Top Dawg

By Corpusdawg88

Published on May 7, 2021


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These stories are fiction, any similarities in names and locations are purely coincidental. They involve intimate interactions between above the age of 18.

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I woke up in my back seat.

Gray's dad was stroking my hair as I laid on his lap. I looked up, my head feeling a little foggy.

"Hey," he said looking down smiling, "How you feeling?"

I slowly sat up, my head ached a little from my fuck hangover, but not as bad as normal. I grabbed one of the bottled waters I leave in back and downed it in one go. "Good, what time is it?"

"Almost five, I felt bad about leaving you last time so I stayed."

"Thanks," I said looking around, no one but us were here, "We should go though, the cops check this area in the morning."

"You hungry?"

I nodded.

"Ok, meet me at the Denny's on Palm, your clothes are in the passenger's seat."

He got out as I started to change. I headed over to the Denny's he mentioned, he was already inside by the time I walked in. I sat down in the booth as the waitress asked me if I wanted some coffee.

"Um, Coke?"

She nodded and handed me a menu.

He put his down and stirred his coffee as I skimmed the food. When she came back we ordered, I waited until she was gone before looking at him, "So, this is different."

He gave me a small smile, "Are you mad at me for leaving you last week?"

"A little, I mean...things got weird."


I gave him a tame version of the cops and he looked shocked, "Archie I am so sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen."

"It's ok, it was just...weird."

"Because you liked it?"

I sipped my Coke, not trusting myself to answer.

"Yeah, I can see where that would be confusing. Did you want keep talking about what we were discussing last night?"

"Yeah, so this whole school is what? Gay?"

He shook his head, "You have to divorce yourself of that nonsense. Again, gay is a lifestyle, what I am talking about is sex between two men. It's different."


He got quiet for a moment, "It's hard to explain because you have your entire life of belief to overcome. I was taught differently. For me it's not a gay or straight thing, it's more of worthy thing. When I decide to fuck someone, it is not just for my pleasure but for theirs. There are people I just don't want to give pleasure to. In my mind they aren't worthy of my gift."

"And what makes them worthy or not?"

"To me? Physical perfection. God gifts only certain people with genetic gifts, the way I was raised, that's a sign."

"A sign of what?"

He just smiled, "You aren't here to discuss my faith, you have questions about your sexuality."

I nodded, "I'm just messed up about it."

"Because you like it but don't think you're gay?"

"I'm not gay," I said sternly.

"Ok, but you enjoy anal sex."

"That's my spot," I clarified, "It's a condition."

He cocked his head, "What kind of condition?"

I explained about my spot and how it affects me, he took it all in but before he could respond the waitress brought our food to us. We tabled the conversation as we ate, I was starving and these pancakes were fucking good. Once we had scarfed ourselves he got a refill of coffee and leaned back in the booth.

"Ok, so that makes a little sense, but let me ask you. When we had sex at my house, in my bed, it was different right?"

I nodded, "Completely, I have no idea why but it was intense."

He nodded, "And last night, the first time with just me, before the other guys, same thing?"

"Yeah," I said, realizing he knew something, "And it tingled."

He finished stirring his coffee, "Yeah that's the topical anesthetic."

I just stared at him, not understanding.

He saw my confusion, "The school I told you about, they found that a guy's first time could be traumatizing from the pain, so they came up with a lube that numbs the nerves in your ass."

"That didn't happen with Gray."

He took a sip and nodded, "Yeah we use the same brand, which comes from the school, but his is normal, mine is the special blend."

I sat there and thought about it for awhile. After awhile I asked, "So what does that have to do with anything?"

He leaned forward, "You've been blaming your condition for all of this, and that might have been true at first. But that day in my bed and last night, your ass was numbed by the gel, which would have numbed your spot as well, and you loved it. In fact I would say you liked it with the lube more than you did with your condition. So let me say it again, you are confused about your sexuality because you don't think of yourself as gay but love anal sex. Correct?"

It wasn't my spot? That was why it was more intense? My mind flashed back to riding him in his bed, and I could because the memory of it wasn't hazy from being fuckdrunk. That alone should have been a hint, I could recall every single moment of it.

