screamed as I felt my ass get torn apart. Holy fuck...even with all that cum...all that abuse...fuck he was too big!! Fuckfuckfuck!!

"Shut up," he orders as he slaps my ass, "Fucking take it like a man."

I bit him bottom lip as inch after inch stretched my already abused hole, making me whimper from the pain as quiet as I could.

It felt like a baseball bat was being shoved into me, which wasn't entirely true. A baseball bat might have been smaller. I screamed into the pillow as he simply leaned forward, skewering me on ten inches of fucking ginger cock.

When his pubes ground up against my ass I felt him finally stop, as my ass just fluttered around the wrist sized cock.

"Feel that?" His deep voice asked, "That's a real man in you. That's what a real cock feels like. You may be a fucking slut, but you're never going to forget this."

He put his hands on my ass and pulled back, I screamed again as the entire fucking thing moved backwards, tearing me up from a whole other direction. He paused after about four inches and slowly moved back in, obviously just getting a feel for the land before he started to actually fuck.

"They all cry at first," he said drawing back, "But they end up begging when I'm done."

I was pounding the bed I was in so much pain, when he just shot forward, slamming all ten inches back into me at once.

I felt myself pass out for a second it was so much, I wasn't aware of anything until I realized my arms had given out, I was just lying ass up on the bed, waiting to get railed.

But my body had shifted, I was no longer propped up on all fours. So when he pulled out this time he was actually dragging his cock along the wall of my ass, right across my..

"Oh shit!" I screamed, my head coming off the pillow.

In response he slammed his hips forward and I was pushed down into the bed, my head exploding with fucking pleasure.

Just like that I was fuckdrunk again, my ass pushing back automatically as he began to slowly fuck me. The pain was overwhelmed by the warm joy my spot was radiating. As he slid his cock in and out of me I felt my strength returning, and I lifted my myself up onto my arms again.

"Arch that back bitch," he ordered as I pushed back on all fours now, relishing the feeling of that cock rubbing my entire ass at once. It took me a second to hear my own whimpering as I bottomed out in his tool, my body was making noises all on its own it wanted to be fucked so badly.

"You want more?"

"Please..." my needy voice begged.

I felt his hands grip my shoulders as he pulled me back into him, his cock punched my spot hard and I heard myself whine like a hungry puppy in response. I felt my entire body jerk as he pulled out and hit me again. I was pushing back onto his cock as hard as I could, I needed this cock so bad...

"Archie,' cooper said from the side, "Smile!"

He shoved the camera in my face and all I could do was give a goofy grin as I pushed back on all fours, killing myself on his fucking gorilla dick.

"How much you love it?"

"So bad," I panted, "So fucking big..."

"Where's he fucking you?"

"My pussy..." I whined, "My jock pussy...."

He chuckled as he pulled back to get the whole scene.

That's when I realized he had stopped fucking me.

I looked back at him and he was just kneeling there, cock nine inches deep into me, "Work for it."

Without a second's thought I pushed back onto his cock and then moved forward. In the back of my mind I knew that Cooper was filming Archie King, nationally rated wrestler fucking himself on the gigantic cock of the guy he beat earlier today. He was capturing all 187 pounds of me crying like a fucking bitch because he couldn't get enough cock into his ass at the same time and I didn't care.

"Please...please..." I begged as I kept pushing back onto him, my jock cunt aching for more, "Please fuck me...please..."

He leaned forward and grabbed my entire neck with his hand. I felt like a fucking child with this guy, he pulled me up to my knees as I struggled to breath. I could feel his cock still lodged in my ass, it's entire mass driving me completely nuts.

"Who should have won today?" he asked, his breath warm on my ear.

"You sir," I croaked, "You...please..."

"Who's a real man?"

"Oh god you...please"

"And who is a fucking jock faggot who lives to be used?"

"I am...please daddy....fuck me..." I said. Feeling myself get dizzy from the lack of air again.

"Anyone ever asks you who is better?"

"You..."I said faintly, "You are..."

He let go of my neck and I fell head first into the bed, and that was when he started to really fuck me. The sensations my ass was sending me was amplified by the lack of oxygen and I was in a state of complete bliss. All I could do was whimper as he fucked me within an inch of my life, my ass was his to own, a hole to satisfy him as long as he wanted. My cock bobbed under me, hard as a rock and leaking precum everywhere as I spread my legs and let him plant his seed wherever he wanted.

My mind was just a fog, all I knew he was the better man, the better specimen, his cock owned me and I loved every second of it. This fog would pass and the chemicals would fade, but I would never doubt that all this time I had been just faking it. I was a cunt, a fucking hole to be used, I wasn't a man, never a jock, I was a fucking piece of meat for better men to use. My eyes were rolled back in my head as he just slammed me further down into the bed.

"You will never forget this cock!" he raged as he kept slamming my ass, "You'll wake up in the middle of the night crying for this cock...tell me who owns that pussy? Whose cunt is this?"

"YOURS!" I screamed as I felt myself get close, "I'M YOUR CUNT, I AM..."

"Gonna fucking impregnate you, gonna fucking knock your pussy up..."

"Yours...yours..."I kept repeating as I felt him pound faster and faster.

"I'm fucking cumming..." he roared and I felt his cock get even bigger!

I sprayed the sheet under me as I came like my first time. A cry escaped my lips as I felt my ass clam down on his monster cock, milking every drop of jock cum out of him I could. He was pushing harder and harder, shoving his cock as deep into me as he could. I could practically taste him on my tongue.

"Fucking OWN you" he raged as he dropped the last of his load into me.

My whole body just shook as I kept cumming and cumming, never feeling this fucking full in my life.

There was the sound of laughter as I passed out, last thing I heard was someone saying, "Seconds?"

Next: Chapter 19

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