And I remember loving every fucking second of it.

He must have saw it on my face because he smiled at me and said, "Let that sink in for a moment, don't run from it. You liked it. A lot."

My mind fought it, my thoughts rebelled against it, but the memory was so vivid, so strong...fuck just thinking about it had me hard again. I could deny it all day but the truth was in my hard cock, straining at my jeans.

"I'm not gay," I said to him after awhile, but there wasn't the vehemence I had earlier.

He shrugged, "Then don't be, but stop denying what you like. All it's doing is making you miserable."

I hated that he was right, I crunched the ice at the bottom of my glass, as I tried to find something to argue against.

"I need to get home Archie, I can tell you want to talk more about this, let's make another date Monday afternoon. I'll take some time off and you can come over and we can talk some more, ok?"

I was emotional as hell, I felt like crying but I didn't know why. All I could do was nod.

He reached over and patted my hand, "It's gonna be ok, trust me."

I nodded again and he left some money on the table and left.

I liked it without my spot?

I wandered around the house all Sunday, my thoughts a million miles away.

Everything I thought I knew about what was going on was shattered, when this started I had convinced myself this was all because of my condition. The kid had used it to entice me and form then on it had been just a series of dominos. At least that was what I had believed.

But I couldn't deny that the times when we had used the lube, it was a completely different experience. I hadn't just been more present, but I had really, really liked it. The memory was crystal clear instead of the muddy, dreamlike recollections I had when my spot took me over.

I sat down on my bed and felt like crying, was I gay? I didn't want to be like this...fuck.

Monday I went to school and then faked being sick and the nurse told me I could go home. This way I could still show up for practice after and not get in trouble for skipping school. I headed over to Gray's house, I saw his dad's car in the driveway. He opened the door as I walked up the path, "Hey you made it, come on in."

I went in, my feelings were all over the place. I sat down and he asked if I wanted a Coke.

"I'm good," I told him and he sat across from me.

"So, I assume you've been thinking on it?"

I nodded, "I just don't know anything any more."

"Ok, so let's go over the basics. You don't identify as gay..."

I shook my head quickly.

"But you obviously enjoy anal sex."

I slowly nodded.

"Ok so how does that make you feel?"

I looked at him like he was crazy, "I feel like shit!"


Was he just stupid?

"Because I'm not gay! I don't want to get fucked!"

"But you do, what you don't like is the implications."

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is having anal sex doesn't make you gay. But to the general public, it does."

"How does it not make you gay?" I was getting emotional, "It's taking dick up your ass?"

He sighed, "Because you're looking at the modern definition of homosexuality. There was a time when it was seen in a completely different way."

"Different how?"

He got up and sat next to me, "There was a time when men my age, would take a younger man under their tutelage, and teach them the ways of life."

"Like a job?"

He leaned in close, "Yes, as well as other things."

His lips moved next to mine and I felt myself kissing him back.

"They were taught how to be men, how to be hold themselves in public, everything..." he kissed me again, "Even how to have sex."

I was kissing him back automatically, again just his presence did something to me, flicked a switch inside of me...I couldn't resist it.

He nibbled on my neck, "It wasn't looked at as homosexuality. Most of the boys grew to men, started a family, and took a young man under their wing as well. It wasn't deviant behavior, it was just something men did."

I raised my chin, giving him access to my throat, letting him do whatever he wanted.

"You have to get this gay, straight garbage out of your head. You enjoy something...let yourself enjoy it."

He pulled my jacket off of me and I felt myself wanting this more and more. He laid me back on the couch and we started to make out. All the worries I had walked in here were fading under my lust of him on top of me. What was it about this man that drove me nuts? I could feel his cock press against my leg and I knew a this moment, I didn't give a fuck about being seen gay.

He took a second to admire my body, "My god boy," he said, rubbing his hands over my pecs, "You should really look into Eden for college, you'd be perfect."

I so didn't care about college right now.

He kissed for another few minutes and then he look me in the eyes, "You want me to fuck you?"

"Yes sir," I answered instantly.

He sat up and just sat there, "Then make a choice."

I looked at him confused.

"I'll fuck you right here, normally. Or we go to my room, and use the lube again, and I fuck you not your spot."

A million thoughts ran around my head, so many voices screaming at me to do it and to run. I could feel so much riding on this choice, we both knew it, this wasn't just about right now. He was asking me to make a choice about me.

There were a thousands reasons not to, to just let my spot take me and get it over with. But I thought about how it felt...and I realized it's not much a choice at all.

"I'd like the lube sir."

He smiled and held his hand out, "Come on."

I take it, and follow him down the hall.

He stopped once we were inside and faced me, "Undress me."

I reached for the buttons on his shirt and started to undo them, slowly his chest was revealed, and once again I was struck by how in shape he is. The only thing preventing him from having the same body as me was time. And even then, he was a stud. From what I saw what he looked like when he was my age, he would have definitely been the Top Dawg at our school hands down.

I pulled the shirt off of him and undid his belt, I could see his bulge sliding down the leg of his slacks. God if Gray got as big as his dad when he got older...

I felt my cock twitch again.

I opened his slacks and lowered them, his briefs were straining to keep that monster in check. He stepped out of his pants and I placed them aside. I slipped off his socks and then looked up at him, hungrily.

"Ask me," he said, sternly, but not cruelly.

"Sir, may I please see it?"

He nodded and I reached up and slowly peeled his briefs down, holding my breath until his dick slipped past the waistband and it swung upwards, slapping his stomach with a sound that made my entire body hum. I wanted it, bad, but instead I looked up at him again and waited.

"Good boy," he said with a warm smile, "Do you wish to worship it?"

"Yes sir," I answered honestly.

"You may begin," he said and I instantly started.

With my hands by my side I leaned in and licked up the length of it, I could feel the thick vein of it on my tongue and I felt my cock start to throb. I covered the huge head with my mouth and just the way it made my jaw ached turned me on. His hand ran through my hair as I sucked him, it wasn't demanding, it was more like he was encouraging me on a job well done.

The desire to please him was insane, I couldn't describe it, but I wanted, no needed to make him happy. It was turning me on to turn him on, creating a feedback loop of lust that was driving me insane. What started as licking had evolved to slathering which had progressed to me just foaming at the mouth to get as much of that cock into my mouth as I could. I was gagging, my eyes were watering, but I kept trying until I felt him hit the back of my throat, and even then there was more than half of it still untouched.

I had to back off to get my breath back, but I was already missing that dick.

"Good effort, but you didn't come here to give me a blow job."

I looked up at him and he was holding his hand out, "Are you ready to be used?"

I nodded as I stood up, he tugged at the bottom of my t shirt and peeled it off of me. He undid the first button of my jeans and I leaned in and kissed him. He pulled apart my button fly and pulled back from the kiss.

"Is that for me?" he asked, looking down at my crotch.

I was wearing a white jock, the cotton pouch barely containing my hard cock. I nodded, feeling my face grow red a little.

He took a step back, "Show me."

I kicked my sneakers off and stepped out of my jeans. I stood there and flexed, I tightened my abs so my full eight pack was shown, I flexed my thighs, the result of hours and hours in the gym were evident in every line of my muscle. I raised my arms over my head, pushing my lats out as I showed off for my daddy, my cock throbbing in my jock.

"My god Archie..." he said, his hand slowing stroking his cock, it was amazing to see his huge hands barely covered a third of that monster. I could see a drop of precum forming on the tip and my mouth actually watered as I watched.

"I am going to fuck the shit out of you," he declared locking his eyes with mine, "I am going to bounce that perfect fucking body on my cock until every drop of cum in those balls are overflowing. I am going to shove every single inch of myself into your ass, and make you beg for more. You exist, for me to destroy, you understand that?"

I could hear my voice tremble as I answered, "Y-es sir."

"On the bed, face down, ass up, spread your cheeks apart."

I scrambled up on the bed and did as he had ordered. My face was pressed down into the bedspread as I grabbed one muscular cheek of my ass with each hand. I couldn't see shit, but I felt the bed move as he got on it and I could feel the anticipation making me even hornier.

Something touched my hole and it took me a second to identify it as his tongue. He licked around my tiny little hole, sending shiver up my spine. Slowly he pressed the tip against my muscle and pushed forward, the feeling of him penetrating me, inch by inch made me actually groan out loud. His tongue felt as long as his cock as he filled me with his warmth.

God this felt amazing! I get why guys don't like having their ass played with because it looks gay, but those guys have no idea how fucking amazing this feels. He began to tongue fuck me, pushing in and out of me, loosening me more every time.

He puled my legs wider apart and went back in, now able to shove another half inch in me. I was screaming into the bed now it felt so good. I could feel my cock bounce against my abs as he worked me over, pulling whimper after whimper out of me, one inch at a time.

Once he had me dizzy he pulled back and grabbed the lube. I heard him squirt some out and two fingers were shoved into me hard, making me gasp.

"Do you know what you do to me boy?" he asked, his thick fingers stretching my hole without mercy, "You're such a slut, you're so hungry for this you make me hungry for it. You're body, your ass, you were never simply a boy Archie, you are a work of art. A miracle made flesh so that men could fuck you, use your body, worship the perfection which is you."

A third finger was added and I could feel the tingle start to burn.

"You should be fucked regularly, you should be taken care of like a stud animal, pampered, protected, and then whored out to whoever has a need. Your hole should be a national treasure Archie, one that men from all around will come to see...and enjoy."

I was pushing back on his fingers already, desperate to be fucked, desperate to be filled. Fuck this was so much more intense than when I was fuckdrunk. When my spot was flaring I felt drunk, almost out of body, but this...god I wanted him to mount me right now. It went beyond my ego or my sexuality, it went beyond what anyone would say or think. I wanted to serve this man with all my soul, and at this very moment, would do anything to fulfill that desire.

He pulled his fingers out and I knew we were close.

"Turn over, lay flat on your back," he commanded.

I laid back, seeing myself in the mirror above again. I was already covered in sweat and every line on my body popped. God look at myself, I looked so alpha, like I was just an animal. I was the guy that guys wanted to look like, who they automatically deferred to. I was a stud and there was no denying it. But as he climbed between my legs I knew, I was none of those things right now, not even a little. I was only one thing in his bed.

A fucking slut.

I felt his cock press at my hole and I could feel two emotions rush through my brain at the same time. One was fear, there was a flash of my ego that I was straight and I didn't want to be fucked! It was an echo of the person I used to be and it strong for a brief moment. It was quickly overwhelmed by another feeling, one that came from deep within me.


As I felt him slowly enter me I shuddered, as my entire body readied itself. My ass relaxed, my legs spread, and my cock was rock hard. If I could have pushed back and did it myself I would have, instead all I could do is force myself to whine like a needy puppy for attention and wait for him to enter me. As inch after inch filled me my want for it only grew. I should have noticed last time that the lube was numbing my ass, because a cock like that being shoved in my hole should have been molten pain.

But instead all I could feel was full. My ass felt like it was being held down with a hand over its mouth as it was slowly raped by a superior cock. It wanted to scream but it couldn't, it wanted to fight it, but instead it could only lie there and be fucked. Five inches and I felt full, seven inches and I felt stuffed, nine inches and I felt like I was going to explode.

All ten inches and something snapped in my mind as I threw my head back and groaned.

"Fuck! You're in me..." I cried out, the exhilaration in my voice making it sound like I was a kid learning to ride a bike for the first time without training wheels. It felt so right, so good, so perfect that I wondered why I didn't feel like this all the time.

"You feel me Archie? You feel me in you?" he asked, holding his cock still.

I nodded, "Yes sir...oh god sir..."

"You love that cock don't you? How badly do you want to worship it?"

"Please sir....please...need you in me so bad...fuck..."

He leaned down and I could feel it shift in me, making me whimper as said, "Then get to it slut, worship it."

I arched my back and pushed back onto him, then then slowly moved, sliding part of it out of me. I could only fuck myself on two or three inches this way, but the entire shaft shoving my ass walls apart made me squeal with pleasure, but it wasn't enough. Again I could hear the neediness in my voice as I cried, "More sir, please..."

"Show me how much you want this," he ordered.

I was pushing as hard as I could, tiny whimpers of frustration as I struggled to fuck myself harder on his cock. I tried to use my legs but it just wasn't the same. I was growing frustrated and said, "Open your eyes."

I looked up and saw myself as I truly was.

Muscled body, big cock, handsome features, desperate, pleading to be fucked. The look of despair on my face that I couldn't get enough cock in me was almost comedic. The frenzy, the desperation, the look of shock as I realized that was me.

The real me.

"You're a slut Archie," he said pulling his cock out inch by inch, making me shudder in ecstasy, "This is what you crave, this is what you've always wanted. You wanted, no needed a cock in you. You were silently begging to be used. You can feel it can't you? You're not drugged, you're not drunk, you're right here Archie, your perfect jock ass is right here and now...and it's getting fucked."

He slammed his cock into me and I felt everything I knew about myself crack right down the center. My masculinity, my ego, my cockiness, all of it just broke as I realized I was on my back, toes curled, cock leaking, because a man old enough to be my father was shoving a ten inch cock into me that I had begged him for all day.

There was no condition here, no spot to muddle me, it was just his cock and my ass and my need for more.

"Please fuck me sir..." I panted, as he slowly drew back his dick like he was cocking a gun, "Oh god sir please..."

"Call me daddy," he insisted as he slammed into me again.

"DADDY!" I screamed as I felt his cock rearrange my guts and make my eyes fall back in my head.

"This is where you belong," he growled as he started pumping into me faster, "On your back serving your betters...don't you Archie? Isn't that what you want?"

"Yes daddy....oh fuck me daddy....use me...shit your cock is so big..." I moaned as he sped up even faster.

"If you were mine I'd keep you on a chain, locked in your room so you couldn't spread your legs for just anyone. You've be a special pet, I'd come in each night and fuck you until you cried. Take you for walks in the park, show you off to others, proudly show you off as the best fuck in the country. You want that Archie? You wanna be my dog?'

"Oh fuck yeah...please...shit daddy...filling me up...."

He just chuckled and pulled my legs part like I was a blond cheerleader being used at frat party. My head was thrashing left and right as he hammered me, the feeling that I was experiencing wasn't stoned or fuckdrunk, it was so much more than that. It was...


I wasn't just being fucked, I was being saved. My entire life had been a lie and his cock was telling a truth with each thrust.

I was born to be fucked.

I was made to be used.

I was happiest when I was pleasing others.

I loved people admiring the way I looked.

I was a slut and will always be one.

My balls started to tingle and I could myself getting close. I didn't want to cum! I wanted him to keep fucking me, I wanted his cock all day, not just now...

"Daddy I'm close..." I whined, I could my raging cock in the mirror above, it was covered with precum that hid slid down the length of my cock, each drop a testament on how good he was fucking me.

"You wanna cum? You want me to make you cum?"

I shook my head but my orgasm was too much...

"Take." SLAM. "My." SLAM. "SEED!"

My cock roared, cum flew up like a geyser as fireworks went off in my mind, not from my spot, but from my own pleasure. He kept thrusting over and over, making me squirt my load all u pans down my chest and abs. My legs were shaking and I could feel my hips arching up to meet this thrusts, tying to shove every last inch of daddy's cock into me.

Once I was done, and my cock was only drying blank rounds, he stopped fucking me, lowering my ass back to the bed. "Look at yourself," he said, "Gaze upwards and see what you always were."

And I saw it, perfect body, huge cock, covered in sweat and cum, another man's cum leaking out my jock hole, and the smile of utter content on my face. A smile that said I didn't have a care in the world because I had been fucked hard and put away wet.

He collapsed on the bed next to me but I just kept staring up at myself, seeing the real me for the first time

Next: Chapter 16

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